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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Is Biden off or on his meds?
It would be hilarious if he killed her by shitting down her throat
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oh no

I'd believe it. He agreed to cut his son loose and they threw him under the bus after it was done.
Believing some random X user. Is MAGA that retarded? Of course they are
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Biden's views on Israel and specifically Netanyahu's warmongering have been quite based desu.
Biden is the bitch of Netanyahu. Not only was he forced to step down from the race, he's also told to sabotage her, even though her chances of winning are nonexistant. I don't know if it's because Biden is a super racist jewish supremacist or it's because they have lots of videos of him fucking little kids
but why
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this is nuts
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This is one hell of a redemption arc for Dark Brandon
This bullshit is no better than when liberals release books about how Trump throws tantrums after watching MSNBC while in his own private bedroom with no one else around. It's all fake and gay sensationalism that only appeals to women.
The malarky ends NOW
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It’s official
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>but why
>team up with guy who cheated to steal the election
>usurp his candidacy
>omg why is he mad at me???
>Distort and Pervert
Distort and Pervert
>Distort and Pervert
Distort and Pervert
>Distort and Pervert
Distort and Pervert
>Distort and Pervert
Distort and Pervert
>Distort and Pervert
Distort and Pervert
>Distort and Pervert
Distort and Pervert
>Distort and Pervert
Distort and Pervert

Cackle-sisters, is this part of the coming perversion?
arny palmyyyy
i think he wanted whitmer but was forced to pick the diversity hire and he never liked her
best post.
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Imagine how smug he'll be if Kamala loses and he gets to tell everyone they got what they asked for.
It's always fun to watch them devour one another.
Can anyone actually stand her? She is the typical boss girl persona that every male hates, They have dealt with it from a cunty mom, girlfriend, wife, co-worker, boss, etc.

Those Muslim immigrants you let into your country are raping your women.
How hilarious would it be if he holds a press conference and formally announces an endorsement for Trump.

There’s nothing in the history of the world that would make me laugh harder.
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> Bidens Team
how the fuck does he still have a team?
talk about people who dont quite realize they've hitched their wagon to a dead horse.
i thought it was funny during the debate when most of the things he would say would be quickly "Fact checked™" and or swiftly denied by kamala. but she didn't deny that point at all. and the moderators just quietly moved on.
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I don't think women are clamoring to follow the dark brandon saga, tough guy.
It's a cursed thing Biden got brain damaged. He was the only hope for another relatively good term in which time a good new presidential candidate could arise.

Now I mist choose between great evil and geeat evil? I rather not to choose and vote at all.
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Especially the kikes, they deserve it more than anyone. Open borders for Israel!
Biden never wanted Kamala as his VP.
Kamala said he’s a racist during their debate.
DnC agitprop
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He's already done it, he knows how fucked everyone is if she wins.
We still have time for him to say nigger on tv.
Such a niggardly comment that i will waste all three of my niggers in one post. You’re a nigger, nigger.
>michael caputo

Every. Single. Time.
This guy is starting to grow on me lol. I fucking him him and he's a despicable person, but I love that "I have nothing to lose anymore" kind of mentality. Him putting the Trump hat was amazing and a total fuck you to the dems.
Dems cant even trust dems
His diversity hire turned on him. Hes always known shes a dumb bitch. After 50 yrs of kissing ass he got shit on….watch him back trumpy
These politicians are clown dicks
>Team Biden
You're looking at him.
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>this is nuts
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to be fair, democrats are NPCs and will "vote blue no matter who". They're literal zombies that will do as they're told.
Imagine if Biden endorses Trump on the week of the election my soul will exit my asshole.
I hope you all placed your bets weeks ago on Biden endorsing Trump
The October surprise will be devastating and glorious
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to be fair, I'd rather see the kamala sex tape with some fat jew judge plowing her brown puss. or at least walz beating his retarded kid and calling him a retard.
Biden supporting Trump would be the smartest move he's made - he needs some protection
That's a wop last name numbnuts...
>Kikeddit spacing
You gotta go back faggot

Bidens asleep this is just the staffers fighting.
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this is the most reasonable explanation.
Biden hates cumalla always has now it just is turned up to 10
>Sources say
>white house staffer
Lmao the Dark Brandon to Ulta-Extreme MAGA Brandon arch is almost complete.
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The least relevant glownigger. Itty bitty baby in an itty bitty boat.
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as someone who voted Paul in 2012 and trump in 2016 and 2020 i will communicate to you a secret
as far as presidents are concerned, our run with Biden in terms of non-retardo fake metrics was pretty fucking good and now that the term is almost over I'm pretty happy with him. It's become very clear that the establishment is really pissed off with him.
most of the inflation is due to Trump's allowance of the Fed and BlackRock to go completely unhinged in response to COVID. it was just delayed because most of those financial operations were comprised of market knife-catching and buying assets that don't sell quickly.

my clear-headed appraisal of Biden is:
>shit father who played favorites with his sons until one died and he realized that Hunter spent most of his life acting out because Beau was the golden child
>pretty shit husband since he was fucking the nanny then married her (Jill)
>standard run-of the mill mid-atlantic irish catholic dude in terms of how he acts, spoke, etc.
>old-world racist who just hid the fact that he didn't buy into any of the post-1990 egalitarianism shit
>lived a semi-charmed silent gen childhood and remembers the days of fucking your high school sweetheart (his staffers "creeped them out" asking how he could get the "kids" to start having romance again)
>gives a shit about israel only as much as he has to in order to continue playing the game
>US chauvinist
>under his administration zero gun laws/loan forgiveness/other liberal shit passed

basically in hindsight, I'm not upset with biden. another term under him wouldn't be bad.
it'd certainly be better than an angry alcoholic spinster married to a jew, or conversely someone who I'm totally convinced converted to judaism and wants me to go die for israel
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all of this seems bullshit
I guess the SS will have to whack two presidents now….dilemmas dilemmas
why not both
seeing prime Kmala getting that puss slammed would be hot i agree
Oh yes, I'm sure the White House staff is really up in arms after working together for the last 4 years.
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>Be Biden
>spend over 50 years in government
>be ambitious cold hearted son of a bitch
>have been everything from a rampant segregationist to the second banana of king nigger
>now in twilight years of life
>mind and body clearly going
>get installed to highest office
>no real power beyond being a puppet
>your admin has had nothing but four years of nonstop disasters
>but media and the party parades you around as the champion of democracy and extremly able to be in office another four years
>but none of the schemes to get rid of trump are working and he is clearly going to run a strong campaign on you
>debate him
>self destruct
>party can’t make up its mind or narrative on if you have to go or you have to stay
>eventually the money is pushing you out
>all your numbers are cratering
>concede and drop out
>do nothing diversity hire VP suddenly darling of the American public and polling insanely well
>suddenly your approval numbers come back
>if they could have pushed this hard for her they could have done it for you
>I gave these fuckers 50 years and they throw me out to push this bitch

Office politics can get really petty.
Q predicted this.
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Might not drain the swamp
But sure as hell took a long, hard piss in it

His staffers sure seem to be off them lmao
Tar and feather them all
We get fucked while these clowns worry about their egos
>under his administration zero gun laws/loan forgiveness/other liberal shit passed
To be fair he desperately tried to do all of this, but relied pretty much exclusively on executive orders and attempts to bully the Supreme Court into doing what he wanted. He was able to cripple energy with the day 1 pipeline shutdowns
Karmas a bitch
Trump should drop Vance and run with Biden.
A White House staffer told me that Biden likes Kamala to call him "the Big Guy" while he's fucking her.
Joe Biden WILL have his redemption arc.

Dark Maga.
Lmfao I just watched The Other Guys with my gf this weekend. One of the best comedies of the last decade and one of the last great comedy movies
What if Biden does not allow Kamala to be certified.
>Nothing personal, Jack
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They're leaking to this to differentiate Harris from Biden and his policies. They think this is 4d chess.
Who drove the Muslims towards us, Kike? You.
I saw lord of war then then I see this
this. they're trying to make it seem like it's not the same exact people running the show. i'd be surprised if the current cabinet even changes whatsoever if kamala wins lol
Digits and Biden does a heel face turn
this is the same tactic they use when kamala/biden have harsh exchanges with bibi, too. it's fake leaks to make it seem like they don't let bibi just do whatever he wants whenever he wants (he is higher on the totem pole than both of them)
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Got that fat?
>source dude trust me
This was always going to be a huge weak point for her and they really do t have any way to spin it that wouldn’t be terrible
>why yes I have worked closely with Biden and have been a major part of his admin
So your responsible for how shit everything currently is
>I was only part of the admin and had nothing to do with its major decisions or policy
Then that contradicts your own statements, raises questions on why you didn’t push back or try to introduce your own policies, and what the fuck you have done for four years
>I am fundamentally opposed to Biden and his admin. I will be a fundamentally different candidate
> convince him to stay after the election
And how is this supposed to work? Biden is president until January, and nothing changes that. Once January hits, Biden is no longer president, nothing changes that, and he has no choice as to 'deciding to stay' in office
I'm so glad the adults are back in charge
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Pretty much, he got baited into saying he'd pick a woman of color as VP during his early campaigning and they were forced to stick with it for optics.
Biden was seen being friendly with Ron Desantis?
which clone are you referring to? we've had like...6
do we have a nation with a similar population density that they've enacted open boarders for to refute this point?
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>Kamala ain't black
>I beat up Corn Pop
>I'm the real nigga in the Huwhite House
You thinking what I’m thinking?
>aim for the bushes!
>He wasn't able to do everything he wanted to do, that means he was pretty good.
You're a fucking moron.
Kek, she wants to throw him under the bus to help her campaign by distancing herself from his policies and he isn't having it and his family are likely talking about talking about her actions if she talks about his
they'll stay
for the sake of the children
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Joe Biden doesn't care about black people
I want to say on because it makes that much more hilarious kek
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Yeah. You can't vote in our election anyway. You aren't an American.
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can you blame him ?
Dark Brandon Rises from the ice cream patch to lynch niggers
Kamamamama was upset DeSantis wouldn't talk to her. He talked to the president instead, as he should.
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Letting DSA under the DNC tent to try and prop up another unqualified deeply flawed autocratic bitch in 2016 was the worst mistake the DNC ever made. DSA never had any intention of "alliance", they wanted takeover and to be able to trade upon DNC national name brand because like Kamala they have never broken 1% if vote in any political jurisdiction not containing San Francisco. There will be no peaceful coexistence with these socialist animals.
The biggest favor Biden could evr do for the DNC would be to help Kamala achieve truly spectacular failure which will cause the inevitable internal party power struggle after the election and give DNC an opening to throw those socialist bums out.
Based Brandon redemption arc
Been nothing but a "red terror" campaign since DSA got into DNC tent. Look at RFK jr. You just can't get more democrt than that. grandfather helped build modern party. Uncle a lifelong democrat senator advancing democrat agenda. Other uncle a democrat POTUS, his dad a democrat AG and Senator, on his way to POTUS, both his dad and uncle gave their lives advancing democrat agenda.
They PURGED him when he said he would run in democratic primaries to give democrat voters a choice in democracy.
He wanted to do most of the bad stuff retard, and remind me how many millions of browns and niggers have been let in?
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The Biden withdrawal was always super sketchy.
>Done on Twitter
>No official letterhead
>No mention of Kamala endorsement until a subsequent tweet
>gives a shit about israel only as much as he has to in order to continue playing the game
This is where I'd disagree. He apparenly really is an israel hardliner. He doesn't like bibi personally but he loves the country itself
The clinton camp and Obama camp are at war. Pay attention
because kamala is even worse than biden lmao
because they forced him out of his dream job. Biden's been seeking the presidency since 1988 & now he's being forced out not by Trump but by his own party who he thought were loyal to him. Now he'd being asked to back his diversity hire vp who basically called him a segregationist racist in the 2020 primaries. Now she's even saying she won't pardon hunter. He can't outright say he doesn't support her but he can be a petty fuck about this & drag her down with him.
Kamala it's shower time
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damn brandon just let her speak.
must be difficult having a man try to talk for you all the time. 'specially when you didn't ask for his help!
it doesn't matter if it was. nothing will happen as usual.
people are too braindead. they'll either make excuses or just not care.
She's the embodiment of what men have had to spend the past decade and a half dealing with in the workplace. You know who I'm talking about. That annoying lady from HR who writes you up over a joke and throws out any résumés with white-sounding masculine names on them. Who talks in the most condescending voice possible. Who thinks she's better than everyone. Who pretends her life is hard even though her job is sitting at a desk and answering emails. We've all worked with Kamala Harris, and we don't want her running the country.
Off and suddenly he's lucid hmmmmmm
He wasn't kidding when he said "I'm back in the race!"
>Is MAGA that retarded?

You are retarded.
What IS " a maga ", you retard?


This is what MAGA means.
Make America Great Again.
It is a movement. Not a group of people.
What do ignorant traitorous pieces of human garbage like you, refuse to understand about that?
What objection could you possibly have, to doing good works, for your own fucking homeland?
We will make America Great Again.
Dumb fucks like you better get on board with it. Or else be lost to the trash heap of history and society.
Play time is over, faggots.
Its time to wake up, now.

Of course.
The Jill Clan was trying to undo the damage from the 1st debate and made a concerted effort to recover his image with public appearances and interviews, the Obama-Kamala Clan were behind the leftist media attacks against Biden telling him to step down, also going after the donors to back Kamala.
So now Jill is exacting revenge, also I'm not sure which team Hillary is on, I think Team Kamala since Hillary is a Marxist.
nothing ever happens
or tim walz beating his meat while he watches kamala getting boned
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I'd imagine that he probably didn't appreciate getting coup'd by a team of niggerfaggots and might have an axe to grind.

He molests children on love television, he doesn't care about blackmail, also his admin rigged Netanyahu out of office followed by him kneeling and declaring his allegience to the jew he installed to replace Netanyahu, then when Netanyahu rigged himself back into office went right back to a cold stance on Israel.
I doubt he's lucid enough to be able to formulate coherent timelines in his head. If Biden is going to war with Harris it's because Jill or another one of his wranglers is directing him to. Gotta remember that his team has much more to lose than he does.
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Hey! That's my OC! Updated with more anger.
Based Dark Brandon is going to cross the Rubicon and won't see a peaceful transfer of power. Chuds and Kamaltoesisters absolutely BTFOd
Vance is into beastiality, but at least he can speak like a functional human, something neither Trump or Biden can do.
That's why I voted for him. Any friend of David Duke is a friend of mine.
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No. She is worse than that.
There is some undefinable thing about Kamala Harris that just feels very wrong.
Do you know what I mean?
There is just something about her, when you hear her speak, or see her body language.
Its like she isn't really present. Its like there is either something missing? Idk.
It gives an eerie intuition, to watch Kamala Harris speak.
Its like she is trying to emulate something that she thinks she should be doing, and her failure at it is both uncanny, and chilling, at the same time.
What is this?
The dems hyped the 'Dark Brandon' meme so much they never stopped to think if they should.
This is some of the most obvious, retarded retconning I've seen here in the last 12 hours. Congrats.

Beau and Hunter had the same jobs as Joe and Jim. Joe was the face, Jim Biden (his brother) was the bagman. Likewise, Beau was tracked to be legitimate face, while Hunter was the behind the scenes money guy.
God was merciful to us in striking Beau down with brain cancer and ending that evil family's generational crime syndicate.
As for pretending the Trump economy wasn't orders of magnitude better than Biden's/Kamala's, or that the shitty Biden-Kamala economy is Trump's fault, well, you give yourself away entirely with that.
Women that are honest with themselves hate her too

Unfortunately TDS overcomes the self-reflection of a lot of people
It is possible for a sitting president to veto the transfer of power?
>fighting behind the scenes
Not that much. They've both been absentees in their own administration.
What does any of that bullshit even mean? The time for mystery and innuendo is done.
These people need to just say what the fuck they mean, or shut the fuck up.
This vague bullshit used to be fun, but fun time is over now.

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Cruising with Brandon
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I'm still astounded that there are supporters in the whitehouse for this walking stiff.
what the fuck are those dead-enders doing??
do they think they're going to get jobs in the party after this?
I guess the suggestion is that Kamala camp would like Biden to step down and immediately pass torch to her if she wins.
The October surprise is that Biden will endorse Trump.
This, when Bernie lost to Hillary he said "please support her in my place" yet here two democrats are fighting, why?
>Biden withdrawal was always super sketchy
good observation leaf
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It’s her turn
>Harris isn't the same as Biden! See, SEE! They argue and disagree, they aren't the same at all!
They really think this is 4D chess?
belgium, ireland, netherlands, austria, portugal, denmark, norway, switzerland, sweden, literally every small european country west of czechia has had 20-50% of their young generation blacked at this point.

belgium is the most extreme example though, highest population density, brussels is a shithole
Put your shopping cart back in the corral, saar
Can someone translate this? How is it possible that they use such niggerish slang language in the very top of American politics?
Dark Brandon is the last remnant of the once powerful Obama faction. They're not going down without a fight.
Sometimes it's just about not biting the hand that feeds you, anon.

Alternatively: Kamala is SO abhorrent behind closed doors that it makes people naturally side with Joe more.
Twitter character limits, K and B stand for Kamala and Biden.
are you people seriously falling for this?
based nutsposters
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forgot pic: % is how much of the population is actually belgian in brussls
Being a media darling, and
" doing insanely well " in the media controlled polling, does not equal being favored by the real American voting public.
These two things are often at odds, and certainly so, in the case of Kamala Harris' reported popularity figures.
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Kamala is itty bitty titties and a bob energy.
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He's so petty that he'll sink her by any means necessary. And I'm here for it.
terrible optics! what was he thinking???
Dude this shit is wild, people say Elon saved free speech, when he really just monetized it. People are just posting whatever, even if it's fake, because every x post is monetized. People out here literally saying anything for a penny.
Now less than 30 days until Hunter Biden receives a full pardon on all past federal crimes.
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He's probably salty about being forced to drop out, guy has always had an ego you can tell from his speeches over the decades especially how he talked down to that one vet in the 00s.
The White House "staffer" is a Certified Nurses Assistant, right?
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LMAO Biden has been given Kamala the hug of death as payback for stabbing him in the back.
>relied pretty much exclusively on executive orders and attempts to bully the Supreme Court into doing what he wanted.
This is the mark of weakness.
It is understandable to have to resort to such tactics at times. But to rely on them, shows that he is a weak leader. No ability to command, persuade, or inspire those you work with, into carrying out your vision.
America does not want weak leadership, anymore.
We see what such weakness has brought us.
The Biden Harris administration is weak.
Another Harris lead administration would deal heavy damage to the interests of our country.
And they all had dementia?
>What does any of that bullshit even mean?
K means Kamala and B means Biden. Hope that clears up the confusion
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nigga im nuts
Who's Ashley then? I thought it was maybe Ashley Biden, the post talks like K is a dude. He's right, nigger speak doesn't belong in this shit.
The reality is that he made it so getting paid for being full of shit is now something your everyday American can do and not just news outfits
>spy bait
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>when the left wing finally makes a good meme
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>when you see a poonigger
sum anon said trump will cut a deal and give biden a pardon if he admits to everything (stolen election other jewish shit) and biden took the deal with open arms

>Liberals whenever some random X user craps out their flavor of confirmation bias

>OMG, soo true!!
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I FEEL H……..A…….P……P……..Y
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>his staffers "creeped them out" asking how he could get the "kids" to start having romance again
What? Where is the source for this one? No politician ever brings up the virginity crisis. That would be based as hell if he actually said that to the dismay of his team of rosasties. It's a real problem that needs to be tackled soon.
>Now she's even saying she won't pardon hunter.
how does this even factor in? he can pardon hunter any time between november and january without it affecting the election
>but muh legacy
so what? dude got shanked by his own party and kicked off the reelection

The first time in the history of america, that a white man puts a white man over a shitskinniggerpajeetarabwhateverkike
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I watched the hurricane briefing. Brandon is much more competent than Kamala, it’s embarrassing. She has no business being in politics at all.
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So it's some sort of jewish civil war?
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With the nūDemocrat Party's penchant for rigging and cheating and not following proto, what are the chances Kamala ends up dumping Walz, and choosing Obama to be her, " vice " president?
This is the kind of thing they do now. And even though Obama has been president twice, he could legally, if not ethically, be the vice president.
I think the chances are very low that Obama wants anything to do with her shitshow. Don't count Michelle Obama out from a vanity run though.
Yea no shit, on Harris' The View appearance, in regards to Biden, she said she "Not going to let pride get in the way of a good idea"
Fucking vile bitch the only reason anyone knows your name is because Biden let a bad idea (you) get in the way of his pride, not the other way around
>>No mention of Kamala endorsement until a subsequent tweet
The real story here Jack is they weren't gonna run with her but ol' Scranton Joe threw a monkey wrench in their plans by coming out and endorsing this cackling witch before he had a chance to get cold. Traitor that she is, this alcoholic DEI hire was only too happy to go along with it. Then she tried to push ol' Joe out of the White House completely because her having the job first was probably the only way she had a snowball's chance in hell of actually having a shot. Jill wasn't having that and now all hell's broken loose. That's the real jive, fat.
BREAKING: my balls are itchy
It wouldn't surprise me really.
Biden himself might be half senile by now but in his clarity moments he's still as cut throat as ever and Jill herself is just as cut throat.
Honestly I was hoping that both of their names would be appear on the ballots (or one or the other) for an easy cheap win as the D vote would be split.
This doesn’t say the same thing at all.
Why is Weird Jack still around?
We couldn't protect his smile...
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Why? Because they're both Asian?
Don't be racist, anon.
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That would make him worse than Dick Cheney AKA the literal penguin from Batman.
Youre the one who opened our gates, chaim
Nope. But RFKs name is still on my Wisconsin ballot for some fucking reason.
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What if he actually wins. Big brain move lads
Bet she’d pay him for that.
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So, are you saying that, we are the news, now?
Someone predicted this.....
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>he hates Kamala
Why the fuck is she the vp then?
I would do it, if it were my son.
Given his age and medical problems that come with senility, what's he got to lose by pardoning his son at any time?
Why not do it?
And at this point, with the democrat party showing him that they've got no love or respect for him, he has no reason to show political loyalty to them.
> most of the inflation is due to Trump's allowance of the Fed and BlackRock to go completely unhinged in response to COVID.
More money was printed under Biden than Trump
Lot of words to say he’s been a spineless piece of shit who accomplished nothing over 50 years
What you wanted: MAGA
What you get: MIGA

This will happen no matter who wins the election.
You can choose who owns the brothel, but you will always have to suck the same cocks.
>the delegates, fat
Biden was literally forced out via coup, then replaced with a candidate that not one person voted to nominate. And these people will call Trump the dictator.
It's not Brandon, it's Dr Jill who's going to have to be dragged out of the White House kicking and screaming. It's obvious that she wears the pants in the family, it's why Hunter is such a mess, a normal father would have sited him out.
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If Obama is puppeteering things from the shadows, and he likely is, nothing would be better for him than getting the legitimate access that officially holding an office, would bring.
He can't be the legitimate potus again, but he could be the vice president.
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Are people here actually supporting Biden now? I thought he was supposed to be one of the most corrupt, incompetent presidents of all time leading a global crime family or some shit. But let me guess, as soon as the narrative shifted you all flipped your switches like nothing mattered.
Fuck off.
>but he could be the vice president
that's not how it works.
I just want him to come out on live TV and slate Kamala and his White House team.
He's pissed off and has nothing left to lose. I think he wants a 'told ya so' moment to throw in Obama's face on the way out.
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Something i've learned over the years is that women have a much worse habit of jumping the gun when they think they're in a position to win. It could just be my own experience being skewed. But every time i've seen counting chickens before they hatch blow up in someone's face at work it's been women. Over promising or assuming success in their near future and acting on it before it's actually crystalized. I can guarantee that's whats happening in the White House. Kamala's idiots are probably acting like she's already president and throwing their imaginary weight around to the immense chagrin of everyone else they work with.
Make me, kike
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Fuck off, toothpaste.


Like it or not, its happening.
Dumb as fuck. Obviously not happening. Kamala and Biden have nearly the same politics, especially when up against Donny's demented nonsense.
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>endorsing this cackling witch
That's the weird thing. He did endorse her, but in a tweet 30 minutes later. Why that endorsement didn't make it into the letter, well that's one for the most experty of experts. Certainly above my paygrade.
Imagine the President of the United States of America injecting himself into the conversation.
How does it work, then?
Does it work like the incumbant is shoved out with only months to go, so a woman who has not been voted for could be shoved in to take his place?
They no longer care about norms, customs, or procedures.
If they can " get away " with it, they'll do it.
They are desperate and it shows.
The President has the right to choose their Vice President.
The president may appoint anyone they choose, as their vp.
Do you think Kamala Harris is above doing this?
They don't want Kamala, but they put themselves in an awkward corner having her as VP. If they dropped her for a real candidate, the black voters they've spent the last several years whipping up into a frenzy would turn on them for kicking a "black" woman out of office for another white man.
God, I don't ask for much...pleasE?
Kek, is he gonna turn on the Dominion machines against Kamala.
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I laughed. Well, indians eat poo anyway. Who would be surprised? That would be like a snickers bar to her. lmao
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>awkward corner having her as VP
And then you consider that she, ostensibly Indian woman, was selected VP as a 'person of color' because a black heroine addict suffocated in Minnesota. To me, this all feels pretty preordained but also sloppy.
The nigger OD'd in police custody.
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>women have a habit of jumping the gun
You might be onto something anon.
And that fucking voice. How the fuck does anyone listen to that fucking voice without wishing they were deaf?
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He also protected trans kids and normalized the safe removal of children from parental care into the proper care a transitioning ward of the state deserves. Good for you for speaking out anon.
Im writing in Joe
LinkedIn Hoffman FTC Khan donors Harris Joe. Hoffman needs sent to gitmo. He runs the executive branch.
Complete bullshit. Kamala was on an interview saying how there's nothing she would change from Biden's presidency. This is all theater to make it look like there's 2 parties and different factions.
>when my enemies fight I lose
Are you Canadian?
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>Complete bullshit
I dunno anon. Biden sure chose a weird time for his first press conference.
Will Dark Brandon be enough of a madman to endorse Trump?
So this is theatre?
He never wanted her in the first place. He bowed to the cult of DEI to keep the far left actively helping him in 2020. Even in his senile state, Brandon knows she’s a fucking imbecile who has no business in the executive branch of the federal government - much less running it.
There's no way on earth that Hillary would ever possibly support another woman beating her to the oval.
>in the end it was HE who did it for the real luls
Didn't he die 4 years ago or something? Considering 4+ different actors, teeth and varying degrees of conciousness. I'm a faceblind autist and even I can tell you shitheads that you've had several people pretending to be him (I think even the original bibbin died before he even made president). Yes it sounds schitzo but nothing you say will convince me otherwise. Also, fuck all sides, kikes, globohomos and flat earthers.
She defiled the gardens of the white house
Why not?
He obviously believed he had a chance at a second term. Biden is an egotist and has nothing left to lose.
Political career? No way he has that left after he leaves the White House
Family? All he has is a crackhead son, trophy wife, and some family members he molested
Life? He's like 80
If he hates Kamala, then why wouldn't he drag her down with him?
no but jill is off her cocaine
>Her only claim to fame is being the VP to Biden
>Also trying her best to distance herself from Biden
Same shit that fucked Pence over. He kept trying to act like deserved some credit for the Trump administration successes while also trying to earn those TDS votes by saying Trump sucked.
Doesn't work so well.
He's the only candidate that's doesn't support jewish supremacists.
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>stops taking jewish meds
>suddenly see everything clear
lmao, good let them fight
>sources familiar with the president’s pp poo poo schedule claim
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There are reputable reports that Biden dug in his heels and didn't want to drop out, but big donors froze him out after the debate. It's not even rumors or conspiratard shit, it was out in the open and completely legal. He was basically issued an ultimatum to stay in the race and lose by being cripplingly underfunded on top of becoming historically unpopular, or pass the baton to someone else who had a better chance of saving Democrats in 2024. How much deeper it goes than that is hearsay. I don't think there was some 4D chess play to install Harris, it's just that they were too close to deadlines for anyone else to get ballot access and there was a real possibility of Republican state legislates keeping Biden on the ballot in some states. Biden would obviously be unhappy about how this played out because he was duly nominated in the primary and wanted to see the rest of his presidency through, but he has to smile for the cameras and act like he he made a tough decision to let his "good friend" take over for the greater good.
Imagine being so unlikeable as Kamala Harris that a senile retard like Biden looks wholesome and comfy in comparison
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>what does joe biden look like
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...To peg her Liberal-Cattle IQ supporters and finally sacrifice

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