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Save us Pierre!
>only a cat 4
So this is a nothingburger then.
It's coming directly at me. But nothing ever happens
There's no hurricane at all until we get an anon to confirm later tomorrow.
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You made the earth bleed and thought nothing would happen. You're all going to die, lol.

This. This is just a little wind and rain. Stop all this fuss.

t. Florida Man
As long as my power stays on. I give no fucks. I actually enjoy it when me and my white daughter look at all the damage afterwards. Shit's fun. Nature just doing a little cleaning
a 4 is almost always a nothing burger
i've napped through a cat 2 (one of my top 5 naps of all time), didn't even lose power
a 3 or 4 is really only a problem if you're within a few blocks of the shore
wake me up when it's a cat 5 at landfall, and not a weak cat 5, like a few mph over, a real cat 5
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nice odds on polymarket
I can't fucking wait to go outside in it. Is it tomorrow yet?
>downgraded from hurricane to cyclone
TTD bros, it's so over. Nothing ever happens.
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>I follow the Misi zip down to St. Floyd Park
>Listening to the wind of change
>An October autumn night, trannies passing by
>Listening to the wind of change
If Jim Cantore is broadcasting live from your city/town GTFO as quick as you can anons. He is the harbinger of doom.
o noooooo a cat 3 hurricane
>category 1 on landfall
Give Miltie your energy lados, praying for total amerifilth destruction.
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I knew it would come in as a CAT 4
>We're gonna get a bit of rain while amerimutts are drowning
what a shame
jews have been trying to turn weather news into crisis news all year, it's pissing me off
will be at least a 3 but im thinking 4 and an outside chance of it being a 5
fake, the weather looks fine here
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Proven fake.
Did netanyahus son in Miami manage to escape at least?
>As long as my power stays on
lmao good luck
What did we do to Israel to deserve this?
These niggers will bet on anything
RIP to all floridanons
That means it'll be a Cat 5+ when it lands.
Tampa will be underwater.
I feel bad for all the Cubans, because they're based. But I don't feel bad for all the AIDs bug catchers who won't get their meds.
I was promised a Cat 6 damnit!
Only newfags and florida tourists who have moved here in the last five years are panicking. I fucking hate how retarded everyone has become. Like what the fuck happened?
Because Tampa Bay isn't just a small beach town like the ones that are usually destroyed and ignored.
this piece of shit is fading away already
Too many shadow-military higher-ups are from Florida (primarily Fort Lauderdale and Cape Canaveral) so the only way to get Guam-strength storms hitting and maintaining strength would be to oust those Florida G-men
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Have fun :)
Right now it's topping 70 mph
They said at 11pm on tv 160mph


Someone's lying!
Guess who it is......
>betting on hurricanes
It's pissing down here on the Gold Coast, must be the outer rainbands of Milton, the biggest hurricane the world has ever seen.
the news finally realized people are more retarded than they thought. Fear mongering at an all time high after 2020. and it's clearly working. I've had family get their roof ripped off in Orlando. Just another hurricane season.
Looks pretty lame, I’ll post a pic with timestamp of me spewing a gooey load into the cat4 wind at the shore tomorrow. If its a cat5 i’ll post one of my ass facing the winds.
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This storm is God's punishment for Trump and Desantis.
It's a real blast isn't it!

Here is a red pill you can take to the bank.
It's Not clickbait and shows you what the UN govt Jewish fuckers are doing in purpose.
Could just say Florida is retarded. Somehow you even manage to edge out California at times. We all want the ocean to reclaim the land but unfortunately the storms are mostly fake and gay not living up to the hype.
Nothing ever happens
Enjoy your „happening“ of three destroyed houses and some trash scattered across the streets
Based and earthblood pilled.
What’s a god? Sounds non existent
My uncle just built a three million dollar house in Lakewood Ranch. Florida is fucking stupid lol
With Trump we would've made it bigger and better and it would AT LEAST bean a cat 5!
Tampa was a city that existed up until October 2024..
I screenshotted this and will keep you honest.
>CAT 4 in 2024
American internet sure is shit
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Is this you? kek.
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Cat 2 upon arrival

Check em. Absolute nothing burger confirmed.
Show flag, jeet. I'm as much in FL right now as you are
Cat 5 upon arrival. Baker Mayfield dies attempting to sail away from the storm on the pirate ship in the Buccaneers stadium. Check 'em
ahsg discord:
I denounce the hurricane, fuck the hurricane!
Cat 4 with fish rain.
do you mean handhoe?
why can't these fucks ever put camera to the window and let us see whole earth?
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It's going to rain and the wind will blow for like 2 hours.
>Gambling with natural disasters and mass casualty events
KEK. Not even Lucifer, the watchers and nephilim were this evil.
hey moralfaggot if people dont heed warnings about a huge ass hurricane coming their then its not my problem
>evil trying to justify itself
stay poor mutt
only $40,000 market tho
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omg please tell me our Latinx brothers are safe!?!
same reason there isn't a single goddamn social media post of a 3600 panned video taken by some spunky astronaut out on a spacewalk even though there's now two decades of smartphones and social media and space walking all on the same timeline. inb4 "they don't allow phones in space". yeah that's convenient.
It will flip soon as people wake up

Why do you Americans always have to shorten words and names? Is it really that difficult to say "category"?
Cat 6
Blood for the blood god
also raining in the UK, this must be it on its way across the Atlantic. I'm scared!
You mean there's a pretty good chance it kills or injures you?
Uh bud, we just watched our poor Appalachian cousins get washed away by Helene. I'm as stubborn as any other southerner but I really don't think this is the time to act tough and cocky
>t. Mississippian
Me and my dad went out riding after Katrina hit. We found a house that was crushed by a tree. We're in Mississippi and everybody forgot about us after Katrina
I can't get my prep in time
Mississippi gets 1/3 the storms florida does
Florida doesn't need to worry, florida man will save the day!
>Storm hits
>Mass flooding
>Aligators swimming down main street
>mass flooding
Does Milton still have his wife's son in tow?
Exactly, I was 11 when Katrina hit and it legitimately traumatized me. I've never seen mother nature so angry, it was terrifying. We had no electricity for two weeks.
I know y'all are used to a lot worse but I won't wanna go through that again. If another Katrina came our way I wouldn't evacuate but I'd prepare like a motherfucker
pretty sure they allow gopros
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These hurricanes will purge democrats from Florida
I trust you won't be screeching for FEMA to save you when it inevitably kills thousands and makes hundreds of thousands homeless?
Been here my whole life and never fled, but I’m in New Port Richey with a canal connected to the bay and the ocean in my backyard. Had to call it on this one.
Coward. Could of looted some banks and mcdonalds for some big macs.
Smart choice after what we just saw with Helene
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CB bros, post your frequencies
It's a cat 3 at landfall you fucking nitwit, if the eye aaa x10 the size and maintained a cat 5, then I would be worried. But a cat 3 and even a cat 4 isn't fucking shit. You have never lived through any of them. I cooked steaks and burgers and hosted hurricane parties in cat 3. You all are a bunch of fucking faggots.
Palm Harbor repeater W4AFC 147.120 +0.6 MHz 100.0 /
We need it to get to lower pressure levels than Hurricane Wilma and Typhoon Tip
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Channel 9
Because the niggers from New Orleans were too busy terrorizing everywhere that took them in and looting their own homes so much that FEMA opened fire on them. Now those Katriniggers are grandparents (nig generations are every 14-16ish years) with firm roots in the areas they turned into shitholes. I do feel bad for the other states that saw damage like yours, but you guys got off essentially untouched compared to places like Houston that got a storm you can't rebuild from.
nothing burger
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>only a cat4
Yeah I remember watching the news on TV (with a generator) after it happened and seeing footage of nigs floating on doors and shit in NOLA.
We got some new arrivals from LA too, but we actually got a few white ones lmao. I even became friends with them, their whole families permanently resettled here. I don't envy y'all
So I guess you will be kicking, screaming and crying then. Fucking spineless faggot.
When is landfall? This shit is getting boring.
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I would love a cat 6. But I can't get my hopes up anymore. Not after La Palma. Not after so many seasons of /AHSG/ where proper devastation was promised. Only for it to get downgraded to a tropical storm upon arrival.

The nothingburgerbros have been right more than they've been wrong and it makes me sad.
theyre saying 18-22 hours from now but i think it will be longer
I want you to watch this video and tell me what you think
I'm literally a faggot. I love having dicks in my ass. I let seven guys fuck me in the ass in one night.
Milton weakens substantially before landfall, does less damage than forecast. Check em.
We NEED Kamala Harris so she can fight climate change and SHUT DOWN hurricanes.

Donald Drumpf is a chud who doesn't even believe in climate change.

Volonteer today and go out knocking some doors for /ourqueen/.
>earth bleed
If anything we pushed out the puss from it since the liquid is made out of deceased organic matter.
Like bursting a pimple.
Milton won’t even reach Florida, digits confirm
Your power isn't going to stay on
It’s the 4th largest storm ever measured off Florida, it’s visible from the space station, you are a fucking idiot dude https://x.com/financelancelot/status/1843350292039135742
le "strongest hurrican ever" according to journo
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It’s pretty fucking big
Mexicans now can cross the border for free, just need to bring an umbrella.
social media
WHAT IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU! You all just gonna ignore and leave this man to his death without helping him? You're just gonna abandon this anon to the storm?

You people in this thread as sick in the head. Fuck you all
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Would it help if you made your house out of stone instead of straw or wood?
does you ever get tired of being so painfully contrarian?
Plywood isn't actual wood, it's triplex.
They build homes from the stuff I wouldn't use to build a computer desk because it's so shitty.
Retard, CAT level does not matter any more, because the water surge has already been created at a cat 5 level and is on its way. The surge will be biblical
fr this nigga moving slow af still near mexico
so the biggest storm in the history of storms is a cat 4 lmao
if it was fucking shit up it would be brown
>it's le big therefore it's le bad! you can heckin' see it from SPACE!
First time reading about meteorology, my reddit-posting friend?
You wouldn't survive a day without my welfare nigger kill yourself.
Its CAT 5 now
christ this board is so cancerous
It's now a cat Kabbalah!
I used to live in Bonita Springs. Hopefully it spares poor Bonita and wipes Naples off the fucking map.
I'm just saying that pointing out that it's 'big' is not reason enough for it to be an impending catastrophe of apocalyptic proportions
The physical size is a large part of why it’s dangerous https://x.com/nbergwx/status/1843444771135861007?s=46
Milton changes direction and starts sucking the moisture from the atmosphere as it hits Florida, marking the beginning of severe drought.

Digits confirm.
Your money can't help you in hell, anon.
Says the guy who literally called him an idiot seconds ago.

Why are you hitting him as you cry in pain?
>legislate to prohibit government from mentioning or plan for climate change
>dangerous climactic events become more frequent and severe
what did Florida mean by this
Damn, that looks as big as at least 3, maybe 4 iPhone wallpaper North Americas.
So money helps in heaven? No wonder all those mega churches exist.
Did you link the wrong post? I was taking to several different people, not that guy repeatedly
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Why isn't Florida using the hurricane to generate infinite wind power for the rest of the country?
Yeah I didnt realize you were talking to different people
You’re not a “florida man” lol this is your first year here. Or you live in the panhandle which isn’t really florida. Fuck off. Also that flag LOLLLLLLL go back to the Carolinas you hick
Give the hurricane milhouse your energy so it can become even bigger
Says you. Katrina was hell and I pray you or I don’t have to experience anything like it this time
Doomp the weather
Nearly all homes use cement block for their construction at least on the first floor. Older houses a have low ceilings and small windows to help mitigate the wind
your very existence is a bigger sin in itself, sanjeet
>>>484255144 (OP)
>Why do you Americans always have to shorten words and names? Is it really that difficult to say "category"?

yeah...like 'nazi.'
Live stream it from the beach.
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if it heads to north carolina, that would be the ultimate keks
God please let there be thousands of amerimutt deaths.

Pic is who is responsible. He is in Key West.
Tell him the truth anon - he will NEVER be a Florida Man. I have lived there twice and I likewise will never be a FLORIDA Man. You need to be native to wear that title. You can go and live there, get a little wild in you, but never become the true article. One must be born to it. Good luck down there! Bonita sent me home to mountains my last go around and I won't be back except to swim. Still love Florida but I'm not meant to live there.
How many millions of years has florida been pummeled by hurricanes?
it's not life-threatening, but I stayed in Indian Rocks earlier this year and the exact airbnb I was out got completely flooded out kek
same people getting hit by the same shit kinda sucks for them
>>484255290 We don't need anons to confirm it.

why would you want your host nation to die? jews really have no foresight do they.
There's little evidence that oil is from deceased organic matter. Much like other planets and moons that have properties such as hydrocarbon atmospheres, the theory is that earth was something like that eventually convected into heavier hydrocarbons and minerals.

There is also the theory that the term "fossil fuel" was coined by standard oil as a marketing ploy to make people assume it was a limited resource. I don't know how true this story is, but it would make sense.
>and my white daughter
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>omg California will drown in unprecedented rain!
>Did nothing
>Omg Carolinas will war with fema!
>Omg cat 5 Florida will kill millions!
>Will be nothing again

Wake the fuck up retards, climate is the new COVID scare
>4chan told me the weather was manipulated by jews to kill everyone in florida but 4chan told me that florida is full of immigrants put there by the jews and 4chan told me that the insurance companies that will have to pay out trillions are jews and 4chan told me jews hate losing money but 4chan told me that the jews made this hurricane but 4chan told me
surface level? gusts or sustained? wind is a bitch
This. I'm going back to sleep
>my white daughter
She's not your daughter, anon. She's a cartoon character. Seek professional help.
>calling kamala God
A little on the nose
Panhandle is actual Florida. Anything south of Gainesville is a gay yankee colony.
Yeah, financial industries were rather primitive back then. Insurance industry didn't really become a thing before the development of proper stochastics, something the Greek and Romans didn't have all too much interest in.

If you want the damage repaired, then someone has to pay for it. You can do it yourself, or you can sell the risk to an insurance company, for a monthly fee. You could call that a gamble already. The actuary tables of the insurers are not fundamentally different from betting odds tables. I bet that bookmaker actually gets his data from an insurance company.
If it's not a Cat 5 it's pussy shit
Pussy every hurricane is visible from space
Katrina was fucking nothing, I hosted a hurricane party during katrina too. Fucking pussyfarts. The only place that had a hard time was niggerville but no self respecting white person lived there so it is irrelevant.
It's raining horizontally
you are gonna die!
I'm in Pennsylvania and it's slightly drizzling, should I be worried?
Oilletting is necessary for the Earth to prevent and cure illness and disease.
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Hi greta
some barge has HURRICANE AVOIDANCE in description which is rather clearly indicating they are moving the boat to get the fuck clear from the storm
i love a good conspiracy theory but this is just a retarded flat earther tier shit
Because you can't really see the entire earth from standard orbits, and you'd neeed a fisheye lense to take a picture, which will look completely wrong.
It was only during the early moon missions that people got far away to capture the whole earth in their sight, or a conventional photograph, but you don't have to go all the way to the moon. A couple 10000km orbit will do.
But manned missions rarely go over 1000km.
lacks Anne Frank desu
t. retard
Lmao wasn't Spain blacked by the moores?
Nothingburger. If it was Cat 5 at landfall, then maybe, just maybe, it could destroy some niggers.
It's going to come in as a cat 3.
i really don't understand why people refuse to understand storm surge
once again, nothing ever happens

POTUS said in his speech at Miami a couple days ago that it would hit as a CAT5.

DJT is usually correct (depending by which meaning you take him) so I would take this seriously.
>create natural disasters
>bet on the predetermined outcome to fleece degenerates
Eat your heart out, NFL
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looks like /nothingburger/ bros were right again
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cat 3 nothing burger
i should call her
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Floridians are chilling on the beach RIGHT NOW
>50% of total volume bet on cat 5
being a bookie must be the easiest job in the world with how fucking insanely retarded most people are

Why are all americans mexicans?
>betting on hurricanes
fucking kek
when the lights go out, you can eat your daughter
Yeah if it touches Cat 5 all the newsfags won't stop talking about it because it'll get you to watch their shows.
Behead all papists!
They orbit too low.
>As long as my power stays on.
your generator bro?
can i sue milton for only cat 4?
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>Oilletting is necessary
fortunately, we now have natural methods for this.
pic related
>nothing ever happens
>posted from a 26,000 foot water spout
Was it Jim Cantore?

Yes. It's kikes, you retard.

You sound like an uppity spic.
The last one that came through Florida was fake too. I caught a rabbi spreading branches and twigs all over my yard. When I confronted him about it he just pretended he was cleaning them up and quickly walked away.
funny I keep getting a bunch of tornado warnings but not one has hit me it's almost like they're fake
Fuck off brown retard. Fema wouldnt do shit even if they did ask for help. Too busy funding people like you.
google "wind map", click the first link. the wind speeds are 112kph TOPS, which is an average windy day on the east coast of canada. when the "catagory 6 worldbreaking hurricane" went over the islands north of the coast of mexico a day and a half ago, I looked up the weather bulletin for the airport located there. 35 knot winds. when the weather network said 180mph sustained. The hurricane passed right over the island. By the time this hits florida it'll be 70kph wind gusts, might knock over a few lawn chairs but thats about it. They wanted the evac so they can do some malarkey with mail in ballots
Baker comes back in time for the super bowl and buck breaks every runaway slave on tv.
>They wanted the evac so they can do some malarkey with mail in ballots
you might be right. I saw on a local florida station they were transferring voting machines to a more (((secure))) location
The Island of Florida will be a reality by tomorrow.
signed t memefag
deep surge
construction jew rubs hands
Migrant workers gonna make bank replacing shingles
stay tuned goy, 2 more weeks
Fuck yeah! Surge me deeper, daddy!
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A cat 3-4 hurricane can still be quite destructive but yeah this will most likely be a nothingburger and people will have forgotten about it in a week
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Where is Jeff!!!!!!!!!!
Well it's called a hurricane not a hurrican't!
Inb4 a giant wall of schizo cope replying to this entire argument.

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