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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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It is WWIII and Taylor Swift puts out a viral hit single called "No soldier. No Thanks." followed by a concept album that is pro military. She even goes as far as to publicly shame and break up with Travis Kelcie for not joining the war effort.

All songs on the album are about how women should only seek men willing to go to war for their country and to shame all men who don't. During her tour to promote the album, she dances around in white feathers as she sings. Each female attendee is gifted a white feather to give to a man who has not enlisted. Every show ends with white feathers falling from the ceiling like confetti.

What do? How will you not succumb to the feminine peer pressure?
nobody cares what forever single cat owning tailor swyft roasties think
What about x
What would you do x
Why is x
How about x
>what will you do, when women who wont fuck you now, say they still wont fuck you unless you die in the desert?
tough one. kek.
>her fans to hand out white feathers
They wouldn't have the balls. It would literally get them killed and women are very risk averse.
#Metoo permanently and irrevocably shattered the social contract between men and women as well as men and the government. If they wanna promote gay sex in a 3rd world shithole at gun point they can do it themselves.
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what is Taytay's take on the Israel vs Palestine situation?
puss isn't as valuable anymore like it used to be desu
something similar has already occurred
Stick that feather in my cap and call it macaroni
I'm 100% mgtow I couldn't give a shit about what any woman on earth thinks.
>What will you do when Taylor Swift tells her fans to hand out white feathers to non-enlisted men?

hand it right back to them and say "You're a strong independent woman, you don't need a man fighting your battles for you"
Fuck off, heeb
declare myself chief and deport her to europe
Stick a feather in my cap and call it macaroni
russia is hillary's fight. her supporters can fight her battles for her.
She would do it for the money.
/pol/ won't fall for it. Reddit will.
good one
>what will disaffected men who despise women do when women try to shame them?
More than likely either ignore the bitches, or punch them in the face.
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I'm going to make a headdress
Laugh when some clapped out 40 year old HR roastie thinks she can shame me into dying for her. Fucking "swifties" aren't a demo you'd want to associate with.
>Taylor Swift
>Born in usa
>In the United States armed forces, however, it is used to signify extraordinary bravery and excellence in combat marksmanship.
They’ll have to do better than teylor swift. Eilish consistently outranks her in the charts
literally do nothing
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start a fletching business
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I didn't give in to peer pressure when (((they))) were pushing the vax, and I won't when the kikes push for another war either.
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It's the current year anon and science says women are 100% equal to men in all aspect. I am looking forward to fighting with tay tay on the front lines.
>another smoking shill thread
Kill yourself you evil Jew scum
Women lost the ability to pressure millions of single, resentful, lonely men. What is the threat? The only threat they ever had was "we wont have sex with you" which is what shaming from women always amounts to. But how can this work on a man who already has accepted he wont fuck them anyway no matter what?
wwiii against fucking who?
there is no one for the west to fight a wwiii against.
the only power that comes close to it is China, and China is where west has outsourced a large chunk of its low skill manufacturing to.
why would you go to war with your own workshop?
who the fuck else is there to have wwiii with?
africa? militarily incompetent and too poor and too unstable.
south east asia? too divided, is pro-western and hates china, and is too divided.
muslim world? militarily incompetent and too poor and too unstable.
south america? militarily incompetent and too poor and too unstable.
russia? it already has its hands full just fighting ukraine.

fucking who?
all these fucking zomer spergs
between WHO???
>Imagine some woman coming up and calling you a coward to your face, and not simply raping them
Men back in the day had societal obligations to care what women want. I dont. Women dont owe me anything and I dont owe them anything. Woman being robbed on the subway? Not my problem.
Woman being raped and killed for giving some guy a white feather? Again, not my problem.
If women want me to care about women, then maybe they shouldnt have shredded the social contract theory.
Based and heya hoya pilled.
In the 18th century, young wealthy men in Britain who were coming of age would go on a “grand tour.” It was the equivalent of the 1980’s concept of “backpacking through Europe.”

One of the stops was Italy, where that person would eat macaroni. It was a rare food and not found outside of Italy at the time. When they returned, they were said to be part of the “macaroni club.”

When the song was written, the newest term for people who were into things like high fashion and fine foods was “dandy.” Prior to that, “macaroni” was the term used to describe the hipsters of their day and the things they liked.

Anyway the correct answer is violence.

Actually the threat is death
Why would I ever care what women other than my wife and mother think? That would be ducking retarded.
this. own it and continue on. ill be sure to fake being a soldier after the war is over for the clout, though.
I will bodyslam any and all women who hands me a white feather.
And after all the white men have died in the war, her next album will be about getting impregnated by brownies.
Eat their face off while on bath salts
Give them one too. Why haven't they gone to fight? Fucking coward equality seekers.
Dude, if uncle sam needs your help, stop being a pussy and fight for your country.
how hot is this hypothetical self righteous fan?
Death is what you get if you go along with it.
Being handed a white feather from a junkie-looking coalburner? I would laugh.
>oh cool another feather for my collection
This retarded boomer thread again

Go stick a feather up your ass, grandma
>your country
Sorry, but why should I die for a system that no only says my ethnicity doesn't exist, but that I have no specific uniqueness as a member of that ethnicity in this particular place?
If diversity is a strength, let the diversity do the fighting.
I was at a bar that was playing some mainstream propoganda slop on the tv, must have mentioned israel or Iran when some orclike entity in ill fitted camo grunted out something about "weak men scared to fight for their country"
I out loud said people just aren't stupid enough to go die plinking sand monkeys for israeli interests while bean hordes piledrive our home country anymore. His souless gaze locked on me as he started espouting his service record like the McDonald's menu. I said that's quite impressive for a faggot droning brown kids from the safety of 2 countries over.
This must've set off his programming and fired off what little neurons he still had. Couldn't even tell you what the mystery meat monster was squeeling as he thrashed on that poor barstool's unbreakable will.
I scoffed at the spectacle which had to have activated his kill mode. The frothing mess lurched forward and all it took was mild reactive response of avoidance to sidestep and watch the golem trip on himself and come crashing down.
I sat on this beanbag's back and slapped it on the back of his head. He was already teary eyed and farting profusely in impotent rage. Once the whole bar was splitting their sides in laughter I got off and told him it's ok, no hard feelings. The creature scampered away in fright (I guess having to actually fight for once in it's life was too daunting).
Someone yelled out "Simper Fag!" as it barreled out the doors.
Anyway good luck to the homos and losers set up with recruitment duty. Hope you like the taste of Remington-brand pepper
surender hohol, the war is over
Yes, I believe everyone already knows that.

The correcter answer would be trial by combat with your accuser.
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First thing is that equality means women should be on the rolls to enlist as well.
Second thing is that everyone is better off staying home because these wars are just money-making schemes for big corporations.
Third thing is there would be backlash for the ZOG using one half the population to coerce the other half.
shouldnt you be on the frontlines right now? your jew overlord really needs you
I will go if I can gloryhole a handful of used up 25 year old roastie swifties
Nigger wat
/thread. Taylor Swift is only 5 years away from being fucking 40 lmao
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>fight for your country
I live in an economic zone where kicking out foreign rapists and murderers is a violation of their heckin' rights.
Slap her full force across the face and walk away saying nothing.
Checked and KEK'd
Make myself a head dress and maybe a coat out of it
I also buy shit loads of white chickens so I can sell the feathers, skipping the bleaching process and sell it for double the price cuz "organic"

Also, there is no pressure, might as well have an existential crisis when the bigger calls you poor for not giving him money
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Wear them proudly in your cap and call it macaroni
It's time for woman to step up. They should be fighting in WW3 on the frontlines.
If you want white boys to die in your wars then:
1) kick out the minorities and restore the nation to AT LEAST 1940s demographics,
2) shelve all the liberal (both upper-case L and lower-case L) shit
Then we'll TALK about maybe doing it.
Will there be a bounty on absent draftees?
Start wearing a fuckload of white feathers all over my clothes when in public I guess, making a statement that I am not going to die in the desert in this one.
>your country.
the "country" is a israeli colony
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>Pov the qt 3.14 I have a crush on hands me a white feather
>what will you do
smile and nod to any man I see beating the absolute shit out a cuntoid for handing him a white feather. Refuse to convict any man for beating his wife or gf. Raise my glass and cheer any man slapping around a cuntoid at the bar. Laugh and keep walking if I see a hooker being dumped limply out of a car. Sneer and look the other way if I see a cuntoid screaming for help.

no my female not my problem: let them be strong and independent.
do not give time nor attention nor money nor assistance nor resources to any woman who is not your OBEDIENT loyal and submissive wife and mother of only your children.
end women's rights
enforce monogamy
end all government handouts
do you now currently give a shit what women say about anything?
and why wouldn't you draft women too? are you against equality?
Her star power is vastly overstated. There are no true pop stars anymore. The industry can't force and curate entertainment anymore because we have the internet. A handful of record label execs with small hats can't gatekeep anymore.
Why would they want to cause more chaos inside the country? Are they retarded?
if Taylor Swift actually somehow goes this route I will make it my mission to find her and skull fuck her eye socket till she dies.
Says the guy who is supposed to be fighting for his country right now
fill a pillow with those feathers and sleep on it like a baby
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Oh, I am waiting for that!
>Why aren't you dying for Israel?
Because I believe we need to get Toxic masculinity out of the military and men should not be allowed in the armed services.
>What? That sounds like coward speak
Why haven't you enlisted?
Why haven't you enlisted? There is nothing stopping women from enlistment and I have been told the future is female.
>I... Ummm.
Why do you hate the Jews and Israel when they need you the most.
>*runs away*
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I'd go Dexter on them by which I mean I'd pimp slap them so hard they will tell the police I had 4 hands.
White feathers don't mean the samething here, they'd just tank your credit rating or garnish your wages for the war or something, if they get really desperate they'll just do like the ukraine does and kidnap you so they can waterboard your ass the next time they catch you outside your mom's basement.
Why would incels get pussy just for enlisting? Are you actually retarded? The few that return from ww3 will be mangled beyond recognition. And by the way, I can't even be drafted cuz muh diabetus. He'll, they won't even take me as a volunteer.
It doesn't matter
BLumpf will just activate selective service
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We have "equality" now. They systematically excommunicated white men. A white man isn't welcome here, his dignity and right of home was undermined and destroyed. The mere mention of something like dignity in relation to a white man will cause a demeaning spiteful reaction in the modern woman. They hate men for who they are. I was supposed to accept a world where white men are the bottom of the barrel in our very own home while women and foreigners were praised for merely existing and showing up in our country. This isn't my society, it's theirs, so they should enlist.
Don't you stick it in your hat and call it macaroni?
The obvious answer is to give it right back.
She probably can't have kids. Too old. Biology doesn't care if you are a billionaire. Honestly she needs to stop the game of having a fake boyfriend for PR purposes and get cream-pied during the fertile part of her menstrual cycle by an Aryan Swede. It is her biological duty to the White race.
weird fantasy
get a job
wash your ass
>your country.
the country that butt fucked me in divorce court when she was the one that cheated?
the country that shits on men like me at every opportunity in every media outlet and has done so for decades?
the country that steals my money through taxes and makes a cuckold of me by giving the money to indolent sheboons and goblinas and single mothers?
the country that pushes me aside to hire a bunch of dei retards instead? That passes me up for promotion in favor of some cuntoid with half the experience?
the country that tells me to pay my fair share of taxes when men like me are the only ones contributing taxes in the first place?

that country?

that country better be damned grateful I decide NOT to fight...
and should be terrified of men like me running out of patience.
No White man with even half a clue is willing to serve a country that is so openly hostile to him. To go kill foreigners his government continues to import even as it sends him off to kill or be killed by them overseas. You destroyed his community and excluded him from the horrific imitation you replaced it with.

These fat loudmouth tatted whores already call him a racist nazi virgin closet homo micro dick school shooter insurrectionist russian bot terrorist chud on a daily basis. Why would he give a shit if they pivoted to calling him a coward, traitor, draft dodger, etc?

Muh high IQ kikes didn't think this one through kek.
Imagine fighting for a system that hates you, treats you like cattle and keeps you perpetually poor and maidenless. If the war breaks out, I will be hunting down rich kids.
Why aren't you at the front? Or are you 60 miles away piloting warcrime drones?
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this is America's 'white feather' moment

get your ruck sacks ready ZOGBOTS, you're about to go die for Israel
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I have a plan for every retarded enlistment campaign that they have coming.
No thank you, I serve my country by sexually satisfying the wives of deployed soldiers and inseminating them to replenish our enlistment numbers. You may thank me for my service!

>OMG military is paying so much money!
I don't believe in materialism as I am a man of God.

>Who do you want to win? Israel or the terrorists?
The Knights Templar.

>What are you gonna do if there is ANOTHER terror attack?
Well seeing as on 9/11 Saudi Arabian hijackers funded by the Saudi Arabian government flew planes into the most defended airspace on earth using nothing but box cutters and all the generals in charge that day not only didn't so much as lose their jobs for the greatest security failure in American history but stayed on track to recieve promotions before mysterious Anthrax from a lab from Virginia got mailed out saying "death to America, death to Israel" then clearly I am going to convert to Islam cause if these retards can't do their job with every tool available to them it's obvious we don't stand a chance and giving them more money and rights will do nothing.
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>All songs on the album
ive never listened to a taylor swift song because i am not a faggot
>running out of patience.
Saint Anon, you took all that and still have patience?
>Laughs in gay
Probably kiss my twink and put on some Gloryhammer.
We're gonna die anyway, bootlicker. Might as well die fighting the real enemies.
for now, Nigel...
but really, aren't we the same, you and I? Your country, the land of both our forefathers, is in even worse condition is it not?
No sir I will not die for Israel or Ukraine.
I won’t care, at the point nuclear war is guaranteed and we all melt and anyone who survives will be addicted to animated child porn and die a virgin like what happened to the japs.
Trannies can't have kids, anon.
The various transvestigation videos on Swift are damning.
Give me a white feather and I'll give you one back. Everyone's eligible for the draft in <current year>!
Why would I speak to a woman, or in other words, if a woman gives me something to symbolically say "I want you to die" why would I take it and then go die?
Do you have dementia?
I'm 4 months sober and can probably pass a drug test.
Just need to get my running up.
I'm volunteering, fuck being a conscript.
Also she's a muh lesbian. No one gives a fuck what rug munchers think.
you punch them in the face
i don't understand why this is a big deal
We shall hand them back a mirror & the 'Scarlett Feather' of vanity, feminism, abortion and infidelity.
>What will you do when Taylor Swift tells her fans to hand out white feathers to non-enlisted men?
Inform them that I am in a reserved occupation and during war I am not allowed to quit my job, nor enlist in the military, and ask them why they have not enlisted since women are conscripted on the same grounds as men here.
start lynching celebrities and roasties
I will laugh at the attempt to revive a long-dead social artefact in a socially isolated world and go back to gooning. Honestly kikes are so retarded with their agitprop here sometimes.

I'd collect and wear all the white feathers I can. I would construct new clothes made purely out of white feathers and proudly wear them in public, screaming "I HATE ZIONISTS! I HATE ZIONISTS!" everywhere I go.
>What do?
I'm married with flat feet. Nothing. The most powerful thing to do against the government is just not play their games. Out of all the Vietnam dodgers only about 50 were prosecuted.
>How will you not succumb to the feminine peer pressure?
Besides my wife, my mom, and sometimes my sister I barely talk to the opposite sex anymore nor do I ever go out of my way to do so.
Behold! The Swan of Amalek!
Stick the white feather in the shite pussy.
Don't play their own bullshit game
No hymen, no thanks by Billy Buttnaked and the Ballbeaters...
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40 will be the end of her
wouldn't surprise me if she was lying about her age too
>sorry i identify as someone who doesnt go to war
>are you hatespeeching me
Then i turn 360 and walk away
She's BRAT
Why should I not say "I'm literally not allowed to" and "why haven't you, equality bitch?" if someone tries to shame me into enlisting?
So why are you in Kiev and not the last defesive position in Donbas?
Because it's fucking everywhere. Women in the past knew to keep it scare and keep it valuable. They squandered it. You can spend all year looking at different vaginas all day. In the 80s you had to work for every glimpse of that shit. And it was a treat. Now it's like
>Yeah, big deal slut, you and every OF camwhore.
>caring about women's opinions
Neither one has the talent God gave a snail.
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Would be a real shame if I accidentally informed the migrants she voted for living down the street her husband / father is off at war and she’s home alone with no firearms. Or her dog eats too much potion of damage in Minecraft

Kill yourself shill
let's confuse the bot who posted this thread. Post the most nonsensical shit you can think of and make sure to sage.
Nice cathedral. Where?
my husband is already an nco and will likely get his commission upon reenlistment. i'm just proud of him and wanted to share.
I agree -fuck being a conscript.
I agree with being sober and working on your cardio.
I agree with you volunteering to fight.
But fight for yourself and your people on your home ground. Fight against those that would enslave you, sacrifice you.
Fight the vans.

Military people are trash
Check out the brains on Brad
Rape her fan girls
well the alternative was to stay home taking care his meth-addled family who hate him for being a decent human being. the military is gay as fuck but it still provides an escape for people who need it.
Based 80's gen xer who had to work to see pussy.
Made us better than the degenerate free love boomers, harder than than millennials with their internet addicted sluts.
I already fought in zog war 2, and saw the fall of the Burger King trailer in Al Kut. Nah, just gonna watch zoomies get exploded while nasheed plays.
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This is a demoralization thread. Stop it.
spit on them and then at some point if its happened too many times Ill beat one within an inch of their life
I’m not gay, but I would put it in Tay-Tay’s pooper in a heartbeat.
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I'm gonna make a Indian feather headdress out of them.
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yeah but when all the men are off to war they'll fuck us for being rebellious bad boys
and also by virtue of the fact that there is no one else around to suck (feed) and fuck(seed).
First, tits or gtfo.
Second, the military takes men away from their families, so that they don't stay and improve them and their futures.
Abandoning your family to serve zog's interests is not a mark of virtue.
Finally, no one gets a commission for reenlisting, you parasitic twat. You earn a commission through OCS or a program like that, if you can complete it (18 out of 88 graduated in my class) or a "direct/battlefield " commission.
Go make him a sandwich and get offline. He should beat you for trying to talk to strange men.
fucking a man makes you gay, so you would be gay. Swift is an obvious tran once you look.
kek i hadnt thought of this but it's true
the first thing a man needs to know about women is that they are all complete hypocrites all the time
I would build an armored T-rex mechsuit and glue all the white feathers given to me to the outside. I would then terrorize DC jews with it.

Literally each and every celeb, singers actor, talking heads, whatever, who is famous on the global stage at one point of their life simply bent over for some jew producer to fuck their ass. Let them be male or female Swift of Bieber, whoever you see on the screen got fucked.
Why in the seven hell should someone with at least a bit of autonomy give any fuck about their opinions, things they think or say?
Answer me, since 10 out of 10 fan could not.
All the chad resistance fighters who stay and fight the vans will be getting the women. Women only respect strength, no matter what they say.
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imagine being retarded enough to stay in the west as this shit unfolds. ill be in south america chilling
>She even goes as far as to publicly shame and break up with Travis Kelcie for not joining the war effort.

I was expecting him to enlist. Or seek an officers commission.

Having him draft dodge sets too good an example for men to follow.
>What will you do
Ask the roastie what her deployment date to the war's front line is. If she doesn't have one, laugh in her face and call her a coward
"Gender equality" just means that women get to have their cake and eat it too. They never wanted equality.
I don't care what women think of me
>What will you do when
Shake it off, shake it off....
is an anagram for
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>hand her the feather back
>you're a strong, independent woman
>go kick that chinese/russian fascist ass, gurl
Sorry, not dying for kike globalists.
We have conscription for women since a few years back anon. All the 19 year old girls have to go to the military along with the boys.
Her name is Becky though, or was it BACKy, another Metaphor for original european Back-ies
>preset captcha
Kek. This. Why should I care what some stranger things about me on the street?
>What will you do when Taylor Swift tells her fans to hand out white feathers to non-enlisted men?
That used to work when society had honor on their mind.
Not such a thing anymore
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after p diddy, i wonder who railed t swifty up the anus when she was 12
All Swifties shall serve. The military is no place for a man.
Make a hat out of the feathers. It might help a little in the nuclear winter.
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Imagine ever wanting to date a woman who listens to that slop in the first place.
That's the death knell for your country.
Having child bearing women fighting for others rather than making more babies to strengthen your society is hebrew tactic #1.
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Gonna make a comfy pillow with em
It also makes it impossible for women to hand out white feathers without the automatic reply of "why aren't you enlisting then?". Since I'm in a reserved occupation and am not allowed to enlist even if I wanted to you can bet your ass I'll hand them out to women left and right. They wanted equality, now have at it.
/end thread
Combat roles are desegregated. I'm gonna be giving every 20 something woman i see a feather
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Whatever her handlers want it to be
You don't think we can win the war with black girl magic alone?
Laugh in their faces and repeat nigger until they go away, this is what I've done for every woke movement over the past few years, though less literally - when I hear rap music in public I loudly proclaim that it sounds like the ghetto, when I see black people I ask my wife why it smells like a zoo, niggers are too weak to approach me about it
>give to a man who has not enlisted
I would say to her: Oh golly you've convinced me, you are incredible beautiful and I want to protect you at all costs, now the least that you can do is join me for a drink. Then I'd run game in an attempt to fuck her.
Then I'd ghost her, and carry on with my normal non-war life.
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Roasties have no power over men and they can go get dronestriked if they care so much.
Can you imagine the comfy kino?
Private Shiniqua waddling about while death descends from the sky. Lt. Aisha crying out Aiden's name as a glorious fireball oven roasts the beef perfectly within the APV. Sgt. Fefail screams and cries incoherently while the camera zooms in on her crying "I am strong and independent! I am!" while we watch the war theater in surround sound while eating tendies?
>Taylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor SwiftTaylor Swift
the mistake that you are making is that you assume that none of the wars we have fought overseas will not come back home with us. NEVER assume your enemy does not possess the ability to strike you. Especially when your only evidence is anecdotal at best. When all else fails they will take you to war it doesn't have to make sense it just has to be possible and in line with the agenda.
I love how the bull is just looking at her like
> wtf you serious, lil gurrl?
Yes, but here guns are very expensive. Ammo non-existent.
That traps are in fact gay men mimicking women.
based as FUCK bro except America will lose the war
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Can you be normal /pol/?
swifties are the worst parts of glowies and karens in one package, I hope they all die
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>how will I ignore women

is that a question
I already served, but if someone gave me a white feather I would chimp out (10x worse than fentanyl floyd)
>woman hands me feather
>hand it back to her
ur up hoe, equality, to the front lines u go
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>to the last hohol

Ngl, I haven't had so much fun watching subhumans go commit sodoku since I played the Lemmings games
The jews aren't going to manipulate me through women to fight for them. It's not happening.
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are you the faggot who keeps making threads about white feathers and cringe AI images of it? It's not a thing for one, and 2 you need to get back on your meds. What an abhorrent post, go back to the LGBT board you fucking loser
>Girls cold approaching men in the modern day
Would be funny.
If a bitch puts a white feather on you, you, by law, have the right to slap the fuck out of here for assault.
Kiss her.
Tpbp. Seems like 1pbtid op didn't really think this thru. Women have openly made it clearly that between 60-80% of men are undateable and unfuckable unless the woman gets real benefits.
>What would you do
Laugh at the normies, simps, and cucks that fall for it
give it back to the women, since theyre eligible to die for the jews now as well. do some autistic screeching on top of that about equality and they'll be going home crying and cursing
Why in the hell would I care about that? I'm a 43 year old man. Greetings from Kazakhstan.
Yup. Back into the kitchen they go.
Greetings. From. Kazakhstan.
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I want a white feather! I want a white feather! I want a white feather! I want a white feather! I want a white feather! I want a white feather! I want a white feather! I want a white feather! Can I get a white feather?
Good idea, but maybe incorporate a DDT or a German suplex? A piledriver?
I'll collect a lot of feathers and they will eventually become a heirloom, so even 5 generations down my ancestors will know their great-great-great-grandfather wasn't a pozzed NPC, and learn from the example.
I mean go ahead and look back how that worked out in WW1, lmao.
>for the fucking britbongs no less
They deserve their fate.
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I don't get laid now and I won't get laid then. What's the fucking difference?
Sounds based af. I think the CIA should even sponsor her this album.

If you don’t think this is a good idea, you are literally gay or a women.
The fact that this demoralization thread is pushed shows that 4chan is subverted by foreign intelligence that wants to lower western conbat readiness.

How the fuck does this stupid ass hypothetical never-gonna-happen thread have 198 replies
Because foreign intelligence services try to lower western combat readiness by pushing these threads. Simple as. A lot of chinese and russian hands typing here, be alert
ur mom
Domestic intelligence has ruined our nations. You will get no loyalty with all these foreigners around.
This is an option. Checked.
Kill yourself you evil Jew scum
Permaban me please
Do you really think men today are going to be shamed by women? It’s simply not possible. Men don’t even approach women anymore.
I'll put that feather in my hat and wear it like a medal
Can you link one? I know "she" is a dude, I just want to tell other people because it's funny.
Beta Cuck
If it's a war effort Taylor Swift supports, it's likely one not worth supporting. so I won't give a fuck
Thanks for answering a question nobody asked. Israel says thanks goyim!
A draft in USA will cause riots so bad martial law will be declared which will result in a slow boil civil war.

Why would blacks and minority groups go die after you just gave them protected status.

Go die white boys. It's what you wanted.
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Laugh at them and Do a heyaaa heyoooo heyaaaaa heyoooo
I would unironically do it
No shame no anything
Scream it out of my lungs while beating a drum for everyone to hear me
I didn't understand your fucking post
Refuse war and proceed to put women into barns, where they will be bred and milked to the full extent of efficiency granted by human Zootechnics, and then unceremoniously disposed of with a pneumatic needle when their bodies are spent and unproductive.
i will do what i always do:
>What do?
Absolutely nothing, per the Luigi Doctrine.
Don't forget that most of them have been tainted by the vax. Breeding vaxxed mutants would be a horrible mistake.
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>die for jude over pussy I won't get

Yeah, schlomo, I'm going to get a a white feather and go put a bullet in the first kike or zogDog I can get my hands on. Maybe I'll be patient with my pick, but I'm not dodging the draft, I'm fighting the war at home. Fuck you.
>Oy vey boyim, anyone claiming you shouldn't serve your enemies is an enemy!
Technology's advanced a long way in 80 years. Wanna see the latest model of oven?
the cucks are the ones who go die for zog because they're afraid of vilification
Testosterone influences behavior and mindset. So, Check your testosterone levels, they seem low.
Wanting to get dominated by chinese soldiers seems like a very Submissive thing to do, but maybe you are into that
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I will tweet "Could you imagine if the situation were reversed?"

>But what if you didn't have x this y?
ill just add it to my collection
“Dont Die for zog” is the usual excuse cucks use to rationalize their subversive, lazy behavior. Imagine if your great-great grandfather would see you. A cuck who wouldn’t even serve his country. Embarrassing, go change your gender to a women, because that’s how you are behaving. Risk-averse like a women, “war bad” like a women, “i only care about myself” like a women. YOU ARE A WOMEN.
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>You're not a Real Man if you're not dominated by jews
Go get aloha snackbared the next time you leave your zogbot base, humans are speaking.
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>Caring about the opinions of women
Alright, I wouldn't really care. Not that things are different now, lol. Last time I checked, there weren't any girls swarming or even looking at me, so I'll just enjoy chilling at home while the war heroes shit their pants cause a drone flies towards them.
Why are you not fighting though!
Go fight faggot
you totally convinced to go fight for jews, well done, faggot
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I don't even know who my grandfather is because of you filthy jews, but if he was worth anything he'd realize Weimerica was on the wrong side on Zog War 1 and the wrong side in Zog War 2 and he'd be happy I'm on the right side of Zog War 3.
Now go livestream your drone assisted suicide, humans are speaking.
The soldies of zog
Also kek
That's how high trust WHITE communities are made :^3
why would I fight whites for the benefit of faggots and mutts?
I'll kick a bitch in the fucking face if she tries to use a feather to tell me my only worth as a human being is to go off and die for jews. I will literally murder a bitch.
Only low quality women listen to songs about breaking up with your boyfriend and being a bitch.
Of they will
Trust me
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I'll call it eugenics and hope every last swifty buys the bullshit she is spouting and goes and dies in war. The world will be a better place. lmao!
The same retards that drink Paul Logan drinks and eat Mr.Beast candy bars are the same retards that worship some troon celebrity. Good riddance.
That name Travis always sounded like Trans to me
The dependopatamus is weighing in guys (large number)
You fat cow. How many miles of Jodie cock have you sucked inside your fetid orphices? 1000? 10000? Doing you would be like doing PT. It would be long, it would suck, it would feel like you'd never get there, but you would take solace in the fact that it sucks for other guys too
Okay, but why/what do I get in return?
Your countrymen didn't stop and ask that question, now they're dying/losing limbs for literally no change in their life whether or not Russia rules over you lol
This is not my country, my country exists in myth now.
Maybe I'll fight for the myth, but I am not fighting for my slavers.
No, I won't.
The tranny pill is one that almost everyone will reject until they are ready. Until then, they don't want to think about how they have been fooled, the scope of the operation, and how they've jacked off to these trannies thinking they are women.
It is better if they start with Plato's thoughts on actors, the history of women's roles on the stage, the pictures of early famous "actresses" like Sarah Bernhardt and Dana Durbin and work forward from there.
Until they are ready to see, you will just be regarded as crazy for pointing out what is now obvious to you.
It is this way with everything.
They don't have the balls
Ill have a massive indian hat
The kitchen's not enough. Cunts belong in prisons being raped by their "average" masters, have their clits and labia removed and be forced to birth kids until they die from it.
From trees, cunts shall hang.
You are a women that rationalizes its risk-averse women behavior with simple antisemitism. Now, go to Dr. Goldstein and change your gender to a women.
She has more sway on public opinion than most world leaders...
Shame only works on fefails, retard-kun.
>equal rights
>women can enlist now
>somehow the burden of soldiering is gonna be 100% on men
There are reasons why this double stardard is acceptable, but you can easily throw it back at them. They can't have their cake and eat it too, this is some WWI shit. If they want to treat you like its 1910, do the same.
My nigga
I can't be shamed because I have a BWC
There is no words that can cut me low when I'm lugging around my fat White pork-sword
And who exactly is it demoralizing?
imagine some troon walking up and giving you a feather kek
Considering she does what she can to gather more money before her hype ends I would buy the album and the thousand versions of no soldier no thanks (sad widow remix)
Yes. A lot of global south hands typing in here.
I hope they have to tell their officers “ho lee fuk, the westerners aren’t as weak as we thought”
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Based. Stay comfy fren.
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The state sponsored eunuch like Taylor Swift has existed for thousands of years. They called them köçeks in Turkey and 宦官 in China. They were queer effeminate sterilized men who dance, pretend they are women and perform sex acts for other men. Taylor Swift is one secretly, a white variety created by Jews.
i will punch any woman in the fucking face who tries to shame me into fighting for this shithole
Show me your hands. No, in fact, show me your forearm on the inside. If i don’t see blue veins, your opinion will be discarded. If i see blue veins, i will listen to your points.
wipe my backside with said feathers.
Calm down, Francis.
We don't need to mutilate women like niggers do. A good slap and no way to get instant victim status on the internet will do it.
Slap those white feather sluts. All the cops will be busy/dead from dealing with resistance fighters attacking the vans. Slap and take the their phones for disposal. If they are in pairs, repeat.
Now, any white night simps step up- punish that behavior with a crippling shot to the knee. Nip that bullshit right in the bud.
They've already practiced how to draft people against their will in Ukraine, some guy will walk up to you and then an unmarked van will drive up to you and hoodlums will run out of the car and snatch you lol. If you try to pull a gun the first guy will just tazer you.
Good to see this level of understanding about this issue. Thank you.
Hopefully, some reading this thread will do their own research and start seeing swift and her trans/eunuchs cohort for what they are.
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I’d make a headdress and wear it around. Maybe do blackface for added effect.
Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala and lost 40% of her followers the next day.
I would strongly support her and all of the other's women's shaming efforts.
I'm too old and already served. Now I am strongly in favor of drafting every single one of you Zoomers (males only) and sending you off to war.
Your entire generation is weak, spoiled, immature, childish, coddled, and retarded. Experiencing war will hopefully make some of you finally grow up and start acting like men, and the most hopeless examples will just be culled.
Starting WW3 will be the biggest fuck up from women in a millennia. "Lets start a big global war and draft all these useless men to go fight it"

The Western World will erupt into civil war and they will be thrown from every position of power.
I will keep the shame, Tay.
I will not fight for ZOG.
There is a chance I may fight against ZOG tho.
Hope he dies.
Well considering her producers and the record label execs are all Jews. Her money will be managed by Jews, her agent will be Jewish.
Music is the most Jewed thing after Hollywood.
And where would you have been if he had his arms or legs or dick blown off during service? Nowhere, you would think he was unattractive sucker and a loser. Maybe pay for his coffee or hot dog if you caught him trying to buy one and say "thank you for your service".
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anons are free to dump any foids at my place dead or alive.
I take the feather and shove it up her ass and call her chicken girl.
lmao yeah well they probably all got vaxxed.
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They will just use effective propaganda to play with men's feelings and encourage them and no one will do shit and rise up.
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>out with the boys to grab some snacks before a gaming sesh
>220 pound 5 foot 3 woman covered in tattoos waddles up to me
>'h-here' she says as her fat paw lumbers towards me clutching what looks like a plastic feather from a cheap arts and crafts store
>'oh, hah thanks?' i say as i pluck the sweaty feather from her fat cheaply manicured hand
>she waddles away as my friends laugh
>confused i loosen my grip and let the wind take the feather away
that was never an american thing
i dream all the men would meet in the middle of the battlefield and just instantly conglomerate into one big angry men army set on delivering maximum hell to the countries that sent them.
I get zero female attention as it is, if they start paying attention to me to shame be that's better than being ignored. I'd enjoy it
Fuck off retarded jewish feminist whore government simps LOL, you have to be an absolutely clotshotted retard to want to serve "your country" dying in some shithole as it is being destroyed from within and browns impregnate your whore women.
In WW1 we played sports together on christmas, I would not be surprised if this happened at all, it requires understanding that the enemy they give you is the same as you, and the jew is to blame for it all
Show me your Chinese commie flag. Don’t hide behind sweden.
I'm already married, with children (we're white).
>What do?
Nothing. I will continue to stay at home, with my family, based, in my lane, flourishing. It would be very hard to draft me, because I'm old "and my back isn't great" but if push comes to shove I will just try and desert. I would rather die fighting traitors, trying to get back to my family, than die fighting some browns on the other side of the world for another Jewish oil pipeline. If the war ever comes to me (unlikely) I will do my best.
Everybody can be made to serve a purpose, even if it is a bad example.
Please step up and interfere when you see a feather slut getting slapped down, or please cooperate with the draft boards.
Your suffering will be a real education for the sheeple in the crowd.
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>Taylor Swift convinces women to date only military men
>"Why aren't you in the military? Girls like military men."
"Have you seen Europa: The Last Battle? Do you know about Semites? Why would I want to die for pissrael?"
>"Aren't you worried foreigners will move here?"
"Is the USA not a melting pot? Inclusive to all races?"
>"Well, yes...but you do want to preserve our way of life, right anon?"
>"Right, anon?"
Macaroni was seen as effeminate homo shit for the bourgeoisie
Her endorsement of Kamala had no effect on the race
The last generation of poets posts on /pol/
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I’m too old for the white feather. It’s also not going to happen. Nukes will be used first. Either we all die within 20 minutes or we die after a couple months from nuclear winter. There will be no fucking white feather. Get isotopes and know how to live from a cave. Try to kill anything coming into the cave with traps. That means have a plan to survive nuclear Armageddon or be prepared to die a slow death from radiation poisoning. Nobody cares about Taylor Swift. Let Justin Bieber hand out white feathers.
I will gladly serve on the draft boards to make sure non of these Zoomers will be able to avoid the draft with any of their retarded schemes like acting retarded or shitting their pants or getting a swastika tattoo.
Anyone who tries any of those shenanigans are all going to get classified as I-A, fully fit for immediate military service.
NWO propaganda? Is that the best you can do? Hahahahahahahaha.
Nuclear Winter is fake and gay

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