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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Returns to Butler, PA 10/05/2024
https://rumble.com/v5hma25-full-speech-president-trump-returns-for-a-historic-rally-in-butler-pennsylv.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Town Hall, Fayetteville, NC 10/04/2024
https://rumble.com/v5hi1xp-full-speech-president-trump-hosts-a-town-hall-in-fayetteville-nc-10424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally, Saginaw, MI 10/03/2024
https://rumble.com/v5hcmfo-full-speech-president-trump-to-hold-a-rally-in-saginaw-mi-10324.html (RSBN)
>Vice Presidential Debate, New York City, NY 10/01/2024
>Pres Trump Remarks in Milwaukee, WI 10/01/2024
https://rumble.com/v5h430t-full-speech-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-10124.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump on Helene Damage, Valdosta, GA 9/30/2024
https://rumble.com/v5gxmrh-full-speech-president-trump-delivers-remarks-to-the-press-in-valdosta-ga-93.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>484126881
Ultra MAGA.
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Harris is going to win
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What will happen if Biden gets nominated 2028?
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esoteric and yet redacted
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look at this literal fucking lesbian joker
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so how low was the first?
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Wilma in 2005 apparently
Wasn't going to vote for her, but reluctantly I had to. Didn't have any other choice.
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do they get diversity points for that?
oh thx.
Lmao faggot
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Jews in the US are mad about the Swedes not wanting any more muslims and niggers.
Will the Venezuelans get to him here?
Ok, goodbye then. MAGA
Same. If we nominated Tulsi or Carson or literally any other republican I'd have voted red.
I'm just sick of hearing Trump's voice more than anything.
this article was awesome. good for Sweden.

>lets let in retards
>whoa shit this sucks lets stop letting in retards

there's a /phg/ for you, enjoy!
Sadly they are mostly kicking out Poos and not really Muslims as well who fuck their white woman.
So Trump's voice makes you support open borders and white genocide? Lmao you shills need better material
Harris = Hillary 2.0

-ignore the rust belt
-no charisma
-terrible VP pick
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Wyoming, wild fires throughout the State.
Pennsylvania will go Red
BASED move going to the land of gangs taking over apartments.
>No charisma
Implying Biden had any?
imagine if the US realized 3rd world immigration sucked 40 years ago.....

its good sweden woke up
Yes, you are fucked. Also filtered, faggot.
no probably just talking about the similarity to hillary
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>open borders and white genocide?
Buddy, the Dems suck on a ton of issues. But come on, they proposed border legislation and Trump had his goons in congress kill it on the vine so he could bitch about immigration in this campaign. He would rather have a talking point in his campaign than help other Americans. How this goes over your head is beyond me.
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No way
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>They are not in favor of massive abortions for blacks
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They are saying it's the Chinese.
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biden at least won the 2020 primary while harris got zero delegates

biden sucks obviously but hes no harris
>proposed border legislation
That included amnesty for millions and billions for Ukraine. How this goes over your head is beyond me. If you hate trump so much why did you take his vaccine lmao
>we're going to get the jew haters out
fuck this faggot
I'm not familiar with this term, do you mean niggers?
>That included amnesty for millions and billions for Ukraine
Source? I'll accept anything other than FOX, OAN or Newsmax.

ah yes, the bill where 90% of it goes to Ukraine, and 10% goes to the border, without even fixing the issue and STILL letting in millions every year.
there's two problems to solve:
>tons of people coming in
>not enough staff to process all the people coming in
you close the border, you solve both problems. biden signed 94 executive actions on day 1 to open up the border. he can fix it RIGHT NOW, but he's pretending he needs a bill (which doesn't fix anything) to fix the border, when in reality he's just importing new voters.

>inb4 "border patrol union endorsed the bill" (they said we'll take anything at this point, not that it solved the problem, they're still saying it doesn't)
>inb4 "it was written by a republican" (a "republican" similar to romney/cheney)
>inb4 [some leftist talking point] (biden can solve the problem RIGHT NOW, but he chooses not to. disgusting people)
I hope him going to CO and CA to promote congressional races less than 30 days before the election means he is confident he will win.
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>The Nobody is cat!
lol nobody is believing trumps lie about the hurricane and FEMA and he is getting called out by Fox News and civilians effected by the storm.
The source is the bill you fucking retard, holy shit lmao
He's saying that third story window should be targeted with suppressive fire, got it
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end women's suffrage now!
sign the petition! end this political injustice once and for all.

democrats (schumer, pelosi, harris being a few important ones) are openly announcing they'll give amnesty and turn all the 20 million illegal aliens into citizens. this doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out, kek.
I simply vote based on the reaction that will be received on who wins. In 2016, I voted trump and was not disappointed. This year I voted harris because trump supporters cry louder than liberals. My hope is that its stolen again and the reaction is stronger than 2020, which I believe it will be.
learn english, foreigh shillfag. using a vpn doesn't hide it, kek.
Be honest with yourselves. If it was a perfect bill that 100% prevented migration, do you think Trump would've wanted it to get shot down so he had something to run on? The guy has nothing but "concepts of plans." My gut tells me no he wouldnt
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>I simply vote based on the reaction that will be received on who wins
So you're a retard who's opinion doesn't matter?
This poster is BROWN.
>I hope him going to CO and CA to promote congressional races less than 30 days before the election means he is confident he will win.
He shouldn't get too cocky. Hillary had the same mentality and was campaigning in dumb places in the final month when she should have been in the midwest.
his vote counts just as much as yours
Show where there’s 20mm illegals.
>Trump is a literal Traitor to America who led an insurrection to overthrow the government and masterminded the Fake Electors Plot to circumvent a democratic election and authored Trumps Project 2025 that dictates how he would destroy America and become a tyrant Dictator

B-b-but gas prices and hurrr durrr immigrants hurrrr durrrr
Well you're a fucking retard so I'm sure that the opposite of your gut is the truth. If you hate trump so much why did you take his vaccine?
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>My gut tells me
you dont go by that, you go by what the media tells you is truth.
your religion is shit
That not how the electoral college works but ok
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You're vaxxed lmao
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>In 2016, I voted trump and was not disappointed.
I'll take shit that didn't happen for $500, Alex.

if it was a perfect bill, trump wouldn't have had anything to criticize.
these retarded hypotheticals of "if passing the bill saves your best friend's life, would it have been passed" are deflective nonsense. first create a bill that actually fixes the problem, and then we'll discuss real life actions.
but here's the best part, Biden doesn't need a bill, he can fix the problem RIGHT NOW. the requirement of a bill is false. if your kid tells you he needs ice cream in order to finish his homework, you tell him to stfu and do his homework, not cater to his whims. if you do, you're a shitty parent, as biden is a shitty president, and the democrat party is a shitty party.
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>A hunter was mauled by a brown bear defending its cub on Admiralty Island in Southeast Alaska last Sunday in an encounter that had her head inside a bear’s jaw, then — miraculously — out again.

>Amanda Compton, 44, was hunting black-tailed deer with hunting partner Nicholas Orr on the island 15 miles Southwest of Juneau around 11 a.m. on Sunday. They were about an hour and a half into their hunt when they came to a muskeg with a cluster of denser brush, Compton said.

>Both hunters were carrying rifles, and Compton said hers was loaded with the safety on.

>Compton was paces ahead of Orr when a sow emerged from an island of brush directly in front of them, reared, roared, and charged Compton, Orr said.

>“It was like stepping on a landmine,” Orr, 45, said. “You’re just walking along, and then boom, you get ambushed.”

>“I probably had two seconds to determine that the bushes were moving and something was coming at me, that it was a bear, and then to seek as much shelter as I could,” Compton said from her home in Juneau, days after the attack. “Which was getting down in a ball and putting my hands and arms over my head and face.”

>Both Compton and Orr said what happened next was quick: The sow was on Compton in seconds, had opened its jaw, put her head in its mouth, and gnawed. Then, just as quickly as it started, it released her and ran off. By the time that Orr — who lost his balance stepping backwards during the charge — was on his feet, the bear had let go of Compton and was retreating.
Not even Burrsday yet.
>this post
Damn. This is 100% total projection on your part.
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Quick! To the pillow fort!
>Muh Fox News

English as 2nd language shill, no one on /poll/ is over 70 years old, get better material
Is this the info that came out that flipped the betting? Trumps now favourite to win and to win PA. $1.88
Do you guys feel like he has the momentum?
>retarded vacuous question
into the filter you go
also, what even is your argument here, "there's only 13 million illegals as per the 'on the books' numbers, not counting the millions that were let into the country when biden sued texas to remove their barbed wire then used bulldozers to destroy it and creating holes that anyone could walk over and did (ON CAMERA), and those 13 million getting citizenship and becoming democrat voters to perma flip blue states is good" ?
you're a retard, kek.
I accept your concession. If you hate trump so much why did take his vaccine?
Name 10 trump policies he was able to pass. I’ll be waiting…
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this except all americans

>Trump is a threat to democracy
you don't have to keep convincing me to vote for him anon, i already am

ah, you're a destiny cuck. i can tell from your writing style, you're just parroting his retarded cuckold talking points, kek.

>B-b-but gas prices and hurrr durrr immigrants hurrrr durrrr
pretty much the things that matter. no one cares about your conspiracy theories, kek
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texas alone deported over 500k in 2023, multiply that times number of border states then by however many years you want, and that's probably a lowball number
I'm focused on the future. Did Kamala Harris censor Americans from speaking their mind in the wake of the 2020 COVID situation?
Someone who takes all of this seriously is calling ANYONE else retarded. Hilarious. Either way, my vote has already been cast here in good ole NC. Cry harder nigger.
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>Harris is going to win
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Someone said AWOO ?
You're not allowed to discuss the vaccine because you can't go off script lmao
and yes all dems did (and shitlib agencies like fib)
You're vaxxed lmao
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Lots of wildfires in Best Dakota and Wyoming.

nice deflection. zuckerberg literally released a confession that he took marching orders from the biden white house to censor conservatives that questioned covid. the minute that democrats came into power, they used the FBI to create a backdoor into social media to censor people. RFK recently won a case determining this.
Nah, I didn't take the trump clotshot. Wish I could say I'm sorry you did.
We all know you took it :) I didn't though
Only democrats took the vax, dumbass.
We got hit with a pandemic. And the pandemic was, not since 1917 where 100 million people died has there been anything like it? We did a phenomenal job with the pandemic. We handed them over a country where the economy and where the stock market was higher than it was before the pandemic came in. Nobody's ever seen anything like it. We made ventilators for the entire world. We got gowns. We got masks. We did things that nobody thought possible. And people give me credit for rebuilding the military. They give me credit for a lot of things. But not enough credit for the great job we did with the pandemic.
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You did, and you're coping.
i ain't reading all that. i'm either sorry it happened, or happy for you, destiny cuck

It certainly didn't help Dems, that's for sure.
Combined with EV data, polls closing in on a more blatant reality and the botched Hurricane response in key swing states like NC and GA, it's all but over if these PA numbers stick.
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>He gets his fill of crayolas for sure!
>only democrats took a republican vaccine
Room temp IQ
Every day I thank God that trump convinced you to inject yourself with poison

Also you still can't talk about the vaccine because it's not in your script lmao
80% of the USA took the vax. Learn basic math.
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Hurricane news from 2 hours ago.
I didn't, you are the one who is coping
What does the vaccine have to do with anything?
You took it lmao
he's a cuck that watches destiny the cuck, he only knows whatever left wing talking point that destiny gives for him to parrot, kek
You took it because you're a retard lmao
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While trump sat and did nothing, Kamala Harris help protect millions of Americans from the hurricane and provided funding and relief to those who were hit.
And so?
Is Trump proposing any policy of interest domestically? Like lower taxes or firing half of the government?
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>n-no YOU!
Incredible rebuttal. I'm stunned. I will never recover from this. Your ben shapiro facts and logic destroyed me.
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I will remind you that "no u" was literally all you could come up with to begin with you stupid faggot lmao holy shit, please let me speak to your supervisor because I deserve shilling than this
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>he took the vaxx
go dilate you retarded fucking faggot
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good joke anon
Corny also people like this have sub 60 IQs. You can tell he is just a brain dead trump npc. He would never be able to debate anyone or have the intelligence to hold an actual conversation. It’s pathetic and he will grow up being a janitor or McDonald’s cashier. Luckily what me and other democrats are working towards would be a better life for unskilled workers like him.
we have the same supervisor, remember? you gotta keep up, mordecai
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Are you autistic? Who cares about taking a vaccine? And if it was so bad, why are you in favor of Donald "Warp Speed" Trump? I don't get it.
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yeah, i'm sure the sex worker podcast she did where they usually talk about sucking dick and eating cum and getting fucked in the ass is gonna save millions of lives. let's not forget the $750 each person gets (that they have to apply using a device with internet btw), while Lebanon gets a cool few hundred million dolllars. meanwhile Trump was on the ground days before Kamala was, handing out supplies and starting a GoFundMe to help the families, raising ~$5 million, AND worked out details with Elon to integrate Starlink to help a ton of people get connected with the rest of the world. true leadership right there.
Ban rephogee resettlement again
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That bait was so obvious not even I took it.
He's saying no taxes on tip, overtime, and social security for starters.
Where is she
>t. took Drumpf's gene therapy
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>There was a physical altercation between Jill and Kamala staffers in the White House after Joe’s press room last week
Amusing if true. IIRC, Harris had an event under way when Joe popped into the WH briefing room for the first time ever.
You're really bad at this
See: >>484136361
Lmao no tax on Social Security because Trump is going to get rid of it you fucking idiots.
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>Like lower taxes or firing half of the government?
i mean, literally this yeah
the CIA sprays cocaine onto pistachios thats why they are so addictive
No tax on tips, social security and overtime.
Cutting all of the temporary asylum protections from foreigners, mass deportations of criminal illegal aliens at first, finishing the wall completely, tariffs on companies that do not make products in the US, reciprocal tariffs from countries that use tariffs against the US.
Ending the wars abroad.
She's probably flat out drunk.
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I can replace so many government workers for free. Jannies, watch this shit.

ah yes, because I'd spend months trying to fit into the trump tax renewal a policy to remove taxes on social security, and then i'm going to spend another few months getting rid of social security, despite constantly saying i'm not going to in every time i do a rally this entire election cycle, nonstop.
that definitely sounds logical and not like you need meds anon, kek.
>Is Trump proposing any policy of interest domestically?
No tax on tips and social security Tariffs will force companies to put factories in America.
> firing half of the government?
Trump already said he is gonna put Elon in charge of this.
Went to his small little rally in Colorado Springs back in 2016, interested to see how big it will be this time. There have been tons of Trump signs and bumper stickers and giant trucks with flags up for nearly the full 8 years here anywhere outside of the Denver/Boulder/Aurora bubbles.
>low iq trump sheep mimic what trump told them to say


Kamala was there for hours on the ground. She also held meetings with all the governors, and every one thanks Kamala for her help. She was able to get millions funded to these states to help Americans and is in constant contact with support personnel. But please go and say trump doing a photo op and handing out a water bottle is what a “real president “ does lmao.
>when Joe popped into the WH briefing room for the first time ever.
how did htey even allow this
nigger wore a non gray/blue suit too, wore like a brown suit. what did he mean by this?
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Pistachio icecream, the real, homemade one is very tasty.
>Sorry about your destroyed house and dead family, here's $750 (if you get approved)
Lmao. And also you're vaxxed
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low quality bait, are you shills getting paid?
Whatever it is, it's too much
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Donald Trump genuinely loves Jews. Nearly everyone of you here hates Jews and it is the most defining character of your political identity. Yet you obsessively support Donald Trump. So how do you resolve your cognitive dissonance?
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i just saw a fat man in a beat up old tesla eating a block of cheese.
The Democrat Party threatened innocent civilians. They attacked innocent people in our streets and in our places of work. We were threatened with our livelihoods if we spoke out against the US Government. If we spoke against the mass grooming, mutilation, and sterilization of children.

They called our parents "terrorists" and have slandered and libeled us all.

He can get fucked with his bullshit hysterics. This man is under no threat from law abiding and peace loving Americans. He is the threat to them. He is a threat to children.

They all are.
Genuinely never thought Ben would ever give up his Trump hatred from 2015.
those people have parentheses worthy names.
Jews give him lots of money. Same way Kamala has to support Israel even though most of her voters want her to take a stand against them.
already debunked. Again you are spewing false trump lies. These were just temporary day one amounts sent to everyone for immediate supplies they needed. Did you expect someone to wave a wand and instantly all houses rebuild and a fucking Lamborghini in the driveway. You have the mind of a child, no literally you trump cucks are mentally retarded the intelligence of a literal child with Down syndrome
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I’m allowed to post here. Also I’m talking about politics. Maybe if you weren’t in a cult you would be able to keep up and retort.
You're vaxxed lmao
you I remember yo
He never did and never will, Benny boy hates him a lot and only supports him because it benefits him, his media outlet and his radio show.
He is Israel first and will always be.
is anyone their not from a certain tribe???
shut up nerd ong four eels on bruh
>verification not required
>I’m allowed to post here.
what boards is your boss not allowing you to post on? what talking points does he give you? how much do you get paid?
i wish i had my phone on me.
it was meme worthy as the car was full of crap.
I did the math
68 times .56
32 times .34
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There's no afterlife, CHUDS!
>be Al Pacino
>pass out from Covid
>say afterward "I think I was dead"
>also "the nurse said 'I can't feel a pulse'" which is impossible to hear if you are dead
>"there was nothing"
>kike AV Club and kike writer print this headline
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These are the same video
What sort of abo retard doesn't have their phone with them
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why is this a news article? what retarded journalist took the time to actually publish this? is pacino some prophet?
Female pilot
>already debunked
no, you're saying shit to be pedantically right. you're obsessed with the outward forms that you fail to see the higher forces. Until you realise there is more than shadows on the wall and that the finger pointing upwards is not a moon, you will never be happy, anxiety shall be your ruling force.
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The blade on her t-shirt is for parents.
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And that is Tim Walzs' Lieutenant Governor.
>impossible to hear if you are dead
well its possible for around 30 secs based on french guillotine studies.
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Can you believe they left this out of the national debate?
>all the shills go silent at the same time
Lmao, you ya next thread losers
he was heat dead, not brain dead, the soul hasn't left the body.
nice try, tripfag lesbian
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Anything that goes against Christian ideology is front page news. AV Club is full leftist and the writer of this article is a confirmed kike.
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one that wants to make his handler think he`s at home, listening to Mussolinis speeches, in Mongolian.
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Nighty night, stay safe Hurricane/wildfire anons.
The % of 25 year olds and 60 year olds that're non Hispanic White is hardly different. The difference between 24 year olds and newborns isn't as stark as it was in 2000
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Good night please post birds when you get back
GLOBAL WINS: RNC MAGA takeover MAGA Platform instituted! Merrick Garland Contempt of Congress, SCOTUS Chevron Decision, RFK Jr & Tulsi Gabbard endorsement, GLOBAL LOSSES FISA renewal, USA Last Foreign Aid Bill, Corey Comperatore
Donald Trump 2024 Campaign https://www.donaldjtrump.com
10/05/2024 – RETURN TO BULTER, PA

>VIDEO : BREITBART: Prayer vigil "held prior to Butler, PA Rally." https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/10/04/prayer-vigil-held-over-trumps-2nd-butler-rally-months-after-assassination-attempt/
>Biden regime "announces $157M in aid for Lebanon at a time when western NC is being neglected and forgotten." https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/biden-regime-gives-157-million-lebanon-as-flood/

>The lines to the Butler, PA Rally are “already miles long with several /ptg/ anons in the crowd.”
>The Federalist: "Comparing Helene To Katrina Suggests Americans Are Left To Die Because DEMs Run The WH" https://thefederalist.com/2024/10/04/comparing-helene-to-katrina-suggests-americans-are-left-to-die-because-democrats-run-the-white-house/
>FEMA Director Jaclyn Rothernberg "locks her Twitter account." (LOL!)
>Elon Musk tweets: "Headed to Pennsylvania to speak at the
@realDonaldTrump rally in Butler!" https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1842617796129092016
>AP: "Israel expands its bombardment in Lebanon as thousands flee widening war" https://apnews.com/article/mideast-wars-lebanon-hezbollah-hamas-5-october-2024-a8b70daeccc57a86fc6d939c604f2caf
>VIDEO : Trump "truths RSBN's video of the massive line at Butler, PA!" https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/113255685471232477
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Goodnight, Brazilfren.
Hail Hitler.
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you want birds? i can get you birds
>Collection of photo's "from Butler Trump Rally!" https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/tgp-pre-show-scene-photo-report-president-trump/
>VIDEO : The Harris Walz tailgate at UGA "is a disaster!" https://x.com/OldRowSwig/status/1842618013993898261
>American Thinker: "FEMA an Even Bigger Disaster Than the Storms Themselves -- and How it Can Be Replaced" https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/10/fema_an_even_bigger_disaster_than_the_storms_themselves_and_how_to_replace_it.html
>BREITBART: "Most INDs Voting for Harris Admit They Are ‘Mostly’ Voting Against Trump" https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/10/05/poll-most-independents-harris-admit-mostly-voting-against-trump/
>Trump meets the short stack Comperatore family at the airport!” https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/113256710235774277 https://t.me/realKarliBonne/269380
>Elon Musk “appears at the Butler Rally!” https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1842685985072836755
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They all have to go back.
>Anon’s notice Kamla’s youtube channel comments are “99% populated with accounts posting emoji’s."
>VIDEO : Trump truths: "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/113258529486125192
>Kamala tweets: "The people of Lebanon are facing an increasingly dire humanitarian situation. I am concerned about the security and well-being of civilians suffering in Lebanon and will continue working to help meet the needs of all civilians there. To that end, the United States will provide nearly $157 million in additional assistance to the people of Lebanon for essential needs such as food, shelter, water, protection, and sanitation to help those who have been displaced by the recent conflict. This additional support brings total U.S. assistance to Lebanon over the last year to over $385 million." https://x.com/VP/status/1842710797241434259 (To be fair she has tweeted nonstop about Hurricane Helene relief the last 24hrs. Still a rookie mistake.)
>VIDEO : DEM NC Gov Cooper is "sucking off Kamala and FEMA in an awkward staged photoOp." https://x.com/atrupar/status/1842657808904261666
>Obama "announces he will campaign with Kamala over the final 27 days of the election cycle." https://apnews.com/article/kamala-harris-2024-election-democrats-e7d7fa00961acbfdcb3abd0adbc34010
>VIDEO : FOX News: "Hurricane Milton is headed towards FL" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7fZiP72B5M

UPCOMING EVENTS https://www.donaldjtrump.com/events
>VIDEO : RSBN: "Trump Holds a Rally in Juneau, WI - 10/6/24" https://rumble.com/v5hauph-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-juneau-wi-10624.html
>DJT: "Trump to Hold a Rally in Reading, PA - 12PM EST 10/09/24" https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/president-donald-j-trump-to-hold-a-rally-in-reading-pennsylvania
>DJT: "Trump to Deliver Remarks in Scranton, PA - 3PM EST 10/09/24" https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/president-donald-j-trump-to-deliver-remarks-in-scranton-pennsylvania
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47 americano dollarinos
are you in?
EXTRA: VIDEO : TRUMP RALLY! in Butler, PA! https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html RSBN has “80k watching on Rumble!” Setting is the “hot and sunny Butler Farm Show Inc.” https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/112759236425906842 Crowd chants “FIX THE FLAG!”(Giant USA flag above the stage is tangled up from the wind https://rumble.com/v56trn9-watch-candidate-u.s.-sen.-dave-mccormick-speaks-at-trump-rally-in-butler-pe.html ), “USA! USA!”, “THANK YOU TRUMP!” Speech themes: “Butler crowd size, MAGA enthusiasm, McCormick, USA unity, illegal aliens, border invasion chart, *SHOTS FIRED!!!! https://files.catbox.moe/br1fcy.mp4 2nd angle https://rumble.com/v56v9r9-alternate-angle-assassination-attempt-forces-trump-off-stage-at-rally-in-bu.html BBC “interviews man who details how the SS and local police failed.” https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1812274898322280863 SS snipers “failing to engage shooter until after he opens fire.” https://x.com/coladoggxxx/status/1812285847921910241 Shooter on the roof “engaged by SS sniper.” https://x.com/wideawake_media/status/1812417468045865117 Supercut https://x.com/stillgray/status/1812794785893175717 UPDATE: Corey Comperatore of Buffalo Township, PA has “lost his life after being murdered by the shooter.” https://nypost.com/2024/07/14/us-news/corey-comperatore-idd-as-trump-rally-shooting-victim/
David Dutch of New Kensington, PA and James Copenhaver of Moon Township, PA "remain in the hospital but have been bumped from critical condition to stable condition."
75.2% of Americans born in 1942, 71% born in 1946, 60% born in 1964, 55.5% of those born in 1999, and 48.7% of those born in 2024 are non Hispanic White
I will illegally vote in democrat states for Trump.
EXTRA: VIDEO : TRUMP RALLY! in Butler, PA! https://rumble.com/v5gpch1-live-president-trump-returns-for-a-historic-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-10.html
RSBN has “139k watching on Rumble and 150k watching on youtube!” Setting is the Butler Farm Show Inc. Corey’s fireman uniform is “in the stands to the left of the stage.” https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113255877709213413 Paratroopers "land at the rally!" https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113256416472331931 Dr. James Sweetland "speaks about trying to save Corey's life." https://rumble.com/v5hl6ol-full-speech-dr.-james-e.-sweetland-speaks-at-the-historic-trump-rally-in-bu.html Paramedic Sally Sheri https://rumble.com/v5hl8x1-full-speech-paramedic-sally-sheri-speaks-at-the-historic-trump-rally-in-but.html Scott Lobaido "paints Corey" https://rumble.com/v5hl95h-watch-artist-scott-lobaido-speaks-at-the-historic-trump-rally-in-butler-pa-.html TF1 flyover https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113256467418200901 https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113256497443024986 Dave McCormick https://rumble.com/v5hlj5v-full-speech-dave-mccormick-speaks-at-the-historic-trump-rally-in-butler-pa-.html Lara & Eric https://rumble.com/v5hm005-full-speech-eric-and-lura-trump-speak-at-the-historic-trump-rally-in-butler.html Scott Pressler https://rumble.com/v5hltjx-full-speech-scott-presler-speak-at-the-historic-trump-rally-in-butler-pa-10.html

VANCE RALLY! https://rumble.com/v5hlnot-full-speech-jd-vance-speaks-at-the-historic-trump-rally-in-butler-pa-10524.html Speech themes: "Butler, PA, WE WILL MAG TOGETHER!, Assasin dodged, Divine Providence, David Dutch & James Copenhaver, Corey Comperatore, DEM violent rhetoric, FL assasination attempt, Kamala dodging interviews, VP debate, Biden response to Hurricane Helene, deport illegals, drive down inflation, MAKE AMERiCA SAFE AGAIN!, Protect 1A, Take USA back!"
What did the dog want?
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Are you guys openly selling drugs on 4chan again?
Trump “takes the stage while Lee Greenwood sings ‘Proud to be an American’ ON STAGE!” https://truthsocial.com/@TeamTrump/113257091623988528 Crowd chants: “JD! JD! JD!”, “USA!, USA!”, “FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!”, “COREY!, COREY!”, “GOD BLESS TRUMP!”, “WE LOVE TRUMP!”, “WE LOVE YOU!”, “WE LOVE ELON!” Notable quotes: "AS I WAS SAYING!” https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113257075182655560 "This is the triumph of American spirit” https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113257089236047425 "We will rebuild every state affected by Hurricane Helene!" https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113257345410935924 Largest applause: “I could be Monte Carlo…but I’d rather be in Butler with YOU!” https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113257193434844920
Easier for Canada desu. The slight majority of non Whites here have no immigration background
Speech themes: “AS I WAS SAYING! (blessed chart is shown), we will MAGA, assassin attempt, MAGA is ascendent!, Corey Comperatore, SS & Police competence, PA Proud!, David Dutch, James Copenhaver, Corey Eulogy/Honor, ***MOMENT OF SILENCE*** https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113257140522478899 , SURPRISE LIVE SINGER AVE MARIA!!! https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/113258503901716229 , Corey Immortal Position, JD Vance, fake news, WE NEED RESPECT!, uplift USA!, FRACK! FRACK! FRACK!, polling #’s, fight fear, *BOOMERDOWN!* Crowd sings the National Anthem https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113257211365904437 STILL THERE!, murders released into USA, illegal alien invasion, WE WILL MAGA!, Chyna virus, save D.C., SURPRISE ELON!!! https://rumble.com/v5hm1uk-must-watch-elon-musk-speaks-at-the-historic-trump-rally-in-butler-pa-10524.html Helene is Katrina!, Elon & Starlink, NC disaster, ELON IS AN ADVANCED PEERSON!, many endorsements, Lara Trump, John Paulson endorsement, Hurricane Helene, Ukraine/Israel response, illegall alien invasion, Kamala border czar, Defund the police, Kamala abolish ICE, 300K migrant children GONE!, illegal aliens voting, Education back to the states!, stop invasion, Operation Wetback 2.0, DRILL BABY DRILL!, inflation, interest rates, 15% MIA tax rate, Reciprocal Trade Act, NO TAX ON TIPS!, NO TAX ON OT!, NO TAX ON SS!, End Ukraine/Lebanon/WW3, reach Mars, rebuild gD.C., bring back USA Dream!, stop CRT/SEL, ban men in woman’s sports, PA specific closing.” Outro Village People – ‘YMCA’. Trump “claps, points, DANCES!, blows kisses, power fists, waves, DANCES!” https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113257446937200606 Post Outro Christopher Macchio - Nessun Dorma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsWhXis6RaA Hallelujah, America the Beautiful, How Great Thou Art https://x.com/YCFederation/status/1842715109464084822 , God Bless America https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113257522246552938 .
Kamala will win, because I want Trump to win and NOTHING in my life has ever gone my way.
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>and he's not even white
GLOBAL WINS: RNC MAGA takeover MAGA Platform instituted! Merrick Garland Contempt of Congress, SCOTUS Chevron Decision, RFK Jr & Tulsi Gabbard endorsement, GLOBAL LOSSES FISA renewal, USA Last Foreign Aid Bill, Corey Comperatore
Donald Trump 2024 Campaign https://www.donaldjtrump.com

>VIDEO : Hillary Clinton "calls for censorship of social media!" https://rumble.com/v5hojg5-watch-hillary-clinton-calls-for-increased-regulation-of-social-media-platfo.html
>Polymarket has “Trum at 56% to Kamala’s 44% to win the state of PA!”
>VIDEO : Mark Huneycutt: "Hurricane Helene Survivor - "They marked over 100 possible bodies in a six mile stretch of river" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ag-hb45J6MQ
>VIDEO : Kamala supporters are "homosexual and they want you to know they're homosexual." https://x.com/KarluskaP/status/1842898230025011210 (WEIRD!)
>VIDEO : Melania goes on Mornings with Maria and "announces she was debanked in 2021." https://x.com/_johnnymaga/status/1842943447759745162
>DHS Mayorkas "is spotted shopping for luxury brands while western NC is still hurting." https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/dhs-secretary-alejandro-mayorkas-snapped-shopping-luxury-clothing/
>BREITBART: "Kamala Harris Sets Hollywood Media Charm Offensive: ‘The View,’ Stephen Colbert, Howard Stern" https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2024/10/06/kamala-harris-sets-hollywood-media-charm-offensive-the-view-stephen-colbert-howard-stern/
>VIDEO : Trump truths: "Happy Pulaski Day!" https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/113261234985717491
>VIDEO : Ben Bergquam tweets: "Almost 2 years later and the creeks of East Palestine are still contaminated! The federal government and the railroad want the citizens to shut up and go away while billions of your tax dollars are going overseas and being used to import illegals! This is an absolute disgrace!" https://x.com/BenBergquam/status/1842312682097275159
>NY Post: "FEMA abandons devastated NC town residents because they can’t drive around ‘road closed’ sign: ‘Nobody’s been bringing in supplies except civilians’" https://nypost.com/2024/10/06/us-news/fema-abandons-residents-of-devastated-nc-town-because-of-road-closed-sign/
>VIDEO : 60 Minutes : "Kamla gibberish interview" https://rumble.com/v5hoo39-60-minutes-complains-to-kamala-that-netanyahus-not-listening-to-her.html
>TRUMP RALLY! in Juneau, WI! https://rumble.com/v5hq565-full-speech-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-juneau-wi-10624.html RSBN has "29k watching on Rumble & 42k watching on youtube!" https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113262045876868259 Notable quotes: “I’m putting everything on the line to fight for YOU.” https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113262080837321116 "I will liberate WI from Kamala's bad polcies!" https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113262287657917203 Largest applause: "I estimate the crowd is 50k!" https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113262145580179498 Outro ‘Village People – ‘YMCA’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vR12DLbxcb4 Trump "points, claps, DANCES, power fists, DANCES!" https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113262515187821206
Reminder that I am still baking.
>Space X tweets: "SpaceX and @TMobile have been given emergency special temporary authority by the @FCC to enable @Starlink satellites with direct-to-cell capability to provide coverage for cell phones in the affected areas of Hurricane Helene. The satellites have already been enabled and started broadcasting emergency alerts to cell phones on all networks in North Carolina. In addition, we may test basic texting (SMS) capabilities for most cell phones on the T-Mobile network in North Carolina. SpaceX’s direct-to-cell constellation has not been fully deployed, so all services will be delivered on a best-effort basis." https://x.com/SpaceX/status/1842988427777605683
>AUDIO : David Axelrod "say Asheville voters are smarter than MAGA voters." https://x.com/ClayTravis/status/1842266889617330598
>/ptg/ anons have “been at the Juneau Trump Rally and are posting pics!”
>BREAKING!!! RNC IS "SUING FULTON COUNTY ALLEGING DISCRIMINATION IN HIRING OF POLL WORKERS!!!" https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/rnc-sues-fulton-county-elections-director-refusing-hire/
>VIDEO : Men "are abandoning Kamla." https://x.com/TrumpWarRoom/status/1842932774103400886
>Trump truths: "Who is running the Country right now? In his new book, “American Leviathan: The Birth of the Administrative State and Progressive Authoritarianism,” Brilliant Ned Ryun reveals the History of the Deep State, which has seized unConstitutional control over our Nation, and unleashed Death and Destruction on the World. This is not what our Founders’ intended. On November 5th, we will return power to THE PEOPLE!" https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/113263414933456738 (Excellent book!)
trump platform 3 key points

1) rfk wants to address the chronic disease epidemic caused by addictive food chemicals

2) elon wants to be allowed to test his rockets so he can get them ready for americas return to the moon and build a city on mars

3) bitcoin yes

don't collapse into having to finance your own pizzas like canada, you don't want to become a poor country, trust me. when you are sealed in the voting cubicle this november select president trump
GLOBAL WINS: RNC MAGA takeover MAGA Platform instituted! Merrick Garland Contempt of Congress, SCOTUS Chevron Decision, RFK Jr & Tulsi Gabbard endorsement, GLOBAL LOSSES FISA renewal, USA Last Foreign Aid Bill, Corey Comperatore
Donald Trump 2024 Campaign https://www.donaldjtrump.com

>VIDEO : Kamala's 'Call Her Daddy' interview "drops and the comment section is LIT!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KCRsjPCiCI (There is a special circle of hell reserved for people who end sentences on an up note.)

>VIDEO : The "outpouring of Americans personal donations to flood victims is amazing!" https://x.com/w_terrence/status/1843032709544689807 (Absolutely beautiful!)
>Trump truths: "The GREAT people of North Carolina are being stood up by Harris and Biden, who are giving almost all of the FEMA money to Illegal Migrants in what is now considered to be the WORST rescue operation in the history of the U.S. On top of that, Billions of Dollars is going to foreign countries! NORTH CAROLINA HAS BEEN VIRTUALLY ABANDONED BY KAMALA!!! DROP HER LIKE SHE DROPPED YOU -VOTE FOR PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP. MAGA2024!" https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/113264786121517307
>Iran "may have conducted an underground nuclear weapon test in Aradan, Semnan provimce." https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/earthquakes-in-iran-and-israel-sparks-speculation-of-nuclear-tests-6735904
>Hurricane Milton is “upgraded to a Category 5 headed for Tamp Bay!” https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/10/07/hurricane-milton-intensifies-with-175-mph-winds/
>VIDEO : FOX News: "NC resident begs for Trump: 'We don't want a hand out, we want a hand up'" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n34usoqg1E
>Trump is “surging in Polymarket betting odds!” https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2024/10/07/trumps-election-odds-spike-on-polymarket-as-musk-touts-election-betting-site/
>BREAKING!!! ABANDON HARRIS "ENDORSESDR JILL STEIN!!!" https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4919569-abandon-harris-campaign-endorses-jill-stein/
>Elon Musk "announces a plan to do multiple campaign events with Trump!" https://x.com/cb_doge/status/1843363160218317207
>VIDEO : Trump "visits Ohel Chabad Lubavitch in NYC, NY with little Benji." https://www.nbcnews.com/video/trump-visits-holy-jewish-site-to-mark-oct-7-anniversary-221121093923
>VIDEO : TCN: "The Elon Musk interview" https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1843375397024485778
>AP: "NC residents impacted by Helene likely to see some voting changes" https://apnews.com/article/hurricane-helene-north-carolina-voting-election-2024-53cce0ee62fc257ff54fbd0ae59fa105
I’m gonna vote for her a few times myself.
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Thank you. I hope you enjoyed the Butler rally.
Inshallah may many thousands of Americans die horribly in Florida and North Carolina

PBUH to kill as many as possible, and grace Kamala Harris with victory

Jihad of the elements to wash away their societies and FEMA to slaughter any survivors
>USA Today/Suffolk U poll: "Hispanic males 18-35, AZ Trump +12%, NV Trump +13%, 500LV, MOE 4.4, 9/21-24" https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/09/27/exclusive-poll-arizona-trump-leads-harris/75385504007/
>TRUMP SPEECH in Miami, FL in memory of the 10/07/24 Hamas attack on Israel! https://rumble.com/v5hogr1-live-president-trump-participates-in-an-october-7th-remembrance-event-10724.html RSBN has “15k watching on Rumble & 18k watching on youtube!” Notable quotes: “Nothing can justify it, nothing can rationalize it” https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113269100681826298 “Oct 7th was an attack on humanity itself” https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113269084465727478 Largest applause: The REP party is not infected by the disease of anti-Semitism." https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113269121816073808 Outro ‘Village People – ‘YMCA’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vR12DLbxcb4 Trump "shakes hands with people on the stage, power fists, DANCES, waves!" https://gab.com/RSBNetwork/posts/113269138621591816
>TGP: "Major Hollywood Studio Offering US Workers ‘Voluntary Severance’ and Early Retirement After AI Deal Announced" https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/major-hollywood-studio-offering-us-workers-voluntary-severance/
>VIDEO : Floridians are "evacuating venerable zones ahead of the incoming Milton." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YF2PKyhFac
>VIDEO : Kamala is "still dodging questions about the Biden regimes response to Hurricane Helene." https://x.com/TrumpWarRoom/status/1843387709215387691
>Trump "truths a photo of Elon Musk wearing a MAGA hat." https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/113268632610012477
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UPCOMING EVENTS https://www.donaldjtrump.com/events
>VIDEO : RSBN: "Trump Participates in a Roundtable with Latino Leaders - 10/8/24" https://rumble.com/v5hoioz-live-president-trump-participates-in-a-roundtable-with-latino-leaders-10824.html
>DJT: "Senator JD Vance to Deliver Remarks in Detroit, MI 10/08/24" https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/vice-presidential-nominee-senator-jd-vance-to-deliver-remarks-in-detroit-mi
>DJT: "Trump to Hold a Rally in Reading, PA - 12PM EST 10/09/24" https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/president-donald-j-trump-to-hold-a-rally-in-reading-pennsylvania
>DJT: "Trump to Deliver Remarks in Scranton, PA - 3PM EST 10/09/24" https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/president-donald-j-trump-to-deliver-remarks-in-scranton-pennsylvania
>DJT: "Trump to Deliver Remarks in Aurora, CO - 10/11/24" https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/president-donald-j-trump-to-deliver-remarks-in-aurora-colorado
>DJT: "Trump to Hold a Rally in Coachella, CA - 10/12/24" https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/president-donald-j-trump-to-hold-a-rally-in-coachella-california (Please Trump Campaign Team purchase the rights to use this song at this rally! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cE0wfjsybIQ )
>DJT: "Trump, Turning Point PAC, and Turning Point Action to Hold a Rally in Duluth, GA - 10/23/24" https://event.donaldjtrump.com/events/president-donald-j-trump-and-turning-point-action-to-hold-a-rally-in-duluth-georgia
Muhammad is currently being raped to death by in Hell by IDF nigger jews.
might i suggest using a different memeflag
lol, would that work?
I thought this guy was helping ukraine? did he just abandon them?
You are welcome. Butler rally was incredible. Part eulogy, part remembrance, part political rally. I will never see anything like it again in my life. Truly an American moment of history.
If that's skellyanne pirate he deserves to keep it otherwise he might want to change.

Btw Styx is out of prison now do it actually may be skellyanne
Can't believe people still take this junk
And we got the Trump victory speech and 2nd swearing in to look forward to for something to top it.
It's part of their religion
>People five and up who have not been vaccinated and who aren't immunocompromised only need one vaccine dose.
Literally their sacrament and the man their vestments
Why so many natural disasters coming to the South? Clearly, the Republican Party has lost their Mandate of Heaven. Meanwhile, Beijing has been flood-free for years now. Not to mention the rest of the East Coast enjoying fine weather for the entire September.
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Swingers for Trump!

Can’t wait to vote for Donald J Trump!

Make America Great Again!
Name and shame that child abuser
Ok /ptg/ can you guess what the author of this article looks like???
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>The Nobody is a cat.
Allegheny county here. I'm registered as a Democrat but always vote against women and minorities
Trump has several times repeated that the vaccine was his greatest achievement in his first term. That's how out of tune he is with his voter base. But MAGAs only hear what they want to hear, their own projections that is, and ignore the real Donald J. Trump.
China is leading the world in genetic engineering. Support China and pro-China politicians in the US and you may see your dreams become reality in your lifetime.
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>t. gene therapy recipient
i think only 5% of people still get them here...... basically lefty nutjobs

my buddies gf mentioned getting one over a year ago and i had literally forgot about covid
That bill sucked dick. Like you
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what awful memories this brings back
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>got severe jaundice a few months ago
>doctors asking questions
>you a heavy drinker or smoker
>you smoke crack?
>you take a lot of ibuprofen or Tylenol
>you gassed
>you want to be gassed
Nope, just make my skin pink again instead of yellow
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Burn your anger as fuel for your journey to violence
the funny part is they need to take them multiple times a year or they lose effect. so they took all that risk getting the jab in the first place and any protection it may have offered already expired years ago so what was the point.
RIP my parents house
That's the old version of their website
Yes, the hurricane is currently strong. But it's forecasted to weaken considerably as it continues eastward and leaves the peak conditions needed to maintain that strength. It will likely land as a cat 3 or 2 and quickly move over the peninsula. The worst of the storm will be the surge as it passes.
no he hasn't promoted a thing, he's not campaigned at all really he's just running things out from a basement. oh wait that's whatsername, the whore, you know who I mean
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so you’re saying nothing ever happens
Will conservatives believe in climate change now? Beijing has advanced drainage systems for their floods. Meanwhile, Floridians just have to die and/or lose their home.
I wish but it won't happen
You will always be a filthy chinese nigger
Neos thread
Neo thread
All aboard the battlebus
I am the last to awoo
These record strong hurricanes hitting America just before the election are the signal of climate change, that will propel Kamala to victory. Maybe it was God's providence.
Well, like Helene, there may be a surprise.
Those systems failed spectacularly when actually put to the test in their metros. The first order of business would be fixing the Florida insurance market. The state makes any move on higher standards, you get billions in losses from old properties being forced to upgrade.

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