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>Charles Darwin proves we evolve from primates
>We somehow deny we could ever come from such a thing
>Deny we are even primates
99% of all humans are so stupid. You're a primate RETARD.
Actually primates evolved from us. There is no missing link (if you exclude angloid franchoids)
Yes, and?
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>Jewish hogwash for their goyim indoctrination.
Jews, not even once.
Just moved to the Philippines to be a footslave for this amazing ladyboy, and I’m totally into it! She makes me obey her and her friends, and yeah, I’m down there licking her salty nuts like it’s the best thing ever. But seriously, why do some people here have such a problem with it? What’s their issue?
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Darwin didn't prove anything, evolution is a theory.
We've seen species evolve though retard!
so humanity is de-evolving. Doesn't that prove Charles Darwin's evolution theory wrong?
We're of a higher strata, it's called classification. That's Science for you
why is it always limeys who are fedora tipping retards
Natural and artificial selection. That does not prove that we used to be monkeys or single celled organisms.
So retards like me are classified as higher strata. Sweet!
No he didn’t. He proved the same species can adapt to different environments. That’s it

Show me the transition fossils. Show me the useless appendages, show me how the machines in the cell evolved
Show you the thousands of petabytes of evidence on how populations change over time? Sure
If it wasn't for evolution wed all look the same bone head
How did he prove it? The evolution theory is just that, a theory.
He spent 10 years observing finches in the Galapagos
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Of course humans and apes evolved from the same source.
Or maybe aliums combined ape DNA with some of their own.
Point is, 99% of humans act just like monkeys, some more violent than the others.
Chimps are more violent and tribal than orangutans for example.

Webm related, an Irish man operating a handsaw correctly.
That's not only not true but it's nonsense.
Ooh ooh ahh ahh
What is mutation in your vioew?
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>im 12yo
>the post
Humans did not evolve from primates. Primates & humans evolved from a common ancestor, you absolute midwit.
Which were from the genus Primate
Change in DNA other than the normal reshuffling of mating. I don't deny that happens, it does not prove that 6 million years ago we were monkeys
There are 376–524 species of living primates, depending on which classification is used. New primate species continue to be discovered
>which are the genus Primate
No they're not. Human ancestors could be arguably considered primates, but the common ancestor of humans & primates is unknown and therefore unclassified. That's why it's a "missing link". Education in the UK must be absolutely abysmal.
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You're a child.
black people are the "missing" link btw
Do you know what a cro-magnon is, sir?
>Almost everything is fake and gay
>But surely bros [insert thing here] wasn’t fake and gay! This Freemason told me so.
Take the meme flag off General Swahili.
>46 and 48 are the same number
explain why ugly people exist and why our brains are repulsed by their genetic configurations if our understanding of evolution and evolutionary psychology is wrong
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>hurr, primates evolved into humans

If so, then why are there still primates?
>Charles Darwin proves we evolve from primates
He never proved that, he just postulated it
Cro-magnon isn't the missing link, moron. It's a well-documented and evidence-based classification of an extinct hominid species for whom we have found, collected, and studied specimens corroborating its existence. The "missing link" is a species primates & humans split from millions of years ago. Technically, the oldest documented ancestor of humanity is something more accurately described as a shrew & wasn't a primate whatsoever.
So you think we came from shrews instead of primates?
Ok retard lol
Evolution is not real but devolution is. In other words, we didn’t decent from monkeys but rather monkeys decent from US!
The bible says we're 6500 years old by the way
That shrew predated primates
At least get your grammar correct
>some bird populations adapt longer or shorter beaks
>so we all obviously descend from amoebas
Claiming microevolution implies macroevolution is a grotesque, unscientific extrapolation.
Anyway, what does it change, Nigel? God created the world with evolution and the Big Bang? There has to be an uncaused cause. It can’t just be an infinite regress.
Essence is the prime mover before any materialistic a priori assumptions can be made. 6500 years ago man was at his peak.
OUr definition of species is pretty poor
Literally why is it so hard to imagine that one species on the planet had to have the highest amount of cognitive ability?
>exposing himself as an ignorant fool
Yes. Factually, every placental mammal on Earth evolved from infraclass eutheria.
something something jew article, sorry anon
I'm not sure what you're trying to imply here
>something something uninformative pilpul
Denounce the Talmud, Torah, and Kabbalah.
Dis nigga thinks all we base our multi disciplinaty model on is some incest bird popularion the D man encountered? Superb ignotance on display, chump.
>christ is kang! christ is kang! i am retarded? christ is kang!
Nazi naziiii
He's implying he's retarded and has no response but moving the goalposts to stroke his ego. It's extremely common for men in the UK to be utterly ignorant of evolution, evidenced by them parading around the fraud Piltdown Man for decades on taxpayer money.
i meant the retard you're fighting with is going to dismiss this as jew science
i denounce the talmud, torah, new testament, kaballah, and quran
Based. You're alright, anon
The piltdown man was disproven in 2016 and it had nothing to do with Darwin's theory
preaching to the choir idiot, its the corpos who never use this website who think they've evolved from being anything but a hairless monkey
>theres no missing link
>niggers exist
>abbos unga
>poor reading comprehension in his native tongue
It's absolutely fucking hopeless for you.
Denial we come from anything but is pure ignorance on /pol/'s part.
imagine going along with modern jew science. i bet your jew brains ass isn't even aware the einstein. your fav jew. guess what? he was literally an incest cousin fucker jew who married his cousin. off yourself jew boy
I'm sorry that life is too stressful for you that you have to condone sky worship.
There are approximately 10,000 distinct religions in the world today
all of 4chan believes evolution and only trolls they don't
the cringe part is you go outside and its a gradient of monkeys wearing suits vehemently denying they are wearing suits and that they've transcended multiple planes of reality by doing mdma to tell you that they are the authority on suit monkeys to is coffee good for evolution?
Jews are the ones who invented the Adam and Eve story. Whites discovered evolution.
Get off the internet if you don't believe in 'modern jew science' and marrying your cousin is fucking hot and that's that.
Their denial of the primate evolutionary theory is because humans are primates.
I'm not joining your cult
Fuck you troll scumbag
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Bot reply.
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One could say ... religion has evolved across time, just like we humans did
Evolution is a fact. We can see organisms change over time. The theory of evolution is just our best explanation of what we have observed.
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>mfw it starts having a schizo moment from being discovered
Let's review: in the non-scientific world, a theory is a supposition. However, in the scientific community, a scientific theory is an explanation of a phenomenon that has been tested over time. A theory begins as an educated guess, known formally as a hypothesis.
Be more proud of not knowing anything. Tell us rather, what do you know? You have no understanding of the world you stupid fuck. Couldnt even explain why the ocean is blue. Basking in your own ignorance while feeling smug to 'own the libs', only on /pol/. You wouldnt even be a general youd be cannon fodder in the war. Expendable flesh with strong opinions aboit topics you dont understand not because youre too stupid but because youre too arrogant
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>Charles Darwin
Imagine being named after the dumbest dumbass of all award, this proves that Charlie fella was a dimwit and OP at least clinically retarded. Not sedning theur best
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>How can I be expected to discuss fossils? That's literally quadrabytes of data!

What a faggot
This. Monkeys = past humans that devolved
uplifted from primates
our last common ancestor with chimpanzees is extinct
>well, if we evolved from africans, why are there still black people?
good question
There are thousands of transitional fossils. Darwin predicted we would find an animal in between dinosaurs and birds, a few years later Archaeopteryx was discovered. This is the most famous example.
here you go anons, because everyone else is being unhelpful
there are dense wikipedia pages on each species, but the nhm article is easy to read
Why are u spamming these war gifs outside of your containment threads?
Macro Evolution (one kind into another kind over billions of years) isn't real. Micro Evolution (adaptation) is real (variations of a kind over time).

Look up Stephen Meyer on YouTube, and if you want to have your mind blown, look at James Tour Origin of Life on youtube as well.
*archaeopteryx is not necessarily the ancestor of modern birds
Evolution is mathematically impossible. Look at Youtube Stephen Meyer, and also search 'probability of finding a single protein by chance' on youtube as well

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No shit. Birds existed alongside dinosaurs and there are dozens of dinosaur-bird species like Archaeopteryx. Archaeopteryx is special because it's an almost exact intermediate. From its pelvis, to its arms, to its skull.
The final red pill is viewing human behaviour through the primate lense.
>social climbing (men and women)
>snivelling beta behaviour related to social climbing
>women cheating on betas for alpha sperm
>men fighting
>women starting fights between men to test their partner
I swear you can never look at people the same way again once you realise thus.
>finding a single protein by chance'
Can he calculate up for me the chances of discovering aminos in space rocks
Are you an engineer? Have you ever built anything? Have you ever written code? Can you tell me how random errors in our code can produce functional proteins that perfectly interact with countless other systems in the body?
Why r u hiding you're flag, whore? The answer to both questions is because your retarded
>evolution is mathematically impossible
genetic algorithms work in practice and have been analysed to death
they can solve many black box optimisation problems

>probability of finding a single protein by chance
know that proteins do not fold randomly, and that they fold the way they do due to physical laws
the search space is smaller than you think
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Sorry retarded Christians but evolution is real just like race is real, a White person is more evolved than a nigger and converting the nigger to Christianity is not going to change that.
So you concede and are trying to change to the "Irreducible complexity" argument or something? You should watch something besides Christian apologist videos on YouTube.
Finally someone with eyes.
Explain to me how Evolution successfully violates the second law of thermodynamics?
Yes euroaches came from apes. Every other race didn’t because God made them fearfully and wonderfully.
imagine believeing in evolution after seeing a perfect eclipse
like wow they brainwashed you that effectively?
by the way a woman has the 28 day cycle of the moon
Earth isn't a closed system, retard. The sun dumps an enormous amount of energy on us. This is another retarded argument you got from a Christian on YouTube.
>have you ever written code?
code has little to do with genetics - mutations are not analogous to changing symbols in a formal grammar

ok, but archaeopteryx may not be a transitional species between dinosaurs and modern birds
>evolution can not happen in a dark cave
yes. because evolution is a fairy tale
gravity is a theory
love her. there is a kernel of truth to what they say about the hues, the european descended women there are quite often fucking phenomenal because of their vanity/beauty/beach culture, especially in rio de janeiro. south american namely brazilian babes like this are my weakness, so charming with the accent too she's so perfect bros.
Woah, come up with that just yourself?
Everything we've seen in genetics and biology says we're devolving (we lose genomic information when our DNA makes copies).

Can you show me how we're evolving? Can you show me how these random errors are adding information to the DNA genome? If so, and they are random, can you explain to me how it overcomes the astronomical odds to find a function protein?

When you have that code for the protein, can you tell me where the other code comes from? You know, the code that tells it where to go, what shape to make, how long to divide for, etc?
Explain how random forces of nature (evolution) seemingly beat entropy? random chemicals became efficient at using energy, they then STORED energy, they then became exceedingly efficient in producing and maintaining energy. How?
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>ok, but archaeopteryx may not be a transitional species between dinosaurs and modern birds
It doesn't have to be. Fossils represent populations and it has traits of both. There are also dinosaur-like birds and bird-like dinosaurs. There are other species besides Archaeopteryx. Even to this day there are birds with claws like the hoatzin and emu. Geneticists activated dormant genes in a chicken and it was born with teeth. The dinosaur genes are still in there.
It doesnt. You just pointed out that the process isnt cyclic and one day the last life will pass and entropy will take over. Every iteration wastes a little energy doesnt mean many interations arent possible. Also theres the misconception of evolution as progress. Progress or rather success is only producing offspring. You can be an abomination as long as you have kids before you die you de facto fulfilled the objective. That explains the many retarded features of animals. Why would a creator create flawed organisms? Thats a rhetorical question I dont care about the answer cuz its nomsense
why do chuds always want to die on the hill of evolution? What stakes do they have in it not being real?
Because if we come from apes then chuds = lowest rung of the ladder
>Charles Darwin proves we evolve from primates
No he didn't. Learn your history, midwit.
Did you ever read his book? It’s fucking stupid. Darwin privately admitted that evolutionary theories were flawed speculations. Darwin himself merely observed that adaptation takes place, which nobody ever denied.
>Explain how random forces of nature (evolution) seemingly beat entropy?
I just did, retard. Entropy only applies to closed systems, like the universe. Earth is an open system because the sun provides energy.
Some people value truth in an uncertain universe. Quite frankly seeing the love of knowledge and pursuit of quantifiable answers trampled in this way cuts right through the heart. May Tyrone befall those you hold dear.
Answer >>484242759
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wow evolution is for niggers CHRIST IS KANG anyways I need to jerk off to my bbc sissy hypno hentai. I'll be back to name the jews more later. Trump is god and nick fuentez is jesus btw
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if you implement a genetic algorithm you notice that swapping is more important than mutation
but yes, if you ignore mutation then you potentially lose information each generation
if your population is big enough then you lose this information slowly enough such that mutation can reliably introduce information
tl;dr if the mutation rate is low then the population must be high else you lose information with each generation

right, the discovery of other bird-like dinosaurs cast the doubt on archaeopteryx specifically
its an example of convergent evolution, if anything
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if evloution is real, why monkey are smarter than niggers?
no. all your posts all day are garbage. why would you make a thread!?
darwin is overrated and creationism has a better scientific method than most anthropology.
come back when you are racist, otherwise, you sound like your choking on a quad of dicks.
What LMAO? Are you pulling a Dawkins? He too dodges questions. Tell me how a random blind accidental process adds information please. In plain English.
>Show me the transition fossils.
Most bones decay over time, if lucky it is covered over with the right soil that allows the formation of fossilization to happen.
Ever found the bones of a Bear or Deer ? They are difficult to find because bones decay over time.
>Koko the gorilla can learn our language
>Despite this: Somehow religioners can't seem to accept evolution
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heeeey heeeeeey!!!
tell me
why monkey smarter than nigger?
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Jesus say fuck niggers, that's why they live in africa
You dont think, sheep. Look what you did. Post an image (not your own) of a meme not even tangentially related as a cheap jab like a nigger in a brawl instead of engaging the content of the post. No thought whatsoever youre just reacting poorly to stimulus, idiot. Just for curiousity, what does your book say on the matter? Whence cometh Life?
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I'd rather be a proud atheist than a coward that can't face facts

It's called the Scientific Calculator for a reason. Apt.
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Darwin's 'theory' of evolution you moron there's no concrete proof what so ever
>le funny comic edit made to make the political opposition i am fearful and adversarial of and against look silly and me look like an irreverent and sardonic genius

people that are actual dissidents in society are sceptical of "official narratives" that are constantly shifting like the big bang randomly having an extra few billion years added onto it at the whims of the experts you cream yourself over religiously or the notion that from sunlight and concentrated sources of glucose in the ocean a single celled organism emerged from nowhere then divided until a rock evolved into a dog

these things are even more fucking retarded than even the hokiest creation myth on the face of it, so people of a more investigative minded predisposition rightly cast doubt on it and needle and poke and prod with inquiry into the real facts of the matter. this thread already began on a notion that was dead on arrival, that evolution is proven "settled science" rather than a theory that really just amounts to "the best we think we can conjure with our limited understanding"

i wouldn't expect some ass gaped liberal fuckwit who believes everything he sees and hears as long as it's said by someone with a credential and a trove of epically edited comics in your "chuds btfo" folder to understand. go dilate, take your hundredth booster and shut the fuck up, adults are talking
and a quick glance through the thread and there are enough anons already showing the weakness of these same tired propaganda pieces paraded as "muh scientific theoriebs"
nothing else to add in all fields.
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why nobody telling me?
why nigger dumber than monkey?
Proteins are 3 dimensional. These are small 3d changes that can discover new functionality and radically change executions of dna programming if the mutation is in some regulatory protein.
Being an atheist is like saying 'i don't eat cow dung'. It's not exactly an achievement not to be retarded.
Another escaped troon
>I'd rather be a proud atheist than a coward that can't face facts
Based sir.
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>proud atheist
It's literally called the Scientific Calculator where's your rebuttal science denier?
You didn't answer anything. What is a random mutation? If it's random, please calculate the probability of finding a functional 3d shape that perfectly fits with other 3d shapes to produce a useful purpose. I'll wait.


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>99% of all humans are so stupid. You're a primate RETARD.
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>where's your rebuttal science denier
no, im replying in good faith
which part of my explanation are you confused by?
mutation introduces information to a population
if the population is big enough it can carry more genes and requires a lower mutation rate
if the mutation - which is blind and accidental - is beneficial, then it spreads
are you confused about what information actually is?
> Doesn't that prove Charles Darwin's evolution theory wrong?

No. It proves that he, much like James Flynn, was blinded by his own optimism.
Actually we're devolving because natural selection can't take place.
why are you ignoring/dodging?
proteins do not fold randomly, and they fold the way they do due to physical laws
the search space is smaller than you think
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Your models presuppose the theory (or similarly tautological anti-creationist theories like old earth) and then use data to confirm the bias. Show me the evolution of a bacteria into a multi-cellular organism or similarly fundamental change from one kind of creature to another.
It doesnt have to be a perfect fit. It can be an induced fit. The degree of fitting also determines the binding strength.These are basic principles of biology that you dont seem to know, but theyve been discovered over decades of experimentation. Quantifying this mathematically is molecular dynamics. Dont wait, i aint got my supercomputer on me
Mutations actually remove information from the genome, we've NEVER seen a mutation ADD information to the genome. All changes happen when there is an error COPYING, some parts DONT get copied. You can see this in action when cousins marry and inbreed. Information is lost and they devolve.

By what mechanism does information get added? Mr Evolution himself, Richard Dawkins, doesn't know, maybe you do?

>what a bong melty in this stale bread of tryhard fedora tippers trying to slide attention from jewish crimes toward attention to jewish fiction
it's called a scientific calculator in all the fields
In so far that if it sucessfully codes a minor variation of a trait the host either isnt really affected (eg 3 dots instead of four dots on a ladybird), becomes some form of retarded (eg downs syndrome) or deformed (eg three arms, albino, etc) or randomly helps the subject in some capacity (eg giraffe long neck, color vision, cheetah stripe camouflage). Obviously most mutations just result in death. Big tits on women is due to sexual selection so it is evolution
Can you actually say something instead of 'lol' and posting some stupid picture ?
Speak leaf, the whole point of the thread is to talk about stuff.
Wrong, but i'll let you have it. How big is the search space now? And what are the odds of coming across the protein by chance?
He's a science denier
OP's grandpa was a monkey
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But how does it code? Do you know the odds you're up against? Do you know how many places in the genome you need to make changes to even have one small change? Let's say you have the DNA code to make the protein that the lens of an eye, now you need the code that says it goes to the head, you need the code that says it needs to be in a circle shape, you need the code that says when it starts and stops dividing, you need the code that perfectly fits this with nerves to the brain to interpret. You need all this information at once. This means you need to have the end goal in mind.
Cool, natural and artificial selection does not prove that we used to be monkeys or that me and my dog have a common ancestor if we go far enough back.
True. And most of them have no valid argument for denying the science too.
Its all 'but muh science is bad' but never provide fabric to the reason why they feel that way.
Im tired of these retards not at least trying to have an open mind on all things and putting up a valid debate for discussion.
Levinthal’s paradox also exists. It takes longer than the universe has existed for proteins to configure themselves by brute force. That's just basic configuration, not even evolution.

>Can you actually say something
You guys are brainlet fedora tippers, lol. See >>484243721.
Music and germs are theories too.
It's called a scientific calculator. not a god calculator
Whales evolved from 'land horses' obviously they werent called that but you can look it up and hard evidence are rudimentary hip bones in the whale. Why would it have hips otherwise? Checkmate Yahwe.
Denounce the Bible.
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>maybe if I write the same joke 3 times it will land and people will think I'm clever
Lol, you haven't even studied calculus, midwit. Atheism is an intelligence LARP for retards too dumb to do anything but parrot.
if mutation adds a new version of a gene to a population, how is that not adding information?
the number of base pairs might not change, but a novel gene has been created via the introduction of new information via mutation
do we disagree on what "information" means?
Now you are disagreeing with it being called a Scientific calculator.
You arent building a porsche from scratch, its a lot of steps and scrap porsche prototypes in the process. Check out conways game of life for a simple iterative algorithm that produces surprisingly complex results
i dont know :) im just a programmer who understands genetic algorithms
i would be surprised if its intractable
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>Charles Darwin proves we evolve from primates
No. He proved we have common ancestor
Yes, that's what science is
Also forgot to add do you have a better theory? Because god did it is way more lacking of an explanation. Way more.
Exactly. It's so obviously true and elegant compared to christcuck nonsense, but it requires a person to check their species-ego a bit. Hopefully our understanding of evolution and genetics gives rise to a new paganism where strength, vitality, and beauty are glorified once again.
But mutations have all been removal of code. But lets just indulge your fake science and say that mutations add information.

What are the chances of getting an average functional protein by chance? the average protein is 300 amino acids long.

You would exhaust all the atoms in the universe and require trillions of years before you even come across ONE protein that can be used in the body. That's just ONE protein. We're made up of thousands.
Do you also not believe in gravity and atoms and the germ theory of disease you stupid fucking retard
Read a book, Cletus. There's a reason life gets more simple the further back in time we go. This is shit they teach in the 4th grade.
He postulated it. It wasn't proven until the "modern synthesis" which happened in the 30s/40s.
You have never actually studied science though. You're a midwit fedora tipping retard who confuses being strongly opinionated with being informed. That's why no one likes you and you have no friends.
You have it wrong. Atheism is a cope as if being closer to the truth has any meaning, makes any difference. We are dead men talking. At least my cope isnt hope like religion. You know religious folks had my respect if they didnt believe in heaven. Believing in presents after death is the most cucked reality denying scam idea Ive seen people follow, ever.
>Us humans are the greatest ever, we have to be created by some divine entity beyond our understanding

Pure narcissism and delusion.
An algorithm, so it's intelligently designed? Evolution is blind, random accidents my friend. Blind random accidents that produce engineering perfection like DNA, like brains, like sperm and eggs.

>>Charles Darwin proves we evolve from primates
He didn't.
>but muh eck ACK...
Not a single Darwin's theory has been proven or has been correct.
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No. Atheism is a midwit ideology for losers who didn't develop a personality and get a false sense of superiority by comparing themselves to stereotypes.
>What are the chances of getting an average functional protein by chance?
shit, satan, i already told you i dont know
>But mutations have all been removal of code
if you mutate a single base pair the amount of """code""" is the same
if the mutation is unique in a population then you have a new or reintroduced version of a gene
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Mutations are random, the selection of these mutations is not.
The bigger redpill is realizing that God is real, the Bible is fake, and everything you've listed is true.
Yes, God made us. A cell bumping into existence in a pond billions of years ago is a fantasy. The cell is an engineering marvel beyond comprehension. Look at what goes on inside a cell. You need the code for replication. You need a membrane. You need ATP. You need enzymes to make the DNA, and how do you get the enzymes? You need DNA that makes them lol.

Look at Youtube James Tour origin of life then watch stephen meyer intelligent design darwins doubt/signature in the cell
Just because he was wrong about emotions doesn't mean evolution was wrong.
>s a shrew
Nice , they don't want to admit that there were giant humans on the planet not even that long ago.
>clearly thousands of ancient buildings have
>doors, windows, steps and floor sizes that would work for humans that were 3-4 meters (10-14 feet ) tall.
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>Just because
But that's not how it works. The base pairs don't get 'muddled around' Entire sections are lost when making copies.
>switches to memeflag
This proves evolution. Big beak bird turn to small beak bird etc., all because of evolution. Go back to that island in a couple of billion years and they will have become horses and such - while some of them remain as birds.
>have much smaller brain
>don't have frontal lobes
>can barely talk
>accept evolution, buddy
How about no. You actually have 0 arguments here in your post.
You posted Dawkins, lol.
but enough about brazil
Not intelligent design. Iterative design. Also life isnt perfect errors are everywhere youd think a god would make a creature that doesnt have to eat food that goes through a tube and is shit out but i dont want to start debating supposed creators intent vuz i dont follow the axiom of a creator in the first place. Ask yourself this, your problem with evolution is statistics, funnily my problrm with god is the same. God is statistically a lot less likely than any other explanation. Some anon here said evolution violates thermodynsmics well god violates any law of physics, or logic. Ill take the theory with less assumption thanks
Depends on the selection pressures
Can you tell me how selection picks an animal when a mutation does not yet provide a beneficial advantage?

For example, let's say you have the protein needed to build a lens for the eye, but the eye has not been constructed yet, therefore the animal has no advantage yet.

Also, care to elaborate on how you think origin of life happened?
I AM superior. Suck it.
you need chickens to make chicken eggs. and how do you make chicken eggs? chickens. BOOM

mutations can hit individual base pairs, called point mutations
>when making copies
are you talking about how the genome is cut up during reproduction? thats swap, not mutate
Youtube videos as explanations are beneath me. So typical of you. Very predictable. Use your own formulation or fuck off
Mutation is just overlap and what's left over from transcription
God is a Nordic Primate.
what if i blast you with radiation instead
Have you looked into the fine tuning of the universe?

Also, you're not going to like it, but yes, through SIN came death and disease. Nothing works perfectly since Man's fall.
Then it's just genome damage
Or I have cancer
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>Charles Darwin proves we evolve from primates
It's a theory
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This is not exactly a good argument. Evolution violates thermodynamics well that is theory, and maybe it's right maybe it's wrong, but it can be right, in which case you have to choose either thermodynamics or evolution, I guess. But if God violates physics and logics, that's not a problem, because he's God over everything, including those things. And also including you.
>it's a theory
>so time expansive we may never be able to prove it
Reminds me of that riemann hypothesis in mathematics
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Why dont niggers believe in evolution?
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You are cancer.
You do realise gene swapping is not a perfect process? Why did god make it that way?
DNA difference between whites and blacks: 0.5-1%

DNA difference between humans and chimpanzees: 1-2%
The animal either has kids or it hasnt. Theres your selection. Thats what we retrospectively call successful species. Your lens and eye example is retarded but I get your point. Indeed the chance of eukaryotes alone is so unlikely that winning the lottery is peanuts, and thats single celllular. Our answer is only well its a big coincidence which is very lame on am amswer but mind you god did it doesnt even attempt to explain anything. It can hardly be called a theory in the scientific sense. Maybe there are infinite dimensions or whatever where the laws of physics have any other configuration? Who knows? I dont. Im open to the concept of a this system tramscending whateveritis but it sure aint some jew out of nazareth who set everything in motion
because it's pleasure to swap genes with your mama
I learned it I just don't believe it. >>484245716
Is that what I said or are you a massive faggot?
You having sex with my mother is just a theory
That's plot armour
>You do realise gene swapping is not a perfect process?
You're perfectly retarded.
Not edgy. Genuinely mentally deranged. I run on hardware thats special ed but better than yours for sure
He speculated, he didn't prove. It is a hypothesis backed with supporting evidence at best. Why is something that is a guess considered factually accurate? What proof did he have? Observations? One person's viewpoint? Excellent work, Sherlock.
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You're behaving like a child now
Pretty sure evolution is a theory, meaning that it is not proven. Post hand paki ghandu
You've been behaving like a retard the whole thread, lol.
God is statistically a lot less likely than any other explanation.
Look into Origin of life. Look into the Big bang.

Space and Time had a beginning, before the big bang, there was nothing. The cause of the big bang had to therefore be spaceless, timeless, immaterial, immensely powerful and intelligent.

Sound like anyone you might know of?
Or does Everything come from NOTHING LOL?
That's just a theory lol
If i bend the rules I can make any claim. I can claim I created everything by sneezing yesterday and I defy logic and only choose to be a mortal loser arguing on 4chinchin. Since I defy logic you cant say my theory is illogical. See the issue? Once you disconnect your belief from reason you are in lala looney land no better than me making shit up

The great /pol/ flame war
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>rants on for 46 post like a dumb ass nigger
>just a theory
Substantiated by textual evidence ITT.

You're a retard. QED.
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Domesticated pigs also devolve into wilder, hairy beasts when put into the wild.
What did you expect?

Did you want me to prove evolution before your very eyes or something?
anthropic principle applies here
it doesnt matter how low the odds are, because you (intelligent life) can only exist in a time and place where it did happen
every living thing capable of asking these questions lives in a universe tuned for life, on a planet tuned for life, with an arbitrarily lucky abiogenesis, or a creator
Hes an expert in Origin of Life, I thought you were searching for the truth? I heard both sides, I was an Atheist for two decades. I'm also an engineer. I know what it takes to build things. I see the genius of God everywhere. It's beautiful.

Why wont you watch the video? You will learn a lot.

If you don't watch it, care to explain how the origin of life happened?
Kek yea pretty much. So what is your honest opinion? Tell me. How did life come forth? Made from adams rib? Or what is you interpretation of the metaphor. Dishonest actor you are. Thats a sin btw
Darwin had a theory. It's been proven to be incorrect for decades. Humans appeared on the earth out of fucking nowhere. There are no intermediary specimens that haven't been proven a hoax. Almost as if we were introduced to this world. We are closer genetically to pigs than to apes. That shit is weird and I don't eat pork for that reason. Modern humans are a DNA splice of several species. Ancient texts tells us who did it and why, but you faggots want to argue muh darwin like it's 1988 Bible camp.
Why are you so confined to 'natural' explanations? The big bang, for example, needs a supernatural explanation. For you cannot invoke nature as the cause because that was itself the effect bought forth from the supernatural cause.

If God did make us in his image, Why is that so hard to believe?

Still waiting for your answer on how the origin of life started
How did one pair of our genes get spliced together?

It is creationism and evolution that explains us. It is both, not one or the other.
Everything turns to nothing so why cant it come from it? Why would I hold the answers to existence? I am still searching, you have decided what they wrote in the book is right because the book says so. No educated christian denies evolution. Only the retards.
That's adaptation and natural selection you retard, not evolution.
>Be Darwin, see adaption, something any dog breeder could tell you about.
>Say we all adapted from a common ancestor billions of years ago
>say there should be billions of transitionary fossils.

Fast forward 150 years. No fossils found. k3k
>Entire life and self-image revolves around something scientifically impossible
>Logic is circular when questioned (e.g. the Bible is true because the Bible says so)
>Mutilated penis because his cult says it is necessary for some reason
>Has seething fit of rage and cope when DNA results are posted
Are Christcucks the original trannies?
those are just theories too, you fucking worthless braindead nigger
only primate here is you, jamal abdul bin willamsbury
Do you know how rare a fossil is in the first place? ?They have to be perfectly preserved, in something like a peat bog or an end of earth event like the dinosaurs.
Most of our transistory fossils are OIL.
Dude, this is a known hoax.
Okay I will watch it. Bookmarked it. Its 4:40 I should have went to sleep 5 hours ago. Maybe i will make a thread about the video and maybe you will see it.
But what were primates before they became primates? Humans are humans.
Technically we are primates
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if that true, why pajeet exist? they mutant, they not beneficial, then why they spread like a cancer?
Evolution theory has thousands of points of evidence to support it, creationism theory has some stupid book written 2000 years ago that has no valid argument for why things exists, it just states that it is all God creation, because it is the most easiest way for low IQ individuals to explain everything without having to develop their own mind intellectually.
"Why would it have hips otherwise?" is basically the rationale evolutionists give, but that doesn't constitute hard evidence. On the contrary, population adaptation is a process of local optimization within a certain basin of attraction, and our observations of the significant mutations that would be required to hop basins always result in sterility, cancer, or terminal genetic defects in reality.

A Biblically accurate creationism posits that some number of "kinds" of creatures were initially created with perfect genomes that covered wide gamuts of phenotypes. God's cursing of the earth in Genesis 3 established entropy, and all creatures became susceptible to wearing down and dying. The conditions on earth after the flood seem to have greatly accelerated the degradation including the "wearing down" of our DNA and shortening of lifespans. Speciation within a "kind" would be explainable by a combination of local adaptation and DNA degradation among geographically separated populations, but the number of coincidences required for one kind to become another requires at least as much faith as creationism.
if they truly designed the t4 bacteriophage, they can design a human body. they're not even human. its pretty likely that they have the cure for incelibacy and they just aren't telling us. they have collected all the human statistics, but aren't sharing them. so theres like this weird balance between money, and power, and whatever they benefit.
So why should it be, you and I should get along so awfully? Now you're punching and you're kicking and you're shouting at me. I'm relying on your common decency.
Then I guess niggers are literally apes Then
Finally, someone with brains.
Earliest texts about 6000 years ago.
Agricultural revolution about 6000 years ago. You're telling me, according to evolutionists, we've been around 200,000 years, but only in the last 6000 did we fucking think to plant food LMAO?

The smoking gun is the population statistics.
After Noah's flood, about 2000 years ago, 3 people multiplying by 0.464% or doubling every 150 years means we get 7 billions today.

If' we've been around for 200,000 where the fuck is all the skeletons or trillions of people LMAO? why did the 'cultural big bang' start 6000 years ago? Apparently according to evolutionists we were on the verge of extinction for 195,000 years
It's like I'm really reading a post from 2006. Time is a flat fucking circle, Jesus Christ.
Because empiricism is the only thing I hold sacred. I see no shame in saying i dont know the origin of life. I'm just trying to uphold my principles like you.
Retard, the post.
Guess the followers of Moloch really like to inflate corpse numbers lmao
Cognitive dissonance is real. It's why we still have religion, why some of us still deny evolution.

It's the best theory we have.
evolution doesnt necessarily select for what we think of as beneficial
if shitting everywhere and raping everything lets you have more kids, who then reproduce, it will be selected for
as another example, an isolated group of homo erectus "evolved" smaller brains, because food was scarce
Where is the missing link? Why Sub-Saharan blacks have ~17% of archaic DNA that no other races have? You are Jewish and deserve everything coming your way.
I'm not a christian and evolution is retarded. Mathematically impossible. If you've done any research in biology it's obvious life on this planet was designed. Same patterns and mathematical equations in all cellular structure for example.
So you believe in magic now? Because the theists have a miracle worker, you don't

Nothing comes from Nothing. You realise, before the big bang theory, scientists thought the universe was eternal? Their minds were blown when it was confirmed the universe had a beginning. Otherwise they were perfectly fine with an 'eternal' being existing.

But now when we say God is Eternal, always was and always is, and is outside space and time, they suddenly can't accept it LOL? hypocrites.

It genuinely saddens me you're not watching the origin of life video. That video blew my fucking mind. Please watch
yeah gods a huge faggot, hes a fucking retard. he poisoned my head himself and made it grotesque.
You are mistaking the laws of physics/chemistry that created symmetry in biology, for creationism.
Remember if you are right then sub Saharan Africans ,Khoisan people,austro melanisans and negritos are Literally APES
lol he actually did isn't that weird? like imagine doing that to somebody. it didn't just happen through sheer luck. he actually came into my home and poisoned it somehow with magic. and this was part of his bible larp, something about temples.
Modern apes are our distant cousins, not our ancestors. Humans and other apes evolved from older apes. Both lineages have been evolving to suit their niches.
>mathematically impossible
do you all run on the same script?
genetic algorithms work ->in practice<- and have been analysed to death, mathematically
>>Charles Darwin proves we evolve from primates
Show proof
>But now when we say God is Eternal, always was and always is, and is outside space and time, they suddenly can't accept it LOL? hypocrites
Nothing annoys me more when they use that excuse to try and win a debate or argument on the topic. Its so retarded and low IQ
Rare of not, enough sampling has been done that MANY should turn up, even some. None are found. Stephen Jay gould, famous paleontologist said:

>What did you expect?
I expected you to be a retarded fedora tipper who confuses being strongly opinionated with being informed.
>Did you want me to prove evolution before your very eyes or something?
I don't think you have a good enough grasp on biology to prove anything. I'm willing to bet you've never seen a colonial organism under a microscope and odds are you're going to have to google that term to even know what it means.

You're a fedora tipper engaged in an intelligence LARP. Your lack of self-awareness renders you a joke to people more intelligent than yourself (i.e. most people).
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but that's only true if they rape the same species as them, whatever that species is (pajeetkind?) also india is a tropical land with no shortage of food supply, no wild species suffer famine there, also you haven't answer why niggers are dumber than monkeys
>Entire life and self-image revolves around something scientifically impossible
The Bible isn't a scientific document, dumbass. Simple as.
What do you believe happened, in your own view?
You know what would really be retarded? Believing we evolved from primates, but then insisting that one group of primates has, against all evidence, evolved to be dumber, more antisocial, and more violent than another group of genetically distinct primates. That would be the zenith of stupidity.
So explain the hip bones in an aquatic animal. Also if you say literal flood we'd have traces of it. Were dinosaurs before or after eden? Perfect genome violates thermodynamics. If anything it must be regeneration at a cost. Why no human fossils from the time of eden? Why no Nephilim 3 meter skeleton in some glacier ice?
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If we're just animals that exist for no reason and evolved based on our survival instincts then why did everyone come to a collective agreement in the 20th century that it's wrong to live as if we're apex predator animals and that Darwinism and eugenics and Nietzsche are evil and we shouldn't conquer weaklings because that would be heckin oppression as if nature gives a fuck about that
Aren't you searching for the truth? The sheer odds one encounters in the origin of life and fine tuning of the universe is unfathomable.

They say if aliens came to us, they would speak in math, Well, God is telling you this is practically impossible with chance and luck.
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Racist are smarter than atheist
>endless replies of subhumans who know that it hasn't been proven 100%, making it still a theory, yet have too much pride to admit it
>most of these niggers would make fun of Christians for having faith in Jesus but see no problem with having faith that a theory is fact
you are correct, and it has never been proven 100%, even with all the claims that something has been observed
>a scientific theory is an explanation
it is an attempted explanation, not an actual explanation
and consensus among most scientists is just sniffing each others asses and honoring the pecking order
It's all schizo BS
Because a human on his own is a vulnerable animal. We are pack animals. We survived by hunting and gathering as tribes therefore raising our chances of survival. From that comes the acceptance of both a beta and alpha human within the tribes
>I know a lot more about Science than those in their field
Bored of this thread now
Wtf. You guys had an evolution slapfight thread without me?
I thought we were frens!
Functioning ecosystems are pretty and also of great benefit and necessity to our species. Muh survival of the fittest doesn't mean destroying everything is a smart or sexy idea.
>Mathematically impossible.
based on what probability calculation? and how does that probability calculation account for how little we know about what's "normal" for occurrences of life in the universe?

the probability argument is usually just a thin veneer on the intuition that life works too well to be random, but it's difficult to say that without having ten other earth-like planets on record that definitely don't have any form of life. maybe for planets of earth's characteristics it's more likely for life to form than not, you don't know. if you don't know what "normal" is then you can't say anything about how unlikely or likely any outcome is. if you flipped a coin exactly once in your life and got tails, it would be madness to say that tails is either a certain outcome or the least likely outcome. you just don't know.
And? I guess the answer is that you are a faggot.
Please give me a logical reason why I, as an animal who exists because I am just stronger than the others, shouldn't spit on a refugee in Europe. Why do I have to pay taxes to support them instead? Why is society designed in a way we act as if we aren't animals?
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>What do you believe happened, in your own view?
I believe Nu Atheism encouraged morons to bloviate about things beyond their level of understanding and it lead to retards like yourself confusing being strongly opinionated about something with being informed. The fedora fad largely played itself out and its greatest cultural contribution was the unintended consequences of faces of r/atheism; it played a key role in meme culture via the irony that sprang forth from it.
Virtual particles pop out of nothing and we can detect them. Look it up. Again bro I'm in comp sci I know jack shit about physics just that it may sound strange but our models are quantifiable which religion isnt and they make accurate predictions of reality which religion doesnt. No faith in the world ever prayed into existence a smartphone, or ai porn.
Someone probably did post that exact phrase in 2006.
>scientifically impossible
This term always gets moved like the goalpost that it is. Many times things once deemed scientifically impossible are now possible, or things once regarded as scientifically sound are now regarded as a joke. The hubris of the average subhuman science worshiper is laughable. His definition of what is fact constantly changes so he doesn't have to admit fault for being so naive, or wasting endless amounts of money on "research".

You are so smart

Go get a fields medal or something, don't deny me your exceptionality
they can even rape other species
in theory a pajeet could even mate with a human? the science is not settled on that
>india is a tropical land
so they tend to die random deaths - the aboriginal australians are similarly retarded
avoidable deaths tend to select for intelligence, like running out of food in winter
>niggers are dumber than monkeys
niggers *are* monkeys but they repurposed part of their brains to learn proto-languages
thats why they "chimp" out when agitated
>and consensus among most scientists is just sniffing each others asses and honoring the pecking order
ill sniff yours if you sniff mine
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neither is true. we have a common ancestor. thats all. evolution doesnt necessitate men as monkeys
We are living exactly like that. The elites rape kids and the only thing stopping normal people from animalic acts are consequences. Being moral is only logical because if you are evil other people will be evil to you more which decreases your survival probability.
Whales literally have finger bones in their flippers and a residual leg bone before their tail. Its true, look it up online. They still have remnants of distant evolutionary path that lead them from land onto water
>still can't prove a theory to be 100% correct
>tries to pull out some sort of rank as if it matters
All the ass sniffing should make you tired. Nice try though with the attempt at hubris.
>Go get a fields medal or something
Remember what I said above about bloviating without being informed. You felt comfortable referencing the Fields Medal and can't even name a single winner. Lol.
Darwin can be excused, he didn't have good microscopes, he thought a cell was a bunch of jelly.

Fast forward couple of decades and DNA is discovered. There is INFORMATION at the heart of every living thing.

Information that is billions of characters long, needs to be in a specific order. DNA is more advanced than anything humans have ever come up with. I write code. DNA is unfathomable. It's the pinnacle of engineering. You cannot tell me randomness made it.

It can be read top to bottom, and it gives you functional code to do in the body. It can be read bottom to top and it gives you functional code. It can be read from anywhere in the middle both directions. And the mind blower? It is 4D code. It utilised the time dimension. It changes shape with time and once again, produces functional code. This is something we can never hope to make. And randomness made this? Give me a break. This is intelligent design to the core.

Errr, norman rockwell? Lol
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>show me the transitional fossils between whales and ancient mammals
>nooo! why are you showing me the transitional fossils?
>do you really think not whales turned into whales? show me the transitional fossils
some of you fucking mutts...
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Should have noticed the yellow ID britcuck has over 50 posts of absolute nonsense hubrisposts, literally most of this shit is blog/twitter-tier fart sniffing. Science worshipers are a special kind of subhuman. Maybe you should study your de-evolution sometime.
They pop out of nothing WITHIN the universe. They follow laws, if there are laws, there's a law maker. Since you're in comp sci, you should know systems design, you should know that when designing something you have the end goal in mind. Explain how life can start even at a 'simple' cell level without having ALL the correct parts in the right place at the right time, with the DNA in the right order?
323 posts and we are still no further forward.
>hip bones
Whales are significantly different from fish, so it's not completely out of the question that the original kind simply had that much potential variation within it. It's unfalsifiable either way.
>flood traces
The complete clusterfuck that is geologic column classification should suggest to anyone with sense that some major cataclysmic upheavals occurred. Missing and inverted strata are so common that identification of fossil and rock dates becomes an ouroboros of citations assuming the other ones are accurate. Meanwhile we see weird stuff like aquatic fossils on mountains or mammoths being flash frozen with undigested food in their guts.
Our understanding of dinosaurs is deeply flawed and changes fairly often, but they could well be dragons among other megafauna killed off in the flood.
I said earlier the creationist theory would hypothesize that the second law came after creation was done as a result of the curse.
Was completely and utterly destroyed by the flood, and fossils can only form in very specific conditions anyway.
Their form isn't explicitly given by the Bible except that they were the offspring of human women and fallen angels. The claim they were giants originated from Numbers 13 where the 10 unfaithful scouts made up excuses not to invade Canaan. The flood wiped them out, so any reference to them afterwards has to be metaphorical or mythological in nature.
The low IQ have been bumping the thread with their nonsense.
Programmers don't reuse code?
Why does it surprise you that reality is more complex than we can grasp?
>If I can't understand it it must be god
Not a convincing argument. If god exists it should come to every living human simultaneously and tell us the plan, no bullshit metaphors about oxen and bread multiplication.
It's not my fault, thank darwin
So the dog poked his head into the water sometimes and it magically got gills LMAO? Explain to me, step by step, how it was more advantageous for him to literally turn into a fucking whale over millions of years than to just continue being a dog
whales dont have gills
try again
He's right. You've done nothing but embarrass yourself in front of your betters. Tsk tsk.
God doesn't take demands from sinners. Those who humble themselves and pray, will find him. Those who seek, will find.
To explain from your base, because the police/government are stronger than you. But survival of the fittest is a meme. Darwin never used such wording, and the idea is mainly used in social darwinism. Ultimately, it's just an excuse to justify pissing on whoever you don't like. Additionally, there are plenty of instances in nature of altruistic and collaborative species, and collaboration between species. There are plenty of brutal and solitary animals, but many creatures work together because doing so increases their chances of viably reproducing. Being the biggest and most destructive dick possible isn't going to work if your survival and reproduction depends on help from others, as it does in most group-living species. Traits that promote this social aspect are more likely to be favored over evolutionary time in such species. There's a nuance to this of course, and not every member of your species or population has to be in your group, but having a group is something many animals manage just fine.
History will remember me hoser. Enjoy your ceremonial burial whilst I wade into the peat bog waiting to be discovered by advanced civilisations
life on earth ended a number of times, life is so heavily diversified in ways statistics cannot account for. We are in the Anthropocene and the environment is comparatively dandy. Just study birds of paradise for a few minutes and you'll understand.


what is left out is also the death of algae blooms, which contribute to 70% of earth's oxygen. what happens to the marine life? we know it's obscenely diverse already and we know we only know of a percent of what is in there. massive shifts in salinity, buoyancy, sea level and thus pressure, most of the ocean life we do know swim over a continental shelf, a couple miles usually from shore, hardly the open sea, real Cthulhu shit. 2 weeks with no sun is enough to cause total lifecycle collapse, much less 2 years.

So how did life bounce back from such extinctions? Fungi. Fungi either designed or capable of integrating and splicing DNA, RNA etc. think of giant viruses and phages, ALU and now consider what species just looooove to eat ants on a stick?

I'm an enginner. you cannot turn a dog into a whale. It's impossible.
>im an engineer
okay, got it
>you cannot turn a dog into a whale
is that something you engineers attempt often?
>its impossible
we have the fossil record
you need to re-evaluate what you think is possible
Within a vacuum, yes. I cant make assumptions about extraempirical phenomena or laws of some meta universe or dimension cluster or god or whatever because I dont believe. I lack faith. I dont believe in a spirit either. I say we are what we see, and all I see is animals. Or in other words what I dont see I cant tell you. Even the most sophisticated code is made from simple building blocks, run time towards infinity and you can code anything randomly
it's just insecurity, like those shitskins that specifically abuse monkeys
it's immediately obvious in the language they use to dismiss evolution, they're personally insulted by the association with other species and get irrationally upset
Whales are ungulates, not dogs. Genetic studies show the hippos to be their closest living relatives. They are nestled well within the order containing the otherwise terrestrial even-toed hoofed mammals.
>angloid franchoids
the French?
>History will remember me
Watch this space
I will nevet surrender to the whims of a judge whose judgement I don't agree with. Neither does the judge exist but I would rightfully end up in hell if he did that much I know. I love sin.
it's just as interesting when you put this through the lens of the Ebner effect, more, I believe. Morphic fields, two headed planarian worm experiments and the implications thereof. you see, this fungal menagerie may have initially been intended to be finite but unbounded until certain groups became isolated at critical stages and a breedably viable divergence or speciation occurred. IE Denisovans, etc. Lucy could have done the business with Chimp ancestors, and maybe they did. The monkey who was created and the monkey who resisted the crash of worlds.

Evidently if there was an intelligence behind this whole noarkian magic mushroom era, they could also blast off into space or phase through dimensions and shit, so you have hominid fungi ant farmers and space people and eventually rapidly evolving replicants,
>pakicetus first identified as a genus on the basis of skull fragments and some dental bones
>at a 20 m^2 site, they found a bunch of bones of different animals including the dental bones of the pakicetus
>we think some of these other bones belong to the pakicetus, so let's reconstruct the skeleton, diet, and behavior of the animals
Archaeology is deviantart-tier fanfic writing with bones.
Because then humans arent special and religion falls apart.
there are multiple pakicetus fossils, you're talking about the first
we also have a series of fossils in which whale ancestor's blowholes migrate to their modern position
ah yes, when religious white people got trolled because they didn't want to be niggers

its a psy op
bri'ish aka germanic-gaelic theory of evolution is based on hindu religion.
bri'ish east india company brought it back as means of population control and management.

and it is not taken as theory it is taken as extermist belief to justify all kinds of evil.

you are bunch of pootards
put your poo "swastika" on hans
What's the proof that the blowhole positions simply didn't have more variation in the past? Fossils are too rare and often too incomplete to make sweeping generalizations about populations. There are a lot of humans today that would be peddled as different species in 500 years if you dumped them in a tar pit.

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