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Previous: >>484331883

▶Day: 959 — Daily battlefield assessment: http://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>5 person killed, 9 wounded as result of russian ballistic missile strike at Panama-flagged container ship
>Still unclear whether Ramstein Summit will take place this weekend (Biden is delaying his visit and Blinken will return home from his SEA trip)
>Ukrainian forces successfully struck russia's 67th GRAU Arsenal, a massive ammunition dump outside of Karachev, Bryansk
>Wreckage of S-70 wingman drone captured by Ukrainians reveals falsehood of russian claims about their drone based stealth, AI, fighting/armamament capabilities
>Discord banned in russia
>Why ziggers chimped at S-70 shootdown? Ukrainians possibly remote controlled it via radio spoofing, another pidor jet then (likely Su57) shot it down
>7 powerful explosions in the area of the Saky airfield in Novofedorivka, Crimea
>Putin's decree to recapture all of Kursk Oblast by Oct 1 failed
>Z-blogger "Thirteenth" was detained in Novopavlovsk
>Eternal flight for russian S-70 Okhotnik UAV
>ZNPP employee killed in car bomb attack that Ukrainian military intelligence said punished a war criminal
>Belarus sentenced 12 people to prison terms of up to 25 years on terrorism charges over the 2023 sabotage of a russian military plane that was claimed by pro-Ukraine activists
>Ukrainian investigators found almost $6m in cash during a raid of the home of a state official suspected of helping men dodge mobilisation
>Turkey ratifies a free trade agreement with Ukraine
>Oil depot caught fire in Perm Krai
>Oil depot caught fire in Anninsky district of Voronezh region as result of fall of drone debris, - governor.


http://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
http://ukr.warspotting.net (visually confirmed losses)

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faggot incel nafo tranny thread
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ukraine lost
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>hohols are dying en masse for this
What triggered the chinknadians?
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Don't look organic to me
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why are zigger bots so much funnier than nafo troons
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Watch ukraine on fire Oliver Stone
imagine posting in /uhg/. imagine being a NAFO tranny
Oy vey its anudda thread
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I think it's their bot tier behavior. This particular "Canadian" almost seems esl, I've never seen him make more than 2 or 3 unique & grammatically correct sentences before.
dead general
dead country
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Russia is traditional country.
*traditions might differ
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Kursk status?
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>why are zigger bots so much funnier than nafo troons
for the same reason that conservative male standup comics are funny and liberal female standup comics are cringe - we have talent and we're not handcuffed by political correctness
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Cope, nigger.
Aw, he thinks someone her is laughing WITH him. Who's gonna tell him, lads?
eat shit liberashka pidoras. dont forget to vote for alexei navaln-ACK!
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You people really believe that cartoons equal reality, don't you?
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>imagine dying for 72 years old KGB babushka
Reminder that russians are nigger lovers
>angry homosexual noises
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something like that
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serious question NAFObros, how does it feel knowing that you've lost? russia is making all the strategic gains, jewSA is focused on israel now and doesnt have time for you anymore and the polling shows a trump victory is likely. you guys are fucked and you know it
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The left can't meme.

Jews as fuck, faggot.
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NAFOtroons btfo... Heil Z
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>jews as fu-ACK
Uoooooh Marichka sexy!!!
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>t. webmrelated
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Hey, that's a default vatnig death pose!
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Is this the famous armata?
russia is not only winning the real war, they're also winning the meme war
Samovars don't have wrists and ankles. That checks out at least.
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Pidor, you got kicked out Kharkiv TWICE. You abandoned Kyiv, and fled from Kherson, to have enough troops for Luganda campaign. It took you ten years to capture towns in Donetsk outskirts. Only one doing strategic gains is you mom, maybe.
literally every /chug/ general image has an anime girl in it, stop projecting.
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lol, you got it?
And the best part
A fucking PLURAL, lmao.
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If Gondalo was going to hang himself would he do it like this (Left) or like this (Right)
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>russia is not only winning the real war, they're also winning the meme war
NAFO arent even safe in their own lame shitty general! /chug/ is comfy af and /uhg/ is under Z occupation
You really can't meme, can you?
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>you need a safe space
Who hurt you?
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airport getting bombed tonight
Russia is winning.
Why does everyone hate ukraine and ukraine supporters?
Why is this thread so dead? I'm not complaining, I'm glad to see it.
VPN rusniggers in overdrive tonight. Was that shahed drone storage facility that important?
top kek
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Reminder that real Americans support Ukraine in their fight for freedom.

>that shahed drone storage facility
Must have missed it in the news. I'm just waiting for the next big shell/glide bomb/missile depot.
Seems so, jeatleaf usually isn't active this late either
It's so easy to trigger vatniggers with gore (>>484352523). Posting zigger gore basically guarantees seething replies from jeets and pidors, regardless of the board/thread.
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Fuck you and fuck faggot nigger Ukraine
People are DYING in Florida and you motherfuckers get EVERYTHING

there possibly cant be anything more trashy that a chick with a swastika tattooed on her tits.

it makes sense a disgusting beast like this is your mascot.
>Ukraine in their fight for freedom

If NATO wins (not going to happen), ukraine would have less freedom than it has today, and certainly way less than before the war.
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as soon as more money is sent to the Rat King, you will get more meaningless distractions.
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>Sweaty marichka
Neat. There's probably some oil or petroleum-derived tanks that are going to start celebrating (but not in Poland) too.
oh boy, can't wait to her about this metodichka all week. How would artillery shells help Florida exactly?
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How do Dragon spikes help you?
Doesn't seem to help you guys because you keep losing.
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What did Ukrainians mean by this?
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>German Major General Christian Freuding reports the following:
>- Ukraine‘s increased production and import of artillery shells reduced Russia‘s superiority in that field from 8:1 to 3:1
>- Ukraine‘s drone production is impressive. Until this year‘s end 1.5 million will be produced
>- Recruiting is improved, significantly. Since early this year they have increased by a 5-digit number
>Lithuania putting up defensive structures on the border with Russia will save Russia
Odd flex.

They meant TZD.
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>We'll retreat from our territory to own da ziggers!
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>defending yourself is globohomo. checkmate, chuds
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no naps allowed
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>a Russian shill using the exact same retarded script from 3 years ago trying to call anyone else a "failed male"
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When you fertilize soil you need to spread fertilizer equally across the whole place, not just drop a pile in one corner.
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Didn't need it anyways
toll paid
All rural fags in russia are fucked.
it's the basis of elastic defence, retard
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The state of their entire existence lmao
mmmmmmmmmmm ai slop
How to tell a Russian from Ukranian, both sides are wearing fatigues, both sides using BTRs.
Sure thing nigger, keep thinking your gay rapist buddies have a monopoly on bad words lmao.
Ass status?
Russians are piles of goo with red tape hanging off their detached arms
I've never seen them screech so loudly, honestly... Probably got worse. How's the Kerch Strait Bridge doing lmao?
All Brazilians should die
Comically hard slapped by a blast wave. At this point it's Wile E. Coyote tier.
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This you, dog?
Anon, that bridge is kinda russian one.
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live chug reaction
Didn't Russia just capture a massive ukrainian coal mine in Vuledar? The town literally translates to "coal gift". Seems like cope to me!
imagine sucking on her sweaty tattooed titty, I'd put a Aryan baby into her.
Are you mentally retarded?
coal mines in the middle of war zones are good investment opportunities with high returns I've been told
You give up some ground in exchange for inflicting massive casualties. They've been doing it the entire war and it's why so many of you faggots are dead.
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those keep getting better
Just me personally but I'd rather gain resources without having bombs be dropped on me.
Can't call it the Kerch Straight since Russians are all fags, tbqhfam.
You've never mined coal under fire control, xoxoxol?
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If a girl is under 23 it's not sweaty, it's seasoned.
Also, an irrelevant HOG The Beginning jpg.
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Another wonderful day for TZD
exactly sister! russians have lost millions and are down to the last few reserves of conscripts using only shovels. two more weeks until zelenski himself rides into moscow victorious.
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>Russians are all fags
Does that mean you love Russians now?
The problem isn't that they don't have enough, retard. They actually have TOO much and no one to sell it to.
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New baker needed. Goodnight friends.
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They've lost several hundred thousand to casualties in just two and a half years and gained nothing to make it worth the cost. Look, it's your guys getting stacked up like sacks of shit here, it doesn't bother me any if they decided to go for seven figures. Please, be my guest... Keep up the cheerleader act, but it won't unfuck your dudes.
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night bud
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No, Anon. It does not.
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Thanks for clarifying
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No problem, dude.
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Strange bedfellow
That's not a "Latest". THIS is a LATEST!
>TOS compilation from Vovchansk
>Novator-2 APC with Kraken EW rekt by VT-40 FPV
>FAB-1500 on AFU deployment in Seversk
>3x FABs fall on same spot in Sukhanovo
>Drone Gortensia equipped with RPG-26 Aglen grenade launcher
>Ka-52 shoots down a drone
>One of the captured Ugledar mines
>Mining roads with drone
>RU EW takes control & crashes AFU FPV drone
>4x FAB-500 fall on Seversk
>Sudioplatov night-time strikes on AFU transportation
>Lancet strikes P-19 Radar
>Sudoplatov strikes in Pokrovsky
>Russians drop surrender instructions to AFU in Ugledar
>Demining roads towards Ugledar
>Sniper works on Polozhsky direction
>Fiery fireworks for Ugledar
>Lancet destroys British AS-90 SPG
>TornadoS takes out HIMARS
>Su-35S loadout for patrolling SMO zone
>Thermite drone over Hohol trench
>Failed AFU attack on Nevskoe
>Howitzer 2S3 Akatsiya destroyed
>Lancets take out tank going to Ugledar
>RU drone feeds cats
>Drone drops on Ugledar
>Lancet vs AFU boat Yaroslavets
>Demining magnetic mines
>FABs fall on Zaporozhye City
>3x FAB-1500 on Volchansk
>Arty destroys tank, infantry in Toretsk
>Thermite drone burns AFU in Ugledar
>RU barn tank takes multiple FPV strikes & lives
>Evacuation gone wrong
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Where are all the jeet niggers, I wanna do some buckbreaking.
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>Why is this thread so dead? I'm not complaining, I'm glad to see it.
The NAFO Fellas who once frequented this general have 41% themselves. This place used to be far more active in days passed, but everyone now realizes that Ukraine's goose is cooked.
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me personally myself, I'm a bit of a dead zigger fanatic you could say
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Sorry jeet nigger, the acking is left to the russniggers KEKAROO
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I wont be satisfied until every russnigger is dead.
>I wont be satisfied until every russnigger is dead.
That dead guy in the photo is whiter than you. You're happy he's dead because you're a shitskin nigger and envious of the superior White race.
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May I see evidence of nafo anything ever frequenting here? Or any regular ACK-ing themselves like in /chug/?
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Awww look at the pajeet nigger larping as White again. Post your


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leader of the superior white race right here
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russniggers are STILL trying to larp as White, the fucking chink/mudslime admixture is well established and they can't help but cope LMAO
Death to russia
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puccia's finest
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Funniest part is this isn't some fucking one-off, this is the vast majority of the russnigger army. Coping about it aint gonna change the reality for these shill niggers LMAO
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>This place used to be far more active in days passed
Man, you can't even imagine why.

The real reason for this is that we're tired of seeing new dead ziggers every day for 950 days in a row.

Thousands of them, every fucking day - dead ziggers, it's not even shocking or interesting anymore.

Imagine every morning you wake up, go online to see a bunch of dead ziggers, again and again and again. 950 days, every day.

I don't even watch those video anymore because I know what's there - more dead ziggers
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THey find novel ways to die that I had never imagined before, so it keeps it nice and fresh. Hell, who woulda thought that russniggers would start killing themselves en masse on the battlefield. That wasn't on my bingo card KEKAROO
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I can imagine why, we're in the middle of a retarded US election and Israel's still going bananas. plus no major happenings in a while
>May I see evidence of nafo anything ever frequenting here?
These threads are carried by an anarchist memeflag autist who copypastes tweets from NAFO twitter/x accounts. It is impossible for you to be a regular here and be ignorant of it, so don't play dumb.
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kneel to the goreleaf
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It's fucking news you dumb fucking nigger lmao.
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Betcha can't post 10 Uki piles jeet nigger KEKAROO
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there's no way anybody who fought in 2014 is alive today. I'd say grim if they weren't vatniggers
>It's fucking news you dumb fucking nigger lmao.
How is a political endorsement of globalist WEF shill candidate Nikki Haley "news"?
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my honest reaction
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So if I repost twitter screencaps from the Russian MoD, that would make me a Russian government official? Holy shit you're retarded.
I doubt many from 2022 are still alive/in one piece.
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Looks like you didn't get the memo, russniggers LOVE globalism LMAO
>there's no way anybody who fought in 2014 is alive today.
How is that 10 and a half years long "48 hour" special needs anti-terrorist operation to eliminate the DPR coming along? 2 more weeks?
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>my honest reaction
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kinda going like this
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Awww the jeet nigger is coping again LMAO
DPR was already collapsing before Girkin had to rush in and save it
Imagine getting owned by a Gherkin.
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All he did was stabilize the situation with the Russian military and shoot down a civilian plane.
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Good, keep posting gore, so I can laugh at all the faggots crying about how it hurts their feelings KEKAROO
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honest thoughts on this?
That was gore of one of your beloved shitskin churkas you love to dickride so much. Probably due to the fact that you're a shitskin yourself and hate Whitey.
For each picture of gore you post, ten Indians land in Canada.
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Uh oh, looks like the jeet nigger boyfriend has come to join in on the fun LMAO
Do you have a problem with churkas Ivan?
Hispanics are white. Most have 50%+ Spanish/Iberian ancestry.
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That's a good point anon, russniggers LOVE CHURKA MUDSLIMES LMAO. How many qurans have you kissed today? LMAO
Chechens are overseeing the rebuilding of Mariupol yet Ukrainians are teaching the West to hate them.
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Omfg russians look like THIS?
The food situation is so dire that Ukrainians are now consuming the bodies of dead Russian soldiers. It could not have been animals, they would have gnawed and taken the bones.
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chechens LOL
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BRICS shitskins are hilarious because they can't comprehend the fact that not everyone is as dumb as they are.
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Another cope, this was mosquew on New Year's Eve....NOT A SINGLE WHITE FACE AMONGST THE SHITSKINS KEKAROOO
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Make Ukraine Russia Again!
BRICS just announced Turkey is set to join the alliance. Slowly, NATO is falling apart.
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They literally think because it works on their subhuman ilk, it'll work on anything, the absolute state of turdie niggers.
Imagine being a fag enabler and thinking you have anymore intelligence than a fucking dog. Pretty disgusting
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That's what russniggers consider White? GRIM LMAO
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Hey jeet nigger, no coping LMAO
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Reminder all the Ukraine supporters are fag enablers
Rape for dominance != rape for pleasure. It's like saying eating because you're starving is the same as eating when you're at a party.
When was the last time a pro-Ukrainian attended a party? Years most likely.
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This is the state of jeet nigger shilling LMAO. Have a dead russnigger for your trouble.
Crazy the shit russia has to put up. Denis kapustin for example some super dork russian nazi hosts martial art tornaments like "spirit wolf warriors". Now he fights for Ukraine killed a small kid and bunch of civilians.

So russia has to deal with armed autist retards that should be playing world of warcraft and shadow boxing in their smelly room instead of nazi murderers.
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Can you tell me what level of faggotry it takes to rape another man's ass? I'm interested in your take KEKAROOO, RUSSNIGGERS LOST KURSK
>Reminder all the Ukraine supporters are fag enablers
Meanwhile ziggers >>484365800
cuck nation
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why did the anon reminding you that you enable the lgbt movement upset you so much?
Why did the west have to send all the dregs to terrorize russia? Autist nazi retard all around the world. Dumb fuck poor spics latin america and spain with their retarded emphasize on jesus forgives catholic bullshit.

How am I going to deal with you? Why does putin have to play tard rangler? Answer me these questions
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Hey jeet nigger, I'm waiting for some explanations, your other buddy shirked the question. Maybe you'll answer how faggy assraping another dude is KEKAROO
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It's not homosexual. There is no pleasure or attraction.
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KEKAROO, russniggers lost Kursk Oblast.
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>fucking another man in the ass is not gay
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How will the rusniggers react? How many bridges are there anyway?
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When white Americans will be pay reparations to niggers?
>Lancet destroys British AS-90 SPG
We sent them some more. You ziggers just don't get it, do you? It won't end until you leave or are all killed

your issues can be summed up by a lack of life experience. This is the primary issue with all ukraine supporters as a lack of life experience is what allows a person to support ukraine.

In this big world of ours, there are many different cultures who all have different ways of doing things.

The Russians are cool with a disciplinary dick in the ass. Thats how they do things.
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White men are girls to me
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>honest thoughts on this?

That we should slaughter every last Russian, without mercy. So much as having a Russian surname should warrant being dragged out into the street and publicly dismembered with machetes.
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>your issues can be summed up by a lack of life experience. This is the primary issue with all ukraine supporters as a lack of life experience is what allows a person to support ukraine.
>In this big world of ours, there are many different cultures who all have different ways of doing things.
>The Russians are cool with a disciplinary dick in the ass. Thats how they do things.

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Is that how you're coping with being fucked in the ass cuckheimer? it was a life experience, do you pine for it, remember the first time you got railed by your CO? KEKAROOO

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This is why I keep coming here boys, watching russniggers rationalize their faggotry/delusions KEKAROO
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I saw some boomer news claim North Korea is sending troops to ukraine. Is that true or nah?
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They've been there for a while 'observing'.
Some were killed recently.
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6 nork nigger officers got acked this week, you'll have to ask anarcho flag for the info since it's not really important in the grand scheme of things, just some dead chinks.
Yup and according to South Korea some of then have already been rekt
Ukraine is losing, hard. Why are you NAFO/Ukie faggots even trying to lie about the obvious reality? Who do you actually expect to convince with your horseshit lies in here? Whatever. I guess it's at least wasting some of Soros's money...
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>Ukraine is losing, hard
2 more weeks till the russian victory parade?
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Not knowing freedom says a lot about you
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Kursk status jeet nigger? KEKAROO. Ammo depots, oil rigs? OOF, glownigg er putin can't even defend his own nig ger cattle.
Discord status?
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Ive just filled my sticks with all the best free western porn from russian sites just to be sure kek
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Should really be talking about Ukraine when you can't even feed your own people?
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We are able to pay your little Monkeetax, is your family too Vladimir?
Canada has a higher unemployment rate than Russia and is currently in a recession.
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russniggers have devolved into trade & barter systems because they're so fucking downbad KEKAROO, commie niggers GET WHAT THEY DESERVE
How does a country at WAR with the entire world do better at feeding its citizens than the United Kingdom, a country never invaded since WW2 and not at war anywhere?
Also, they recently cucked and gave up the Chagos Islands, which China will use for a military base.
sauce on the manga
Dude, how does Canada have a worse economy than Russia when its not even at war?
Canada's economy is so bad Libs are looking at landslide loss while Putin got re-elected with over 80% of the vote.
Why do ziggers on /pol/ behave exactly the same as obnoxious tranny communists on twitter or reddit?
makes more sense than magical money, with this system africa would be rich overnight, what's the prob
Why do you support everything they support like open borders, gay marriage, atheism and sodomy?
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>jeet niggers can't figure out why bartering with physical goods is nigger tier.
Not surprised tbqh.
Because thats what they are.
I don't. Why do you?
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>I don't.
You support jewukraine - the side fighting for that on the behest of NATO.
I thought Ukraine were Nazis. Personally I think Nazis are based.
Canada is literally running out of land, like Ukraine, because Blackrock and Vanguard is buying it all up.
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THIS IS WHERE YOU NIGGERS LIVE KEKAROOO. The best part about russnigge rland is, no matter where you drop a google pin on that shithole country, it all looks the same, nigge rfied country.
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The FSB's grasp is global. At least their access to proxy servers is.
Azov was funded by an Israeli, it's own founder idealizes Israel, it allows Jewish members, it actively promotes Jewish interests such that the ADL has certified them incapable of harming Jews, it's currently defending a Jewish Comedian turned President, with a largely Jewish administration, in the Ashkenazi Jewish homeland of Khazaria, while carrying Israeli rifles. They are Kosher Glowniggers.
Russians really live like that? God damn. We may have it bad in Canada but thank God I'm not Russian.
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Dude, there are more homeless people in Canada than Russia.
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Thousands of people die on waiting lists, in Canada, every year because your healthcare is so bad.
Those Jewish Nazis are at it again it seems. You're ridiculous, don't reply to me anymore you retarded NPC.
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Canadians literally have no place to live.
Everything is owned by jeets and corporations.
You're corporate serfs for Amazon.
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There's more niggers in Canada than Russia dude
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What time do you go to rummage through your communal trash bins to get a meal? KEKAROO
Bud, Russia has a higher amount of white people than Canada.

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