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>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Russian Forces have liberated Ugledar in the DPR - https://archive.today/PL8kW / https://archive.today/Xm7ct / https://archive.today/Rec0H
>Russian Forces have liberated Makeevka in the LPR - https://archive.today/t5Hvg
>Ukrainian defence minister sacks more deputies - https://archive.today/UYBBA
>Russia to raise defence budget by 25% - https://archive.today/YfkLG
>Russian Forces have liberated Vishnevoye in Kharkov - https://archive.today/azRmr
>Russia will not sign a replacement for nuclear treaty with US - https://archive.today/AeXeT
>"Ukraine needs to be realistic about its goals": Czech President - https://archive.today/vcH5p
>Zelensky: "Ukrainian victory depends on allies' decisions this year" - https://archive.today/puS8l
>Russia overwhelms Ukrainian forces on eastern front - https://archive.today/uysv1


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>Various strikes on AFU in Kursk
>Streets of Ugledar
>Thermobaric ODAB-1500 strike on Volchansk
>Thermobaric ODAB-1500 strike on Volchansk (closeup)
>Buhanka with a turtle proection cage
>FAB-500s rain on Liptsy
>Tornado-S strike on ammunition depot in Osoivka
>Another Czech MLRS Vampire that attacked Belgorod was destroyed
>Orion UCAV destroys IRIS-T SAM launcher
>French AMX-10RC tank hit by FPV near Mirnograd
>Kornet ATGM fired from Kinburn Spit strikes AFU drone unit
>TOS-1A burns AFU in Kurakhovsky
>Big FAB strike on AFU hideout
>FPV drone strikes AFU pickup truck
>Orion UCAV strikes French CAESAR SPG in Kursk
>Lancet strikes T-64BV in Selidovo
>FPV strikes Leopard 1A5 w/ Kontakt-1 and mine trawl, Kharkov
>and aftermath
>Iskander strike on 72nd bgd in Pavlograd
>RU Marines stop AFU advance
>Rostec sends another batch of armored vehicles to front
>RU 40th OGBMP takes Zolotaya Niva
>Orion UCAV strikes M777 in Sumy
>Tornado-S strikes Vampire MLRS in Bolshiye Prokhody, Kharkov
>Destroying 155mm Bogdana SPG in Suhi Yal

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enjoy the bread and remember to be antisemitic every day!
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kill enemies and win
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Thanks for the bread antisemitic sir
I can't get over how receded goremutt's chin is in his college photos. Will show you chugcels soon, assuming I can get confirmation on a few details
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hurricanes are russian propaganda
>not blaming hurricanes on Putin
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>not blaming everything on the jews
>Russia canceled their census they will soon colapse
Why the fuck theres a new cope every single day? Everyday one of my retarded friends tell me some new cope about how Ruschinks will colapse any day now.
Its not even real, russian census will probably happen in 2031 only
Im not even pro Russia but these retards alway bring me these kinds of "news" and i have to come to this shit thread to ask because the media here doesnt even talk about ukraine anymore.
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Story time, bros
>be me
>get hired without any kind of interview because company needed a safety guy
>everyone assumed i had a decade of experience because didn't check up my documents and was just handed a contract
>at work
>working slow because never worked in construction before or had any formal experience
>bad at filling the paperwork
>job is lifting steel construction frames that weight half as much as your mother with a crane
>be today
>lifting a frame to set it up high on a construction site
>test lift work perfectly
>load bearing equipment is placed perfectly and is rated for loads as heavy as your mother
>Frame is being lifted and is in position
>frame spontaneously falls almost killing most of my crew and myself
>frame dug itself on the ground and fell backwards almost hitting a lifting platform that had another two workers up high
>3 hours with the syndicate, the bosses and shit to see what the fuck happened
>nobody knows what the fuck happened
It was probably not even my fault but holy fuck i am totally quitting or getting fired
Even my most libtard acquaintances no longer talk about jewkraine. No one cares anymore aside from the most based people I know (they all aware of the JQ)
Weaponize your autism towards safety my racially blended fren.
Talmud denounced
Blood and Soil
Justice for Russell “Texas”
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You're the guy who showed up on the job and nobody else was there?
I warned you.
My friend probably has autism and he has hyperfocused on ukraine winning or something
I have done industrial safety before. Does the equipment gets monthly checks on a vehicle/equipment checklist? Are there morning checks before work starts to visually inspect equipment?
I'm out of the loop, where did you hear this programming?
3rd world country bro. I guarantee they don't even wear hard hats
something like that would make the news, here at least
The crane was probably fatigued as fuck and that frame was the last one before it said "fuck this shit I'm out"
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Fug. At least nobody got hurt.
You 100% were hired as a fall guy. The police will visit you soon.
>hyperfocused on ukraine winning
thats not 'tism but homosexuality
Holy kek
At least you are alive
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just a reminder, russia will get 90's again and this time 10x fold for the next 50 years+
enjoy your youth being fucked by chinks 0.05 rub a piece :D
are we still cocky?
I do the monthly/weekly/ equipment checklist. Everything was fine.
Crane is fine also. Cables were fine. It just passed the montly check up and that's done by another dude. So we don't really know
Nigger, we do. We use osha, ansi, une and iso.
>It just passed the montly check up
Is the monthly check up a stress test? If its contracted to that guy thro him under the table.
Benefit of a doubt anon.
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Genuinely, what the fuck is happening with the goddamn hurricanes?
Can Americans really not fucking handle a natural disaster that is so fucking common some guy literally wrote a fucking fairytale about a girl from Kansas who got swept up by a fucking hurricane.
> In an amusing turn of events, hurricane Milton will pass straight over the Headquarters of U.S. CENTCOM at the MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida.
>The headquarters, which is the command-and-control base for all U.S. military operations in the Middle East, is located right in the middle of Tampa on the coast, with expected storm surges of up to 15 ft (4.5m)
even god has turned on the jews
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The crane didn't fell.
The lines holding the frame didn't either.
It was as if it was just disconnected from the crane somefuckinghow but the holding part of the crane was just fine.
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The emergency services ran out of shekels please understand
we're getting what are among the strongest hurricanes ever happening every year, and now back to back within two weeks of each other
we've had 8 huge hurricanes drive right through our country in the last 7 years
katrina was one of these and there wasn't a katrina every year back then
also, we can't fix anything because we lack the skills and infrastructure
I hope a third hurricane strikes the east coast
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Someone tell her that a hurricane is not a tornado.
also, the previous hurricane went straight up through the south and over the fucking mountains
i would bet that's pretty rare
so the guy who was securing the frame on the crane fucked up
ok then it wasnt secured properly, what was connected to the frame and the crane? Just cables with d-hooks?
Yeah nah, filter on first hint, I'm too fucking old and risk having an aneurism every time i try reading her retarded drivel.
Tbh Russia should just nuke the shithole baltic "countries" and Poland, establish dominance
and a nuclear wasteland buffer zone. No one would even miss them. Iran should do the same
to Saudia
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>crimea kun
He only posts feet thoughbeit
>the holding part of the crane
do you have a single qualification for that job?
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>we can't fix anything because we lack the skills and infrastructure
I undertan'.
I don' undertan' why you lack them!
There should be a "shit just hit the fan" protocol!

So, how much did they send to Hrukraine?
Also, just print more! They've done it this entire time, why not now?
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>hurricane is not a tornado
Oh, would you look at that!
An American, a true connoisseur of wind-fucking-based natural disaster to the rescue!

It's real fucking cool that you know there's a difference, and you know precisely what it is!

It'd be even fucking cooler, if your goddamn meme of a country was prepared to HANDLE THOSE.
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You don't know how much jews hate white americans
I’ve had it with these stupid fucking Shiite and Arab dogs. The only way to convince them is to buckbreak them, so that’s what I’m going to do.
Are you going to send a hurricane
it's cat 3 now and dropping. katrina was almost 2 decades ago. calm down.
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I don't know the slang and words to call these things. Certainly I won't be learning them anymore.
Also i jsut mentioned that i had no formal interview. 100% I wouldn't get the job if i had.
Probably but it still makes no sense how it failed because the cables, bands, whatever it's called were intact
why isn't Israel on the unfriendly country list
Nah, your not getting fired. Youll probably help with the investigation. Did the crane have a lifting plan? were the straps inspected? did the crew fill out their pre-work safety checks? Look at this as a learning opportunity.
End of the day, its the crew doing the lift and their supervisor who are there to make sure things go correctly. Its their fault.
No I’m just going to let Israel win
I gave the Shiites offers they were not worth. They spit in My face. And now I have a lighter heart, since I’ve decided to stop holding them up.
well it sucks, don't stay under working crane next time and get well soon
Hard to believe that skinny but it could dominate a pitbull easily.
If you want to keep your job just tell the bosses you want to inspect the equipment that was part of the mishap, go over the maintenance and checks the contracted guy does (also check that his equipment is calibrated), Then report your findings.

The guy contracted prob does something shoddy. Finally, tell the bosses you will re-train personnel on safety protocol when doing the hoisting again.
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well hopefully you still get paid
i work in construction, i've seen some horrible shit, it's dangerous work and shit happens
i'm glad everyone is okay
don't quit, just keep going
>Shit happens
Till it happens to you. Problem with construction is that everybody is an alcoholic or a drug addict. Went through like 800 employees trying to build a roof on a government facility because nobody could get a clearance. Lmao.
Nah, i am totally quitting
7 workdays...
Rather risk my life on my own terms than on whatever bullshit the higher ups decide what fucked up operation is forced upon us.
Your knowledge on any topic is inversely proportional to the strength of emotion with which you squeal about it. I think they make meds for severe histrionic personality disorder that could help you with that. Aside from meds, are you sure you're not actually a hohol?
>Problem with construction is that everybody is an alcoholic or a drug addict.
idk if you ever did the work itself, but it's not easy
you're going to find some way to relax
Not during your fucking work hours you'd hope. Fucking random breathalyzer test and half the force is fired.
agreed, that's no good
God turned on the jews the moment they killed his son
Well alight, there was an attempt.
Why is it so quite? Has the war ended? Or is everyone on "hurricane" watch?
>category 3
Being a woman is not a personality disorder even though it should be
yup >>484358599
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i promised myself i wouldn't drink until the power goes out but fuck, i didn't expect to last this long
katrina was C3
it's just a rain storm now, start drinking
we're so back destruction bro's
>no hurricanes
>no earthquakes
>no volcanoes
>no tsunamis
Feels good.
Burgers wish they were half as blessed by God as we are.
You have wildfires and flooding up the ass
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I feel zero emotional attachment to the fate of your piece of shit countrymen and the inability of your government to fucking prevent what is preventable and account for what should be expected.

All I'm doing is making my rants entertaining to read.
The least informative my post is, the more entertainment value I have to put in it in order to make it worth posting.

We fucking know that America is a shithole.
I'm not breaking new ground here. I basically want to point at Ameritards and laugh.
And since, once again, I'm not exactly educating anyone, I have to make my every fucking post eloquent as fuck.

Eloquence often comes off as deep investment. Truth is - I just like to read my own posts.
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I want russian army to cauldron hohols in sudga so bad
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fuck NAFO. fuck trannies. fuck jannies. all glory and honor to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. slava Otsu i Sinu i Svyotomu Duku i ninye i prizno i vovyek i vyekov amin. Gospodi pomiluy Gospodi pomiluy Gospodi pomiluy premodrost vonmyem
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ruZZia is a terrorist state.
Droughts and landslides too, but all natural disasters are confined to the areas that don't matter. The wildfires are almost always artificial.
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its so beautiful.
Mariupol is on a better state now after being liberated than under Holol control lmao
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Woah Putin needs me ?
What happened with the war on terror zizter?
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Last stance at the convenience store
There was an attempt....
Thank you Cucktin!
>ruZZia is a terrorist state
Kek. It's really not going well for you guys, now is it?
Your livejournal screeds are not eloquent, retard.
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Philippine army is terrorist state
>Woah Putin needs me ?
come home to shared values visa, white man
I tweaked my back doing kettlebell exercises today. Looks like I am another casualty of Putin illegal war.
why is the ukraine such a shit hole, what did they spend all of our money on?
my safety guy at work would buckle your seatbelt for you if you asked him. He has on multiple occasions started to cry in front of me during monologues about the importance of safety. His life is safety. strange guy but at least were all safe. A coworker told me that said safety guy is really into BDSM and revealed this during a conversation with him kek
god damn
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Check the manufacturer and source of the materials, might be another deadly plot.
well tell me there is something more important than fucking new orleans this time
ukranda is by defenition is a terrorist state, it used state forces, its own military, to peretuate terrorist attacks against it own civilians.
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But the free wifi
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They most certainly are.
Let us not pretend that my posts are not attention-grabbing and instantly recognizable.

Let's not deny reality, kitten.

Is there really a point to a cauldron if hyhyls just have strict "do not retreat" orders, either way?
bymb hyhyls
I wish Crimea kun would call me ‘kitten’…
Distinctive attention-whoring isn't eloquence; you might want to adjust your estrogen dose.
Did you follow ugledar disaster that JUST happened
yes you retarded woman, when you cauldron enemy he has no ammo and no supplies and cannot fight thus overwhelming him and killing piggers to a swine is an ez pz
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Wifi signal was too weak so the army had to shell the whole city for clearer signal
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>Thread devolves into seething about Crimea-Kun again
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>is really into bdsm and revealed this during a conversation with him
What an odd thing to reveal
That being said. I had a worker today say that he wants to be cucked because he cheated on his wife.
I don't know either what was going on. Dining time is wild sometimes
Bad news for him. The Ukraine canceled census after their first in 2001
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For some reason I cant read his posts, my brain just turns off. Is like a mental filter
Hello Deer Frens!
>TOS compilation from Vovchansk
>Novator-2 APC with Kraken EW rekt by VT-40 FPV
>FAB-1500 on AFU deployment in Seversk
>3x FABs fall on same spot in Sukhanovo
>Drone Gortensia equipped with RPG-26 Aglen grenade launcher
>Ka-52 shoots down a drone
>One of the captured Ugledar mines
>Mining roads with drone
>RU EW takes control & crashes AFU FPV drone
>4x FAB-500 fall on Seversk
>Sudioplatov night-time strikes on AFU transportation
>Lancet strikes P-19 Radar
>Sudoplatov strikes in Pokrovsky
>Russians drop surrender instructions to AFU in Ugledar
>Demining roads towards Ugledar
>Sniper works on Polozhsky direction
>Fiery fireworks for Ugledar
>Lancet destroys British AS-90 SPG
>TornadoS takes out HIMARS
>Su-35S loadout for patrolling SMO zone
>Thermite drone over Hohol trench
>Failed AFU attack on Nevskoe
>Howitzer 2S3 Akatsiya destroyed
>Lancets take out tank going to Ugledar
>RU drone feeds cats
>Drone drops on Ugledar
>Lancet vs AFU boat Yaroslavets
>Demining magnetic mines
>FABs fall on Zaporozhye City
>3x FAB-1500 on Volchansk
>Arty destroys tank, infantry in Toretsk
>Thermite drone burns AFU in Ugledar
>RU barn tank takes multiple FPV strikes & lives
>Evacuation gone wrong
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Oh, that's nothing compared to what these threads were like BEFORE shills got strict "do not engage with the horrible, terrible no-good foot poster"

This is but an echo of those glorious times.
Part of the reason I don't post as often. Not quite as fun.

>when you cauldron enemy he has no ammo and no supplies and cannot fight thus overwhelming him and killing piggers to a swine is an ez pz
But then those weapons and supplies will just go to the next pig batch, which also will fight to the last hohol.

So, again, does it really matter?
We're conducting a genocide here.
A genocide forced upon us by the genocided party.
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How can I even read those posts when I'm more focused on seeing those FEET dayum !
Based and same
Meh the eye is passing over my house. Have generator and playing video games. Nothing really worrying.
Based. My post is smug and pretentious, but I'd fucking love to chase storms.
>FAB-1500 on AFU deployment in Seversk
>>>/gif/27989210 #

They really need to start doing a time lapse of the holhols entering the building before the explosion. I must know how much bacon is made.
First hurricane dumped two years of rain in a few hours onto a part of the country that is nothing but narrow valleys. Roads got washed away and now people are stranded. USA is designed around cars - if you can't drive you don't survive.

Second hurricane is hitting Florida. Nothing new under the sun, Florida gets hit by hurricanes every year people are overreacting.

Hurricanes are a combination of wind storm, flood, and tsunami that comes all at once and last for multiple days. You don't design infrastructure around them because there is literally nothing you can do.
>hide in bunker? drown in flooding
>build everything out of concrete? your house now costs 5x more and your foundation is gonna get washed away anyway since whole state is sand.
>hide on raised concrete platform? you're still without power for entire days and no running water either. Just stay in a different state for a week.
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Same, Indonesia to the south and Philippines to the north deflecting everything Pacific and Indian ocean throws.
There is Toba supervolcano but at least its already dead.
It flooded from a dam breaking. Sure hurricane caused it but it was shitty maintenance and lack of infrastructure safety. That wasn't hurricane water.
I want to visit Kalinigrad as im in Gdansk often.

I know international visa/mc doesnt work?

Whats the best way to exchange money now? Just bring euros/dollars and exchange it in the country?
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>>484361777 (checked)
I don't give a shit about feet, but there is this...
>Florida gets hit by hurricanes every year
The hurricane mission in gta6 is going to be so sick
the original cope cage
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Is the govt is not gonna save your pirates facing death penalty here?
7 people got their appeal for life sentence rejected by the federal court few days ago.
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Crimea kun whenever I'm in the thread always calls me "YOU!" followed by asking about TKD status like I'm the one firing rockets at kikes
>I wish I was firing rockets at kikes desu
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The infantry riding on top is also kind of a cope cage.
DAI F-18 when?
With the internet, you can talk with people from all over the world!
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Russian jets are cool and all but do they have giant gaming monitors like Swedish jets?
That was a tornado.
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Was better when you had the hohol flag. Seeing Diaspora hohols and nafoids seething at you seeing the posts you had coming from that flag was funny
>Let us not pretend that my posts are not attention-grabbing and instantly recognizable.
I've been here since day 1, I still have no idea who you are.
how many hezbollah missiles are inside your garage right now?
Enough to destroy all zog bases here
nah they still using 80s arcade graphics
can you watch youtube on it
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Liar-liar, pants of fire!

That golden age is gone, though.
Replaced by an age of drawfaggotry.

Incidentally, I finished lining my current WIP, and even flat-coloring it.

I was gonna post it, even, but then decided that I'd rather properly finish it before posting it.

I'll finish it tomorrow.
And, honestly, so far, it turned out better than expected.
but can it run DCS?
you must have a big house
cos you gain momentum and distrupt your enemy from ever regaining footing and initiative thus forcing him to do whatever the fuck you want him to do cos you are destroying his forces peacemill
>Covering all of India in ash
If only this would happen again.
pure kino kike bombing
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>all sensors are digital and on one screen
looks like it was designed by a retard
Welp, I'm going to sleep.
And by "going to sleep" I mean that I'm about to play some Korean gacha that just got an update and THEN going to sleep.
Only to wake up and finish drawing a character from that gacha.

And then post it here, because - why not.

G'night, anons.

Merry TKD to you, in particular.
sweet dreams
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come to mil.ru
Why is banderite whore yapping again
They come with pilot dick-fondlers?
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i was just about to but i got called back to work, gonna work one more season to replenish the shekels and then pop over to do a thd with y'all
i want to work on a big artillery gun but i'll do whatever
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All I hear is excuses.
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going to bed soon, good night
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i'll be loading artillery shells in 5 months
alright bet, but make sure to post hroofs
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will do
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if i meet you i'll be your translator if you don't mind, btw i'm also thiunking of going to war bc it seems like fun
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that sounds great
yea war does seem like a bit of fun doesn't it
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imagine being a hohol, like fr fr, you go to war you die while we are just having fun, kek, lmao
>Avdeevka is the Ukraine
Real country moment
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I predict with my dick, that you are going to be loading shells that will be raining over your fellow nationals in 5 months, if holols don't give up soon
chinktruck confirms
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wouldn't that be ironic
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best of luck, fren
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it's all a part of the plan to unite the ruslimchink horde's and liberate my country, it's an historical inevitability at this point
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зигхaйль ёпты
No wonder Sweden was desperate to join NATO. That shit is useless.
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giga goida
>no we can't make the italian guy a muslim and the chink a chink, that'd be racist
>Piers Morgan




>Ben Hodges
>It's about defending the concepts of sovereignty, freedom of navigation,
>international law/agreements, isolating Iran...and deterring China.

thanks for bread baker !
Dunno why faggots thought that one or several mfds are considered better when in irl combat it does not take that much to fubar electronics and avionics.
>ran out of shekels
>strikes the east coast

watch how fast they find money for jew york
How big are Iskander Blasts?
Xi won
you gotta be a psycho to want to fly these things
Bryansk and Kuban confirmed depot'd. Biden will make it Ramstein AFB. Offensive will have stalled by end of October.
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I'm quite sure that the liberation of your contry (and all of us) should be simpler and without the loss of human lives
smaller than your mom
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But it's already over for China.
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I like crimea kun because he likes feet
Wtf? I love brics now!
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>zelensky ordered a rechek on everyone who got exempt from mooobilization
pay up piggies
Based and THDpilled
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kupiansk , when?
How about him?
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Why is Mercouris doing videos with that chinese lady, is he on the take?
He dodged the draft a few times when he was a clown.
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Who's gonna give gibs to ukraine if the us is too occupied over israel?
well this war, ww3, has already claimed many lives, but it will end at some point and my country will fix it self
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you always loved it
i hope he is, get paid nigga
another night well-spent staring at topographic maps of the donbass
Fuck I hate hohols it's unreal.
he's the main star of the show
This one should be fired at state duma.
sorry ukraine, israel takes precedence, good luck!
Röpcke status?
he was dooming about patriot missiles sites getting bombed a couple hours ago
nafoids predictably screeching at him for telling the truth
Wait, patriots were bombed again? Lmao
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Another one bites the dust!
yeah and most importantly radars got hit too.
post cute anime girls
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Can Poles and Russians ever get along?
Why bother, buddy. The plot twist is that you've been a cute anime girl yourself all along.
>and then John was a 2dqt
Because that list is for countries who are sanctioning Russia and/or sending weapons to Ukraine. Israels official stance is neutrality so Russia does the same thing not to stir unnecessary shit. When it comes to Putin/Russia and relation to Israel you need to remember that about 15% of Israelis are jews from Russia so they always tried to keep a good relation. Now it has broken down completely but there's still no need for open hostility. 9/10 Israelis and kikes in general supports Jewkraine btw
What's the point of supporting a dying Nazi shithole?
banking cabal needs russia's minerals and farmland to prevent the debt implosion
How is the ruZZler doing today?
When will Putin ban 4chan? I must imagine every European had a collective sigh of relief when they realised their CS experience has been significantly improved
drunk and slightly happy but also somehow more miserable than a man in a medieval dungeon
care to elaborate?
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Hohols are dying for potato sticks, it's hard to find any other nation that will value their lives this low.
slav civil war
nearly every western country has an egregious debt to gdp ratio
the only to pay if off with wrecking the financial system is sitting under donbass, the urals and siberia
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There is no civil war, ukraine is occupied by NATO and government only represents its interests.
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we arent the western roman empire which invades to extract minerals n shi. were the warhammer 40k empire. we do war because its all we know and the masses are too stupid and evil to fix society
Anyone with Rentry access? Pls add new vids.

>Iskander strikes Patriot SAM system in Dnepropetrovsk
>Various strikes from Verkhnekamenskoye area
>Tunguska Air Defense System firing on drones
>Another Tunguska Air Defense System firing on drones
>FABbing of Novokramatorsk Machine-Building Plant in Kramatorsk
>Shakira's Colombian merc cousin went to Kursk and died
>Burning American M1126 Stryker in Kursk
>Prince Vandal of Novgorod fiber-optic drone strikes Novator BM
>RU assault on Pokrovsky
>Geran-2 strikes ship Shui Spirit in Odessa which delivered arms to AFU
>Iskander-M strikes arms deliveries ship in port of Ilyichevsk, Odessa
>NATO armor cemetery in Vesyoloye, Kursk
>UAC Rostec delivers new batch of Su-34 planes
>Mi-28NM launching Kh-39 missile in Kursk
>Tsar Grill tank takes 19 direct hits in battle and survives
>AFU having a blast in Kursk
>RU T-72 w/ mine plow hits 6 mines and keeps going
>Su-25's flying over SMO zone.
>we arent the western roman empire which invades to extract minerals n shi. were the warhammer 40k empire. we do war because its all we know and the masses are too stupid and evil to fix society
you have a lot to learn about america works
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>The emergency services ran out of shekels please understand
Can't they fix it with GDP?
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in 100 or 200 years none of this will fucking matter and you slavs will be conquerrd by muslims
You :3
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you have a lot to learn about sucking my dick
Morning anon.
america is a third world country, rhey lived through these things in the 1800s but now they’re completely reliant on their forefathers lost technology they can’t maintain because most of them are so fat they can’t even walk anymore.
To remedy this they brought in lazy savages that they can’t even converse with, to fix infrastructure this people can’t make and in many cases have never seen before. Because they lied about knowing anything, and are really in the country to get gibs
Most american children were classified as obese, so they had to change the BMI calculations
It’s the end of the empire.
mutt wrote. as if it's fucking 1982 and he's still living in majority white country.
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i hate my fellow americans (as you would if you were normal but living in a grim dark world) and dont care what color they are
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It went to Haitians
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IMO this conflict reminds me a lot more of our civil war than ww2
there is nothing civil in this war, we're basically putting rabid dogs out of their misery.
Pressure washing the inside roof of the old King Dome in Seattle we had a crane with two men using a pressure washer. The crane boom had been wrapped in plastic sheeting to protect it from the water. The two washers were in radio contact with the crane operator, telling the operator when to move and when to stop raising as they had to be very close to the ceiling, maybe a hundred and fifty feet high.
Their radio died while the crane was moving higher, the operator kept raising it, the basket contacted the ceiling, and the crane boom broke sending the two wahers falling to their deaths.
The boom shouldn't have broken even pushing against the roof full force. Some of the bolts in the boom had corroded in the few weeks that the boom was wrapped in plastic, due to trapped moisture.
Aren't Lebanese like Jews in South America (rich with an insular culture)?
Why would he need to sign up?
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lemme get this straight, hurricane hits the red state and current blue government doesn't want to help them?
sounds like a colombian mercenary
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At least someone having segs.
GN, ZiggaZ.

Thats all election hype. It was a bad hurricane and the inland area never gets hit but did this time. Its just a mess they will take time to pick up.
The competency crisis affects relief management and all aspects of the efforts.
criminals only do crime because Russia and Iran tell them to!
what’s the pin to taking to someone who would say something like that, or the person who would listen and not object to the retarded statement?
You mean safe sex.
Hopefully it isn't gay seggs
govt is trying to get a little white genocide done quietly by hampering rescue efforts
> You mean safe sex.
So you think this was a whore?
What's this anime's name? I remember was good but don't remember name
Our government is run by neo Bolsheviks.
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>Phil gov escalates against china
>Still robs navy money
>1 anti ship missile in frigate
It seems something happenes there, I'm afraid.
>build everything out of concrete? your house now costs 5x more and your foundation is gonna get washed away anyway since whole state is sand.
I dunno man, this sound like really really bad build rather than a concrete problem. We have storm every year and the washing away only happen on avalanche. If you build multiple houses of the same concrete foundation near each other, flood can damage but not necessarily wash houses away.
yeah Sherlocke
Is it a super duper missile?
Kuwait is selling their legacy F-18, try asking is they are some left since we aren't looking to buy all of them. >>484364794
>>Phil gov escalates against china
Sinchou yuusha
They want in on those US gibs
C star Korean ASM
Right now our air force is choosing between gripens or f-16 both cost a lot if only we aren't a cargo cult for overpriced western hardware maybe we can get more than 12 jets
Bark for the west and you get free recon drones like Scan eagle, coast guard cutters and patrol boats which is important for island nations.
A Scaneagle which is equivalent to basic Orlan is 1million each and most western frigates start at 300million per ship. Navy is really expensive especially with Albanian pirates running around.
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Marcos stabbed Duterte in the back his dad's money is held by US and he has to comply if he wants that swiss account money
>cargo cult for overpriced western hardware maybe
The issue is if you buy non western hardware the embargo starts, Thailand sub deal was sunk because MTU said no installation on Chinese hardware.
Either go full one side like Vietnam did or suffer in logistics like ours and Indonesia.
Gulf only got away because they order in bulk and lobby senators but our orders are way smaller.
skill issue
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How come I just go out a few days, and when I return, I find fucking sandnigger Iran did their Nuke Testing before Russia!

In the good side, I'm pleased someone finally took my advice and bombed Haifa. R&D installations, Datacenters, Laboratories, engineers, cientifics, and matematicians should be fair and valid warfare targets.

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