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Why are you still voting? Nick knows more about politics than you ever will
>let Kamala win
>inb4 Trump shills
Buy an ad fag no one cares what this low iq spic grifter is spouting this week. /thread
He probably has a higher IQ than your entire hick family
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>Hey guys Trump doesn't really represent our interests maybe we shouldn't vote for him
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he doesnt and the campaign does great
he doesnt and JD rapes walz on live television
he doesnt and also says haitian niggers eat cats and dogs increasing TND chances and calls for mass deportations
>kameltoe its receiving massive donations from jews like horowitz, soros, hoffman, brin, page, and endorsement form all jewish media
he pretends its not happening and whines about shapiro on the lord's year 2024

>Trump victory inevitable
>spic FEDtes tells his raisinskin followers to vote kameltoe

nugroycacatroon fed glownigger tranny spic beaner wetbackshitskins…. not like this… trump will send us back to honduras….
That's the logical conclusion since it's binary and Nick literally says let Kamala win

Kamala is better for white people though

I don't take advice from anyone especially asexual mexican christcucks with no life experience. Kek voting is for fags
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>Groyper war
you are all so fucking embarrassing holy shit
but yeah vote Kamala based
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>durr you have to vote redzog because bluezog is worse!!!
show flag
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voting is for boomers, fags, and women
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Remember, you have to vote for this. If you don't you support Kamala and want the democrats to win.
He’s more successful than you will ever be and he’s only 26. Man is going to be the next Hitler while you seethe and face the wall.
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hitler wasnt a queer who liked femboys though

Jews think Kamala will be a better fit to tackle antisemitism.

"91% of Jewish voters are concerned about antisemitism and think Kamala will do a better job fighting it"
funniest post ive read all day
B4 unlike nick I win elections
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Antisemitic chuds btfo we don't need votes from never sex having racist incel CHUDS
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Death to America
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Ah yes following the Richard Spencer path of:
>vote dems my fellow white nationalists!
I fucking hate this faggot. His entire following has been amassed from hating jews. That's his schtick and entire personality, that he hates jews. This is so core to his identity that he will support the most retarded politicians just to protect his brand of being anti jew.
He wants you to vote for kumhala and her army of Christian Indians ready to police your hate speech and reproductive rights
i really believe the people who follow Nick Fuentes are too young to see how that all went down with the other grifters, meanwhile we've seen this a half dozen times already the exact same routine
>durr you have to vote redzog because bluezog is worse!!!
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>Memeflag shilling for E-Celebs
LOL. Actually take your own life.
I still haven't figured out why they do it: are they really feds and their bosses just make them repeat the same routine as the last guy? Or is it just a natural product of being a contrarian eceleb?
Perhaps as they get more and more isolated in their little right wing circles they begin creating opinions which are contrarian against right wing stuff just because those are the only people left to engage with....
I believe antisemitism was on the rise already, and to catch it and morph it into what they wanted they got a guy like nick fuentes to advocate for soft antisemitism.

Think of Jordan Peterson and gender theory, it was going to go out of control all over college campuses and if there wasn't someone like him to catch the advocates and give them a soft platform it would of been bad for them for people to be radicalized and gentlely neutered
Trump is going to lose. The only reason he won in 2016 is because he appeared to be different to the GOP. That is no longer the case and people won't give a fuck to turn out to vote for him.
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unironically, Kummaloo sucks less jew cock
Which candidate is the better accelerate?
This countries too dumb to fix its problems
Trump doesn't want to win.
Kamala is going to fight misinformation and antisemitism on the internet, you don't realize they're using you being extreme as a way for you to vote against your own good
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Kind of funny that this dude is making MIGA shit itself now
I never thought i'd see the day
Holy shit what a faggot. If Cameltoe Kamala wins I am unironically blaming Nick and groypers.
Better than Trump, who's entire platform is for servicing, worshiping and felating jews.
They banned Trump from twitter while he was in office and he did nothing about it. We have more free speech now after 4 years of Kamala.
He's mostly right but the only reason i'm voting Trump is because of the potential supreme court vacancies. If it wasn't for that I would just stay home this year.
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right, sure.
kill yourself, spic fuentes.
>don't listen to Trump, we're the biggest Jew lovers!
>don't listen to Kamala, we're the biggest Jew lovers!
You realize your radicalism is being used to make you believe you're pushing for a candidate that will completely disrupt enough Americans for them to stand up finally, when it reality it's going to get a lot of people who hold antisemitic beliefs thrown into jail and that momentum we have calling out Jews at the moment will be thrown out
>he appeared to be different to the GOP
and he still does, you stupid shill faggot.
I mean one side obviously has more Jews pushing for it
Nick knows how to get paid to be le edgy glownigger, nothing more.
Guy's clueless.
exactly. Same with Juden peterson
>gets endorsed by Ben Shapiro, Nikki Haley, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK
he's the lesser of two evils and most people dont have the time or money to prove a point not voting for him and letting your country go further left.
nicks got money and can play these long games but I'm sure for a lot of burgers are in dire need of a little relief from demon world and will accept clown world instead.
just look north to your future if if you keep going any more left. dial 5 for suicide ffs.
He didn’t have to tell me. I already decided for myself that this was a race between a far leftist and a moderate leftist, so I’m not voting.

And no, you can’t gaslight me about it.
it's baby steps, it always has been this way zoomer bro
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Unironically based.
>inb4 Miga jewish boomers seething
This. Your zero follower account reeks of astroturf.
I am in my thirties, bro. I don’t know if you can’t read but I already said I won’t be gaslit.
He is a scared little pussy because he will get deported and he knows it. Time's up
>unironically, Kummaloo sucks less jew cock
Her husband is literally a Jew so that's unlikely. But she's still better than Trump
> GOP dominated by uniparty NeoCons, only meaningful difference is unwavering Zionism on the right
> Trump rides wave of populist, nationalist, paleoconservative, reactionary sentiment because they all hate NeoCons
> Trump has the chance to rip the part away from NeoCons and give it to the populists, nationalists, paleoconservatives, and reactionaries
> Instead, he ejects all of the populists, paleconservatives, and reactionaries, and most of the nationalists from his administration and campaign
> fails to deliver on any right wing promises and instead delivers on assasinating Iranian generals for Jewish billionaires and anti-racist policies like the Platinum Plan
> fills the new campaign and incoming administration with Democrats and personally endorses Democrat values on abortion, visas, etc.
> only meaningful difference between MAGA and old Democrat party is Zionism
> MAGAs cope and pretend they’re not just NeoCons even though the Trump campaign is an exact hybrid between the Bush and Obama campaigns
Yeah, man. What a based right wing warrior. What a lion! We can’t let Kamala win, bros! Otherwise we might have to deal with more of the rapid demographic change that happened under the first Trump administration and would undoubtedly happen under the second as well. I feel so motivated to vooooote!
Kamala is our only chance
thats my thoughts too, it's an insurance policy to make sure he stays in the states. Getting rid of illegals could make people start to question who else belongs in white countries
The crazy thing is you might be right. I would never be an accelerationist voter, so I would never vote for Kamala. But what is basically on table right now is fast and unstable leftist vs. slow and stable leftism. From a white perspective, the former at least has the potential to break everything and get it over with.
>MIGAs daydreaming Nick getting deported
He's a millionaire, retards
I fully agree. Orange kike is also friends with Orban and the kike of Netherlands. If Trump wins, we are going to have a global Zionist cock sucking right wing. He needs to lose.
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Thats funny because one candidate, Trump, wants to deport illegal immigrants while Kamala doesnt
And you believe enough people are woken up to the idea of the JQ, stronger borders etc and will willingly fight a civil war? See this is that 15-21 year old mindset that is high risk high reward and potential loss of everything
migatroons on suicide watch
a global Zionist cock sucking right wing
there never was any other bucko
its also nicks target audience 15-21 year olds
oh look, a glownigger shill says glownigger tlaking points and wants you to elect a glownigger puppet.
>much wow
>srs concern
He's a defeatist, demoralization faggot. Trump has problems but the alternative is worse. He just wants to get that sweet grift money regardless who wins the election.
>Trump is the only President since 1965 signed the rewrite into law
Did this retard get a lobotomy?
So the non-glow opinion is to vote for the zog candidate?
whos better for the american people, Trump is hes going to curtail immigration and Kamala has plans in place to curb antisemitism on the internet

"Vice President Harris and Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff worked to develop the first-ever National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. The strategy mobilizes over two dozen federal agencies and contains over 100 specific, actionable steps to end this hate and prevent antisemitic attacks, including on campus. "

think Florida but every single state now. Nick is simply trying to convince radicals that their best option is a Kamala win meanwhile she will ban the very speech Nick and his followers currently use against the Jews
they wouldnt shill this hard against him if he was truly a zog puppet, as you suggest
but if you already fell for their lies and deciet then i feel bad for you.
>that or you are a disingenuous shill yourself.
which one is it?
are you stupid or are you dancer?
>i already know the answer you dont have to respond.
Yeah but now it's going to be 24/7 shilling. And they will make Oct 7 the new holocaust. Orange kike needs to lose. A new right wing will be born out of this.
nice reddit spacing, faggot.
migatroons and all voot peddlers belong on the end of a rope like all traitors. the miga trannies never changed. they are still the same retarded election tourists from reddit they were 8 years ago peddling their favorite jewish billionaire
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not an argument.
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Kamala will deport more people than Trump ever would
>not denying it.
nice job
thats very cute you think that people are ready to fight a civil war, you guys need to do more redpilling of normies who would happily live under a Kamala win instead of fighting. I remember when I was like this too when I was 16-17 years old
Cope. Trump literally reaffirmed yesterday that he is going to stamp out antisemitism.
Nobody is getting deported, if there was even a suggestion of doing it the media would paint it as another holocaust and he would cuck out.
proof? so far immigration has gone up more than any other presidency under Biden/Kamala
voting and paying taxes is for fagots and retarded goym, you can not refute this
okay whats his plan for it? I've only seen where he said he'd deport non citizens who perform in Palestine rallys
show flag kike 9pwmt
Nick is a fed and I seriously home his face gets caved in. Guess he should have thought through the whole punchable face thing right, boy thatl be an ironic end.
heard that every election. never happens. real right wingers get vanned or have accidents or get accused of some crime and go to jail. they never make it into the upper echelons of (((politics))) to begin with without licking the wall and swearing fealty. its a foolproof system
Literally because immigrants know it's the calm before the storm so they try getting in before it's too late. Kamala is openly talking about deportations, use Google
His plan is whatever his jewish owners say it is.
Do nothing on the border. Enact mass LEGAL migration.
I completely agree but Trump is a good candidate to eradicate the USA from the face of the planet. So it is a diffficult choice indeed.
>make Kamala win
He said "let her win and let the country burn".
I know you're trying super duper hard to push the
>if you don't support ZionDon, you SUPPORT cumluh!!
Meme. But what he's really saying is that he simply doesn't care anymore

It's called the blackpill. If you support White Christians, both Trump and Kamala are antithetical to anything you believe in
>Nick knows more about politics than you ever will
they teach politics in highschool now?
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none of her policies call for a mass deportation.

Remember: if your vote didn’t matter, threads like this wouldn’t be necessary.
Nick's support is poison. He's a bellwether. Whoever he supports will lose. 2016 was an anomaly. Good news for drumpf.
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Kamala wants to reduce to the 6 month screening to 90 days
nick's a fag
a pedo
and a fed
>If you support White Christians, both Trump and Kamala are antithetica
i have never taken advice from a dog fucker, a chink, or a person with poo in their hands before and im not gonna start now.
the truth is the country wouldnt burn enough people are happy in their current state and would be happy in a lesser one too. We still have a lot of work to do to push nationalism one normies who are just now starting to wake up to nationalist ideals. Meanwhile a Kamala win would stomp that out, because she promotes banning antisemitic speech on a national level
I haven’t watched any of Nick’s shows in like a year and I used to watch him every night. Every show is now literally just “it’s da Jews”. He used to have really great political commentary but now holy shit we get it by now, you don’t like Jews
>cannot argue anything
>just perverse profanities

God, every time an American speaks, everything is so sexual, degenerate, graphic, pornographic, and either involves interracial pejoratives or bestiality. Porn and mumble rap has done a number on your risk/reward pathways.
You're full of shit, his show is better than ever and there is nobody in his league.
It literally is the jews so of course they're going to get mentioned a lot.
Curious how you know what his show is like when you say you don't even watch it?
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MIGA Maggots...in 2016, Trump got 24% of the "jewish vote":
>Trump won 24% of Jewish American voters, compared to 71% who voted for Clinton, only slightly more than the 69% who voted for Obama in 2012, and less than the 78% who voted for him in 2008. There is a sharp divide between Orthodox Jewish voting patterns and those of Reform, Conservative and unaffilliated Jews, some of whom would not be considered halakhically Jewish. That differentiation is not yet in.


According to established figures,"jews" number just shy of 7.5 million in the USA...slightly higher than "jews" in Israel. The most "jews" live in New York ~1.7 million.

Tthe jew vote isn't what these politicians are chasing - the numbers are too small - so it's obviously something else going on here, duh.

Zero audience has-been who gets outshined by Vtubers in terms of active viewers. Who give a fuck about this nobody?
im sorry your country can be labeled by three different, rather accurate, stereotypes.
>which one are you?
>>if you don't support ZionDon, you SUPPORT cumluh!!
If you tell people not to vote for him you make it more likely that Kamala wins, yes. If you don't like what Nick is doing maybe look for a different movement or join John Doyle, stop with the delusional bs though
Kamala is LARPING as the patriot candidate. That's why the DNC was all American flags and they push shit like "white guys for Kamala". Trump is also deeply anti 1A and wants to ban "antisemitism". He DID sign bills banning criticism of Israel on campus when he was in office and made direct remarks to deport anyone opposed to them.
but are enough people open to the idea that the Jews control white nations? Normies are just now waking up to the idea
Bro I’m not going to stay up until midnight to listen to a person who doesn’t give a shit about his audience rant about the Jews for 2 hours lol that’s psychotic
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Both candidates are going to be AIPAC and CIA puppets. If I'll get the same result with either one of them, I might as well vote for the chick who is going be eye candy at least, over the obese senior citizen with a comb over.
he just knows whos hand he needs to grease
>Nick's support is poison. He's a bellwether. Whoever he supports will lose. 2016 was an anomaly. Good news for drumpf.

lol, Nick's a lot of things, but hardly a bellwether for US elections - his influence is far more narrow and not broad enough to do what you describe. the first things to understand is that regardless of election outcome - the jews win. Trump appears to be their favored candidate at the present, but their bets are covered and they hardly will be harmed if Harris wins. Additionally, the choices usually boil down to a choice between fast track or slow walk to the same bad endings.
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please if you do have a source for that share it. I can only find this that says foreign students would be deported if they did pro palestine protests
>vote for the nigger, goyim, the democrats are the REAL nazis
Unironically, why are you guys voting for him? I read some parts of his policy plan, and they look so fucking pro-establishment and mundane, the only part where he is being "le based" is on Immigration, and not by much I can tell you that. Also, as an outsider, it' super clear that this whole thing doesn't have the same energy as 2016, and I am tired of seeing pretending it has.
He should endorse kamala directly like richard spencer did.
>Hello my fellow groyper let me pretend he doesn't constantly address the slander that he's pro Kamala for his feelings of betrayal from the Trump campaign
>Haha hello my fellow Groypers, we groyper Kamala supporters sure do love the democrats, don't we groyper bros?
You're trying too hard. Your butthurt leaks through too much to successfully counter-signal.

The real question is - what's your motives? Are you Israeli, and are well poisoning war non-interventionists? What's the deal?
lol, what did he do, make fun of your superchat?
So because you don't personally have time to watch something, his opinions are incorrect?
OK bro.
I want to see Trump get elected just so he can break his major promises. I think this sort of let down could finally break people and make them consider other options. Like breaking from (((DC))) entirely, secession.
From 2019
No what I’m saying is his shows have devolved into some mk ultra level psychosis lmao. Sleep deprive the audience, keep them in the dark when it will start and stop, rant about the Jews for 3 hours as they fall asleep. I never super chatted him but I’ve always like him I just don’t watch his shows anymore. Him not voting Trump is gay and the type of move only a woman would make

Stop fucking dogs and stop trying to see things in Nick he isn't
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The amount of desperate shilling for Trump to push this false dichotomy js hilarious. I only know American white men and women. The men I know aren’t voting because they aren’t represented. No, I don’t hang out with the sportsball crowd, just the gun owners. No, I’m not going to bother convincing them to vote fir king jew or curry pajeeta.
I regret defending this narcissistic fool.
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> Do you realize that, while I acknowledge we’re ruled by foreigners and a criminal jewish mob, you gotta voooooooote

You are a weak faggot.Violence is the cure, but American men are too weak to wield power. So foreign nations will wield power against the US until it isn’t recognizable.
>A Mexican tells you
No thanks I'm white
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Wow, what a faggot. Talk about controlled opposition. Fuck this little faggot loser. Nothing he says makes any sense anymore. How much did they pay this faggot /pol/? How shekels has he been paid?
We all defended Trump at one point, don't beat yourself up over it
> > Suggest obvious response of non-participation in an election where you won’t be represented
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>We all defended Trump at one point, don't beat yourself up over it
>> > Suggest obvious response of non-participation in an election where you won’t be represented
yes, there are two choices. If you don't support the clearly better one, which trump is, you're an enemy of whites. It's that simple.
Why do they do this? Are they unironically paid off by dems?
OK, now answer why Nick was agitating at the January 6 protest at the Capitol, urging people to go in to the building a la Ray Epps but, like Ray Epps, was never scrutinized publicly and was just allowed to continue his podcast and political work. Nick fucking glows, moreso after that little adventure.
I don't understand all the hate against him. Whenever I hear him he is quite reasonable and sane. What the fuck is all you people's problem?
and he's 100% correct. both candidates are kike controlled and anti-white. cope seethe or dilate about it i don't give a fuck what normies think
Nick the spic isn't a serious person. He flop flops on positions constantly depending on what the Arab money he takes suggests he talks about. Aside from that him constantly bragging that he's an incel turns most normal people away from him
this is a jew
But Kamala is slightly better so Nick is right, let her win
Saar! Do not redeem the droompf vindaloo!
then why is he a faggot?
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>agitating at the January 6 protest at the Capitol
fucking trump did that- the whole thing was literally his idea and why his supporters showed up in DC to begin with - including Nick - spiking that intothe clusterfuck that ensued was easy for the "machine" to do - but Trump set that stage, intentioned or not is beside the point...
I keep seeing white this white that - stop using the language and labels the jews inflicted upon us - I'm especially directing this at that Swede posting here.
Concerning jewish identity, let's figure this out. - a jew can't be a race because can convert/marry into it and it can't be a religion if you can call yourself a "secular" jew... No, a jew is psychopathy, or more precisely a psycopathic identity - that what ties "jews" together - they are fellow travelers sharing a collectively demonic enterprise.
Now, it's curious people always use the term "whites" - that is also a false/fake identity coined by jews to give them cover when convenient but more importantly to strip away the actual cultural and ethnic identities of their biggest competitors.
buy an ad
What’s so funny about this objection is that “the JQ” is for low brow morons. If you think politics is as simple as “it’s the Jews” you’re not up to speed enough to have this conversation.
> *deports 1M illegal landscapers from Mexico*
> *imports 3M legal landscapers from Mexico and 5M legal programmers from India*
Oh gee. Thanks, Trump! How wonderful!
if you think it's not as simple as "the jews" you're probably a jew
The largest YoY Delta on this chart is the end of the Trump presidency, you absolute buffoon. He actually saw it go higher than it was just before COVID.
Why is he so gay? Flip flopping on issues makes his look extra gay.
No, you’re just a dumbass. Do yourself a favor and read any book with scope beyond WW2. The reason why you accept that narrative is because it’s easy. But you’re so far from “getting it” it’s not even funny.
ok moshe explain to me how removing all kikes wouldn't solve 90% of problems
>Zion Don
NPC opinion disregarded.
Go back, Moshe
Remove Americans from America to where?
>before WW1 Jews create FED
>before WW2 jews create IMF
>after WW2 the American currency is used by all countries
>the Jews rigged a back door in New York and Washington to pull unlimited money
>the Jews purchased and undermined white’s countries by parenting to be them
>now they are shifting the national image from white to brown
No, we totally get what’s going on.
Because these kikes aren’t the origin of the broader problems. It wouldn’t have been possible for them to get into the positions they’re in if that weren’t the case. We actually both allow and incentivize them to work as subversive elements in U.S. politics. For example, on the topic of Zionism in foreign policy, which translates basically to unwavering support for Israel, the Israel lobby is a big problem but the Evangelical Zionist lobby is an even bigger problem and so are the various liberal-progressive factions that sympathize. This is the dynamic across politics, across law, across institutions, across media, across everything. That’s how this actually works. Progressive Jews are able to work into positions of influence and subvert them precisely because we identify with them, even want them to.
>he doesnt and the campaign does great
wrong they have been struggling the entire time
camel face getting screen time is what did her in, she doesnt have the "it" factor

>he doesnt and JD rapes walz on live television
vance is a antiwhite fagget, waltz is a newbie, he got pubstomped, if you cant see that you are an idiot

>he doesnt and also says haitian niggers eat cats and dogs increasing TND chances and calls for mass deportations
ok, and now millions of chinks and indians will get greencards stapled to their degrees, and remember the last borderwall he built? oh yeah oops.
>he pretends its not happening and whines about shapiro on the lord's year 2024
Miriam Adelson has given Tump millions of dollars, he was in Israel with ben Shapiro on for oct 7th remembrance, his kids are married to jews, hes letting jaraed kushner (jew) hire his staff again.

its over dude fuck you
oh ok now i understand, it's white christians who are the source of all problems! what a relief
you fucking disingenuous kike. fucking kill yourself you aren't fooling anybody
The Federal Reserve act was signed into law by Woodrow Wilson, the IMF was pushed and refined by John Maynard Keynes, Bernard Baruch was appointed by Franklin Roosevelt, so on and so forth. Are you getting it now? These people are pushed and put in positions of influence by white progressives, without whom they would still be stuck in the shtetls of Europe with no political influence anywhere.
*White progressives, who often use Christianity as cover for their progressivism.

You’re low IQ.
white progressives just take orders from the jew you're pilpul doesn't work here
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I was already pretty sure I wouldn't vote. If faggot redditors and boomers don't stop shilling omg you have to into voting we most important election evar, I'm going to vote for Kamala just to see you suffer. Believe me.
t. floridaman
>jews get everything they want but you have to suck it up and get jack shit in return.

lol wtf logic is this? why vote? stay home.
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Celebrities know best, memeflaggot.
>just let a half black half indian woman with insane leftist policies rule over you!
haha no
Nick is asexual. He says so and there is no reason not to believe him
she's been doing just that for the past 4 years.
amerilards are hilarious.
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Yeah, that's retarded.
Principled though, sure.
Rumors abound that Emhof is a kiddie diddler.
jews and israel are not an issue to me
The US is a Jewish state you cant change that in one election or 10 (well unless we get a reincarnation of one man)
I have to look at the immediate
immigration and inflation and both of those skyrocketed under biden
So yeah im voting Trump because its all jewish anyways bit id rather have tried to keep back the hordes and have a little money to see some parts of the country before they are lost forever
Also nick is mexican
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Trump deport these nazis.
You’re clueless
trump is way too jewish-centric, if that makes sense. he doesn't really deliver things for other parts of his movement
>Why are you still voting? Nick knows more about politics than you ever will
I have a degree in poli sci and work in government. What is Nick's education and work experience?
his career amounts to playing minecraft and taking superchats from 14 year old skinnyfat nerds, he's the zoomers' richard spencer and is as relevant as him

>t. jew
yeah but i'm still right
Having a much higher IQ than you and research
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Don't care, still voting Trump
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zoom in
now enhance
>If you support White Christians

The worst part about the modern right wing is every childless, wifeless retard pretending they are religious to virtue signal. Kill yourselves
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if he knew about politics he wouldnt be vooting at all
border jumper
There's reason to disbelieve everything he says because it's glaringly obvious that he is a very decietful person, whether it's claiming to dislike troons yet associating with them far more than is necessary, lying about what other people say or pretending to be persecuted for being put on the no fly list for threatening flight attendants or not telling his donors that the feds returned all his frozen money.

There's footage of a literal gay date this guy went on with a guy who sucks horse cock on stream dressed in a mini skirt and you niggers are still coping.
You're taking everything at face value like a 50 year old boomer retard.

Zoomers are ironic, borderline gay/metrosexual, and more urban(black coded) than previous generations. He's more of a comedian than a political commentator imo. He's like a fringe John Stewart.
The more you look at that picture the more you see. You should be able to reverse image search it.
Even if you want to pass off all the obviously homosexual stuff as a comedy act there's still feigning persecution, lying about what other people say and pretending he didn't get his money back from the feds.
Kikes may not be the origin, but they seem to always be at the center of the issue. Indeed, they always seem to magnify any issue that comes up.

Imagine you could eliminate drag from every transport problem. Or aging from every health problem, That is roughly the same concept as removing jews from every social problem.

Sure it doesn't solve every issue, indeed, transport, health, and society are still problems to be solved. But imagine how clean it would be.
Checked challenge to the jews model of society.
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Always do the oppposite of what incels tell you to do.
how come he wasn't arrested for January 6th?
He didn't enter it, retard
He told everyone to enter it just like Ray Epps did. Nick is a fed.
and trump is the chosen masonic-judaic antichrist that will kickstart something apocalyptically biblical, who cares if nick is a fed? Why do you think elon musk suddenly wants trump to have a second term? You are such a silly silly little goy.
except he didnt and you're a jewish guy spreading lies
He already explained that he said it in the heat of the moment and that it was rhetoric
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Retards have no idea who Nick Fuentes is.

Here he is on video doing exactly what Ray Epps did, yet Nick curiously was not arrested: https://x.com/captivedreamer7/status/1728305701053952088

Nick Fuentes is 100% a fed
Nick is right. Zion don is more of the same. Kamala will accellerate the collapse. It'll be glorious. Look at how all childless leaders have ruined entire nations over the past 15 years. It is amazing. Trump might actually do good. We need to collapse this bitch, its the only way for hope to succeed in a world of evil jewish tyranny. Kamala must win
yes I will listen to the 26 year old
Not in the building, fuck off
It’s because he’s comped
Someone’s got dirt on him
Nick strikes me as a 120er
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Low IQ goy spotted. Trump had a global pandemic under his administration, he constantly shills for an iran vs israel war and is very representative of the synagogue of satanic kike community. He is their chosen one and always was the trojan horse.
based and spitepilled
>nick knows more about politics than you ever will
>says who?

Still voting for Trump, faggot
>meanwhile gop legacy bigwigs support harris
Zion Don is a jew-serving stooge.
He believed he would have a seat at the table, even indirectly through the appointment of 'groypers' to Trumps cabinet. Like a retard he bragged about Agenda 25 and how Groypers were going to seize control of the state dept.

As soo as his name became associated the toxicity forced the Trump campaign to not only distance themselves from Fuentes, who is basically right on most things, especially race and Jewry, but they also purged anyone even remotely at risk of being a Fuentes associate.

So now he's out in the cold, they were happy to use his influence until it became too toxic to dos so, and they discarded him like a used condom. He's mad and disappointed and, to be faire, finally seeing the truth about the Zionists that control Trump.
Too little too late, and he can't really influence anything, he's a spent force and he had no real impact whatsoever.
His popularity has exploded in recent years, he's far more influential than 90% of rightwing pundits and he's only getting more popular despite the constant censorship.

I'm not even a fan of his and I know you should be worried.
This, we need Kamala. She clearly hates Israel, besides her husband being Jewish
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ngl, he seems like a fag so I'll be ignoring anything he says and voting Trump. Hell, at least shills aren't this fucking schizo like Nick.
This guy is a faggot beaner who hates whites. He hangs out with faggots and nigger rappers. He submerges himself in anti-white culture the only people I see voting for him look like Ryan Routh. You'd simply have to be that level of delusional schizo to think this spic cares about anyone but himself.
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got any smears about nick that don't come from israelis?
>jeetmala/biden has given more taxpayer sheckels to israel than any admin ever
>being led on a leash by bibi for the past year
kek, try again shills.
Now I think the video is CGI
He is correct. NOTA 2024!
>knows more about politics than I ever will
>knows more about how to pleasure nigger cock than I ever will
a man of many talents
>yes, there are two choices
>Vote for Trump
>Vote for Kamala
>Vote for Liberal
>Vote for independent
>Don't vote
>Start an uprising in minecraft
>Commit a suicide
He sucked Catboy Kamis dick and got penetrated by a strap on horse cock he shows off in the videos. Nick dated him lol.
nick wants to fuck monkeys lmao
Him glazing Kanya and endorsing rap music is super gay.
Him hanging around with muslims and Jews is super gay.
Call it good optics, politics or whatever, but it's still lame.
Weird he doesn't want to fuck you?
I'm not jaden
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>. Whenever I hear him he is quite reasonable and sane.
That is exactly the problem. He is actually a good orator and makes excellent points that normal people can relate to. That's why there are entire campaigns to smear him by calling him a gay catboy fed. Jews actually prefer low iq wignat larpers and thugs marching in the streets because that looks unhinged and unappealing to most reasonable people.
They were caught red-handed, but still keep doing it.
spic fuentes is a faggot who supports nigger poojeet women who marry jews.
meximutt hiding behind memeflag, neither you or nick is white
>vote dems
>Nick literally says he's not voting democrat every single time he shits on MIGA Trump

who is this directed towards? we can all clearly hear what he is saying. he NEVER suggested voting for democrats.
ctrl+f "fed" - 14
ctrl+f "deport" - 14
ctrl+f "gay" - 9
ctrl+f "spic" - 8
ctrl+f "beaner" - 4
ctrl+f "catboy" - 2
twitter now is literally /pol/ on steroids without having the drawback of being a website that hasn't evolved from 2006

people are posting translated Hitler speeches on Tik Tok and Instagram
Rookie numbers, I guess there's not enough manpower with recent happenings.
>normal people won’t like him

>Goes on Adin Ross with 60k viewers and everyone loves him

But I’m sure screaming racial slurs to children on Omegle will make normies like you.
Voting for either candidate will place your soul in grave danger of damnation as they both praise and push the murder of the unborn child.
The problem is wignats actually think they have a solution
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I agree with him. A better Republican Party can be built in the next 4 years off of Trumps legacy. Gay grifters like Vance will be blacklisted from the party
>and everyone loves him
That's the problem. He's a good speaker who doesn't come off as snarky cunt. Pretty sure they let him back on Rumble and Twitter only so that Cozy.tv doesn't grow.
Shills want Trump to win. Corporations want Trump to win. Israel wants Trump to win. Millions of Indians waiting to take a US job want Trump to win. Racemixers want Trump to win.
It’s not surprising Nick is being pushed to the side
too bad the vance walz debate happened and now all the women see him as a lovable jim halpert
sucks to be you i guess
this is a federal informant
same stream where he was jerking off hitler? he loves edgelord shit he is just a pussy
>Millions of Indians waiting to take a US job want Trump to win
oh yeah this fake news again
He is a faggot who llays with his duck is a Marxist. Communist jewmocrcy slave and an ignorant t sshole 2 trillion in protocols failure fiber comes from groom lake nasa is civilian its not going anywhere
Why is a Twink telling me who to vote for. Who is this? The only person you should vote for is anyone not promoted by the media. Don't be part of the herd. Do your own research and vote for someone you truly have faith in. Only domesticated humans vote "R"/"D"
Would you take a guy who looks like this seriously in real life?
These are the kind of people in NAFO who are telling you to support a spic who sucked Catboy Kami's dick and is a homosexual.
They are in the 45-60 year old age range and live their life projecting through All in the family episodes where the pinkos were a thing and modern leftist opening their borders and shitting on their country do not exist. lol
Source: a further right schizo
> knows more than me
You stupid nigger jew, my degree is in political science, allowing Kamala to win will not help America and the average White person

It is also clear to me that Trump is in a covert ward against the Jewish mafia, the very same people that Kamala Harris is married to, the same people that despise Donald Trump



On Jeesus


Al Smith Dinner


On israel https://x.com/KAGdrogo/status/1771230270857048561
all im saying is we need to do more work before something like that is viable. Go redpill your friends and family
nigger what the fuck are you rambling about?
im not sure or some deep state pockets
Not my fault you are a retarded toothless romanian gypsy scum beggar. I threw a hand full of pennies in the face of a person like you one time. lmao

That's what I think about gypsy beggars.
he very much is into catboys, he even said it himself, nobody is smearing him in that regard
I'm simply not going to vote for a Zionist!
Hahaha I know I know....
It's just...
I'm just too antisemitic to do it
Nick is a Hitler respecter 100% but he understands optics and how to be appealing to normies.
so why is only that part irony and not anything else he says? I don't get why youre sucking nick off so much
Dude imagine doing what this guy says?
I think he’s a faggot
Everything is Me Me Me, Trump doesn’t like me, MAGA doesn’t like me, GOP disavowed me, therefore I want you to shoot yourself in the foot and vote against your self interests because Me Me Me
Nick Fed-uentes is a faggot as far as I’m concerned
You only want to appeal to normies because just like ukrainians you are a poor begging homeless scumbag sitting at a library computer, hoping they will give you change. Better appeal to the normies, beggar
Israel is going to rig the election for Trump and then start ww3. The jewish plan is for europe, usa, iran, and russia to be totally destroyed, after which israel will announce itself as the new global leader and institute a world government based in israel, as prophesied by isaiah. The jewish prophecies are more like plans, like a blueprint. Trump knows USA is going to be destroyed but he doesnt care, he's in on it.
From this post alone is how we can tell you are a Jewish shill
Please keep up this angle of attack, it makes you look great
Then you don't belong on /pol/
What normies is he appealing to? bro is banned off everything.
This could have all been avoided if Trump had given Nick the same treatment he gave David Duke.

"Yeah, I met with Kayne and Nick. I had never met with Nick before, so I didn't know him. Just because I talked to someone, or someone supports me, doesn't mean I'm going to enact the policies they want enacted."

You don't have to disavow anyone. You don't have to apologize for anything.
Yes. lol
They have an open hatred against anyone living in a place like North Carolina, became all the more evident recently. They think you are naive.
>the heckin kamala will stop the jews
You are so fucking dumb lmao
This place has a bunch of die-hard zionist kikes who froth at the mouth anytime Nick's name is mentioned. They hate him more than anything because he's pretty much the only right-winger calling out jewish power.
Nick lives rent-free in /ptg/'s head
Vote Trump. If Kamala wins the state of Israel as we know it could cease to exist.
youre not old enough mentally to even have the right to vote
It's the jews
The only reason this spic is mad is because trump distanced himself from him for being an incel faggot muslim worshipper and refused to meet or talk with him anymore
This cunt is pathetic
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you guys are to stupid to make your own opinions but im not voting for neither and not because some random faggot i never heard of told me to. But because im not a fucking retard like you (shocker i know)

Its simple retards, Dont vote, Dont pay taxes. Watch the retards do stupid shit, Maybe some non retards finally decide to do something. WOW NOW WE ARE NOT SLAVES WOAH CRAZY RIGHT IF YOU DONT VOTE FOR BLUE OR RED SLAVE OR PAY TAXES MAYBE SOMETHING ACTUALLY CHANGES WOAH IM SOME RANDOM FAGGOT LOOK AT ME IM AN E "CELEB WOAH IM SO SMART!!!
do they? is that why they spend so much time smearing trump?
>every shitskin that attends college in the USA gets a green card
>already give 1 million shitskins a year green cards
>immediately double legal shitskins
>word gets out about ez pz USA green card system
>hundreds of millions of shitskins will pour in
>this is the international kikes ultimate plan to fast track the destruction of America after the huge rise in the redpilling of normies
This is it. We are in the final years of America. The slippery slopes of faggots marrying and being tolerant passive Christians has reached it's pinnacle, and we are about to reach terminal velocity.
They want to import millions of pajeets. The south americans and arabs they have been importing are not philosemitic, this is a problem for them. Thats why theyre shiftinh into imdpdoring hordes of indians, they can easily convince them to be philosemites, like huwhite people.
feddy fed thread
He's right and poltards are faggots.
it is a choice between jewish communism or jewish zionism
its cooked
Would. But she most likely fucks niggers so wouldn't.
One of my favorite quotes comes from F.E.A.R. "It is the way of men to make monsters, and it is the nature of monsters to destroy their makers"

The kikes will be consumed by their own evil as they always do and always have for the past thousands and thousands and thousands of years.
When we return to sharpened rocks on pointy sticks there will be no government programs or liberals.
Trumpkike shills have destroyed this board. I hope that fat orange kike gets a trillion years in prison for being such a filthy kike.
we need to disempower jews; they have too much power and use it nepotisticly. they use it to penalize their enemies and their ultimate goal is to transfer power from the united states to israel. for the benefit of jews and to the detriment of everyone else
He lies as bad as kikes,surrounds himself with brown kikes and love BBC. Total Abrahamic Death
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but jeets are already crossing our southern border retard. you're too retarded to have a political discussion with, you're way to autistic and think in black in white
Don't you me nigger.
so again no argument, cool thanks for proving my point
Don't you me nigger.
>Dude just trust the 20 year old political spiclet, he just gets it
I don't think I will.
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You fags think latinos wanna be white? LMAO why would i want to be a faggot with a jewish branded dick?
Wow the guy who instigated Jan 6th scam and never even got a slap on the wrist while the establishment hunted down grandma for being there wants you to vote for the establishment whoda thunk
But enough about Trump
>meme flaggot thinks trannyfurry chaser is smart
GTFO retard
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they absolutely do otherwise they wouldnt larp as being white
he said to vote for Kamala
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Voting for Trump is the only way to make sure Israel exists for many more millennia. Don't let Kamala destroy it.
Nick spends all of his time trashing fags, jews, nigs and women, so it follows that the ones who hate him the most are either fags, jews, nigs, or women.
This bleached beaner is a faggot and probably has sucked a few hundred BBC in his lifetime

super racist or super race-baiter for easy popular points.

You should all collectively find him and remove him (whatever that means) because he's super annoying
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Women are repulsed by him and his streetshitter wife. If that wasn’t the case he would’ve already dumped the poo and had white American kids
but does he trash spics too?
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kek coping this hard
>holup imma jus make baseless assertions that are 180° from obvious reality
TDS'tard detected
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Yeah women really would fuck this no chin beta who wears a shirt in the pool and lives with a stinky streetshitter LMAO
Fake and gay polock go away
they would over spic fuentes anyday and that's why that spic is so angry
For all the lurkers, shitskins that are being registered as white on crime statistics are not shitskins fucking LARPING. It was announced and has been admitted countless times that the justice system does this to bring down "ethnic/minority crime rates".
It has NOTHING to do with shitskins saying they are white, it is the JUSTICE SYSTEM and KIKES jiggling keys in front of retards faces with "12% of the population commits 56% of the violent crimes!" the numbers are way fucking higher than that, just go the fuck outside or try paying attention when the kikes fucking outright tell you what they're doing.
holy copium
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shitskin beaners larp as white all the time
Nick is gay he doesn’t want women. Vance is likely gay too which is how he goes home to that ghoulish streetshitter
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>commie kammie is better for white people.....
*deep breath
>retarded fucking nigger thinks shitskins commit less crime than the justice system says they do
>retarded fucking nigger thinks the kikes are rounding shitskin crimes upward
>retarded fucking nigger thinks the kikes are on his side
1 and 2 are what spaniards and italians look like
3-4 are puerto ricans and some mexicans
5 and above might as well be africans
but i thought nick was a trad cath?
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ok? hardly any beaners look like 1-4

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