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Tiffany Dover received the Covid vaccine and fainted when she stood to answer questions at an event.

That moment spawned an anti-vaccine conspiracy theory that she died and a body double replaced her. She and her family has been subject to harassment by anti-vaxxers ever since.

That webm. She has a husband and kids yet she still needs to record herself for social media like she’s 16.
That’s not tiffany dover
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>Hide for 2 entired years

>4 Different confirmed actresses

>Ai generated picture that was a meme for months


>trying to revive the bullshit


>ai so good still trying to trick goyim

her "husband" won't even engage with her.
wow they found a jewish actress to play her thats amazing bro
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lmao what a stupid attention-seeking whore. guarantee she has one of those Queen of Spades tattoos one of her flabby fat ass cheeks.
Tits look like it could be her, but they would have shown proof of life 3 years ago to reduce vaxx hesitancy if she were still alive and well.
Different eyes, nose, chin, cheeks, hair...doesn't look remotely like her at all. Sage
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good hope she dies
There’s really no proof one way or the other, other than newscasters saying it’s Tiffany Dover.

The Tiffany Dover who collapsed in the original video, had dark straight hair, either black or really dark brown, and almost black, and she was fairly skinny, and she had blue/grey eyes, and was wearing a cheap medical mask.
The Tiffany Dover interviewed for this news program, has dirty blonde semi-curly hair, and chubbier features, although she does have blue/grey eyes.
She does sort of match the Tiffany Dover trotted out shortly after the collapse video, to prove that “Tiffany Dover” was still alive.
The problem with the Tiffany Dover brought out shortly after the collapse video, was that the “revived” Tiffany, had gotten chubbier, quicker than you might expect, and her hair didn’t match Tiffany 1.
Some medicines can cause bloating or allergic reactions,
And it’s always possible Tiffany 1 had temporarily dyed her hair a dark color, but that is speculative.
Also, from the interview, Tiffany claims the hospital told her not to speak out, so she didn’t appear in public other than very briefly.
The Hospital, according to the interviewer, claims they never told Tiffany to not speak out after collapsing.
it's not her
real Tiffany is probably dead
bitch looks nothing like Tiffany
anti-vaxxers will just keep moving the goalposts and denying no matter what evidence is put in front of them

>"tiffany is dead!1!"
>okay here's photo and video evidence of tiffany alive and well
>"that's not tiffany!!!1"

repeat ad nauseum
that's not moving goalposts dumbass.
This is the real one, numbnuts. And that damage control "documentary" didnt even have her in it.
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>millions of injuries and deaths later
you are forgotten
nobody on Earth gives a fuck if Tiffany Dover is alive or was replaced

it was just a very early signal to the absolute judeomasonic tricks involved with the vaxx rollout

>you now remember that NBC did a whole deboonking podcast called "Where is Tiffany Dover" where some dumb bitch set off to deboonk conspiracists by trying to interview Tiffany, and even though she spent months stalking her friends and family she failed to find her and got no meeting face to face

if anything this 4 year post hoc resurgence of Tiffany shit is even weirder than if it was just memory holed
she looks waaaaay older here and fatter, wtf?
Why does she look like a cartoon?
>Tiffany Dover received the Covid vaccine and
died on video, was replaced with a coworker that didn't even look similar..
I bet her pussy smells really nice.
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A.I. overlay on her face, good eye
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Pupils are very dilated, looks uncanny
Things like this is why I pray putin utterly wipes out and destroys anything Ukrainian. I will gladly pay more in taxes to see pigs marched into bullets
She deserves it for being a dumb bitch who chose the pharma corporations side. One of her sons is a tranny, this retarded cunt falls for every shill.
Nurses are HELLBOUND!!!
Clearly not the same one you greasy sheeny fuck. Go eat a mortar shell my man.
Get ready for the newest fedcast. Tiffany will team up with that haw tuk whore and millions of simps will believe every stinking word these jews say
I've literally never seen such a shaky video in my life, it's like she was holding the phone with an anti-gymbal
no one with at least two brain cells put together tought she was dead. here's a good take:
>You see, Tiffany has been running a scam for a company called Pfizer and a hospital called CHI Memorial in Chattanooga, Tennessee. What she did was to engage in a theatrical set-up after she received her first dose of the Pfizer “COVID vaccine” on live TV. Then she collapsed. Here she is doing the thing. It’s quite amusing really, because anybody that has worked in medicine knows what people are really like when they faint (aka “have a vasovagal episode”). It doesn’t look like this.
>Now, I hear you all shout “that means she’s dead”. Of course, but that would be too simple. You see there were many other things that happened after this event and one of them was that the Dovers appear to have paid off their mortgage and built a new house on the land that they owned. Of course none of that matters to “Dorit Rubenstein” who masquerades as a vaccinologist on twitter yet is a “law professor” with some very interesting vested interests and wrote this blog yet again claiming that Tiffany was alive, without any evidence that she was indeed alive.
>Tiffany Dover is alive and well. This has to be the case. Once you realise this it will become clear that Tiffany Dover is responsible for more deaths than any other nurse in history. NBC said the Dovers built a new house, and I believe them. The only logical conclusion is that Tiffany Dover - in or around December 2020 when she collapsed on camera after her COVID vaccine - came into enough money to build a new house yet at the same time hide from the world. The second logical conclusion from this is that she received enough money to do this because she was part of a charade to create a narrative that “crazy anti-vaxxers” would claim that she was dead - and NBC would come along the next year and produce a scathing podcast against them, just to show how crazy they were.
"A British tourist has died from a head injury at a popular golf course in Majorca.

"The 61-year-old man, who hasn’t been named yet, was found in a serious condition at Son Muntaner Golf Course.

"Despite attempts to save him by paramedics he died at the scene.

"Police are investigating whether he died from an accidental fall or may have been hit in the head with a golf ball. A post-mortem is set to take place over the weekend to confirm the cause of death.

"Local reports said he disappeared whilst playing with a group of friends and going after a stray ball.

"They went looking for him after he failed to return before finding him unconscious on the ground.

"The alert was raised at about 5.45pm local time on Friday, and emergency responders raced to the scene to find the man had gone into cardiac arrest."

"The Milwaukee Bucks have announced the death of former NBA player and longtime assistant coach Joe Wolf at the age of 59. Wolf had been serving as an assistant coach for the Wisconsin Herd, the Bucks' G-League affiliate, since last year. The team did not reveal the exact cause of his death.

"However, Mark Miller of Wisconsin Basketball Yearbook reported that he suffered an apparent heart attack."

nurses pass out in hospitals all the time, it's a tiring job
you chuds need to let go of everything being a conspiracy
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She is dead.
Totally different.
The husband is freaked out over the gas lighting his own family is going through.
The only conspiracy theory I see being pushed here is that some dead woman is being harassed by anti-vaxxers. Nobody else even remembers her.
Ah! Heil Mr putin.
Her family looks Ai generated
Yup, the grift is still grifting.
do you think the husband gets access to the new pussy? or is it just when they're on camera?
>look at this totally random, short, and shaky tiktok video in a parking lot where my family doesn't even look at me
>see I am totally alive
This is the same body double they found a few weeks after the injection.
Thats Tiffany Dover on acid.
ad nauseam, not ad nauseum
>different shape eyes
>different smile
>different nose
>different person
family looks like a military family

strange world
Fuck vaxxies
Every doctor and nurse who promoted the clot shot should be very afraid. We won't forget who sided with (((Big Pharma))) and globohomo.
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Jesse Dunstan of The Right Stuff podcast group (a fake Alt Right group that lures naive Whites into honeypots) wanted the National Guard to enforce lockdowns with shoot-to-kill orders. He also said "Fuck your small business" to anyone who complained about going bankrupt because of the lockdowns.


The Latinx "former" communist Eric Stryker of TRS and the National Justice Party (NJP, another scam outfit and honeypot) said the Science™ is settled and the clot shot is Safe and Effective.


Meanwhile, Chairman Mike Peinovich of TRS and NJP, who married a B'nai B'rith jewess, says if you think the clot shots are dangerous, you're a fucking moron who needs to shut up:


>This is why I hate, hate, hate stupid covid vaccine shit so much! And I have zero respect for anyone that continues to peddle it, and frankly if I see it in any of my chats I think you're stupid! I think you're fucking stupid! I'm done pretending anymore! When I see you say "sudden death" shit, FUCK YOU! That shit you're falling for was used to totally deep six any ability to maybe control the border and prevent millions more brown people in this country! So enjoy it! Enjoy your stupid fucking memes! That you don't believe someone had a heart attack! Why the fuck wouldn't a nigger have a heart attack?! What you're mad about, because you're dumb, ok I'm sorry, the people that do this are just dumb, you got tricked, and if you did, it's never too late to simply stop!

Remember these names when the time comes to remove traitors from our midst.
So? I don't have empathy for vaxoids. They are less than human.
They are literally going to HELL
The pharma penetration ages them, rapidly. But these golem are dependable aye.
Once the NPCs are dead, a new golden age can begin
"A nine-year-old boy has died returning from a family holiday in the Canary Islands. Freddie Pritchard passed away during the journey back from Tenerife on Saturday, September 14.

"Freddie's aunt, Jessica Tomlinson, shared her memories of him: 'What happened was very, very unexpected. He did not fall ill or anything like that. We have no answers and as of yet we don't have a clue as to what happened.'"

"The Peabody High School and wrestling communities are mourning the loss of 17-year-old Freddy Espinal, who died suddenly from a medical emergency while attending a wrestling practice on Sunday.

"According to Wayne Moda, Espinal’s wrestling coach, the medical emergency did not happen when Espinal was wrestling. The cause of his death is still being determined."

That's not Tiffany Dover.
That's an actress, doesn't even look like her. The real Tiffany was taken straight to hell
that's not at all what the dover fiasco was about. it was about the news media "debunking" the idea that she was dead with a news article saying "we talked to her so now you should believe us", they provided no proof but wanted people just to accept whatever they're told. that was the real story here. and they stuck with that for years. they want you to believe things without evidence
Nurses are mass murderers
She died on live TV
Only schizos could make this go this far
>nurse get needle
>faints because literally 5-10% of the population does
>schizos on twitter make it all about le govt lies
>4 yrs later we're still here, still pointlessly arguing about it.
>her and her family have literally had to go into hiding due to antivaxxtard schizos
>she eventually puts her head above the parapet
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Bet this mudshark fucked a lot of Blacks in her time!!
yeah, definitely trippin balls.
I wonder if her family is even aware that their mom was replaced by an illuminati drone.
lol no one posted the ai big foot pic?
Yawn, try again.
Black Afrikans posses very strong genetics though. Very irresistible.
why aren't you in your trench?
>Does publicity stunt to "prove it's safe"
>Dies on camera 10 seconds later
>Hasnt been seen or heard from in hears
>Someone asks "hey where's Tiffany"
>AI videos screech "STAHP HARRASING ME"

Holy fuck that image gave me a fright.
She's so fucking hot.
I'm sorry but there is something going on, why the fuck would she just ghost off like that?
Disappeared from social media, never shows her face anywhere in public either, husband let it slip on facebook that they hired a lawyer.
Just think how many people saw her fainting and decided to not get vaxxed because of that?

I'm glad that a mother seems to not have been taken from her children, but there has to have been some sort of reason for all that shit. Either she got paid hush money, was served a gag order or disappeared while recovering from some sort of side-effect.
Assuming schizos are wrong and it is in fact the same person of course.
I miss her.
She was so young and full of life.
You're one of Uncle Shmuel's zogbots who's totally not involved in the war over there, aren't you?
"A dad who died after taking ill on a Jet2 flight to Liverpool has been named as Chris Neill. The 40-year-old was with his sons Reece, 19, and Archie, 8, on a plane from Bourgas, Bulgaria to Liverpool John Lennon Airport last Monday, September 16, when he became unwell.

"The plane made an emergency landing in Cologne, Germany, where Chris was escorted off the aircraft by awaiting medical teams. As he walked down the steps to the runway, Chris collapsed with what is believed to have been a severe heart attack, and sadly died."

Let’s be clear, many aren’t anti-vaxers, we are anti poison or harmful ingredients in a vax. a vaccine is supposed to prevent and eliminate certain diseases or whatever the proper vocabulary word is.
It’s good to know she’s alive.
After seeing that uncanny image here's a possibility: Dover is a crypto Jew (only Jews have that uncanny look) She was part of a long con. Make it look like she died on camera to conspiracy theorists so they can later prove she is in fact alive. Am I going full schizo? Possibly. Am I right? Possibly.
What's she gonna do?
If she doesn't consent, it's rape. Marital rape is still rape.
they all have the same souless eyes
her pupils holy shit kek
You know, if she didn't want the attention, both good and bad, she'd refuse interviews and fade into the past. But she continues to stir the pot. She gets what she deserves.
Tiffany Dover
Where are you
Tiffany Dover
Why not hover over
And tell me where you are
And show me under your bra,
Tiffany Dover
She didn't hit the wall. She hit the floor.
>Ukraine flag
>glow nigger post
Pfizercausters, Trumpniggers, and christ tards make this board almost unusable at times.
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Nu dover in OP looks better than real Dover
49 year old Broadway Producer Adam Epstein died suddenly on Aug.13, 2024

after a "short and brutal battle with an aggressive brain tumor"

Cancer Diagnosis to death: few months

Mar.2021: "guess what? Private businesses, from restaurants to airlines etc have a right to refuse you service if you don't have proof that you've been vaccinated"

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines cause TURBO CANCER, and brain cancers are the 2nd most common.

He believed in the evils of medical tyranny and authoritarianism and it cost him his life.

Turbo Cancer spares no one.
"Dallas, TX – Dallas Police Department (DPD) Officer Christopher Jackson died unexpectedly after returning home from his shift on July 6.

"The 58-year-old officer had just gotten off work and was in the parking lot of his apartment building located in the 2700-block of Duncanville Road when the medical emergency struck at about 4 p.m.,CBS Newsreported.

"Officer Jackson collapsed onto the ground, according toWFAA.
An employee at the apartment building and police performed CPR on Officer Jackson until emergency medical personnel arrived at the scene, CBS News reported.

"He was then rushed to Methodist Hospital, where he was pronounced dead."

I miss her too, anon. She used to light up the room every time she turned the lights on.
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What a weird thing for Ukike to shill about
And now she is HELLBOUND!!!!
The most retarded part is that individuals dying from vaccine insult was never really a concern for critics of the vaccine, it was the EUA in the face of HCQ and Ivermectin and the novel technology that had always failed in prior trials, and the piss-poor morbidity associated with C-19 and the performative nature of the NMIs.

If she didn't want sex she shouldn't be alone with a man.
>I wonder if her family is even aware that their mom was replaced by an illuminati drone.
If the video is any indication they are quite aware. None of them touch her and they all have looks of hatred as if unaware they were on camera the whole time, but then suddenly fake smile at the end.
Why the fuck does reverse image search not return shit for this image

Not yandex, not tineye, not google.

I thought "surely those pupils are shooped" , and was preparing to post the original, but it's nowhere bros

What the fuck
That's not her in the video. Jaw is lower, eyes are shallower. Forehead is rounder, not even the hat can hide it.
Sleep Paralysis Demon
Welcome to the conversation.
Yup. They are very good mimics. They can impersonate the personality very well, but if you are even half-way perceptive and you're not 100% normie trash with their brain fully turned off you'll realize "that's not my mother" or "that's not my brother" or whoever that's been replaced.

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Attention whore.
Nice tiddies
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>if anything this 4 year post hoc resurgence of Tiffany shit is even weirder than if it was just memory holed
that's for sure
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Looks nothing like her.
Have you seen one? I had that once. But I couldn't see it. I could only feel it.
The vax killed my grandmother
What are you gonna do about it??!!!???!!!!!??!!??!??!
Am I fucking shadow banned or is everyone else in this thread a bot?
Still not going to ever take it nigger.
I can see you.
Right. That bitch dead.
Tiffany Dover
Her life is over
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vaxxies eat nigger shit

>oh shit did i eat breakfast this morning
Idk why they didn't go with that lie instead of claiming she suffers from losing conciseness often
"Mary Kimani, a young Kenyan woman who worked for the US military, has sadly died, and the untimely death has thrown her friends and family in Kenya and the US into mourning.

"According to a post by the Kenyan Women In The US - Uncensored -KWITUU, they were saddened to lose a member of the group. They also shared her cause of death and her burial plans.

"'God bless you all, Iam deeply saddened to announce that our sister Mary Kimani passed away on Sunday, September 14, in her sleep.'"

Why do men love whores like her???
I can be the biggest whore, but my husband won't love me. But when he sees a huge bug tit whore who shows her body off, he gets rid of me. And it's my fault, always.
It really isn't. Notice they don't show her hairline. That was they dead giveaway last time.
god imagine watching her getting bred by a hung nigger stud
"In a tragic incident, mother died of a heart attack during her son's birthday party in Gujarat's Valsad district on Saturday. The heart-wrenching scene was captured on a nearby CCTV camera.

"The family celebration was in full swing as everyone was enjoying the birthday party of the five-year-old son, with guests coming and going. The birthday boy, Gaurik, was with his mother, Yaminiben, and father on stage. Suddenly, Yaminiben collapsed. The people nearby immediately helped her and rushed her to the nearest hospital. However, after examination, doctors declared Yaminiben dead."

>white husband
>white kids
Aren't you fat incels happy she is le saving the white race???
What do you mean you weren't convinced by that shaky Blair Witch Project camera work?!
Anons, Do Not look into its eyes!
I repeat
Do Not look into that thing's eyes!!!
>She and her family has been subject to harassment by anti-vaxxers ever since.
maybe don't go on TV if you don't want to be famous?
just a thought.
buy an ad.
give it up, dude YWNBAW.
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she's super super super dead
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imagine having such a pathetic existence you still shill "the vaccine" lol LMAO
Looks like the same person to me

>what are perspectives
Oh they were finally able to produce her.
Shame she doesn't have blue eyes anymore, and is now a jewish woman.
>if anything this 4 year post hoc resurgence of Tiffany shit is even weirder than if it was just memory holed
Democrats needed to dig up her corpse to remind everyone how crazy republicans are because the election is next month. The timing of any shit that happens right now isn't odd when you consider that.
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>What a weird thing for Ukike to shill about

strange inorganic hatred for a woman we believe was killed, almost entirely from memeflags. Why would anyone accuse her of being a whore?
>Attention whore.
>And now she is HELLBOUND!!!!
>She didn't hit the wall. She hit the floor.
>You know, if she didn't want the attention, both good and bad, she'd refuse interviews and fade into the past. But she continues to stir the pot. She gets what she deserves.
>Bet this mudshark fucked a lot of Blacks in her time!!
>good hope she dies
>lmao what a stupid attention-seeking whore. guarantee she has one of those Queen of Spades tattoos one of her flabby fat ass cheeks.
>maybe don't go on TV if you don't want to be famous?
>Why do men love whores like her???

>Am I fucking shadow banned or is everyone else in this thread a bot?
thread is almost entirely bots.

>what are perspectives
apparently barely cognizable big-pharma cope.
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ops video is a year old btw
Damar Hamlin made it back to the Bills.
Tiffany is in HELL
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>Be Leftist Faggot
>Bloody Murder



Waiting for /pol/ to identify car registration plates to confirm if they real and triangulate the location based on the number of light poles and the colour of the sky.
Kek his presumably husband posturing on the back was just sad. Ronnie Coleman at his peak could walk with his arms next to his body and these twinks flail their arms around in the public like frightened chimps.
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Why are her eyes so big?
Also her cool colour changing cup. Going to need a link to that.
and she decided to do this while they were casually walking through a parking lot while out with the family doing real shit?
just walking and emoting, talking at her phone about how safe and effective trusting the science and media is.
even adopting many mannerisms specific to modern marketing done on tiktok, shit isn't very organic.
Deep fake tech
OP vid is not Tiffany, it's her sister
we archived the whole family's social media
before it was taken down. They know she died.
sister is a lying cunt, profiting from Tiffany's death
Murdered by Jewish Pharmakeia
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AI couldn't get the fingers right. Bitch is dead. Vaxxies are damaged and OP is a fleshlight for kikes.
m8 that /pol/ died years ago (think /bahpomet/ on sideways infinitychan).
It's tiktok zoomies and fb tier boomies now.
I just want billions to die
Based, she's most unlikely unvaxxed
She's HELLBOUND!!!!!
She's on LSD
so why didn't she speak out right after collapsing right after getting injected with the gene therapy?
Not the sister
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Where is Tiffany Dover ?
>she hit the floor
Her brother Ben took it like a champ
Would both but right one is a tranny (head to shoulders ratio)
Did you guys ever realized the proximity to pedo symbolism around her?
That is her husband, Ben.
Bit sad that we're this far into the bred desu.
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>Why are her eyes so big?
This. Simple as.
forgot to uncheck your slava ukraine shillshit
VPN you retard. come back and do it properly.
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not tiffany dover
prove it is nigger
>the autists on the internet won't immediately notice the double's part is located in a different place on her head
Different hair colour, no nurse outfit and not even wearing a facemask, it's clearly a different person.
the flag didn't give it away to you?
ukranians barely speak english
Can she also speak out with her asshole wrapped around my cock
Same that thing is a demon
still, she can still stretch her asshole on my dick
>be first vaccine person
>pretend to faint live on air
>sign a million dollar NDA with big pharma
clever girl

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