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Did Canada's preeminent political commentator really go on vacation or is he living in his car?
Where's mama JF
>Re'im music festival massacre
That's not true. Wait until mr big csis schizo anon finds this thread
She went to the tard asylum
6 feet under
She's still missing, csis knows
ah can assure yew zat ee deed NAHT keel urr, if zat iz wat yew mean
Where is his wife? Didn't he just drop her off at a gas station or something? This true chat?

Maybe he planted her in the ground and next summer he'll have more potatoes than he can handle
Murdoch Murdoch won
I'll tell you how they're gonna find her. Ten years from now, some hunter's gonna go in the woods to take a leak, wind up pissing on her bones.

She's tending the rabbits
she has secret agent skills she is like 007 you know, she can cross borders and continents completely beneath notice of the authorities
Does he have rumble account?
I haven't seen him seen YouTube and I'm starting to miss the little nigga
pertinent question maybe he went to find her
Canadian government would make false reports to discredit a right-wing influencer.
He has been on Odysee for years now. Recently started doing the show from a phone on twitter spaces because he is in a car all the time.
No one knows and no one [with a functioning brain] cares.
Kek, I checked in to see if he was here.
I love how you guys don't believe it's real even when showm search warranty and given the file number and operations name, like fuck.

Confirmation phrase:

Let's go bowling,
Will I be taken out by a marksman?
It's always the Romanians.
>"When someone goes missing, it has deep and far-reaching impacts for the person and those that know them."
Although apparently not in every case. Hmmm?
she's french fries now.
Not seen nor heard from since.
I'm getting a bit suspicious as the months role by.
Perhaps she'll phone JF over Christmas. But he doesn't seem to expect it.
They have a long history of doing such things.

Dirty tricks campaign,
Also some of their tactics got broadcasted in regards to the leader of some black powah group in the 90's and it involved disabling their car and having their informant taxi them around,
And other mildly aggravating things.

They would 100% compromise someone, then have them piss on your bed, in an effort to make you murder suicide yourself, glowies are actually pretty fucked up people, and I'm glad I'm a better person than they are, for all my faults.
Sounds like stories from East Germany.
He's cool as a cucumber. Give him that. Like all masterminds.
JF is taking all these "vacations" because the police are closing in on him. The stress is getting to him.
The kinder, gentler RCMP, folks.

On the bright side I am proud to report that yes, glowies actively isolate and radicalized anons And get them to commit to attacking politicians and the power grid, for that proof I have paid dearly and lost what I wanted in life.
Sadly because I'm an Albertan and have to go to work everyday I don't have the time to commit attacks on the grid, as that's an RCMP officers job, and I'm not one, so no terrorism for this goy.

Remember to support aboriginal fisheries to destabilize eastern Canada and cause the great Newfie race war, vive Quebec liberte, Mon negro's.
Did you see Pripoae got charged for being anti-semitic

Le fuck luh, drop off at the gas station, luh, fuckee tabernak luh.,
>From Charlottetown.
>Ties to Quebec
>Last seen in Moncton.

'ow you say - sleeps with une mollusks, onn honn honn.
He took a several day hiatus to (((clean his house))) after she went MIA lmao
Not recently, haven't talked to him in awhile,

>That was probably my fault.

I still think it was based as fuck we went shooting with a CI and waited till his mags ran dry to accuse him of being a fed, fucking good times, oh man those guys stick out like sore thumbs.

Idiot, should have just taken her """lobster fishing"""

Now due to the glowing nature of that comment and this thread I'm just going to keep quiet and advise anons against eating lobster, cause like Jordan Peterson said, their people too and above us on the dominance hierarchy because they eats us when we goes in the lobster traps and yer byy who ain't yer byy no more cuts the line, sad tragedy, happens lats so the byys can take a larger share, life ain't all drinking mixed drinks and wearing black shirts, nooooo byy
Why does he have his hair like that? Looks gay.
More people should google "Mr. Big" tactics. RCMP have come under fire for employment of them.
Literally who
She's in that No White Guilt guy's rape dungeon.
Trips on a memeflag insulting our cultural icon, rough times for a leaf.
I definitely wouldn't search 4plebs for operation swather, romanians, or ian irving
>living in his car?
>Trips on a memeflag insulting our cultural icon, rough times for a leaf.
Leafs are gayer than memeflags, trips proved it.
>I definitely wouldn't search 4plebs for operation swather, romanians, or ian irving
What if the real frens we made were the glowniggers along the way?

What did the glowies mean by pressure from Ottawa?
Mr big is basically the most based way to use police resources while sewing division,

Imagine finding out like 70% of organized crime was the RCMP playing dress up and busting eachother for photo ops, or that behind every mass shooter was some clandestine group of folks who word things in a very specific way.

It's be too fuckey, I don't think anyone would believe it, and even if it were true, it's be too funny to be taken seriously.
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I feel like 70% of the leafs on this board are csis / rcmp bots on top of that. They'll never get me like they did the romanian who did not learn to shoot at the academy
Hmm, interesting file name.
I don't think that lad has neat handwriting, kek.

How is Calgary?, still based?
Camping in the snow alone with no gear.
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He didn't murder her with his hands. He implanted an idea into her head inception style and encouraged her to go on a perilous journey, knowing that she would likely die. Her past adventures created a confirmation bias, an Air of invincibility and God was watching over her. Bumming around Europe without a passport with no money and relying on Lefty Fags is allot different than Survivalism living with the Bears
>Get stranded in the Moncton area.
>Get thirsty.
>Get water bottle.
>Walk outside
>Have anons soliciting you for sex.

>Wander outside of Moncton city limits.
>Get attacked by beavers or moose or local peace loving Aboriginals who open weed stores off the Rez just for the feds to close them down because their bored and think it's funny.
>Be driven to insanity by the bugs.
I think we all know what happened to mama JF
My money is on attacked by a wild moose.
You're believing some of his lies. What actually happened:

JF gets frustrated with having to live with a slow girl. Constantly doing retarded shit gets to him.
He gets abusive to her and she says she's leaving him.
JF has had his children taken from him twice already, so he doesn't want that.
He stabs her to death.
He goes and fixes some drywall, deep cleans the house.
Then makes up a bullshit story about how she wants to go do "survivalism" in the woods.
When the sighting of her is reported, he says it could be "urban survivalism". Basically showing he was willing to change his story to suit the report.
He's full of shit, has been for years. He's been larping ever since he got in front of a camera.
He plastered her into the basement wall.
It's possible. My money would be in the garden or some place not too far from his home. His constant need to try to convince people she was very far away (like Peru) makes me think that her remains are close by.
Spreading rumors about ecelebs is low-T behavior
Bumping threads is high T behavior.
Hi Shannon.
Yeah that was the "incriminate yourself so you can be allowed back into the organization" part of the operation after I was forced to move to BC.
My case just settled up. I am on house arrest till November.
How did you hear about it? lol
This still doesn't make sense to me, if you knew I was a CI the whole time, why did you bring me around to all your friends to incriminate them as well???? Especially the ones that were actually doing crime stuff, not your gay softball team.
They mean the National Security Advisor, The Privy Council, and The Big Guy JT himself. My handlers constantly told me how big shots from Ottawa were closely monitoring the situation and calling the shots.
She was spotted at an anti-gov protest in Israel a few months ago. JFG saw it too.
If it is so simply then why hasn't he been caught?
That's what I don't get.
I always thought she had a Jewish nose. JF says he checked into it and she wasn't, but ....
No body, no crime.
His lack of concern about where she is seems to be the weirdest bit. Someone you're close to goes missing for a year and you just don't care?
I heard about the sentencing the other day. Always astounds me how low the bar is for hate related offenses when other crimes and criminals seem to operate so freely.
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I've also been certified under the mental health act. for having delusions and paranoia about working for csis! How based is that!

I still don't understand how I'm the only one out of all of you that got fucked over like this. It feels more like I was the target of the investigation.

Also I don't understand why at the last meeting I had with CSIS where Irving tried to pay me hush money, the human resources lady refered to all of you as SD, FO, GD, JH, and MR
Maybe you can explain that to me, but hey what do I know, according to all the professionals im skitzo.
I googled myself... I made the news all over BC.
Was I on the news in Calgary as well?
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>How based is that!
Unfathomably based. I'm not anyone listed in those initials and not currently in AB, not that it would matter anymore. Hope you're hanging in there bud. Cheers.
I'm doing good all things considered. Working on picking up the pieces and starting over from scratch now that everything is done and over with.
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> 5-foot-10, 140- 150 lbs
he got a tall retard, kek
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Based Murdoch Murdoch appreciator.
After his epic interview with Hannah Hayes, JF got an emotional support lizard. He is operating on a higher plane now and doesn't sweat the small stuff.
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>He checked into it
And yet he didn't check (or did check and wasn't bothered) that his wife was an actual retard, or that every person in her town saw her cooch as she peddled around town naked.
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Fake and gay ecelebs BTFO'd.
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Now that is a Nice Guy ideology!
I am still really confused about a few other things like why CSIS wanted me to reinvent myself as a pro palestine guy in Vancouver, or why the pandemic ended 2 weeks after I arrived here. Why the Americans thought that I was a left wing security threat when they stopped me at the border and denied me from entering the country.
Or why my handlers were insistent on me moving into a luxury apartment on Bidwell and Davie, when I wanted to live in Chilliwack where it would be way more affordable and I could fit in easier. I also don't understand why the feds kept me in vancouver for way more than 90 days without signing me onto any kind of relocation or witpro agreement. Or where the money from Donna Pripoae actually came from. I received 4750 a month the same as the COVID benefits.
I also don't understand why the CSIS people I was involved with were manufacturing terrorism in Calgary during the freedom protests. It's really strange how the pandemic ended two weeks after I arrived in Vancouver (unironically) and the feds were just fishing for justification to shut down the freedom protests using the emergencies act, or if those glowniggers were involved in Chinese foreign interference, and were manufacturing domestic terrorism to keep CSIS resources tied up from investigating foreign interference.
Most of the time it didn't feel like I was involved with law enforcement, my handlers and all the people I interacted with from the agency all acted like mobsters.
Updated 2023 October. So she's still missing.
>Not seen nor heard from since.
>I'm getting a bit suspicious as the months role by.
For her to not want to have any contact with her baby also seems very strange. It also must mean that she has not had any contact with her parents or family. This case stinks to high heaven right about now.
>He's cool as a cucumber.
Psychopaths are. How did he perform on his polygraph examination? He said last year that he was going in to do a polygraph, but I've never heard anything about the results.
Sounds like total schizo delirium but still I'm curious. Is there a way to learn / read more about what you're saying? What the fuck is going on with that?
this. every other time Allora left JF she went to stay with her parents.

JF says that he passed the lie detector test.
Hopefully he will be arrested in 6 years?
not really, that's the nature of clandestine operations. You can FOIA the Canadian government for documents pertaining to Operation SWATHER but the feds won't disclose methods or sources, and most of the case files were sealed under the guise of protecting national security.
maybe someone can link the unredacted emergencies act commission reports and investigation files. That would be unfathomly based.
Although our unfathomably based romanian here might seem far fetched, some of the things mentioned in this thread from a few of us leafs actually occurred. You can search up some of it on 4plebs, but some seems mysteriously janny'd and gone. Operation swather, the mr big, ian irving, etc.
You have no idea how easy it is to just bury some bitch in the woods out in northern quebec or new brunswick or something. Injuns go missing all the time and literally no one even cares enough to keep track, not to mention there's too much ground to cover even if they did care.
Some of this is my own speculation.... I was gaslit and lied to a lot by the feds through the whole investigation, they also told me a little too much in bits and pieces to get me jazzed up and feel important to raise my morale when I was starting to have a really bad gut feeling about everything that was happening because something wasn't right.

Full disclosure, once I realized how badly I was fucked over and the feds stopped giving me a living allowance and cut me loose I did have a psychotic breakdown and ended up in the mental hospital on an involuntary order.

Our friend joked about "lobster fishing", my activation phrase was "ill probably never see you again kid"
Based pandemic ender. The kung flu fears the Romanian anti-Semite. Forgive me I've had a few drinks, God save our country.
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she's making spiritual movement
Haven't watched him for several months. Has he shut up about his 'beautiful girlfriend' yet?
All these concern trolls are Destiny fans. They are always here.

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