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Non-autismo glowy edition.

>Britons urged to dig out unwanted electricals to tackle copper shortage
>Scientists have called for people to go “urban mining”
Should I trust the experts? This sounds like wacky science, not real science.
>enough to provide 30% of the copper needed for the UK’s planned transition to a decarbonised electricity grid by 2030.
I thought going green was about sustainability?
>Scott Butler: “We need to start ‘urban mining’ and help protect the planet and nature from the harmful impacts of mining for raw materials and instead value and use what we have already.”
We need to do this... because this guy over here is threatening to kill the planet if we don't? Why not blame the people destroying the planet and not us?

So yeah, rest of the article is just that we're not running out of copper, we're running out of GROWTH of copper because we're making too many things with the copper... and wind, solar, and electric cars are apparently big drivers in that. And even if we do all chip in this austerity wartime-style scrap metal drive, the WORLD is going to hit a copper shortage in the 2030s.
The line must go up, and green isn't green it's just more consumption, more pollution, more destruction.
Let me guess, copper currency will have to be melted down ultimately leading to cashless.
hahahaha nope not giving you my old cables sorry
This is the thread.
This is the thread
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>strip the copper out of your house because we don't have the industry to mine and refine it, nor the money to import it
How long until they tell people to recover the wood in their furniture?
will I behave this thread?
Let’s pretend we’re yanks.

>elp me, my paper house is about to be blown away by a mild wind
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We get arrested for pulling Cooper in amerikkka
they need to fix their shortage of toothpaste
lmao the uk truly is still living like the luftwaffe fly overhead
so what the govt. are dictating (the newspapers are just another mouth of the state as long as ofcom rules are in effect), is that you are not allowed to have anything that isn't electric. we should expect that our military will also become fully electric; jets, tanks & boats and if we get laser weaponry, those are electric too. everything to become "renewable" and "sustainable". All other materials are verboten unless the state permits it.
>all the seethe mongs disappear at the same time
raid then
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>y'alls chickens dont taste right it should taste like pool wa-der
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sad incest nonce paedo is still having a melty
>UK is 1945 germany tier.

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>POV: you're a yank and its raining
>We fritter away hundreds of billions on defence while our children go to unguarded schools in a country full of gun toting maniacs and criminals. Yeehaw!
Luv wankin ova me lil cuz la
kek that bendy bit of cardboard ceiling
I've done a number on her
Corr jus like u did fat loads ova ur baby niece la
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>"Give us your rare metals for free when they're at their most valuable goy!"
>fantasising about me spaffing on babies
genuinely weird nonce
I'll put a bot up ur arse
and i'll hack your socials
Corr tell us more la
>builds house out of cardboard and plasterboard
>brag about muh big house (that costs $600k)
>wonder why it falls down in a storm
>Scientists ... Copper shortage
Why do scientists give a shit?
I think their making it up, there are no scientists that said that

I doubt bong land has a massive copper industry, we didn't even have one these days..
fuck her
i'd still shag her though
like rage fucking
It was literally the worst flood on record, maybe you can give them a break
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Las Malvinas. Give them to me!
Ffs looks like Alicia
Get some traveling romanians in camper vans, they always find lots of copper.
30 is too old for Josh
He likes them young and related
Just like his (grand)father
Why did you nonce your cousins? Is it because your grandad nonced you? Is this why nobody in your family wants any contact with you?
nah fuck mutts I hope they all drown
I like Burgerland but it is amusing when their cardboard houses fly off into the next state and the only thing left standing is a church built by us, and they attribute this to Jesus

It isn’t Jesus. It’s having something built by Englishmen
Be you
Not them
>Gathers metric tons of rubber coates copper wire.
>Burn it all for the environment
We have reached peak clown world.
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to increase steel production in time of his "great leap" Mao ordered villagers to melt down any tools they find...then the impossible happened
didn't they end up with worthless pig iron and no tools after? the man really fucked up china
That's a job for Romanians if I've ever heard of one.
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Electric cars are terrible for the environment
yes it devastated everything... oh wait! china is fine! maybe you have been eating up propaganda.
Yes, he also ordered his people to kill loads of birds because some birds ate grain.
The birds also ate insects which ate even more grain.
So the birds got killed, with no predators the insect numbers skyrocketed, and they ate all the grain, and the people starved.

50IQ play
Where do I go to pick up a girl for sex. I am shit at talking, 5 foot 6 and I have moles on my face.
It is eco leninism. The Communists are sabotaging our infrastructure to leave us unprepared for WW3 against the CCP.

Net Zero activists should be charged under the Espionage Act.
>moles on my face
are they in braille? If so, blind club meetup maybe.
Hi Chang, how's Vancouver today?
maka da flied lice?
london underground
bro I wish I was in vancouver
wetherspoons after 9pm on a weekday
Please donate your cables to us,
so we can give them to a Jew who will make money selling them on,
after his jew friend uses his processing plant paid for by the jews at the government out of your tax money,
So the jew can sell it all back to us while claiming green bux from the government.

Id rather burn them
it really is it was hard to find anyone who wasn't Chinese when i went shame really it's otherwise a nice city i heard its full of poos now too
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How do you feel about this woman being PM by 2030?
She is running on the whole ‘le black lady who hates wokeness’ vibe and she is tipped to be the next Tory leader.

Starmer is already so unpopular. She has a clear route to be PM.

Will you support our African Kween lads?


Not today it isnt
I'd back her
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You made fun of a group. That's a hate crime..enjoy your jail time.
We've tried female PM x3 now. It's always shit.
We tried BAME PM x1 and he lasted less than 2 years.
I dont think this is the way.
Kebab houses, find the fat bird crying outside at about 2am, youll be sound.
yes but surely BAME + Woman is the winning combination. We've never tried that one!
imagine, the US gets a nigger woman leader, and so do we. Matriarchy where men are enslaved by womens
Ffs looks like Alicia
damn I thought we lived rent free in krautland. didn't know you guys did it too kek
people don't talk on the tube, I think you mean somewhere that's dark Maybe I could go to a warehouse rave.
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If the Tory party members vote for her as strongly as predicted then this will be the final confirmation that the Party has to die
they will think i'm a pedo if i hang around outside kebab shops,
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outside a kebab shop is probably the safest place for a pedo
Oh no
Don't put that choccy puss in my face as punishment
Don't make me lick that dusky gash for being medieval
I can't possibly be made to nibble that Nilotic pudenda as penance
You'd know
I know it's spelt like that. But the spelling makes no sense unless you speak latin so I spell it the american way.
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You don't need that copper goy! it'd be much better spent on our friends in israel
what kids are at kebab houses at 2am other than the ones in the kebab?
I don't want to shag 13 year old girls. I used to work in an estate agent next to a kebab shop and we always had 13 year old girls coming in and saying look I have tits can you add me to facebook, I want a normal adult woman.
The ones with vapes and e-scooters lad
>he doesn't have hundreds of kg's of old copper pennies ready to go to start a black market coin economy
>I want a normal adult woman
good luck lad
Loads of them I've worked nights, they have no parents or their parents don't care, yes they end up as kebabs
>didn't they end up with worthless pig iron and no tools after?
imagine that your ruling jet or whatever fag is now will order you to colect and gib back to goverment any copper you can get...so they will send it to china because smelting here is not econazi enough....how many people would but that crap?
>the man really fucked up china
those were only small loses of the order of several tens of millions...just one small china army unit big nothingburger

>Id rather burn them
Yes fren...oven is a correct way to fix problem
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Go to the Kebab houses by the fucking bars, the ones that will be filled with drunk people after a night out, not some fucking local KFC knockoff full of roadmen wannabes
is it greek
Stop it he's already dead
I used to talk shit about them but these lotus eater guys are alright. Shiiit name though.
Why is there 2 threads.
Fucking spastics
According to my schooling, yes. Pots and pans don't make for good rails.
The tirade on Mao's failures in class ended just before talking about the loss of life and avoided mentioning anything about why China was doing seemingly as well as it is today.

I think it was just a derivative of the American education scheme that has been increasing with each decade. I just wanted to learn about England.

I'm still waiting for boomers to vote for a future for their children and not a future for Africans and Indians just to spite their own sprogs.

The other one is retarded and didn't add the second /
double trouble
>and avoided mentioning anything about why China was doing seemingly as well as it is today.
They basicly tell him (Mao) to fuck off and invited any western tech and money they could get to paraphizing Stalin...made and sell them (westerners) rope with which they will hang themselves...china man is a jew but better
ordered tesco woosh
driver was white
0 BAMEs funded
Your parlance is schizophrenic.
was founded by a jew, but jews don't own it now, or do they?
As long as he doesnt argue with himself in the same sentence then give it a pass.
Kemi Bad Enoch is going to win. It's going to be so annoying watching her every Wednesday at pmqs
certainly a more normal pole than the other one we get.
Probably eastern euro.
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Sexy black qweenz for PM every white man be ruled by an ebony goddess you WILL worship her whibois
>Your parlance is schizophrenic.
you forgot where you are?
what causes a man to post something like this? >>484300833
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they couldn't make me seethe so they've taken to trying to make anons seethe instead
Salami rolled scampi with cheese and a glass of dragon fruit cider
High testosterone,you wouldn't understand.
Place all your money on Jew
I was invited to pic related.
Tfw no qt glaswegian gf
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All white men will worship our new black qweenz. She will usurp Kang charlez and become da qween of ingland
The fuck is a husting? Is that more Americanised dogshit?
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Problem whibois? You voted for it
>>484300833 coal burning is coal burning, kys fag
why is gobbo posting nigger porn now
Rabbit, nooooo
90% sure its ginge
Shit up whitey speak when spoken to a black qweenz is talkinz
ORIGIN Old Norse, 'household assembly held by a leader'
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Community viking leaders
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why are you such a degenerate? go get a white gf like a normal person
So apparently Cleverly knocked himself out by lending votes to Jenrick in order to cockblock Badenoch from entering the final round. What a massive retard.
the only sex worth having is without a condom.
cant do that with a non-white
you'll get aids
or a niglet
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>but that strategy is right here in the codex
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looking for a job...
Something like that. Or all the undecideds voted Tom then split between Kemi and Robert after Tom dropped out. Though James did drop two votes. That would do it without any vote lending.
Im sure such accidents happen in deciding the leader of the opposition.
No this is a gobbo special. He does it on /aus/ sometimes as well. Usually this happens only when he's REALLY riled
>ywn be an ealdorman
>ywn be a thegn
>ywn be a huscarl
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>why are you such a degenerate?
you rly need to ask?
Don't blame me i'm a newfag lol
Now we know that's exactly what you do
Yes, goy, hate them! Be divided and never band together so we can easily destroy you.
>US election happens
>go on twitter
>[winning candidate] is NOT MY PRESIDENT
>yanks cry in replies
>"yeah, I am not a US citizen"

it's the little things
Am proper bulking me, almost 80kg
riled you say?
>no u
Ah, the vishpoo special
I’m shredded m8.
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sup bongfrens, just commenting on OP picrel:

back in the day I worked at a CompUSA (computer parts store) and there were these "donate your old computer" groups that were actually just tearing it apart and melting it down into the elements, they found that you got almost exactly the same amount of pure gold per ton from circuitry as you did from a literal gold mine -- this is the same scam to get resources, but I guess it's at least a bit more honest about the purpose
What's your weight? I'm 5'10 bulking to 80kg, I know you're like 5'6 or so
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why are there multiple threads
Dunno not weighed medelf in ages, must be around 75kg I reckon.
Vishpoo was seething immensely at the other thread
>>Britons urged to dig out unwanted electricals to tackle copper shortage
So they'll be offering scrap bounties, right?
Used electronics are a literal goldmine. Retards throw them in the bin because nothing is offered for them.
Fair enough, gonna lift some weights now
>muh green and "eco-friendly" policies
>somehow even LESS sustainable than the dirtiest of fossil fuel-using technology
>get threatened with economic sanctions, and outright bombing if you refuse to go along with it
How is this going through again?
No one's voting for this shit
No one actually gains anything from this shit
Yet every single step of the way every single person possible cucks utterly and in totality
What the fuck is wrong with whites.
how to make me instantly dismiss you as a poortherner
Get at it.
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>I'm 5'10
>So they'll be offering scrap bounties, right?
Nope, you'll just be fined if you don't scrap absolutely anything and everything you own, just like a telly license.
Reminder brit/pol/ is a Kemite general
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>laughing at my manlet status makes you a jeet for some reason
oh boggy boggy boggy
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But you're a jeet hahahahha. Brown, short and overweight.
Maybe not the way but definitely the future. We’ve had the good, the bad and the weird as female PMs so now it’s time to complete the set with a nigger.
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>5ft 10

you fat Ashkenazi fuck
I could crush your little indian skull with one hand
Thatcher was alright. She got shit for closing the mines but really UK coal production wasn’t viable at that point in time.
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what we having for din dins
Hope Kemi becomes Tory leader. That'll absolutely finish off the Tories.
British. But coal production has only increased with you posting
A nice joint of Planet Sherb
Bockwurst and buckwheat
Useless newfags.
dzień dobry
I am not giving away copper for free
Guten Abend
Post height
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Lads apparently the Tories are about to go full 1930s
start investing in copper
do your bit lad
its our duty to ensure the children of illegal migrants have a decent leccy supply and warm homes
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>High testosterone,you wouldn't understand.
oh jolly good a black and white minstrel show
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I would advise a mandatory copper registration for UK. And a license to use copper at home.
Female Bantu fascism is so near.
their screaming over a few inches of rain are pathetic tbqh i literally face worse on a daily drive
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just bought this copper sovereign for £1000, it'll be double that in a few months.
Psychic disorder on the camcorder
Seethe this big only from jnig
Mao did the same thing.
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In all fairness that's a perfect height for size 9 feet.
Any taller than 5'10 and he'd tip over if a cat farted 4 doors down.
As if the Met Office doesn't issue a yellow warning every 3 days to much media hysteria
Blackface, blackshirt
>This is the thread


i hope it's pre 1992 then lad.
the rest are copper plated zinc or some shit
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You really are thick
They shit themselves when the temperature goes above 20C and if snow potentially maybe might possibly fall somewhere in western Europe
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So many L's he's deffo polish, only a polish name could have that many consonants in it.
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Gov want to stockpile copper beacause there's a war coming and need it to make bullets and things

the writing is on the wall, and it says I fuck arses
Im watching all the tornados at the moment.
Deary me
>You weren't posting in the thread from the start so I win
Best you've got nigger?
I was listening to talk radio a few months back and there was someone who said they liked Rishi and the current tories, I couldn't understand why but he said he liked their pogressives views and freedom of enterprise or something like that. I guess you could call them neo-liberal. They like bame & gay stuff but also like to make money, I forget that people like that do exist.
I want the disaster to make Katrina look like a puddle, really an some kino spice to their election farce
No wonder you're seething and 1pbtid samefagging vishpoo, you're like 5'6
>freedom of enterprise
>current year
Fort Myers took a beating last 30mins
Night lads x
Corr less than 4 weeks away. Kino reality TV US elections.
Is all this copper for an eruv round the uk?
Gies a link
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The news about rishi sunaks real identity will come out soon
rishi blair?
I mog everyone in this thread
Lmao theyd flog that and use fumishing line like they always do
>haha omniscient jahweh, i fooled you.
That's my line
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I was in a storm once in Cuba
no big deal
they're attention seeking pussies
and yeah the one i was in was worse than the one now
5'11 actually.
Im Indian and literally taller than you.
Sux 2 b u
maybe it wasn't exactly what he said, I think he's someone who liked the idea of a Blairite government thats just a little more economically right.
It's a white lad doing brown face, his real name is Ritchie smith
I was in Sevenoaks when it became oneoak in the 80's
Fun and games
>boggy shorter than a jeet
I’m just finding the idea that Rishi wasn’t the same commie as the rest of them laughable
>economically right
They werent tho, they increased the tax burden, introduced loads of regulatory shite etc.
>Im Indian
What type?
breggshit wreggshit, gammons
Visajeet, you're 5'6 and live with your parents hahahahahahahaha
You are polish though?
Richard Sambrook
I had a friend just recently claim he was a libertarian lmaoooooo, remember when everyone thought bonkers Bojo was going to be a radical lolbert
The only type (subhuman)
not to mention all the money printing
he is a freemason therefore he is gay?
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mfw Cuban buildings and houses are all still intact, despite being poor 3rd world, just a few trees fall over. but mutt houses collapse because they're made of cardboard and glue and built by mexicans
5'11 and you're fuming.
Quaking in your size 9 kitten heels.

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