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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why can't right wingers create art? We all know that there are plenty of left wingers in both showbiz and high art, but what do rightoids have? Kid Rock? It's pathetic, really.
content creation is a fake job
post some leftist high art
they like their rectums intact
Very little quality art has been created by anybody in the last 50 years
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two reasons:
1. artists are more susceptible to the brainwashing
2. jews control the media and only allow leftist art to be created.

think about it. modern leftism (=marxism) is an invention of the 19th century. all artists before that had "right wing" views.
sex with Eevee
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>Why can't
because leftists and globalists control all funding, gallery space, business, and promotions
third reason:
leftism is actually the believe in the authority of the elite that is why they hate the individual and think other opinions are violence

succesful artists are often narcissist that believe they are a gift to the world and think of themselves as elite just like cosby and diddy.
the drummer from SOAD
Staind's singer.
You know it's actually hilarious that if right wingers could actually graphic/ UI design/ edit videos/ make shit that looks cool they could control the entire nation.

>Leftist sees shiny looking news media network & automatically believes everything they see over outdated 1990s infowars chud 'I aInT kNoW NoThiN AbOut ThAt' looking slop
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i made u this
You have time to create art as society collapses?
How to uncrop an image? Found an image in another thread that I want to uncrop
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You can't hide a lie as the presupposition to a question, OP.
Why can't right wingers create art? Simple, they get banned on nearly every social media for being right wing.
This is quality art.
Artists create reflections of the majority of society.

When the majority of people where religious farmers the art was reflective od them despite the people making it beeing urban liberals.

There will be no great art made today, because the majority population are a bunch of nihilistic suicidal urban liberals slowly dying out. Fontaine by dechamp is a good reflection of modern urban man, compare that to the real fountains made by Artists during the time of monarchy in france and you will realise i am right.
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this is the most fag shit i seen stop masturbating to eve porn
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That one's a male though
Making art requires a deconstructed mind
the premise is bullshit
Such as Mr Bond currently serving a 10 year prison sentence for making absolute bangers like Pure Zyklon
Poorly worded question. "Leftist" is usually interchangeable to "Libereral" and "Right wing" as "Conservative".

Liberty synonymises to "Freedom", and might relay in the artistic sense to the pioneering of creative expression.

On the other hand there are well established art "Conservatories" where extremely skilled artists master their craft in classical fields.

Either can create a masterpiece, but this is completely subjective to the environment and context.

In short- Anyone flinging paint at a canvas can be an artist. Anyone with a drum machine and a microphone can be a musician. And anyone can call themselves left or right wing.

Give it enough time, and dedication, and eventually an average person, regardless of political affiliation, will have their Magnum Opus.

Sadly, every artists' eventual realization is that everything they create is self indulgent, superficial and pointless.

That's why true artists and musicians are such utterly miserable cunts.
I used to make art, left wing doxxers came to spoil my day, I may make art again soon, I don't care what they accuse me of anymore, none of it matters anyways
Fuck me, your reddit spacing is illegible im just not going to read it
Every artist prior to 1970, you would call "right wing".
No more degenerates,
marxist or feminists,
and my goose-steps
strike fear in my enemies

Mr. Bond turned all my childhood nigger music into absolute anti-jew classics. Yes my parents failed me as a boy but I saw the light of the Allfather and our Aryan ways(before my people were theologically conquered by jews/christianity)and I saved myself.
>Why can't right winer's create art
>Furry porn as OP
Every retard replying to this thread has a single digit iq
>why cant right wingers create art?
>posts screencap from literal pokemon hentai
why cant left wingers make GOOD art OP? why is all the GOOD art made by right wingers? salvador dali (outspoken fascist and mussolini sympathizer, was kicked off the set of the original Dune movie for making antisemitic speeches in support of franco) HR gieger (close friend and associate of Dali, part of his fascist inner circle, his art is about the degeneracy of the modern world) even hitler was a better painter than most give him credit for. can you post some examples of great left wing art OP?
Walt Disney, who created a giant art piece that people vacation to from all over the world: HUGELY antikike and would've had everything taken from him by the modern left wing.
Shadman got persecuted by the tranny cabal and eventually imprisioned by it. In the end he submitted and became a tranny and shortly after all his crimes were acquited and now has a carte blanche to enjoy and produce pedo content. Worst part of all is that it really sounds like Im making up a silly story but is all factual
it's not gay because she's a female
That eevee is actually a male. There's a comic and he's a dude
Most of those circles are lefty focused. Most rightoids work for a living. Artists have to think the same or they'll get ostracized by an artist with more followers and lose footing. That's what's truly pathetic
because chuddies would rather hate than create
Speaking of art, how's Hunter doing? Has he sold any lately in the Biden family's pay to play schemes?
There is some good right wing art released under private lables in Russia, the problem is actual good right wing artists get killed in the cradle through censorship.

Mr Bond (not even really good) made parody Nazi songs and got sentenced to 10 years in prison for making songs becuase he was somewhat popular.
leftwing "art" is taking L's lately, hollywood is practically dead, all the "artists" are being replaced with AI because souless garbage for mass consumption doesn't require a human touch. As for high art, no one cares beyond a few rich fags who only use it for money laundering.
You should kill yourself. You're probably wearing a diaper right now.
It is bislut kino.
Shame nintnedo scared the artist
comic name?
>memeflag nigger talking about IQ
right wing people wouldn't avow their own beliefs in the art and entertainment industry because it's a sure fire way to lose all connections and be blackballed from it, there is the avenue of being independent now with the internet but it's still much harder than having a foot in the door

this plus what good is art when it's all morbid and degenerate left wing horse shit anyway, the objective of art should be to elevate culture and strive towards the divine and the ideal not promote gay political agendas and convince people to join nihilistic death cults
but what about all they hate they create?
that's a paradox, anon
You kicked out anyone that might be right wing and that's why the showbiz industry is plummeting. You have alienated your core audience and you are now bleeding money left and right. Start learning Chinese.
>2. jews control the media and only allow leftist art to be created.

i forgot to mention this in my post, it is all heavily gatekept by loxist antiwhite kikes who only let a particular type of person peddling a particular type of message pass their scrutiny, jews literally control what media you get to see and hear because they own a huge proportion of the tangible recruitment and agencies that push this culture out in the first place

we just recently had a perfect example of that with ye being depersoned from society and assets frozen because he said some shit about jews, if people still can't see it in this day and age then they never will
i agree but i write in dense paragraphs and you fags still complain. you should read his horse shit anyway to train your attention span. the fact you really want it to end soon just makes you stronger.
>why are institutions controlled by left leaning people only promoting left leaning artists
not really
i won the elementary drawing contest (k-8th) in kindergarten. so there.
A Fool's Art Gallery is a right wing work of many arts.
can someone give me the link to the comic im gonna coom
Any true artist studies brainwashing so as to avoid it.
RW art: Wagner, Dali
LW "art": Queen, Banksy
I'm a novelist and you'll never know who I am or which books I wrote, but they NY times best sellers.

Also I am very right wing. I only pretend to be left wing on twitter.
leftist art turns you into a beta male.
Furry porn isn't art, you dumb nigger
>Shame nintnedo scared the artist
if right wingers couldn't create art you wouldn't have to run whole subreddits dedicated to smearing right-wing artists
checked but not true :3
Being a good artist requires some mental illness. Left wingers have a disproportionately high number of mentally ill people among their ranks and thus contribute very heavily to the art world.
Art, that's like craft but isn't any practical use. Just looks pretty in fact these days most doesn't even look pretty. Rich people use it as investment objects, which is its only real use. Art has been a con for a long time now. Some guy put his shit in tins and sold it as art. It's worth a fortune now.
Nintendo sent him a C&D allegedly
i think im gonna coom guys hnnnrghh~~
This is a porn comic.
artist name?
the 'far-right' has a monopoly on good black metal
>black metal is degenerate/it's just screaming and hurts my ears
id love to meet the artist
if i do, im going to give him a big kiss on his fluffy cheek
Checked, satan. You wrote all the books.
3234 Ave Troncal San Francisco Puento Alto Chile
first off, hi memeflag JEW. what's it like being a JEW you JEW? second, i can think of lots of great right wing artists but many of them, like hitler himself, were shunned by JEW controlled academia
No I am fully aware, I was persecuted by a similar tranny cabal, we need protections against this kind of behavior in law, which I suspect will come under trump, leaving me free to be as based as I like

Shadbase will always be based imo

Not going to, I read books and they're fine, why should I degrade myself to plebbit retardation?
yes that's why i want to have sex with it

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