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Floridian anon here. I survived approximately 30 years of hurricane seasons. This is the first time I've packed up and evacuated. Something terrible is going to happen. I hope I'm wrong and I hope that it's a nothingburger, but for the past few days my instincts has been telling me to GTFO. I'm not going to risk it. I am currently staying at a hotel in Buffalo NY. Godspeed anons if you decide to stick around in those areas.
Knew it was larp when you said hotel in NY real Florida niggas either relocating to dade or floribama area up north
I'm not going anywhere near any coastal areas at this time. Just being cautious
There a ton of New Yorkers in Florida. Regardless of LARP or not, it's going to be bad. It's been long enough that most of the buildings in general might be built pre-Miami Dade hurricane codes.
Put up a tarp, you'll be fine
Quick, start the swamp mobile.

Probably has family in New York. Half of Florida's population originated in New York....you know what I mean (((KIKES))).
i thought the hurricane hit like a week ago. is this shit still going on? wtf
30-year central Floridian here. Yeah I'm concerned about this one. Came out of nowhere too.
1st one didn't hit the intended target, so they seeded another
Step sister lives down there Fort Myers 40 plus years

Her and husband have never evacuated they rented a U-Haul truck and packed everything up in it and left...

Florida's going to be underwater
You're not a real Floridian till you ride out an eyewall. Riding out Wilma's eyewall cemented my certification
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Something terrible is going to happen and you should evacuate immediately.
there's 2 hurricanes? how many hurricanes does florida have in a season typically?
Harris firing up haarp to do as much damage to white communities as possible before she loses power.
Nothing will happen

My brother lives in Winter Garden, I hope he dies along with his wife and their IVF retard baby.
I've been in FL for 25+ years, I agree this is not looking good. I've only evacuated once because of a CAT 5.
You’re weak don’t don’t deserve to call yourself a Floridian. Gasparilla curses your bloodline. Turn in your Salt Life sticker at your nearest Publix deli.
The lack of air conditioning is the worst part.
It's not HAARP... it's climate change and Karma. God's doing it, in other words.

Its completely random. We haven't had a hurricane in a few years, but some years we can get hit by 2 or 3. Last year was supposed to be a horrible year because of how hot the atlantic was, and nothing happened. Just last week I was thinking we made it another year because usually in October there are no storms.
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I couldn't live there, it so fucking flat. As a Scot places with no mountains creep me the fuck out.
I'm a Dade bro and idgaf got my generator and steam deck primed
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They’ll survive the hurricane. They won’t survive FEMA. Make sure anyone you know who stayed back is ready to give their life or lose it
Once I get enough money saved I'm gonna move somewhere with mountains I agree this state sucks
it will be a low cat 2 landfall and you are a retard
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this was your official warning. evacuate.
The wind sheer is already starting to cut it down to a cat 3 you fucking tourist faggot. Andrew wasn't shit and this aint shit. You are just weak as fuck
>live in hurricane central during hurricane season
get it together dude
Good, you are smart. You saw how botched the response was in North Carolina, and you know it could be just as bad or worse in Florida. You need to evacuate very far away. Look at how far Western NC is from the coast and they still got fucked. You need to get out of "The South" in it's entirety. Go to New York or Colorado or Texas or Oklahoma or Missouri or Illinois but make sure you're somewhere safe and completely out of the path of the storm

with all do respect, you know nothing about storms besides snow.
Born here, survived 33 years of canes. I'm not fucking leaving, and if you do leave do not come back.
Your logic is:
You packed up after 30 years so something terrible is going to happen. Nothing happens when you stay in Florida. Please stay there to protect the others.
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Tis but a scratch.
Andrew gave us immunity.
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Don't come back
i never knew. holy cow that's terrifying. no wonder you guys are freaking out. i figured if it happened often enough you guys have some sort of safety measure like japan does to endure them.

good luck then, hope there isn't a third freak storm.
florida anon here. ive survived 37 years of hurricanes, and we aren't going anywhere. the only thing strange about this one is its trajectory. i think its a bit fucky to have it come out of the area that it did and for it to be coming straight at us.

make no mistake, geoengineering / weather manipulation is real. keep an eye out for anyone swooping in to take advantage of the situation as to acquire property, insurance, etc.

but our infrastructure is pretty solid, the worst thatm ight happen is downed trees thatc ould damage homes and block roads, or the power will go out for several days or more. another concern is that the ground is already pretty saturated.. all of the ponds and lakes are higher than normal. so if the storm just parks over us and it keeps raining there will be a bit of flooding.
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>Just last week I was thinking we made it another year because usually in October there are no storms.
When does hurricane season end you fucking TOURIST.

>another concern is that the ground is already pretty saturated
This was piece of the recipe for Irma's destruction. Let's just hope she sprints across to the Atlantic quick and doesn't sit over us for days.
also, i have to note that i may have been the one who summoned this storm. i did it many years ago when we got hit by a string of really strong ones. but i relaxed since then, but a couplew eeks ago i think i willed this one into existence. i was just a little bored and i missed a serious storm.. couldnt help but imagine the aftermath.

i tried to cancel it, but i think its a little late for that. sorry in advance, everyone! make sure you're grandma has a raft.
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Pussy faggot! You are going to ruin a 30 year win record because the Weather Chanel paid for an ad campaign in October?
Im on a fishing boat 20 miles west of Tampa
Weird. I had a dream Florida sank underwater. And I don't even think about them at all.
What cane did you survive nigger.
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>Floridian anon here
I hope all of the rural areas are annihilated and Florida goes blue.
doubles and category 6
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>Florida goes blue
I lived in Pensacola for 18 years. Got pounded by Ivan in 2004 and flooded by Sally in 2020. I left Florida. Nobody there is going to have an insurance policy for less than 20K a year.
My family relocated east from Tampa to Ft. Lauderdale. Are they gonna make it? Word is they can’t even evacuate there’s too much traffic. I talked to them today and said best case scenario is they will be on an island after the wash out
813 here, I'm gonna fuckin die lol
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>it’s completely random
Not according to the NOAA aircraft that were creating it and its path the past 6 days. But sure go ahead and keep thinking that Jews aren’t involved at all.
Dumbass, got to cover the windows with plywood too. Put some on the 4 seasons if you want your patio furniture to survive.
Three weeks ago people were posting that article about the Atlantic cooling down and saying hurricane season was cancelled this year...
i aint vacuating
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If I were you, I would live stream myself fishing and post the link here on /pol/.
DeSantis will save you. Don't worry. He has your back. You'll be fine. No need to even evacuate. No worries.
Awfully convenient that this all happened when Dems deperately needed to win the White House, kind of like how Covid conveniently happened right before the last election

That shit is absolutely brutal. Don't understand how anyone can enjoy that humid shit hole. Let the ocean reclaim it.

Tie Desantis to a pole on the shore and make him use his Jew magic to destroy the hurricane. Thats what a real governor would do.
They got one big hill in the middle of the state, thats it.

Its literally the remains of the part of the Appalachian mountain range that's been worn away by millennia of hurricanes.
Not really.

Its a weather system being moved by other fronts. Most weather fronts in the USA move west to east so this is actually following the more common route that storms follow.

Sure, you're used to them coming from the Atlantic and slamming from the East but remember--ALL the water around you guys is warm tropical water. Hurricanes love that shit.

No reason it can't form on the west side of the golf and move east. No reason it couldn't form south of Florida and move north. Florida is a shit location.

The Spaniards learned that lesson centuries ago when hurricanes kept sinking their ships.
Retard, Tampa is the democratic stronghold of Florida. Why would they destroy that when they're trying to turn Florida purple or at least win the senate seat there???
I used to laugh at tourists in Pensacola trying to have a summer vacation in the boiling hot humid blow torch heat. Nobody looked like they were happy with their red faces and sweat pouring off them. Winter is the only good time in Florida, but now it's so short, it's only like six weeks.
all of tampa is going to be flattened. ya'll niggas better start driving. get some boiled peanuts for me.

Get in the bathtub and put a mattress over you while holding an axe
I live in Sarasota county, I'll be fine.
yeah stay outa there fo sho
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picrel. Just like shithole in Maui. Now you feel pretty fucking stupid
>but why it just doesn’t make any sense!?
Jews. Every. Single. Time

This but unironically
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>Most weather fronts in the USA move west to east so this is actually following the more common route that storms follow.
Are you ignoring the gulf stream?
I love when retards that live in some flyover state act like they know Atlantic and Caribbean weather patterns
Texas here. You fucking pussy. You must be a trash yankee transplant, huh? Scared? Flee back to NY and stay there
is the axe for the hurricane zombies?
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>buffalo, NY

Come visit, anon. We have maple syrup. And poutine. And 3 jeets per square meter, or as we like to call it, a jeeter.
941 checking in. currently sitting bricks.
This is a storm surge producing cane like Katrina
Trump supporter here
Guys we gotta vote for kamala
Anon nailed it, had their aim off NC just happened to be unexpected "gains" unplanned collateral damage
I'm in Hieleah
What happens when it turns out to be yet another nothing burger?
Literally just rent a hotel in Miami for like 2 days. Or just sleep in a Walmart parking lot.
ahsg discord:
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Get out!!! This storm is winding up like Nolan Ryan in his prime.
Evacuated my sister for hurricane Michael. Cat 5 as it approached.
Freeways were jammed two days before landfall. No hotel rooms until north of Macon almost Atlanta.
People don't realize how fucked you can be if you run out of gas stuck in a traffic jam in a Cat 5 hurricane.
Stay the fuck out of Oklahoma, we're full.
If you live in Tampa/Orlando, you can't drive north because Helene destroyed everything north of you. Best bet is to grab the last plane ticket that goes literally anywhere or else hop on the bright line down to Miami and sleep in an ally.
Gingos not allowed in Miami.
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Digits and it reaches category 7 on landfall
of course you fucks come here to NY Hochul shut down the border to you people. Any cuckservatives that moved to Florida from muh cold NY should be locked away in their containment area in Flordia.
Idiot. You better wrap some more foil around your noggin.
I won't respond with a kek to some faggot that uses the term nothingburger.
I assume to chop your way out of your collapses home.
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Omw just getting ready
Pussy ass nigga. Probably some snowbird. Clearwater here. No fear. Bought one 24 pack of water and gassed up my generator for my computer games. That hurricane is trapped here with me not the right way around.
True floridians never evacuate.
You are probably vaxxed too.
The isthmus of Florida is about to become the island of Florida.
Milton is going to tear a new channel from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean.
This hurricane and it's abysmal response are going to go down in history
>I want you to be as miserable as I am
The post
>Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois
Sure, if EF4 tornados don't bother you
I agree, I've had this thought myself and you just confirmed the happening.
America is having it's bar mitzvah by circumsizing it's nation's wang.
i left houston before the last big one there to dalllas, didnt regret it at all . and this one is way worse
So this is definitely Jews using HAARP right
Will be cozy in Central FL here. And yes my areas is mostly white. inb4 nigger state etc
Should have named it Hurricane Moshe
>Verification not required.
Speaknig of Milton

Anyone seen the Milton twins lately? I wonder how they are doing
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Jesus Lord: Is this what hell is like?
Seroquel could help with that.
Comfy here in Jensen Beach. Only issue is dealing with the jews and shitalians transplant.
It's gonna be a Hurrinado. L7 on the Ligma scale.
It would be funny if a hurricane hit Buffalo NY.
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Yankee go home!
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I live in Tampa. That's right in the middle of its path on the coast.

Should I GTFO?
The hurricane is aimed directly at the I4-corridor, which is a blue urban area.

Why do you want to stay in Florida risking the possibility of coming back home to a barren lot with nothing left? Every hurricane it's like the state wants you to uproot and leave. EVACUATE! That's stressful and demoralizing just to leave your home, your belongings, everything that is sentimental to you. I went through Hurricane Ian. Luckily we had a generator and our power never went out. We were in Naples and didn't get hit as bad as Fort Myers. This hurricane Milton looks deadly. Especially for the Tampa area. Glad I'm up North as well. Bet Buffalo is nice this time of year.
Florida has a very high Jewish population I'm hoping they are fucking drown...
There's no reason to leave unless you're in a flood prone area, or you don't live in a modern house made of reinforced concrete. If you're out of storm surge range and don't live in a manufactured home, you're probably fine.
Don't they usually come from the East?
>Let me tell you about your state
No fuck you. The government is ran by jews in Florida. Heh silly kikes
Ron desantis is a Manchurian candidate:
He will drink so much Jew sperm you won't be able to reproduce. Mwahahaaha
Total Kike DEATH
Kike power
Kike power
Seig Heil
Heil Hitler
likely another one behind Milton, could be truly epic
>Don't they usually come from the East?
Milton was a Pacific storm that crossed over Mexico and spun up with the record warm water in Gulf
>hurricane season still going until December
If you evacuated then you are stuck on the highway. tell us about the roads anon, I75 I95 and US19
And they don’t belong
I heard Tampa has a system where they can release all their sewage and use the system to suck up storm surge is that true?
>I am FloridaMan
>So I am going to bitch out and leave
Ya okay faggot, Prove to us you are an actual Floridian.
thats india but the other way around
And what is lost can never be found
it's the other way around.
> In St. Petersburg, feces seeped up from floors in homes.
I live in fucking Montana and nothing ever happens up here
I wish I could take pot shots at FEMA niggers :(
Helene was a test. Milton is the real deal. Reminds me of 2021 when New York City got hit with 2 hurricanes and the second one fucked up the city.
Tampa is purple, most the precincts went blue by 100 or fewer votes
The storm does look pretty gnarly, and given the competency crisis that exists all over; I wouldn’t doubt some fuckery blooms.
I'm opening a bagel shop in Jacksonville next year
Only Tampa and immediate surrounding areas need to be evacuated.
Milton is a tiny storm, only 5mi eye radius and 100 mile length. Hurricanes have been getting smaller and smaller for example Donna the hurricane that obliterated Florida in 1960 had a 80 mile eye radius which is insane and bulldozed anything 300 miles around it.
The intensity of winds is the same obviously but less destruction overall

Read Joe Bastardi on X or his weatherbell site he's the preeminent authority on hurricane forecasting and said this was going to happen back on Sep 8
shiiiiiiit dude I'm in Tampa and love boiled peanuts. The trips convinced me more than anything.
my boss fired me after I told him I was evacuating. he considers it job abandonment
Go burglarize his house in minecraft
checked and based
>New York City got hit with 2 hurricanes and the second one fucked up the city.
Why does it still exist then?
Why are those boys wearing dresses
damnit Kamala
What hotel nigger? You're in my hood
There hasn't been a major hurricane in Tampa since 1921. All the other ones were glorified tropical storms or slight glances from hurricanes that hit miles away. And before that, the last major hurricane to hit the Tampa area was in the 1840s. You aren't from Tampa.
then what the fuck good is a mattress against zombies?!
When is this shit goona hit land?
You seem gay.
It wasn't record warm water.
Here's a real breakdown on the hurricane season this year https://www.cfact.org/2024/09/30/the-whys-of-the-hurricane-season-so-far/
Note we don't have many typhoons or pacific hurricanes or whatever they are called.
This. 2020 was a long-game play, this is the short-game. Either way we’re all fucked
>I'm in Hieleah
I'm sorry to hear that
How many times does Florida have to get rekt before people move away?
Godspeed Florida anon you made the right decision. My sister is married to a rich asshole that has huge interests in the region and he's contractually obligated to prepare and clean up damage and he's about to kill himself over this. I am so glad I did not get involved with his company because of this even though he promised me great wealth because I KNEW he was operating like a jew to acquire wealth but I still hope it's not bad for my sisters sake.

Stay in NY, its a better state. Buffalo is a pretty good place to live.
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>central Floridian here
I am a central floridian and that means we should hopefully not see anything too bad.

Just take care of sealing areas of possible flooding and stock up on supplies.

HAARP is an undeniable fact at this point

That is most likely overdramatic, I have been through plenty of hurricanes, and out storm system is designed for this stuff.

Not to be arrogant, GOD's will trumps all, but we did prepare so really its the coastal regions that must evacuate, the center and other areas should be mostly fine.
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Thats definitely the main concern, if it sits on us thats when the flooding is statewide and not just coastal.

My backyard's pond could be a problem.

Because the zog is evil and retarded, its how they made their liberal golems turn on them and now they are starting to piss of the right wing evangelicals too with the FEMA stuff.
Based take.

Godspeed FLchads, I hope Ft. Lauderdale is still standing when it is time for muh cruise. I enjoyed Tampa this January when we went on our first cruise, Publix chicken was bussin
What’s ur house made of and where are you approx
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Stay safe, Buffalo is overrun with niggers, sand nig gers, towel heads and spics. I fucking left that shit hole and moved 50 miles out to the country. Its like I can breathe again.

I just had to go to cheektowaga for a kids birthday and it was like hell. Niggs at tops at like 9am, wtf??!? I nearly got hit twice by two noggers driving, went to bjs and sand niggers are every cashier, these fucking fat short dumpling obese sandniggers were buying 100s of dollars worth of food with their ebt card.
I fucking HATE New York.
Cool larp bro. I'm actually right in the path, unlike your larpy self. My wife and I are beyond prepared, in any case.
I'm going to play vidya and raw dog my 48kg wife's petite slavic ass the entire time. Business as usual. Do better Larpy McLarperberg.
My brother in Margaritaville. Remember how fking strange Katrina was? What if this one does the same, BUT it just happens to follow the Mississippi like a sci-fi exhaust port?
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Look at the damn map bro. Florida is smack in the middle of a giant cooling system. Nowhere is safe.
I agree. Tampa anon and there is a sinister feeling in the air. I am about to gtfo to Gainesville.
Me too.
Which hotel are you staying at?
We could play vidya together.
I have felt terrible dread for days. The east coast is not safe
I was just in siesta key/Sarasota with the family about 3 weeks ago. An old lady at a icecream shop said they haven’t had a major hurricane in 40 years. I wonder what she’s thinking now.
When is it gonna hit
My brother and his wife and son (2 yo) are in that area and can't escape. Apparently they're in a cinderblock house but I'm in Utah and don't know what that means. What are they supposed to do? Do they need extra hands right now?
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NEXRAD thread:
I don’t feel like evacuating. The highways will be standstill traffic and I’d rather play switch and watch TV.
Publix chicken being good is no cap. Neighbors gave me a free box of it last week. which i now remember I still have some in fridge
>it will be a low cat 2 landfall and you are a retard
this more than likely.
We have had several cat 4+ storms with Tampa in the cross hairs. Every single time it weakens fast and then goes north or cuts east early.
Every fucking time.
Comfy Britanon here. I find it annoying every time your faggy government seeds a hurricane because it means a few days later we get a shit ton of rain/thunderstorm in the form of sloppy seconds
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>i-it’ll weaken!
Lol I remember living in upper Louisiana in 2005 and everyone being relieved when Katrina weakened to a cat 3 before landfall.

There was also a super heated column of water which doesn't apply to the current situation.
meanwhile in russia...
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Yep just got into pensacola here
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americas penis is now circumsised
you're gonna die
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La tormenta se nos echa encima
You’re a gay larper tourist retard. A true Floridaman would have stayed until this shit hit Cat5
>which it has tonight
Im getting the fuck out of Dodge tomorrow morning but just across the state to the east coast. Winds will be Cat 2 by then
It’s compact now but the wind sheer near coast is supposed to knock it open and it the bands will cover the entire state, the eye wall will be 20+miles, this is the ‘weakening’ they’re talking about, sustained winds will be lower thus weaker but the hurricane will have a substantially larger foot print
You have never and will never do SHIT
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>2 posts by this ID
>190 replies
And neither will you NIGGERLIPS.
I’m in North Bay Village :D

Anyone else here from Miami-Dade?
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pussy. Hurricane news is fake news. Base Nº8 de la Fuerza Aérea Mexicana, the closest airport right now, is sitting at 9mph wind with 27mph gusts. Base Nº8 de la Fuerza Aérea Mexicana, the next closest, the latest wind data report said 26 knots. Its directly in the path. What a joke. They want you to leave so they can win the election
>column of water
People out here really typing without knowing a damn thing. The gulf is always hot. It's always gonna be hot. How the fuck are you people missing this?

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