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>> https://archive.md/dzIsI

>"You might think time would bring more clarity, but it seems that just as often, a more distant perspective allows misunderstandings to calcify."

>"First, the United States never had lockdowns."

>"United States had state-by-state shelter-in-place guidance that lasted, on average, a month or two, and that was not policed in a very draconian way. Roads were open without checkpoints, streets were free to walk, and stores that remained open were, well, open, for anyone to visit."

They're right you know? The lockdowns never happened.
Its true
Just like vaccinations were never forced
Sheep just like being sheep
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It's pretty weird how everyone got Mandela'd.
they are scared because they know its all been archived.
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Huh? What archives?
Could you explain why you believe in these memories? Do you understand the Mandela effect caused them?
The lockdown in Washington lasted for about 2 years. My local liquor board was roaming the county threatening and extorting restaurants/bars on a daily basis
Do you really expect al the out of business small business owners to believe this?
Or people that remember how good those businesses used to be?
It's not like the guy who started the nyc lockdowns admitted to it all being fake or anything
Oh wait what's this...
Could you explain why you are so gullible that you fell for a Mandela effect? Do you really expect most people to be that stupid just because you were?
oh yeah bro, the government imprisoned every single person in their home because of a slightly jacked up seasonal cold virus

Do you realize how stupid you sound? how would they even enforce this
>was not policed in a very draconian way.

that's false though. In NYC the police were raiding people for having parties. The jews had to dig illegal tunnels under the streets to get to their synagogues.
right. "very" in that case is a weasel word
>"First, the United States never had lockdowns."
>"United States had state-by-state shelter-in-place guidance that lasted, on average, a month or two
>first, I didn't shoot you in the head
>I placed a piece of metal into your forehead
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It's absurd, and these chuds really believe it too lol
it was like 1-2 months of having to see a sign that says "please wear a mask" at the supermarket and they act like they were imprisoned in some dungeon lmao
It did happen. What the hell is this level of gaslighting? They closed down society to varying degrees for years, mandating humiliation rituals on a daily basis just to buy groceries or commute to work.

I bet you masks caused more respiratory disease and discomfort than the virus ever did.
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My dude, let it go. You're just wrong.
It's true that it was private corporations creating this "lockdown" state, I couldn't go out to drink anywhere in the city so me and my friends drove 45 minutes out to a more rural area to go out on weekends where you wouldn't know a so-called pandemic was happening at all. Meanwhile city folks wore masks and huddled inside 24/7
You couldnt book a hotel room for two years without having some bullshit microfiber test swab in your nose after you stood in line for 45 minutes... I mean what the fuck are these people smoking?

Also closing down "non essential" businesses even for a month is a death sentence to many businesses...

They spent billions on ineffective meds like paxlovid and bought excessive vaccine doses than they then either trashed or donated to some poor african country.

Like the vaccines didnt come until mid 2021... The insanity went on for longer than that.
Only California and New York did that shit. I say lock the retards down forever....
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>>"United States had state-by-state shelter-in-place guidance that lasted, on average, a month or two, and that was not policed in a very draconian way. Roads were open without checkpoints, streets were free to walk, and stores that remained open were, well, open, for anyone to visit."

Why the fuck you lyin'?
>It did happen. What the hell is this level of gaslighting? They closed down society to varying degrees for years
It did happen, but it also didn't happen. What Covid and all related policies actually were was the greatest propaganda campaign this world has ever seen. There was a virus, but it was nowhere near as deadly as they claimed. There were restrictions and such, but your freedom wasn't nearly as restricted as they would have you believe.
They wanted you to FEEL trapped and that they only way to get out was to take the vaxx. They wanted to create the illusion that you were in a prison of your own making if you didn't take the vaxx. Or if you were a believer: that the "anti-vaxxers" were imprisoning you.
However very little of it was actually real because they would need plausible deniability afterwards. Forcing people wouldn't do, they needed you to CONSENT.
sweden, despite being a cuck country, had the least strict covid controls
meanwhile millions of students and employees had to get vaxxed just to attend university
>how would they even enforce this
When has that ever got in the way?
>There was a virus
No such thing as a "virus", retard.

Imagine falling for that psyop.
I lived in NYC during the pandemic and it was awesome. It was so peaceful. During the summer of Floyd you could drink in the park and there weren't any fentanyl zombies or migrant camps. It felt like living in a resort town during the off season.

Nothing was locked down. Everything just closed and most of that stuff never came back.
Come on shill even for you that is the dumbest of responses.
Sorry I forgot a lot of bots still cannot process video.
This is the dumbest gaslighting shill campaigns to date, some complete moron has a job out there and they convinced people this would work, hilarious stuff.
This is just another humiliation ritual. You're expected to not believe your own memories.
This is a dei hiring at it's finest.
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We had a curfew in Dresden Tennessee.
No natural disaster.
No wave of niggers.
Just covid.

These people were given the benefit of the doubt the first time.
We will not make that mistake twice.
Bureaucrats betrayed us.
I live in WA and I had to have a little pass to drive around after curfew that said it was ok because I worked for a MIC company. This is just typical libtard legalism, “oh it wasn’t a “lockdown” because it never said that exact word in any of the documents.” Fuck your retarded literalist argument that isnt convincing to anyone that doesn’t agree with you already
Why would I need to explain my memories? They are empirical observations. Are you retarded or just a satanist?
I didn't notice any difference. I barely leave my house anyway. Didn't mask, didn't test, didn't vax.
I will say, having the roads super clear was fun.
I want it to happen again, it was super comfy now that I'm thinking about it.
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>the United States never had lockdowns
This is when you know they are a hypochondriac moron and not worth your time.
Memejewfagflag opiton in the tras it goes
But they're empirically false, thus it's a Mandela effect. I understand this can feel very emotional when you believe a memory is real but it isn't. Could you explain why you choose to remain ignorant?
Worse is how anything mentioning black people now includes the cope caveat of:
>...the most affected/vulnerable/heroic/front-line
Working in service industry because you're low IQ /a woman will excuse their failures for a good two decades now.
I saw it with black dad's hardest hit, I see foids justifying breakups ("burnt out/stress of the pandemic").

It doesn't matter one bit what is published etc, all that matters is whether women consume it and can parrot it self-servingly
I bet you believe it's spelled "Berenstein Bears" too huh chud lol
the US government didn't go around welding people into their homes like they apparently did in China, therefore no lockdowns.
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Covid never happened
>npc head getting vaccumed
like pottery
No Svencuck
For us it was two years of apartheid with weekly changing guidelines that were criminally persecuted. If you didn't keep up you'd land literally in jail or face back breaking fines
>can't go ANYWHERE if not vaxxes except to buy food
>can't buy clothes
>can't get a haircut
>Can't gather in groups of more than 2
>can't go out after 22.00
>if you protest you'd literally get beaten up by police
>if you didn't wear the cuckmuzzle you'd face a fine and would be attacked by normies
>If you were unvaxxed and you wanted to go to work you'd have to present a NEGATIVE RESULT every TWO days , which also cost 12€
>failure to comply would net up to in 10k € in fines , job loss and or jail time
>Politicians were about to enact 2G , basically unvaxxed were about to be barred from work and buying food altogether, only prevented by Russians 2022 invasion.
I remember the days when neighbours would snitch on unvaxxed celebrating Christmas and the Police would show up with 12 man squads
Fuck you gaslighter
Can you explain why do you believe the Mandela effect its true?
Language it's a curse
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>basically unvaxxed were about to be barred from work and buying food altogether
>only prevented by Russians 2022 invasion
u retarded nigger
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Nice deflection. You're still wrong.
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Maybe don't post insane conspiracy theories and your post won't be considered spam?
>Do you realize how stupid you sound?
But that's you speaking.
So, you cannot explain it? Hm. Seems like you got psyop'd fren.
What he means is that it was coercion and not actual government edicts, but it may have been different in the state of Denmark.
Perhaps not here but in the Philippines..
They just gave the military and police free reigns to enforce it, carrying assault rifles..
Thankfully we've archived everything. No rug pulls here. Disingenuous fucks.
Could you explain why you believe the archiving websites will survive despite committing egregious copyright infringement?
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its renamed and relabelled this time.
flu still doesnt really exist but its corona now.
so what was it before the flu came...
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with all due respect, you are pushing too hard and too quickly rabbi, gaslighting the whole world over the covid lockdowns, just claiming we misremembered it all is a bit much even for the cattlest of npcs, if i may say so.
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aaand, its gone.
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oy vey goyim, eye witness accounts are highly unrealyable, your brain is playing tricks on you, oh wait.
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it was real in my mind.
Sure there weren't
Excpet there were.
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ok you have video evidence? nothing happened goy.
These faggots play games with words and split hairs. The point is that people felt they weren't allowed to live their lives as freely as they wanted and that they govt was very controlling without my logic or science behind it's decisions. Tell these hacking leftists that our feelings are valid and the covid regime was fascist and draconian according to our feelings.
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>nothing was mandatory, you miremember
thats the textbook definition of chuzpeh. the sheer audacity of the jews, one might think we have seen it all and then they come up with an even more insane psyop.
The only one playing games is you. You're just making things up.
We have their words.
The internet never ever forgets
Could you explain why you are spamming? Advertising is not allowed.
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So the letter I had to carry on my person stating that I am an essential worker was fake?
Oh just proof of lockdowns and mandatory vaccination is all.
meant for >>484319718
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>Oy gevalt! Shut it down!
They won't publish deaths from 2023.
And they certainly won't publish them from 2024e either.
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>how would they even enforce this
Well, they OSHA
And when the supreme court said OSHA couldn't ol president pedopeter said to ignore the supreme court.
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>it was like 1-2 months of having to see a sign that says "please wear a mask
Not more were lined up at testing centers so they could go to work. You can’t erase the past
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>shut up goyim, its not like your dystopian nightmare fiction ok, stop making comparisons to 1984.
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>There was a virus
The flu?
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kek lol lmao even.
we're still doing this?
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It's funny because it was true back then. In my state the final clause of the 'stay at home order' was that it was all optional on an individual basis and any medical reason was suitable to make one's own determination about masking.

But, the news, the politicians, and the petty tyrants at schools and other official locations enforced or attempted to enforce masking and curfews, and gathering limits, to such an extent that there was practically and in real terms a lock down that saw businesses shuttered, employees hunkered at home, roads empty, and paranoia soaring. Looking back at the text of the orders, however, there was no 'lockdown' actually prescribed.
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We didn't only archive the websites, we archived screenshots of them as well as other infographics we could later verify, and we have them stored on multiple hard drives with no internet access.

Anyway, this level of historical revisionism is simply not gonna work. Jews were the face of all this because they wanted to steal an election for their bullshit war, causing us 4 years of misery, and everybody knows this.

Everybody also knows what Jews look like and where their neighborhoods are. Wasn't very smart of Jews to attack their host population, was it?

Explain my dick in your Momma's ass.
Goy everything you think is right is actually wrong.
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>its the mandela effect goy, you are remembering things from you parallel universe self mkay.
i just cant believe they are unironically pulling this shit. wtf is going on, this is a whole different quality of clownworld.
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I live in MN & worked through covid. Company gave me a letter saying I was an, "essential employee" if I ever got stopped by cops asking why I was out. That's pretty fucking wild to remember.
I'm glad to know I'm not alone in misremembering the COVID lockdowns.
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I was in Germany, Poland, and Latvia during COVID. Lockdowns sure as fuck happened in Germany and Latvia. Poland seemed to not take it so seriously.
I remember when Doug Ford who had amazon stock covered up a covid outbreak at an amazon warehouse because he knew it was a charade.
they just took down the covid plastic windows inside my local gas station
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hold onto your harddrives lads, watch out for small goblin jews with magnets sneaking into your apartment at night attemtpting to wipe them.
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this is what really opened my eyes to it.
that and the targeting of churches and gyms while leaving kike temples and liquor stores open.
Could you explain why anyone should believe your edited fake screenshots you made up?
man I wish the left never learned what gaslighting is, it's all they do now.
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> Forcing people wouldn't do, they needed you to CONSENT.
That’s pretty obvious, but why?

I really hope, someday I will see headlines, like
>you remember wrong. There never has been a mass killing of media workers. There have been a few cases where some people related to mass media got lynched or hooked on a tree, but the tens of thousands of murdered journalists are just coming from conspiracy theories and exaggerated urban legends. It's time to move along.
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>we were never at war with eurasia
>we were always at war with eastasia
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Nice AI and inspect element I guess? Not sure what it's supposed to prove though.
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nothing ever happened. schödingers pandemic.
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I enjoy referring to "that covid stupidity" and "that lockdown madness" to normies and they never correct me.
>CBD oil shuts down spike protein production, even with the vaccine in our DNA.



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I'll never forget all the wagies I had to fight because I refused to wear a cuck muzzle
I'll never forget the time they tried to use OSHA to force a vaccine on people
I'll never forget how they made everyone but walmart shut down
eat shit, nigger.
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That's the new nigger thing. everything you shits don't like is AI now? get raped and die nigger.
That stuff disn't happen Hans.
You have distinct schizophrenia symptoms. Plesse get some meds, now!
But it is, though?
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>Nice AI and inspect element I guess? Not sure what it's supposed to prove though.
are you saying its ai generated, thats what i thought too, in the future anything they dont like will be labelled ai. thats why they are pushing it so hard, since they cannot get rid of the vast evidence they just bury it under a pile of fake generated content.
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Oh its a reminder thread.
cool story, bro.
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>israel flag
rabbi why are you on our side all of a sudden?
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I traveled to a bunch of different countries during the scamdemic.

It was great.
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>rabbi why are you on our side all of a sudden?
I always was. from the every start.
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>dystopian hellhole great reset test run failed
>better make everone forget and start from scratch
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Never ever trust a jew
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You guys make fun of the Holocaust, but you are on the same mental level.
Most of these "lockdowns" didn't happen and you're still like:
>"It was my imagination, and in my mind, I believed it. Even now, I believe it."

This is pure madness.
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yeah right, youre just sowing confusion i see. if nothing else works just bamboozle the goyim.
I had exemption to drive into Germany, even during the night curfews, because I worked as a crisis consultant.
I remember the checkpoints and the snowy empty roads.
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Well, I wish you a nice day.
Shit up filthy Jew and suck my White dick. The ZOG machine absolutely did overstep with Covid.
>"It was my imagination, and in my mind, I believed it. Even now, I believe it."
It's good you cut out the binding energy values, else the bull would be too obvious.
At best, this is a hint to look whether it's the first GMO racial bioweapon.
I was personally detained by a group of 5 police officers for having my mask under my nose. I was not allowed to visit my dying parents if I didn’t get vaccinated. I was also threatened with losing my job because I doubted the narrative as an MD myself. They have probably done this to most of history, we can trust almost nothing of what we have been told.
lol tell that to my face and there's a chance you'll never be able to say it again
>"It was my imagination, and in my mind, I believed it. Even now, I believe it."
You won't do shit.
This. Semantic fallacy, semantics arent an argument
Wtf is this shithole thread
The only way to know is to try, YOU won't do shit, you won't try
I guess I just imagined the military/police check point at the Victoria border, as well as the military and police coming to my house to make sure I was self isolating after crossing that border.
>cut out the binding energy values
It is the figure from the prelims.. The rest of the paper was better still.. Bulgaria? What exactly is the point of your outpost again? Interesting.
Uh gigabased? Take me with you then fren
So start telling people IRL that their experiences with the COVID bullshit wasn’t real. Go do it. Pussy KIKE bitch.
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sure because the one event didnt take place just project the same disbelief onto any other topic, great logic right there buddy.

they are doing the same here in dresden, if you want to lend credence to eye witnesses reporting on low flying attack planes gunning down citizens fleeing the fires to the elbe river banks you shall accept the holocaust eye witnesses as well because otherwise it would be unfair to believe one group of people but no the other, classical non-sequitur midwittery, appeal to emotion.
look man it didn't happen and if it did you are remembering it wrong and basically you are a bad person ok?
Hungary in general didn't give too much shit. Still it was just enough to make me a sworn enemy of this niggerfaggot civilization.
You and most of the slave cattle won't ever mind if the government orders them around in ways that were unimaginable just a year before, but real humans with actual agency are not that docile.
Fuck you even 4 years later, 20 years later I will still remember why to fuck your kind.
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>spend the whole thread gaslighting
>"you won't do shit"
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Hitler is being quoted in 'Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin' (Dietrich Eckart, 1924):

"There is one thing above all of which we must always keep in mind," he tendered, "one thing of which we must always remind ourselves: 'Great masters of the lie'! One need only forget Schopenhauer's words for an instant in order to begin slipping under the influence of their deceptions. To be sure, we also lie but, in the first place, not as a matter of habit and, in the second place, clumsily. Any really experienced judge of human nature is able to detect the lie of an Aryan, even a very shrewd one. Sherlock Holmes himself, however, would be at a loss when confronted with the Jewish cold-bloodedness in deception. A Jew is only embarrassed when he inadvertently blurts out the truth. If he should happen to deliberately tell the truth, it is always with a mental reservation, thus making a lie even of the truth."

>If he should happen to deliberately tell the truth, it is always with a mental reservation, thus making a lie even of the truth.
>If he should happen to deliberately tell the truth, it is always with a mental reservation, thus making a lie even of the truth.
>If he should happen to deliberately tell the truth, it is always with a mental reservation, thus making a lie even of the truth.
gaslighting pro 14020
well, the pandemic was the frens we made along the way.
never fordge
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>mandates don't have the force of law
>inducements to take experimental government mRNA transfection gene therapy with no long term studies and zero immunity/spread reduction value were criminal under the Nuremberg Code
>encouraging the above makes anyone participating accessories to the biggest crime ever

Vegan Whole Foods shoppers lined up to get this. Think about that.

They were forced. Your memory is fucked
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sure the rare mythical jew that actually is truthful but our racist prejudice just would not let us recognize the good ones. we shall reconsider our preconceived notions and let the jews into our hearts, gotcha. racism bad. #notalljews

>but there are certainly good jews out there!

excerpt from the anti-german propaganda flick 'your job in germany' (1945):


>speaker 1: every German is a potential source of trouble therefore there must be no fraternization with any of the German people [...]
>the German people are not our friends. you will not associate with German men, women or children
>you will not associate with them on familiar terms either in public or in private.
>you will not visit in their homes nor will you ever take them into your confidence however friendly, however sorry, however sick of the Nazi party they may seem. they cannot come back into the
>Civilized fold just by sticking out their hand and saying 'I'm sorry'. don't clasp that hand it's not the
>kind of a hand you can clasp in Friendship
>speaker 2: but there are millions of Germans, some of hose guys must be okay!
>speaker 1: perhaps, but which ones? just one mistake May cost you your life. trust none of them! someday the German people might be cured of their disease the super race disease the world Conquest disease.

lets rephrase it for it to make sense:

speaker 1: you will not visit in their homes nor will you ever take them into your confidence however friendly, however sorry, however sick of zionism they may seem.
speaker 2: but there are millions of jews, some of hose guys must be okay!
speaker 1: perhaps, but which ones? just one mistake May cost you your life. trust none of them!
I still have the paperwork I used to cross borders, fly, drive through the winter of 2020/2021.
The pic is still available today, official government site, have a look:
Demons can only mess with your perceptions, they can never break your free will. Hence, the gaslighting.
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What about the vaxx passport tho?
The real redpill is knowing that there are no long term studies like that for almost every drug.
Checked. It's an old trick: bombard your victim with lies because victims will try to create a reality between truth and lie, inevitably warping their perception.
Could this be a whitehat to get people to post all their lockdown evidence?
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This can’t even be real it’s too sloppy
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>thought this was a joke
>friends talk about covid
>say they were never locked in their house nor did they ever feel trapped
>literally pull up chats of them crying about the government locking them inside their houses
>show articles of police removing people from large gathering like churches and so on
>"it was an emotional time and i overreacted"
>"besides it was only a few months then we were allowed to go wherever"

these people have straight up brain rot or were so traumatized they buried it as far down as they could. i feel like im the only one who made it out sane
>its just photoshop anyone could have put this together in ten minutes it doesnt prove anything, it didnt happen goy, you covid image folder is ai generated.
it's real, it's sloppy, it's real sloppy.
jews are retarded
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gods truth within will guide you even through the darkest of nights.
>stores that remained open were, well, open, for anyone to visit."
This is the most pernicious part. What percentage of businesses were shut down?
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I traveled america between may and november 2020, over 45,000 miles driven.
Local health authorities pressured businesses and gathering places to shut down and enforce health protocols like social distancing, masks, and vax card checks.
Local and national media constantly told American citizens to stay home, get the vax, wear a mask, and social distance.
I saw the results of this with my own two eyes all across America: the streets, the businesses, the parks, the churches were all almost empty.
>NOLA's French District on a Friday night in summer, was empty, with health signs everywhere.
>Nashville on a Friday night in summer was a ghost town, some bars forced patrons to wear masks, other did not.
>Sioux Falls breweries on a Friday night in summer had one or two people besides myself.
>Salt Lake City downtown on a Friday night in summer had small crowds but had health advisories and cordoned off areas with limits.
>Charleston oceanside bars on a Friday night in summer had a small crowd but didn't have health signs everywhere.
>Atlanta bar district on a Friday night in summer was almost completely empty, each bar had only a couple people.
Americans were pressured through all means to lock down. None of it was legally enforceable, and many cities that tried legal enforcement (like Des Moines) failed. It was a test of compliance, a test that many Americans willingly obeyed because they trusted their media and their doctors and dismissed the dissenting voices in self-preservation. Most of those who obeyed have learned their lesson as the internet has relentlessly punished them (and thus, swung their opinion). It is not possible to pressure Americans like this again, which is why the mandates are gone and the "emergency" is over (even though the numbers spiked even higher on the later Covid variants).

To say "No lockdowns happened" is like a child pointing their finger in your face and saying "I'm not touching you". By all measures, this was a lockdown.
You should unironically kill yourself, regime supporter.
It's like how there was no vax mandate... unless you want a job or in some cases medical care.
And that is why coerced medical treatments are crimes against humanity.
Either Dr. Mengele did nothing wrong to the jews with his experiments, or Dr. Fauci should be hanged in the Hague.
unfortunately for them we've been making local archives for years
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We're going to see a lot of this "I was on your side the whole time" shit from Jews trying to save their own asses in the coming months. Don't let them get away with it, they're all bad. If there were any "good" Jews, what were they doing with their influence and power in 2019 and the early 2020's?

Oh right, they were behind the curtain with the other Jews betting against America and other Western nations so they could coup elections for Globohomo's Ukraine war (which both "left" and "right" Jews still openly support, by the way, even though it's public knowledge that Ukraine is trying to kill Trump).

And now that it's obvious they lost that war, they're crawling back into our arms out of desperation. Never let your public forget what Jews did to us!
Not really, maybe in your country. In Italy there was nobody on the street and they would take them to jail if found, and I think Australia was like that too. American countries didn't do that; we just had to wear masks, but we could go anywhere at any time.
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LISTEN GOY, you just misunderstood.
>First, the United States never had lockdowns
Then why the fuck was I declared an "essential worker"?
>You couldnt book a hotel room for two years without having some bullshit microfiber test swab in your nose after you stood in line for 45 minutes...
Oh, so you admit that you could book a hotel room? Because in other countries they locked people in their houses with wooden boards.
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If they try to tell, in real-life, that any part of this never happened, you reply simply,
>"Like the holocaust?"
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it was all in your head, goy.
Well 6 million never happened so yeah.
Brent Ruswick deserves the 'ole Liveleak treatment
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>W-we were just joking Goy! It was all satire! We didn't actually expect our incitement of Antifa and BLM to get violent!
Why are you making AI videos?
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I remember it happening
MN was locked the fuck down.

Lots of restaurants went under. Movie theatres and stores too.

They prosecuted the fuck out of the restauraneurs who stayed open too.
>(((David Wallace-Wells)))
I don't even need to check the early life to know.
These people deserve to be tortured to death lol
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A.I., because it's the only thing that travels at the speed of science.
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Uh, yeah, actually it was. And unless they start disappearing censoring actual government websites, anybody can see with their own preferred sources.
>It's scared
We haven't forgotten, and we will kill you
Never forget Adamson's Barbeque.
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Basically if you got jabbed, prepare for the dark winter

If pureblood, then just have a nice cold pint, listen to vaxjamz and wait for all of this to blow over
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don't forget the voluntary concentration camps
Better sauce? We can't tell what she's saying.
Archiving websites? Bitch we got local backups for days. Everyone who went through it saved stuff locally.
The guy in the video should be tortured to death
Friendly reminder (pic related)
>random Jew in busy parking lot walks by
>"COVID was a Jewish attack on America and everybody knows it. They know what Jews look like and where their neighborhoods are."
>walk off
>Jew remembers that everytime they go shopping
>you didn't technically communicate a direct threat, so 100% legal
>now multiply this technique with different slogans with how many times you can do this in x amount of time in a radius of y miles
>multiply that by how many of us are doing it

And if people are too afraid to do even that, then there is no hope for America.
When are they moving on to "okay it happened, but it wasn't that bad", and finally to "okay it was bad, but it's not the jews fault"?
Went on lots of vacations during covid. Hotel and resort rates were bretty good.
>actually it wasn't thing, it was synonym for thing, and actually since some people got away with ignoring it then it didn't even happen

I remember having to tape a letter from my HR representative to my windshield saying I was an "essential worker" so I could drive. Police had checkpoints set up along major roads and I had to go through two of them.

I remember people who didn't have the letters but wanting to drive anyway pretending to be sick, so the cops who tried to stop them would run away in fear instead of dealing with them.

It was absolutely insane and things really aren't all that much better today. It really highlighted how completely fucked up and retarded out entire society and species is, as a whole anyway. Individuals may or may not be fine. I will probably never trust anyone ever again in my life after what happened though. It felt like seeing a mask drop off the face of the entire world.
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>total Semitic denial of everything
If it weren't for the past year of denying slaughtering Gaza while doing it, this would have been shocking.
People pushing this are the same ones who transfer their sins onto a chicken, that they then torture and kill. All as part of their grand plan to deceive God. What else would you expect from people who sincerely believe that they can deceive God?
And the stationary company owned by his family printed all the stickers and signs and placed them everywhere to bombard your battered soul (or feeble brain if you were an npc) with your "duty to save lives". May Doug join his departed brother sooner rather than later.
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>and finally to "okay it was bad, but it's not the jews fault"?
okay it was the jews fault but you deserved it!
or you wanted to get on a plane/bus or visit a restaurant or movie theater. these jews are pretending we didnt have to carry our vaccine cards with us to have a simple night on the town or to travel again. part of me wishes they try another lock down in our lifetime i really want to see how we handle it or if the revolution begins
I was under a curfew for being unvaxxed here
you sure did buddy.
How recently??? You must live in LA. I'm sorry.
>uhhh, actually we didn't call it a lockdown, so it wasn't one!
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i was treated like a grotesque abomination for not being vaxxed.
I was locked in my gym routine so well until they were forced to close because the government wanted it.
I never managed to get back into it again and the cool gym I used to go to closed down and disappeared.
And we had a fucking curfew at one point, it was insane.
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Locally, they see what's coming and they're leaning pretty heavily on local officials to pass anti constitutional "hate speech" ordinances so they don't have to mention the "Jewish" part of it. We have to have some balls and remind them publicly that we have a constitutional right to free speech and we need to ask them why in a way that forces them to admit this is all about preventing discussion of Jewish misdeeds.

But there are ways around this. "Israel Supporters" and "Ukraine Supporters" are the easiest dogwhistles least likely to get comments banned.
I found the transcript...

For me, it's Moderna. The best covid™ vaccine. I even ask for extra jabs and the Walgreens staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for a Moderna jab and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly Walgreens pharmacist laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three jabs. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local Walgreens pharmacy, I go there at least 3 times a week for jabs and pcr tests, 1-2 times for Pfizer on the weekends, and maybe once for JnJ when I'm in a rush but want to feel safe and show that I believe in the $cience!, it's fast, and can match my daily coof fearing needs.

I even jab my dog with science juice, it's safe! What a great pharmacy.
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>we did not lock down everything with a padlock so technically nothing was locked and nothing was down because things like towers and trees remained up.
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In addition to attacking the first amendment, local Jews are putting pressure on their media to coordinate and amplify attacks on the second amendment. They'll report on a vague unspecified threat and try to make it sound like a White man is threatening to shoot up a school, then generate hysteria around it. Every gun-related crime gets a little extra attention, and Jews are pushing local officials to hold more press conferences about what they intend to do about "gun violence."

These have always been Jewish tricks, but where I live local media and shill farms are coordinating this all to a grossly organic degree. Jews are afraid for their safety, and they have good reason to be.
Could you explain why you are reposting that debunked troll article? https://moonmetropolis.substack.com/p/the-age-of-misinformation-how-and
>stores that remained open were, well, open, for anyone to visit."
well i'll be damned
he's right

>It's pretty weird how everyone got Mandela'd.
that's because you were born with the brain of a fucking goldfish and aren't capable of understanding, thinking, or remembering at all, there's no solution to that, unfortunately. it's the same reason plebs are enslaved in the first place, and the same reason i will NEVER have sympathy for normies, literally no matter what happens to them
this happens with everything, "everyone forgets" after a couple years. but it's not that they were really into it, and suddenly forgot - it's that they couldn't genuinely engage with it in the first place.
"humanity" is a bunch of disgusting spaced-out cargo-cult smooth-brain jungle apes that live in a large POW camp, and they happen to be capable of putting on clothes and repeating certain phrases
maximum disdain for plebs

what the fuck is the fucking point of sitting around crying about the evil world government if you're COMPLETELY MENTALLY DISABLED and powerless to stop it? THEY COULD DO THE EXACT SAME THING TOMORROW, AND YOU STILL COULDNT DO ANYTHING TO STOP IT
>"ohhh god uhhhhhhhh the world's been taken over, what do we doo fuuck i dunno what to doo, i complain all the time but i forget everything, i watch netflix, maybe everything's really that bad after all? i definitely have a right to exist, man white people like me sure are great, duhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh"

so-called smart people are the worst, wtf is the top 5% of the population doing? a bunch of randos on Youtube is the best we've got? do something you useless niggers
you're still allowed to go outside and talk to people, for the next ~30 years or so, anyway. by 2050 the WEF plans will be in place
That sounds funny as fuck. What was the Logic behind this? Virus is going to sleep at some particular hours?
They closed local parks and police would harass you if you were on a street and would ticket you if you had too many people at your house. All businesses that weren't medical or grocery were forcibly closed initially with the lie of "two weeks not to overwhelm hospitals" but then became "months to eradicate it from the earth." Any government job or contracted job required the jab until very recently, and many private jobs did or still do require it.

What is their version of events?
Post flag.
>What is their version of events?
"Nuh uh" or they split hairs until nothing ever happens.
I lived in NYC during the depths of Covid.
There was no lockdown, there were no cops policing people walking around.
There were restrictions on public gatherings over a certain size.
Most people just stayed home because they didn’t want to get sick. Other people went out to party hard at private events because they wanted to be rebels or whatever.
If you won't believe Joshua Goldberg, you're probably an Iranian spy.
We are reaching levels of gaslighting and revisionist history that shouldn't be possible.
>Thankfully we've archived everything. No rug pulls here. Disingenuous fucks.
go ahead and post a link to the complete archive of "everything" right now, and not just a few random schizo URLs on archive.is or something. i'll wait
one of the many things that plebs cannot do, is handle large amounts of important information. that's why only 1 in 20,000 "podcasters" is an insane gifted autistic infodumper with perfect sources and a bibliography for everything they say, and the rest just react to headlines they saw today
>I lived in NYC during the depths of Covid.
Oy vey.
There was a stay at home order and the place was fucking deserted. Only a little bit totalitarian, not "very" totalitarian, right?
Articles like this are still being published in 202-fucking-4?!

But surely we are just remembering wrong of people having adverse episodes even within minutes of getting the jab. We are also misremembering what the Nuremburg laws were supposed to prevent.

I misremembered that Mexican cartels were just mean brutes killing journalists for no reason.
I lost three jobs because of covid lockdowns. I have many friends who lost their jobs, or even their businesses as a result. Dirty lying kikes deserve only scorn and a slow, agonizing death.
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It was deserted because people didn’t want to get sick and end up in a freezer trailer.
No one cares that some polnigger digs up a 2 year old article. We already discussed all of this. Fuck I really wish we still had you faggots quarantined in the_donald
Using threat of liability to force compliance still counts as mandated.
"Shut It Down" is Over 9000 now. This is the most worried I've seen you guys. Rightly so.
The police arrested a dude for surfing in Newport Beach. Surfing. I remember.
“Lockdown” apparently means “any temporary measures put into effect to stop the spread of covid”
>David Wallace-Wells
No, it means any government coercion used to prevent people from freely participating in society.
The fbi required employees to get vaccinated along with us government employees besides congress members u fucking asshole.
>even the glowies are mad at lockdown deniers
The military had a mandate too for a while.
>What happened, didn't actually happen
Wow, /pol/ totally didn't call this one 3 years ago
I was thinking of doing fbi training or army for my major but I just don’t want vaccines. Why is subverting America for Jewish master require getting vaccinated? What’s the point?
Yeah I guess so. I mean working for the Jews should also come with boundaries like no vaccine requirement am I right lol…
Potato, potahto
Jews jewing jews in jewnited jew states of jewmerica. Jewnald and jewariss jew the Jews by jewing citizens.
They want people who believe the "news" and follow orders.
I guess zog bots really don’t have a soul. I’m baffled…
From St Patrick's day of 2020 to August first I was on layoff from work.

By the first part of April the gyms and bars were closed. You were told to fuck off from any business if you weren't wearing a facediaper. By May 1st I wasn't allowed to work, wasn't allowed to work out, couldn't go to the bar and then they closed to shooting ranges. Refused to wear a face diaper so I couldn't grocery shop, had to have it delivered. Delivery people just threw it and ran half the time so I couldn't order eggs or anything glass.

And that was at the same time I was fresh out of a very sudden and very messy breakup. I was stuck alone with nothing but my internet and my thoughts from May 1 to August 1. Nobody will ever be able to tell me to my face we weren't locked down. I was desperate for something - anything - to do outside my home and the whole world was just turned the fuck off. The one person that tried telling me I just made it up got punched in the mouth in front of 100 people in broad daylight. I dared him to press charges and the little faggot just cried.
And then in 2021 the talk of vaxxie mandates started at work. A good 60 of us organized at work and told the site manager the moment he started talking about mandating it, we would walk. He never brought it up again. They made us test weekly (never put that retarded qtip up my nose, not once. I rubbed it on fruit every week and got negative results unless I wanted free paid vacation for 2 weeks, which I did twice for lulz). Never vaxxed. Never tested.

These faggots will get away with it only if we let them.
This video is perfectly storyboarded. There isn't a single jew in hollywood right now who could make a movie look as cool as this.
predictably so
I was waiting for this to happen
In 2020 I learned how crafty Jews are at faking a pandemic

1. Staging a die off with camera man not wearing mask
2. Jewish hospital with Hollywood level camera set up
3. Wearing a mask in middle of nowhere being mandated by neocons
4. Boris Johnson’s overpopulation memoir and his push for vaccination
5. Chinese virologist said China never isolated the virus in 2021 when vaccines were testing in late 2020.
6. Vaccine created within an hour
7. Covid virus aka common cold rapidly evolves making the whole getting vaccinated very retarded in the first place
8. Bill gates donation to new age cult Luciustrust organization
9. Wuhan spazzing out never happened out side of China
10. Dental tranq used by a cia dad comming home from China made everything very suspicious as faked
11. Who declared a pandemic 666 days before their first clade x excersise. Timing was very suspicious
12. Jews involved in nose swabbing patents
13. Jews involved in development in covid vaccines
14 head of development along with ceo of various pharmaceuticals were all Jews

A lot of thing mapped a red flag with jews and vaccines. This was within early 2021 that a red flag was fully mapped out.
my dad had to beat two men with a tin of dogfood in a tesco because they started on him for walking down the wrong way in an aisle, I had multiple arguments with people irl over not masking and with security guards, many of whom would outright ban me lmao. I had to post pone my practical driving exam for years because of these cunts. It 100% happened, people were arrested for walking around in the countryside here, many shops and services were shut and my first year of uni was entirely online.
They taped up jungle gyms. JUNGLE GYMS!

And sitting on a bench longer than two minutes (if the bench wasn't taped up) got you a visit from a by-law officer. By-law officers (aka the Karen Brigade) were 100x than even the cops, and that's saying something.
hallo jude!
Lmao, I have a list of places I wasn't allowed to go to during the covid years for refusing to wear a mask.
I lost my job due to the lockdowns and got depression over it
The thing is there is no safe place since this whole world is controlled by Jews. How did the Jews take complete control is out of my understanding atm… America we have retards who keeps voting in blue and red Jew. Hitler was a independent btw…
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He is choosing his words carefully so that they are technically correct. Most governments didn't lock people in their houses. Instead, they filled in skate parks, roped off playgrounds, dumped dye in swimming holes, denied entry into "essential" stores without masks, made arbitrary rules for the sake of rules (6 feet apart, masking, double masking, etc), fired people for not getting an experimental "vaccine," and propagandized 24/7 about how evil "science-deniers" are.
And to think I know people who still agree all of that was good and that we needed to be even harsher
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>"please wear a mask"
But especially with the initial Omicron wave, infections became so widespread that they effectively canceled out the population-scale impact of vaccination .

You should probably see somebody about that PTSD.
I’m not one to judge, though. I’ve got it too.
If people could imagine this I bet they would imagine the Holocaust
Revising history while people are still alive to remember is a new level of arrogance. But with the collective attention span at its lowest ever, it's no surprise.
I was under a nightly curfew for months on end and couldn't see my family because they were more tjan 5km from my house. I could only go out for exercise for 1 hour per day and had to carry a permit to work.
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>Go to doctor about possible depression bubbling up
>Get told to man up and get over it
>Mother bugs and harasses me until she breaks down crying asking about why I am so sad
>Tell her its about the lockdowns
>She stops crying, gets angry and tells me to man up and get over it
>Complain to my dad how shit my life is because of forced diversity shit everywhere and how I can't get a job because of it
>Get told to man up and get over it and how this needs to happen to fight racism
I am so sick of life.
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That is what MK ULTRA propaganda is, causing enough trauma in a person and they just go along with whatever is told to them by an authority figure. The soviets did this shit all the time.
Can you prove they are fake? That the websites in question weren't scrubbed of info? I'm sure it would be easy to simply look in on the change history of a website, like people can do with wikipedia to see the time and date of alterations and what was altered, correct?
What’s honestly pretty trauma-inducing is doing my part (tm) to stop the spread of Covid up until about mid-2021 when the titans of industry decided it was time to stop caring about Covid and so everybody did.
I can see how that would break some people’s minds.
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Just trust the science, goy
It's for this reason that I hope Klaus Schwabbie is right and 6 billion braindead fart ripples die.

History is written by the victors, after all.
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Have you heard of learned helplessness? It's a mental block similar to depression that comes from a pattern of perceived failures. One example is training baby elephants. They chain them to a post that they can't move. Over time, they learn that the post is immovable, so they stop trying. And when adults, they are more than strong enough to rip the post out of the ground. But they mentally are not able.
Learned helplessness is being inflicted on men. Here is how easy it is to cause:
It is no coincidence that men are being attacked through DEI hiring and women. The people in power want you to feel helpless, to mentally be helpless. And this is not a condemnation. I have learned helplessness. It is what they want. No matter how hard you work, how capable you are, what decisions you make, it feels like there is no way to succeed now.
It happened, and i don't want to waste more time talking about it. Do something or shut the fuck up.
>He is choosing his words carefully so that they are technically correct. Most governments didn't lock people in their houses. Instead, they filled in skate parks, roped off playgrounds, dumped dye in swimming holes, denied entry into "essential" stores without masks, made arbitrary rules for the sake of rules (6 feet apart, masking, double masking, etc), fired people for not getting an experimental "vaccine,"
It's highly efficient slavery, they only need to hammer down the nails that stick out, easy when >99% dont dare step out of line. everything is so agile now, suddenly every department, agency, store, school, etc. has a magic creative solution and money to solve every problem. why didn't they do that before? hmmm

There was no resistance to lockdown whatsoever, none. I would have expected like 10-20% opposition but there was 0%. I saw ONE GUY standing outside city hall with a sign saying "hugs not ___" and I thought he was an idiot because that's how dumb i was at that point.
in 2022 there was the Canada truckers thing, and something in Australia/New Zealand, a kid said on the megaphone: "I don't know who these people are. I'm not going to listen to them. I don't even listen to my mum", it took people 2 full years to realise this...
And then, suddenly the virus INSTANTLY WENT AWAY, and you all forgot forever.

I still wear my mask, I'm not going to let some retardNPC normies tell me "dude stop wearing the mask, totalitarianism is over now you're being weird lol"
streets were completely empty, god i miss that shit
It didnt happen in america. It did happen in the rest of the world. Especially UK, aus, nz, italy ect
>It happened, and i don't want to waste more time talking about it. Do something or shut the fuck up.
question is, are you yourself really a "do something or shut the fuck up" kind of guy, or are you also only talking about it?
i have never found anyone, anywhere, willing to cooperate on anything, ever, that's actually effective. only time they will cooperate is when they are paid a salary by a rich person
That's exactly where I am right now. It's even difficult to think when doing stuff I enjoy. But you know, I just got to man up and take it! If a job is dangerous and borderline illegal I have to accept being paid min wage risking my legs each day because that is what a real man does! Even fucking Asian restaurants are hiring pajeets over other asians and whites now. Fuck this clown show.
>It's for this reason that I hope Klaus Schwabbie is right and 6 billion braindead fart ripples die.
That is a result of the trauma for people that saw what was happening. I also feel the urge to offload some of the responsibility from the WEF cunts to the NPC population. They were so fanatically dedicated to shoving clot shots into their own arms, and the arms of their own children, that they demeaned and deplatformed people who had reasonable doubts.
Normies ate the covid shit up like good nigger cattle, I have zero hope for the future.
>>Go to doctor about possible depression bubbling up
>>Get told to man up and get over it
>>Mother bugs and harasses me until she breaks down crying asking about why I am so sad
>>Tell her its about the lockdowns
>>She stops crying, gets angry and tells me to man up and get over it
i agree with your fuckin bitch mom, "depressed because of lockdowns" was extremely pathetic
Fuck off, glownigger
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All of these YouTube videos predate 2020 and are from one artist(Poppy).
They all hint at covid, lockdowns, masking, vaccines, the mark of the beast, and more.
Most are ~30 seconds, don't hesitate to watch them all in order.

This is an example of occult satanic consent, humiliation ritual of masses, and cult comms.

>Getting sick
A (C)ertificate (o)f (V)accine (ID), also known as a vaccine passport.


>Don't go outside

Where did everyone go

>Fill the crown(crown meaning corona/coronation)
Listen to the first words closely...
>Everyone get the mark, do it!
https://youtu.be/4J-QrMD2Ylg?si=H322u1pwGhaopgtm(1 hour interview from decades ago in regards to mark of the beast and shadow group setting the stage)

Don't let it poke you
>The "vaccine"

>My phone is my connection
(IoB(internet of bodies) connection to IoT(internet of things))
(Link below for video study on people emitting Bluetooth signals)

>This crystal
(Notice the green crystal with a pink surrounding; scroll link below)

>The power crystal

>We are expanding
(Cult recruitment)
(IoB expansion)

>Great reset

>Can we go back?
(From the new normal)
(Memory hole event)
Hindsight is 20/20
It was diffacult standing my ground when even your family and close friends was saying to get the clot shot so you could have a normal life and not kill grandma. Well, Grandma died anyway from the jab and my life isn't normal anymore with how many fucking migrants are everywhere.
>go ahead and post a link to the complete archive of "everything" right now, and not just a few random schizo URLs on archive.is or something. i'll wait
ah, no reply... hmmm
well, glad everything is archived at least, even if no one has access to it or has ever seen it because it doesn't exist, at least it's archived
> i agree with your fuckin bitch mom, "depressed because of lockdowns" was extremely pathetic

>t. Globohomo jew memeflag
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You would have a point but your dumb nigger brain couldn't comprehend I was keeping it to myself until I was forced to say something and then mentally beaten down further for opening up when I didn't want to.
I remember when people thought Poppy was some /X/ larp only to turn into a genuine /X/ event.
Jew agrees with mom because jew must always agree with mom.
>or are you also only talking about it?
Why should he? It's the vaxxies that should suddenly realize "I've been duped, someone should be held accountable." If they can't even muster that much effort why should the people that avoided the problem do anything?
>It was diffacult standing my ground when even your family and close friends was saying to get the clot shot
How many of them have caught COVID multiple times since then? Pretty much every vaxxie I know has caught it 3+ times.
kek vult
Maybe if you lived in Utah or something. In Los Angeles everywhere was either closed or only open for takeout. Everywhere has limits saying you could only have a couple people in the store at one time and you were not allowed inside without a mask. Places that were open were also fined a lot for not being closed.

On top of all of that everyone would harass you and try to record you for being too close to them and once the vaccine came out you weren't allowed in literally any establishment without a mask and proof of vaccine.

Hell, there are STILL some places in Los Angeles that won't let you in without a mask and proof of vaccine and booster and you'll be publicly socially shamed of you complain on top of being turned away.

People need to make more noise about this now. This seems like some stupidity that will fade away but what they're doing is laying the ground work to memory hole the lockdowns. In ten years they'll say anyone talking about what happened during COVID is a conspiracy theorist and a liar and they'll point to these articles as proof that "everyone always knew it was a lie. This is well established." If you can create proof that they're lying now not only will it send them into a panic because you're noticing, but it will weaken their sphere of influence because even those who normally listen to them will realize they're frothing at the mark because they can't get people to say the sky is purple.
Whenever they get the common cold they claim it was COVID. And to answer your question, around 2-4 times. I have yet to get sick even once sense 2020.
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The only time I ever thought I had COVID was when I got a migraine for a couple days with no other symptoms present. Meanwhile my vaxxie friends & co-workers are down and out with COVID every few months. I don't know how to explain that, but it's mighty suspicious.
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>so you could have a normal life
they said on news many times "new normal" is permanent totalitarianism

>my life isn't normal anymore with how many fucking migrants are everywhere.
the main problems right now in canada, in order, are:
1. cost of living
2. crime/drugs
3. indians/blacks
right now you cannot rent an apartment. it costs $1800. $21,600 a year to rent an apartment, nobody can afford that, only people making 51k after tax could comfortably afford apartment. who is affording 600k-900k house?
as absolutely horrible as indians are, i'd rather be able to get an apartment and buy food + be crime-free, rather than remove all indians. also you could put "no healthcare system" as 3. instead of indians. inb4 "indians partially cause this" yes I know that

no one, no one is doing anything to solve the problem. no one is working on a solution to the problem. this is just it now, we're zimbabwe, no way to reverse it
considering moving to Bulgaria
>There was no resistance to lockdown whatsoever, none. I would have expected like 10-20% opposition but there was 0%.

in my city, there were anti-lockdown protests every monday evening, it became sort of a tradition.
>>t. Globohomo jew memeflag
full fucking retard. retard, retard
if you get "depressed because of lockdowns" you are a fucking faggy normie muppet

>You would have a point but your dumb nigger brain couldn't comprehend I was keeping it to myself until I was forced to say something and then mentally beaten down further for opening up when I didn't want to.
can you cry on a different website and not here
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>Memeflag (you)d me three times
this post glows, you can tell from the fact that he's leaving the source identifiers in the youtube URL's.
Iz tiem vor yor booster!
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I don't know what that even means zoomer.
Are you sure this will work?
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kys traitorous glowfag
>Normies ate the covid shit up like good nigger cattle, I have zero hope for the future.
not just normies, but EVERYONE. i expect normies to go along, but i don't expect EVERYONE to go along. people should have spontaneously formed mobs like 6 months in. the 2 years protest thing should have happened a lot sooner, like 8 months in. the top 10% of doubters should have caught on a lot quicker, and been a bit smarter instead of just yelling at fat old ladies in grocery stores

almost nobody was mentioning ___PRINCIPLED OPPOSITION___ to the lockdowns and forced vaccine. Elon musk at one point said "uhhh just give people back their freedom, the grandpa can stay inside if he wants". but i thought that a very common notion in USA, so why didnt more people say it
of course you couldnt see anything anyway, because every single large website was owned by the feds

I started watching a lot of Alex Jones at that point, never liked him too much but it gave him an excuse to put out a lot of good info and guests.
i have 8TB of alex jones show backed up, the entire thing
Oy vey, you can't control op jews! That's illegal in jew laws!
this post was pretty great, that would have to be some massive coincidence if not true

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