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Biden Administration's HHS awarded over $700 million for Refugee Resettlement in North Carolina
>Picrel - $50 million facility in NC leased by Feds for illegals resettlement before election
Through the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), the Department of Health and Human Services provides funding to states and non-profit organizations to assist refugees with housing, employment services, legal services, welfare-enrollment services, and even dollar-for-dollar matching contributions to refugee savings accounts. ACF also funds contracts for refugee intake facilities, which have been used to house illegal alien asylum applicants processed at the southern border.
In total, over $500 million of ACF funds have been awarded for refugee resettlement activities in North Carolina since 2021.
The Biden Administration’s ACF has awarded a total of $286 million contracts related to an illegal alien intake facility in Greensboro, with $145 million outlayed as of July 5, 2024.
The 800-bed facility is located at American Hebrew Academy, which was awarded $50.4 million for the five-year lease.

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ACF has also awarded over $230 million in contracts to New York-based Deployed Resources LLC for security, maintenance, and janitorial services for the Greensboro intake facility. Another $5 million contract for security guard services has been awarded to Chenega Naswik International LLC.
Over $221 million in primary grant awards have been issued during the Biden Administration for refugee aid and assistance services to be performed in North Carolina. These grants were issued to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and to various religious and non-religious non-profit organizations.
Jews are desperately trying to change the demographics of the entire western world.
so it costs nearly half a billion dollars to house 800 people for 5 years?
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Non-profit ACF grantees in North Carolina provide comprehensive aid to refugees, including furnished apartments, assistance obtaining Social Security cards, enrollment in welfare benefits and health care, food, legal services, and employment services. Extended case management services are provided through two main ACF programs:

>Preferred Communities Program: up to one year of intensive case management services that includes free housing, mental health services, food assistance, income and employment assistance, financial management services, transportation, “social adjustment” services, legal services, and family wellness programs.


>Voluntary Agencies Matching Grants Program: up to six months of comprehensive assistance, including career services, housing, food, utilities, transportation, family budget planning, health care, and “social adjustment” services. Participating agencies must contribute one dollar for every two federal dollars for assistance. The program is typically referred to as the “Matching Grants program”.


Church World Service (CWS) received a $109 million grant for Preferred Communities Program activities in North Carolina. Church World Service maintains refugee resettlement offices in several parts of North Carolina, including Charlotte, Durham, Greensboro, Burlington, and Wilmington.


The open borders advocacy group U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants was awarded a $3 million grant for services to Afghan refugees, as well as a $350,000 grant for an “Employer Engagement Program”.

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Stop being a faggot and calling them refugees. You sound like a typical liberal, scared to call things out for what they are.
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Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) was awarded $300,000 for a refugee employer engagement program in Charlotte. HIAS has also steered over $5 million in subgrants to Carolina Refugee Resettlement Agency (CRRA) since 2021 for Preferred Communities and Voluntary Agencies Matching Grant program activities. CRRA provides comprehensive reception services to refugees from Myanmar, Congo, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Syria, and Central America, among other countries. These services include obtaining Social Security cards, furnished apartments, food, enrollment in welfare benefits, and career services.




Resettlement you say, why not just rebuild back better?
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North Carolina African Services Coalition (NCASC) was awarded a $500,000 grant for the “Triad Refugee Business Center and a $260,000 grant for its Refugee Academic and Cultural Education (RACE) program. NCASC provides comprehensive case management services and serves as an intermediary for the Ethiopian Development Council to implement the Preferred Communities Program. NCASC also provides comprehensive assistance with obtaining Social Security cards and enrolling in welfare benefits, as well as free legal services.




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Lutheran Family Services of the Carolinas received a direct $287,375 ACF grant for “employer engagement programs” in Asheville, NC. The organization also received over $10 million in ACF subgrants originating from Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Inc. for refugee resettlement programs in North Carolina. The organization operates a Preferred Communities program, a Matching Grants program, and a “Safe Release” program that transfers illegal alien unaccompanied minors to US households.


Actually Lutherans >>484233665
>American Hebrew Academy
Glad those academies are being used for knowledge, right? Gotta love the jews, they'd house rapeugees in their houses if it meant they didn't have to live with them
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The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has steered nearly $1 million in ACF subgrants to the Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte for operations of its Preferred Communities program and Matching Grants program for refugees in North Carolina.



This is the map of their pipeline into NC -- just one state. These NGOs are the pass thru for the federal government's plan importing illegal scab labor, criminal gangs, election rigging, and demographic warfare.


Altogether since January 2021, Department of Health and Human Services ACF awards for refugee assistance in North Carolina include $286 million in contracts and $221.7 million in grants. Larger non-profits have also steered over $15 million in subgrants to their local partners in North Carolina. This brings total Health and Human Services ACF funding of refugee resettlement activities in North Carolina to well over $700 million since 2021.
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>Actually Lutherans
Actually jews, lutherans, catholics, and secular groups.
the irish would burn it down
the Spanish would bury pig in the new mosque location
Christians and jews, the two eternal threats to the European race
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Any anons who want to do more digging, here's the names and contract numbers:

will the public ever wake up that its not a conspiracy theory
its a conspiracy in fact
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2/3 GRANT listings
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Subgrants Part A
money laundering
Lol, no, of course not, but the hebrew academy deserves a few hundred million for saving the US workforce, don't they? If you say no, you're anti semitic and a racist, fyi
fuck this gay earth
bump this
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>The 800-bed facility is located at American Hebrew Academy

you'll notice a lot of jewish organizations are constantly bringing foreigners in and coaching them how to game the system for gibs in america

jews are not human
>Chenega Naswik International
Apparently this company is an "Alaskan Native Corporation". What the fuck does that mean and what the fuck do they do, why do they have so many offices across the US and how are the involved in this?





Meds now schizos, this is Obama election psyops all over again
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Subgrants Part B
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These are the big ones
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>DHHS in early June 2022 leased the Greensboro facility for 5 years with an option for 5 more, and a staff of about 1,500 employees is being hired to oversee the children on a 24-7 basis.

2:1 employee to child basis. On a property owned by kikes... institutional, taxpayer funded rape facility for children aged 13 to 17. Oy vey
Mentally ill conspiracy theorists need to be barred from the internet. Go back to handing out leaflets on the sidewalk, you and your fake misinformation disgust me
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Only at the measly sum of $700,000 for each illegal.
Bot or schizo! Alex Jones puppet!
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Who the fuck are these specifically named individual recipients of huge sums?
Interesting connection. It reminded me of what I just read when searching for this, from the website of a rep. from NC.

>“Most famously, in sites like Fort Bliss, Texas, we had numerous whistleblowers come forward, to share abuses that were happening inside,” Asaki said. “Everything from young people being fed rotten food to physical and sexual abuse.”
>Audio leaked to NBC includes allegations of sexual abuse at Fort Bliss.


Knowing Jews are running it, I could only imagine what be happening
How do liberals support this? It's a literal plantation for cheap labor kek
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Why do they all spend years working in China?
thank for the help friend
>Church world service
>spent $21 258 479 on "management and general according to their most recent financials

Well at least we know Christcucks are stealing just as much money as kikes
Reading material for you

Philip Bailey - Director of HIAS Economic advancement fund - a loan fund that gives money to refugees

Tarana Mammadova - Program manager at HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)
Many orgs are "churches" only to take advantage of 501c3 tax status. You probably will only find them staffed with lgbt commie antifa types, and maybe some well-groomed shitlibs at the top for appearance.
that's not even what this thread is,
why do you guys project so much?
Many such cases.
Sorry I have to do this, nothing personal
that's okay i'm trying to get you to bump anyway
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>Biden Administration's HHS awarded over $700 million for Refugee Resettlement in North Carolina
The term "illegal immigrant" also sees a lot of use, even on this fucking board. They are illegal aliens, and nothing else. Stop letting these fucking kikes and their useful idiots dictate your use of language.
No but you have to understand that 80% of the funds for these NGOs are just laundered back to the politicians that voted for them.
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>Jews are desperately trying to change the demographics
it's the key to everything, you know

Christcucks were helping the haitians come into Ohio too, Catholics specifically but they come in all flavors of Christcuck. You can see from this map that Church world Service does have a site in Greensboro NC, where this refugee site is at, as well as the ECDC, which our friend Tarana Mammadova is a program manager of. (You can see on her Linkedin page)


>How do liberals support this?
Because it's more than cheap labor: It's child sex slaves.
Don't care, still voting Harris.
Man.... I'm starting to think brazil might end up better than America the way things are going. You are not just going to end up "like us" like eveyone fears. You guys will end up 1 times worse.
Russia has those more than the US
Praying for Israels total destruction. TKD.
I agree, they feel like they have issues reminding all the states
illegal economic migrant or a "thief"
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>t. glownigger
kek What do you get paid per post, anyway? You suck at this.

Good posting OP amazing work

Whites will keep on doin nothin
don't fuckin care anymore.
>illegal aliens
>dictate your use of language
Aliens is just as retarded and gay.
>an illegal alien intake facility in Greensboro

>Greensboro, North Carolina

>not a border state

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China was trying to emulate Israel's success in subverting America. Once this came out, Israel partnered with China to hasten the collapse of America.
>The 800-bed facility is located at American Hebrew Academy, which was awarded $50.4 million for the five-year lease.
Sides: left the galaxy. This is too perfect.
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>Stop being a faggot and calling them refugees
If you want to search data like what I collected, you use the terms they use. Every anon already knows these are an army of invasion and ethnic cleansing.
>You sound like a typical liberal, scared to call things out for what they are.
I don't give a fuck what PC speech police shit gets your panties in a bunch, call em what you want while spreading the info

>The term "illegal immigrant"
spread the info

spread the info, the more people know the more it disrupts their invasion and ethnic warfare
humpty hump
>don't use the legal term for them, goy! it's dehumanizing to our poor shitskin bioweapons!
Actually kill yourself, you koala-fucking inbred faggot.
up the __
Then explain faggot
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Oh is this the nearly billion dollar settlement they "MIGHT" let displaced hurricane victims stay at temporarily? my how deep the rabbit hole goes
Lol, Chenega is one of the militaries most used Contractor security forces overseas
Funny you would say that.
Deployed Resources LLC
Rich Stapleton
Specialties: Prisons & Corrections.
Screenshots faggot
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More subgrant recipients of huge sums from HIAS
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A lot of these grant recipients aren't even from NC, they're from NYC or overseas
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>Chenega is one of the militaries most used Contractor security forces overseas
yup. government facilities security contractor
They feel safe if they can blend in and ferment anger at minorities. The world is waking up to their scam
>Oh is this the nearly billion dollar settlement they "MIGHT" let displaced hurricane victims stay at temporarily? my how deep the rabbit hole goes

Haven’t heard about this.
Link me bro
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Lutheran Services Section
Brazil has two advantages: hot women and a lot less guns.
Is it really that hard to click the link and scroll down a quarter of the page? Here

Ok that makes sense from what I saw on their page. thanks frens
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All data (google docs so use a VPN)




Glowie ass website...
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Words can't express my endless anger...
I guess this is why they love (((democracy))).
Genocide carried out by the jews.
Thats wild...

Btw, hey y'all! Just a reminder that (You) could be paid for your posts. You will run our network that will give you your own identity of your choosing, and log which posts you make. They will be verified when someone from our auditing team looks over to make sure you are on topic and on brand for our issues. There are several options to choose from if a topic does not suit you. Preliminary interview will be done first, but you can start getting paid within 48 hours. Cash App, Zelle, direct deposit and several other payment options are available. Starting wage is hourly, with a quota of posts and engagement, which our AI monitors. Per post productivity may bump you up to a junior level, which pays per post, or the option of a wage increase, all the way up to a pro level. Just shoot me an email personally and I will help direct you to the right team members. We are a non partisan organization that believes in helping spread awareness through a mild form of social engineering. This money is not linked to any malicious government such as Iran, Russia or China. We are a non profit NGO which is not disclosed for everyone's safety, but the corporation we are registered to is it's own entity.

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Do they play tennis in the Thurd World.
Language is a powerful weapon.
Calling nice sounding words makes one think that they aren't hostile foreigners.

Illegal Alien to Illegal immigrant to refugee to migrant. They're probably going to be called international community members next.
Amd you won't do shit about it.
How many pedos are attracted to such services.
speak English, please, and make it compelling. what?
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Your government is spending billions to greatly replace you behind your back.
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What are some legal (non-violent, non-destructive) ways to stop this?
t. lifelong NC native
In conclusion:

Illegal aliens are big buiness and both left-wing and right-wing organizations funnel taxpayer money into lavish projects and relocation schemes while operating as non-profits
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Climate migrants is the next term
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>I guess this is why they love (((democracy))).
To them, democracy is code for diversity; when they say democracy and it doesn't make logical sense, change the word to diversity and at least what they say makes sense.
>both left-wing and right-wing organizations funnel taxpayer money into lavish projects and relocation schemes while operating as non-profits
yup, that's the uniparty the deep state runs: fake left/right puppets just like using NGOs to do the CIA's work. Kayfabe, fake system designed to keep the public passive while getting fucked
It is so when they wipe or lock account we have the data newfaggot
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Let me get this straight. There are organizations that are aiding and abetting illegal immigration operating right out in the open? I know we’re all blackpilled but surely they’re breaking some law somehow.
>I know we’re all blackpilled but surely they’re breaking some law somehow.
What do you call it when your government is captured by political patrons through bribery networks, and law makers + law enforcement are actively overthrowing the laws for profit?
Which law protects against that?
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Count Floyd.
The entire asylum system is working hand in hand with these "nonprofits" who local and state and fed government are giving billions to feed/house/etc these people with the eventual goal of replacing you.
God’s work anon
I feel like Americans have heard zero about NC for a reason.
>towns wiped off the map
>even their best goys in asheville
>governor cooper yawns
>public attention might hurt poll numbers
Eventually they don't want anyone to know anything.
You should have learned your place on the basketball court.
These places need on-camera first amendment audits. Legal of course.
>government is captured by political patron
Is this why FEMA was blocking access by aid workers?
You are so innocent. Of course they're breaking the law. The know they are. They know we know that they know. They do not care.
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>What are some legal (non-violent, non-destructive) ways to stop this?
Billionaires (like Soros) allocate millions of $$ to pay antifa and the National lawyers Guild to use "non-violent" methods (that are usually moderately violent) to disrupt and harass things they want shut down. That's what BLM was. The billionaires fund the lawyers who get the antifa out within an hour of being arrested. So, that's the standard of "non-violent" disruption in today's world. Antifa also has the benefit of corporate media doing damage control for them while they do all that. If you want to duplicate their level of ops, hook up some billionaires willing to fund you and do the BLM thing like they did in Portland or Seattle to shut it down. My guess is they'll call you notsees and send in the national guard, and the media will hide any excessive force used against you. Not saying you can't try, just that it will take a different trajectory than when the Left does it.

>Actually Lutherans
As usual, the Vatican is involved in moving illegals to US and niggerizing the country,
ahhh yea the so called christian
not a jew ok
seems jewish
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>Is this why FEMA was blocking access by aid workers?
Yes, there seem to be many reasons why FEMA did that. They don't just want to re-settle illegals there, they want a lot of land with residents cleared out for Lithium mining expansion.
>Piedmont Lithium’s final mining permit for the Carolina Lithium project in Gaston county, NC was approved in May of this year. They have a green light to begin exploration and facility construction ahead of eventually building a mine. This hurricane and flooding came at an incredibly opportune time when locals were pushing back against this property becoming a lithium mine.
The hurricane damage is in the heart of private Lithium mining interests with planned expansion
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This is not intended for some long-term strategy of simply moving along and replacing you. This is the short term strategy to cram as many godless savages into this country as possible until you beg for an authoritarian boot on neck police state to renege some level of safety and order, when you are terrorized enough which may or may not include some bouts of logistics supply disruption and chaos. They are fully prepped for judge dredd smart city surveillance, homeless patrols and mortally binding nanotech injected into your children from birth.

They only need your consent.
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3 weeks before the Hurricane destroyed Northwestern, NC the city of Asheville one of the worst hit in the entire Hurricane released an "affordable housing plan"
SOURCE: https://archive.is/T4cRN

In that Housing Plan is they discuss methods of the city acquiring land to more efficiently (profitably) use it. They discuss a program referred to as "Land Banking" in which the city can seize property and impose deed restrictions and even sell the property to private entitites. The problem is that Land Banking is not legal in NC so the report goes further into detail on what would be required to "expand the powers of the city" and one such example is the total destruction of entire neighborhoods and displacement through "natural disaster".
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>huge Lithium mining interest with federal contracts just announced it will be shifting operations to Gaston County last month


nothing to see here goy
there arent any non violent solutions for this treachery
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cross reference where heavy illegal resettlement is focused with the need for cheap labor

same thing happened during the building of the railroads and the initial expansion of mining in the late 1800s
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They've been openly advertising these plans for years, it shouldn't be a shock that we see them doing what they've promised to do, especially during crisis


Post OP’s finds on a post where millions of normies are noticing
Like this. Or any NC FEMA fuckery post.
Then buy rounds, food & water.
Wow, nice map.
Open map of the foreign agent, the Vatican , and their networks of agents and them moving illegal aliens to the USA.
is that Brittany Cooper in that zoom meeting?
I wonder what we will find money has been allocated for in central FL?
Daily reminder ,jews are just managers.
The head is in the Vatican, as you showed in this image:
looks like it.
what a hatefilled bitch. nothing new tho is it
oops, not the same one, but still a fat anti-white lesbian
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>The 800-bed facility is located at American Hebrew Academy, which was awarded $50.4 million for the five-year lease.
Israeli settlers have just been arriving in a staging ground in a nearby state set to resettle the lands u will never come back to faggots. Source is a local telegram channel
like greensboro couldn't get any worse
This is why lindsay shilled for Israel in the hurricane interview these are efforts to make it harder for you to survive or come back
government website, lying kike
We don't need to lift a finger, they're destroying ALL their credibility and allegiance on their own.
Their island is getting smaller and smaller.
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BREAKING: NOAA has DELETED the NEXRAD products page

well well well, what have we here.
September 19th 2024:
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>The 800-bed facility is located at American Hebrew Academy, which was awarded $50.4 million for the five-year lease.
Tone down the antisemitism, friend.
good work. a breath of fresh air on this putrid board
how is she still a professor? She's on the school website, going to get a burner phone tomorrow and give her a call
Bingo directly from the protocols of zion
>truly a thread of threads
Yo guys I'm mad kidnappable

Come through and through

Now is the time there are mad Mexicans and niggas hurry
This thread must have them seething
If I remember right the school did get a shitload of complaints, which was just wood for the fire since
>Look at all these honkies being offended, this just proves what I'm saying is right!
Which is ironic since if no one complained, they would assumed what she said was also right, so either way kike professors just want their house nigger to hate on whites.
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>Amd you won't do shit about it.
Good. Without us "doing shit" kikes are becoming globally despised and hated. Kike hate is now open and kikes are just digging the hole deeper.
What's the phrase? "Don't interrupt your enemy when they're making the wrong move."
Shame if those were to burn down
Ok faggot, I'm informed. Continue not doing shit so nothing changes, pussy.
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>This thread must have them seething
i'm sure someone in this photo visits /pol/ and has an office dedicated to it
I blame the jews as always
Lol they even mowed the lawn and placed it in a nice woodland area with a river. Literally making a mini ethnostate for shitskins.
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Solid thread
This is the kind of shit that needs to get attention but we got dumb fucking boomers losing their minds over a fucked up helicopter landing.
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The helicopter thing is easier to relate to, also there's been more than just one incident. It was becoming a pattern of harassment until the videos started getting out and going viral.
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We won't do shit.
lol thanks for the heads up leafbro
The constant damage-control pieces by the (((mainstream media))) over any criticism of FEMA are a sure sign that once again, "conspiracy theorists" are on to something. I've read the deboonking articles, their only purpose is to deflect your attention from the issues at hand and confuse your thinking with a blizzard of irrelevant information and interference running. No real facts being presented.
You know the invaders abd their collaboraters are go stab them till the alarm is raised then go live, rounds down range.
Verification not required
Every day the kind of scum they are becomes more and more apparent
It’s a dogshit “security” company that bilks the taxpayer for services they don’t actually provide.
>t. they worked for us, management and about 50% of their staff are total dogshit, unqualified, but they get paid like they’re retired special forces
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Stop spreading hate. Fascist.
When your singular long term goal is world domination, you'll spend the tax payers dollars accordingly. You Need a large population to fight other nations with large populations and almost technological parity. Hence paying immigrants to come & breed in the US, not other 3rd world nations.
cool ...soo.. what are you going to do about.. when do you start killing traitor politicans as is your right and duty? never? ok go fuck off and be replaced you are useless
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Always with the creepy boomerang mouth
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When do we get Latinasians? The most breedable of all fuck holes. Pure nymph designed exclusively to please men.
>American Hebrew academy
This has to be a joke
Do you or any anon know anyone who would go through all this and eliminate unnecessary info, maybe flow chart it or organize it to be easy to digest ?
actually jews
The interest and tip is included you antisemite
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They already have
Like Philippinos? They're amongst the worst looking South East Asians and are bogged to shit.
Sucks but nobody is going to do anything about it. Definitely not that black guy in charge of the pentagon.
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>Definitely not that black guy in charge of the pentagon.
He's busy delivering hurricane relief to the Philippines

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this is the good shit I stay for
zero, the only way to stop this is by pulling a irish and buring it down.
be the change you want to see, nigger
4chan is for autists who can consume large quantities of information easily
if you want to meme it to mindless npcs then do it yourself, nigger
A bargain considering deblasio wife needed a billion to house a hundred or two for a fewer years
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The kinda tired sleep won't fix, lads...
They're deathcamps and reeducation camps, and gulags.
They are already buying 2 years of rent for migrants. No doubt in (((bank))) owned neighborhoods.
The best thing anyone can do to fight this in a nonviolent and non destructive capacity is compile this info into a streamlined and easily digestable format. Shill the fuck out of it on social media and bombard every content creator you can with this information. Shit, send to Elon if you have to. I don't have twatter and i'm banned from all meta platforms so I can't do it.
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>Weather Underground terrorists
Their favorite debate topic was whether it was a good goal of revolutionaries to kill all newborn white babies; these are the people who grew up and became the leadership of the US government

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>US government
As well as teaching positions in the schooling systems.
Hunting grounds
Lets not forget commies and masons do this because they have toxoplasma on their brains.

Just make a way for Ivermectin to cross the blood brain barrier and all evil in the world is stopped because toxoplasma and her vehicles (commies, masons) are disarmed of the thing that makes them destructive.
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>As well as teaching positions in the schooling systems.
And corporate boardrooms, and investment banks, and NGOs. Kind of amazing how offensive slander works to deflect, you can fill all the elite ranks of a society with subversives and genocidal anti-whites just by having them chant "anti-racism" along the way. It's the psyop version of a wolf wrapped in sheep's clothing.
Diabolically evil
Hi kike
Checked. Flips will never see a dime
Statistically, you're much more likely to be a kike than I am.
Philippino bitches are ugly as fuck and among the greediest gold digging whores on the planet.
This is what catbox is for, retard
I support blowing it up and gunning down the survivors
Same for the EU im just too lazy to check out the documents but im 100% sure it's the same.
I can intuitively read these events therefore i don't have need to see any documents and agreements i already know.
Thank you for your work though its still appreciated
Reminder that OP is a russian disinformation agent and if you believe him you are a literal retard.
>OP comes into the thread with screenshots, archived links, and highly detailed and researched information
>(((You))) come into the thread with a memeflag
then convert them and "catbox" them you lazy fuck, stop expecting others to hold your dick while you pee
newfaggots need to learn to do things for themselves
Gotta make living somehow with grocery prices being what they are.
The tip is collected at birth.
Money laundering, genocide, human trafficking, and theft!
Just another day for the US government.
>OP's links do not contain any of the text he pasted and actually say completely different things
Disinformation 101. It works on the mentally retarded only, such as yourself.
I hate seeing that shit every time anon produces something of value, then little morons come and nitpick minor things THEY COULD DO THEMSELVES as a minor contribution, but they complain instead because it offends them they should have to lift a finger. Here's archived versions, if anyone doesn't prefer that they can upload the originals to whatever hosting service they prefer themselves.
If anyone didn't want to visit the URLs, just copy paste that shit in an archive service and use that as a browser proxy.



33 thousand acre city built for them in Texas called Colony Ridge. They are building cities and towns for them all over the country.
Forgot pic
I remember learning about Colony Ridge last year. Crazy shit.
>I hate seeing that shit every time anon produces something of value, then little morons come and nitpick minor things THEY COULD DO THEMSELVES
If they had been put on catbox or in the archive in the first place this conversation wouldn't be happening. Now stop being a faggot and getting your panties in a bunch. As the other anon mentioned, newfags have to learn. It isn't because anyone is being lazy, it is to preserve opsec, save time for other anons down the line and follow established protocols we set up for good reason. Thank you for archiving them. Godspeed
>If they had been put on catbox or in the archive in the first place
next time do that, instead of typing a wall of text displaying us what a useless consoomer you are. Now do something productive and spread the research I provided. All the work is done for you, provide some value to the effort.
Cope. And seethe. However next time it will be done correctly, so there is that.
>next time it will be done correctly
it won't be done at all next time, no one will bother with this board soon
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Doing god's work anon, document the crimes and the criminals.
> Lutheran immigration and refugee services
> ran by former Obama Administration member Krish O’Mara Vignarajah

What the fuck is this, the CEO is a poojeet and the board of directors is filled with Arabs and niggers. How are any of these people Lutheran? Why would anyone be a member of this shit?! It's just a massive grift, all of these organizations need to have any government funding they receive stripped and be prosecuted for aiding and abetting criminal invaders.
The are invaders, drop all other context.
mask up, leave your tech at home, pay cash for materials at different stores, and light the fucker up.

It's only illegal if you get caught.
> The 800-bed facility is located at American Hebrew Academy
There’s been many civil wars and bloody conflicts in the past few decades. I don’t remember Syrians getting these benefits. Haiti isn’t even engaged in an actual war, they’re just retarded.

> wHite rEplaCemEnt iS a ConSpirAcy
lol… k… let the record reflect that Jews are trying to genocide us and we are begging for help.
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> ran by former Obama Administration member Krish O’Mara Vignarajah
>the CEO is a poojeet and the board of directors is filled with Arabs and niggers. How are any of these people Lutheran?
All NGOs (especailly those getting money to handle distributing illegals where the Feds wants them) are CIA fronts. They've been exposed as taking orders directly from federal agencies for illegal purposes too many times for anyone to ignore that. These aren't orgs run by people, they're just feds wearing plainclothes. Same in Europe, same everywhere; been that way for a long time now.
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>all of these organizations need to have any government funding they receive stripped and be prosecuted for aiding and abetting criminal invaders.
they're breaking the law on orders from the governments themselves, that part gets overlooked too much. That's why none of the states stop it, that's why citizens get arrested and Jan 6th to gitmo if we try to stop law breaking. Laws on the books, but all the law enforcers are crooks.

But the brownoids hate them, what's the endgame here?
They're sure they can reprogram the brownoids, which is likely true. They controlled the slave trade for hundreds of years in Africa before shipping them to the new world, it's not hard to do. They do it now, they tell browns what politics to have, who to hate, etc.

He said that.
Horrible crimes...

Why are politicians so corrupt? Do they not care about America? At all?

What would Ancient people do before monotheist criminals took over?
>half a billion dollars to house 800 people for 5 years
do the math. $100 million a year for 800 people is $125k a person which is $340 a day. so factor in some high costs including minimum staffing levels, security, maintenance of the facilities, healthcare and dentistry and some schooling of the illegals, then the actual 'accommodation rate' and 3 meals plus snacks at an inflated government contract rate then $340 a day isn't really expensive.
americans who send their kids to summer camp are paying that or more aren't they? $2k a week?

it is a ridiculous thing to be paying for in the first instance as a result of failed policy, but taken on its own the cost is not outrageous.
now you see how they're planning to flip NC for kameltoe and the jewish DC lawyer running for the state governor
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>What would Ancient people do before monotheist criminals took over?
Our Founders grew up reading about men like Timoleon and his war against the tyrants of Syracuse; they probably expected us to follow that example.
she was remote. she was digital nomading around shitholes and skypeing lessons at a chinese university.
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>she was remote
for one year in 2020, but she spent years before that living in China (the previous position); also, the description strongly implies she was in-county, listing "remote" doesn't tell us she wasn't actually there like she describes. It might mean something other than you imagine. 2018 was prior to the "zoom worker" thing from 2020
also, why is your inclination to deboonk that particular detail, and why was it a knee jerk to do so without looking very closely?
Bong niggers accept the fate from elite bong niggers
You can only "reprogram" someone so long before Stockholm Syndrome takes full effect. I think people forget that SS is the body's natural way of attempting to disarm and distract one's captor to aid in escape. It's not actually "falling in love" with your captor. The survival instinct of the brown third worlders will still kick in, no matter how retarded they are, and will ultimately one day come back and bite the conspiring faggots in the ass. It's just a shame by that point, most intelligent people will have been wiped out so we won't get to live to see them get their comeuppance. But at this rate, the zionists and their pawns will end up destroying the human race - not with a bang, but a whimper.
i didn't see that other job i stopped at the remote one.
chinese schools sacked a lot of people at chinese new year holiday in january 2020 when the lockdowns started, giving them the option to leave and go home. so it looks like her contract ended at that time, which it wouldn't do normally half ay through the year.
i taught in chinese universities for several years around the place and so can spot when details are fudged and what level schools are at. for example her job title is exaggerated.
i was there in january 2020 to get locked down but was there on business and hadn't been teaching for several years.
the school she was at sichuan jinjiang, is a Peace Corp affiliated school and has had lots of US do-gooders pass through it because it isn't in a major city it is not so alluring to people who want to go to china.
Great thread op. When the south rises we must support or brethren in the extermination of the menace. Helene is a blessing in disguise
This kind of spending of white male tax money is burnable treason

Burn biden administration
ah I see, yeah I can imagine 2020 forcing a remote position. still, she moved to a directorship in a major agency with very little background and a high rate of pay. I stopped being surprised to find people involved in the pseudo-legal government funded mass human trafficking industry having a background in China, it occurs with such frequency. Not sure if there's a confluence there like in other industries (where the country you worked immediately out of university established connections and a pedigree) or if its just coincidence. She is Azerbaijani and lived in the UK before going to China then the US to handle a (technically illegal) NGO facilitating federal policy. Strange route to the top of her field.
And each refugee already has a premade ballot filled out, aaaammmoirite?
i get your line of reasoning, but it seems more valid for people of European genetic and cultural extraction, and less true for browns who live happily in conditions of asiatic tyranny without a whimper. Managing them is simpler and more brutal; it doesn't require elaborate schemes to produce "consent of the governed"
of course
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Its almost like jews are doing this Great Replacement thing and it wont stop until they get kicked out. Ah well, we should probably just keep voting in their rigged system. Surely this time Trump will kick them out.
>Surely this time Trump will kick them out.
When did Trump ever promise to kick out jews?
Not even once in his entire life.
Where does that expectation even come from?
Do you think that NOT working will make a difference?
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At what point the White genocide agenda becomes undeniable anymore?
This American Hebrew Academy sounds like a Jewish summer camp. Anericans are subsidizing their own subversion.
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They will always deny it, right up until they are openly raping and stabbing whites in the streets. They will continue to deny it after all whites are gone. That's the insidious part. After all whites are gone, they will deny whites ever existed. Amalek will be erased, and the will of YHWH will be fulfilled.
>same way they destroyed and erased Egypt
>same way they destroyed and erased the Greeks
>same way they destroyed and erased Rome
This is what they do throughout history, this is what they exist to do over and over until the world reflects their souls.

>American Hebrew Academy
Election season is here, time to rig the election by literally moving out entire states.
Keep voting for Kamala and more of this is come.
This is a long-term move to turn North Carolina blue.
Why is this thread not priority? From their website, lads

North Carolina African Services Coalition (NCASC) is an IRS recognized 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization that provides services to refugees, asylees, and human trafficking victims who settle in Greensboro, NC.

Guilford County is home to the state’s largest and most diverse refugee population coming from a variety of countries and ethnic backgrounds including Somalia, Myanmar, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Cuba, Bhutan and Nepal, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Columbia, Ukraine, El Salvador, and Afghanistan, among others.

Originally founded in 1997 as a community support organization for Greensboro’s African community, NCASC has since become a full-fledged refugee resettlement agency from grants with the US State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugee and Migration and Office of Refugee Resettlement through the Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) and NC State Refugee Office.

As such, NCASC is one of several organizations responsible for resettling newly arrived refugee families from all over the world into the Greensboro area. This includes assisting families in acclimating to their new environment, and tapping into a well-developed network of resources to achieve self-sufficiency and success in the areas of employment, education, finances, health, and more.

Shadow armies moving in.
not long ago, a bunch of cartel connected prisoners got transferred from out west over to the Charlotte Dept of corrections. they now have operations out here while running business from in the can. Greensboro is a great location of you're sourcing humans too. 90m from i95 which will take you all the way to the end of the country north and south while Greensboro sits on i40, which goes another 3 hours east to the ocean but is a near straight shot to southern California.
clean it up, Jew
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Who cares? NC is already full of Mexicans and transplants. Even niggers are getting rarer and rarer compared to decades ago. NC is an overdeveloped shithole now. Back in the 90s it was just endless woods, now it's all bulldozed and turned into McSuburbs and endless shitty highways. It's honestly one of the ugliest states in the entire country and it got that way in only like 20 years.
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Basically if you got jabbed, prepare for the dark winter:

If pureblood, then just have a nice cold pint, listen to vaxjamz and wait for all of this to blow over:
1500 full time employees yet there's not enough parking for bused in security let alone the others!
>of about 1,500 employees is being hired to oversee the children on a 24-7 basis.
>Homeland Security leased the facility in 2022 for 5 years, with a 5 year extension
2030, it's a party!

American Hebrew Academy was a private boarding school shuttered during COVID (it says) with an $18 MILLION sports facility. What in the fuck.

Lest we solely blame Biden and Kamala, Homeland began designing this network in 2002 under Bush Cheney neocons

>The ORR operates about 200 facilities in 22 states and has done so since 2002’s Homeland Security Act. In Fiscal Year 2021 the program handled 122,731 children, its information sheet says. The ORR monitors referral trends and assesses capacity needs to determine when an additional facility may be needed.

Who is adopting 14-17 year old boys from South America in North Carolina? Who is seeking that opportunity out?
>ORR says that in Fiscal Year 2021, about 7 out of 10 children at its facilities were 14 or older, and two-thirds were boys. About half of them were from Guatemala and about a third were from Honduras. The rest were from El Salvador and other countries

It's a shadow army. I have even heard about this in West Virginia and I have family in Raleigh.
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is the high number of border patrol suicides occasionally cited when discussing the border issue kind of suspicious? I can't tell
This is what they're sliding.
Here is a Yelp review for American Hebrew Academy from 4 years ago

>AHA closed suddenly and without warning in June of 2019 leaving students, faculty, and staff scrambling for new schools and jobs. Sadly the same CEO is still at the helm. Don’t trust AHA International. The promo video is material from two years ago and does not represent the current farce of a school.

Here's another, oddly worded:
>Put simply, this school is a disgrace. The leadership, the funding, the "vision" - all are appalling. Anyone associated with AHA prior to its hostile and quite brash takeover knows that this is not the place that hundreds of kids called home for eighteen - count 'em - eighteen years. It is but a mockery; an illusion; a strike to the groin. If you are a parent planning to send a child here, I implore you to reconsider - your child deserves better.

4 years ago
>The American Hebrew Academy does not exist anymore. The new AHA International School is not the same. The people in charge are awful and have continued to treat the former students badly. Do not go to this school. Do not send your kids here.

Was the facility always a front to ship in MENA immigrants?
post this on twatter OP. Jake shields and the gang.
I knew that fucking Hebrew school compound was going to be used for nefarious purposes.
5 years ago
>There is truly something special about AHA. Watching our child grow independent, confident and to do it surrounded by Jewish students from around the globe has been amazing.
I have questions about this but get the vibe that glowies are watching this thread closely
Spread a compact version of this to twitter and TikTok. TikTok especially would get a wide reach. They’re freaking out about helicopters, now make them freak out about how foreigners are getting millions in aid in the same place you got 750
Yeah well Orange Man will still lose because of the beaners he didn't deport getting expedited citizenship under Biden.
Jew rule number 1
While destroying goyim, always make a profit.
We need a sort of elevator pitch for this—a short, snappy phrase we can spam comments with and get people interested. Maybe:
>While the hurricane destroys Appalachia, the government is importing millions of foreigners and giving the NGOs bringing them in millions of dollars

Something along those lines
Whatever happens to trump , win or lose , live or die, all Jews and their golems will be killed.
How about kill all Jews
>watch out for the gigapussies who cry when a whore aborts her own unwanted gene replication
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It's almost like Christians are (un)witting servants of Jews.
Christianity remains the Shield of Jewry, with Islam as its Sword.
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> American Hebrew Academy
What about all the cameras? These are often in very urban areas.
>less guns
FOCUS: We need to think of a succinct talking point to get this in the news and to get people outraged.
This shit is getting slid by retarded incel threads and disingenuous leftist shit.
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holy shit the kikes are upset about this one. Maybe because it implicates HIAS and other jewish NGOs in bribery & money laundering.
>tldr; jews use the government to pay themselves to import non-whites and destroy your countries
Why are posters so retarded on /pol/?

This was a Hebrew Academy, not a refugee resettlement camp


You will be caught in your lies and people will hate republicans even more than they already do and vote for Kamala. Congrats I guess.
It WAS but the invaders are being brought by HIAS and a bunch of Christian groups
>it's ok goys, we only gave $700M to a religion that hates you and wants you dead
best thread best post
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bump for Truth
They don't give a shit about what niggers think. It's blood feud against the European people spanning multiple thousands of years.
Bump. Behead all glowniggers
You should ask him if he has any job openings for American citizens.
Christ is literally the only way out of hell and the only force actively opposing Judaism
>b-b-but my zionist boomers
A co opted generation that fell for a psyop. Jesus Christ secures His own and that means people who accept Him by faith alone
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assuming each person is an adult and gets their own room and board, and all their utilities/taxes/food/etc is taken care of, I would estimate an upper reasonable limit of $120M.

so the government is charging the taxpayer 4 times the going rate for housing adults in this situation.
Now would be a great time to point out the exorbitant fake costs a.k.a. money laundering and compare it to the $750 loans that the North Carolina people were given.
"Military aged invaders" is my preference. Nice and clear on their intentions.

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