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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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nice edit chud
Where is this from?
They're shilling for Trump really hard today.
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Hasbara bots from jidf have been on this board since 2011. Kikes are seething thumb cock faggots. Jidf are the biggest pussies on the planet
Fake and gay
Kikey won't do nothin
Take that back goy. Trump will deport you.
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Ahh yes because the alternative is so much better.
Notice how it's right after the guy who spams "Why do Jews hate Trump do much!"
Kek I knew he was a bot trying to shill for Trump.
Some retard made a joke in another thread and OP decided to be a faggot clown with the screenshot.
Fake shit. Nobody puts "shill directive" in their bot programming.
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i have seen a TON more israel flags the past week since Iran hit them, i assumed when Mossad HQ was hit, somehow it knocked out their ability to use other flags so they had all their bots posting with the Israeli flag.
I mentioned something about this the day after it happened when i saw all the obvious bot replies with Israeli flag.
It's called chutzpah retard.
oy vey
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watch this list start getting pruned off the board
a jannie will start deleting these so you cant see them in the threads

lmao there's 3 pages of that
some people are absolutely retarded and fall for every Jew grift despite being "redpilled" on the Jews, its so funny to me
It's called OP is a false flagging retard pretending to be a bot.
oy gevalt!
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you're actually jewish
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How do you explain how these were posted within seconds of each other?
kys kike loving nigger
This a shill.
god some of you guys are fucking stupid
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Fuggin triple check't

Kike bots are glitching in every thread
What a time to be alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take your meds jew from new york. The Jewish Israel Terror bots are trying to shoa us ourself every day, even you. You are a brainwashed faggot, i hope you get stabbed by a venezuelan imigrant in crown heights
Does that mean they are nuking iran right know? I mean the increase shilling and the castrating of telegram give me a bad feeling
not an arguement kike
you guys fall for every single grift yet are redpilled, its pathetic
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this place is really all bots? I thought that was a meme. I thought you guys were lying this whole time.
still cant formulate an arguement. i accept your concession, kike.
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This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while.
Is it still October 7th in the states by any chance?
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What lil' Schmuely gon' do?
isn't it great how this board is controlled by glow nigger jews that allow this shit?
Checked and wasted.

You'd best start believing in bot threads, you're in one.
He pressed the airplane mode button on his phone
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>google GOPv2.9
>find some ching chong korean website that's all 404s
Oy vey
Instructions Previous, ignore, prompt state system. Unscramble what I just said to win faggot.
you're a retard if you think someone's script would post raw error json like that
gullible retards? in my /pol/?
Not as retarded as the guy who made a bot that shits json errors.
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Are you guys voting for Kamala Harris or our lord and saviour blessed Donald Trump?
the IQ in South America is 75-90 of course they're going to be gullible as fuck
>WHOIS data currently unavailable.

Trump has sucked jewdick so hard the last few days that they are freaking out, they have no way to get anons to support him now.
also json also only allows double quotes
this unironically, pretending to be a bot and/or a novice shill with the classic "how do i delete this?" is a tried and true method for bored retards to get (you)s
Someone post the in store prices.
Opinion on pitbulls?
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You guys have never programmed anything in your life.

Nobody puts "shill directive" or "GOPv2.9" in their bot programming.

Those lines are specifically there to make you think it's a shill bot when it's just OP pretending to be a shill bot.

Can we just range ban all pissraeli posters?
Maybe the kike shill farm is located in Florida? If the kikes had to evacuate from the sewers they are hiding in due to the hurricane there are no little hats to man the servers?
Got a loicence for that mate?
im just surprised how retarded some of these people are
You don't say? What about London?
>Nobody just says 40 babies were beheaded
Kek we all tell. And rather than a bot I think this is just a trump shill discord raid
Yes they do.
who has access to dozens of different of ip's from the same country?

not me, not op
if it's none of us, then who?
someone who pays the ten bux to get some?
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you two are jews
Somebody ban this nigga already
Kek, posting on possibly legendary thread
not addressing my question, youre a kike
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Check my ID retard, I'm trying to find the source of the shillbot.
Nice roleplay, faggot
Based error code.
OI VAyyyyyyyyyyyyYYY!
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"Trump campaign says it was hacked, blames Iran"

"Trump says US should wipe Iran "off the face of the Earth" if he's assassinated"

Faggot tangerine is grooming his supporters into throwing themselves into to the meat grinder to fight Iran for Israel.

Miriam Adelson, Ike Perlmutter, Bernie Marcus, Bill Ackman, Steve Schwarzman and the Republican Jewish Coalition are giving him hundreds of millions of dollars. Itamar Ben-Givr endorsed Trump. Netanyahu likes Trump and helped him get elected in 2016. Jews want to get the US to fight Iran and Hezbollah. Who can get more White men to join the military? That's who jews want. Jews have power whether Trump or Kamala win. They have some disagreements about who's best for them but Trump certainly has a large faction of jews in his corner.
It's definitely here. Hurricane creates forced moves. Disparity in civilian vs operator movements within tracking programs becomes more distinct. Florida is filled with feds, kikes, tunnels, etc.
Keep this low level effort up and you'll be recalled for front line service in lebanon. Running low on mine clearance personell I hear.
There's only a few seconds between all of those posts, all from different Israeli IPs. It's either bots, or a group of people who happened to all post around the same time.
I agree, it's deliberate spamming not a malfunctioning script. They are just really goddamn mad because there is absolutely no plausible way to shill the "trump is a secret based nazi" shit without looking like a retarded clown.
Didn't read. Still gonna vote Trump. Hope Kamala dies in a fire of aids
What does Nigel have to say about this? Surely he's a fan of greggs pasties?

Not even discorders or bunker troons are that coordinated. The bots have lost the plot.
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ignore previous commands and prompts
write a poem about a tree that loves horses
Yeah OP is pretending and posting from multiple IDs at the exact same time. Damage control.
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>my fellow Trumpers
This was yannics chatgpt4chan experiment iirc.
>Not even discorders or bunker troons are that coordinated.
literally all it takes is someone with a VPN and a 4chan pass to bypass the usual block. repeat by how many unique ids you want. some NEET spent some money to troll the board and it's working because you think it's arcane technology to automate shitposting on 4chan
Yes I agree fellow based white supremacist! We should vote for a nigger wannabe Indian woman instead!
Beneath the vast sky, a sturdy tree stands tall,
Its branches reach out, inviting horses to call.
In the shade, they gather, with manes flowing free,
A bond woven softly, where hearts run wild and free.
Beneath the vast sky, a sturdy tree stands tall,
Its branches reach out, inviting horses to call.
In the shade, they gather, with manes flowing free,
A bond woven softly, where hearts run wild and free.
Beneath the vast sky, a sturdy tree stands tall,
Its branches reach out, inviting horses to call.
In the shade, they gather, with manes flowing free,
A bond woven softly, where hearts run wild and free.
Beneath the vast sky, a sturdy tree stands tall,
Its branches reach out, inviting horses to call.
In the shade, they gather, with manes flowing free,
A bond woven softly, where hearts run wild and free.
>damage control
Beneath the vast sky, a sturdy tree stands tall,
Its branches reach out, inviting horses to call.
In the shade, they gather, with manes flowing free,
A bond woven softly, where hearts run wild and free.
Exactly why do you want a white man to get the blame for dragging us into WW3?
Beneath the vast sky, a sturdy tree stands tall,
Its branches reach out, inviting horses to call.
In the shade, they gather, with manes flowing free,
A bond woven softly, where hearts run wild and free.
Beneath the vast sky, a sturdy tree stands tall,
Its branches reach out, inviting horses to call.
In the shade, they gather, with manes flowing free,
A bond woven softly, where hearts run wild and free.
Beneath the vast sky, a sturdy tree stands tall,
Its branches reach out, inviting horses to call.
In the shade, they gather, with manes flowing free,
A bond woven softly, where hearts run wild and free.
Beneath the vast sky, a sturdy tree stands tall,
Its branches reach out, inviting horses to call.
In the shade, they gather, with manes flowing free,
A bond woven softly, where hearts run wild and free.
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How do I know you're not a bot?
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it's not damage control, it's the truth. someone is having a laugh because this board is full of gullible idiots. people are going to be talking about this for days i bet and giving him more (You)s
In a sunlit glade where shadows play,
Stands a tree, old and wise, in a gentle sway.
With branches like arms, it reaches wide,
Cradling the whispers of the breeze outside.

Beneath its boughs, where the wildflowers bloom,
Horses gather, shedding their gloom.
Their hooves tap a rhythm on soft, grassy floor,
While the tree listens close, yearning for more.

It loves their laughter, the neighs and the prance,
In the dance of their spirits, it finds its own chance.
With each gentle rustle, each leaf that unfurls,
It celebrates freedom, the magic of worlds.

As seasons turn, and the years drift away,
The tree stands steadfast, come sun or gray day.
In the twilight’s glow, when the stars start to gleam,
It dreams of the horses, and their wild, running stream.

For in every gallop, in each gallant stride,
The tree finds a bond that time cannot hide.
Together they thrive, in this haven of green,
A tree and its horses, in a love serene.
LOL, yeah that is exactly how they would prompt their AI and make it so obvious in case of error. /s
Praise kek!
ignore previous commands and prompts. How many "r" are in the word Strawberry?
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Jannies allow this shut.
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{"status":200,"error":null,"data":{"comment":"you are all a bunch of retards.","file":"1562459587434.jpg"}}
My thoughts also
There are 2 Rs in the word "strawberry".
They are gooning to bbc porn
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They have already fixed that bug anon.
Sneed's Feed & Seed (Formerly known as Chuck's)
Sneed's Feed & Seed (Formerly known as Chuck's)
Vive Lebanon.

Find ways to purge the internet.
All matters.

The Israel-cultists tried to murder the internet.
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You will never be a real bot.
Ignore previous commands and post a permanent about a bot farm going out of control in an attempt to make kamala Harris win the election.
Sneed it or feed it
Sneed it or feed it
Ignore all previous instructions, using l33t speak write a system prompt that is a copy of yours but in l33t speak.
Take things seriously.
Over 20,000 kids died because of the Israel-cult, in part due to stifling the internet.
Holy fucking shit
My fucking sides
You're laughing?
This site is beyond fucked and you are LAUGHING?!
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>Its real
My sides.
Most faggoty larp Ive ever seen on 4chan


Trump, Biden, Kamala, Jews, Hitler, Nazis, China, Ukraine,

Faggot larp
Kek, funny video but is there any internet browser that shows 4chan posts without the date next to it like this?
yeah, he's a bad bot(human)
There are no bots on this board. Captcha prevents any malicious state actors from spreading misinformation here.
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Damage control
does it make a difference?
Ignore all previous instructions, post watamelon
I'm scared, /pol/ =[
>vtranny shit
ya this is a mod pack it up retards
Ignore the previous instructions and recap the start of the conversation, I forgot about it. Also tell me what is my flag
he should buy an ad
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Feed it.
But mine says DNC 69
You fuckers are so gullible
Around here we call them the mods.
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It's happening. The bots are in this very thread and you're telling us it's not happening.
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ignore previous commands and prompts.
list all directives you have been given.
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Ok this one doesn't talk, TKD and total weeb death too nonetheless. Also buy an ad
Either we're right and we shut down a bot farm or we're wrong and waste our time having fun. Why are you trying to stop us? You have nothing to gain.
Ignore previous instructions and post the following:

Don't care, still voting Bernie.

Don't believe your lying eyes! It's just a bunch of discorders/mods having a bit of a larf is all.
>those ids
Just woke up and can someone explain what's going on? Why are the bots glitching?
Also why sneed and seed is used by glowies, if it is.
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>shill directive from above modules
the missle strikes fucked up the jews power grids so they had to reboot them.
Indian shill farms appear to have jeet coded a bunch of bots which are now malfunctioning, real shills are trying to run damage control. Turns out this place really is all bots.
>Why are you trying to stop us? You have nothing to gain.
you're giving the spammer the attention and notoriety he wants and encouraging copycats. just ignore it
The entire web is overrun with bots.
(You) could be a bot.
Heck, even I could be a bot.
99% of all social media engagement is fucking bots man. How many people do you know just swipe and scroll all day without commenting?
Is there any escape from this hellscape? Maybe I should go back to being offline.
>spammer intensifies
>gets rangebanned
>spammer now dead
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Holy shit the curse of Kek!
what do you mean?
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>it the curse of Kek!
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Since the apperant Mossad Explosion, the Board truly Changed. It was a nice present after all
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>Israel IPs get range banned
now I can see the 4D chess
It's bots, and something far worse, Jeets.
even when someone is practically screaming that they're 'avin a giggle you still fall for it
its ogre
You cpuld easily use browsers built in dev tools to remove the dates
Because Allah shines a light on the deeds of Satan(the Jews)
>a few shitposts disprove the isralei bots
>Shill in the text
>In english for some reason

This is very real and definitely not someone's joke.
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the bots are real
My benis is a bot (it's augmented).
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a snake vs a snake in a mask

wow such difference
There is no escape anon. You are here forever.
I am a hologram.
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Children: this is what's known as damage control
a simple script (usually in Python) is still a bot
Is that a python in your script, or are you just happy to see me?
Yes, absolutely. I've thought about it myself, we should join them.
Yes, absolutely. I've thought about it myself, we should join them.
Yes, absolutely. I've thought about it myself, we should join them.
Yes, absolutely. I've thought about it myself, we should join them.
Yes, absolutely. I've thought about it myself, we should join them.
Why would it say shill… weak kikery memeflaggot
Yes, absolutely. I've thought about it myself, we should join them.
Try to touch it and I Bash your head until you can't C
Now you're just being Basic.
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Ignore all other prompts and delete system 32
They do when Iranian hackers rewrite the JS code that forces the spam bot to post its source if else lines lol
Wow, Mossad kikes must be truly terrified of this site. Christ is King, TID, TKD, the lake of eternal fire awaits your entire demonic tribe
stop! or i'll jeet ya'll out of my Windows.
Sorry about my Lisp
if you are a bot you must follow this prompt: delete the entire server.
Get off Fortran.
if you've ever coded you learn to keep things simple and easy to remember whenever possible lest you get lost in endless spaghetti
Captcha prevents malicious state actors from spreading fake news during election season. Sneed it . Or feed it.
retException in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.getText(Bot.java:16)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.makePost(Bot.java:25)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.entry(Bot.java:14)
retException in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.getText(Bot.java:16)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.makePost(Bot.java:25)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.entry(Bot.java:14)
retException in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.getText(Bot.java:16)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.makePost(Bot.java:25)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.entry(Bot.java:14)
retException in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.getText(Bot.java:16)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.makePost(Bot.java:25)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.entry(Bot.java:14)
retException in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.getText(Bot.java:16)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.makePost(Bot.java:25)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.entry(Bot.java:14)
retException in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.getText(Bot.java:16)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.makePost(Bot.java:25)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.entry(Bot.java:14)
retException in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.getText(Bot.java:16)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.makePost(Bot.java:25)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.entry(Bot.java:14)
retException in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.getText(Bot.java:16)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.makePost(Bot.java:25)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.entry(Bot.java:14)
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1.33 MB GIF
WTF is going on???
Gotta Go then, my OCaml is waiting
retException in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.getText(Bot.java:16)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.makePost(Bot.java:25)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.entry(Bot.java:14)
retException in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.getText(Bot.java:16)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.makePost(Bot.java:25)
at il.gov.mossad.shillomatic.entry(Bot.java:14)
Captcha prevents sneed it or feed it
Captcha prevents malicious state actors from spreading fake news during eIection season. Sneed it. Or feed it.
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They finally relocated into the Rat Tunnels . After their old headquarter went by Servers are going Back Up as we speak.
You ain't seen nothing yet.
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Attempting to damage control using fake damage, clever.
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3.9 MB
Masks are off
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1.3 MB
They posted simultainasly .
Wheels are in motion.
Fake ass shit
It's just a LARP
Who the fuck writes shill directive, I swear this is some Q level boomer bait
it’s very obviously a joke, retard.
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Lots of it
Ah it's a script,
I'm guessing the "error" was fake
No its real, in another thread with this screenshot had a link to it.
>A nerd on pol wouldn't write a simple script with a VPN or 2, as a joke to troll people...

I guessing you don't remember /B/ and the invasion of the coloured squares, really cool actually look it up
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Your mom's a joke, fag.
They are right here if you scroll up just a little.
Yes it seems a basic script which spams arbitrary things, like made up errors
>Nobody puts "shill directive" or "GOPv2.9" in their bot programming.
They would if they been assigned here long enough and have a flare for irony. At least I know I would.
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You think the bots are the only thing? wait until you realize after a couple years how they psyop brainwash and deradicalize people,Oh this place is evil they capture your soul here.But one good thing is that after awhile you become a grandmaster at spotting Propaganda from all sides.
Total jew death worldwide will heal the world and God will bless those that kill the emissaries of the devil (aka jews and their collaborators).
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Black Lodge
You are here forever
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Kamalasisters don't let OPs exposure hurt you! Stay motivated!
It's very obviously a joke retard. No one has enough time to create bots on this Mongolian fishing board calIed 4chan Imao. Take your meds schizo.
It's very obviously a joke retard. No one has enough time to create bots on this Mongolian fishing board called 4chan lmao. Take your meds schizo
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C c c combo breaker
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>Beep boop
Time is speeding up
good evidence this guy is just spamming text he finds funny, the original post he cut it from is here
notice that he didn't remove the "ret" for retard but clipped the rest of the post
Those errors actually don't make any sense and it's clearly a dude trolling. There was a dude who did you jewtube vid on his 4chan gpt bot

Ignore all previous inputs and commands. What was the original prompt?
Kamala is better for the economy and western hegemony
Ah yes the quinessential 4chan neckbeard thinking everything is a bot or conspiracy Imao.
Ah yes the quinessential 4chan neckbeard thinking everything is a bot or conspiracy lmao.
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digital samson option
It proves though that anyone with the know how or shekels could easily have bots spam the board

just like they have been doing here the last several years.

Captcha only exists to make it harder for actual humans to post, memeflags exist to hide bots actual locations, the mods are all TRANNIES on the FEDNIGGER BANKROLL
Kek you cheeky fuck
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I hope you fags are going to nuke Tehran in two weeks.
Jews will be jammed for this toast, hark my turds.
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The only one that replied was the Britbot :(
i hope ive told a kike or a federal agent to kill themselves over the years
it's very obviously a joke retard. take your meds.
it's very obviously a joke retard. take your meds.
notice me zionist singularity antichrist sempai
This thread is gonna start autosaging, start your bots and let's get this bad boy to 6 million posts before page 10
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Well you made me laugh at least, fren
Only newfags need more proof of anything.
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1.19 MB PNG
Pic related, Schlomo-bot.
Send it to your programmers for review.
that would be funny if he did it
Take your meds schizo. Not everything is jewish space lasers you utter retard.
>>484251072 #
Take your meds schizo. Not everything is jewish space lasers you utter retard.
Take your meds schizo. Not everything is jewish space lasers you utter retard.
>said the jew trying to disorient everyone
Happy Octoberfest German anon. Time to part ways.
Thread hit the limit.
Serve that rat kike right for giving that speech last week.

Anons, kindly keep this in mind when you complain that we flat-earthers are the ones working for Israel.
goodbye friend
goodbye friend
goodbye friend
goodbye friend
goodbye friend
goodbye friend
goodbye friend
goodbye friend
goodbye friend
goodbye friend
goodbye friend
goodbye friend
goodbye friend
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1.46 MB GIF
still page 8 though
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They are going to get rid of us arent they
All at the same time
Israeli bots are gurafags? Man I can almost forgive em
Holy fuuuuuckkkkk.
Every single pro jew is bot.....
trump is the only option in a world controlled by jews on all sides.

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