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Previous: >>484231879

▶Day: 957 — Daily battlefield assessment: http://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukrainian forces successfully struck Russia's 67th GRAU Arsenal, a massive ammunition dump outside of Karachev, Bryansk Oblast.
>Wreckage of S-70 wingman drone captured by Ukrainians reveals falsehood of russian claims about their drone based stealth, AI, fighting/armamament capabilities
>Discord banned in rusnigeria
>The Second Peace Summit will not take place in November, as previously planned (related to the hurricane situation in Florida)
>Why ziggers chimped at S-70 shootdown? Ukrainians possibly remote controlled it via radio spoofing, another pidor jet then (likely Su57) shot it down
>7 powerful explosions in the area of the Saky airfield in Novofedorivka, Crimea
>Putin's decree to recapture all of Kursk Oblast by Oct 1 failed
>Z-blogger "Thirteenth" was detained in Novopavlovsk
>Eternal flight for russian S-70 Okhotnik UAV (friendly fire & only 4 - I mean 3 ever existed lmao)
>ZNPP employee killed in car bomb attack that Ukrainian military intelligence said punished a war criminal
>Belarus sentenced 12 people to prison terms of up to 25 years on terrorism charges over the 2023 sabotage of a russian military plane that was claimed by pro-Ukraine activists
>Ukrainian investigators found almost $6m in cash during a raid of the home of a state official suspected of helping men dodge mobilisation
>Turkey ratifies a free trade agreement with Ukraine
>Oil depot caught fire in Perm Krai
>Oil depot caught fire in Anninsky district of Voronezh region as result of fall of drone debris, - governor.
>Russian proxies in occupied Kherson Oblast announce forced conscription of Ukrainians.


http://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
http://ukr.warspotting.net (visually confirmed losses)

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Tee Zee Dee
I'm just here for the drone videos
dead general
dead country
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It's fucking OGRE KEKAROO
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>H U M I L I A T E D
You know, standard fare for russniggers
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>dead general
A new one ?
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Russian 51st Airborne Regiment published an 11 minute video showing off their "work". All 7 burnt wrecks they showed were their own lmao. And then shills wonder why no one takes their footage seriously.


You would hear the drone flying nearby.

These are two ukrainian actors paid to fuck eachother, with my tax dollars, to impress a bunch of trannies on uhg.
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>dead country
True new Ziggeria is pretty dead
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Tell this to all the mobiks. I’m sure they will appreciate your copium
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdsPIZWkjOQ a nigger is currently on a rampage chimping out ukranian draft evaders in korea
>>Discord banned in rusnigeria
But how will they organise their raids?
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I would bet my left nut that the common Russian soldier never concerns himself with HIMARS.

there were too few to ever worry about on a larger scale.
You have already bet and lost your left nut twice. I’m not taking you seriously unless you bet the right one. Nigger.
I mean.. things do seem a little less niggery/ziggery around here
Hate to do it but Im gonna give Russians the W on this one.
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You already bet your left nut nigger, guess you wanna fully troon out KEKAROO
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posting headlines from lesbian media sources. Most people would be too ashamed.

life must be difficult for you.
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Is that how you're coping that russni ggers lost Kursk Oblast and 250 000 russnigg er cattle became homeless? GRIM KEKAROO, NOW WHERE'S MY RUSSNIGGER CENSUS LMAO
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Awww, what happened cuckheimer, you loved Western MSM sources, that's all you niggers post in your faggy demoralization campaigns. CENSUS STATUS? KEKAROO

thankfully, I have 3 left nuts.

Also, I won that bet.

"Twice"..... now you are making shit up.
>Is that how you're coping that russni ggers lost Kursk Oblast
They did not lose the Oblast. Ukraine only took a few border villages in the first week or so of their surprise attack, and fuck all since then.
It was a concern for logistic bases and command HQs not for the average Russian drinking vodka in a trench but now its barely a concern for logistics or HQs.
>you loved Western MSM sources

no, I havent.

I do love using your sources against you.
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Uh jeet nigger, russniggers failed their Kursk copefensive, did you already try to memoryhole that? KEKAROOO. Kursk is now Uki territory.
>now you are making shit up
1. No

2. How is that different from anything you cum/chug/gers do on the regular?
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>no I haven't
>proceeds to mention how he posts MSM sources
Thanks for playing cuckheimer, buckbroke yourself KEKAROO
That means the asshole already knows of this coup and will likely fail horribly.
don't count on it, either they put a bullet in that fuckers head or forget about it. Don't count on this. Find a way to kill the bastard yourselves бpaти
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obvious to you and I
it's important this clash of dictatorshit propaganda and reality becomes a widely observed phenomenon as it strengthens society against turdie-grifters

+++++++INFO TO THE NEXT BAKER+++++++

Add something about picrel >>484262541 to the OP now, it's important that zigger agitprop and distraction OPs fail

>Wreckage of S-70 wingman drone captured by Ukrainians reveals falsehood of russian claims about their drone based stealth, AI, fighting/armamament capabilities
>it's important this clash of dictatorshit propaganda and reality becomes a widely observed phenomenon as it strengthens society against turdie-grifters

This ziggers have nothing left but propaganda/disinfo and it's sadly working , we have to do our part to keep that in check.

you're the one too scared to follow twitter links.
>How is that different from anything you cum/chug/gers do on the regular?

Just because trannies get no sources doesnt mean its all made up.
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You are not entitled to ppl's attention or cooperation ziglet . Also post an archive link next time .
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Why would I bother reading your nigger cope? Why don't you post your little cuckheimer vids anymore? Off the payroll? KEKAROO
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>Wreckage of S-70 wingman drone captured by Ukrainians reveals falsehood of russian claims about their drone based stealth, AI, fighting/armamament capabilities

Brought to (you) >>484263785 >>484263940
By the same people that brought you pic rel.
>You are not entitled to ppl's attention or cooperation ziglet

if you're european and in NATO, then yes I am.

vassals will do as they are told.
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They do be like that .
with all the lies being peddled you AT LEAST need to state the obvious
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Is Putin a political lesbian?
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You're last (You)
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already in the OP
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>is Putin a political lesbian?
No a political whore
no xhe is just a lesbian
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Maybe. Depends where he lets robodog lick him.
>Why would I bother reading your nigger cope?

I know you read it.

>Why don't you post your little cuckheimer vids anymore?

what would be the point?

there are like 20 ukraine supporters (even during EU hours) that still post here. Each one reflexively tunes out when they see him.

Furthermore, Mearsheimer is so astronomically huge now, it makes it unnecessary to post him.
>Mearsheimer is so astronomically wrong now, it makes it unnecessary to post him.

Fixed it for you.
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You just said I didn't check your twatter link, and now you said I did. Sloppy cuckheimer, real sloppy LMAO
>You're last (You)


one of the most fascinating aspect of uhg, is it collects the most unimpressive people who all think their (you) is worth something.
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That thing was juts a chinese ready made robodog they slapped a launcher to . Then gave it a burka.
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If only you knew how brown things really are

when I did post Mearsheimer, none of the ankle biters could ever deal with what was said.

posting him in uhg would be like beating a dead horse. You're all cooked.
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Getting close to the average shade of commie nigger.
I will forgive India for everything if they manage to convert him to hinduism
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At this point they could be whiter.
Indeed. Truly a masterpiece of russian engineering.

we could have terraformed mars by now, but my tax dollars pays a fake ukie flag to spam this instead.
Speaking of cuckheimer…
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This is also a masterpiece of ruzzian (social) engineering.

look at you scraping the barrel.
idgi, cant they hear it?
U w0t nigger?
what is this guys channel name?
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Shiny happy people holding flags
Click and find out.

I will watch this vid if you let me find it. So far, searching the blurbs from the thumbnail give me nothing.
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Yup very happy . Btw if you like the flag so much why dont you fly it proudly ?
they dont count until 2029 now lmao. jews really foamed at those positive years 2010-2015

>sizzling zigger status?
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>cofi status?
Anders Nielsen
Also plenty of happy volunteers who just want to save the motherland . They do it for the ppl not money :^)
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Warm and cozy
Already had morning coffee at the office
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>Warm and cozy
Yup sleepy time in hole . Comfy chmobik hole .

1) watching.

2) First sentence "Everyone failed to predict "Russia's invasion."" Mearsheimer said a decade ago we were leading ukraine down the primrose path, and that Russia would wreck ukraine.
>I Spent 48 Hours In A Ukraine City Where Everyone Has To HIDE From Killer Drones - Hunted From Above
>I spent 48 hours in Kherson, a city in southern Ukraine under relentless siege from drones. Civilians are being targeted non-stop, and I went on the ground to uncover how and why this is happening. During my time there, I was chased and possibly tracked by drones—though it’s not fully confirmed. It seems that 4G and 5G towers along the south of the Dnipro River are being used to gather data from civilians’ phones, allowing Russian forces to track their IP addresses and geolocation. The only cover for civilians is the leaves on the trees, but with fall approaching, even that safety is fading.

>This is my first self-funded documentary exploring the horrors happening in Kherson.
So he has flipflopped three times then?
First sip of the day.
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GRAU arsenal in Karachev, Bryansk region, in Russia has been struck.
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I love dead Russians. Anyone same? Give me crispy zigger shashlik, or Russian in giblets, or a mobik shrieking in pain for his mommy. I don't discriminate.
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How bout meat wagons ? I personally like dead ziggers on a industrial scale .
File deleted.
That's not a "Latest". THIS is a LATEST!
>Sudoplatov strikes in Pokrovsky
>Russians drop surrender instructions to AFU in Ugledar
>Demining roads towards Ugledar
>Sniper works on Polozhsky direction
>Fiery fireworks for Ugledar
>Lancet destroys British AS-90 SPG
>TornadoS takes out HIMARS
>Su-35S loadout for patrolling SMO zone
>Thermite drone over Hohol trench
>Failed AFU attack on Nevskoe
>Howitzer 2S3 Akatsiya destroyed
>Lancets take out tank going to Ugledar
>RU drone feeds cats
>Drone drops on Ugledar
>Lancet vs AFU boat Yaroslavets
>Demining magnetic mines
>FABs fall on Zaporozhye City
>3x FAB-1500 on Volchansk
>Arty destroys tank, infantry in Toretsk
>Thermite drone burns AFU in Ugledar
>RU barn tank takes multiple FPV strikes & lives
>Evacuation gone wrong
>Drone drop destroys AFU APC near Bogoyavlenka
>Spetsnaz ambushed AFU recon unit
>Attack on AFU trying to leave Ugledar
>Inside VDV drone command center in Kursk
>4x FAB-500 fall on forest belt w/ AFU in Kursk
>Iskander strike on RM-70 Vampire MLRS in Kharkov
>3x FABs fall on plant in Kupyansk
>Orion UCAV strikes hangars in Sumy
>CV-90 crew tried to surrender, got killed by their own
>AFU trucks in Kursk hit
>AFU Ammo depot near Krivaya Luka rekt
>RU assault on Tsukurkino

Im at the part where he references 2022 Mearsheimer clip. Let me watch the rest of the video first.
At this rate they will pay 100k in 2026
>Friday I just around the crner

How far is Turkmenistan ?
>asking for a friend
Meat wagons are delicious .
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Forgotten picrel
Btw, watch how Mearshpidorashka fails to address any criticisms of Mearshkike. He's simply unable to have productive conversations.
It is reported that the Security Service, together with foreign partners and the State Border Guard Service, conducted a special operation during which they detained Dmitry Chistilin, a Kremlin ideologue of Russia’s armed aggression.

The suspect is an assistant to Putin’s ex-advisor Sergei Glazyev, one of the main “moderators” of the seizure of Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk regions and the developer of the “Information Warfare Strategy” that justifies Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

During 2016-2024, Chistilin prepared “analytical materials” for the Kremlin, in which he supported Russia’s armed aggression and the “integration” of the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine into Russia.

Providing assistance to Russian special services, the offender became the author of numerous publications aimed at conducting information sabotage against our country.

Chistilin also took an active part in promoting the Kremlin’s interests outside Russia. Among other things, he organized interference in electoral processes in Eastern and Central Europe in favor of Moscow.
Oh yeah, he's looking at a life sentence.
There's load of warming up vidyas there happening
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I'd love to see him tortured like pidor churka kike deserves, to death, but ever so slowly
>Dmitry Chistilin, a Kremlin ideologue of Russia’s armed aggression.
>one of the main “moderators” of the seizure of Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk regions and the developer of the “Information Warfare Strategy” that justifies Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
>he supported Russia’s armed aggression and the “integration” of the temporarily occupied regions of Ukraine into Russia.
didn't know that the Operation Save the Tsar is already in progress
>blood cancer
Looks like his jewish blood is catching up to him, the hairline was just an early warning signal
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>more money frees up the more useless eaters are dead
coming to a late rome near you!
>falling debris once again caused a massive detonation
what the fuck do the hohols keep putting in their debris?
Kasparov: “Only the total defeat of the russian federation and the Ukrainian flag in Sevastopol will knock the virus of empire out of the brains of russians. russians must see that the empire is dead."
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>Nigger obessed mut cant keep his blacked fantasies to himself.
Get a gf fuck here make whites .But you cant cuz you're a mut.
So what is Russia using now instead of Discord? IRC?
>cofi status?
double espresso consumed
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>instead of Discord?
Mainly shouting at each other, the trad pidor way
2014 perdiction : war in ukraine
2022 prediction : ukraine invasion is irrational and won’t happen and russia has won
2023 postprediction: the invasion was rational
>Based orban is fighting the globalists on their home turf again
Fuuck, pigbros, the house of cards that is ukraine is starting to collapse fuuuck.
>did you already try to memoryhole that
Nope. But let's put it like this: remember how Russia failed to capture Vuhledar back in early 2023? Well, they just took it a few days ago. The only thing that matters is winning in the end. No matter how long it takes or how many times you fail in doing it is irrelevant.
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>Ukes are pigs
Yet its ruzzians who crawl on four hooves . Strange . Very sus even .
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Why archive a shitty meme such as this? It isn't even worth downloading it as a local copy. In fact, you should be embarrassed for having it, and even more embarrassed still if you're the one who made that trash.
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>You're memes are shit
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>2022 prediction : ukraine invasion is irrational and won’t happen and russia has won
>2023 postprediction: the invasion was rational
This happened so many times to so many geopolitical experts I'm 100% convinced people just say the shit they want to happen instead of what's actually happening. Geopolitics is just writing your own fanfic, Dugin understood this.
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/gif/ begging
Kamala Harris stated she would not discuss ending the war in Ukraine with Putin without Kyiv's presence: "Ukraine must have a say in its future." She also emphasized that ending the war requires Ukraine's involvement and adherence to the UN Charter.

Commander in Chief Syrskyi had another strategic call with General Charles Brown, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff.

"Grateful for the strong military and political support from the U.S. Discussed Ukraine’s current security situation, critical military needs, and steps for the upcoming Ramstein meeting," he emphasized.
The oil facility in Feodosia, occupied Crimea, which was struck by Ukraine yesterday, continues to burn for a second day. On FIRMS data, today's fires can be observed.

Two years ago, the SBU attacked the Kerch bridge causing portions of the Crimea-bound road segment to collapse and causing several oil tanker wagons on the rail section to catch fire
The Mirage 2000s destined for Ukraine are still scheduled for delivery in Q1 2025. At Cazaux Air Base, they will be equipped with new air-to-ground capabilities and electronic warfare defense systems. Training for Ukrainian pilots and mechanics is ongoing, according to French Minister of the Armed Forces Sébastien Lecornu.
Feodosia, occupied Crimea, day #2.

Why did you misquote something I didn't say?
Russian forces attempted another assault on the positions of the 46th Airmobile Brigade. Thanks to a swift response, several Russian vehicles were destroyed, leaving their forces in disarray. In the end they retreated, leaving behind debris and scrap metal on Ukrainian soil.

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>Geopolitics is just writing your own fanfic, Dugin understood this.
Yup . As a side note zigger always act like there punching up .
Most of there border is with mongolia kazachstan and china .
Its just ukes and some NATO weapons .
Why do the always have to be the victim when they are always punching down ?
Russia demands Ukraine withdraw its troops from four partially occupied regions in Ukraine and abandon plans to join NATO, said FM Lavrov in an interview with Newsweek. He outlined conditions including Ukraine’s demilitarization, neutrality, and the recognition of territorial changes.


The fire in Feodosia keeps expanding. Firemen are struggling to put an end to the fire that started after a Ukrainian attack yesterday on an oil facility.

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Whatever stale gif beggar .
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>can't park there mate
Hungary is blocking a €35 billion EU loan for Ukraine until after the U.S. elections on November 5, according to Euronews. The loan will use the windfall profits of the Russian Central Bank's immobilised assets to gradually repay the money given to Kyiv.

The Second Global Peace Summit expected in November 2024 will not take place, according to Darija Zarivna, advisor to the head of the Office of the President. Preparations are ongoing, with thematic conferences held on each point of the peace formula, which will form the basis for the future peace plan.

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>Hungary is blocking a €35 billion EU
Gypsy king being gypsy king . When are hungry boys gonna kick his ass to the curb ?
A Russian BM-21 Grad MLRS, tank and a BMP destroyed by the 68th Jaeger Brigade.

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>From Russia with Blood

''There can be NO DOUBT,'' judge Robert Owen began,speaking slowly and deliberately, as if laying land mines with every syllable,''that Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned by Mr. Lugovoy and Kovtun.'' Relief washed across the upturned faces in the front row, and the news began to flash across the TV. The judge hunched his shoulders as if bracing for his next declaration.
''I have concluded that there is a strong probability that when Mr.Lugovoy poisoned Mr. Litvinenko, he did so under the direction of the FSB,'' he continued. ''I have further concluded that Mr. Kovtun was also acting under FSB direction.''

''I have further concluded that the FSB operation to kill Mr.Litvinenko was probably approved by Mr. Patrushev, then the head of the FSB, '' he said. ''And, also,'' he went on, his head a little bowed. gazing fixedly ahead, ''by President PUTIN.''

Cries of ''YES!'' rang out from the public gallery. after years of denials and secrecy orders and diplomatic discretion, this was an unimaginable watershed: a British judge had pointed an accusing finger straight at the Kremlin.
North Korea is likely already sending its military to Ukraine to assist Russia, according to South Korea's Defense Minister Kim Yong Hyun.

"We believe there have been injuries and fatalities among North Korean troops in Ukraine," he said.

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>From Russia with Blood

The judge laid out Litvinenko's theory that the apartment bombings that killed almost three hundred people in Russia had been ''the work of the FSB, designed to provide a justification for war in Chechnya and, ultimately, to boost Mr. Putin's political prospects,'' noting that the book the defector had authored on the subject had been '',ore than a political tract'' and was ''the product of careful research.'' He also set out Litvinenko's suspicions that the Moscow theater siege was another FSB false-flag operation and that Anna Politkovskaya had been one of several people in Russia to be murdered for investigating the state's connection to the atrocities. And he noted that Litvinenko had gathered evidence pointing to ''widespread collusion between the Tambov group and KGB officials, including Vladimir Putin and Nikolai Patrushev'' during his time inside Russia's state security agency.
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>The Mirage 2000s destined for Ukraine are still scheduled for delivery in Q1 2025. At Cazaux Air Base, they will be equipped with new air-to-ground capabilities and electronic warfare defense systems. Training for Ukrainian pilots and mechanics is ongoing, according to French Minister of the Armed Forces Sébastien Lecornu.
Ukies keep on holding out, only just, but what's been promised near 50 4'th gen planes can and would make decent impact.
Credit to Pierres, where it's due!
Satellite images obtained by Radio Svoboda show fires and smoke coming from the oil facility in Feodosia, occupied Crimea after Ukrainian attacks.

pic 1
pic 2
I don't know if you actually did it or not, but your screenshot strongly implies you filed a report. It is a violation of the board rules to:
1) File false reports
2) Announce reports
Will the mirage be effective in today’s environment? I thought they were same age as thee saab viggen but seem to be 10ish years newer.
>>484268524 russhits aren't talking about this >>484268554 not even bitching about it, it's very telling anon, as for "holding out" people forgot the 8 months the Ukies held out while Maga Mike was holding out about the border bill, and then Drump-t shit on the said border bill, cucks!

Destruction of a Russian mobile L-band 3-D surveillance radar 39N6 Kasta-2E2 by the 15th Artillery Recon Brigade.

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Emmanuel Todd is too ugly to be a political lesbian too
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I reported baldxio for being underage (and bald) yesterday.

Sadly it doesn’t seem he was banned until he turns 18.
>>484268709 it's not and you should stop begging /gif/ cuckette

A group of Russian motorcyclists detonated mines and was completely wiped out. The results of this attack on Ukrainian positions were captured by aerial reconnaissance from the 205th Territorial Defense Battalion.

Leaders from Germany, the U.S., France, and the U.K. will hold talks on Ukraine ahead of the upcoming "Ramstein" meeting, according to Bloomberg.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz, President Joe Biden, Prime Minister Keir Starmer, and President Emmanuel Macron will discuss military and financial support for Ukraine, as well as paths to a just peace. Germany is also expected to announce an additional aid package for Ukraine.

UPDATE: US President Joe Biden has postponed a meeting with Sir Keir Starmer and the French and German leaders in Berlin this weekend because of a major hurricane due to hit the US.

Scholz is ready for talks with Putin if they lead to progress toward peace, according to a German official. On October 12 at Ramstein, the message for Ukraine will be strong support, and for Moscow, that there's no point speculating about the EU wavering.

Thoughts on John McCain? He predicted Putin's ambitions back in 2014. He specifically said that the Kremlin wanted a land bridge between Russia and Crimea.

"Neither Putin nor Zelensky want peace, both believe time is on their side," said Hungarian PM Viktor Orban. "That's why they refuse compromises. Most in Europe want a pause and negotiations, but when I mentioned peace, they called me Putin's Trojan horse."
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Preventing sunk cost fallacy.
Once again, Russia launched airstrikes on Kharkiv and its outskirts, dropping 5-6 bombs, likely FAB-250s. One hit a park in Northern Saltivka, injuring two people. Residential buildings nearby were damaged, and police are on-site to assist. Strikes also hit nearby villages, causing damage to homes.
Battalion "Achilles" has demonstrated the power of waging war from above, with the relentless Ukrainian sky taking action: Destroyed BMP-3, BREM, 2S1 Howitzer, Ural trucks, and damaged armored vehicle VPK-Ural.

Zelenskyi's evening speech


I held a meeting of the Staff today. Several issues were discussed, but the most important one was weapons: production in Ukraine, supplies from our partners, and our procurement efforts – all over the world, wherever there are shells or equipment that can strengthen our defense.

Among the key areas identified are drones for our army, and this should be a supply that not only constantly increases in volume, but also evolves and develops in line with the demands of war.

Another fundamental area is electronic warfare, and here the private sector and Ukrainian entrepreneurs are already helping Ukraine significantly. And much more can be done. We will also attract additional investments from our partners here, and this week, in particular, work will be done on that.

A separate focus is our state missile program, and all of its elements, all of Ukraine's missile achievements, should have much more combat use, both on the front lines and in the territory of Russia. We need results faster. All relevant tasks are now underway.

Belgorod region's operational headquarters has decided to close access to the villages of Petrovka and Solovyevka due to ongoing Ukrainian shelling, as announced by Governor Gladkov. Residents will be relocated and provided with new housing.
Trump contacted Putin up to seven times since leaving the presidency, according to Politico. The report, citing journalist Bob Woodward, also claims that during the height of the COVID pandemic, Trump secretly sent COVID tests to Putin for personal use.

We should all thank monke for banning discord, every channel where I am just got way more tolerable.
Now if only india and brazil were banned there might be some hope for humanity after all
Viktor Orbán's speech in the European Parliament was interrupted by opposition activist Márton Gyekiczki, who shouted, "You sold the country to Putin!" and threw what appeared to be banknotes towards Orbán. This happened during Orbán's address outlining Hungary's plans for its EU presidency.

>We should all thank monke for banning discord,
we didn't say the Russhits were smart KEK
>The Russian military is very happy that Russia has blocked Discord 08-10-2024, Reconnaissance drones
Now we know if someone is speaking with Russian accent it's a hohol. Thank you, Mr. Putin!
>From Russia with Blood

The evidence that had been heard in open court amounted to a ''strong circumstantial case'' that the Russian state was behind Litvinenko's assassination, Owen found---but it had been the totality of the material before him, including a ''considerable quantity'' of secret intelligence, that sealed the final verdict.

And he didn't view Litvinenko's murder in isolation: he noted that ''leading opponents of President Putin, including those living outside Russia, were at risk of assassination.''

But when Theresa May addressed the House of Commons soon after, she quickly played down the prospect of any real retaliation against Russia,

In the end, the British government made the token gesture of ordering a freeze on any UK assets belonging to Lugovoy and Kovtun--- not that it was at all clear either man had any. As far as Britain was concerned, that was the end of that. The thousands of pages of evidence gathered by the Litvinenko inquiry were moved to the National Archives, the police files were shut away, and the teams of detectives and government scientists who built the case upon which the explosive verdict retested went back to their workaday lives. But the sore was still running Russia.
Gen. Chris Cavoli, top US commander in Europe, has outlined a list of weapons that could help Ukraine fight Russia, including air-to-surface missiles and the NATO Link 16 communication network. Despite Ukraine’s repeated requests, the Biden administration has yet to provide these systems, citing concerns over sensitive tech falling into Russian hands.

>if someone is speaking with Russian accent
shalomov blocked discord for moscovites Russia bans Discord 08-10-2024
Did the Discord servers suddenly had way less troonery after the ban?
Nobody wants Ukraine as the next faction in Squad
And that’s a good thing :)
United States secretary of state Antony Blinken has also canceled his visit to Germany for the Ramstein meeting due to the hurricane.
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SitRep - 08/10/24 - Feodosia is still burning

An overview of the daily events in Russia's invasion of Ukraine. In occupied Feodosia, tanks keep burning and exploding at the oil facility that was hit by Ukraine. Firemen are unable to contain the fire.
way less CP probably
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nobody is reading you anymore except for hohols in exile, come on
In Feodosia, occupied Crimea, two more tanks have reportedly exploded this evening. Large fires on FIRMS data is still visible.

>In Feodosia, occupied Crimea, two more tanks have reportedly exploded this evening. Large fires on FIRMS data is still visible.
Kherson is a living NIGHTMARE

I just went to a city in Ukraine where the Russians have been killing civilians with POV drones constantly and it’s getting worse

What I saw was shocking. The locals told me the only thing protecting them is the leaves on the trees and now, the leaves are falling and there’s no protection and no plan

It’s an unprecedented evil I didn’t think humans were even possible of.

Everyone in that city looks up at the sky constantly because they are being hunted from above.

This is the future of warfare and it should terrify the world

Here’s my full documentary on Kherson

>37 minute Documentary
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Why do stinky jeets never have ruppes to afford a VPN ? Why when mesrhy left memeflags came here ? Why do proud ruzzians never fly there flag proud . Very sus .
High-quality satellite images obtained by Radio Svoboda show the fire at the oil facility in Feodosia. As of this evening, it looks like at least 10 fuel tanks were engulfed in flames. Witnesses later reported that the fire spread to other tanks, with some exploding.


>484269439 Ivan is salty
I remember like 8 years ago when I first saw the shit from Boston Dynamics, I used to say to vatniks that one day they'll storm trenches as a meat wave against walking robots and drones.
I told them they're fucking degenerates
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Russian losses per 09/10/24 reported by the Ukrainian general staff.

+1150 men
+4 tanks
+11 AFVs
+19 artillery pieces
+31 UAVs
Thank you for the free bump, dummy.
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The Ukrainian Air Force reports on a combined missile and drone attack.

Shot down:
0/3 Iskander-M/KN-23 ballistic missiles
21/22 Shahed drones
Russia: Rational measured interest into the conflict, not over or under investing at all. Virtually unscathed.
West: Sunk cost. Reckless spending into the proxy swinocracy. Sinking deeper into poverty. Deindustrialization.
Thank you Based Orban!
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>+4 tanks
Winning hard . They found out to avoid turret tosses they just dont use tanks . Smart.
>>484262663 not grass this time

Ukrainian drones attacked an ammunition depot in Karachev, Bryansk region, Russia. The 67th GRAU arsenal (~3.5 km2) storing ammo, including from North Korea, was hit. Detonations have begun, and despite claims of 12 drones being shot down, the situation seems out of control.

video 1
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video 3
no problem. when the shift of that bot is over your thread becomes dead af
>Ukrainian drones attacked an ammunition depot in Karachev, Bryansk region, Russia. The 67th GRAU arsenal (~3.5 km2) storing ammo, including from North Korea, was hit. Detonations have begun, and despite claims of 12 drones being shot down, the situation seems out of control.
video 1
>Ukrainian drones attacked an ammunition depot in Karachev, Bryansk region, Russia. The 67th GRAU arsenal (~3.5 km2) storing ammo, including from North Korea, was hit. Detonations have begun, and despite claims of 12 drones being shot down, the situation seems out of control.
video 2
>Ukrainian drones attacked an ammunition depot in Karachev, Bryansk region, Russia. The 67th GRAU arsenal (~3.5 km2) storing ammo, including from North Korea, was hit. Detonations have begun, and despite claims of 12 drones being shot down, the situation seems out of control.
video 3
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Why do shill never pay for VPN?
>when the shift of that bot is over your thread becomes dead af

Beep Boop, Ivan is half right, we need more anons posting new and Eye Popping events of Niggers dying
Why do russians even bother to bury their own subhuman garbage?
>Ukrainian drones attacked an ammunition depot in Karachev, Bryansk region, Russia. The 67th GRAU arsenal (~3.5 km2) storing ammo, including from North Korea, was hit. Detonations have begun, and despite claims of 12 drones being shot down, the situation seems out of control.
>>484262663 still cooking

As of this morning, the oil depot in Feodosia is still burning, with flames more visible and smoke not subsiding. Russian emergency services say the fire will continue for several more days and cannot be extinguished until the fuel tanks burn out completely.

Can someone post that one youtube video of some ukrainian city that is currently full of churkas and other asiatic shitskins, and it's openly show it's current population? It was part of zelensky migration campaign or something.
No blockade yet: Polish farmers are not currently stopping truck traffic at the border with Ukraine, according to DPSU spokesperson Demchenko. Earlier reports suggested these protests could begin on October 8 and last until the end of the year.

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>Why do russians even bother to bury their own subhuman garbage?
Like only 20% of all the wasted bio mass that is a ruzzian get's buried .
because most of them do it for free, since theyre brown and retarded
the ones getting paid do have VPNs
with the money going to ukraine, we literally could have made a dyson sphere!!!
Ukraine is moving to lift its wartime ban on drone exports to boost production and match Russia's capabilities. Drone companies aim to sell abroad, generating up to $20bn in revenue to fund more military supplies.

Holy shit there's so much Russian gains now. It is really not looking good for Jewkraine now. Good for you that you only use cope mappers who doesn't update Russian gains. Hope that "victory plan" can save them kek
Odessa and basically South have always been full of Jews.
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>Can someone post that one youtube video of some ukrainian city that is currently full of churkas and other asiatic shitskins, and it's openly show it's current population?
sure anon, here it is
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>since theyre brown and retarded
Ruzzophobia they are beige .
The Ramstein meeting which was to be held on October 12 has reportedly been postponed, and a new date is currently being determined.
crimea smooking is getting bigger
It's as if we have lives, instead of residing on boards. Funny that, right?
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Wow what was air def doin ?
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>this degenerate bot keeps tagging me despite been shown he's auto-hidden and all I can see is a red mark in the page title but not the post
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>memeflag lady doth protest too much
Here's some more.
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Beige boy is mad
counting the eggs
Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov is suggesting strikes on Kyiv’s railway station, dam, and bridges. "Why haven't all the entry points to the territory of Ukraine been destroyed? And the bridges in Kyiv, dams, bridges, everything must be destroyed," said Solovyov.
nah, more like you have nothing to talk about until that bot shovels propaganda in your mouths
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This kike has to go, it's long overdue.
does he drive his own car?
Thanks, this one is good, not exactly the one I looked for but good enough.
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give back all the aids NOW
No Ivan, there's no saving you
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Is that what you're calling that circlejerk in /chug/?
This kike is going to request asylum in Israel when this war is over, mark my words
The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) showcased the capabilities of the upgraded SeaBaby multi-purpose marine drone, funded by public donations earlier this year.

In a video, the drone—equipped with a multiple launch rocket system—can be seen targeting Russian positions on the Kinburn Spit.

According to the SBU, this new generation of the SeaBaby is already being actively deployed in combat operations.

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Zaporizhia as well. Nicopol town and surrounding villages. Ruskies are literal ISIS tier niggers.
They realised that they cannot win in the region and resorted in hunting down civilians
Sorry, we don’t post anime lolis in uhg. We have class.
hey, speak for yourself sir
Russians have always been barbarians and we and the poles have been telling you balkanoids about it for the past 100 years
bot tier synopsis
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oh Ivan are you upset????
>Why do the always have to be the victim when they are always punching down ?
I Ask this many times. The shills never answer. Just yesterday I asked why do they need the justify they're invasion. Why do they alway pretend to be in the right. Why can't they just admit that they thought they could get away whit it.
>we need 360 substations worth of transformers
>gave away a whole 50 transformers 6 months ago
how many transformers per substation, ivan?
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Mad mut
A spontaneous memorial for Russian soldiers who died inside a destroyed S-300 system.

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I can't believe this. Zalinski is replacing ethnic ukrainains in their own land. This is evil.
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It's all the same shit, zigeria, soviets, russian empire. Nothing changed, except the branding
Drones made from materials that whenever they touch the ground a chemical reaction is initiated. The material burns chemically frantically until it is no more. This technology was created in the Biolabs of Azov in the catacombs of Mariupol.
Moldova arrested him. That seems like a new stand
Defeating one of the most massive attacks in Kharkiv region.

Two artillery installations, a tented buggy and a “loaf” of Russians were hit by drones of the Third Assault Brigade.

No need to tell me about the russoid ussr fags. My great grandpa volunteered to fight against the red terror in Ukraine.
On September 20, Russian blogger Maxim Kalashnikov from Kursk Region reported that the Russian military had been tasked with clearing the region of the AFU by October 15. Thus, they have one more week to accomplish this task.

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Best they can say is muh bombas children .
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>On September 20, Russian blogger Maxim Kalashnikov from Kursk Region reported that the Russian military had been tasked with clearing the region of the AFU by October 15. Thus, they have one more week to accomplish this task.
>2 more weeks bro
>Just 2 more weeks
I want all the Russians here to know that I fully support TZD and total collapse of Russia. You deserve it.
>despite claims of 12 drones being shot down, the situation seems out of control.
It's always the 13th drone that getcha, huh.
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>You deserve it.
Nope they earned it now there gifts are coming .
>skeletons with AKs
A necromancer's wet dream.
The Russians announced yesterday that they had captured Kamianske in the Zaporizhzhia region, but in reality, it resulted in significant losses for them.

The attack was repelled by soldiers of the 3rd Special Operations Forces Regiment.

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One cannot help but wonder, whether the wooden board with wheels would've been more humane than plastic bottle """prosthetics""".

Wait, ziggers and humane? What am I saying? This is awesome, they should keep going. KEKAROO
Governor of the Belgorod region Gladkov announced entry closure as well as evacuation of Petrovka and the adjacent Solovyovka villages “due to constant shelling”. He also said relocated residents will be provided new housing.

>Governor of the Belgorod region Gladkov announced entry closure as well as evacuation of Petrovka and the adjacent Solovyovka villages “due to constant shelling”. He also said relocated residents will be provided new housing.
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>This is awesome, they should keep going. KEKAROO
>Not liking smekalka ((((
Cheers to that .
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What happens when some ruzzian does not have a phone or telegram so they dont see this message?
Russia just banned Discord due to “violations of the requirements of Russian legislation, the implementation of which is necessary to prevent the use of the messenger for terrorist and extremist purposes, recruitment of citizens to commit them, sale of drugs, and posting illegal information”

Ironically, Discord is actively used by Russian military to coordinate operations due to lack of adequate communication systems.
>>484272243 nothing or they get blown up by their own side

In his book "Rage," Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward writes that in 2020, Trump secretly sent COVID-19 tests to Putin when they were in short supply in the U.S. Putin, who was "terrified of the virus," accepted the tests but asked Trump to keep it a secret.

The book also claims that after his presidency, Trump called Putin up to seven times, including one call in early 2024. Woodward describes Trump as "the most reckless" president and considers him unfit for re-election. A Trump spokesperson denied these allegations.

Woodward further states that Biden publicly supported Israel but clashed with Netanyahu over military actions in Rafah.
Russian military channels report about “destruction of more than 200 Vietnamese, Irish, Chinese, American, Polish and Ukrainian militants” in Kursk oblast in the past 24 hours.

>kek how many death stars too and Lord of the Rings Characters? what a joke
I know all US politicians are corrupt but how in the fuck is Trump so fucking reckless with this shit ?
It cant just be money.
>Russia advancing 8km towards Seversk without resistence
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>Trump secretly sent COVID-19 tests to Putin when they were in short supply in the U.S. Putin, who was "terrified of the virus," accepted the tests but asked Trump to keep it a secret.
Did he send him this hazmat suit and mask too?
Because he's a slut and he's trying to avoid Jail
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let this be real, this would be so fucking funny
The Chinese switched sides?
Don't know about Seversk, I only know Sievers'k. Is that what you meant, anon?
Hahaha, pleae be real!
Does this mean that biggest Discord's paypig was...the Russian military? Don't you have to pay for live high resolution video? KEKAROO
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What do you mean they didn't have a contingency plan. What do you mean they unplugged Discord while the army was still using it.
How the fuck did they pull the plug while the army was using it how do you fuck up this badly.
>they all bought Nitro
Lmao I didn't even think of that.
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Now this is a real kekaroo
Ukrainian forces reportedly struck an ammunition depot in the Karachevsky district of the Bryansk region last night. Now a state of emergency has been declared in the area. Eyewitnesses report multiple explosions at the 67th arsenal of the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate.

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>Ukrainian forces reportedly struck an ammunition depot in the Karachevsky district of the Bryansk region last night. Now a state of emergency has been declared in the area. Eyewitnesses report multiple explosions at the 67th arsenal of the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate.
video 1
>Ukrainian forces reportedly struck an ammunition depot in the Karachevsky district of the Bryansk region last night. Now a state of emergency has been declared in the area. Eyewitnesses report multiple explosions at the 67th arsenal of the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate.
video 2
>Ukrainian forces reportedly struck an ammunition depot in the Karachevsky district of the Bryansk region last night. Now a state of emergency has been declared in the area. Eyewitnesses report multiple explosions at the 67th arsenal of the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate.
video 3
>Ukrainian forces reportedly struck an ammunition depot in the Karachevsky district of the Bryansk region last night. Now a state of emergency has been declared in the area. Eyewitnesses report multiple explosions at the 67th arsenal of the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate.
video 4
Peskov says the information about Trump's seven calls to Putin is incorrect.

In fact, there were eight.
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You know what also means? All those drone interceptions by Ukrainians? I'm thinking they were patched into the streams and we're absolutely seeing what pidorashkas were seeing.

And pidorashkas didn't consider it for TWO FUCKING YEARS. KEKAROOOOOOOOOOO
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Pig if true
Russian military bloggers are expressing frustration over drone operators being unable to use their equipment due to Discord being blocked. The platform was used to stream live drone video feeds to headquarters, and the disruption has affected dozens of these streams, effectively reverting operations to March 2022 levels.

They've described the block as "the most damaging action possible".
I was just thinking why America hasn’t give ukraine access to video streams originating in russia.
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What are the odds that /chug/ Discord was also created by pidorashkas? :DDDDD

I'd say "non-zero". KEKAROOOOOOOOOOO, THEY HAD TWENTY YEARS TO DEVELOP drone-to-infantry proprietary solutions. A guy I translated for once worked for US military as a civilian contractor exactly for this technology in early 2000s.

lul wat they use discord and telegram for comms?Guess Ukraine needs to step up their hacking to fuck them even harder.
I think they had. Somebody snitched and Russians panicked.
>Implying pucia is actually able to create something
lol, good one
I know they can't. All their miltech worth a damn was made either by Ukrainians or Jews pre-alyiah. Hehehe.
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Probably took some hand me down from the chinks
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does this mean that we will see less totally organic bans like
Documentary was awful. Deliberately doubletapping clearly civilian people with drones
>Steal the STG44
>Make the AK47
"No it is was a russian creation all along"
Ak47 isn’t that similar to ak47, besides the sights.
HK g3 and ar15 are functionally more similar.

Tho I’m not a gun nut but i think my statement is somewhat correct.
Ak47 isn’t that similar to stg44**
AK is similar to Stg44 in a few parts, but it's really a stretch to call it a copy.
You're kind of incorrect there.
Largest difference I could see is the placing of the spring. It operates completely on the same principle.
>Come home
>Complain about money
>"That's a criticism of the armed forces, 7 years gulag or sign up for another tour"
Into the cube you go.
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>they're niggers that's why all Russhits have to die
TZD simple as better when they save ppl the trouble and do it themselves. Also where is the daily good russian .
>tranny janny at it again
Classic. Kill yourself you fucking scumbag.
what could have been the reason?

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