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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Britons urged to dig out unwanted electricals to tackle copper shortage
>Scientists have called for people to go “urban mining”
Should I trust the experts? This sounds like wacky science, not real science.
>enough to provide 30% of the copper needed for the UK’s planned transition to a decarbonised electricity grid by 2030.
I thought going green was about sustainability?
>Scott Butler: “We need to start ‘urban mining’ and help protect the planet and nature from the harmful impacts of mining for raw materials and instead value and use what we have already.”
We need to do this... because this guy over here is threatening to kill the planet if we don't? Why not blame the people destroying the planet and not us?

So yeah, rest of the article is just that we're not running out of copper, we're running out of GROWTH of copper because we're making too many things with the copper... and wind, solar, and electric cars are apparently big drivers in that. And even if we do all chip in this austerity wartime-style scrap metal drive, the WORLD is going to hit a copper shortage in the 2030s.
The line must go up, and green isn't green it's just more consumption, more pollution, more destruction.
big anime tiddies
actual thread
Hull ..

Never been , do they still eat their first born over there ?
the bizarre thing is copper is one of the most recycled metals around, hardly any goes to waste,
Mughal harems were filled with rajput women
Only popping in then straight back out again so I wouldn't know
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The first part of what he says is right.
Waiting for a happening/uprising that will never come.
enjoy your date with the escort
p00m4n ancestors gave their daughters away to Muslims kek
Early 2000’s they were banking on graphene to be cost effective to manufacture by now. Thought it would replace copper, silver and gold in industrial applications.
Clearly they thought wrong.
>Mughal harems were filled with rajput women
explain ?

Based dont take any chances
Based OP.
Overweight indian manlets BTFO
its going to waste inside pointless massive propellers theyre sticking up all over the place
mums drunk shouting how she hates her kids and won't leave them a penny. she's usually really nice. why are some people such bad drunks?
is any part of Britain immigrant free?

I had a horrible day today, I had some brown retard and his vile ADHD chavvy son try to goad me into a reaction, I would have dearly liked to slit both their throats, but some cunt started backing him up, siding with an immigrant against me,
Spent £210 on car shit yesterday but it has to be done. Bought some more tools (always a good thing) and changed the coil pack, spark plugs and changed the oil filter and oil today. Should drive like a dream now.
Posted his address on kiwifarms lads
To form political alliances with the mughal empire Rajputs would marry off their daughters to mughal emperors, they're cucks
Not even britpol is immigrant free lad.
Even here we have subhuman pajeets larping as one of us.
>be bong
cheeky shitstain
oil the string
> Fingers being pointed at Grant "spreadsheet" Shapps re the elimination of Cleverly. Speculation that he may have got the numbers wrong re a vote-lending operation.
“Too Clever(ly) by half”
Also, just saying, Shapps and Jenrick are both jews…
I don't think I've seen a science and technology article in the last 10-15 years that hasn't been absolute bollocks,
its true
you can spot them by their posts if you look closely
they have fecal matter smeared on the letters
Never seen him start shit on his own, it's usually only with a pack of other pakis when he thinks he's hard. But last I checked it's still 1-0 to the edl when they got chased out of speakers corner
>her kids
its the lil things that do it

Oh thanks
reminds me of a fav kino THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING ..

Thats ALI G innit ..?
Tories piled tens of millions into Graphene r&d.
They really thought Britain would be a world leader.
Is it me or have Anti-India threads gotten boring?
the moment they started talking about the green new deal a group of people at the natural history museum did a quick estimate of the metals and minerals required and illustrated that in numerous areas we are several magnitudes short of being able to supply the materials that will be demanded,
all that will happen is there will be massive commodity inflation if you try and create a demand that can't be supplied.
How Very DARE YOU ..

Im not having that
Did the willy thing lastnight, but am not gonna do it tonight cos basically i've rubed it raw
Nah they're hilarious
alri p00m4n
I'm getting sick of having to deal with people who I can't understand wtf they're saying.
indians are subhuman lowborn scum
> graphene
Does ANYONE ... I MEAN ANYONE give a SHIT about the tories now they are a FECKING JOKE worse than LIB DEMS ,,ffs
Yeah. Stay out of London and the Birmingham ghetto. It's like the tards spamming images of Saint Denis and pretending it's the entirety of France.
Can you lay off posting that picture? It’s kinda harsh and honestly, it’s just confusing
i've done my own back of a napkin estimates for power consumption in 4th industrial revolution tech
same story
it's all guff to sell investors on the idea
>If your drone has a camera you need to register it with a the CAA for £11.99 per annual
Fuck off. Just want to fly me drone in fields and parks ffs.
Cylinder head will go Friday
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> poo merchant
I chuckled.
Very nice, Limey
Rakhia Ismail, the UK’s first Somali-born Mayor
>Nigerian Dr Christopher Oyediran was suspended by Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. He was always late, missed handovers, went missing for up to 4 hours, difficult to contact & had a “verbally aggressive attitude” towards staff.
> He was said to “sit at his desk on his phone for the majority” of shifts and do “minimal work”.
I mean, they knew he was black when they hired him so this is on them
I wonder if anyone in politics has an o level in physics, chemistry or biology, we seem to have completely scientifically illiterate people trying to run the country
why only if it has a camera??
They O level they have is their gaping circular neghole
I'm too close to London, first the Londoners moved out here because the immigrants were intolerable, now the immigrants are arriving, and they are horrible,
AGREED its all FAKE and GAY BLACKROCK CASH GRAB like all the Wars now

BASED PUTIN and CHINKIES will BUILD MOAR COAL STATIONS as we go back too riding horsies and working the fields for the WEF MASTERS /LORDS
Don't order food delivery lol.
Migrants take the dogshit work and shit up downtown(s) in large cities. We have dealt with that for decades, with your demographics being 15x better. "White" (mutts, you know) America unironically has terminal cancer; you guys have a bad cough. Wake the fuck up faster.
Only if it weighs over 249g m80
We are at war and under enemy occupation. You have to have the Northern Irish mindset to deal with it.
Kemi has a stem degree
Some of us bames are moving out of London now lol
if i recall correctly andrew bridgen had some kind of stem degree
but really why would anyone with brains want to be a politician
it is literally all about investment opportunities, they just hype something that's completely impractical and hope people will pile money in,

I think they want it to fail so that they can come up with a following completely impractical idea and pump that too,

it's all so short term and frankly retarded,
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They say because it can record and take pictures, and is not a toy. Weird reasoning.
Checked it and it's if it's under 249g as well.

Money grabbing bastids.
>Northern Irish
Have You seen what there Durty Govt just dont in Ireland , adopted the WHO Pandemic shyte
By which I mean, you guys are stable at least, and your capital is a hellhole. I'd kill for that to be the situation here. Every "white" that isn't a Mormon is nowhere near replacement rates, and *millions* of Latinos come in every day and spread put across the country. Only rural areas are left.
The UK, the JewSA, the whole EU structure is the Great Satan. Fuckers push for the mongrelisation of the European race. Extermination war is in order.

Join DSHRG Rusic - help to crush the demon
>riding horsies
sounds quite comfy tbhwy
COVID proved meritocracy is a shit show with the expert doctors running the country during lockdown
Back onto the boats.
They transition into their boomer parents past a certain age, it's not nice
boycott fast food and you make the entire immigrant community jobless and redundant,
BASED top fella for a tory
HE FOUGHT to CHANGE the DECLINE .. then got OUSTED for demaning why the cunts KILLED MILLIONS of Elderly , got run out of Pols

well Bridgen found out that having a brain can get you into a lot of trouble these days,
who is kemi?
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Dominique raab would've fixed the country if he wasn't ousted by civil servants
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I'll repeat what I said yesterday: how can they say it's alleged and a moral panic when it's been proven it happened, multiple times, in different parts of the country.
Us plebs and serfs will be cleaning the shyte out the stables not up on them ffs

Yess your Lord ..
Bad enoch
das raycis
sounds grim, sounds about right though
It's wiki mate, the only moral panic going on is against the so called far right
i don't know why lads don't get this, they say they're anti-immigrant but they buy food from pakis that don't wash their hands and they go to paki shops instead of planning ahead and going to tesco. If we stopped buying deliveroo/just eat shit and stopped going to paki shops then the niggers wouldn't come here and they wouldn't be living in london and driving BMWs because bazza can't not order kebab and beer at 11pm
Got kicked out of home when this happened, it's absolutely fucking shit. Total boomer and xoomer death
Very decent bloke
its very sad

I was on about Direct democracy other week as Switzerland
Thats based and fair bit like we all get a chance to vote on stuff in your town /city not fat cunts on the take
I mean the mindset during the 'Troubles' as you fucking well know.
Remember a few months back when posted a story about migrants being put up in an old care home right next to a school?

Park it happened is just down the road from said care home...
I don't know who you're talking about, but frankly I pay almost zero attention to British politics and politicians at the moment because it's a complete clown show,
I just renewed my declaration of not needing a tv licence and at the end of the form it wanted me to say when I was planning to start watching tv again, literally put in a date, I managed to find an option "I have no plans to resume watching"
she's been saying shit close to that a few times, definitely more boomerisms, fug.
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A lot of wog money is also tied to the drug trade. The amount of junkie vermin around shows how big the market is.
I'd start looking up cheap local storage units if I were you lad
I got same and did it online and called them paedo enablers on phone last time
definitely a frenchman
I've heard Swiss people talking about their direct democracy, it sound preferable to the bullshit forced down peoples throat in the rest of the West.
Good then stop acting like a failed abortion.
Your source is lying to you lad, <249g needs a flyer ID but it's free and the test is a piece of piss
I'd start looking up ladies skirts if I were you lad

Hense open borders
fast food, barber shops and Quiki Marts with Apu,

I don't buy fast food, I went to the next town today to get a haircut from British people, the local Patel shop does gas and electric top up, I go in there for that, but I never buy anything else there.
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The bloke who edited it is a troon lolcow
The police have to be in the pocket of the Turks not to see the money laundering. I also see a lot of young lads hanging around those places, not doubt the dirty wogs are dealing too.
Paki shops sell things at RRP and sell multipack items as single items.

filthy bastards
kek'd at that reply silly sod
at least you tried eh ..

I highly Recommend Austria or Switz

Go live there ,
langauges is easy to learn
Great job prospects

since when did they have licensing and regulations over fucking DRONES. God this country is suffocating, many small things that add up and make everything un-fun, ooo you need a license for this, renew that, get a test for this.
Multiple places are telling me I need to register it with the CAA while the flyer ID is optional.
Either way it doesn't matter, not gonna register or get the ID.
I think the establishment gets upset if you don't watch tv, it's how they mass brainwash the public and you're not getting your daily dose of indoctrination,
I also don't use a smartphone and this pisses people off too, I can't use their bewilderingly complicated ways of having you never deal with another human,
I won't use those automated checkouts at the supermarket either, I'd rather queue and use a human checkout.
Just because you were conceived because the dog was not available that night, doesn't make you a smart arse m8.
Grow in the basements
Most of the drugges trades in Norfern towns are Albanians ,
the Syrians are the foot soldiers
they used to use East EU Slavs til they all went home to open biz /start fa ms ..

Im saying the Top Guys running the Show is the UK ESTABLISHMENT ..Lords and Pols /Judges ..
What actually has a tv that isn't over 60?
The brainwashing is aimed squarely at boomers as they make up the majority of people who actually bother to vote.
Think they came in after that lad flew his drone around Heathrow some years ago and caused days of disruption.
Interestingly, he's never been caught.
my German isn't too bad, but I'm getting a bit too old to move to a different country, I'm getting uncomfortably close to 60,

but I think you're right, the UK is fucked, I don't think Westminster even understands the damage they're doing, I chat with anyone my age or older and they all have the immigrants and think the economy is fucked,
IDK lad, a rock could do more damage to someones face but I don't need a license to pick up a rock ffs

You're a bad lad
>current year
>willingly obeying the illegal regime

Anon I
Thought this was normal, seen this in every corner shop since I was a kid
emmerdale on soon lads!!!!
I know but its still gay it even exists and in theory some pc plod could go up to anon and go where your floin loicense
I've voted all my life, I don't think anyone I've ever voted for ha been elected though!

don't the Boomers all postal vote, so it's almost guaranteed?
>uncomfortably close to 60
jesus, giving rabbit and elmer a run for their money
Average speed cameras ruin driving for me, I always follow the speed limit anyway but it's annoying having people up your arse cause they want to go faster, especially lorries
BEHAVE new fag


Many big hotels in shitty run down seaside towns are run by Vietnam growers
they do it industrial levels
Coke is still RUN by the Pakis and albainians
the MAJOR IMPORTERS are old white ex doorman /old skool muckers
they can import tonnes of it
where shitskins would get picked up easy

so yeah white brits are still in that game

and I aint mentioned any names as not a grass
plenty of drugges Kiketube crime channels who do
even do vidyas
they try to make out they are TOP COPS

its quite funny their vids
i don't get the overtaking in average speed zones do they all know the cameras don't work? do they not care about being fined? on my commute there's a whole stretch of the M1 that's 50mph and you get tailgated even in the slow lane but i'm not getting fined because some nigger in an Audi wants to go faster but like everyone passes you, are they not getting fined? do they know something i don't?
other drivers ruin it for me, I do it anyway but I wish there were no people on the roads. I think if everyone but me disappeared I would have such a comfy time.
Imagine being over 50 and posting on fucking britpol
Jfc some people really are beyond salvation
>do they know something i don't?
This is what I wonder tbqhwy
They can literally make up any law they want. Was some right wing guy who was convicted a couple of months ago and part of the (((evidence))) was he had a crossbow and some books on Hitler.
As I say we are literally under enemy occupation at this point.
not really much else better to do, its nice to shitpost in here for a bit
i always open my windows and blast classic fm when waiting at traffic lights. some of the looks ive gotten from other drivers have been fucking priceless.
Im older Keks
and State Regd nutter not allowed a passport

I would of gone 17 years ago to Italia , ex fiancee lives out there
but I was in Maghull
Is Seth still in it ...DINGLES RUINED that cumfy show
are you over 70? I wonder who the oldest person to browse brit/pol/ is
The roads were nice during COVID but working in warehouse was arse.
That's what someone screamed at me once when I was picking and they were slow
alri laaa I'm 78 years old, wanna see my willly?
Not sure about the postal votes, it's a big deal for the paki areas though. And same voted Reform as at least it could be counted as a token resistance.
getting there
those temporary 50mph signs are always ignored
i think speed cameras dont get changed to the temporary speed
Why do you write like a failed abortion?
Greatest hits Pop Quiz every morning at 10.30 for me
They didn't brink any women from uzbekistan. Babar wasa chomo faggot. Goqts are sacred foe is and you would 'corrupt' the land so we shouwed you some bitches
Josh nonced his cousins
I've a natural aversion to authority. Don't like the idea of needing a piece of paper or id to show I'm not going to do anything wrong, when I'm not going to be doing anything wrong in the first place.
Fuck them.
What do these peoole do for a living?
it's most definitely over lads
I've either been booted off or voluntarily left all other social media platforms,

I've even been given bans here, you can't say anything anymore without someone taking offence!
fake Josh/pubbes detected
So TRUE .. Funny how it is ...
you can be denied a passport for being a bit mental?
Shut the fuck up josh
I was just wondering why do you spell like a failed abortion. Hope you can clear that for me, gonna make spaghetti now.
Western democracy is definitely over. What replaces it, that is the interesting question.
One of my pet peeves on the roads is if you're going on a main road, that's in a built up area, cars parked along the side of the road, the limits 30, and you've got some cunt up your arse because you're going the limit.
to think we used to RAID shit and were the Bogeymen back then on /b
LMAO he's cooker
Islamic theocracy sponsored by paki wogs who can't code
newfags don't know mair kek
on a court section order for life
Flight risk and danger to society on my CPA
I voted Reform as the only protest vote available, I tell you, things must be pretty bad if I've thrown in my lot with Reform, if I told people who knew me I'd expect them to be shocked.
Gonna order something from just eat tonight
why is jnonce larping as 60yo now?
I used to have a heavy foot back in my Escort cosworth dazes

Now I get ferried about in a cab

heard most of the available graphene went into the vaccines, to build subcutaneous structures with bluetooth connectibility so that nigger bibi can control you from his subterranean bunker with a joystick.

the vaxxed will want a day off but bibi rotates his joystick 360 degrees and off to work you go.
>>Using "likely" when they mean "probably"

And so the conservatives continue down insanity road. I suppose it can't be helped, they didn't get new blood to water it down, they're like a bottle of juice concentrate at this point. That one, yeah. The quad strength one in Tesco.
Most copper wire nowadays is aluminium.

All this stuff will be sent to China for recycling so we can buy it back from them.
oh ok, so if I go to the doctors and tell him I get depressed and suffer from anxiety I'm not going to get some black mark?

I worry being male and white is stigma enough at the moment, every bodies punchbag.
It all started with a girl called Stephanie...
Tesco value meals for £3 still a thing?
are you going to keep an immigrant in work and over here then?
>I worry being male and white is stigma
No lol, you're probably just a low value lad that's why you blame it on your race. Everyone loves white people
Do you think josh nonced his cousins because his grandad nonced him?
>>Scientists have called for people to go “urban mining”
>Should I trust the experts? This sounds like wacky science, not real science.
Toss the copper and electricals in the bin, wrapped in food and clothing waste. Obscure it and send it to landfill.
If they want it they can go get it, the hard way. They say there's money and jobs out there for British people then create the jobs. Either send them round to collect the waste and seek it out or send them to the landfills to seek it out.
Do your patriotic bit today.
£3.50 now I think
Am hungry, lad
Theres SO MANY who see Reform as the only solution now , look at the LAB HEARTLAND losing the coucillor seats recent ..


the reform policies look based af
and all the sums add up too

But I hope the old gammons can support reform, seen loads of younger kids saying reform ..
i dont know prob be ded soon getting bad back pains
make a sandwich
All the cars of that era had a soul to them, they all looked different and good. I miss them.
Modern cars, although good with all the tech, all look soulless and the same now.
Would have loved to have a Mk.4 Cavalier tbqh.
you need to learn to cook ffs,
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>this is a daytime poster
Not even surprised these solar vampires walk the plains.
The thing about being a lorry driver is you can't push the limits cause they accuse you of being a professional when you do something wrong so I have to be on my best behaviour when driving
>copper shortage

Plus, how the fuck is copper used to decarbonise?

They want the copper for the millions of .556x45 cases needed for the coming wars.
Reform is the only party I'm aware of that stands for the things people actually want,
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What happened lads?
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He he he
who's Seth? My favourite character is Ryan who can barely talk properly
Please dont worry
there will be no PIP or disabled bennies soon Thanks REEVES
GET on PIP for the UC /DISABLED component
I will be sorted til Im ded

>Tesco value meals

Still shopping there ..eww
The new electric cars look like cheap plastic when you're close enough. Don't think I'd ever get one. I'd get a hydrogen car if they ever become popular though
I want warm food
I've had a long week and I'm ill, just wanna be a degen and eat something unhealthy
they accuse you of being a professional when you do something wrong

but pay you peanuts when you do everything right?
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Blair moved labour to the center ground forcing the conservatives to move to the right. "One nation conservatives" got sidelined within their own party ..... then the lunatics took over the asylum.
so after running the economy into the ground and flooding the country with wogs for 15 years, they're now going to end benefits so that they can still afford to send money to the Ukraine and Israel?
OMG worse than a paki raping an NHS nurse until she went into cardiac arrest
Why do chavs love going to Florida so much
The Tories moved to the centre under David Cameron though. Then Boris took them rightwards and he didn't care about removing the whip from many centrist Tories.
Disney innit
>I went
name your BASED BELOVED Motors
dont know if being rude ..
I liked working when was fit for it
did a bit of plumbing today ..
Well done ..
Their policies look FAB
LIFE means LIFE no chance release
you couldn't tell Cameron from Blair, but since Cameron did a runner the Tories have gone batshit crazy,
>he didn't care about removing the whip from many centrist
He removed the whip from Ken Clark etc.
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They are a total scam. All great products solve a problem. The problem electric cars claim to solve is environmental damage. But if you do the reading you will discover electromagnetic fields are very harmful to the environment. They killing all the bees
everything useful seems to pay peanuts these days, it's only the building trades doing ok because landlords keep tarting up their properties so they can ask nose bleed rents,
My parents had a Mk.5 diesel Escort estate for a few years, fucking loved that thing.
Can still remember my mum doing over 100 in it on the M20, and it was only a 1.8.
Went to hooters, Disneyland Universal and Gatorland in one week. Whilst having heatstroke. I was actually involved in a news story about the plane making an emergency landing on my way back. When I landed back at the airport the Manchester arena bomb happened or Grenfell I can't remember exactly, cba to check passport stamp
It's nice and there's things to do, sea world, cape Kennedy, universal studios, gatorland, universal studios, lots of beaches, warm weather, americana.
Should I rape a bee
you should fuck off jew
hydrogen car
surprised musk NEVER went down that ROUTE

Pot noodle
My mate was who I drink with was a multi drop/blue chip firm and then they HURT AND Punish Gud drivers
he freelance now loves it

been this since inb4 Jesus

not after Milton ..
It also took hold in Labour too and has been pushed to the extreme there too. That's why people like Starmer, Reeves, Streeting & 4% Kendall are kicking around ministerial posts.
Johnson kicked the "left" out of his party and we've seen Starmer attempt the same too post-Corbyn.

You can see how Labour have doomed themselves too by walking this path.
Starmer got in this time on FPTP with less of the popular vote than Labour did after Corbyn and when they were calling for his head. Starmer was calling for his head. They have no interest in changing FPTP to PR or AV, they don't want to share power, banking on getting in once a blue moon.
If the conservatives or even Reform were to welcome back the sane into their parties and are willing to share power then Labour is in a worse spot than they were under Corbyn. All of it banking entirely on the lib dems and that will not likely happen before another vote for PR/AV.

Ironic really.
Think I'd make a good leader for the country cause I'd do what no one else has and that's listen
Yeah that's what I meant, I should have been clearer, he removed the whip because he was completely careless about everything. He was just being a megalomaniac, like when he tried to prorogue parliament
Post it, Nigel.
Post it next to a cup of Yorkshire Gold.
I feel a combination of rage and amusement whenever I see an electric car ad and it boasts about having a range of over 100 miles which is probably a lot lower in real life conditions. Saw a Dacia ad which displayed it's range then had a slogan saying "it's all you need"
Meanwhile my diesel Golf can get over 300 miles out of half a tank and that's just running around town.
>I've said this before and I'll keep on saying it, because electric cars are shit.
The prorogation was the most based thing to happen in politics since mike Hancock got caught sleeping with a russian spy
Fuck the hydromeme, I am NOT paying £12/gallon
>Then Boris took them rightwards

can't think of a single notable drastically "right of centre" policy that was implemented under Boris
indian incel men seethe because indian women are all fucking white men
FWIW, say what you will about Cameron and how he bungled it at the end leading them down this path trying to avoid the split in his party: His brand of Social Conservatism did appeal to people and many a person down souf and 'ardworkin' tradesman can easily fit into this sect of the electorate.
You appeal to them on hard line issues and so long as they don't get shafted too much or redirect their anger when shafted it can work.

Pass the reigns over to the fringe element in your party you were trying to avoid veering off and well.
Theresa May was their last hope lmao and she got the boot for almost losing to Corbyn.
>I'd start looking up cheap local storage units if I were you lad

do those even exist? when I had a quick look it seemed everything is thousands a year, remember you can't take anything with you so its best to try and reduce your reliance on things you `might' need some day.

it isn't easy trying to get rid of stuff if you want to avoid just dumping it at the tip (very expensive now, the cunts weigh your car on the way in and again on the way out then give you an arbitrary figure you have no choice but to pay), I was given a chit for 30% off because the dude watching saw I was dropping of useable gear and the exit bill was still $45 and I only had a small car. had a purple haired lesbian cashier smirk at me when I told her it was fucking theft.
theyre all so retarded
Aye, that's me. I'll listen, before execution mind you.
Still, it's listening all the same, right? Maybe the next one will change thy mind.
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I had a mk2 RS2000
horrible pait job wanted origional colours
It was a flying machine

At least you had a bOSS get a way

deleted just-eat
deleted deliveroo
deleted mcniggers/kfc app
deleted jewtube acc
deleted faceberg acc

what else lads. feeling like im shacking off the shackles of the jews here
can tha stick it in a pint pot and comes out other end ..keks
If not settle down Grower
uber as they're literally all bame drivers
A 3.2m2 one is around 100/month
I can't delete McDonald's lads, I'd lose my points
>>mk2 RS2000
My dad had an early mark Capri that was a limited edition with a Hoffmann engine. Had to sell it when my older sister came along though.
how's your arse?
We have a Tesla Model 3 Performance. Real world range is about 200 miles. You could make it go further if you did entirely motorway driving, but shorter trips reduce it as does any form of rapid acceleration.

It’s not a bad car at all. It is an appliance and it’s decent enough in all areas. But I don’t feel anything toward it and I don’t look forward to driving it, if that makes sense. It’s fairly comfortable, fairly efficient, cheap to run, fast and drives alright. The boot is large-ish. There is enough room in it for four adults of a normal size. It ticks all the boxes. I cannot recommend them to anyone, though, because it invokes absolutely no emotion in me whatsoever. It’s like recommending someone what washing machine to buy
do this everyday
Corr I could get three happy meals
A good post



the gutteral slimy TWAT ELITEST POLs hate it
What's your go to McDonalds order
I think anon means that Boris took the party back towards the right while continuing to serve his own interests but as a populist.
You did still see Boris use that majority to remove elements he didn't like who he felt could challenge him but I don't think he ever foresaw just how backstabby the party had become.

With Boris the change we saw was more culture warring and inane shit repeated on air by cabinet ministers and that continued into (Truss &) Sunak's reign. Look at who the frontbench and frontline MPs were under Boris.
If Cameron, Osborne, May & Hammond had not come before with austerity then Boris continuing business as usual with his dose of cronyism would have looked out of place.
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Large double quarter pounder meal, choccy milkshake
I drove a TH!NK City years ago, 75 miles range, best little nigga I've ever zipped about in
That story was well buried, normies had forgotten all about it only weeks after it happened. Guarantee if you asked anyone today about it you'd draw a blank
McDonald's are doing 2 burgers 2 fries for 9.99 on just eat, me an me mum get one each
>double quarter pounder meal
Same but they never make it fresh anymore it's always dry af
Fucking hell, used to get 2 burgers and 2 chips for £2 when I was a kid when you'd get the deal on the back of your bus ticket
just say you want extra cheese and they make it specially fresh
>spend all points
>delete app
problem solved innit
Labour are in a position where they need to win support from others and build confidence while treading this sycophantic path. Only they have an anti-corruption PM who looks quite corrupt; only the people he could point to in opposition are now removed from power there's nobody left to look at but him.

Labour would need hard, real results to make the public trust them AND the voters who abstained this time around. They have <5 years to do so and spent their first months on recess and then bickering in Downing Street.
After this election, I can see the party struggling with image, they started with the platform of change, what's next?
back of the bus ticket was a burger and chips for 1.99 when i was at school and I'd redeem two because i loved chicken royales
good shout. forgot i had uber. deleted
How often are you charging it? How long does it take to charge?

The schizo in me wants to think it was a glow op to give a reason for drone laws to be put in place.
Hmm you're right probably and I'm remembering wrong
remember when a quarter pounder meal was £3.50
I c, will try this next time
Was that the fries + big Mac/filet o fish and a drink one?
Need to increase bone density ffs
I ditched Paypal when they started freezing peoples accounts for being politically incorrect,

I don't have a smartphone either, just a dumbphone , it's hella cheap and you can't get roped into using smartphone apps for everything,
Bogan Dave
are you a prepper ?
Get out and do a *Mr Inbetween * lad
BASED and Such Respect
Yeah all RAPIST SHITSKINS after 9pm drivers
Gud luck trying find that uber raper
I had to give it up too
Got engaged and money spent on the Do and then we broke up after she caught me banging her sister ..
Its ok
I did a bit of plumbing at old ladies across the road , new kit taps ,
feeling horrible back pain on Perla now
Maybe its in my spine .. haha
for the haters on reddittors they will loves that ..!
Always the same with McDonalds innit
Are we watching Threads together at 10 lads? I don't want to watch it by myself, I'm already depressed and it might just tip me over the edge.

Also I'm not paying my TV licence fuck you TV license inspectors come get me nerr nerr nerr pfffttthhhh
i remember when amber leaf 12.5g was £3.50
they used to rotate it between McDonald's and burger king. either a big Mac or a m chicken and chips or a whopper or chicken royale if I remember right. don't think quarter pounder was on there
Fucking hell they're bigger than a Smart
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Earl, bus out the snapfax, we're going to Miccy dees and then a trip through the subway to see the king.
Did the English really not have these?
Osteocare from vitabiotics
corrr I remember getting 9 gram gold leaf packets for under 3 quid. remember pall mall? right budget shite
You need some FATS with your VITTY D, pal.
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please explain to me the philosophy of the tory voter who switches his vote to lib dems to cut immigration
how does such an individual even exist?

and not even be mildly bemused by it, but to have it as their TOP PRIORITY for switching.
You guys remembers the Wimpy deals ..?

or Little Chef
bring up packages on the new m6 ..from the smoke
I remember them. Each square would have a deal on it
It depends where I charge it. If I charge it at the Tesla centre it takes about 20 minutes. This will get me about 160 miles of range, which is enough for a week of driving or so
lack of principles
Idk I just feel weak
Have you changed your frying pan yet
And if you charge it at home?
fucking hated wimpy, don't know why, just despised the place. little chef was a great pit stop for a long drive
>please explain to me the philosophy of the tory voter who switches his vote to lib dems to cut immigration
Protest vote in FPTP. It's only to serve a message and little else.
you can stream Threads for free, I don't watch any 'tv' I find what I want to watch online, been doing it since 2016 without paying for a tv licence and all legit.
for me, it's cinego
How much does a charge at Tesla cost ?
Wimpy chocolate fudge cake, corr
I watched it once and once is enough for me.
Was interesting but absolutely depressing.
Never really ate at wimpys, place depresses me just thinking about it.
shit i'm off to /tv/ for the big brother thread soon. got a right slaggy milf on there this year lads
wimpy half pounder was the daddy of burgers
I've no heard of that, archive.org has a lot of stuff on it,
some of the older ones have free supercharging so charge your car totally free im tempted except teslas are total shit in terms of build quality and they keep doing faggot shit like disabling seat motors if you actually use them
Are leisure cards still a thing?
If STALIN had come out and said we FUCKED UP , NO WINTER FUEL ..

then ..only then ..
If you had been BAOR in 80s.
you would HAVE that KINO tattoed in your brain ..

SERIOUSLY NO ONE OUTSIDE here EVER talks about lib dem or Tories now ..

THEY ARE THE WHITE DOG SHIT we talk about from the 70s

Bit Harsh anon .. but true
cinego dot TV for all your shite, currently researching the X files eating my thc bon bons kek
They are here but they're not worth it.
Think council has been tanking the leisure centres so they can close 'em all down.
Stick it on overnight. I don’t charge it at home often because most of the time it gets charged at work when I need to (who pay for it). In my own time I’ll use the Tesla chargers

Fag packet maths but if I did the same mileage but purely home charging it’d cost me about £60 a month for 8-9k miles per year
I heard the overnight ratings are dogshite
I must have gone through about 5 of these sites, got to really like them, then one day they get closed down and I have to find another,

the Jew hates you getting free entertainment.
it's a kind of ritual lad, i like people watching so it suits me down to the ground
yeah man, watchseriesx got shut down so yandex found me cinego. the layouts are all pretty much the same and adblock sorts out the rest. god i would've given young Gillian Anderson one and two and three fuck me lad
I hate councils so much
Probably go look at one. Their quality control was inconsistent and you will get some cars with weird panel gaps. I got a good one, but it’s not as well put together as my mates. It’s miles better than others I’ve seen, though. Keep in mind that you do hear everything that you don’t with a conventional car

From flat to full it’s about £45. I tend to charge from 15-85 percent though
>is that an RS you’ve got there?
Ever played the ps1 xfiles game?

I will never go to a public swimming pool again, utterly disgusting experience these days
I used to watch it years ago when it had a proper live feed
Ah right
Still got a Wimpy in Kilmarnock
On paper it doesn't sound too bad tbqh
nah man i was a kid with a ps1 who loved playing worms world party and crash bandicoot
Remember when Channel 4 used to switch to the live feed during the early hours?
Quarter pounder with cheese, extra special sauce
BRILLIANT food and extras
TEA tV on firestick
Yum yum .. yummy

The thing you lads forget was the bored roadside waitresses
they were Easy pickings
if you a traveller up from smoke bringing parcels up Norfern
Based were the Brummie wimpy lasses
Hated the West Indies NIG-NOGS /NASTY BRUTEs
Come out with me
whether believe you believe or not
dont care ..
Gud times inded
i stuck a needle in my arse today
They chew tyres for fun and the Performance acceleration gets old after about five minutes. You wouldn’t regret buying one (much like a washing machine) but you’re not likely to look back at it when putting it in a car park space, if you know what I mean
are you going to be paying the luxury car tax etc next year?
i see cunt khan is also going to charge for congestion etc despite telling people to go buy an EV because you don't have to pay these taxes.. another thing that irks me is cunt musk says that the reason a tesla is like $35,000 in the US which would be £26,000 but is more or less £40,000 is "muh taxes". Yet I can import one from the USA, pay the tax and it would be more like £30,000. Fucking african nigger
Roid rage imminent
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Would you lads live in this?
Yeah I used to enjoy the feeds more than the shows.
it wasnt even roids
yeah i would. but fuck getting a bus loicense i could proper nicely live in that. could get me starlink n 5G and some lithium batts n an inverter and panels n shit. travel around
do i get the rock band and staff with it?
Yeah but we’ve got a load of cars, so we were always expecting that anyway. As a household we pay nearly £6k a year in VED. My cars, my bike, our lasses car, eldest sons car, daughters car, truck, RV and the family car

I eagerly await what they’ll dream up next
Business idea:

Convert an ice-cream van into a mobile vape shop
hope a bin lorry runs over your family for christmas
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business idea: sell drugs
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You'd probably pull a few birds with it
business idea: take them
not what i asked
any artisan thread crafters in
Any vendors flashing the klm stamp, stay away
Yeah not origional colours
silly twat had sprayed it Gloss black
ruined the ..t. look
Brilliant lets get there .
haven't seen that one. TISOT and XFIR are fucking bangers though.
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Or a mobile barbers
Moonstone blue
It’s a big one, Four Winds chassis and a 6.8 in it. I don’t like calling it a camper because that gives people a mental image of a hacked up Transit van
VAPES going next under REEVES

fair nuff, thought you were mutted zoomer for a moment but i guess it's fair to call a mutt motor an RV if it is one. I would like a motorhome but I passed me test too late and can't drive anything over 3.5 ton now. fucking communist bastards yet some fucking boomer who never had to sit a theory test or a hazard test can go drive fucking gigatons of whatever
WAS DONE in the 60s and 70s .. all over on council estates

Have a word the JOCK DRUGGES MOB about the ICE CREAM WARS
Don't care
Origional factory colours ..

Back then then..

You wanna race me ?
Only guys beat me around Madchester were Greasers on 750 Throttle machines ..

How in early 80s I was known as a driver /but safe ..not TWOCC

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