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We are voting for Kamala. If all Groypers vote Kamala, Trump can't win

Cry about it, MIGA fags
inb4 MIGApede tears
Has MAGA just memory holed that 2020 was stolen?
Orange retard already admitted that he lost fair and square in 2020
as a matter of fact
1 reply = 1 vote for kamala
we got this
Is Nick an accelerationigger or does he just hate pissrael that much?
We hate poor hillbilly white trash getting fooled by Zionist conmen
Kamala has the incel vote secured.
Groypers will be the first against the wall.
/incel/ - internet celebrities
>something new
This beautiful world doesn't deserve to have such faggy "people" in it.
In this case Drumpf is the traitor, groypers are doing the right thing.
struck a chord there little man?


........................TRUMP 2024........................

anyone voting for Kamala should be considered a threat to everyone's quality of life. four more fucking years of this shit is untenable.
least obvious jewish subversion award
The do not live in reality...even among themselves....
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Funny how all so called "right wing thought leaders" always seem to end up endorsing left wing candidates.
>eceleb shit
Sure memeflaggot
are they all this retarded?
>something new
>the same shit of the last 4 years only worse and even less competent
> nick fans are going to vote for Kamala
Not counting the feds all 10 of you?
He's a glowie lol, only two people not arrested that are on camera telling people to go into the capital Jan 6th, Fuentes and Epps, REALLY ACTIVATES THE ALMONDS
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>"We are voting for Kamala."
>"Cry about it, MIGA fags"
>votes for the number 2 in the most pro israel admin of all time.
>Jeetmala promises to be absolutely no different than biden
Groyfters unmasking themselves as the real MIGAtards this whole time.

ok MIGAtard
He's literally just copying Spencer at this point
> Time for something new
> Democrats in complete control last 4 years
Try to make your shilling believable.
He's an FBI asset. There's a recording of him at the guided tour through the capitol building on Jan6 where he says "Break down the barriers and disregard the police". He signed a deal with the FBI and ever since, one groyper after the other was arrested and imprisoned. Everything he says is aimed at being the most convenient villain for globohomo bootlickers to rail against and make the right look retarded.
And of course, he endorses whichever candidate the FBI favors.
I get hating trump, but does he legitimately believe kamala represents "groyper" interests more?(pretending for 2 seconds they aren't feds)
This is a Jew.
this is definitive proof that little fag fuentes is a fed doing controlled opposition.he may say some truths but in the end, a fcking glownigger
Biden's administration wasn't so bad, Nick said so publicly. What is your point?
both trump and kamala succ the mutilated cock, so why in the fuck would you choose kamala, only because you are true glownigger
I don't think he's a fed, just retarded. He thinks hitler 2 is going to emerge from 8 years of jeetmala somehow. He fell for le acceleration meme and fell down the full schizo rabbit hole. I'm watching him flail about & flip flop on pretty much everything and it seems insane.
>time for something new
same horrible shit for 4 more years
stupids galore
>try something new
>by voting the last vice president into president
At this point the glowies are beyond incompetent.
Groypers aren't old enough to vote. He probably just took a photo of his mom's (who's single btw) ballot and uploaded it for a laugh.
All 50 groypers? Wow... Nick's political reach is a force to be reckoned with.
>Cult members do what cult leader tells them to do
>it's time for something new
>votes for Kamala
We unironically have to live with people like this
>something new
the democrats have been in for 4 years. voting democrat is retarded.
voting trump might also be retarded, he is low energy as fuck and won't shut about how much he loves israel.
voting for any third party candidate is retarded because they won't win.
in conclusion, voting is retarded, but if you're going to bother voting then the least retarded person to vote for is trump.
he's a homosexual federal informant that's gonna get shot by a groyper
Nick Fuentes is a fed asset and you are retarded to follow him. The guy was inciting violence during J6 yet never had any repercussions despite them coming down hard on everyone else.

He is also a faggot. Literally. Don’t you remember his Australian boyfriend? The guy describes himself as a hot messy bitch too. What straight guy would ever say that.
>time for something new
>gaypers acting like what they are voting for hasnt been in office for 4 years
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Nick would unironically beat the shit out of most wignats, he has good wrist mobility
Magaturds have cognitive dissonance, they pretend Trump plays 5D chess all the time and that he's the anti war and anti deep state candidate. They are all retarded.
>e-celeb cock worship thread
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Nick's messaging is working. Everyone is voting Kamala
Are people really this stupid and fall for gop shilling? He never said anyone should vote for Kamala Harris, he said he is not going to vote for Trump / endorse him, because he doesn't have any actual right wing policies anymore. All the lazereyes pfp accounts on X malding about him are the most astroturfed shit since a long time.
>not voting Jill Stein
what a faggot
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Kill groypers. Behead groypers. Roundhouse kick a groyper into the concrete. Slam a groyper into a locker. Crucify filthy groypers. Defecate in a groyper’s food. Launch groyper’s into the sun. Stir fry groyper’s in a wok. Toss groyper’s into active volcanoes. Urinate on a groyper’s computer. Judo throw groypers into a wood chipper. Twist groypers’ heads off. Report groypers to their parents. Karate chop groypers in half. Curb stomp NEET basement dweller groypers. Trap groypers in quicksand. Crush groypers in the trash compactor. Liquefy groypers in a vat of acid. Eat groypers. Dissect groypers. Exterminate groypers in the gas chamber. Stomp groyper skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate groypers in the oven. Lobotomize groypers. Mandatory post-term abortions for groypers. Expose groyper gay-ops. Drown groypers in refried beans. Vaporize groypers with a ray gun. Trip groypers down the stairs. Feed groypers to alligators. Slice groypers with a katana.
Wignats with the 2019 memes
It's probably a magakike shill
you're dead meat, groyper
OP is a bot.
Compare the text in the tweets
Its really too bad as well. Nick was actually looking to have some influence on Trump since the debate. Then within the last week it seems like it's all been crashing down with Trump just talking about how much he wants Israel to destroy Iran, doubling down on stapling a green card to every diploma, and more recently having Jared Kushner and his buddy be in charge of hiring Trumps staff. Fucking completely grim. Don't blame Nick for telling people that he can't support Trump, if I had influence, I would be saying the same thing. May as well throw the country further down the shit hole, wake more people up, and maybe in 2028 someone who's not compromised will run.

Nick wasn't at the building, dummies. If calling for people to break into the capital was a fed offense by itself, half of twitter would have been arrested that day. But this has been repeated 1000 times over in these threads already, yet you guys keep posting the same retarded shit.
ya, its pretty obvious to anyone who isnt retarded. anyone on /pol/ supporting kamala is clearly paid opposition
You’ve been successfully brainwashed and activated by a glowie manlet fag. Kys
I'm sure if all 30 of you vote one way, then it's all ogre.
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>complain about pajeet greencard plan
>shill for a pajeeta already letting in millions of migrants
You bots can't even stay on message. SAD!
Nick has tens of thousands of followers, 15k live viewers every day
Like it or not, Trump needs the active support of powerful Jews to win the election. He's going to have to appease them and make some compromises that the far-right will not like. But that's politics. That's his way back into office, and he has to take it.

It doesn't mean you have to support him if he does something like call for war with Iran. You can oppose him once he is back in office, but doing so before the election is just childish and petty.
I dunno what a groyper is, but if some guy named Fuentes says we should vote for Kamala then we should. Now, who the fuck is we?
Has fuentes apologized to wignats yet?
so trump has lost the patriots now, I understand
> Democrats in power for 4 years
> It's time for something new
> Votes democrat

You guys are complete idiots aren't you?
Accelerationists want Kamala.
Collapse is new and kamala will cause it
>Jill Stein

no refunds
He's gay retarded and glows. Also a spic so go figure he wants illegal immigration. Fuentes cares more about Israel than America. He's not America first. His main concern is and always will be Israel, Israel is first for him
this is not the accellerationist position, trump is so bad that you must repudiate it somehow
>Didn't vote for hung cow
>Fuentes cares more about Israel than America.
chutzpah to do this or rather stupid to try it on pol
Commit suicide nigger
Yes nick glows. He is a living honeypot
Trump should deport him
Yes it is, you can tell it's an accelerationist wignat position if fuentes attacks it then eventually adopts it.
Cope. He glows like Ray Epps. You just don't want to think that because you have some affection for Fuentes
Make the Kids Trans Again! MKTA
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>It's time for something new
>Votes for incumbent
Yeah, man. Are they in the room with you right now? We all know bots don't exist and opposition never sits in the gather intel and soundbites. Those are clearly all real people who 100% had intention of voting Trump at one point before they heard some faggot spic whine on the internet.

On a more serious note, faggot, Fag Fuentes' entire grift revolves around there being a subset of virgin males pissed off about w/e. If the problems were fixed, he'd lose his gravy train. With that in mind, you should know YOU are the mark. The fool.
You're the glownigger. Faggot. I can't wait for your office to burn in approximately 20,160minutes.

>meme flag
>shilling for fuentes

jewish fed confirmed
that doesn't make sense according to any logic. If he was working for the FBI at j6, then he would have already cut the deal prior to that, and if he wasn't then it doesn't rationalize his actions.
trump is too bad with the jeet migration and war that he migth even turn out to be worse than kamala, it is explicit not accellerationism
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Always believe the opposite what /Pol believes.
Fuentes and the groypers are right, about voting kamala and hating foids, but they're still cucked on jews. It's the international ashkenazim in our government and industries, not brown orthodox mizrahim Israelis, it's a race issue, not a state or religion.
He does care about Israel more. His #1 political concern is foreign policy regarding Israel. It's not illegal immigration or any other domestic problems. All he cares about is Israel. You could put this faggot in any nation on earth and he would screech about Israel and make everything about Israel. It's tiresome. He is bad for America. He is literally mind controlled by jews. He does nothing but think about jews to the point that he supports illegal immigration because it's bad for Israel somehow
Trump is the status quo choice. Go back to /ptg/
>To own the jews I'll vote like a jew!
he is not status quo
He cut the deal so he wouldn't go to jail. Maybe he was working for them prior to that but 100% since j6 he is a confidential informant. Nick is a moron and will go to hell.
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Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
take your meds, denying jewish minority rule is insane
>it's time for something new
Marxism and open borders haven't been tried yet? 4 years of biden didn't count?
>another nominally rightwing group turns out to be leftist turncoats
I wish rightwingers were more loyal, honest and decent. I regret ever defending wignats and fuentes' gang.
he lifted the photo

guy doesnt leave his house
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All groypers need to have their asses kicked. Let me find one walking around.
Its amazing how virtually every big name on the right ends up running back to the left.
>Jews aren't digging their own graves
>Trump isn't a total pressure release for growing populist sentiment

I hope for your sakes you're both shills.
How are you different from average commies? You edgelords have the same voting patterns as antifa and teen girls.
Trump is objectively better for Israel than Kamala, if only slightly. But the best thing about hat winning is how much it would hurt philosemitic Trumpniggers.
He's not even throwing out any red meat, dude. He's not even pretending to be based. Besides muh
>Mass deportations!!!!!!!!!!
That nobody takes seriously because he doesn't even pretend to take it seriously.
Nick will counter signal Trump because of Israel. Proof he is not America first and that he cares more about Israel than America. Israel controls his decision making
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i'm not going to vote for a jeet, fuck off eceleb cocksucker
Are we all just going to ignore this guys name? could you imagine being his cousin or his friend in real life and seeing this on twitter?
Just another "super pro-white" wignat for open borders, 10 mill illegals, amnesty and federal censorship agencies. They all turn out like this.
Doesn't vote green, you're clearly a Jew
You vote with 80% of american jewry, for jew supremacy and white replacement.
He had the codes
He lost me when a CDC hospital murdered my dad and then some cuck zogbot threatened to kick me out of his funeral for not wearing a mask. So I think both Trump and the military are faggot traitors.
why would he incite the crowd to do illegal things if he wasn't a fed at that point? And if he did, why wouldn't they just prosecute him like everyone else?
And if he did become a fed, why didn't his message and organized activities change?
>MIGA retard doesn't understand the meaning of "America First"
I hope you get the Ashley Babbi treatment when Trump loses again.
You're going to vote for millions of JEETS. We need LEGAL immigrants, right Trump cuck? You have to CHOOSE one of the two options. If you don't like ZIONIST A, then you MUST like ZIONIST B. That is how it WORKS in my low IQ brain.
What’s the problem with accelerationism? What can be solved at this point by voting?
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You're the ones supporting jew supremacy in the states. Dems are just far, far objectively worse for whites.
Why do you even make such arguments when you don't hate jews?
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the jeet sheme is a new qualitative damage and the heebs secured 20% of all ivy league schools

US ivy league is maybe 10-20% white now at the most

What's been crashing down is the groyper movement among people with brains. Really, hell is dealing with you turncoat and wignat retards. Such shameless, drooling liars and backstabbing cunts it's unreal.
>may as well let the left have completely open borders for another 4 years, abuse their poltiical prisoners and give 40 mill perma-leftist spics amnesty and voting rights
>that's surely great for whites
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Any retard that listens to this shitskin faggot should just kys
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sir this is not the chabad headquarter follow the sewer smell
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Just look how hard Eddy the troon shills for them
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Yes, goy. Vote Donaldavid Yonatan Trumpinkerberg. It's good. For. Israel.
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And then theres these jeet defense force retards
>Something new
>By voting more of the same
I wonder how much these shills get payed

those are all bots, breh
If you haven't noticed Trump go full Neocon, he's playing by the script now.
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Someone's been stroking out. Dude looks like the fucking crypt keeper at this point.
i ate so say it, but yes, jews will seize a strong presidency to calm down the waters, so jews could recover to any media would, specially he will protect the israel govenament genociders, kamala is the only way to tkd, by giving jews all they want and continue they killer frenzy
Yes, Kamala is good for America and Fronaldberg Drumpfinkelstein is a (((New York))) leftoid who sent his entire life voting Democrap. MIGA!!!
Is that why all the neocons support harris?
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im sure the 1,200 groypers and shrinking are gonna make a difference...


If spic Fuentes had half the influence groupers pretended he did he wouldn't have to pay for spam here.

Who cares who wins. The great work continues. The kikes must be stopped. Nigs next.
>something new
>voting for the same party currently in power
i mean,even for a retard,this is retarded
>We need a change
>I want to make everything worse
These blackpill faggots need to suck start a shotgun
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all 200 of you shitskins. well best of luck
October 8th, 2024
Trump allegedly loses the vote of internet nobody holocaustrapegroyper(snowflake)(palmtree), an account with an estimated zero followers and one post. This fact was brought to everyone's attention when it was posted on 4chan's politically incorrect board /pol/, in a clasically-hated 'twitter post thread'.
Sources say that there was absolutely nothing redeemable about the incident.
So Fuentes basically just came out as full glownigger plant to no ones surprise


This is their literal way of thinking
>even less competent
Now now, let's be fair. It's impossible to know if she's less competent than Joe since he's been brain dead the entire time.
>He thinks a jeet, wetback, and sometimes black woman is just the thing america needs to finally fix its problems.
Lmao the jews are definitely right about some of you. Just cattle to the slaughter.
>cheney endorses kamala
yeah you're fuck retarded
I think he's an asset. He was way too hard against trump when he was staying relatively quiet on Israel. Fuentes and his trogs were unironically shilling coconut and brat memes.

Just so happens Trump decides to go full cock suck mode. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to vote at all because of pro war faggots like this.
You can no longer distinguish Fuentes shills from DNC shills. End of story.
Trump losing means war with Iran is slightly less likely, less jeets, and, next of all, it hurts philosemites like you.
My allies are not perfect therefore I will support my enemies.
Mossad meme, see: nose.
What planet are you on? He’s actively in full cock suck mode for Israeli interests?
>It doesn't mean you have to support him if he does something like call for war with Iran.
If elected he won't just call for it, he'll be sending you over there to fight them. That's the scary thing, it'll be too late. He used to be the anti-war candidate until Bibi reminded him about the kompromat.
>time for something new
>votes democrat
Possibly fake, definitely gay
migapedes seething that a gay beaner child is smarter than them. lmao
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>"It's time for something new"
>"Which I will achieve by keeping the same people in office"
I dont like trump, but there will be no 2028 otherwise.
If MAGA believes this, how do they expect to win now, Trump has no power at all to ensure the integrity of the election?
Delusional. Everyone but the Q believers and boomers have long since moved on. He isn’t even pretending that he’ll upset the status quo anymore.
he's just dissapointed and bummed out. i think that's fair. i get that everyone has to play into israel's game to some degree but i think he's just dissapointed at the extent to which trump is doing just that. i heard a recent interview with him and he said he is witholding his vote until he hears SOMETHING good from trump

shit i am dissapointed. he was supposed to be anti war then the first thing that fat faced VP said in an interview after he got the pick was yapping about how they have to HIT IRAN HARD. what the fuck? why? well we know why. cause they're in israel's pockets.
Not voting for Hung Cao? You're gay
>trump supporter
This is a leftist phrase. OP is a raging faggot, as usual. No bump, no (You). Git gud, fucking scrub.
it doesnt matter. wait, no wait, why not vote trump? even if trump makes promises or guarantees, they arent binding. none of this kvetching means anything this close to an election. trump needs to win regardless. ofc a fed like fuentes is telling people to not vote. wonder why fuentes is free after telling people to enter and disregard police? ray epps and chris secor are in prison

Somebody tell Nick, we should all vote Jesus Christ for president. The deep state will kill any real candidate who isn't controlled anyways. Jesus was already crucified.

Jesus Christ for President.
Eceleb shit
>Democrats in power since 2020
>Votes democrat for something new

Do groypers really?
> time for something new
> four years under kamala
> she only promises to augment and escalate her antiwhite policies.
Yeah, no
So nick fuentes and his retarded followers? bunch of fucking 20 year olds that think theyre way smarter than they actually are.
Kike. Youre literally a spic loving kike that listens and follows orders from a zoomer spic. Hilarious.
Why do they all say the same shit verbatim? Oh wait
Because it is a jewish shill using a memeflag cuz hes posting from tel aviv
The Jewish people of Israel, love Donald Trump, administration, the true, Global, deep state, does not want him, and they know that he secretly working against the jewish globalists:

From MS King, author of Planet Rothschild and Mein Side of the Story (formerly YouTube censored Invisible Critic):



On Jeesus


If Nick really is this stupid, then he absolutely was compromised by the FBI, I didn’t want to believe it, but this shit is just so over the top
> I’m voting for Kamala because Trump doesn’t 100 percent align with my political views, or at least cannot be outspoken about them
> so I’m going to throw my white and all other countrymen under the bus and out to sea by inviting a democrat dystopia unimaginably worse than what we have been living under for the past four years

Yea okay. Still Voting Trump.
> another memeflag shilling antiTrump bullshit
Well, well, would you look at that Moshe?
Haven’t got your weekly fix baby dick this week, faggot?
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