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>The famous former Rada deputy Mosiychuk wrote about the disappearance of an ENTIRE brigade in the Pokrovsk direction: 152 brigade, missing in action ... en masse in the Pokrovsk direction, brigade commander Maksimov Yu. S. disappeared there. No one took 300 and 200 and no one will, the situation is just f**king crazy. No one says anything and they ignore."
>Ukrainians are also massively reporting on social networks about missing relatives and friends from the 152nd Brigade.
How the fuck does this happen? Even if the brigade was severely understaffed (like most Ukrainian brigades are) we're still taking about thousands of men.
what part of to the last ukrainian did you not understand
Russia MUST pay for this.
>>Ukrainians are also massively reporting on social networks about missing relatives and friends from the 152nd Brigade.
Been going on since the failed Offensyiv, sadly.
Ukraine relaxed law on deserting, so now people know they just can bail and hide somewhere in the village. Its still better chance of survival, than sitting in a trench waiting for a shell or a drone with your name on it
>How the fuck does this happen?

When you are 40+ year old, you should have dropped your naïvety about the world. They are likely aware that they are not fighting for their country and that they are losing and their death is unevitable, so the only thing that should be in their mind is how to frag their commander, and then either vanish or surrender to Russia.
Did they dessert?
they got fab'd
I see Russia has finally perfected its combined killer machine gun robot army combined with the AI drone swarm airborne armies
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Look how long it took them to reach this conclusion. The moment they watched NATO finance and arm paramilitary neo nazis groups hellbent on killing civilians they should have started to worry. They should have thought, is this ISIS for Europe? No, they gobbled it and voted for a literal dancing kike. And it took them 2 years meat grinding to start defecting.
I've not been participating in the faggotry that is the Ukraine war meme/shitposting fight online, but I obviously keep up with the basics and honestly it kind of fucking confuses me how people who either are retardedly in love with Ukraine or pretending to be, just like don't seem to care about reality? Like as long as they have a video or two that is labeled "Russian dies in Ukraine" to watch on repeat, they will scream about how Ukraine is winning the war.

Isn't 50% of the Ukraine army forced conscripts right now? Why would these people fight? Why wouldn't they leave? They literally were forced at gunpoint to go to the frontline, so of fucking course they're going to bail at any opportunity.
>Did they dessert?

If they were Territorial Defence guys then the answer is yes
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>surrender to Russia
And then participate in a prisoner exchange kek
How? Your already getting assfucked over there? How are you going to make them pay? They reset to war-economy you are still in "normal" economy and it doesnt fucking work anyway.. Fucking How anon?
Ukraine is literally a Ponzi scheme. They know it's fucked beyond return. But, you gotta keep the dumb goys in the west sending billions $ until the truth comes out suddenly just like the 2008 subprime crisis.
Hope they just bailed and weren't killed in this jewish-matriarchal depopulation project
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Oh, I know. The whole country literally exists to be a black box for corruption and laundering Western tax dollars through fake energy companies to wash back to politicians and to siphon over to terrorists, child pornographers, and arms dealers. It's actually funnier to me that people seem to really live there and have idea that they live in a fake tax-shelter state. Ukrainians are like the background extras someone hires to make it look like their fake business front is real.
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typical vatnik propaganda

it's called corruption. They never existed irl.
Someone just took money
You Mutt cunts, along with the Bongs and Frogs and Krauts, put the kibosh on the Minsk peace accords, admitting to using the time to simply prepare Ukraine for more conflict, and never intending to negotiate peace.
It is because of you cunts, not Russia, that Ukraine is being decimated. Rot in hell, you ignorant, obese, warmongering wankers.
Thats an easy one they were charged to go on a quest to find the best cocaine for mr zelensky.
Top secret stuff
Switched sides to based Russia
Well eastern euros are used to shitty conditions, so it takes quite a bit to get them riled up and they’ll put up with alot more.
Westerners won’t tolerate as much before getting rowdy (yellow vests, Canada trucker strike, Americans and Irish in general, Brits and Aussies have proven themselves to be massive cucks though) due to our culture. Eastern euros historically have been peasants that get walked all over and genocided, and while that makes them tougher in some ways it also makes them a lot more compliant to authority. The scenes you saw in Ukraine with recruiters snatching people wouldn’t fly in France, the US, Ireland, etc. (brits, aussies, and germans would compliantly go though) and recruiters would be getting killed or maimed every other attempt.
100 percent of them have been forcibly conscripted.
>Rasha shill circlejerk thread #887493
>it's called corruption. They never existed irl. Someone just took money
That would be a legendary scam.
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>How the fuck does this happen?
How indeed.
Normalcy bias. I've met Ukrainians who left way before 2014 and some of them saw it coming, but the vast majority never thought it would get to this point
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from what i gather, 152th Brigade was sent to invade Kursk oblast, and by now all dead.

Relatives just were lied by Hohols that its in other position, thus now due to long lack of contact, start to panic. Theres no 300 and 200 recovered or officially called, since they all died on Russian territory. I see some news of them being mombed regularly in the last weeks, so its not like they disappeared at once. Ukraine just lies about its deployment.
They're back
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meanwhile in America...
some options

they went to kursk
they got mostly wiped around the same time
they don't exist; phantom brigade
they're staging for {redacted}
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meanwhile, in reality.
schweiner? where is schweiners brigade?
why would his shirt need to be written in english lol

because the target audience is white people who pay money to the government
why are both conflagrations draining american resources and overextension countries run by jews at that time the only two in the world?
>I was bombed by Russians and woke up in a fantasy world
Yeah the earth is flat and globe container that's marconi and tesla
there is nothing unbelievable about this, stop the war propaganda
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>How the fuck does this happen?
Independently targeting particle beam phalanx. Vwap! Fry half a city with that puppy.
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>Why would these people fight? Why wouldn't they leave?

zelensky has nothing to do with the war continuing,
ukrainian people want it,
their terms were ethnic expulsion or extirpation of Russians from "the 1991 borders"
ukraine will never stop,
this is some delusional insane race war to them,
that nato is gleefully funding, because in their buck-shattered, brain-diseased minds,
they thought this would some how "collapse Russia", it would balkanize and Putin would end up executed at the hague.

this is literally actually, what nato stated its goals as,
and what the domestic ukrainian/baltic audience is fed daily 24/7, 365 in their media
because of this, they voluntarily fight to the last hohol
How many is a brigade?
>just believe it, goy
A couple of thousand, it seems.
to the last
The commanders probably surrendered the entire brigade, like the germans started doing at the end of ww2
zelensky is the jew
nah russia would brag about it so it ain't that probably
Sure thing, rabbi.
It's much easier and less painful way to die to simply shoot yourself than surrender to Russia
I watched the vivek/bolton debate last week and bolton literally said that we should fund Ukraine until they retake Crimea.
These people do not live in reality.
Just googled, it’s 4000 men.
That’s a lot to just disappear.
Captured or deserted?
>zelensky has nothing to do with the war continuing,
If so, then where are the presidential elections? Do you think you're posting on Reddit or something?
Most likely a few hundred of them got FABed and the rest just fled, it's likely that part of them surrendered to Russia, but I would be concerned if something like 2000 armed men decided they are tired of getting kidnapped and sent to the front, if they make their way to Kiev while picking others along the way, well, that's worst case scenario for Zelesnky.
>concerned if something like 2000 armed men
Why, thats a daily occurance in the brazil.
>ukrainian people want it,
ah yes, just like Ukrainians wanted to join NATO in 2006 and even 2013 (less than a third wanted)
but that didn't stop the president back in 2006 to say that Ukraine will join NATO

tell the people the true losses, about the deal they signed in Turkey a month after Russia went in
that they could have kept all of territory including Donbas if Zelensky fulfilled Minsk
that association treaty with EU did not have a single word about membership and Ukraine would never be allowed to join EU with that ~40 million poor population
that Ukraine has zero chances of beating Russia, which has far more human, natural and MIC resources, while Ukraine utterly relies on West in every aspect
and we will see what people think
>but that didn't stop the president back in 2006 to say that Ukraine will join NATO
whose wife was American
Fragging is very common and you're rarely if ever actually prosecuted for it. Just food for thought.
They probably surrendered or it never existed to begin with
sim selavim... ahalai mahalai...
Yes, Brazil has several favelas that are under control of armed Cartels and gangs, areas that are around big cities and economic centers.
Now imagine what a huge group of angry men, armed by NATO can do in an war torn country.
Youre not fooling anyone moshe, why do you think nobody but me is replying to you...
those guys are likely dead now; or have fled. ahhh who am i kidding, the content creators were never fighting
>Now imagine what a huge group of angry men, armed by NATO
Prigozhin wasnt armed by NATO.
Ukrainians under-staff their brigades/divisions/companies because of fodder shortages, it was probably at 40% of that.
This is a good post. That's why the uhg kopers hate it
Yeah, and that shit was weird as fuck.
him being mad at some frindly fire incident is not enough to justify what he did, my guess is that he was paid by the CIA, only to stop once the FSB threatend some secret family he has or something.
But the Wagner revolt had a leader, if this "vanished" brigade turns on Kiev, it'll be much more "natural" and harder to stop, but it's most likely that the'll use their gear to get the fuck out of dodge.
Or, that this brigade never existed and some ukrainian official created it on paper in order to steal funds.
In any case, they werent armed by NATO. They shouldve kept going thou. I hope a similar guy appears.
they are probably all ded
if they surrendered we would run laps with it, showing propaganda videos how ill-equipped they were and how well and humanely we are treating them and just how many poor victims of ukronazis just wanted to give up to benevolent russia to encourage others. there are no such videos. so they ded.
Total Hohol Extermination is non-negotiable.

To the last hohol!
wagner soldiers did not know that they are taking part in a mutiny...
Once they learned that a big chunk of them deserted on the spot...

In any case one of the overlooked consequences of this is that prigoghin actually achieved what he claimed he wanted...

Russian MOD has been reformed and restructured... Russian military split wagner fighters among the front and our focres started to fight like them... Based on their experience...

This event made us much much stronger...
This must be why NAFO shills are active today
I wonder... Is wagner named after a russian historian or german composer?.. always confused me...
That, or Buratino is a motherfucker
It is known that some Ukrainians are waking up, surrendering to Russians, and signing an agreememt to turn right around and fight the Kiev regime.
Who knows
Funny how Russia and NATO fully agree on this
Still, i very much doubt Prigo was doing it for his men, he was paid and probably received guarantees that he would be given a leadership position in of of the balkanized republics of the former Russian federation once NATO won.
I wonder if he knew he was dead the moment his mutiny crumbled.
they dead. into the jewish memory hole with all the other white folk
A literal ghost brigade, only existing on paper.

i thought

They call themselves "musicians", so take a guess.
2 more weeks bros. It's happening!
Do you retards still get excited over literal nothing stories like this?
How does that make any sense? If they are surrendering due to not wanting to fight, why then join the russians? Doesn't really seeem logical to me.
Tha'ts what I'm thinking, a bunch of those "drafted" guys must resist going to the front and get killed by their recruiters. So some official creates a brigade with them that only exists on paper, then the brigade "vanishes".
A good way to embezzle money while getting rid of questions about "conscripted" individuals that never made it to the front.
based hohol genocider.
to the last ukrainian it is xD
they call themselves because they have a poor education... They probably have no idea about his descendants who worked for Russian Empire...

I think he wanted to become a part of MOD in current Russia but he was cock blocked...
So he thought he can force his way into it...

Russia is more complex than people think... Even if he took Moscow or something stupid like that it would not have changed a thing...
>Be lieutenant/whatever rank of ukrainian military that can command a brigade
>Know very well troop morale is super low despite the agitprop by the kike gov, and that most of your soldiers are conscript with barely any training or willingness to die in the meatgrinder
>Decide to pull a mass desertion
>Troop don't show any opposition because of aforementioned points and they hold more loyalty to their direct authority than a gov which do not care at all for them

Shit happens more often than you'd think, and given how mismanaged thebwar has been since the start, im actually suprised it doesnt happens more often.
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>they call themselves because they have a poor education.
Proof: One schizo telegram post saying "trust me bro"
>Russia is more complex than people think
Maybe I'm way out of line here, but maybe he wanted to be a hero, isn't Shoigu considered a hero? I saw something about him being just straight up worshipped in Tuva.
Prigo probably thought that taking Bakhmut was his path to glory, but mercs don't fight for glory, they fight for money.
They entreed
Lost in the warp

I recall how during Trump term he was constantly calling for military intervention, then screeching when he was made a fool of, like that time he gloated about Trump sending the navy only for him to send a single destroyer on patrol.
oh no... everybody hated Shoygu... Especially military people... He had only one friend... Putin...

Prigo was an opportunist... People like him do not do shit out of kindness of their heart or patriotic beliefs...
He definitely wanted something for himself... My best bet would be a chance for a political career... Maybe he even wanted to become a president one day... That would explain why he was so vocal about what he is doing... And why he complained a lot... Many politicians are trying to make a name for themselves this way here... But those who complain are being filtered out by the ruling elite...
How much is an Ukrainian worth these days ? 2$ (with both legs) ?
you can probably buy one for like 10-15k €
the were psyopped long before the war, rented womb capital of the world, tons of human trafficking and organ harvesting, who know how many decades has Zog been running experiments there, probably since Lenin, revenge for pogroms (which probably didn't even happen)
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>Mobilise the next wave I need my coke money
they probably broke fast
>of human trafficking and organ harvesting,
That's still going, recently, the mother of a colombian merc that fought, and died, for Ukraine, was complaining about how they sent his body back home missing all it's major organs.
Honestly, I wouldn't doubt they just killed him for his organs, after all, who would give a shit about a colombian merc.
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>Paying attention to what Mosiychuk says
They certainly did. You can't harvest organs from a dead body. The guy has to be brain dead with organs still vascularized.
why even return the body at that point? very weird
yes... they should have baited his mom into ukraine and get even more organs instead...
That schizo is an Ukrainian politician though
and not a peep out of ukrainian people

the draft vans are still snatching individual men on the street, while everyone else just stares forward on the bus, or simply crosses to the other side of the road
they dont want jack shit to stop, they simply just dont want it to be "their turn"

that all
ukraine cant budge one inch from their insane war to 'destroy Russia'
It's really fucking weird. All it took to turn Ukraine into an insane suicidal death cult was to tell them "you are better than the subhuman russians".
>Mosiychuk's Radical Party lost all its parliamentary seats in the 2019 Ukrainian parliamentary election, because it gained about 1%, too little to clear the 5% election threshold, and also did not win an electoral district seat.
so its an unwanted nobody.
Probably 400 to 800 men, positions destroyed by FAB and targeted strikes, most die and the rest run into the wilderness or surrender to Russia. It's amazing how many people good intelligence, artillery, and the air force working together can kill.

If God was merciful to them their commander got fed up with maltreatment from the center and said "fuck it, we're surrending to Russia". Many such cases!
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>It's amazing how many people good intelligence, artillery, and the air force working together can kill.
it's pretty much agreed that the russians surpass the ukraine 10-to-1 for a while, most battlefield deaths are from artillery, and for most of the war the ukrainians have been attacking, not defending. the attrition rate imbalance may be insane, i wonder if we will ever find out when the war ends

not to forget the 2023 counteroffensive, when some gigabrained NATO strategist thought it would be a great idea to drive in a straight line through a minefield with zero air support, which is the key ingredient of the NATO military, after weeks of announcing on youtube that they were going to do it
>it's pretty much agreed that the russians surpass the ukraine 10-to-1 for a while
i meant to say in artillery shells supply, not manpower
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out:

colombian family probably paid for it
> not to forget the 2023 counteroffensive, when some gigabrained NATO strategist thought it would be a great idea to drive in a straight line through a minefield with zero air support,
The whole counterofensyiev was planned based on Russian losses reported by the “open source intelligence” networks like Oryx who reported thousands of destroyed tanks and that Russia was almost out of missiles. It’s fucking clown world to the maxx. These open source networks were just psyops used to launder propaganda in the form of “intelligence” which then filtered it’s way into actual military planning. How many hohols drove into certain death because no one could figure out who was jewing who.
the hammer bros got them
Announcing the counteroffensive with a marvel movie trailer was tbe most retarded move in the history of war.
I guess that's what happens when your commander in chief is a fucking actor.
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This is simply a ghost brigade. The brigade is created out of all the conscripts that refused to fight and then decided to join thr "russians" and star ina 4k snuff film. Ukraine is just hiding these murders in this ghost brigade. And yes, trannyNAFO fags have been jerking off to dead Ukrainians the entire time with these stuff films.
>colombian family probably paid for it
Oh double pay, makes sense then
chances that Putin will win the war, and then lose the peace by signing some retarded Minsk 3 agreement that will get immediately ignored? then war again in 5 or 10 years
LOL lefties would sooner believe that they were beamed up by aliens than that they would give up fighting
during 100 years war France lost every battle but won every negotiation... It was truly a kino...

but chances of what you are asking about are non existent because there is no basis for them... There is no trust and the only way to create it is for the west to do a lot of costly concessions...
The west has to do those because we abode every agreement we had to the last letter... It is one of our traits... We never break agreements... This is one of the reasons why our country was a great partner for europe...
several FAB-9000 drops does that
>because poor education
Nu ladno debil
Yeah probably. There have to be a few smart piggers.
never understimate how much Putin and the oligarchs love western cock, even Lavrov's daughter is still studying in the west
if they took their name after historian then there is a poetic twist to it... because of his lifetime in Russia...
Could they have deserted?
>be at war against a nuclear superpower
>*waah an entire brigade disappeared*
>*waah this cannot be happening waah*
>during 100 years war France lost every battle
not even true
also battles wasn't that important - sieges were
the moment frogs get their things together they started crushing anglo armies and with help of artillery taking one castle after another
the moment norman kings(who owned anglos at that time) started losing armies they could not replace them and it was over
why you even talk such BS
I like to think he learned his lessons, but I think if they give him Odessa, he'll accept stupid terms like letting ukraine join NATO and the EU.
Yes. They got turned into Tapioca pudding
Sounds like a mass defection or a trap where they all got fucked. Time will show.

deranged shills are the worst
Yep. They got flan'd.
>what the domestic ukrainian/baltic audience is fed daily 24/7, 365 in their media
can confirm the baltic part and sadly a lot of people seem to buy it
That's why we have thousands of zigger suicides on camera and captured instructions in Russian telling mobiks to detonate a grenade under their clothes when Ukrainians approach them, and comparatively crickets on both for Ukraine.
sure... I stand corrected...
>Americans and Irish in general, Brits and Aussies have proven themselves to be massive cucks though)
Where were the Americans riots? The only ones in recent memory were the summer of love and we all know what that was about. You cunts are the biggest cucks on the planet. The UK has had, very recently the largest riots for decades. It's even worse since you sit at home and use funs as expensive dildos.
As far as I know, there are quite a few Ukrainian POWs in Russia who refuse to be considered for prisoner exchanges to be sent back home. They know they’d be sent back to the front and their own eventual demise. The Russians are only too happy to oblige them and allow them to stay.
every letter... Every agreement... We are autistic like that...
Even after you started the sanctions madness...
Yes. They are now all in Russian Custardy
> Rot in hell, you ignorant, obese, warmongering wankers.

Based, I completely agree. The globohomos killed off a nation of White men to feed jew shekels and make room for more shitskins.
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>Russian Ammo depot gets btfo in Bryansk

Ammo depot getting BTFO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7naqKwyM4A
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was going to say, maybe this is a test of some newfangled tesla tech
It's war, dude, brigades disappear every day
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The only people who actually cared for Ukrainian lives were Russians circa 2022.
Today noone cares about ukie lives: not the Russians, not the West, not the ukies themselves.
What it entirely jews or something? I thought they all left before the mass drafting.
amazing how much Karlin loves power of any kind, he is sucking tranny cock these days cause trannies have power
good point, but i thought this report came from a verkhova rada member?
Fuck you, we demand THD.
Russians blown them up with all the missiles, planes and ammunition they claim to have destroyed months ago
They cant hit military targets everybody knows that
>so the only thing that should be in their mind is how to frag their commander, and then either vanish or surrender to Russia.
so this brigade fragged their commander...
mystery solved!
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>I see Russia has finally perfected its combined killer machine gun robot army combined with the AI drone swarm airborne armies
you could literally throw some aerosolized lunesta and just pile them in a huge truck and when they wake up, tell them they were sent to die for no reason and that life will be better for them on one condition...
>Isn't 50% of the Ukraine army forced conscripts right now?
99%, only the most retarded and brainwashed (and not killed yet) of hohols and foreign mercenaries are not forced to die for jews
The brigade most likely never existed, it's likely "formed" of ukrainians that either died resisting being conscripted or died during training.
Since the US and the Eu are banking the salaries of those soldiers, some ukrainian official "kept them alive" and made a fake paper brigade out of them in order to collect their salaries.
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>>Russian Ammo depot gets btfo in Bryansk
2 weeks and they'll run out of ammo. It's not like they have hundreds of depots all over the country after all
I'm thinking you're mistaking me for someone else. And I'm sure as hell not an hairlet lol
They probably defected or surrendered. Won't call home for fear of reprisal against their families. Good for them.
And then get one month later exchanged back lol
Good plan however this time they will be most certainly send to the penal battalion
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>and made a fake paper brigade out of them in order to collect their salaries.
>biting the hand that feeds you during a war
I WOULD STRONGLY ADVISE AGAINST that someone carry out this idea because theres some niggas who will torture kill you for 2 weeks judging from a certain fucking webm i tried not to see but got the gist in a one second viewing...
Ukraine has already received several "warnings" about corruption related to aid money, every time it happens, they fire some random army official and say it won't happen again.
But the truth is that the higher ups in Ukraine know very well why they receive this money and why thy'll keep receiving it, the west isnat' paying Ukraine to defend itself, it's paying them to hurt Russia, and no one gives a shit if some corrupt officials become billionaires becaus of it.
what happened is the true believers got killed, and now with talk about Ukraine getting split in half making the mainstream media morale is collapsing. (as well it should)
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how many of these people are literally vaporized in huge groups by massive fab strikes?

>webm related
from the first days of the war

was every single one of them just atomized?
what happens to them when huge groups get hit all at once like this..? im sure Fabs must catch huge groups all the time...or iskanders
they never existed just like biden job numbers
do strikes like this insta-vaporize like dozens of men?
whats the aftermath to the people/targets of strikes of this magnitude?
kek no.
It takes 40 years of iron hand communism to get riled up and put up a fight.
Ironically "you won't do shit" applies to westerners.
The problem with Ukraine is that they had a revolution which led to this shit.
They fought to have the regime they have today, which is why it takes so long to oppose the corrupt state.
We have sheriffs in NC shouting publicly about forming militias because FEMA failed.
>muh riots
Riots don’t actually do anything except hurt the little people
Current events prove you different since they went to their deaths without a fight.
>believe euromaidan was legitimate
That revolution was pulled off by CIA glow niggers because Ukraine rejected NATO’s advances
Probably deserted/FABed/broken up and amalgamated with other units.
The revolution in Romania was pulled off by the KGB and yet calling it a coup is forbidden still.
The people participated and made it legitimate, even if the "revolutionaries" were a minority.
6 months later the "revolutionaries" got obliterated by state employed thugs and the coup was complete.
They should've done something between 2013 and 2022. Now they can die like the sheep that they are.
They were abducted, and they now all will live out the remainder of their lives underground. You guys realize this shit happens every day in disaster and war zones? That's they're main function, to collect humans amidst the chaos, they will just be thought of as dead or missing. There is so much suffering underground you'd want to PK yourself given the full scope. Hell is very real
ayys or ukranian human traffickers
They don't about reality because they are propagandists. Their goal is to convince other people to support Ukraine, not to discuss the reality of what's happening.
America and NATO have sent their soldiers to Israel instead. Sorry Ukraine!
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>Ukraine relaxed law on deserting
You mean they ran out of "political officers" because the troops (including the commanders) kept shooting them?
They probably did. It's easier to just airdrop cash and an agreement for fair treatment than firing artillery and sieging positions.

At this point nearly any conscript is more than willing to accept a peace deal if it means they get to kill Zelensky.
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>no ukrainian casualties
>they're genociding us!
Called it
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>it was a real revolt not a coup
But the communists still came in and made your revolutionaries eat da poopoo
meanwhile tptb are too afraid to force vaccination or commit to a draft in the US. Didn’t you guys just cancel your forced conscription in like 2009 or something?
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I remember so clearly the cope for days about how those men were aktchually Russians and they kept screeching about how glorious it was and jacking off to it (as they always do) and then once their cum dried in their palms we saw that it was actually piggers.
Happened again recently with a BMP-2 in Kursk.
My immediate suspicion is that they all decided to defect to the russian side. If russia isn't reporting that they smoked these guys and the UAF can't account for them then yeah, unless they all got abducted by aliens, they probably coordinated a mass defection to russian side.
>there are no such videos. so they ded.
Or they want to keep their mass defection low-key so ukrainian authorities don't go after their families.
stop posting zigger propaganda you shill
It's desert not dessert. Dessert comes after a meal.
it's over, even NATO newspapers are posting zigger propaganda by now. US got tired and wants to go back to their natural habitat hunting stone age sandnigger farmers for israel in the middle east
If you happen to be in a building directly hit by a bomb of that scale then yeah, there's absolutely nothing left except maybe a single chunk of unidentifiable flesh and a scorched patch of uniform
150-man Zelensky assassination squad just formed
I have subscribed to all the top Ukrainian Telegram channels. Nothing about this sensation. You russian niggers are spreading fake news.
>the troops (including the commanders) kept shooting them
She deserved it, kek
Shades of the red army marching toward Berlin. Get out while you still can.
>Random telegram post thread
I kneel, OP. Good bait.
That's damn near the hardest shit I've ever seen.
Considering I've seen on about 10 different occasions (russians using Ukrainian footage, even on state TV) I don't think it's a Ukrainian only problem.
Don't blame me blame the jew neo Bolsheviks who run this dying shithole. I have nothing to do with them.
I've seen it a lot more on the Ukrainian side but can confirm that Russians have done it too, big difference is that pro-Russia reets on the internet don't have premature ejaculations when seeing the footage and ignore all reports that the roles were reversed. I especially remember some Wagner footage from Soledar where they changed the patches on the uniforms it was wild.
They are. There is a cost on them for all of this.
The problem is that Ukraine is paying more.
Very few people actually care though.
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> Kiev hiding forces for upcoming secret mission
> idiot blows cover
They pudding
quick rundown?
pa slusajte....
>having a roastie yell at you to go die
those suicides are happening when the soldier is already mortally wounded and in pain
can you imagine the modern militaries?
>HR roasties & useless eaters yelling at you, the lone white male, to go die for them
It must be like office politics except you die at the end.
Russian supporters should be banned here like these guys rightfully do
that literally happened in Ukraine and they killed the roastie.

She literally told veterans they were cowards for disobeying orders, then they shot her..
Why...do you...write like...this...
kys memeflag kike

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