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The US should just take Mexico it’s a tiny shithole country that would bend over and take it unlike Ukraine
based. they already voted in a kike president
Kamala Harris’ embarrassing 60 Minutes interview on the border crisis:

>The US should just take Mexico
would vastly improve the QOL of mexicans (at the expense of americans), not sure why mexican citizens aren't begging for this as is
>nigger still thinks elections are a legit thing

you have to be 18 to post here.
Imo we need to invade mexico
Make Sure to first target the most indio filled states (Chiapas, Oaxaca and Guerrero) with incendiary weapons and or mrna bioweapons to sterilize them. It is Bad enough that 35 million lazy Indios exist in a countrybof 130 million. The rest you might whiten and bleaxh, but you have to eliminate the Indios first and OBLITERATE their cultural archeological zones. LEAVE NOTHING
I'm pretty sure we benefit from the legal fuckery of Mexico being a "separate country".
Yeah, you got jeweils, and honestly the Best thing will be to have your independence revoked.
but then we would be stuck with 130 million beaners
Not if you dispose of 35 million of the blackest, indirekt of them first. The rest might be salvageable and bleachable.
There are at least 25 million whitexicans and whiteish collaborators that will place the rest in line.But you have to cull the darkest ones first
Beaners don't want land. Beaners want to live in a White country.
We basically gave away Panama to China we don't deserve Mexico. Also Mexico is conquering us. We gave them a jewish president, they will give us a Mexican one in like two generations.
I thought absolut was swedish, wtf is their problem?
>in like two generations.
We’ve already got an Indian candidate who’s polling competitively
If all the spics would go to this new arrangement i would be all for it, but also new england has to go, maybe rejoin britain

also its a pretty good deal they have to deal with migrant caravans and cartels and we dont have to pay for it.
only if we can genocide the entire nation
They voted that Jewish president in, even though they're trad caths supposedly
Honestly tho, America should invade and occupy the entire northern area of Mexico, and blow up every village suspected of aiding or harboring cartel members in the name of national security.
Maybe if we carpet bomb the cartels and depopulate the place before bussing in subsidized White settlers for a bit of the old ultra reverse immigration.
would be very based, just take over all of south america at this point and depopulate them all
is this a real ad holy shit
people are just going to stop paying taxes eventually and there will be civil war as the state desperately tries to pretend like it's in charge
You do know that the US invaded mexico once before and just decided to give eveything past the rio grande to them
The plan is to nuke it clean and take it from those dirty fucks.g8dam
Sorry but as the currently designated (((good goys))) of heckin democracy, attacking a politically unstable, corrupt, hostile, threat to your country is verbotten, only flying men 4000 miles away to bomb muslims for dick cheneys pipeline are permitted
I vote for America to invade Mexico. It's time sometime of value was added to that desolate shit hole. Bring then democracy and English schools
what the fuck do we need mexico for? let them clean up their own messes. bad enough we have to change puerto rican't's diapers
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I got a better one.
No more wire transfers to Mexico.
No Western Union. Not banks. NONE.
Just think of the cash we'll be able to asset forfietcapture on the border!
we basically own mexico, the only worthwhile ans semi white part of mexico is in the north which we created as a containment zone
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we civilized you gringos, we gave you food, culture and family values and now you want to kill us like the mayflower did with the feathered indians? whta is wrong with you
>carpet bomb the cartels
you cannot do that because mexicans are naturally violent. you destroy all cartels and new ones will pop up natrally
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>we civilized you gringos
average groyper
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come and take it off my cold dead hands, gringos ( gringo just mean white american male, negroes and other nationalities borned and raised in the states do not cound as gringos )
Schrodinger's Mexicans
>Will take being invaded
>But also full of millions of armed narcos we should fear and militarize the border over it
Why can't chuds decide whether Mexicans are meek and subservient or violent and ungovernable
The spanish should have glassed you niggers
just shells the capital, or a small nuke.
In that case you white wiggers should've been glassed during the medieval era because that was standard back when it was only swords
>my cold dead hands,
with what weapons will you defend yourself?
you rejects don't deserve the americas
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lie, with conventional weapons is possible to invade mexicohttps://elpais.com/mexico/2024-07-26/refugiados-chiapanecos-en-guatemala-los-balazos-pasan-cerca-de-nosotros-nunca-pensamos-que-la-violencia-llegaria-a-donde-vivimos.html
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a machete, obviously, and some prayers to make myself invisible
Do you have dementia?
>hurrrrr duuuur they had swords in the middle ages so drug gangs were going around filming themselves hacking people up completely unopposed
Dude, kys. This goes beyond false equivalency and reveals that you might have part of your brain missing.
Send every spook and glowie who's still worth a damn to bring hell on earth to the motherfucking narcos please.

Mexibros, por qué se oponen a esto? Les gusta demasiado chupar verga de narco? (Pregunta seria)
Still doesn't look like a beaner.
>Mexibros, por qué se oponen a esto? Les gusta demasiado chupar verga de narco? (Pregunta seria)
les encanta, puede que se estén cogiendo a sus hijos y matando a su familia y el mexicano ama a los narcos so sus héroes
Narcos run the mexican government, taking them out would destabilize the entire country.
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>Mexibros, por qué se oponen a esto? Les gusta demasiado chupar verga de narco? (Pregunta seria)
ya te respondiste tu pregunta en la primera oracion, chapin
You whites killed off millions of buffalo and irreversibly fucked over this continents ecosystem.
You're no different than Jews that just do things for money. What you call "progress" is nothing but making number go up with no regard to the planet.

Good to see not EVERY german is a cuck.
You were killed for disrespecting or disagreeing with king or nobility, and it wasn't filmed. Drugfags didn't invent torture.
The buffalo hunters were running them off of cliffs with spanish horses long before whites showed up, the myth of the utilitarian indian ended at the great plains
The myth lived those hunters died so did their way of life but I can still go to the desert and eat cactus juice
They didn't hunt them into extinction intentionally like you did. They did that just to feed themselves, and they weren't known for letting any part of it go to waste.
This false equivalency shows you're missing part of your brain.
they only hunted buffalo because the spanish gave them horses, there's not some sacred or esoteric meaning behind plains indians. They were just woodland tribes forced out by chaos. If you want to talk about actual worthwhile native civilizations look at cahokia
You'd be surprised how many of the people hunting the buffalo to extinction were natives
You made that first part up and beaners have been hacking up their people forever. It's literally the only thing they're known for.
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come and take it, gringos
Hunting to feed yourself is fine, and that's the only type of hunting they ever partook in. And they knew how not to overhunt.
Compared to whites that intentionally killed them all off to starve natives.
These are not the same.

Es una verdadera tragedia. Dejaron que esos indios hijos de puta corrompieran su cultura y sociedad completamente. Deberían de ejecutar en las calles a cualquiera que oiga "narco-corridos bélicos." Es verdaderamente increíble como tantos Mexicanos idolatren a esta escoria. Lo siento mucho por uds, y me aterra que los indios/nacos de por acá les sigan los pasos. Habrá alguna esperanza? Existira alguna solucion? O simplemente nuestro CI colectivo es demasiado bajo?


> implying it is not a failed narco-state already.

You gringos would seriously mitigate your fentanyl issues if you just erradicate the chimps over here. Give the spooks free rein. Make them earn their pay.
>and that's the only type of hunting they ever partook in
this is a myth, buffalo are easily startled creatures, the natives mostly ran them off of cliffs to snap their legs/backs and then took the choice meats, leaving the rest to rot
fentanyl is a third world inner city problem
Of course. Whites have been hippie liberals since 50,000 BC. They never tortured their own people. Definitely never before the enlightenment either.
>They knew this thing that whites didn't
Lol. You're full of shit.
>They only hunted what they needed. I watched dances with wolves.
They're still feeding themselves. You literally shot entire bodies and let them rot and didn't eat them. Keep coping.
If it wasn't for the election of Teddy Roosevelt, there'd likely be no wilderness or far less than what there is today.

And youve got a third world inner city IQ if you think it doesnt affect you.

I sit in my shithole and laugh at the eye watering costs of your "harm reduction policies" while I watch youtube videos of kensington ave.
what are we going to do with 130+ million mexicans? the mexicans don't even know what to do with the mexicans. why do you think they keep sending them here?
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>como tantos Mexicanos idolatren a esta escoria.
asi es, que le hacemos? la sociedad, la educacion publica, hollywood, la television abierta todo se converge y muchos lo idolatran, muchos lo odia, pero es parte de la agenda, pero hoy en dia el mexicano promedio no le entra a la maña, por eso hay mucho desaparecido
In the US we've long since accepted the death of our cities
How he cast Fireball, lvl 3?
Holy shit. You white dindus will spin anything and everything to paint yourselves as saints.
Most buffalo were hunted for pemmican
Look the plane is theoretical at best and ionisphere bombing is tedious and visible

But in the good side of it weather science is incredible tiny since they killed most weather scientists after 9/11
You're continuing with these false equivalencies, retard.
Spics were cutting out the hearts of children to appease the sun god in the 1600s. Their entire culture was predicated on human sacrifice that was PUBLIC. You saying they didn't do it because Europeans were engaging in something completely dissimilar which is corporal punishment for criminals is where your argument falls apart.
>drag kid out out bed. Cut his heart out at the top of a pyramid. Praise the sun god
Is not the fucking same as
>thief won't give up accomplice. Put him on the rack for info. He dies with his secrets.
>whites did it so that means Prarie niggers didn't
That's the basis of your understanding. You're clearly out of your element of study, shit-bird. Which is basic anthropology.
a race raised by clandestine cremation safehouses
And you're conflating things saying just because a few Aztec nobles liked human sacrifice, that every native on the Mexican landmass was the same, when many peasants and vassal states of the Aztecs didn't like it either, and they disliked it so much it's part of the reason they teamed up with the conquistadors to over throw them. So you can go kill yourself for these deceptive fucking conflations you spread of things a small portion of ancient people did to paint millions of modern people under a bad light.
If they really cared about immigration (which they don’t), they would build a military fortified wall in Panama. In before but it’s a sovereign state. That didn’t matter for the 100 year occupation of the Panama Canal.
>They're still feeding themselves
They aren't. They have been left alone and turned into an even worse oppressor to their people than they could have possibly imagined Europeans could have.
For a people so good at hunting and farming they sure as fuck don't do any of that unless you consider hunting setting up casino feed-lots and farming shekels from their people using manipulation shielded by the push of a commiserating victim complex.
not gonna happen. russia would probably back them as revenge for ukraine, and they have other allies too

plus imagine the loss of industry and commerce if that happened (fortunately capitalism desincentivizes war, bc violence used to be the way to get rich, for countries and for people)
>just a few
It was the prevailing fucking culture. I stopped reading after the first sentence since your prediction is another logical fallacy. Go read the sticky. You're not even past English 2 with these dogshit posts.
>turns a nigger-lover into a subhuman

Magical, true wizardry fueled by childhood pedophilia,amoeba infested water, and the collective IQ of Haiti
The only dog shit posts here are yours, you bird shit dindu
I accept your concession.
You're fucking retarded and it's really clear you still think people with bird shit skin can do no wrong. You also misinterpreted what I said in a number of replies. I'm not on this website all day like you are, so I gotta go. Hope your orange turd president loses this November. Not like her actually enforce any migration laws even if he won, since he's a Shabbos Goy.
This Is the most realistic take, south Is just parasites with no inherent value, also northerns have more americanize cultures due to you guest It gringo being near your border, Monterrey Is a bad copy of Texas. Besides you take North AND you colapse the mexican working área, basically ITS like This;

North = production/work
Central = kike administration
South = parasites, lazy fuckers that live of goverment gibs, one or two of tourism like Cancun.
You made a bunch on Hollywood presumptions about 3 different cultures without a single hour of education into any of those cultures. Then when you met some push back you got defensive instead of asking "is my Hollywood movie education of history relevant"?
It's not relevant. You don't know what you're talking about. History for everyone was brutal. There is no such thing as a dindu in the context of nuffin, regardless of your affiliation.
Grow up or shut up.
I'm taller than the vast majority of you fucks and I'm average in America
The only reason we should invade them would be to drop off the tens of millions of shitskins they left here
It was because of that faggot, dont remember His name, but basically fuck all of US of northerbs, now stuck with the kikes from distrito fecal AND the parásitos of the south.. in fact North México Is so culturuslly different from central or south that It nigth as well be another country at This point, we dont even have the same arquitectura, not even related, North was mostly Navajos or indians of some sort not ancestrals like the >>484226346
Beans are the reason for this.
Average height of the whitest country in eruope is 5'11". Kek.
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machete does not have biometrics, it just has to be sharp
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Literally this is my dream nation rn.
Spanish are alright, only issue is nigger mixing among them. We got the same problem.

They work hard, have honorable ancestory, largely religious, and DONT FORGET they were there with us at the Alamo.
We should bring the good people of Mexico, the working class, into the fold of our failed American dream.
Taking back our country Texas, confederating the south and Mexico, reestablishing the confederacy, and using our newfound bond, populace oil, land, agriculture, and economic power to bully the US and Canada
Thats so gay and a waste of resources where It Is needed, if México was cleeb sleep with intervention half of the usas problems wouldnt exist, gringos genocide all political parties theres no other way; Pan, PRI, morena, same kikes.

But i Guess you guys rather install border policies that Will not uphold, specially with the upcoming narco dictatorship with caravans to your country that Will skyrocket.. but Guess your politicians got caugth diddling kids by Mossad agents, so now they must suck jew cock to Ensure greater pissreal in a territory that they need from the start Will start disaster, Yet decided to settle because of religious circle jerking fantasy.
>The US should just take Mexico
Free citizenship and facilities to outbreed your population? What an idiot. Mexico is not your enemy. Your own leaders are your enemy, you are your own enemy. How many whire children do you have?

Aren't a lot of you folks "European-identifying", like the Gomez and Sanchez names relating directly to the Visigoths->Medieval Spanish?

Why don't those well-to-do people, idk, take power? Same issues as in the rest of the WesT?
Average height in Mexico is 5'5" lmao.
I'm 10 inches taller than the average Mexican and 4 inches taller than the average Scandinavian.
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mexico has no future, it will be a narco-communist dictatorship, since the current party will have absolute power and weapons longer than .22 will only be for the narcos and the army (narcos in uniform).
Usualmente hermano son los pobres idiotas que aman a estos grupos aunque ellos son la razón que viven de la verga, tristemente el pobre promedio aquí es vendido con 100 pesos ... Eso o son nacos de papi que en su vida han salido de sus comunidades cerradas.
These dudes aren't even Mexican. This would be like biden wearing a fucking headress. I'll never understand mexico and why Mexicans move here talking about culture and approriation etc.
I doubt the cartel was continental misiles, anti-missiles, or drones Miguel, in the usa gets serious your own bosses Will kill themselves before they come to ass rape all of us.. the power diference Is that big Pal.

Also pretty sure el mayo Will talk when they aré pronounced terrorists as well as other narco leaders that dont want to die..
>I'll never understand mexico and why Mexicans move here talking about culture and approriation etc
it is even funnier when our Jewish persident demands apologies to spain for the conquest when she is not even Mexican.
You'd be surprised by how quickly a country can militarize if you threaten it. Anyway why would the CIA allow the military to take it's main business away.
Man i hate Russia AND china, fuckers aré the reason theres destabilization in latín América, they provide all the chemicals drugs AND some good parts of the weapons ... Ib fact china gives fentanyl to us so that we can poison the US goverment... Fuckers aré the reason Venezuela AND cuba exist, i hope Russia AND china get their goverment genocided, they only bring misery, thanks to their "comunism"
>Definitely never before the enlightenment either
What's funny is that most of those devices were used in the "enlightenment"
East europoor jew, whoregarian apparently.. Parents to.. So by the law she shoulnd´t be president, in fact she can be kick because of this, but morena is now 100% in power so i doubt it.
Every politician seems to be appeasing to the luddites in every culture, currently.
>muh culture
Neat coloring books can we colonize mars yet? No? You're still upset about being allowed to not cum in public? Ok
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>about NOT being allowed to cum in public
You know what I mean
Also, even the rich are fucking retards being mad about and expecting everyone to let them do it.
We stopped merit-based advancement even when we had it
>"wait wait wait, I have a bunch of resources and still think I should be allowed to cum wherever!
>"ok, I guess we have to put it on hold. King says so. Plus the plebs are still keen on cumming and not thinking"
Teach everyone as much as you can, Kill all brainlets, and absorb their resources.
I mean, they're already flooding into your country anyway.
Might as well get some land from the deal.
And having a smaller southern land boarder would be easier to manage.
In fact, why stop at Mexico?
Why not take everything up to the Panama Canal?
Knowing them the politicians will steal 90% of the new militarization funds to fight back America, only given them some fisherman boats to figth the massive usa destroyers.. realistically mexico looses to america hard. With what time do you think the goverment will have to put air defenses or the like, or to even have russia deliver weapons to it near usa, directly near the usa, all planes will be swiftly taken down., you seem to forget we are neighboors dumbass.
>ream nation rn.
>Spanish are alright, only issue is nigger mixing

remember the alamo, we only want texas, tex-mex, half of my family is from texas but i got stuck in mexico side because muh mexican proud if i want to visit my own fucking native family in texas i need a fucking paper visa, ME more american than half of the poojeet and niggers kamala shit tier, thats fucking disgusting i feel like its the wall iron in west and eat germany
We were going to take all of northern Mexico originally, but Polk got fucked over by his diplomats who didn't want more slave states.
cartels have killer drones like the ones in ukraine war, with hd video and all that shit
I'm taller than most Mexicans by 6" on average and Western governments consider my demographic to be the greatest threat to "their democracy".
Monterrey should join the usa, make a deal, we are the only fucks mainting this country afloat apparently, besides culture is not that different since we are a bad copy of texas, many from here have family in texas, so whats the hold up? Even our governor hates morena, central mexico and south My guess is with the Tesla Factory here he will have more chances, reason why Amlo dosent want that to happen, and given that elon musk will now be an oficial goverment head with trump, yeah.
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>taqueria el infierno
Allowing the drugs to flow into the u.s is necessary for the u.s. I would imagine Mexican politicians get a hefty payout to allow it.
Drug confiscating and asset forrieture is multiple trillion dollar enterprise alone that overlaps law enforcement, prisons, agriculture, etc.
since when? Also doubt they compare to the usa drones that are killing machines from the sky, big fucking things, doubt the temo drones with riffles can reach those ar that altitude.

Why are Mexicans so ghetto?
I'm not talking about conventional warfare, our army is tiny and incapable of defending the borders but an armed resistance is totally possible, we have shitloads of mountains and shitloads of guns. American occupation of Mexico would put the Afghani occupation to shame.

even NL AND TEXAS are enough to make superpower, i would like to take over my right to kick fuking poojets from texas, man thats insane
its all over the news how cartels are using killer drones with greña ( explosives ) here in jalisco
What resistence may i speak besides the narcos, shitty military and some poors? Pretty sure the silent majority, the working class, rich and bussiness man will side with Americcan forces since we arent blind to how good you guys have it, i can assure you many states will jump to usa occupation willingly, monterrey is an example of this. Also this fact, since when was mexico gone to war pal? yeah we have the narco wars beetween criminal factions, but thats one thing compare to figthing an entire country, warfare isnt really our thing so i doubt the resitence will uphold, specially if usa decides to bride them, and i can tell you many of those fucks loyalty is non existent... as long as they are getting paid they follow whoever.

Also no anti-missile defenses so a big off and i doubt we can shipments here due to being close to usa air space.
Why not take everything down to the southern border of Durango? Sinaloa and Baja suck ass, but need a cleaning out. There's not much south of this worth shit unless you're attached to Mexico City for some ungodly reason.
Usa has drone emp killers, problem solve, why do think russia is sucking to much ass, not enough drone killer backpacks, you are forgeting the difference in funding pal, an unlike afgan or whatever we can have stealth drops by russia since we are rigth next to the usa... so significally harderd when we are at war.
Mexico city is a ticking time bomb built over a giant ass pothole that can collapse at any minute now, its the san andres fault of mexico, only it compromises everything.
You underestimate the rural populations and the cultural identity of the lower classes, I'm guessing you are from the north a notoriously disloyal area, that's understandable. We have access to two seas and one land connection to the south, supplies of weapons can easily be arranged with the right logistics.

Bleed their military enough and they will have to retreat, they as an invader lose if they retreat due to rising costs of manpower and equipment, you as the invaded win as long as a single man is still standing. Same as Afghanistan.
I wonder if they are sold here
ALrigtb sure i give you that the south are ingrates criminal scum, but regardless of that the north will be ocuppy without problems, which will debilitate the parasite states of the south.. beside doubt they will want you guys desu.

but also when shit hits the fan will see if what you say is truth, most likely what will hapen pal is that the rats begin infigthing with each other, like they already do, even if usa invades narco fucks will still kill each other so great.
You are so transparent regio subhuman, holy shit
puro geopolitico, gente que brilla y mamador esquites en este mierdero de hilo
I hear it has some of the worst smog problems in the world too, and flooding issues. Really stupid place to have a capital, but then again, we built ours in a swamp. One can argue that everything except the southern coast is worth something (Guerroro etc,) I hear even the Maya up in Yucatan aren't so bad, if lazy. Just don't see a point in it unless you want the administrative structures (ew) or to start up some ethnic cleansing of natives.
are there many sukhdeeps there in texas now?
Aré there natives? Most of us aré mestizos, also useless to etnic cleaner the natives, given they aré a speck, basically what you guys Did to the indios, reserves... So, ethnic cleaning no, just corrupt cleansing AND crime.. that way we can actually fund education.. waste those millions on public schools like the ones in the states AND you Will see how Much wonders that shit does, Méxicos problem is uneducation, which Is enables because crime AND goverment want to stay in power... Most of out education Is private... Reason why so many prefer to join the criminals.
you mean go from supporting 90% of their people to 100% of them
Ok then give me a reason why you dont usa occupation, why not have taxes that actually pays shit Pal, i see It as a great deal, yeah Maybe some lbgtq bullshit buts thats the downlow, honestly why even support the mexican goverment at This point? Aré you blind?
It belongs to the viceroy of Spain
explain yourself
>Aré there natives? Most of us aré mestizos
Yeah? States like Oaxaca are filled with up with self-identified Indians. Even if they are, in truth, mixed race, they're the most Indian out of everyone in Mexico, and have a terrible reputation.
>Education etc.
I'm not saying this can't be done in most of Mexico. I'm just wondering if it's really worth the effort in the far south. The best argument for taking that area would be increased control of potential areas of crime.
>Maybe some lbgtq bullshit
the mexico capital is full of gays lol
The banks control the american government not the other way around you dumb mutt.
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we are here if you wanna talk to mexicans
also I love this song by peso pluma
I don't support the current government, in fact I hate it even more than the previous one, but I am not blind, I can see how America is crumbling and how hard and devastating it's going to be for them and for us. Our economy is too dependant on theirs and when the dollar bubble finally bursts they are going to come down like a house of cards and we are going to follow. If the current jew in power doesn't lead the country to civil war then the fall of USA will.
Most of these threats about invading X country or nuking X country are just hillbillies who still believe the "USA #1" bullshit or jews trying to create more discontent.
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not exactly tiny kek
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You won't do shit
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narconorteños que se creen weros dispuestos a vender a su abuelita por una visa
>Most of these threats about invading
Not really a threat from me, I just like discussing the dream of a unified North American empire in various contexts.
que feos
What region does Aguascalientes and San Luis Potosi belong to?
Sorry senpai but that dream became nothing but smoke the minute you let Jews take over your politics.
Practically, sure. This all should've been done in the 19th century rather than civil war.
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yo quiero que tu comprendas
mi forma de amaaaaar
no veo las horas de estar a tu lado

estoy segurooooooooo
que todo se arreglaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

cuando vuelvaaaaaaas!!!!!


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>They voted that Jewish president in

none of them were candidates for the presidency, all of them voted for the Jewish woman.
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not enough racist gringos replying on this thread
Just annex everything above the Darien Gap
That would be the ideal end-state, really. It's a great natural border.
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I envy my president's son, a.k.a the fatso chocoflan
Legend has it that happened but I’m retarded.
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itt: salty cracker redneck hillbilly honky hick trash
Russia will get Alaska back and China Western Canada if you keep yapping.
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Americans yapping like chihahas on 4chan again. Tell me which country actually kneeled for niggers? i forgot. Which country still pays taxes while haitians and venezuelans kill them? Which country will file taxes early in 2025 even after 2 massive hurricanes while billions are sent to kikes and jewkraine?

Anyways you stupid chihahas can stop yapping and start sucking nigger cock like you usually do. Even the hookers in mexico make better wife material than any Americans used up whore slut excuse of a daughter

Also who did nothing with their guns after pic related? LMAO just wear a FEMA shirt and you can break into an americans house kill his kids and rape his wife at gunpoints and he will just take it because your wearing a government man shirt
It's Tejas
russia has no money, only loonies and commies in mexico believe that they will come to save them.
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Nazis can take the Eastern United States.
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Russia can take back Alaska.

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