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previous: >>484288523

>Preparations and Safety
Evacuation orders and map for Florida https://www.floridadisaster.org/evacuation-orders/

>Sats and visuals

>Info and Data


[YouTube] Tracking Hurricane Milton: Live coverage from Florida (embed)
[YouTube] Watch FOX Weather Channel Live Stream: Hurricane Milton Barrels Toward Florida Ahead of Landfall (embed)

>Twitter Feeds

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Fuck tampa
Nothingburger confirmed? I'm hearing it's bordering on cat 3 now.
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Ignore all nothingburger carpetbaggers
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Thread splitting faggot.
Ill stream at 8PM EST: https://odysee.com/@PNNAmerica/PNNAmericaOCT
what does it say in my post:
and previous at the top?
Torontofag here. How fucked am I?
how do you even fuck up youtube links this bad
and splitting at 70 posts?
what a retarded nigger, don't recycle this trash thread
>Jai Alai
Cat piss in a bottle. Would unironically rather drink Natty Light
Living somewhere you have to evacuate because of wind.
100% fucked but not because of this.
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Bake at 300 retard thread splitting faggot tranny nigger.
dumb dumb
also the Confederate copy needs to go.
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The democrats provide illegal immigrants with hotel rooms but nothing for American citizens made homeless by a natural disaster.
The Department of Homeland Security funds an 800 bed shelter in Greensboro NC but North Carolina hurricane victims can not use it because it is for illegal immigrants.

Proofs in this thread
dumb dumbs gonna dumb
Nigger niggers gunna nigger
>eating pureed peas
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are you confederate? you're that mad that anons are calling you out for being a discord fag that you're splitting at 70 posts?
your dumbass is the one posting here rather than using it as the next bake as fucking stated.
you are a poser he has been running these threads since the beginning, i have no time for kid brains and newfags
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Today is the day!
the high IQ move is shit posting in this trash thread about irrelevant things while using some particular options field string, don't remember which
>you are a poser
it's a general thread on 4chan you absolute histrionic tranny, fuck all namefags and anyone assuming any particular identity. your insistent defense on confederate is further proof that you either are him/her/xhim/whatever or your one of its freak discord friends
Winds pickin up a lil in 813
There are no hurricanes where I live. Nice!
>high IQ move is shit posting in this trash thread
sure it is kid brain, you want attention i get it.
i am taking over these threads if you faggots will not do them right, i do not give a fuck about your opinions on Confederate Meteorologist.
i am dealing with bigger things right now fuck face, like tornadoes. if you are not contributing be gone.
239 too, I made 7-11 to buy beer right before they closed
don't worry toronto going to get cat 5 eventually.
i want smooth general threads with well formatted OPs that consistently bake without splits which are responsive to anon requests (adding evac info, streams, etc.) and adding additional notes as needed
every anon wants that, because the only people that wouldn't want that are jews, and anons are just spiritual inverses of jews
every hour i've been awake for the last 3 days i've succeeded in that endeavor, sans once, when confederate split a thread after i announced baking
which is exactly what you did
same playbook and everything
you're obvious
if i wanted attention i'd put on a name just like confederate, but i don't, you projecting little queer
>i want
i do not give a fuck what you want you little faggot.
imagine thinking i read any of your cry baby shit.
>*sticks fingers in ears*
will this one deliver some katrina tier TND?
or will it be TSD instead?
You are a cock slut for niggers
dumb fuck faggot ass zoomer peon cry baby bitch
>i want attention
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is this still about accurate from last night or has it increased/lowered
nbc2 is too busy showing debris piles
I asked after the thread ended: why was the cop such a asshole?
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it's better to be overprepared and feel silly than underprepared and feel sorry.
Expensive cat piss, too
Is this the official NJ amateur meteorologist thread?
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I’m in zone A and my neighbor gave me her chickens just dropped them off on my doorstep had a bunch of cocks just left on my door. I guess I’m having chicken for dinner she didn’t say I couldn’t eat them.
It's going to be a CAT 3 when it makes landfall you fucking drama queens
What was shoovy doing dragging a gas generator inside a condo complex?

He was 100% going to die the cops saved his life.
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Ima get you joker'd 2.
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Uh, I'll take the non-thread splitter, waiting on new actual bake.
another nothingburger, try next year americucks
I really like it
i-75 tornado?
>Milton is collapsing before landfall
It's over
Fresh bread from the one who didn't split at 70 posts and start chimping like a nigger:
He's a cop given a chance to use a little bit of power during a time where no one can stop the cops from abusing power.
Also coach saleh is having a bad week.
A big nothing burger. Only rich beach houses getting wiped out.
>foolish is a man who builds his house upon the sand.
good go there and get the fuck out of this thread little cry baby bitch
19 year old underdeveloped palate detected
sorry nigger, i am taking over, you are inept
You should look at the evac areas in lee, there is a long ass river that cuts through lee county. A lot of NOT RICH people live within surge distance.
Crying like a baby while taking over?
>they split so I'm going to split again! that'll show them
Some of you really do belong on preddit and twatter...
Pray for human safety but pray for DisneyWorldDestruction?

>wahhh i want attention
>stay in my poser thread
fuck youuuuuu
maybe wasting time on utter retards just before a Hurricane hits is annoying to them
Taking over by making a new thread when the last had 70 posts because it called a namefag a namefag?
High adrenaline situation does that to people.
Shame they got him, I wanted to see him get fucking wrecked for content, seeing as he's clearly too dumb to continue living.
you know you are a little bitch, and cannot read like a sand nigger brain.
read the first post doofus.
keep showcasing your dumbassary dumb sand nigger brain
kek, wastes of space wasting time
It's still predicted to land as a cat 3 right? Why are people not right on the coast freaking out? I get it if storm surge is a factor, but for most it isn't.
He entered multiple vacant units that were under construction. Multiple felony counts of breaking and entering. Police do not arrive on scene with 3 backup officers and guns drawn unless it's a high risk felony call. Kid is fucked.
cry about it pussy, if you sorry mother fuckers will not post the correct threads i will.
lots of tornadoes
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>There's a deathnado coming kid is doing stupid shit.

Why is he mad tho?
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Those cops saved his life and he probably will never understand that but being unprepared in a high rise condo in the middle of a direct hit of a hurricane is not a place you want to be.
even if he survives the hurricane the aftermath of the storm will be something else and all he had is a few bottles of water and some canned food.
Its 4pm, Thursday. The storm surge has receded. The city lies in ruins. On a small hill, stands my property. Stocked with food, water, and ammunition, I open my gates and arms to the vulnerable, unhoused Latinas that now wander the abandoned cityscape. They cook me fajitas and churros. Life is good.
Half the OP links are broken lmao
The storm surge won’t recede for days. Took over a week for Ian
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>confirmed tornado near Clewiston
>gets robbed by 200 fat squatemalans who take his loot for their 9000 family members
oh really? which ones?
He had a shovel a gas generator and a pocket knife he was going to be fine
and Belle Glade
>i am taking over
if you really believed that, would you have felt the need to announce it to everyone?
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the best thing about this storm was finding about lauren and her fat ass DAYUM
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Jai alai is an acquired taste because it tastes like shit lmao
Something like yuengling black and tan is good though, I stick with whiskey though so I can drink a lot before I eat with none of the bloating lmao
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latinas are beautiful angels and they would never hurt me
watch all day bitch nigger.
your time is over.
The retard recorded his crimes. It's literally over for him.
A sinkhole develops thanks to the saturated limestone your hill is perched upon. The lamentations of the community fill your ears as you descend into the deaths with nothing but burnt Mexican food to comfort you. Above, you can already hear kikes arguing over who gets to redevelop your property into luxury retirement homes.
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what good is a gas generator when at most he had a can of gasoline? besides it would be loud as fuck and suspicious as soon as the storm passes and some idiot was running a generator six stories up
He said his friend owned the building and gave him permission.
If that is the case, his friend could be in serious legal shit. I think that was who he was on the phone with, but I am not sure, I was sleeping on and off.

Unfortunately you suffered a small injury in the storm and became infected with flesh eating bacteria from the surge.

You die horrifically after a week of terrible suffering.
god these niggers are so over the top, you can literally sit in your car at the impact zone as long as you're above water and nothing will happen to you. do people not constantly see the folks literally playing in hurricane eye walls?
How long will we be without power? TECO has burned so much revenue on their new vanity project tower in (((Midtown)))
>[YouTube] Tracking Hurricane Milton: Live coverage from Florida (embed)
>[YouTube] Watch FOX Weather Channel Live Stream: Hurricane Milton Barrels Toward Florida Ahead of Landfall (embed)
If you’re going to be a faggot because an OP said a namefag is a faggot at least do a good job on the next one
That isn't lee county but sure
KEK this was a funny post anon, you keep thinking of mexicans, but the hordes that have invaded the last decade+ are not mexicans, they are short round darker brown gross little things that make mexicans look almost human.
They are unironically goblins. Not like the "lol look at this fat mexican gobin" meme tier images. Actual goblins.
That fresh-pressed Cuban sammich tho
lol and all the carbon monoxide building up.

That ending was so great.
Did he get locked out of his room when he was trying to use his knife to jimmy the door?

It was about to get 10x more absurd if the cops didn't show up.
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the power will be out until morale improves
I'm in Tampa and there are no hurricanes where I live either. Nice.
IPAs were literally made for jeets and you're calling my palate underdeveloped. My sides.
With the exception of Miami, every one of those cities is Chicongo with slightly better weather
>Human safety
Fine I guess only kikes can die
Uhh, yeah they could both be in some shit. I seriously doubt his friend owns the building. Either way since he brought gasoline it could be a class 1 felony. It'll probably plead down to misdemeanors and 11 months in jail with time served. But he's in serious, deep shit. Especially wasting police resources during an emergency. They will throw the book at him.
Is it true the confederate meteorologist is actually a call centre jeet ?
>Chicken tendy pub sub, no buffalo, mayo, swiss, onion, lettuce, vinegar, sub sauce, pepper and oregano
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wtf do you plan on doing in the pitch darkness while the water rises?
worse, new jersey neet.
Minnesota brownoid lmao
If he has no priors he'll get a misdemeanor and no jail time at most.
i have done about 100 /ahsg/
over the years, how bout you?
he started these threads and lives in Florida, well Texas now from what i know
there isn't going to be a "next one" in the classic sense, since
was already made
if this needs to degenerate into a chug/uhg style general split until the hurricane is over (and for possible future canes), then so be it.
I imagine because of evac there's no judges or lawyers so he will sit in jail for a week
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fuck tampa fuck miami fuck orlando

let us pray
no please no.
I'm so tired of trannies and jews "raiding" these threads this time around its pathetic.
hahahahah this little cry baby bitch thinks he owns these threads.
She looks armenian
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More pics bro. Feel free to crop out the midget on the left
Looks like a legit nothing burger
please do not post ai slop in comfy threads, thanks.
Would you please delete this image of me and my spinner jew?
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God is it too much to ask for you to wipe Miami off the map? Just Miami and it's suburbs. That's all I ask.
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why have people left their boats at the harbours? why wouldn't you just get on your boat away from land and just float around and let it pass over you in the sky?
Americans are so stupid just waiting for it to get them on land instead of having common sense.
It was made for colonists in India, not jeets. But don’t worry bro people just pretend to like the taste bro right bro
Dude doesn't even iron his shirts. Must be nice to have money and get the hot weather girl to bounce around
Wow, what a raging faggot. Kill yourself you disgusting loser. Imagine being proud of making 100 plus threads that lead to absolutely nothing. Like this storm is going to. Rope. How fuckin fat and disgusting do you have to be proud of making threads on this dogshit website lmao
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cry for me sweet bitch cry
I wish all mutts were flushed into the ocean.
That's why I said 11 months with time served. It will be deferred as long as he doesn't get in trouble again within a certain time period. But he will have a burglary charge on his record and will never be able to get a lease or job again. Also he may lose his rights to own firearms and vote if it's a part of a plea deal and the original charge is a felony. Not too sure how that works. All for idiotic internet clout.
why are you so mad bro?
Only rich can afford boats but they also buy insurance, so they get a nice brand new boat every storm. Your poorfag is showing.
Ban anyone who films in portrait from using anything with a lens for life
Her next TikTok will be of her floating through the ocean water
Clewiston death in T-minus 22 minutes
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Sharknado was better.
They overloaded it with hops so that it would survive the long voyage. Yes, it does in fact taste like piss. Give me a nice stout over that shit any day of the week.
>Verification not required.
Wrong coast. Channel that energy for tampa first.
I for one am channeling TOTAL DC DESTRUCTION
I think milton can do it.
yeah i have been watching on WPTV
i have loved ones in Belle Glade. shit is fuckery
Kill yourself you fuckin loser. Admitting to making over 100 threads and absolutely not one storm was ever predicted right. Rope loser. The world won't miss you
>But don’t worry bro people just pretend to like the taste bro right bro
Wait don't tell me you actually fell for the taste meme when it comes to beers?
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She's flat as a pancake. Nothing is bouncing in that bedroom.
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May it rape the liberals.
Lies. Storm surge from start to peak took 2.5 hours. It receded in 2 hours.
Source: I was here during Ian
I have several friends still in Sarasota, refusing to evacuate. Including 2 who live on the water. I finally was able to convince the 2 on the water to evacuate. Saving their life.
yes, he said a few days ago that he has some major in business and a minor in meteorology and that his job is not relevant to meteorology
>but he puts meteorologist in his name because he's a larping, attention-seeking discord faggot
i come from a cryptocurrency development background. i don't "own" these threads, neither do you or any anon. technically gookmoot/admins/mods/jannies do, the same way nobody "owns" bitcoin, it's just a decentralized protocol that can be followed.
what you did, from my background perspective, is fork the chain in a way not in accordance to the protocol rules (you thread split at 70 posts).
the correct behavior of the other actors of a properly functioning network is to disrespect your fork, although necessarily some will be captured into yours, and perhaps there will be a complete chain fork (two generals)
you split the general, now i'm mostly curious to see what happens if someone rejects the general split.
will you back off, or will there be two generals?
choice is up to the anons, now
i will be running these threads today.
how does that make you feel?
blah blah blah not reading your cry baby shit seethe for me
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Tampa still forecast for 8-12 feet of storm surge
Shit. Is it heading up our way again? Haven't been paying attention.
They’re going to hate you and blame you when they get looted and ransacked. Kek
woah is this real
Good question. Mom can take the kids to grandma's. and dad can boat to Fairhope LA for a cocktail or two.
Why are you such an angry little faggot?
Make sure you don’t include dead links and better livestream links next time confederate tranny ;)
this woman could give birth to a dozen healthy children. I bet they just slide out at this point. fertility goddess.
If you're not joking see >>484294898 its coming right between lee county and tampa as of now.
>gay ass cat 4
Nothing ever happens.
Storm is rapidly weakening with rising pressure. SW quadrant looks weak af on IR
Yesterday it was 25 feet. LAME
That you are a fucking loser who is going to spend their day posting on a website. Enjoy faggot and remember to kill yourself after the storm. No one would miss you and your body would bloat for days if not weeks because no one in your life would give a shit if some loser like yourself vanished off the planet ;]
as long as you trannies don't keep threadsplitting I don't care. Quit crying at each other and go to your discord to sext or whatever you do.
are they prepared? Will it be okay?
I think all hurricanes should have Latina names like Consuelo, Carmencita, Lupe, Yolanda,
because they fully CLEAN everything behind them.
My aunt's down there too. She never evacs. She gets this look when her brothers suggest it like she thinks they're pussies.
At least they won’t die
The north shift puts it closer to a dead hit on tampa, what are you talking about?
What's happening to the eye wall?
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KEK, OP is literally trumpet guy
Bro I like you. But the path only changes twice a day, at 5am and 5pm. The storm it self is moving north but they won't adjust the path for 6 more hours
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i will be running these threads today, how does that make you feel?
Shit isn’t even the speed of my internet.
Nothing ever happens
>eye already collapsing
Literally just gonna be a thunderstorm when it hits landfall.
Wind shear, failing ERC
They should only have nigger names like Leshanda or Queentifa because they're loud, violent, and always leave a mess in their wake.
i was on the phone a few minutes ago, they are ok. cannot speak for Clewiston
Ah I see. I am retarded
I called this days ago. Nothing ever happens.
>>who is going to spend their day posting on a website.

>imagine being a floridian and NOT shitposting most of the day today
couldn't be me
and you are just jealous...
That is literally that poster. I guarantee you he looks exactly like this little heeb you posted. It is why he spends his life making over 100 threads on 4chan that led to absolutely nothing. I could never imagine being such a fuckin loser that you are proud to admit you spend all day posting on the internet. How fat and smelly do you think he is irl
walk and get a burger from me
Cone went significantly further north. Tampa hit is back on the menu. After how gay the tampa anons were acting yesterday celebrating the downfall of SWFL, I feel no sympathy
Because it only takes one to ruin a neighborhood?
Maybe if you watched actual humans instead of ecelebs you'd realize that isn't the case but HOPEFULLY it does just collapse that would be great.
I want all floridanons staying in there, so they will die.
you are no better nigger faggot
>north shift
>the northern range of the P cone literally shifted south
absolutely illiterate
So what you're saying is the storms should have only jewish names? I like it. Send it.
Where did the category projection they had on Monday go to? They stopped providing that! Why? Fear porn?
Back to Germany to scrub toilets you disgusting polish freak.
Why is it weakening?
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>"We also decided to start calling it 'Miss Piggy,' because the Muppet character is always so fastidious with her appearance
God, I love autistic flight engineers who name these things. They named an aircraft originally built to turn Soviet submarines into mobile graveyards, that is right now traveling into a storm larger than most fucking countries with wind speeds in excess of 165MPH, Miss Fucking Piggy.
just drive up to "four corners" and get some subway.
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It begins
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Checked, TTD!
Hit the hot waters
why do you care so much these threads are fun
perhaps you would be more comfortable in any of the dozens of tranny/nigger/bbc spam threads that are up 24/7
>reminder that the
>enola GAY
>flattened an entire city with a cutting edge nuclear device
god bless aviationfags
stay mad nigger faggot
A nothingburger. It is weakening. Kill yourself you fuckin loser.
Heartily kek'd
so it's dead? nothingburger? damn these threads were so comfy
Polk County rednecks have been shooting at the storm all morning. I think they may have saved us tampabros.
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Thus too
get with the times boomer, everything is viewed in portrait on mobile anyways...
Human gifted sentience by the universe fails to recognize that something can currently be shifting north but ultimately end up landing more to the east or south.

What is happening now will not always be the case, thanks.
You sound like a faggot. These threads are astroturfed by discord tranny loser. Fucking rope yourself you faggot.
Haha what a dumb bitch. Bayshore is gonna get fucking fucked again
The wind is weakening as expected. But the surge will be catastrophic
hahahaha the seethe on this little attention seeking try hard
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My point is that they stopped providing category projections for the hurricane's path. Because they're trying to get everyone in 90% of the state to leave their homes. Nobody notices this but me? And I'm a retard.
Back to toilet scrubbing for Hans, you disgusting pole
if you turn on the line on the exact map you're looking at, it's literally going to sarasota
what motivates you to be like this?
cat 3 nothing burger
fear porn media got your clicks again
Attention seeking? Like making over 100 threads about storms that amounted to nothing? Talk about a drama queen. Kill yourself you waste of space.
Total Tampa Life
>let's take a selfie with the dangerous storm surge!
trannies absolutely seething
>cat 4
>drops to cat 2 in 12 hours
Is that realistic?
they said something about the system going NW so hopefully it'll miss yall
hope for the best, especially considering this tornado bullshit
That you losers sit around hoping for total nigger death like fuckin losers? Kill yourself please?
Key West is perfectly fine you stupid nigger
My asshole itches at night when I sleep. Last night was restless...
Make it starring Willem Defoe
nah I think I'll stay, /ahsg/ is comfy every year. I'm sorry our thread takes up a slot in the catalog for your bbc spam.
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i sure hope not
Pregnant woman was earlier lol
More Southward movement. Sarasota is now the bullseye which means Tampa is going to get nothing.
Typical mutt thinking about black dicks. What a loser. Kill yourself, faggot. Please. Not a single person would care for you if you just disappeared
They were, but it's a different group.
Anybody have that analysis for why hurricane season would be worse?
This has to be bait
new bake >>484296074
new bake >>484296074
new bake >>484296074
new bake >>484296074
You two still haven't got a room to face fuck each other?
Stupid brown immigrants, so mad about the lack of pico de gallo
you fucking faggot
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>40 posts early
holy shit you discordniggers are retarded
this discord is so thirsty it's unbelievable
recycle first nigger
Tornados starting up.
We begin the feast, tornados for appetizers. Spread the debris for the hurricane winds to pick up later.

(pic not me)
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Why do you make threads so early? Ride the bitch to page 11
>they're baking and splitting at 263 and coordinating
for anyone who isn't a faggot, you are welcome at
where at least i will make sure you at least have an OP with properly formatted youtube links
bro so bad
fundamentally true TTD requires either a direct eyewall hit over the bay, or worse a landfall around Clearwater so that the inflow shoves all water into the bay

TTD is transferred to TSD
seethe a lil bit nigger, another 10 posts of niggerrage should do it
nope, we are done with that faggotry.
try hard newfags crying about Confederate Meteorologist have to go. =]
this is god's punishment for the residential construction infringement on Cleetus's freedom factory
Oy vey
clearly you have no idea about our board culture. newfags, take note of these retards flooding and thread splitting, fucking up the fun of this classic general
Based af
Over land? Yes that's always what happens
clearly.. dumbass newfag
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discord trannies did it to all the generals over the years
it is their MO
kek, nice pass, I thought so niggers
did you just buy a 4chan pass?
you're actually spending real money on this autistic melty you're having
dumbass newfag broke nigger crying about not getting attention.
lemme lick those tears broke little boy
fair use!?
Lmao he did pay for a pass. What a fucking loser. Jesus christ hahahah
Any tampafags here who will perish in the hurricane tonight? Why did you choose to? Did you already write your name on your body?
cry baby gonna cry all day? get comfortable sweet bitch
keep it civil, guys
And laugh at a loser like you all day? Sure. Fucking cuck paying to post on a website. How pathetic is your life dude? Hahahaha
Can’t even count to the thread limit?
how pathetic is YOUR life crying like a little bitch over threads.
pussy nigger do you even see yourself right now?
shut the fuck up
no more (You)s for you
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/AHSG/ is supposed to be a comfy thread FFS
lurk moar or uninstall your internet browser, you're shitting up the board

Nah vertical is utter shit
hostile take over from cry baby bitches crying about Conf4ederate Meteorologist
that time has passed
max velocity reminds me of stan marsh for some reason. maybe his cadence.
You paid to post here. You make jannys look normal. They do it for free. You pay. Like a loser. Kill yourself lmaoooo what a fucking loser.
/ahsg/ discord
https://discord gg/BQhBMqJF
That's a AI picture tho.
lol LMAO even.
Just passed gas
who farted?
hhahha the seethe on this little attention seeking brokefag
makes my day
Kill yourself you loser. Who the fuck buys 4chan passes hahaha jesus christ
^the tears
mmmm lick lick lick
what a baby
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We're gonna make it tampabros
Free shoovy
Is there a mirror to the video? It’s not on kick anymore.
>"Please cooperate."
I was promised TOTAL TAMPA DEATH.

CAT3 is a nothingburger
Haha WTF.
DId they break in to make him leave or did he get swatted?
gay ass nigger award. coal from the slums of mumbai
this is embarrassing
Yeah thats what the cop said, not "I'LL FUCK YOU UP" kek
Just FARTED and it killed my dog
Yeah. My dad is a mile from the shore in venice, though. Not going to be good. But at least that pedo murderer stephen king will have his beach front house on casey key destroyed.
lmao get his ass down south a lil bit atleast
he is just a broke cry baby bitch, enjoy his tears
imagine spending real money on this shit fucking nigger
imagine being broke
imagine being jewish, oh wait you don't have to
imagine being a sand nigger cry baby

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