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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Another day, another escalation
- literally 4 places of the highway system to be ‘looked’ to be able to drive 130 km/h
- Protests with pro-Israel and pro-Palestine had fights, police was there to keep them apart
- NSC wants research the risky increase in euthanasia among young people because of mental health
- Regime Schoof ‘accepts’ the arrival of emission-free inner cities
- FvD prosecuted for anti-immigration and anti-LGBTQ promotional video, while the attackers of Thierry Baudet still walk free
- Police data breach very likely caused by foreign state says minister. Data from third parties also involved including lawyers and public prosecutors, they are very worried. Good.
- Data breach at the police, hackers obtain contact details of all police employees, some instances personal information. Now advices to use codewords when calling colleagues
- Israel invades Lebanon, Dutch ambassador urges people to leave the country evacuations have started
- EV owners will pay more road tax to cover ‘calculation error’
- Traveling by public transport and car has become too expensive for middle incomes
- Sovereigns arrested for ‘participating with a terrorist organization’, crossbow and munition was found. Man was earlier convicted for beating the shit out of the police during the farmers protests. This cell is called ‘Common Law Nederland Earth’
- The Netherlands one of the highest countries in the world for bankruptcies, 31% increase this year
- Established anti-globalist militia 'Defend IJmuiden' defend sluice against XR protests, similar milities now exists through out the country
- 18% is for over throwing the government system, 6% even thinks violence is allowed
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>Previous threads
One question before I abandon any empathy for Dutch people forever:

Are the Petes still black?
Yes now fuck off
Depends on how cucked a municipality is. Majority is still black.
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We can always use some yellow petes, if the CCP decides to cut your funding. send your application to diversiteitspiet.hr@sinterklaasjournaal.utr
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>Trajecten waar je makkelijk 130 kunt gaan
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>"100 is echt hard zat hoor"
>"maar 90 niet want dan rij ik tussen de vrachtwagens en dat is gevaarlijk"
ooooh, that's a shame
the memeflag posted gay porn!
now he might get banned!
ooooooooh nooooooooooo
>Protests with pro-Israel and pro-Palestine had fights, police was there to keep them apart

Any pro-Dutch protests going on?
Devil's advocate: 130 gaan levert veel meer dodelijke ongelukken op voor wat, een paar minuten winst? Als het echt veilig genoeg was, had de VVD het allang toegestaan in vorige kabinetten omdat tijd geld is.
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>imma call the jannies

anyways...... pdiddy party is a big happening. Evidence is to be revealed.
- Sovereigns arrested for ‘participating with a terrorist organization’, crossbow and munition was found. Man was earlier convicted for beating the shit out of the police during the farmers protests. This cell is called ‘Common Law Nederland Earth’
Good on him for hiding his funz and not ratting out his buddies. His munitions was left behind though indicating he was at least partially tipped off about it.

Any info on how the militias are functioning or organized?
are they going to name the jewish producers who mentored diddy and who he worked under?
implying politicians care about subjects
Dodelijk ongeluk = geldkosten (plus dooie waarvan je al die tijd betaalde dat die naar school ging enzo), meer dan wat snelheid oplevert.
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>Any info on how the militias are functioning or organized?

one word.. poorly
Don't mistake the big words used by media with the type of Militias you are used to in the US.
In the netherlands "Militia" basically refers to a loner who runs some obscure website and has a few readers

Crossbow and ammo are legal to have, but in the media it's insinuated as if its evidence of a dangerous army of Dutch radicals plotting a hostile takeover..
Meanwhile the muslim "asylumseekers" are bringing in real guns by containerloads.. and actually plotting a takeover..
while the jewish commies already completed their take over..
Ah I thought munition as in other kinds of ammo and not crossbow bolts.

One thing to keep in mind the smuggling goes both ways. With as big and plentiful ports that Netherlands has fat chance in finding that illicit cargo.
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>are they going to name the jewish producers who mentored diddy and who he worked under?

Yeah .. They mentioned Clive Davis and Lucian Grainge

picrel... Lucian Grainge being knighted by Prince William..
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Duitsland heeft per capita minder dodelijke ongevallen dan Nederland. Lijkt me sterk dat jij je claim hard kan maken dat 130 meer dodelijke ongevallen veroorzaakt.
De autobahn in Duitsland van Dortmund naar Berlijn is een rechte weg, Nederlandse snelwegen zijn een wirwar en kriskras met veel meer knooppunten. De meeste Nederlandse snelwegen buiten de randstad zijn trouwens maar 2 rijstroken.

net als met treinen; Nederlandse spoornetwerk is veel complexer waardoor je sneller vertragingen en storingen hebt.
Wtf is het nut om een klein stukje van de A6 130 te maken?
dit is geen advocaat van de duivel meer. Ben je stiekem Rob Jetten die de snelheid laag wil houden?
Ok je hebt dus geen cijfers en kan het niet hard maken. Nederland heeft 3.8 dodelijke ongevallen per 100k mensen, Duitsland 3.7 (Bron wikipedia).

We kunnen dus makkelijk terug naar 130.
Zou een Rob Jetten argument niet specifiek een devils advocate zijn? :')
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>ben maar wat blij met alle legale immigranten nu dat we 130 mogen rijden heurr
Paal even een datum voor de post OP anders lees ik telkens hetzelfde.
Dat maak jij daar van, wie zeg dat ik blij mee ben met een dooie mus
>130 gaan levert veel meer dodelijke ongelukken op
>"another day another escalation"
Nothing ever happens.
randstaszusters.. hoe te copen?
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>MFW looking at the future
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>130 gaan levert veel meer dodelijke ongelukken op
omdat het hebben van een rijbewijs een mensenrecht is in dit gecuckte land en de wegen vol zitten met bejaarden en incapabelen die na 3/4 verprutste examens een examinator met medelijden troffen
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delete this
Fucking moron
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Verification not required.
Look what /int/ is doing
Also here I was posting things that can end it.
And I said I am looking for other people about those things.
hou je muil, frits
Rob Jetten moet echt opgesloten worden in een crisisopvang.
Schizo uurtjes
But honestly, you do this?

>>>/int/203176607 (Ik)

But stay away from me. I have nothing to do degeneracy
I want nothing to do with that
I toss it in the bin right away
In MY country I am the absolute model
Also this degenerate /pol/ here in this thread.
You never told me an ideology. What filth are some of you
Stop spamming
>>484174371 (Me)
>>484174939 (Me)
>>484175131 (Me)
This is why, what seems certain is that we can't have large streams of immigrants, as we are always the model in our own region.

Something is always after me. Just as in /int/. It doesn't matter what I do or say. It lies horribly too

Your degenerates that lie and do themselves what they are nagging me about.
>Protests with pro-Israel and pro-Palestine had fights, police was there to keep them apart
You got to segregate them all into their own little ghettos
The immigrants from the recent decades and their offspring CAN NOT in a high position in our region.
Since the enormous streams.
Or there would have to be a circumstance. Like ADSML
What a good idea
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As I said before I am looking for others to discuss things and develop it.

E.g. this is something, the gay-issue it is a local topic. They do not lose their NatSoc rights towards immigrants or foreign countries.
But it is a local project we haven't worked out yet.
it escalated in my pants just an hour ago. Kanker!
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A Jew is not '''Macabee'''
Some sort of standoff is ok by this, because e.g. they should become Islam in the region Israel is in. Like I said before. It's not working over there. Or in our region

But this is a KIKE
Filth thread alert
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>Clive Davis
that's a name seen before. pic related
>Now for a brand new episode of: Can you finger the Jew?
>>484178182 (Me)

As I said I am looking to talk to people. I post some posts here.
But that this happened to the FvD, and the filth in this thread I don't rule out the FvD is also being infiltrated by KIKES !
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>the FvD is also being infiltrated by KIKES !
And I was thinking about this before too

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Like I said before.
I am looking for others to discuss things and develop them
I am not working it out without this.
And I am only looking for people in this place.

I posted things before
Again, this is an issue, a local project in certain nations. Ours is one of them. And there is reason to believe truth is not as is spoken now about it. In general.

I posted it before. Will do again if asked, what would be the issue with the topic. Even if your actually Jewish that is fine.
Good idea
Die mongool is nog steeds bezig met het rapporteren van elke Nederlandse post. Krijg kanker aan je anus, Adriaan.
This cancer idiot, do it back. It is why this thread is so empty now
Dood aan de joden.
>youngsters losing their minds in today's society
>researchers be like quick throw some Ukraine and Middle East in the results

Wasn't this generation of 18-27 year olds being open about mental illness and shit? I've a better proposition:
>people with common sense avoiding batshit crazy people
Speaking of mental illnesses, which is, yes to be rejected and degenerate

Why is it everyone 'can' the sexual and gender identities.
But take the pedo topic. Which is very serious in multiple ways.
They say pedos get stuck to it, so what all other people do with it?
One thing is truly, very importantly very clear. It excites EVERYONE terribly. No matter varieties in what is said about it.
Dit is joden haat. Racisme heeft geen plaats in Nederland.

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