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I went to the grocery store spent $17 and got next to nothing. Thanks to Daddy Putin for inflation in Russia.
How do you even get dollars? Scamming? Porno website?
Why did Biden start the war in Ukraine by trying to get Ukraine to join NATO after years of Russia threatening action if they joined?
I'd estimate that as $40 or $50 in the USA.
That would easily be over $40 here
Show the bill.
Until then this is just a propaganda.
So that we could get rid of our aging military stockpiles and buy brand new shiny ones obviously.
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well its still expensive compared to russian wages
those grapes look very sour.
Non of the shot he bought is particularly expensive. The onion's less than a dollar, same with the cucumbers (or zucchini?) and ramen. Tomatoes and bananas are a couple bucks. Chips are probably like $4. The meat would probably be most expensive at about $8...
We're definitely paying more, but not nearly $40 for what's there.
because hes a puppet for the CIA
I rest my case, things are really cheap in Russia.
I guess those "high prices" articles are just MSM propaganda.
The turkey was really fucking cheap.

>Julija Olegovna Beloglazova
Was she cute?
You need to Trotsky down the red square and do your duty.
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No way, this is a very generous estimate, and assuming it's at something like Grocery Outlet or Dollar Store. At Kroger, Target, Wal Mart, etc it would be double.
That will cost you 50 USD in Denmark.
It's definitely Chilean grapes packaging...Thé photo was taken last year and it was taken in USA or Europe.
Congratulations on your English!
There are 5 persent of probabilité a Russian can talk like that.The chance a Russian with a fluent English would bé hanging out in God forggoten Pol Is absolut "0"
Who are you, motherfuker ?
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$17 is your weeks salary boris
That would be 50 euros plus the tip here
In Poorcratia.

That's like $200+ here.
Canadian dollars are not real dollars
>bought a bunch of useless shit
Now wonder you are poor.
Here that is at least 100 euro
why cant slavshits /into/ the white mans noble sport? it proves they arent white lel
Yes I suppose all those statistics on Russian median income and inflation are just lies. Anonymous servians are the real authority.
That sliced deli meat would cost over $5 alone.
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Wots this, Precious?
Wots Beerka, eh?
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will Fignon score the yellow?
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I've biked almost a thousand miles this summer.
Garlic rye bread croutons. Kind of like an appetizer for beer
>Garlic rye bread croutons
I can see why. Sounds amazing, though, with or without the beer.
Hmm that might be 30$ in germany.. but I earn 3500$ a month while you earn 1000$ a month. Meh
Hes from adygea if 330€ according to the map is true that would be 5% of his monthly salary. Id pay around 30€ for these groceries with an income of around 3500€/month, that would be less an 1% for me. These are all milk maid calculations of course Im just trying to say Im not impressed at all + would never voluntarily live in russia
You buy from the local goymarket?
Buy big, 2 or 3 sandbags of perfect quality stone ground nutritious flower 3 or 5 times cheaper. Fresh fish 10 or 20kg 2 or 3 times a year.
You people give marketkikes free money than complain about prices.
I would never buy butter or beef or cheese from these crooks selling low quality slop
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>based fren
post bike
All of our government income/cost/inflation are bullshit or using massaged numbers so I see no reason why his government wouldn’t lie either. The truth is bad for PR everywhere.
thats about right for here or canada actually
Don't tell em how cheap life is in Russia, or you'll get another wave of shitskins there.
When you side with the brown, your money never lets you down. when you side with the cracker, all your money buys is a snacker.
I shit you not the meat and that jar would cost you 17$ here, liberashkas ignited our inflation, it's still at 5%+. I am willing to bet all my money that our food is like 30% more expensive than in Germany and same price like in Switzerland for completely shit quality (all the cancerogenic poisoned shit gets imported here). The pomegranate is by itself like 2.5$, not even joking, 1 fucking piece of the fruit. Every time I go shopping I bring a cross with me to swear at these devils and curse their mothers. When I see food prices from US/Canada I legit wanna cry, because our prices are higher even though they have 7x the salary.

TLDR - living in Balkans is hard, but move to Serbia if you want to live life on nightmare difficulty. I think only a few asian/african countries have it worse off than us.
it depends on the region, but generally skilled workers in Russia are in high demand
e.g. IT workers can earn 2000 euros
if you take into account the cost of living, not only for food, but for heating, electricity and other goods and services, there is no difference for a programmer between living and working in Germany or in Russia
European IT salaries are pathetic in comparison to US
Where are the potatoes? Where are the loaves of bread? Is that beet juice? Do you guys not eat regular meat? How much specifics the pasta and the heated sauce, that's the easiest thing to compare
inflation is everywhere in Europe, in case you didn't notice
everywhere the prices are much higher than few years ago
tiniest fucking grapes I've seen in my life, by the way
That looks like what $17 would get you at an American grocery store. I cut out that goyslop a long time ago, though. i found most of my money was going toward it.
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That would cost like 300 - 400 sek here easily
>When I see food prices from US/Canada I legit wanna cry
don't forget to check the rent prices, too
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Probably $90-$100 in Cuckistan
looks good need beerka
иди нaхyй
They're seedless table grapes, that's how they look. I know in America grapes are as big as oranges but the rest of the world makes do with normal grapes.
I want to revise that. It would cost more here, after considering the meat and goyslop. Maybe $25-30? I've been smart shopping so I don't get shit like sauce and chips or overpriced meat.
Rent is literally 70% of the average salary WITHOUT bills or anything. Fuck this shithole.
That's more than you'd get for 17 dollars here. I can't gauge whether that's a lot of money or not for you because I don't live in Russia.
depends where you are at, I checked the local walmart for the prices of the foods that match the ones in the picture and I got $61.57.
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rember our money is monopoly money
also fruit and veg gets really cheap at any good fruit and veg shop. normal supermarket prices are inflated 50-100% because we have a really bad duopoly.
STFU you fucking dumb ass churca cyka bliat.
thats around $340 in my country and it is a good grocery to survive.

dont cry you little bitch
Yeah, this is accurate unless you're shopping at Aldi and then it's a bit less.
I mean rent is a problem there, too, probably even especially in Canada
and there are many variables: your salary _after all taxes_, where and what you rent (1 room, 3 rooms?), things like daycare for children
so saying 70% of your salary goes to rent isn't saying much
Idk what is in that jar in op, maybe salsa type of thing?
Chicken thighs is best deal on meat aside from pork butt. Idk much about meat.
cheap at any good fruit and veg shop when it's in season*
Why buy that 3 dollar salsa when you can buy the 50 dollar jar?
Rent for 1 room apt 40 min from city center.
That $50 jar better be made with Belle Delphine's bath water.
Those are the best kind, I'd eat the little green ones from the vine on the farm same with apples and plums
What's it like living in a first world country?
Okay, Frieren.
Nigger, that tiny bag of Lays here would be 5-6$ alone. You live like a fucking king. Clownworld is hilarious at times. I can barely afford food here in Burgerland, but a fucking Russian under sanctions can afford delicious Lays, made with healthy ingredients, for Pennie’s on the dollar.
Reminds me of when Russia was first getting sanctioned in 2022. Putin hosted Xi at a meeting in Russia somewhere and had piping hot, fresh KFC delivered for the meeting. I haven’t had KFC in years because I can’t afford it.
They have more freedom than we do, I tried to buy rubles as a quick swing investment right after the ukraine invasion but was unable to
Because he’s a puppet, beholden to the globohomo jew.
The jews want ukraine as a new homeland
Where do you shop nigger? Shit, that amount of food would be over 50$ at the grocery stores in my area.
I haven't had KFC in about 10 years for same reason. I also know it would taste like shit now and my order would be fucked up. It didn't used to be this way.
You pay a dollar per banana? Overall I agree, the cheese and salsa should probably be bumped up and I don't know what the powdered bags are
America is a big place. It's harder to get food into some places, especially cities (plus theft and wage differences). I've lived about everywhere and it definately varies. The cheapest stuff is iro ically that produce. Fatasses say eating healthy is too expensive, but it's always been cheaper to cook at home, and that's especially true nowadays.
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That would cost over $40 here.

Don't complain
Nice banans.
Looks like you needed to get some bangs
Well it's Russia, maybe the onion has a season there but probably none of the other stuff
>$100 dollars of food is $17 in Russia
grim...Canadas looking a bit cooked
Your median salary is 5k/month. Their is 630$/month
Dude this shit went down in like 1996 ... wtf you talking about biden?
Good demoralization post. That would be a sixty dollar checkout total here. Bolshoy oospekku, faggot.
>lay's bag
Wait what about the sanctions
He’s talking about history from a couple of years ago, in 2021 and 2022. Not 1996, retard.
5,000$ a month barely leaves anything leftover if anything at all after taxes and bills nigger. If the Russian gets to keep more than me making 10,000$ a month on his 650$ salary, exchange rates are meaningless. He’s more wealthy than me.
shut up state department fag. that juice and the lays chips is already $15 in america.
Biden didn't sign the deal for ukraine to get rid of nukes. He's just upholding the deal made like 30 fucking years ago.
No one else is talking about the nuclear deal, Anon.
Bro you only counted like half the stuff and purposefully ignored the more expensive items
That.Fucking Kike Zelinky Is basicaly genociding thèse poor guys,and he wants European countries,where Ucrainians are hiding to send thèm back for his Goyim méat grinder !
It's obvious to anybody!
Exactly. If I bought chicken and snacks, I'm definately not leaving the store without spending at least $20.
1 bag of lays is 6$ here
>delicious Lays
People people actually eat potatoe chips? Usually I only see lard asses eating them
>paprika chips
Why dont we get those? This is so unfair
Is that like barbecue? When I used to eat chips those were my favorite. Barbecue potato chips is also my favorite hair color on a woman.
They used to be ok... 30 years ago. Not anymore. Same goes for all their shit.
No, its way different. It also doesnt taste like paprika.
Because people conveniently, either don't know about it or ignore it.

The whole shit show in ukraine is because Bush Sr. Signed a deal with Ukraine to get rid of nukes, and in exchange US support in the case of Russian aggression.

So why are people blaming Biden for acting on integrity?
>Because people conveniently, either don't know about it or ignore it.
Because no one has mentioned it. The state of affairs was that if Ukraine tried to join NATO, Putin said he would do the big bad. Ukraine tried to join NATO in 2008, but their next President opposed it, so it fell through. So the CIA instigated a coup. Half the country didn't get represented (the ethnic Russian half), and tried to break off. Ukraine became the aggressors here. "Invading their neighbors" describes what Ukraine did. Motherfuckers have even banned churches and suspended elections.
The issue is that Biden decided to support Ukraine's acts of aggression.
>It started with X
I could go back in time hundreds of years ago like the Tucker interview, and bring that into the conversation. Doesn't change a damn thing.
On February 22nd, 2022, you addressed your country in a nationwide address when the conflict in Ukraine started, and you said that you were acting because you had come to the conclusion that the United States, through NATO, might initiate a “surprise attack on our country”. And to American ears, that sounds paranoid. Tell us why you believe the United States might strike Russia out of the blue. How did you conclude that?

Vladimir Putin (01:54):

It’s not that America, the United States, was going to launch a surprise strike in Russia. I didn’t say that. Are we having a talk show or a serious conversation?

Tucker Carlson (02:06):

Here’s the quote. Thank you. It’s a formidable, serious-

Vladimir Putin (02:14):

Because your basic education is in history as far as I understand.

Tucker Carlson (02:18):


Vladimir Putin (02:21):

So if you don’t mind, I will take only 30 seconds or one minute to give you a short reference to history for giving you a little historical background.

Tucker Carlson (02:30):


Vladimir Putin (02:34):

Let’s look where our relationship with Ukraine started from. Where did Ukraine come from? The Russian state started gathering itself as a centralized statehood, and it is considered to be the year of the establishment of the Russian state, in 862 when the townspeople of Novgorod invited a Varangian prince, Rurik, from Scandinavia to Reign. In 1862 Russia celebrated the 1000th anniversary of its statehood, and in Novgorod there is a memorial dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the country. In 882 Rurik’s successor Prince Oleg, who was actually playing the role of regent and Rurik’s young son because Rurik had died by that time, came to Kiev. He ousted two brothers who apparently had once been members of Rurik’s squad, so Russia began to develop with two centers of power, Kiev and Novgorod.
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fuck your thraed nigger
now this thread is about guesing how much OP weighs
I think this guy is only about ~150lbs but he also a short lil guy so pretty pudgy still, probably balding too lmao
That’s $130 worth of groceries in Canada
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if an average guy gets a salary of 50k roubles, his taxes are already paid by the company and deducted from salary so that 50k rubles(500-600USD) is the net he gets
he pays about 6k for heating, electricity, gas
about 1k for mobile + home internet(unlimited)
about 3k he spends on transport 110 roubles x 30 days
so he has about 40k left on food and everything else, each month
20k is enough to feed 1 person for a month
he has 20k left (200USD left per month)
sure.. it's a poorfag life but that's the average
at least he has everything he needs, internet, heating, food and clothing

now lets look at average american salary which is something like 4k before taxes
-something like 20% in taxes = 3200
-7% state tax = 2900
-300 for heating, electric bill, gas = 2600
-100 mobile + home internet = 2500
-300 for transport(10x30)= 2200
-1000 to prove(going to restaurants, partying and betting on gayball) your american life is worth iit = 1200
-1000 to jewkraine because nobody asked you faggot = 200

lol. it's makes it pretty much the same life. ahahaha
>purchasing power parity
yes, that's the one factor we never hear about when boomers and leftist/liberal faggots never take into consideration when they hate on Russia. thank you, Ivan
$20 usa, so 10-15% more
fackin RuZzia punk ;)
>u mad?
yeah kind of but i hab better weather!!!
I spend $50-$70 a week on groceries for two.
Food isn’t that expansive, you niggers just eat like shit.
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She's right, you know.
None of this still negates that Biden is just fulfilling an old treaty.

Russia is the aggressive party in all of this, no NATO or ukraine. If anything NATO is trying to chill things out in the region.
>None of this still negates that Biden is just fulfilling an old treaty
He's not.
>Russia is the aggressive party in all of this
They're not
>If anything NATO is trying to chill things out in the region.
What fucking planet are you from?
thanks for correcting the record™ but you’re obv overspending anyone could easily eat for 4-6 on less than 20 usd a week youre just a wasteful nigger who craves luxury as food is actually free in the usa the greatest country in the history of the world™. kys
fuck off jew
Hey faggot that's real cheese and it costs 8-12$ in America, and that bag of lays is at least 5$ in America. Frozen bag of whatever meat is 10$. Pasta box is 5$. Those 4 items is at least 30$ in Zog.
That's 100 dollars worth in the states..
no no no at aldi they actually pay you for taking boxes of pasta. that is easily less than 10 United States Dollar (the gold standard of currencies) in any grocery store in the USA.
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>be me, an american
>spend the month of august 2023 in the balkans, most of it in belgrade serbia
>food is WAY better and healthier than anything back home, plus its dirt cheap
>hardly any niggers (saw maybe 10 the whole time i was there)
>every woman is a literal 10/10
>cops are friendly and polite and don't try to intimidate you like a billy badass
>all serbbros and rusbros and even a chechen that i met were friendly and cool as fuck
>clean streets and so safe that you could sleep outside on a park bench if you want with no fear of getting robbed
>occasionally saw gypsies but they're cucked and they fuck off when you tell them to
>beautiful architecture and art everywhere
>people actually reading books in public and not ashamed or embarassed to do so

statistics show that most americans never travel. if you guys knew how bad we really have it, you would kys

picrelated its me in serbia
Hah, true, I wouldn't be surprised if Zog shuts down Aldi.
Bro, I love riding my bike. I road 100 miles a weekend this past year working in a college town. My only gripe about living rural is that I can’t really ride hear.
well, duh. take the overpiced chips, goysauce and chink noodles out and you'd have saved over half that $17
bro are you stupid? he's flexing on us. you'd never get that much food for $20 here and we both damn well know it and so do the rooskies
Go to Aldi you idiot. No one ITT knows how to shop for food.
you just don't know how to shop nigger
Oh shut the fuck up putin cock sucker.
>he doesn’t do home grocery delivery on alibaba

in Israel those 5 tomatoes would be about 17-20 bucks.
no, we're done letting you cold war boomer retards dominate the discourse. orthodoxy is rising in the west and we're sick of your satanic bullshit. heil Z, leafaggot pajeet
thanks for correcting the record™. everyone know you can easily feed a family of 4-6 on less than 20 united states dollars (the gold standard of currencies) unless your a wasteful nigger who demands luxury items. Inflation is zero and this is the best economy in the history of mankind.
aldi is for poorfags you dollar general goodwill faggot. we're the united states of brazil now and it's all because you had to swing your big NATO dick around in ukraine. now we're full of spics and poverty. FUCK YOU
grapes and meat are more expensive. Typically like $6-8 per lb, same as meat. Tomato sauce is also probably $3, and that isnt shitt 50c ramen so like $2-3. Bananas are usually like 69c per lb
>Wots this, Precious?
>Wots Beerka, eh?
FUCK I read that in golems voice.
>No logical explanation of why anyone should support your worldview
>Gets mad that people don't believe you.
I do shop at ALDI but the sheeboon diversity hire manager has no idea what she is doing and most of the products I buy are usually not there, the shelves are empty.
Price controls
Many such cases
( lol )
Normies will never know how good a green pear is.
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i like the idea that welfare leeches are losing weight because the rising costs of all their ebt junk food menu is not matching the cost of their slave gibs. i like that medicare is allowing supplemental health insurance companies to garnish unpaid medical debts, so these leeches get a smaller monthly check

i just hope for their childrens' sake that they start actually getting off their lazy, stoned asses, and start to slice, chop and dice a decent meal for them instead of all this instant garbage
Here are some prices from a Kroger store in the Midwestern U.S.:
bananas $.69/lb
Lay's $4.29
white seedless grapes $2.99/lb
80/20 ground beef $6.79/lb
Barilla pasta 16 oz varieties $1.49
Chicken breast $2.99/lb
I don't buy a lot of groceries because I only consume about 1200 calories a day. But what I do buy is about thirty percent higher. in cost.
Stop eating that Barilla shit. That shit's fortified. Read the ingredients and only look for:
>Durum Wheat Semolina Flour
That's it. No thiamine or any of that shit.
30% higher is because of the prices you're buying between grocers.
Given, everything is a given in prices. But I'd say that chips are most susceptible to price-gouging because of the ratio of nitrogen gas to chips to meet with supply and demand. So you're paying more for less on that note.
I'm not much of a connoisseur in terms of snack foods. But I figure you can go a long way with buying store brand chips (or store brand everything) or buying a brand that's been least affected by shrinkflation (i.e. Zapp's).
You can buy all that shit at Aldi for about $17.
Avoid the dairy and meat there. Shit's not edible.
I love their Swiss cheese. I know it's fake, but it's cheap & tastes good. I don't buy meat there, I buy all my meat at SamsClub or Publix
>buy brand new shiny ones obviously.
Promise to buy new stuff
No new stuff has been made
same $200 ( almost $10 dollars )
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>spent $17
Liar. This was 23.58.
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Meant to reply to faggot OP
keked, no worries, I'm way too drunk
What is this
literally would proably cost me almost 130$ in the united states where i live ruski, you don't know how good you have it so you better fucking defend it like your fucking life depends on it you fucking hear me god damn it they will take it away if they can.
>Lay's $4.29
wtf they are 1,19€ here
I can assure you that your take home savings after every expense is much higher than where I live (Los Angeles)
t. vladivostok born
I just learned that Danes have to pay €450 in Crones for a motherboard that I got for €350. They milk you good.
I remember a post where they took pics of Barritolla spaghetti ingredients on the box here and I think it was Germany. Theirs "wheat" ours "trash and some wheat" RFK is right.
I spent $14.70 today just on a coffee and a pastry

and then $44 for takeout for dinner
(potomu chto ya doma potchi ni kogda ne gotovlu)
That's a pomegranate.
Those grapes just by themselves would be $7.99/lb easily in the state. You got a good deal Ivan.
Lmao, if you're implying that pic is costed 17$ to you, then you're liar. Yesterday, I spent 17 dollars for bread, millk, cheese and 300g of "Doctor's sausage" (google it, very tasty shit if you make sandwich)
Doctor's sausage sounds like a Stalker item
All that picrel is like 50cents in Australia
based barilla not giving a shit about muh sanctions
You're just retarded, Ranjesh. Comes with being Indian.
>Packaged tomatoes and cucumbers instead of weighted ones
>Fucking Lays which are almost the most expensive thing on the list
Either bait or OP is a massive onions cuckold
Congrats Ivan, now show paycheck.
>Fried in cancerogenic oil
thats $80 in america
I fucking love pasta so much bros
This was C$55
That would be $20 here.
Damn, their inflation is almost a 5th as bad as ours. Sanctions working perfectly
now compare average income
these threads have convinced me none of you stupid faggots know how to shop efficiently.

why are you retards buying luxury items when you don't even have basics like rice and beans and eggs and basic veggies like carrots and onions? like who the fuck buys the top-shelf brand of pasta instead of a bag of potatoes?
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>meanwhile I pay $80 a meal for my wife and I at the cheapest fast food in my area

It's not fair
that's food for like 3 days what's the issue
Before COVID Burger King had 20 chicken nuggets for what, $1.49? Back when I was into body building I'd buy 100 on my cheat days and just go to town.
That wouldn’t even cover the chicken breasts
remind me again who wrote millions of checks during a recession?

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