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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why most people everywhere are mean?
The devil
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they raped the joker as a humiliation ritual
Hate pays. Love costs.
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>Why most people everywhere are mean?
Because kindness requires effort and most people can’t be bothered
They raped him for spamming
Because your version of kindness is a raceless borderless world
Because they are weak and resentful.
The strong are always kind
kindness gets you nowhere anymore, other than seen as a weak person who is easy to take advantage of.
Just go outside.
Go into shops.
Everyone kind all of a sudden because they want to sell you something.
I don't get it, why do people get angry at the most meaningless things? Like, they literally choose to get angry, they can be chill if they want to, so why?
Think I found my answer
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>Because your version of kindness is a raceless borderless world
I think niggers should be allowed in white countries only as slaves
Because globalism makes this happen

It doesn't work only for billionaire ceos

No one likes it except skanky hookers. I've lived everywhere and most groups agree
Rich people are nice. Poor people are bitter about their circumstances.
There's lots of things money cant buy. Especially in this country.
This is accurate, but I would say that people who want are bitter. And everybody is left wanting once they reach a certain age bo matter what their wealth or circumstances might be.

People always want more. Plato said that crimes are committed because of the desire for excess not need.
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Do your best today, anons. I believe in you all.
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People are as evil as monkeys just without fur. I've been isolation maxxing for a year and I finally experience days when I'm happy, not just comfortable and relaxed, happy.
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Everyone I meet is nice to me as an automatic response because I'm pretty swole.
That's the one.
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A fin in their natural state.
I think niggers all need to go back to Africa, and we need to expel every jew everywhere (from existence)
Anon idk why people are mean but it makes them feel better when they get that pussy shit off their chest. They are mean on purpose. My family pretty much every one of them from my biological stand has been terrible to me. “Everybody hates you and wishes you were dead, that’s why mom never buys you anything (in relation to me getting to work and getting off my feet again) “ it doesn’t have the effect besides confusion as it does but man idk why people are mean but I wish they’d disappear not like a pussy and I close my eyes to get the bad people away but I wish it was illegal to be emotionally negligent. Like
> I beat that dudes ass because he was being fucking rude to me! He said something that hurt my feelings.
Let me know if that defense has ever worked.
Try it.. If you put yourself in a place where people don't exist or matter you become invincible..
I am from the midwest, everyone is always scowling here.
But it's not specifically meanness. Living in the midwest is basically like being in 400 wars full of death and torture per day. You become grizzled after a week and after 40 years you could walk up to a california calmly and eat their face and chew through their skull in front of their kids as they scream and you wouldn't even need to blink. It's not really meanness. It's nature, event horizon shit.
Because no one asks to be alive and most people act like perpetual middle schooler normies about it (life), who are massively insecure and take it out on everyone and everything around them, they should not be alive. Why are they here?
because they are unironically stupid. I find there is a correlation between stupid people and meanness. Intelligent mean people were often victims of stupid mean people and pass it on like a virus. If we killed everyone with no empathy like 80 percent of joggers and browns and like 40 percent of whites, there would be no mean people. Meanness is a symptom of lesser intelligence and inability to empathize with others.
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I know right? I'm tired of everyone being a grumpy bitch all the time
Social media has made people extremely overcompetitive. They see everyone as potential competition in a zero sum game. Your gain is their loss, so to speak, and vice versa. They seek to eliminate you. It’s that simple.
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Because you're an obnoxious, useless faggot that gets in my way endlessly when I'm trying to get places. Tripping over your own feet you're so fucking stupid, I fucking hate you. Get out of the fucking way.
Social media has trained people to lash out and die on every hill. Everything is a fight to the death. So people want to cut in front of someone in traffic, snd they won’t let them? They’ll try to murder that person.
Maybe stop going 20mph under the speed limit in the passing lane, you fucking dipshit.
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Stupid people + algorithm driven social media = bad fuckin' times man
People are monkeys
I tend to correlate stupidity with meanness too, if this is the case, luckily, stupidity can be fixed
genetic engineering. Yes I agree
hurt people hurt
with enough exposure to the world, the chances of being dramatically harmed, hurt, betrayed, deceived, in some life-altering way increases over time
thats why a household provides a limited opportunity to have a wholesome upbringing for people to know right from wrong, good from evil
Damn man these inforgrpahics are hilarious (and completely true). Any more you could post? I haven’t seen these since like 2019
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fuck you i am not mean.
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Smoke moar, chill out
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Me too finbro.
I’ve experienced the same exact thing. Any time someone bullied me in school, everybody always punished me, saying that it’s
> “only evidence that I did something WORSE than bullying to incur it, and therefore should be punished to make up for whatever it was”.
Refer to >>484333926. Genetic trash is hated and cannot get jobs no matter what.

I remember people would ask places that were hiring if they were interested in a grown ass 25 year old with no job.
>of course we are! We DESPERATELY need someone to help out? We’re short on staff. Tell him to awing by tomorrow and we’ll give him a job! Thank you so much for linking us up.”
Then, when I’d actually show up: they would see me walk through the door and they would VISIBLY SHUDDER and RECOIL. I’d tell them
> “hey I’m Anon, blah blah blah the link up story”
and they would reply:
>uh uh uh nope sorry sir we um we hired someone already uh un just an hour ago actually haha okay so un we cant hire you. Nope. Is that all? We are very busy we have to get back to work, please leave
There were no customer in the store.
It's called personal taste. I see absolutely no difference between the "normies" and "incels". And the "chads" are only different because they have a bit more musKle in their frame. These 3 categories are one and the same.
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I'm high and still mad. Maybe I'm an asshole, but maybe simultaneously you're all fucking insufferable IRL.
you can't have tech civilsation that way can you?
>fake made up scenario to try and justify road rage homicide
This is a social media infected normie, seething woth rage, waiting for the opportunity to kill somebody.

In reality, this normie will try to cut off people in heavy traffic who are going the normal speed. When he is unable to, he will rage out and try to murder the person.
That's called the old foot in the door salesmen strategy.
>Come on goyim accept these niggers they're your slaves
>surly they won't cry and get white women to free them
>Woops well trust us import these spics instead they're hard working!
Sounds like a shitty movie, then.
They are largely testosterone development profiles. Unironically, HRT treatments would completely resolve the hypergamy issue by making everybody into chads (except for the genetic trash category, who should have been aborted for their own safety). Roght now, jews kill normies amd chads by giving them the opposite HRT than what they need. A true HRT regimen would involve SARMs, androgen cocktails, surgeries, and receptor enhancors. As well as intervention at an early age.
See you had your autism dialed up to bout 11 and we're going to need you to dial it down to 3. Now be honest anon were you wearing a regular shirt or some kind of anime/retard word shirt that said something stupid? Were there dragons on it? I bet there were dragons on it. Was it a WoW shirt? I wore my WoW shirt to an interview at a Victoria's Secret Call Center interview once and I was so retarded that it took me months to figure out why they didn't hire me. Don't be retarded anon. Life is hard. It's harder when you're fat, drunk, or stupid.
So then why don't you have black slaves in Israel if they're so useful?
Your weakness instinctively disgusts the rest of us on an visceral level.
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Had to stop to process that someone just posted danish hetalia in 2024
And only America could have created the Devil
People like people who remind them of themselves. As society has become increasingly non-homogenous (not just in a racial sense, but also) people no longer have a base level affection for the people around them and turn selfishly inwards.
People didn't give a shit about me so I don't give a shit about people
its not my experience, most people have shown me love, kindness and simply struggle to feel accepted in this life under foreign occupation.
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Not my problem. Nigger
Wicked people. Only a few will go to heaven.
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Do heroin then

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