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welcome to the recombvax
where not even pussy is safe anymore.
>The two unvaced males had strokes
Yeah, in the corner watching the other dude plow their wife
>twitter screen cap from some rando
>this is totally real dude
>degenerates get diseases by being sexually reckless
thank you for screen capping a random twitter metrosexual
racist incels WILL inherit the Earth
Twitter is not a source
Op is a nigger.
She probably just learned about Kegel exercises.
I’m not gonna believe some retard on the Internet I need to see the report, and I need to get that blood vials from both men and see if they actually have the spike protein short of that go fuck yourself Op
How would a stroke causing vaccine cause people who didn’t take it get a stroke, but the person who did take it not get a stroke? It’s just not adding up, rabbi.
This is real. My ex got the vaccine behind my back. Came to my apt the same day, showed up sick as a dog. I almost had either a heart attack and/or stroke that night. Woke up in the middle of the night thinking I was about to die. Had horrible effects for months after. Tiredness, pin pricks in chest back and sides, heart palpitations, chest pain, heart pain, swollen testicles, buzzing feeling, waking up after naps feeling like I was vibrating. Stupid cunt 3 months later got a booster, showed up even sicker. Continued to lie. That night after her booster I came very close to death. Woke up in middle of night, couldn’t move my right arm. Felt like I was going to pass out from dizziness. That fucking bitch nearly killed me twice. Finally came clean after her booster, as I and her were experiencing all of these symptoms that i was reading about on here (as I mentioned above). I’m in biotech and I can speak about this topic endlessly. The mrna and spikes 1000% shed to others from just perspiration, respiration, and of course closer contact. Fuck kikes. TKD. All fucking kikes deserve to die for this shit.
Maybe they had strokes because she wouldn't shut up.
In before kikes and shills. I KNOW that other men experienced this. I’m not some kind of outlier I’m just an average person and I experience things in an average way but with a heightened perception of my bodily functions and status. This was a bio weapon. This was a synthetic attack on my body. No fucking kike will ever convince me otherwise.
>This is real. My ex got the vaccine behind my back. Came to my apt the same day, showed up sick as a dog. I almost had either a heart attack and/or stroke that night. Woke up in the middle of the night thinking I was about to die. Had horrible effects for months after. Tiredness, pin pricks in chest back and sides, heart palpitations, chest pain, heart pain, swollen testicles, buzzing feeling, waking up after naps feeling like I was vibrating. Stupid cunt 3 months later got a booster, showed up even sicker. Continued to lie. That night after her booster I came very close to death. Woke up in middle of night, couldn’t move my right arm. Felt like I was going to pass out from dizziness. That fucking bitch nearly killed me twice. Finally came clean after her booster, as I and her were experiencing all of these symptoms that i was reading about on here (as I mentioned above). I’m in biotech and I can speak about this topic endlessly. The mrna and spikes 1000% shed to others from just perspiration, respiration, and of course closer contact. Fuck kikes. TKD. All fucking kikes deserve to die for this shit.
I want to learn about this extensively. I am a young millenial / zoomer may impregnate a woman, looking only for unvaxed.

What can I expect ?
Any texts to read that you could link me ?
May we get in contact through an email?

Best regards
no, it didn't.
ban vaxxed woman asap
what the fuck does "run calls on two dudes" and "throuple" mean?
>don't date vaxxed women
good thing I'm a loser no woman, vaxxed or not, will date anyway
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They're probably buying gas station dick pills. We thought there was some kind of pathogenic reason for a huge spike in under 25 year old Indian guys having strokes in our town but it turned out some jeets started passing around these "Hunting Strong Tiger" branded herbal dick pills at every party or club they were visiting. Turned out they were just Caffiene and like 180mg Sildenafil, and almost 200mg Tadalafil. These chuckleheads were popping like 3-4 of these right before they went out drinking.
>having sex in a threesome
So many problems here. The real black pill is that it's not the vax... It's residual cancer from STDs
guy's a paramedic, he has infinitely more credibility than you ever will
Wouldn't it be more likely that she's poisoning them? Sounds like a criminal case.
I'm not sleeping with vaxxed bitches so it's not my problem, i don't eat poisoned candy and go to sleep with the guilt of seeing if i've poisoned myself.
i've never seen a vagina but i have to shake hands and deal with mouthbreathers at work, how come i'm not dead?
28 year old virgin here. Just decided I'm never having sex. This is too much, man. I don't want to have a stroke.
I have gotten the vaxx and 1 booster and never experienced anything like this. I think I felt a little bad after the 1st vaxx. My family also didn't have this reaction, and they got the vaxx and 1-2 boosters. It must be a rare reaction.
It's not real but I wish it was.

all six billion vaccinated died last week so you don't have to bother making these posts anymore
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>two moar weeks
I got the vaxx and 1 booster, and I felt a little bad a few days later but otherwise was fine. My family got the vaxx and 1-2 boosters and it had the same effect. It sounds like you and your gf had a weird deadly reaction to the vaxx. I wonder why both of you had it.
They'll lie as they always do anyways
you have a good immune system and you have not been in close contact or intimate with someone freshly vaxxed
Why did you post twice with small variations to the post? What we got was first round Pfizer vaccines deployed at a state school with a highly diverse community. (Not many fucking kikes there) I knew that shit was going to be no joke. She didn’t get saline.
i dunno why you tards fin dthis so hard to believe. thats literally how viruses work. if you inject yourself with a bioweapon virus of course its going to spread to the people around you
Women have thicker bloodbrain barriers?
women have emptier brains so there is more room for clots
Given the general appearance of polyamorous creatures, this is a good guess.
Sharing a hambeast and needing dick pills to do the deep should induce a stroke from shame.
>I ran calls on two guys
So this guy was fucking the two other guys? Gay
>a Throuple
Should stop being such degenerate faggots and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior instead.
>feeling like I was vibrating
This one can be some kind of nutrient deficiency. I remember a paper early on saying magnesium in the body was affected somehow. Maybe some of these issues are due to messed up electrolytes.
Shedding is actually real. My (now ex) GF was a vaxxmaxxer, while I never got the jab. Fast forward 2 years and we both developed myocarditis around the same time. Neither of us is even overweight, nor has some kind of family history of heart disease.
I think I've only been shedded on by women. This is curious. Why would they be capable of injuring others in this way? Do they produce different types of exosomes? What goes inside must be processed differently for it to come back out differently.
That is insane. I hope you feel well now.
chlorine dioxide is the antidote
>the twitter rando is totally credible
get outta here
And who were they expecting they’d get to fuck? White women? I know some white women lay with dogs but…
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holy fuck this exact thing happened to me but my wife and I are both unvaxxed. I would have like a weird buzzing sensation like I bit down on a toothbrush, migraine, nausea, tinnitus, tachycardia, palpitations, globus sensation, dizziness. was told it was anxiety but it was purely physical I never had any kind of mental anxiety.
>two dudes in a thruple
and other things that never happened
electric toothbrush*
Jeets court women by surrounding them with their erections as visible as possible. They are under the impression it displays virility and will make the women horny.
I'm unvaxxed and my girlfriend at the time got just the first dose. I talked her out of getting the other ones. I was out of the country when she took the first dose and saw her perhaps two weeks later. upon having sex, I did notice some weird temporary symptoms. We then had unprotected sex multiple times weekly until splitting in early 2024, so whatever is in that shit had lots of opportunity to be passed into me. I always wondered about the vax shedding, not sure what to think about it until seeing something more substantial
Her blood is cold as ice
>. We then had unprotected sex multiple times weekly until splitting in early 202

its gross to think about a slut that fucking used is walking around trying to attach her receptacle to another penis. youre a fucking cunt for releasing that walking biohazard into the dating marketplace again. catch and release is for fishing not women. nobody wants your disgusting sloppy seconds and we all know shes going to lie about her past to the next male victim in line
Been married 32 years anon. After a while it stops bugging you.
He was an emergency medical tech. Throuple is slang for a 3 person sexual relationship
Unlikely to develop all at once.
had sex with two vaccinated women roughly six months apart. each time afterwards woke up heart pounding, suffered several weeks of being unable to walk full speed without my heart pounding out of my chest. established a protocol of eating a metric ton of pineapple for bromoline, a pinon pine tincture i applied several times, NAC 600mg morning and evening, but the thing i think saved me aside from the grace of God was zyn pouches for that nicotine aphoptosis or however its spelled. shedding is real. having sex with vaccinated women is getting a huge dose of those spikes. stay tf away from vaccinated pussy. this isnt some dont have sex shit, be careful lads.
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>first round Pfizer vaccines
Krautbro's girlfriend in pic related had the Pfizer as well
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Recall picrel:
/pol/tards actually believe this
>Eating prion pussy
doesnt nicotine destroy spike?
oh ok so nicotine does destroy spike proteins
Two strokes at the same time? Kinda' gay.
>Why did you post twice with small variations to the post?
It didn't look like it posted the first time.
>worse than AIDS
who could have devised such a thing?

>open relationship cuck starting to SWEAT
>don't have sex, you'll die
>blame the vax
>buy more suvs
Vaxx shedding, huh? Well, I post this in every thread, it alway sgets ignored. But Germany changed the vaccine laws when the firt batch of Corona vaxxes came out. It is now legal to apply shedding vaccinations where it wasn't before:

>Act on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases in Humans (Infection Protection Act - IfSG)
>§ Section 21 Vaccines
>In the case of a vaccination ordered on the basis of this Act or a vaccination publicly recommended by the supreme state health authority or a vaccination in accordance with Section 17a (2) of the Soldiers Act, vaccines may be used that contain microorganisms that can be excreted by the vaccinated person and ingested by other persons. The fundamental right to physical integrity (Article 2 (2) sentence 1 of the Basic Law) is restricted in this respect.

Source: Infection control act, §21. Look it up yourself.
curious about the mechanism though

the spike proteins are generated at the site of "infection" right? they just go into overdrive trying to kill this one thing. essentially programmed to target this one "infection"

would the invasive nature of sperm (in the sense that it burrows everywhere, causing micro-chimerism etc) be a trigger for spike-protein over-production?

did this chick's vax-blood just take out a hit on these two eskimo brothers?

wonder if it targets vax-sperm the same way? or that gets a pass because her vax blood recognizes it as like/self?

would explain why faggots gets AIDS from all the sperm crawling around inside them and their immune systems constantly trying to wipe out all the stranger DNA faggots suck in on a daily basis.

vax kinda mimics this, but only sees un-vaxxed sperm as "foreign"?
(heart attacks and clots aside - call that growing pains as the vax crispr-esque paradigm roots in permanently to create a reproductive division between vaxxers and non-vaxxers - ie: a State/Tech controlled reproductive ur-system?)
Smoke a ciggie every so often.
Or chew nicotine gum.
Gets rid of spikies.
>1 girl, 2 strokes
*to clarify
It doesn't only hunt it in the woman's body, it transfers to the men when they go back for sloppy mixed-seconds and just kills them as "foreign bodies" via this weird clotting action.
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How does blood pressure lowerers give you a stroke? They relax your arterial muscle walls. I think these jeets were maxxvaxxed.

The primary cause for strokes is high blood pressure.
welp, RIP me, all that work dodging for nothing
Do you think it's prolonged exposure and you're fine if you get away before too long or do you think shedding causes you to start making spikes too?
go fuck yourself nigger
Vaxxie here, I've been going to every anti-vax conference in the country and been shedding extra hard if you know what I mean
Take a you, thats fucked up
You can get most of this just from a finger on your prostate lol
>nicotine does destroy spike proteins
It's apoptosis (cellular death).
Here it is, explained [pic]:
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>the spike proteins are generated at the site of "infection" right?
No, they take up residence in the liver and spleen and eventually spread to the balls, heart, lungs, and travel up the vagus nerve into the brain. The S2 spike weakens the blood-brain barrier not only allowing itself to pass through, but also allowing the graphene in.

Detoxing the liver is priority #1 which is why NAC works. I went through this myself and I can tell you that, without a doubt, what worked the fastest was lemon juice mixed in water every day (around a quarter cup).
Unvaxxed here, got sick after going to the dentist office in the summer time. Pretty sure I was the only unvaxxed person in the building.

I take ivermectin anytime I feel sick after being in close proximity with the vaccinated but it's still uncommon for me to get sick.
I've had some of those symptoms after going to work for a few days after 2y of sitting at home.

the foam piss, headaches and heart rate spikes to be precise.
I believe it. I take ivermectin And 10k ui vitamin d + 200mcg k2 tho
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Some dudes say that it cures lots of stuff, but I don't know. There's plenty of info in the archives.
Did you get injected with a local anesthetic? There are rumors going around that [they] are putting the MRNA shit into it now.
It can only be transmitted sexually, I've seen it happen
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It's over for me
>got a gf
>had unprotected sex with her
>later find out she's had 2 boosters
>I'm vaxxed now
Never fall the gf meme lads
No, I wasn't there for myself. Was just sitting in the lobby waiting on a family member who is also unvaxxed. They also got a little sick but I was the worse off between the two of us.
>watching the other dude plow their wife
plot twist they are fat fucks
I forgot to mention that, in women, it takes hold in the ovaries, which become the source of the spikes in vaginal secretions. Hence, vaxxed pussy = poison.
I literally ate vaxxed pussy and nothing happened
>I’m not gonna believe some retard on the Internet I need to see the report,
>this is what chuds actually believe
Also there are no unvaxxed women so you either be ready to be an incel forever, fuck a negress or stop taking random tweets seriously.
>think I've only been shedded on by women
I had a 25 year old male professional footballer in my office for 3 hours the day after he received the vax.
for the next 3 days, I was in bed with fever, sweating, shaking. soaked to the skin in sweat for 3 days straight.
nothing after that.
What really went on in that office?
>good thing I'm a loser no woman, vaxxed or not, will date anyway
sounds more like a winner to me.
yikes anon. we are all so cucked.
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The way I've been avoiding any potential vaccine shedding and heart issues is by injecting two doses of Ivermectin into my butthole every day. Seems to have working fine.
Huh so nicotine kills it. That is why my triple vaxxed boomer father is still alive.... coz he smokes a lot. Wew... thanks Marlboro. And that is why my gf has bo symptoms or anything, coz vaping with nicotine swept it away (she was doing it before we met too). Thank you, Jesus.
>would the invasive nature of sperm (in the sense that it burrows everywhere, causing micro-chimerism etc) be a trigger for spike-protein over-production?
>did this chick's vax-blood just take out a hit on these two eskimo brothers?
>wonder if it targets vax-sperm the same way? or that gets a pass because her vax blood recognizes it as like/self?
>would explain why faggots gets AIDS from all the sperm crawling around inside them and their immune systems constantly trying to wipe out all the stranger DNA faggots suck in on a daily basis.
>vax kinda mimics this, but only sees un-vaxxed sperm as "foreign"?
>(heart attacks and clots aside - call that growing pains as the vax crispr-esque paradigm roots in permanently to create a reproductive division between vaxxers and non-vaxxers - ie: a State/
fuck anon. so fucking vaxed pussie if unvaxed. or rather cooming vaxed pussie sets a death squad of spikes coming after you for dumping in their mommy.
that would mean unvaxed Chad's on tinder should all be dead by now.
did Chad get vaxed ? probably.
hey i also got sick as fuck from boning a recently vaxxed chick
it happened twice with two different women, one had been vaxxed with astrazenecae the week before (about 5-6 days) and the other i think the day before or maybe two days before with moderna

the first chick just made me extreeeemely fucking tired, like i had noticeable covid with all the normal symptoms but the main one was extreme, cartoonish fatigue where i could barely even get up to go to the bathroom. it also made one of my kidneys itch and ache.

second chick gave me the most severe covid i had of the entire pandemic, fever coughing all that, with lingering symptoms and a crazy synthetic-seeming phlegm.

weirdest thing, finally after 3-4 days of feeling like death, i hacked up a marble-sized piece of what appeared to be synthetic neon orange phlegm and my symptoms disappeared immediately. i mean within the hour, possibly within half an hour, i felt back to 100% healthy.

the phlegm-ball was so sticky it took me hours of hacking like a cat with a hairball to get it up and out of me and immediately after it was gone i experienced a wave of relief like my body powering back on.

i had normal covid 2x possibly 3x in 4 years but the shedding covid fucked me up, those are the ones that really messed with my energy levels, gave me the worst "brain fog" (i noticed a harder time spelling and writing, that never fully got back to 100%) and most troubling, fucked one of my kidneys so now i often have foamy, stinky piss.
fuck dude that is no good, sorry.
what's the explanation for the vibrating? i get that too now.
>Smoke a ciggie every so often.
>Or chew nicotine gum.
>Gets rid of spikies
does this mean vaxed smokers should be less likely to DS than non-smokers ?
I knew one died suddenly, man fit in his 40s, used to smoke by I think had quit for a number of years.
They got it removed anyway because they're all troons
i had the weird rash(es) and crazy sudden-onset headaches when i went home to visit my parents for the first time after they lifted their ban of my unvaxxed ass coming home. this would have been in early 2023 i believe, after the first booster
Thank god I haven't even to touched a girl since 2016 nor anyone else.

Will the replicon vax actually transmit via airborne or is that just 4chan dramatization? I'm actually concerned about it, and am starting to think the NEETs are on to something in regards to never going outside
Smoke a cigar once a month
holy fuck. that's why i don't fuck vaxxed pussy
you threw her ass through the drywall multiple times i hope yeah?
If you didn't then you get what you fucking deserve
wait, did you have sex with her these days or just were beside her? There's a difference between shedding and getting it from sex like i'm an incel so i'm not worried about that. But shedding from skin touching or being in the same room/house freaks me out
they are called "looksmaxxers" these days.
adjust your nomenclature going forward
Divine punishment.
Another one just died

Maybe they were just fat amerilards. I’ve had sex with 2 vaxxies (no connie) and I’m fine. First vax sex was like 2 years ago.
The facts seem to point to murder.
I doubt cucks fucking the same woman were not vaxxed...
it's just a cohencidence anon
How does one "run" a call?
\pol\ slowly discovers viruses are real.
I refuse to raw dog vaxxed pussy. I fell to temptation and fucked some vaxxie with a condom once but the whole time I was paranoid about having close contact with her. My concern is if unvaxxed women become spike protein factories if they fuck a vaxxie. Finding a virgin is close to impossible at my age.
Women were put here by satan to destroy man. They are Jewish collaborators and must be gassed. Return to Greek pedaresty.
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i don't understand shedding entirely nor do i totally believe it but i am paranoid of it. i remember the theory of shedding being related to the pheromones back in 2021. i have enough reason to suspect there's weird nano technology in the shot despite the one study that was hyped up here recently turning out to suck, but there's too many possibilities for me to be sure of what's going on and how to even determine if someone is shedding noticeably.
im unvaxxed but a lot of my family got it, i havent had anything happen to me although i got the flu around christmas 2021. almost killed my mom through pneumonia but she miraculously survived and recovered and while she has a cough, she hasnt shown any signs of illness despite being around older vaxed people.

it's weird because i know people who died from it, people who seemingly have had nothing happen despite initial flu like reactions to it, and others who now have to shit through a bag but likewise haven't caused me or people around me to notice shedding.

i understand most of the long term purpose behind it but i don't understand the exact mechanisms still. i do know that the mrnaids makes you run the risk of getting a prion disease and even though prions don't shed, if you put that shit in the meat, it could lead to eating meat with misfolded proteins, and the spike can cause them to misfold too apparently. i'm not worried about it causing that if you aren't a kike protein factory but there's still the unknown element of how exactly it works and what the real potential of shedding is and if those death particles can't basically give you aids the same way the vaxxed have it.
>i don't understand shedding entirely nor do i totally believe it but i am paranoid of it
Here you go, complete with links
this but unironically
as a wizard anyway, I would be more concerted if they were gay
How the fuck do threads like this stay up on /pol/ while more interesting threads get deleted?
>literal who
>retarded anecdote
This passes for evidence these days?
Cope and seethe kike
typical subhuman reply
pvrblvd male here, partner (female/female) got the initial clotshot though. She shut up about muh flatearth and never took any bossties after the adverse effects she experienced.
I took a D-dimer though, just in case (also both of us had covid), all the levels are normal fwiw.
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>put your dick in biological weapon
>get a stroke
I was also doing this sans ivermectin cuz last time I attempted to obtain some I was unable to.
shedding is fake and gay jewish lie. all the normies get side effects from sexing vaxed person
Cope and seethe kike
I believe the vax shedding. Around spring of 2021 i developed sharp heart pains/palpitations and this is when most my peers got the vax
welp lads, great thread, but you forgot our struggle is in vain; REPLICON is coming.
Or it could be just she killed them
Is this supposed to be readable?
Based anon remains enlightened. Stay free, brother.
On the internet you can be anything you want.
Im a british man from the hit telivision show House M.D.
I say its lupus.
My tolerance for you phonefags is limited.
Decent used laptops are around $100-150. Put linux on it for free and stop being a bitch.
It causes you to start making spikes also.
The bitch who got the clot shots is such a cunt that she causes people to stroke out from rage.

We're all vaxxed regardless. Unless you live completely isolated from society and grow your own food and haven't been bit by a mosquito in the last few years, you've got it in you one way or another. They were dead set on making sure we all got vaxxed and they meant it.
Just in a room with her breathing /sleeping next to me.
You're braindead if you believe this. That's not even remotely close to how it works. Unless you got the actual DNA altering heart attack causing injection itself, you're fine.
It means he and they are degenerates
Be me,
Ask femoid if she took the Corona poison
They leave
I'm safe anons.
I hope this is true. Incels rise up.
Did it work?
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You always bring a smile to my face.
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If any of you anons are experiencing brain fog from being around vaxoids, then you need to start a turmeric/curcumin regimen immediately. Take it after a meal containing black pepper, as that will increase its absorption by several orders of magnitude.
phonefag here: i can read these studies just fine. ephrahim pajeeto is just being obtuse.
This. Turmeric in hot water with black pepper works too. Does anybody know if any further research has been done with lichen as another possible solution. pinon pine tincture seems promising but it also hits like a truck.
I love nicotine.
just working out who is likely to die around me.
smokers for the win. explains the war on tobacco.
>The fundamental right to physical integrity (Article 2 (2) sentence 1 of the Basic Law) is restricted in this respect.
S C H E I ß E S C H E I ß E S C H E I ß E
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Is the Vaxx in the room with us right now, anon?
Can confirm
My wife got vaxxed to keep her job during all this
I stayed clean
One month later I have ever fucking allergy you can think of out of nowhere. Can’t even eat shrimp anymore
I know this is why
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For all intents and purposes, you're tainted now. Guess having some basic standards and expectations was too much to ask.
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Now that I read this thread, I notice that many times I had a fever after fucking some whores who were probably vaxxed.
I took the first pfizer shot, but it made me so ill that I didnt take the second shot, and none of the following shots they wanted us to take.
It might have been their disgusting vaxxed pussy juice that made me ill.
Disgusting. Herpes I could have treated with antibiotics, but this shit? ew.
I made out with a vaxxed girl a few times, but my current gf and I are both unvaxxed, are we safe? Certainly better than either of us actually being vaxxed, no?
Are you niggers serious?
Lincux is a toy for kids who are to old for apple
If you don't have a thinkpad with molested windows 10 you dont make money
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Dear vaccinated people,

You now have AIDS. Oy vey.

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you can have a goated hardened sans systemd librebooted thinkpad and still shitpost from your phone bruv. that rigid tism thinking will be the end of you.

>if youre not shilling for apple youre not a real boy with no real money and ur not real
you should be fine. its the pussy thats poisonous + makes complete sense with depop agenda. people who die breeding + people scared to breed is chefs kiss for these nerds.
>Reading about cuckolding on Twitter
are u ok
I didn't take it because fuck the gay managerial class running everything into the ground. Not my problem - I'll never fear an invisible threat. Fuck that gay shit; life is too short to care if I die.
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>People do not go on the internet and lie
were they running a train on her when they died?
lmao. My brother and cousin both have this shitty tattoo They are both unvaxxed but only get tats when heavily intoxicated.
>pinon pine tincture
you mean pinetree pollen extract/tincture? or what? search doesnt get any results rly
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This is less believable than the twitter random in the OP.
The levels of cope psyops can produce is quite amusing.
Thats why I dont bang vaxxies.

Also you can induce heart attacks in dogs by denying them access to their turf, while they can see you are allowing other dogs onto the turf.

Same goes for cucks.
>>484345083 Actually this is what is happening to degens. And this has been happening to degens since the beginning of times, but for some reason authorities don't want to associate those numbers with their behaviour.
In all seriousness, how fucked am I?
>t. Took anesthesia shot
Also this
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Chinese scientists 'create' a mutant coronavirus strain that attacks the BRAIN and has a 100% kill rate in mice - as they admit there's a 'risk it spills over to humans'"

"Chinese Lab Tests Mutant COVID-19 Strain | China In Focus">>>
You cant read. Here is your assistance:
1. Apple is a toy
2. Linux is a toy for big boys
3. Windows pc is for adults who make money because it has programs that are needed in the real world

>b b b b but you can do this and that
I do whatever I want and I dont want to waste time on toys for retards

Kys plebbit nigger
What even is this low IQ garbage of a response?
My girlfriend is vaxxed, we fuck all the time.
We're also both smokers, so. Nicotine ftw.
I'm unvaxxed, never tested.
God you must smell horrific
We smell wonderful thank you sweetie.
No one cares about you or your "girl"friend (male)
>I'm unvaxxed
That's not how this works. You're tainted.
I laughed way to hard at this
Checked, but still, just incels mad lol

Have sex faggot
I can still change that and get laid
You can never change your tainted mutant blood back to normal
All the shilling years past the point anyone cares about the vaxx or virus makes me think it's not caused by either. Like they're using both issues to distract from the real killer. I don't know, 5g or something
People warned about 5g
They were dismissed as crazy
Everyone stopped thinking about 5g and started arguing about vaccines and viruses that were less real than anyone admits
And 5g is memory holed
Have sex incel
>thread has still 225+ replies
/pol/ is filled with fucking subhumans who were clearly at the beginning of the bell curve.

At least use this:
Kys fucking kike
Fake, karmic consent was needed. This poster is a kike shill.
Funniest joke in the whole thread and not a single (you). Have a (you) on me, anon
>secondhand vax
Thank goodness
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Anyone have that CGI animation of the guy dodging vaccine shot needles and chops off his arm mid run after a shot hits his arm?

I need that gem.
Like 99% of women are vaxxed. I can't be an incel forever, bros. What if you use condoms?
just wait until after the dieoff of 2025
Unvaxt Chad here, (both femoid 'frens with bens' are also unvaxt) Anyways a few weeks ago I had a vibration in my outer thigh every 3 seconds that felt oddly similar to having a large cell phone in my pocket on vibrate (I did not)
It lasted a few days, would wake me up constantly in any position that I tried to sleep or sit.
Interesting, I'll definitely get some supplements
My coworker got Moderna x2 as soon as it was released for the under-65 population. A few days later we had to travel several hours in the cramped cab of a U-Haul box truck.
Next day I woke up sick as a dog 101.5 fever that lasted 2 days.
About 2 weeks after that, same thing happened a couple hours crammed in a small truck cab and got sick again the next day (not as badly).
Anyway I didn't return to work after that until maybe 2 weeks ago. Come to find out he has been getting sick with 'covid' several times while I was away these few years, and has finally sworn off boosters forever.
Nicotine neutralizes the shedding
>has finally sworn off boosters forever
he's dead anon, prepare for the news of him dropping dead unexpectedly

Not had symptoms to extent of your ones, but had some headaches from working near recently vaxxed people. My wife (also unvaxxed) had some weird blood clots passed outwith her usual menstruation time as well... i hope it isn't permanently making hydrogel swimmers and nanotech chips grow in our bodies too... we don't give off bluetooth mac addresses like vaxxoids do at least. You hesrd about that phenomenon at all btw? If you have an android phone you can test it yourself (doesn't work for iphones apparently)
Constant bickering over who gets the next round of leftovers from the ugly slam pig
Top Jej
> verification not required
Top jej
I'm an unvaxxed pureblooded chad, Son of God and an ascended master and an acolyte of Hermes Trismegistus.
Also I am nobody and nothing at the same time.

Anyway, I fuck vaxxed whores on the regular, yes you feel bad after, but pop in a snus pouch or two and the nanoparasites get fucking wrecked, for some reason.
That's what I first thought, but it has been 3 years and he is over 50. (And 1 pack-a-day smoker)
97% of the Unexpectedites I hear about/read about are under 40 yrs, and quite physically active.
Probably playing sports (or other cardio exercise) gets the graphene razor blades circulating fast through the vessels, thus gumming them up quickly with all the white rubbery scar tissue/shavings/alien life forms.
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>be me
>wife got the vax + booster in 2020 because she is a retarded nurse
>she is now developing a growth behind one of her eyes
>meanwhile, im unaffected, working towards 315lbs on barbell squat (currently over 200 for five reps
>quads getting bigger, i can feel them jiggle when i run
>she is becoming miserable with her life
>meanwhile i continue to lift and funpost
Oh well I warned her. Fucking foids.
That's the fucking problem... Shedding is real. They want us to turn on the vaxxed and squabble but we're all equally fucked. I'm pissed as fuck at the retards who got the clot shot but the reality is that they have shed it onto purebloods and I believe it was designed so intentionally to create D&C. Sorry about your retarded gf anon, but I fear they've fucked us all in their stupidity. More people are having less sex than ever before and STD's and AIDS have been around for years and haven't been effective enough for them so this allows them to shed by simply sharing spaces. It's a fuckshow and they knew exactly what they were doing.
Can confirm. I made the mistake of letting a vaxxed relative stay with me for a week. Im mostly recovered but its been over a year and the symptoms are still not fully gone.
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Good thing I avoid 3DPD. 2D stays unbeatable.
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Maybe, but she doesnt put out as much anymore, so I think the effects are negligible.
He's not wrong considering you're a dom doos that fell for the airborne AIDS meme, where do you think squirrel got those couch dollars from?
so then there's no way to avoid it, even if you are unvaxxed you still get it unless you only hang around people who didn't get it and who themselves never go around people who got it OR isolate yourself from all humans.
how is it that most vaxies are fine but people who don't get the vax get REKT when around people who got it?
I'm sure you know all about getting your prostate fingered
unlike you sukhdeep, not everyone who doesn't have sex is an incel.
>May we get in contact through an email?
>What can I expect ?
you can expect to be lied to a lot.
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>What can I expect ?
When dealing with 3DPD? Dissapointment
that shit is so wild and scary I almost don't believe it. heart beat randomly drops to 40-50? I'm highly highly active and my resting bpm is 55-60, how does it go to 40-50 and then an EKG go well unless dr ranjesh is incompetent or lying?
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I dont think they are. I know a vaccinated guy who died from "messed up blood". Thats how the doctor described it because they couldnt figure out what was wrong.
Like in the Walking Dead, everyone already has the virus.
If they can shed after the shot, does sexual contact even matter?
I know a couple vaxxies who got destroyed but I know dozens of vaxxies who are A-OK with no change to their quality of life or health after over two years. I know one vaxxie who has horrible heart issues and can barely walk, he used to be jacked and in great shape, ate well, exercised a lot. The other one died, I don't know the cause of death though. He drank a lot, ate like shit, and didn't exercise so it could be something unrelated to the vax or could be the vax.
so in other words there's no hope unless you have been isolating from people completely since 2021. just going to the grocery store and having a person walk past you in an aisle could be enough to get you.
the shed only affects the pureblood when you near the vaxxed.
the graphene goes into your dick

All good bro, that shit didn't last. Although I did fast a bunch, water and dry fasting, at the beginning of this year, for unrelated reasons. Also eat a shit load of garlic and ginger sometimes. Also have warm water with juice of a lemon first thing in the morning sometimes. Who knew I was doing it right eh? What I don't do right is I like my wife to peg me, sometimes I even ask her to fist my asshole. I am not right in the head eh. Probably from porn addictjon in my teens and from the time I ingested 5 mg yes milligrams of LSD aged 18. Shit was NOT so cash
most of the people I know got either moderna or pfizer and were fine. Maybe because we live in liberal shitholes they got saline lmao. a lot of the vaxxies I know got sick with covid post vax, a couple were bed ridden too. Like the vaccine didn't do shit
Bitch probably stressed their hearts out with constant nagging and bullshit.
>If you have an android phone you can test it yourself
I can't even follow this fucking retardation.
take your xitter trash and fuck off.
jannies clean it up.
This is fucking bullshit. Yes, COVID is a bioweapon, yes mRNA shots will harm your body. But mRNA, even when stabilized with pseudouridine, has almost no viability ex vivo. Even if it were somehow in her spit or something (which would also make no sense), there's basically no way it would be absorbed into your body in any appreciable amount.

And even if somehow she had spike proteins, not the mRNA strands, coming out in her sweat or something, it's again a small amount of protein that does not last long at all ex vivo, and your body would break it down quickly.

You weren't a victim of shedding, she probably just got sick at the hospital and transferred that sickness to you.
I mean most of the replies are probably bots, we already known VPN bots will spam the same topics.
Eh, it might, but what nicotine DOES do is bind to ACE2 receptors in your airways, which are the receptors that SARS-CoV-2 was engineered to bind to. So basically if you smoke, those receptors will already have nicotine bound to them, which will reduce the change of you contracting COVID (as only smaller amounts of SARS-CoV-2 will be able to bind in your airways at a time, which gives your immune system time to react and neutralize them and mount an antibody response before you get a full blown infection).
You idiots are still fear mongering about fucking vaccines in 2024?
He's 28 man. If it hasn't happened it's probably not going to.
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Right. They had "strokes". They stroked together.
Gotcha. Understood. Loud and clear.
I have been cumming inside many vaxxed women with my unvaxxed cum. I feel blood clots giving me arm and chest pain I have never had.
>where not even pussy is safe anymore.
never was
yes and they're right, vaxxies will die any year now, 2025, 2026, 27, 28... 2100
Look up the new replicon vaccine. It’s beyond fucked. I usually can stomach disturbing information but this stuff is certified nightmare fuel.
Do you need to be in direct contact?
no, it's airborne
so the vaccine isnt deadly but the shedding is?
no, both are deadly
so why did the unvaxed die and the vaxie not?
Fuck off kike. I’ve told this same exact same story on here like 5 times already. Been waiting for everyone to start realizing what happened and what will continue to happen.
it could work like a pro drug, where once you inject it, the body starts to generate the "desired reaction"... in this case its the shedded toxins.
>no viability ex vivo
You don’t know what you are talking about anon, mRNA fragments are lighter than air and easily aerosolized. It doesn’t need minutes in the air, it just needs seconds.
Allegedly go out into the middle of nowhere and look for MAC addresses with wireless radio
Not as deadly as all that cock you gobbled.
Anon, I forgot about this symptom. But i felt this as well. Would wear my phone would vibrate in my pocket but no notifications. Was driving me mad.
Aerosolized mRNA fragments just flew over the moon.
Depends on the individual, the quality of their immune system, and if they received a real shot or not (and not saline)
nobody is making threads on this anymore and its weird, its a self spreading "vaccine"
maybe she was just unbearable
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Most of the posters here are vaxxed. They are terrified

Have to enable developer mode then change setting so can view unnamed/hidden bluetooth devices. Search "enable developer mode android phone show hidden bluetooth" or something
the people who pushed the vax now being unable to fuck whoever they want makes it entirely impossible.
unless they're also actually retarded…
>she was vaccinated
>they weren't

Defies the suspension of disbelief. Nice Twitter thread niggerfaggot
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Not my problem. I don't touch 3DPD
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I can't believe this thread is still up. Full of shills, of course.
Oh I know, the replicon type vaccine is scary. But in the context of "vaccine shedding" as people normally talk about it, including in this thread, they are referring to the covid mRNA vaccines, in which case you don't have to worry.
Seconds to do what? What is it going to do? Is an mRNA fragment going to... bind through your skin or airways? What are you talking about?
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I also can't believe anons are talking about this as if we haven't covered it hundreds of times over the last 3 years. Is everyone here an ultramega newfag or were you all wasting your time in racebaiting threads arguing over who was the niggiest and most jooish?
We enjoy reminding you vaxxies that you are HELLBOUND!!!!!
>time keeps on tickin tickin tickin. into the future...
this literally isn't a problem if you're a Christian that abides by God's law. you'll never even end up in this situation if you abide by him.
>eating any pussy
Enjoy your throat cancer, coomer retard.
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And why is it that there are only two other anons besides myself that are posting useful infographics on the topic? This board is practically worthless any more. What the fuck happened...
nobody gives a fuck anymore. too late.
right or wrong. it's gonna play out now aint it.
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>nobody gives a fuck anymore. too late.
Yeah i guess that's what it is. Maybe the vax shill wars of 2021-2022 just wore everyone out.
>it's gonna play out now aint it.
Yep. It sure is.
I used to post those but no one gives a shit
D-dimer tests - people might start asking these before dating.
nothing happening
Pure blo--Ack!
No such thing stop quoting jewipedia stop quoting antibodies do not exist get off the board stop quoting non scientific method horsehit viruses do not exist get off the board you infographs are nothing it's second hand distortion viruses are a myth no one has ever seen one plasma physics and dead proteins that were once alive effects jot causes get older solange hertz the predicate debunked by Indians bathed in shit no cuts no sickness and long life very healthy the end pleb go to b lurk pigs
>status reached: it is what it is.
yep. if they was wrong. gonna die. if they was right. nothin happen.
I went and search for orange phlegm. Found this study:
And also this:
>What if I told you....that the government is targeting high profile anti-vaxxers with Legionella Pneumophila Sero group 1 bacteria. Exact same symptoms as covid. If you get ill freinds, insist on a urinary antigen test for legionella.
>off by one
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>orange phlegm
Thanks for posting all this. I was wondering about that myself.
>off by one
Yeah, disappointed by that.
I'm not unconvinced that either shedding, or a "vaxxmaxxed incubator" is at fault for the VERY real, VERY distinct sickness we got.... I'm not proud of it, but we had fake cards. I know she was straight up murdered by the hospital because that's what they were doing, but for me it lasted 15 full days for me, sustained fever.
I only bring it up because I haven't been the same since, and I don't mean grief, or isolation. I feel brain issues, ie not mental health shit, very weird skin infection shit, hair loss, and always stressed haven't been around vaxxies since then... Her vaxxiod family is getting FUCKED UP HARD by turbo cancers, her uncle suddenly developed stage 4 kidney cancer where it wrapped around his spine paralyzing him, he'd been washing his boat a few a few days before, he died 2 days after my wife.
TKD, and also "doctors" need to be put on trial, shitskin ones executed either way, antiwhite scam artists.

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