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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Returns to Butler, PA 10/05/2024
https://rumble.com/v5hma25-full-speech-president-trump-returns-for-a-historic-rally-in-butler-pennsylv.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Town Hall, Fayetteville, NC 10/04/2024
https://rumble.com/v5hi1xp-full-speech-president-trump-hosts-a-town-hall-in-fayetteville-nc-10424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally, Saginaw, MI 10/03/2024
https://rumble.com/v5hcmfo-full-speech-president-trump-to-hold-a-rally-in-saginaw-mi-10324.html (RSBN)
>Vice Presidential Debate, New York City, NY 10/01/2024
>Pres Trump Remarks in Milwaukee, WI 10/01/2024
https://rumble.com/v5h430t-full-speech-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-10124.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump on Helene Damage, Valdosta, GA 9/30/2024
https://rumble.com/v5gxmrh-full-speech-president-trump-delivers-remarks-to-the-press-in-valdosta-ga-93.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>484290028
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Every single one of us must do our duty and vote for The Donald to protect Israel!
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Trump has no game
what are the optics of having a waifu named tornado
anyway, reminder to everyone, don't fall for the bait that the "(Soon to be Prez) Kamala" shill is posting. he does this every thread. he gets paid per response. just ignore.
my internet is fucking SHIT this morning seriously fuck you Verizon
If this is true, and Trump has outdone democrats in voter registrations and increased his early turnout from 2020 with zero ground game, then the Democratic Party is beyond fucked.
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We love to see it, folks!
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Just imagine the sound a golf club makes before it hits the ball except it's your right temple and eye socket.
Error: Invalid API key, trump_shill.txt
Republicans chopped the 700k Democrat registration lead to 300k

They out registered Dems 2to1
Good morning, everyone:
you do this for free
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Republicans actually slightly overperformed the average in 2022.

Notable is that ABC and yougov were the most accurate pollsters
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The french and that jew ruined a Batman movie.
You do know this means war.
Good morning, I am angry today, angry about elves
37 minutes till Awoofternoon Awooing ^--^ thanks bakerkun
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Im supposed to think Rick Madcow is somehow NOT a leftist propagandist now
Whew this is prime cope
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The democrats provide illegal immigrants with hotel rooms but nothing for American citizens made homeless by a natural disaster.
The Department of Homeland Security funds an 800 bed shelter in Greensboro NC but North Carolina hurricane victims can not use it because it is for illegal immigrants.

Proofs in this thread
you do this for free don’t you
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here are the IDs to filter for this thread (they're paid shills that get paid per reply, don't respond, just ignore them). add the 4chanX browser extension and filter the following IDs (see picrel for what that process looks like):

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I'm so scared if Trump loses then Israel will be destroyed!

We cannot let this happen MAGApedes!
Snowfllake looking ahhh
>s-save us White college graduates!
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>And whites put up with this
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If you keep spamming your plebbit folder, who knows, it might become true
>I don’t care if America wins!
>I need Israel to lose!!!
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>Rick trying on a new persona
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This is a threat.
Wow you talk like a faggot. Are you a faggot?
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If this is true, then we are so fucked
Holy shit
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The based Jewish voters will win The Donald the election, folks!

We love our based Jews!
They want you dead for voting wrong

oh wow Biden was up by 30 with college grads in 2020 polls. I thought the polls were fixed?
Yeah GOO trying to fuck Trump like usual
Too bad Trump is bigger than them
Oh no Trump touched a wall!!!
This totally makes me forget that it was his DOJ that wrecked Epstein Island honey pot operation.
Gmgm <3
Gm. Rick, is trying to spam without his trip.
>Blue VA
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Epstein was set up!

The Donald knows this!

Trust the plan!
OH NO! Kamalasisters how do you spin this!?!?!

2024 National GE (Shift since 10/2):

Trump 51% (+2)
Harris 49% (-2)

.@ActiVoteUS, 1,000 LV, 10/3-8
That’s good for Trump, you baboon-brained nigger monkey. You should kill yourself

Consult with plebbit again. Your consensus-cracking isn’t working
You can say ass here zoom zoom, this isn’t your home Tik Tok
Or maybe you’ll get in trouble with mommy all the same
Losing bigly is good for Trump
If it’s whining about Israel it’s just a faggot
anyway, remind to everyone, don't fall for the bait that shill is posting. he does this every thread. he gets paid per response. just ignore.
Already knew that.
>NY Times / Siena
>Trump +14 (Florida)
Politics are theater for the slave class, merely Jewish soap opera designed to convince the non-Jews that there's a peaceful/political solution. It's really that simple.

Only 2 things really matter before anything else can get fixed:

1) all zionists (Jew and non-Jew alike) need to be deported or hanged for treason (Israel sells US secret military tech to China and that makes supporting Israel treason) even if it takes a civil war;

2) all Talmudists and their advocates and collaborators need to be deported or hanged for promoting crimes against children (the Jewish sacred Talmud tells Jews that they can fuck kids AND the Jewish sacred ritual of the circumcision is forced genital mutilation of 8 day old male babies).

Proof that Israel sells US secret military tech to China here:

Proof that the Jewish sacred Talmud promotes pedophilia here:

Proof that Israel is a pedophile haven here:

Proof that the whole tranny agenda is entirely JEWISH in origin, and Israel is making BILLIONS selling us the hormones used to mutilate the children being brainwashed:

Proof that Jewish power has total control over the US body politic:

Proof that Jewish power controls the US financial system:

Proof that Jews control the Media:

Proof that Jewish power is behind the ongoing ethnic replacement of White people (aka Europeans) in their own countries (which is genocide, aka ethnic cleansing):

Proof that Israel is anti-Christian:

Proof that Jewish power is at war with the 2nd Ammendment:

Proof that Jews are NOT White (White means European, and Jews come from the Middle East):

NOTE: if the archive.vn links do not work, try changing the link first part to archive.is or archive.ph
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It's a beautiful morning, shills are flailing as usual, I don't live in a shitty leftist area or even state. Shitposting from my personal small business with my /ptg/ bros...
Damn it feels fucking good to be a white man.
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2 celebrities in a picture. They must have raped children together. There is simply no other explanation.
Ignore them you tards

Anybody remember 2016 and Finnshill?
He posted nonstop every day, 18 hours a day, and you idiots all kept replying to him.
Then one day you actually ignored him and he spazzed the fuck out.
>makes 10 posts
>no replies
>starts spamming off topic pics
>still ignored
>starts replying to other posters if they can see his posts
>still ignored
>does a mass post reply asking if they see his posts
>nobody replies
Eventually he starts spamming nonsense like
he spammed character limit posts like that until the thread was over.
So all you have to do is ignore them and watch the show
I feel the same about men who DO vote for Harris, so whatever, he's entitled to his opinion I guess
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rick's a stale nigger.
i'm here for keks, not stale bullshit.
The bottom line is, a major source of influence over US politics and business was lost for good because of Trump.
With friends like that who needs enemas?
I should probably run for mayor, when I'm done, to be honest
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Why does none of the so called "good jews" have ever denounced this?

Rabbi Ovadia Yousef, who was publicly described as a "much loved" "giant of Jewish thought" was worshipped by Jews in Israel and across the world (10% of the total population of all of Israel attended his funeral):

"800,000 attend last procession for revered leader of Sephardi Jewry; 300 require medical treatment — but no serious injuries… and one birth; worried police chief had feared disaster as crowds swelled; public figures send condolences, recall a giant of Jewish thought"

So what did this much loved giant of Jewish thought had to say about the relation between Jews and non-Jews?


"Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel" - Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, a much loved giant of Jewish thought whose burial was the biggest in Israeli history with 10% of the whole country's population attending in Jerusalem

Some shills try to use sophistry to minimize the 10% attendance number by claiming "10% is not the majority", but 10% is the amount of people that attended his funeral, that would be the equivalent of 33 million people attending a funeral in the US. Obviously, it means that most people in Israel saw him as a beloved authority figure. Add to that the fact the he was chief Rabbi in Israel for years, and that Jewish media constantly showered him with approval and love (even on Jewish atheist publications). Obviously, this is the mainstream mindset that Israeli Jews have regarding non-Jews.
leave her alone
she is going through some difficult times.
You fail to understand the nuances of swing states and how polls underestimate Republicans every single time. You are a dumb nigger.
Kinda like your sexuality
that was a funny day

“Dwarves are not heroes, but a calculating folk with a great idea of the value of money; some are tricky and treacherous and pretty bad.”
Zionism is simply the political application of the jewish religious prophecies that tell jews they will rule the world from Jerusalem and enslave the whole world while killing anyone that refuses to be ruled by them.

Zionism is NOT about a "homeland for Jews" - it's about establishing a One World Government, where the Jews tyrannically rule the goyim. Here is Israel's first Prime Minister Ben Gurion saying exactly that:
Backup link:


Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, reprinted in La Revue de Paris, p. 574 June 1, 1928:


Quote from the book "Understanding Jews, Understanding Anti-Semitism" explaining the Jewish world-domination aspirations and the rationalizations they use to justify their megalomania to themselves:


"The Jewish people always believed in the supremacy of its ethnic collective over other nations.

But throughout history, this was a supremacy that lacked an apparatus for wielding control over non-Jews"


Zionism is one small part of the overall jewish problem and jews were a problem long before zionism existed. Ever since the war started, there has been a concerted effort to replace the word jew with zionist as the source of the problems. Related:

How zionists and diaspora jews are simply 2 sides of the same coin of jewish global power and subversive supremacism:
>literal who poll
No need to cut that from the recording because Lawrence, Kansas and KU have always been filled with looney leftists, so that professor just secured his tenure and got himself a raise.
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We need The Donald to win because he will save Israel!

Crooked Kamala will not save Israel!
not reading all that
I'm happy for you tho, or sorry that happened
>and how polls underestimate Republicans every single time
>Muh red waevz
kekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk based
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Total jew death worldwide will heal the world and God will bless those that kill the emissaries of the devil (aka jews and their collaborators).
There are no political solutions, the tree of liberty demands its refreshment. Death to Israel and all the traitors who support it as legal punishment for the crime of treason (Israel sells US secret military tech to China and that makes supporting Israel treason).
Ah yes, Kevin. A man so retarded he had memes made about him.
God damn the shills are in overdrive
Gm <(^-^)>
paid per response, just ignore
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Civil war 2 is going to be one massive game of hitman where anybody from all walks of life could be an insurgent. The amount of mischief even a single person could cause on their day off is absurd. Imagine if calling in bomb threats on major traffic choke points or shooting power substations was a daily occurrence.

The concept of large scale civil war is an outdated meme. Rebels acting as lone wolves or acting in independent cells of 4-5 members will cut power, blow up bridges, hunt ZOGbot families, etc and basically make every inch of ground too expensive to gain and hold. ZOG is far more reliant on infrastructure than rebels will be; not only do they need it for basic operation, but also to quell the normies who have’t joined a rebel cell — once the normies sense that the gov can’t even keep the power/water/sewer services online or get keep reliable food supply happening, the popular support for the gov will collapse. It won’t be Cletus in the ditch with an AR taking in an Abrams lol. Victory happens when the accountants surrender.

All this means is that the most capable and intelligent people will be among the rebels, not the army. The defection some say is now impossible is happening before our very eyes.
>b-bb-but muh tanks and jets!
>You can't live inside your jet.
>Can we find you? Yes, you bet!
>Tyrants threaten you with bombs?
>Just remember: they have moms.
>Don't forget, because it's true.
>Government is afraid of *you*.
tripfags and groyfags
please leave
thank you XOXO
>polls underestimate republic-ACK

Trump is fucked
We NEED a place to put them.
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Put your trip back on please
Your relentless attempt at consensus cracking is adorable!

Good little retard. Just put it in green text instead of refuting it. Good little retarded nigger slave.
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Where do I order a little tiny MAGA hat like The Donald wears, folks?
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Single issue voters will be the death of this country I swear
>"Errr blumpf supports Israel so we should let the woman who wants to import third worlders en masse who also supports Israel"
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It doesn't take a score of men to bring a city down to its knees without killing a single person. For state make it between a hundred and several scores of men. For country you only need a few thousand at most. Normies and the establishment like to think it will fight like a more typical civil war not realizing that the opposite side has 0 interest in revealing itself until they are all dead. Only then will they reconsider because now they actually have to organize and engage in diplomacy because before that its absolutely worthless. There simply won't be any negotiating because there is no one to negotiate with that the opposing side will follow or believe. Glowniggers have unironically traumatized their enemy so hard that they are simply too paranoid to ever believe in any negotiation, organization, or leadership. So will they assume otherwise until the 'enemy' side so completely destroyed that their paranoia is finally satisfied and they eventually consider those positions.

That is what happens when you whack any rival leadership and destroy any rival organization except for controlled opposition. You no longer have the right to face a formal opponent or engage in any kind of diplomacy. Too bad. Too sad. Also a shame about all that infrastructure and the fact that they are simply never going to stop hunting you. Why would they when they can take all your shit and make you suffer for everything you have done? Don't even get me started on the sabotage. It's gonna make what Los Pepes did look like an amateur hour with retarded clowns. Not to mention the turncoats...all those goddamn turncoats. With all their incriminating info, expertise, and looted goodies.
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(Our system thinks your post is spam.)
Government will be freaking out because they already don't trust normalfaggots and any could be a cell waiting for the right timing. There is no way to sensibly fight lone wolves, no way to limit it from becoming a protracted campaign or a new but vague "war on terror" since there is no organization.

ZOG can't send White people to die for Israel if zog loses its critical infrastructure.
Reminder that it only takes a few thousand lone wolves unrelated to each other to randomly sustain low risk opportunistic attacks on critical infrastructure to grind any modern government to a halt.

Imagine a scenario where random people would just fuck something up that they have the capacity to neutralize (and lots of critical infrastructure is vulnerable and doesn't even require illegal shit to wreck) in a way that doesn't arise suspicion, then they would just go back to their regular normal life routine like nothing happened. They might not even do it more than once, or they might repeat another attack weeks or months later on a new target, always keeping a low profile with very low suspicion. If enough people did that any government would be fucked with no real way to counter it.

The United States military, law enforcement and intelligence could arrest and kill people yes but they can't protect or rebuild infrastructure, they don't have the replacement parts on hand and without the working class they have no proles able and willing to do the work. Such people would be the most able to complete such tasks and risk would lower as things get worse. If you lose water or internet you have to put cops at every grocery store to prevent looters, lose power then they have to direct traffic, lose cell towers and then they are as blind as what radios alone can see. Zogbots are dedicated psychos but once they're older and away from the conflict with time to think they turn coat with relative frequency.
Make it single issue and cclear that voting for trump means not starving and not voting for trump means starving with your children
These are the polling firms /ptg/ are citing to show Trump winning btw.
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I fucking LOVE being white
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What happened the past few days? I haven't been paying attention.
but that b8 looks so tasty, maybe just a nibble...
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also see >>484249469
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That lad has great bantz
And the competency crisis will help Whites/Europeans destroy their illegitimate foreign occupation governments and take back their own homelands.

"Following three completely avoidable collisions of U.S. Navy warships in 2017 and a fire in 2020 that resulted in the scuttling of USS Bonhomme Richard, a $750 million amphibious assault craft, two retired marines conducted off-the-record interviews with 77 current and retired Navy officers. One recurring theme was the prioritization of diversity training over ship handling and warfighting preparedness. Many of them openly admit that, given current issues, the U.S. would likely lose an open naval engagement with China. Instead of taking the criticism to heart, the Navy commissioned “Task Force One Navy,” which recommended deemphasizing or eliminating meritocratic tests like the Officer Aptitude Rating to boost diversity."


April, 12, 2024:
"Troubled USS Boxer Returns Home 10 Days into Deployment Due to Maintenance Issue"


"Transgender Space Force Colonel Says Using Pronouns In Emails Will Help Win Wars"


"DoJ Notified of Suspected Faulty Welds on Subs, Aircraft Carriers at Newport News Shipbuilding"
Biden and the press don't appear to be on her side any more.
time for you to go back to plebbit, lame faggy troll
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You tell me.
"New Zealand lost its first navy vessel since World War II after the HMNZS Manawanui - a $100 million survey and dive vessel commissioned in 2018 - ran aground, burst into flames, and sank off the coast of Samoa."


"Fogbank (stylized as FOGBANK) is a code name given to a secret material used in the W76, W78 and W88 nuclear warheads that are part of the United States nuclear arsenal.[1] The process to create Fogbank was lost by 2000, when it was needed for the refurbishment of old warheads."
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The niggers will have nowhere to brawl it is a sad day for America
The funny thing is, Epstein’s job was to get blackmail material on Trump so Trump could be controlled.
1) if This is the best they could do…
2) assuming Trump is a Jew puppet that means the Jews wanted a MAGA agenda because Trump did deport people and build a wall.
3) if they wanted to stop Trump and his MAGA agenda, where are compromising pix of Trump? (See 1)
4) if Trump is a puppet than this is the biggest psyop ever. Bigger than Covid. They must have something very big planned where they are willing to up end everything they built here.
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People will slay the zog, and you will be happy.
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this was so good
can alex jones hit up chunk yogurt again
"Jewish power doesn't need dirt on Trump. Trump's family is now part of the parasite jew. His great-grandchildren will be jews. His family is now jew. You mistake his allegiances, you think he's outside. He will do what's best for jews because he's effective heading a jewish family." - anon
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Who dares to enter my magical realm again is it the EU, my arch nemesis?
I appreciate the effort pastas but im not reading all that.
I just want him to know that when Trump deports his coal burning daughter, his nigger-son in law, and his half nigger grandchild to haiti I’ll be posting the videos and pictures of them being chopped up and eaten alive. I hope he’s ready to see the footage joined with We Like to Party.
I totally believe that headline! That’s exactly the Face I would make if I did that!
Trump isn't just another anti-White jewish rat. There are no political, the tree of liberty demands its refreshment.

Donald Trump says:
"We're going to let a lot of people come in, because we need more people, especially with AI coming and all the different things. And the farmers need, everybody needs but we're going to make sure they're not murderers and drug dealers..."


What happened to mass deportations?



>On June 19, 2024, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump taped a podcast interview with venture capitalists on the show All-In.
>“What I want to do and what I will do is you graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically as part of your diploma a green card to be able to stay in this country,” said Trump. “And that includes junior colleges too, anybody graduates from a college. You go there for two years or four years.” Trump promised to address the issue on “day one.”

Trump wants citizenship to be devalued to the price of a faked Microsoft certificate from Calcutta Community College.
It's so frustrating
>durr Trump doesn't act like a /pol/ golem and post clips from Europa the last peepeepoopoo he supports Israel like every other American politician, voting is dead so we should do my alternative of posting about some revolution so we can have an excuse to do nothing
I think these people just want to complain forever and don't actually want to win
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what happened to your trips rickity rick rick?
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>Muh Gallup po-ACK
this line of thinking worked until trump was given 2x (maybe 3) assassination attempts.
all that theorizing goes out the window now.
You don't get caught at inside jobbing a guy and then failing at it AGAIN without some consequences.
good luck!
"Matt Gaetz argues for every ‘Karen’ MAGA loses ‘there’s a Julio and a Jamal ready to sign up’"


Trump isnt going to deport anyone. Do you know who signed the last big amnesty bill? Ronald Reagan a beloved republican. You think jews can't get Trump to do the same if they wanted? Either way, I suspect kikes are fine with illegals being in a legal limbo because it means they cant get uppity about their wages or anything political. Its the perfect serf class. Either way, the Great Replacement is standard jewish policy and they have the means to get it regardless of whose in office. There is no solution through electoral politics.


This is the future under Trump's proposal:



>colleges are bastions of woke that need to be destroyed!
Also MAGAkikes
>we also need more foreign students that help keep the higher education bubble inflated!
Do it. Watch out for MLK Avenue. It got renamed to Rape Street for a reason.
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OMG! Trump’s literally #with her
Kevin D looked like a fat jewish gremlin
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Total jew death worldwide will heal the world and God will bless those that kill the emissaries of the devil (aka jews and their collaborators).

"Trump campaign says it was hacked, blames Iran"

"Trump says US should wipe Iran "off the face of the Earth" if he's assassinated"

Faggot tangerine is grooming his supporters into throwing themselves into to the meat grinder to fight Iran for Israel.

Miriam Adelson, Ike Perlmutter, Bernie Marcus, Bill Ackman, Steve Schwarzman and the Republican Jewish Coalition are giving him hundreds of millions of dollars. Itamar Ben-Givr endorsed Trump. Netanyahu likes Trump and helped him get elected in 2016. Jews want to get the US to fight Iran and Hezbollah. Who can get more White men to join the military? That's who jews want. Jews have power whether Trump or Kamala win. They have some disagreements about who's best for them but Trump certainly has a large faction of jews in his corner.
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nope it's this guy
one of the many organizations as part of the journalist rhizome sector
>The Phone Call between U.S. President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is said to have now Ended, after roughly 50 Minutes.
the attack is happening soon
Total jew death worldwide will heal the world and God will bless those that kill the emissaries of the devil (aka jews and their collaborators).
I wonder where he is now, or what meme flag he's been using
Nobody is reading any of your 14 posts, Ivan
lol. Trump trashes our her husband on the way out the door of life. She’s so mad she gives him hundreds of millions of campaign dollars.
Yeah I believe that’s influence peddling.
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>“We are going to remove the Jew haters who do nothing to help our country.” - Donald Trump

Absolutely based!

This is what we need to hear as Americans!

We love our based Jews!
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here are the IDs to filter for this thread (they're paid shills that get paid per reply, don't respond, just ignore them). add the 4chanX browser extension and filter the following IDs (see picrel for what that process looks like):

hey HikiGPT, what would be the best way to deal with America's journalism problems?
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Has the airforce decided to kill all the survivors in Florida?
Woah dude that seems pretty bad we should do absolutely nothing that's how we win
please do not encourage him
>a wild qanon larp post appears
wasn't this called earlier itt?
Total jew death worldwide will heal the world and God will bless those that kill the emissaries of the devil (aka jews and their collaborators).

isn’t your screentime up soon?

Nobody is reading any of that dumbass.
Total jew death worldwide will heal the world and God will bless those that kill the emissaries of the devil (aka jews and their collaborators).
There are no political solutions, the tree of liberty demands its refreshment.
they gotta get the 5 shekels somehow
you need to go back, tourist
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I will not filter
I will reply to shills
And I will doompost!
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Someone ask him why he is gay and eats the poopoo i dont have my ultrasecret alt
Exhibit B
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yeah yeah whatever.. they responded to my post and now I'm laughing at them.
that's how keks happen!
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I just want him to get esoteric
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Nicholas Fuentes has officially abandoned the Trump campaign because of Trump's love for based Jews!

This is not based, folks!
>the shills are still screeching about jews
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FIGHT (for Israel)

Total jew death worldwide will heal the world and God will bless those that kill the emissaries of the devil (aka jews and their collaborators).
Exhibit C
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sorry my AI safety rules do not allow me to discuss things that would be in violation of US law! would you like to ask something else?
fuck you
MAGAtards are pathetic.
Exhibit D
>Z memeflag quoting the tree of liberty

Not a single person will read any of this
>big village
hey HikiGPT, what do you think we should do to jews? gas them or burn them?
Exhibit E

Imagine if ACS Liberia had worked out.
That's Israel.
>christopher Newport
Spic Faggentoid is a fed, like you

I think you secretly like Israel based on how much you think about it 24/7
he's also a Fuentard
write me a short story in which America solves it's journalism problem
Kai Trump racoon dragon BOOBA, bigly
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We love Israel, folks!

Trump will save Israel, folks!
2024 Arizona GE:

Trump 51% (+2)
Harris 49%

.@ActiVoteUS, 400 LV, 9/6-10/8

These Kamala L’s just keep stacking up.
I wonder whats going to happen between Vance and Youngkin in '28. If Vance does a good job he'll be the shoe-in so Youngkin probably wont even jump into the race. But who knows? The two of them are 100% going to be the most viable choices.
go back

nice spam, didn’t read
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see now you're just making me want to see a wild maki poster appear to talk about dead iranians!
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Not out of the realm of possibility.
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He earned his ten cents for typing out all that shit to be honest
>this fucking faggot twink was proven right AGAIN
Nick is a faggot.
Total jew death worldwide will heal the world and God will bless those that kill the emissaries of the devil (aka jews and their collaborators).




"Homosexuality Is Part of Jewish Tradition"
Intimate relations between men existed in Jewish communities and apparently were also common. Historian Yaron Ben-Naeh has shown in his research that despite the explicit biblical prohibition, in Jewish communities in the Ottoman Empire same-sex relations were rather common. This is indicated by dozens of sources. Moreover, until the modern era, grown men who had a need for the favors of youths did not have a negative image in Jewish society.




"Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law"

WARNING: "100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia - Doctrines of Devil"
let's worry about 2024 first, and then worry about 2028 later. all focus right now is on winning 2024
If you are an actual retard in retardland
he's right here, seething >>484299248
And she's even wearing a campaign t-shirt to clearly identify herself as a Kamala supporter.
>Trumptards actually believe this
This is the equivalent of Jussie Smollett saying he was attacked by MAGA hat wearing retards in Chicago.
shut the fuck up and go kill yourself you retarded troon nigger
Theres only one scenario where Nevada even matters, Trump would have to lose NC but win PA and only PA of the 3 rust belt states for NV to decide the election. But also
>using midterms to predict a presidential race
Anybody will tell you not to do this.
The Day of the Cope is almost upon you.
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There has never been a more Jewish candidate and we love it, folks!
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>when you live in a red state that even leftist fever dreams never pretend can go blue

it's ironic they've somehow made more people vote for trump just out of being annoying, lol

as one anon said last night:
>Nobody gives a shit who you're voting for, there are like 500 groypers in the country and your support is so toxic that you literally made /pol/ side with Jews, 20 years of JIDF couldn't do what you managed just by being unlikable cunts, most people would reflect on this point but nobody capable of that would be groyping in the first place. Whatever group you side with suffers from it, whatever you oppose looks better by having you as it's foe
You are so mad holy shit lmao
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didn't read
Keep spamming like a good faggot. Maybe eventually someone will read past the first sentence.
I have 1st week of November already done finishing up with a sunday at church ^--^
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Even if you get married, your "loved ones" won't ever truly trust you.
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I bumped the number up to 299
LMAO, he was about what we thought
>y-you're mad...
Trump is going to win and there's literally nothing you can do to stop it lol
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>when you're more obvious and disingenuous than even kikes
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this is what the ai meme generator came up with for (you)
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Surprised she could even open a can.
Shills are in high drive today. I'm already voting for Trump, you don't need to convince me any further shills! AWOO!
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lol quick, everyone!
a retard democrat think tank is tweeting!
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Strawman argument.
Total jew death worldwide will heal the world and God will bless those that kill the emissaries of the devil (aka jews and their collaborators).

"Israel a Safe Haven for Pedophiles"


"Israeli Court Rules Jew Convicted of Running International Child Porn Ring Safe to Practice as Pediatrician"


"Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law"


WARNING: "100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia - Doctrines of Devil"


The Talmud itself and its writings on Jews having sex with children:
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gas line explosions and bank run withdrawals
electrical substation sabotage owls
loud ticking packages tied up with string
these are a few of my favorite things

when the Bog calls
when the Dems cheat
when I'm feeling mad
I simply remember my favorite things
and then I don't feel so bad
Are those cookies any good? How do they compare to Bergers in MD? :3
I hate this bald faggot so much. I hope his wife falls down the elevator shaft they installed cause she can't walk, lmao.
there was a leaf posting the birthdays of all registered voters in michigan
sure is a lot of people over the age of 100 voting in that 2020 election
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This is fucking disgraceful.
cringe. Almost as cringy as fauxcahontas. Leftists can't even act normal.
yeah i'm leaving goodbye!
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No they didn’t, you just don’t understand percentages.
>Just ignore how the current regime is literally letting its own citizens die in floods and how Trump is helping the people
I couldn’t think of a more useless metric if I tried
If I were you I’d start decompressing. You might lash out and hurt someone after Nov 5th. Probably yourself.
they don't have to so long as nobody shoots at them for it
People are done with people vandalizing their property because they believe in different political ideals.
Fixed that for Fatass.
>jews only care about what is american if its hurts trump
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Good enough.
I've seen Kamala signs all over Texas. Not one Trump sign.
It’s based but I wish my vote mattered in a swing State. Oh well.
"Groyper war" is also the faggiest shit ever
I liked Nick because he spoke eloquently and wasn't afraid of blacklash at first, and he did sometimes do dumb 4chan memes, but the memes and blackpilling has fried his brain
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If you don't vote for The Donald you are an antisemite!

Protect our based Jews, folks!
>Where's the proof?
Right here is a lot of proof:
Elena Danaan was at a conference in Colorado.
She announced that the Galactic Federation of Worlds would have a fly over of scout ships flying in formations (an air show) and a TR-3B type craft from the US military at Cheyenne Mountain (where the real President Trump is located) will also fly over.
The flyover will take place between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm.
A thousand people were there to witness the event, and one of them made a video with a night vision camera, and a copy of that video is on Elena Danaan's channel.
How is that for proof?
Currently only 2,119 centurians-sp in Michiwoogan as of 2023.
Again, this is a useless metric
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My op upset you
a lot.
I'm not reading any of your bullshit because it's clear that my OP upset you
a lot
I am entertained!
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Why would anyone care?
This is just like a smuggie.
Keked hard.
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nah, theres so few days left before the election i dont care about replying/not replying to them anymore
you just know some of them are diehard truebelievers with the biggest pit in their stomach right now
if only they had more time!
>Lucas literally put magical realm rape bait in his setting
the fucking madman
I live in PA
In 2016, I saw trump signs everywhere
In 2020, pretty similar
Now? It's about 50/50, maybe slightly more Harris/Walz signs

We are so fucked
Holy shit
"I'd pick the bear." is lesbian dogwhistle.
>bear d.
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They were just big sugar cookies but they were good ones. Very good bakery in Burlington, NJ (south Jersey)
Get a life tranny
Imagine dedicating your time, paid or not, to spamming shit on a single thread on 4chan. What a waste of life.
Cope harder. They did.
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>She is a real human bean. She drinks beer and she can use a shovel.
I mean the shills are here because this media blitz was a complete let down for their side.
They are already complete wastes of humanity. Their brains are fucking broken.
oh hey are you the anon that posted the califia pictures a few days ago and you said gen z is going for trump
how ya doing
very based
shills are brown
aka not human
Total jew death worldwide will heal the world and God will bless those that kill the emissaries of the devil (aka jews and their collaborators).

There are no political solutions, the tree of liberty demands its refreshment.
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Israel will be defended, folks!

But only if you vote for The Donald!
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you did not convince a single person with this line of attack
the reason being is that for someone to be able to make it all the way to 4chan, certain things have to happen to their critical thinking processes
you do not respect that, you treat other humans here as a personal dumping ground, you are literally the most repulsive jewish poster and now time has run out
there is no more new strategies that you can do. this is all you have and it flipped zero anons
Posting an image/gif of somebody laughing is truly the queerest way of arguing

>>484300199 YWNBAW
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Never been wrong btw
you say jew so often you could make it into a song

both parties love the jew
what now?
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Speaking of shitskins:
Total jew death worldwide will heal the world and God will bless those that kill the emissaries of the devil (aka jews and their collaborators).
>Posting an image/gif of somebody laughing is truly the queerest way of arguing
Are you a bot?
The Founding Fathers told everyone what they would have to do sooner or later in the face of tyranny and a foreign occupation government (Israeli/Zionist in our modern era, in theirs it was British).

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure."

"The reasonable man conforms himself to the world. The unreasonable man conforms the world to himself. Therefore all progress is from the unreasonable man"

"As of today, politics are mere theater to sell false hope of meaningful long term change to the slave class. Only the people can force that reality to change."

"If for some reason this sounds extreme, you should ask why, when a democratic state rejects the vote of its own people, and no longer pretends to serve them—and acts in favor of outsiders instead—it still deserves to exist.
Our ancestors rebelled for much less." - 17cShytePoster (Twitter) defines illegitimacy

"Americans have guns AND lots to lose. They are about to find out that they have nothing left to lose. They are being replaced for decades and only now we are waking up to this realization. 2020 elections and Covid sped up the process thank God but it's been 3 years since the regular American feels disoriented and angry. Some people don't know who they are angry at but there are people like anons itt who show them. And the change is palatable irl.
The support for the Regime is at all times low. All of the institutions and all of the talking heads on the TV.
An action takes planning. Localism is winning right now but it will lead to organization. No Revolution happened in a span of 3 years. And I count 3 years because this is when the disillusionment of the native American population started." - 447414557

"The Stamp Act that started the move towards independence in the colonies was in 1765. Nine years before open rebellion. Movements take time." - 19869405
Imagine this thread without the fun of the shills.
Would people just sit around licking each others asses like they do in Plebbit?
Reminder: even Melania doesn't want that fat retard to be POTUS
Yeah that's me lol, pretty good. I saw some wild Trump signs and bannera today. Even a huge banner at the top of someone's house, driving through the ghetto. Had Trump and Vance's faces on it.

3 of the past 10 elections have been tossups and your magical jew whiffed on 2 of them
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I'm going to order a based little hat like The Donald!

Every based Trump supporter should order a little hat, folks!
Election Day 2020 PA Voter Registration Edge:

Democrats +685,818


Democrats +357,995

Republicans have gained a net 327,823 registered voters since 2020.
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What exactly makes shills think Kamala is gonna be president zyklone?
>w-we don't support kamala!
Then go fuck with the kamala voters instead of trump voters exclusively. That alone shows your allegiance.

No they didn’t, again, you just don’t understand percentages. Please post your data and I’ll show you why it’s wrong.
>32 posts by this id
Rick, you know we know it's you. You're going to be visited by the police again at this rate.
Beep boop tiny hat MIGA beep boop
Isn't 99% of his shit made in China?
Didn't Ivanka also get a bunch of trademarks from China, bc of "daddy?"
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So you'll only lose by 20k instead of 40k. Good job.
i hope they get it under 300k in the next two weeks before the voter registration deadline
that would be quite based
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The "groypers" have been Trumps "greatest ally" in this thread.
You don’t seem to be coping very well.
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>I see you made some good points ITT, but you seem to have an arbitrary number of posts. Sorry.
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oh oops i missed that
thing is, just drain them out of funding by not replying t bh
>yeah I spam the thread with absolute nonsense but please concede some points I've made or you are silly

The absolute state.



Learn 2 cope
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this is unironically the case.
t. voted for trump in 2016 because the entire media+megastuff said trump was bad. so i voted for him as a big fuck you.
and it should happen again. people do not hate the media nearly enough.
for anyone new in the thread, this is a bot. filter it

If they are deportable then that means they are foreign, and if they are foreigners living in America then 99/100 of them are shitskins, I don't care if you're deporting shitskins for being antisemitic as long as they're being deported
Red ny is more likely than blue texas.

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