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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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No matter how much you want to deny it, all actual archeological evidence points to Jesus (Yeshua) of Nazareth having had olive-brown skin and dark hair. He was brown, Jewish, and a rabbi at that. Get over it.
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Jesus has the likeness of the left image with the pigmentation of the right
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lol seethe kike faggot

Christ is King
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>jewish made image is Jesus
>European made image isn't Jesus
jesus is the antichrist
fuck that nigger
he wasn't white, no
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>“Real” jesus
He only ever existed in the minds of republicans.
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This is what you worship.
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Christ is the king of fools, the lord of the weak, the shepherd of those who cannot bear life’s challenges. He offers comfort in the form of a kingdom beyond, teaching the weary to despise their earthly existence. In his shadow, strength becomes a sin, and suffering a virtue, turning humanity into a flock that fears to live fully. He asks us to turn the other cheek, to embrace meekness, but in doing so, he poisons the spirit that drives us to strive, to overcome, to celebrate our power.

Reject this false promise of a world beyond! True greatness lies not in escaping life, but in embracing it—its joy, its pain, its struggle. To be strong is to shape your own destiny, to create your own values, not to bow to the cross and await a distant paradise. Say 'yes' to this world, not the next. Only then can we become more than followers—more than those who kneel before the dead god of small souls. Become what you are: a creator, a life-affirming force, and not a servant of empty promises.
he was obviously closer to the right image otherwise people wouldn't listen to him. He would have been tall for his time too
This is the depiction I always come back to.
There's zero archeological evidence to support your claim.
However there's multiple eye witness accounts that say he was fair skinned with blind hair and blue eyes.

Keep making these threads though,it shows your desperation.
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pic rel is actually how he looked
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>it's current year +9 and Mossad still thinks they can influence us
Spam bot kike thread
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Eyewitness accounts in scripture say we was a blue eyed blonde. Israeli archeologists reason that since most modern natives are swarthy, Iesus Nasaremus would plausibly be the same, despite eyewitness accounts. They also speculate that he never existed, despite all the gospel accounts narrated and written by eyewitnesses.
>trust the science
people who had never seen a white person before would call a light skinned arab rosy
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Peak midwit posting.
No Verification Required.
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I disagree
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To date, there is still a stronger case for the historicity of Arthur, King of Camelot, than there is for that of Jesus, King of da Jooz.
You filthy NPCs simply aren't programmed to question why you believe the translation of a translation of a translation of a text that would've been written around the same time and place as those of Orpheus, who was a well known Thracian syncretist who unified the Greeks with religion, and contains many of the same details and stories, relayed in a manner more congruent with Semitic culture.
Nooo, the Torah is the word of GOD! Nevermind such funny details as the obviously pluralities in the bible (e.g., Elohim) some of which even made it through to the English translation, not to mention the omissions, or the clear-as-day parallEls to the Phoenician/Canaanite pantheon
>"Carried a 60kg cross through a dessert for 6 hours, while missing half his back."
Holyshit, what a gigachad. Kikes wish they have % of the testosterone Jesus had.
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>embrace my jewish nihilism BUT EDGY!
No thanks
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Jesus calms the storm.
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Niggers-N-Jews they never-stop?
atheists are fugly, its like if their alignment molds their body.
they're basically the same
Nah you're wrong + gay lol
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the effects of slave mortality, thanks to christianity's worldwide influence
>Archaeological evidence
>States conjectures
You know you'd NEED access to his actual DNA to make this claim as truth, right?
Why would Jesus be some blonde haired blue eyed Nordic Aryan? He was a desert baby
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Scythian nobility.
YJK Jesus had to have been a pretty dude, otherwise nobody would have cared about a preachy hippie dressed like a bum. It's like the modern northern-european scandinavian liberals who preach dumb shit, but they are hot so girls fawn over them anyway. Or like in America where an event is only newsworthy if a pretty white girl is involved.
jesus was a dirty nigger
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My Jesus looks just like an asshole.
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>slave mortality
And yet, I am far freer than you are.
>true believer's artistic rendition vs seething israeli 'archaeologist' cope
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Perhaps, by your own measure, it feels so. But what you call freedom, I see as a different form of restraint—one wrapped in faith, devotion, and obedience. You place your trust in a higher power, a divine order, and take comfort in a path laid out before you. It offers certainty, a sense of purpose that comes from beyond yourself.

Yet, is it not true that your freedom depends on these beliefs—on the hope of eternal reward, on the guidance of sacred laws? Mine, by contrast, is the freedom to question, to shape my values without needing the approval of any higher being. I accept the world and my place within it, without the need for guarantees or promises of something more.

There is beauty in both paths, but let us not confuse safety with liberty. Yours is a serene harbor, mine is the open sea—unpredictable, but truly my own.
Christ is King.
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That's one of the worst. Depicting him as weak and uncertain, like a lost soul and a broken man who miscalculated his life and has an unhealthy diet. This is not at all the Jesus of the Bible. Jesus absolutely knew what was going on at all times, and he knew what was going to happen. He always did everything with full authority and in full force.
Suffering and weakness is a part of the human condition, and if you're a Christian you believe God chose to experience this Vale of Tears as part of humanity, as we see in Gethsemane.
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plus they're religiously commanded to seethe about Christ.
you kikes really enjoy shitting up the board by shitting on your messiah
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>you kikes really enjoy shitting up the board by shitting on your messiah
their never-ending and sincere seething is some of the best evidence that Christ is King.
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>Mine, by contrast, is the freedom to question, to shape my values without needing the approval of any higher being.
if that were the case you wouldn't see any need to attack Christians.
This is what christkikes actually believe.
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I really connect with that depiction as well.
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you jews will never learn how much this word totally reveals you.
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>He was brown, Jewish, and a rabbi at that. Get over it.
all these years and you kikes are still forcing the crown on thorns on his head.
Gee you think anti-Semitism might have something to do with your insane desire to attack Christ?
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>brown jews killing brown jews
here, some more gods for you to worship
Jesus was whitewashed by Europeans, because everyone was racist and would not of cared about a story of a brown skin man from the middle east.
And it worked too. People think Jesus is still white.
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I don't hate god or christians, only the jewish slave morality it spreads like a virus

it can't be explained simply, see:
God is just unfathomably based.
There's no reason to think he wasn't a real person.
Wow kikes really hate him with one simple trick!
Pagans tongue my anus
>Pagans tongue my anus
Pagans tongue my anus
>Pagans tongue my anus
Pagans tongue my anus
>Pagans tongue my anus
Pagans tongue my anus
>Pagans tongue my anus
Pagans tongue my anus
>Pagans tongue my anus
stop being a homosexual, jew worshiper.
LOL omg
Jesus was Julius Caesar.

julius caesar wasn't a circumcised jew
Wasn't the one on the right faked by disgusting Israel Jewish "scientist's"
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The entire Middle East, Near East, and North Africa was once a land of white people; it's where white people came from, before they migrated and made the nations of Europe. "Arab" actually means "mixture" in Hebrew — pronounced "Ayreb" — this word coming from a verb meaning "to grow darker" (like evening).
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those 'jews' have literally no genetic relation to Christ.
>No matter how much you want to deny it, all actual archeological evidence
there is none. zero. zip. nada. nothing. the dude didn't exist. same is true of noah, moses, abraham, buddha, mohammed, etc.
don't care still love Jesus
post links to you attacking other religions.
You are literally Jewish.
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>there is none. zero. zip. nada. nothing.
there is absolutely no academic controversy of the historicity of Jesus. He is better documented than any historical figure from the period.
you do your father's work
I do mine.
>archeological evidence points
>about flying magic man
let me ask you something why do you worship a jew as a white man? would you worship jesus if he was a nigger?
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Into the ash heap of anal rape flames holy holy bullet holy chutzpah enemy child.



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Except all the art from the time of his life shows the population of the area as closer to the left image than the right.
His mother is Mary the GALATIAN, You know what that means Jesus was half GAUL.
if I didn't think Jesus was God I would pretend to just to make kikes seethe
niezscghe is as credible as magnus hirshfield.
jesus was pajeet... oh no white christians what will we do now... no toilets...
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true, pissraelites are shit eaters
After the 40 days in the wilderness with no food, he would have been skin and bones and physically very weak, which makes his rejection of the temptations that much more powerful of a testament to his obedience to the Father. God delights in inverting the natural man's order of things whether it is the weak overcoming the strong, the wise getting humiliated by the foolish, or the proud being crushed by the lowly. Anyone who thinks they made their own provision of blessing is a prime target to lose it, often in an ironic way.
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>the omnibenevolent god of the universe tried to murder his most loyal servant for not mutilating his infant child on time
>christgolems unironically worship this
>archeological evidence
They dug up his body?
imagine needing to lie about your religion
never-ending jewish seething
>imagine needing to lie about your religion
carried it like a few km, guys in the infantry carry far more, for much longer besides rabbi jesus needed help with it anyway
The right side is 80% christian america
We have period descriptions that say He was blonde, only retarded jews and their servants say otherwise. Which are you?
((period)) descriptions are worthless
jesus was a hunchback, hobgoblin, clubfooted dysgenic jew, that was so disfigured he fit in with lepers
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>bait thread with this many replies
>obedience to truth
We are all obedient to something, what are you arguing we be obedient to? And what exactly are your values?

We can't take you seriously unless you LEAD with your values, your values should be the first thing out of your mouth. Not disparaging a religion you supposedly dont believe in.
>hint: if you feel the need to disparage something, that means you believe in it, no one goes around disparaging Santa Claus or the tooth fairy
Period descriptions are Roman and Greek, not ((())). Retard.

The talmud contains Jesus because Jesus predates the Talmud. The Bible does not contain jews, or your Rabbi Lubavich.
definitely (())
jesus looked white, trust the SLAVE SYSTEM goy
follow the rabbi
jesus 'is' the antichrist, always was and ALWAYS will be.
no jew will ever be Christ, no matter how the nigger looked
Cartoons are not science, you ridiculous faggot.
He didn't exist
Fucking Nazis
even if this were true, it would be irrelevant
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Based on the Shroud of Turin this is how Jesus looked.
Second time you used 2 brackets for the echo. Tell your mossad handler to add a note in the binder that it is three (3) brackets.
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How does the shroud give you skin or hair color?
hardly any churches worth their salt actually have paintings/statues/frescos of white blue-eyed blonde jesus.

almost always a bronze skinned brown hair dude with brown eyes.
>all actual archeological evidence
which archaeological evidence is that?
Goddamn, this thread is being raided by messianic jews.
>only churches that slander Christ are worthwhile
How does being impaled on a stake sound to you?
it's 2 faggot
((jesus)) is the antichrist
>low impulse control nigger mad over kike being "slandered"
Messianic jews have nigger blood in their veins.
The ADL tell u that?
He was born as a Jew during Imperial Rome. He most likely had brown hair and brown eyes. Maybe you can have light brown and green eyes but Nordic or Germanic features he most definitely didn't have.
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>TFW you are tying up an entire mossad control centre
totally, I'm mossad telling you the only reason 'we' exist: jesus, is the antichrist and represents the jewish ego
all mossad do this naturally
> Here is a drawing I made
> You god looks like this based on science™
> Christians are unironically butthurt over this poor attempt

Next time just draw a basedjack or something.
>messianic jews don't like israel either
So you're like haredi jews. That's great and all, but a kike is a kike.
Cheddar Man.
Look that up.
I'll wait. (actually I won't, but look it up anyway)
How did they decide on the skin color?
Same thing applies here.
Why they named him after cheese?
cheddar man was a nigger that was chased into the caves by the locals for being ugly
Isn't it more likely all that retardation on the right is the result of the great abundance of resources following the industrial revolution eliminating survival pressures which created the virtues of the ancient people?
>eye witness
are religious fags so dense that they actually believe eye witnesses from 2000 years ago?
Just worship the jew, goy
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ok i will
Your own ancestors, retard.
Jesus probably looked like modern Meds
Throw out everything from fifty years ago back to Xenophon and Herodotus then

>(((British))) forensic experts and Israeli archaeologists have collaborated to develop a computer model of Jesus Christ’s face based on forensic anthropology.



This picture is made up bullshit from pissrael
anti-christ thread

>Jesus was the rape baby of a Roman guard
>Jesus couldn't have been blond
shit getting right old moshe
I'm no modern Synagogue of Satan lover my dude. But Jesus was born an Ethnic Jew but he came to save all of us not just Jews. The Jews who aren't Christians are Satanic.
Shut up douche. Nomdak is Satan's true name, he was Jesus' brother, we live in his simulation.
This picrel is infinitely more profound and based than your gay paragraph. Christ Is King, simulation breaking down
The jewish ethnicity didn't exist until 1000 years after the Redeemer, you would know this if your brain wasnt fried by talmudvision
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satan is moloch
neither existed beyond a ((psychopathic)) contrivance/lie
jesus is the antichrist
ALL abrahamic word is WORTHLESS DOGSHIT
this is just stupid crap coming out of the imagination of dumb kikes n dirtskins from some shithole country
you people are a sad excuse for taking any of it seriously

you guys are in a cult and you don't realize you're completely deluded. you are desperate for meaning in life.
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>this is just stupid crap coming out of the imagination of dumb kikes n dirtskins from some shithole country
>you people are a sad excuse for taking any of it seriously
good goy
hate the enemies of Jews.
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Their holy book literally says he's a magician boiling in shit and regards him as their greatest threat.
>are religious fags so dense that they actually believe eye witnesses from 2000 years ago?
yes considering they died for their testimony and there's even non-Christian sources supporting their testimony.
>Just worship the jew, goy
You're arrested for preaching Christianity in Israel.
Christians are openly attacked.
good goy, hate their enemies.
Reminder that the image on the right was made by literal antichrist Israelis who hate Jesus.
OP is literally peddling JIDF propaganda.
Pure kino
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Jesus wasn't even a real person, dummy

>pic related
Pontious Pilate described him as having reddish skin and golden hair. He also said his appearance was so distinctly different he assumed he was the Jesus that everybody was talking about. You're just making assumptions based on statistical average with no respect that someone of that level of influence is just different every time in history.
Nomdak predates Abrahamic religion, his name hadn't been spoken up until 2021 for over 10,000 years. Moloch lol, that's the Jew sanctioned bastardized version of Satan. Yawn
>Pontious Pilate described him as having reddish skin and golden hair.
...in an obviously fake manuscript, yeah
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there's absolutely no doubt he existed. The kike seething is proof enough.
>...in an obviously fake manuscript, yeah
your seething isn't fake though kike.
Yea many such cases. Jews always ree at Christ
>there's absolutely no doubt he existed
Citation needed, mate
Fake or preserved by copying? Can't say for sure. The logic that he was an average looking sandpiper with less evidence fake or not is more flimsy.
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Copeasaurus Rex
>Fake or preserved by copying?
Bitch the letter was written in a language that didn't exist until 1000 years ater PIlate's time
>there's absolutely no doubt he existed.
Plenty of doubt
Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ of Nazareth?
>Lamentations 4:7
Whiter than milk
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all bong glowniggers are below 80 iq now, if you went to school instead of working for satanic pedophiles you'd know that your can't prove a negative.
>Using (((Wikipedia))) to win an argument
Literally, not figuratively but LITERALLY kys mate
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none based on evidence.
There's more evidence of the resurrection of Christ than anything Alexander the Great did, and you don't doubt his existence.
Just anti-Christian bigotry.
It's cool, you're literally fulfilling a Christian prophecy.
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Messianic jew shills working overtime to try to get us to believe their moshiach prophecy.
>There's more evidence of the resurrection of Christ
There really isn't
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>Literally, not figuratively but LITERALLY kys mate
You are literally jewish, attacking their greatest enemy you fucking retarded kikenigger.
>anti-Christian bigotry.
This is a troon.
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>There's more evidence of the resurrection of Christ than anything Alexander the Great
Liar, we have archaeological, numismatic, primary and secondary manuscript evidence for Alexander. None of those things for Jesus.
>Worships a literal Jew as his personal Lord and Saviour
>Calls everyone else a scheming kike
That doesn't matter. Very few religious things even writings are direct origin for many reasons. Christians have always spread their beliefs as far and wide, that means interpreting things into every language possible.
The Pilate account doesn't carry much weight in it's accuracy but the idea was that he was obviously different by appearance.
>That doesn't matter. Very few religious things even writings are direct origin for many reasons
Bitch, when you find a "lost letter" in the 1400s and publish it, trying to persuade the public that you didn't write it yourself, the first thing you don't do is rewrite it in modern speech because, obviously, that will achieve the exact opposite of what you want
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>Messianic jew shills working overtime to try to get us to believe their moshiach prophecy.
I do not want you to believe in Christ.
in fact, I am making certain you reject him so that you burn in hell.
Do you reject Christ of your own volition anon?
Surely this wouldn't be a problem for you.
Imagine wanting to share heaven with you.
same question for you fags.

>There really isn't
no u

>This is a troon.
you literally fight the jews battles for them lol

>Liar, we have archaeological, numismatic, primary and secondary manuscript evidence for Alexander. None of those things for Jesus.
all of those things except coins exist for Jesus, the evidence we have was recorded closer in time to the events, and we have a larger number of reliable copies of them.
You're retarded.

>>Worships a literal Jew as his personal Lord and Saviour
if you hate kikes so much why do you attack their greatest threat?
>>Calls everyone else a scheming kike
maybe don't do their work for them and you won't get accused of it KIKE.
Christianity doesn't exist, you're a messianic jew.
You gotta be 18 to post here kiddo
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>doesn't reject Christ
exactly bitch.
>all of those things except coins exist for Jesus,
WTF are you talking about mate? Show me your archaeological evidence for Jesus, and then show me your manuscripts actually written by Jesus, and then show me your manuscripts written by people who knew Jesus
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there is physical evidence
No. The bible isn't less because there's a modern English version. You have to translate something to your own language to know what it says.
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You must be 18 to post here.
>there is physical evidence
Oh wait, you were just joking? Ok then never mind
>You have to translate something to your own language to know what it says.
LMAO bitch the Lentulus "letter" wasn't published in translation. You're just a retard. aren't you?
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>Show me your archaeological evidence for Jesus,
here >>484361513
and see >>>/gif/27989872
and pic rel
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>zoomers are Christian
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based supernatural visions quest kikes btfo.
Wow, an inscription from before Jesus' time, an inscription that doesn't mention Jesus at all, and a YouTube video

Fucking pathetic isn't it guys
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Ashkenazi jews
>the holohoax is the most well documented event of all time
Messianic jews
>rabbi yeshua moshiach ben yosef is the most well documented figure of all time
Top fucking kek m8.
>zoomers are messianic jews
Not the White ones.
Penis Christ!
You don't know what the word "archaeological" means.

There is no evidence for Jesus. There are no contemporary records of him.
Now show us the real Vishnu, the real Zeus, and the real Thor.
there are no contemporary records of Alexander
Jesus never wrote anything. The gospels are 4 separate accounts of his life. It was oral record for many years before anything was written. There's 4 records of it because there's no way to know for sure. None of them are 100% perfect but it's the best we have for someone who was a poor peasant.
Extremely doubtful as white people lived in Northern Africa even back then and Jesus wasn't an ordinary man in appearance so he's not some average man. It's really cringe though to worship Jesus, everything he did, you can do too see John 14:12. Jesus is not God, anything that is true of Jesus, is true of all of us.
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Sorry, Schlomo. The prophet Joseph Smith actually saw God the Father and Jesus Christ concurrently in 1820. They were nearly identical in appearance, and they didn't look like brown sandniggers.
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Religion hacked the Jesus is God, worship him here and pay us money thing.
Things were different before the Muslim conquest
Not sure if muslim or JW.
You're full of shit. A detailed account of Alexander’s life was written by the Greek historian Kallisthenes of Olynthos (lived c. 360 – 327 BC), who accompanied Alexander on all his travels and knew him personally.
no mention of the inscription specifically mentioning the story of his resurrection from the perspective of Roman propaganda huh?
You have to attack the manner in which the information is presented rather then the information huh?

you literally are too scared to reject Christ
quit larping you're still going to burn in hell for how you choose to spend your life

>There are no contemporary records of him.
if that was your standard then you wouldn't believe in literally any historical figure from his time or before.
Everything you think was Neitsche was just his brother in law abusing his estate. Also, look around you, nihilism has lead to nothing but total civilizational collapse. Grow the fuck up.
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>Kallisthenes of Olynthos
kike liar
Based on the Shroud of Turin, Jesus' arms would have been about 5 feet long.
Stop looking in the mirror.

Aren't you guys like, in the middle of an invasion?
Just because they aren't around today doesn't mean that they weren't ever around, faggot.
>christ kikes are just faggots in love with the false image of a graven idol that doesn't even look how they're larping he does
>also he'd hate them if he was real and spit them directly into hell
Lmao this is sad. Imagine worshipping a Jew and trying to cope this hard.
Jesus was white because he was a son of a Roman soldier
This is false because Jesus never actually existed, so he’s what people want to believe. The pic on the left is what people want him to be, so be it.
>The gospels are 4 separate accounts of his life
They're all rewrites of earlier Jewish literature (and of each other), they're not supposed to be history
> There's 4 records of it because there's no way to know for sure.
Actually because different sects didn't like the other sect's "Gospel" so they just made their own versions
>None of them are 100% perfect but it's the best we have for someone who was a poor peasant.
Lolope, we have independent accounts of John the Baptist which is much better than anything we have for Jesus
>there are no contemporary records of Alexander
Lol STFU you retard
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Checks out.
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>Based on the Shroud of Turin, Jesus' arms would have been about 5 feet long.
easily explained and the details increase the authenticity of the shroud.
>no mention of the inscription specifically mentioning the story of his resurrection from the perspective of Roman propaganda huh?
Bitch every Jew and half of the Greek world too was expecting a Messiah to miraculously appear during those centuries, that doesn't mean that this inscription is writing about Jesus specificially
>You have to attack the manner in which the information is presented rather then the information huh?
Get back to me when you find an inscription that contains the words "Jesus" or "Christ" or "Nazareth"
>Just because they aren't around today doesn't mean that they weren't ever around, faggot.
you literally cited him as the source of contemporaneous records
those records do not exist. You're a liar.
I have no doubt that they did exist, but you have been caught lying.
So the work survives in quotation, at least partly. That's a secondary manuscript mate which is much better than anything we have for Jesus
>jesus never existed you christtards
>actually nevermind, he was a stinky arab, how does that make you feel, chuds???
>Jesus was white because he was a son of a Roman soldier
ancient jewish cope.
I'm a Hermeticist.
What do you achieve by posting this thread 24/7? It's not even like growing atheism grows a functioning community. You're just spreading belief in nothing for no purpose? It's literally pointless. Especially since every atheist argument in these threads gets fucking obliterated every time. Thiests clearly are more generally knowledgeable than atheists, and even if they only ever read the Bible it still seems like one more book than atheists.
>Lol STFU you retard
its true kike
>So the work survives in quotation,
nope it doesn't survive at all
more kike lies
references to it survive.
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kike seething is never ending.
>archeological evidence.
>That's a secondary manuscript mate which is much better than anything we have for Jesus
The Bible is a first hand account written down within the lifetime of Jesus by the people who personally witnessed it.
There are secondary non-Christian references to jesus, there are multiple inscriptions including hostile propaganda
wtf are you talking about.
>durrr we used science to figure out what a guy who lived thousands of years ago looked like! You wouldn't understand! Trust us bro! You'd have to take several gender studies courses to get on our level!
Sciencefags are so fucking delusional lmao
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You lost that fight retard.
>references to it survive.
Let's be honest with each other here, anon. You haven't read any of those manuscripts, have you? You wouldn't know if a single word of the text survives or if every single page but p372 survives
>The Bible is a first hand account written down within the lifetime of Jesus by the people who personally witnessed it.
Liar, none of the New Testament authors claim to be eyewitnesses. You're just making shit up now.
>There are secondary non-Christian references to jesus,
None of them written before the 180s AD, making them largely worthless as evidence
>there are multiple inscriptions including hostile propaganda
wtf are you talking about.
Again, none of them are even first century, so who fucking cares?
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>Let's be honest with each other here, anon.
k. you're a kike working for bellingcat who actually is scared to reject Christ as you've proven. Regardless you will roast in hell.
>You haven't read any of those manuscripts, have you?
You haven't rejected Christ because you know I'm right.
> You wouldn't know if a single word of the text survives or if every single page but p372 survives
Nothing survives.
>Liar, none of the New Testament authors claim to be eyewitnesses. You're just making shit up now.
Mathew, Mark, Luke and John? lol
>None of them written before the 180s AD, making them largely worthless as evidence
absolutely false
None of the Gospels were written down that late, all were completed by 110ad at the latest.
And again, if you rejected other historical evidence on that basis you'd reject 100% of evidence for Alexander the Great.
keep seething kike.
>wtf are you talking about.
if you weren't too scared to watch the video I posted, you'd know retard.
Stay scared.
>Again, none of them are even first century, so who fucking cares?
All the Gospels were written doing before 100 ad.
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bot spamming AI slop is further proof Christ is King
they're sliding this thread because kikes are getting BTFO'd.
season poo and jew threads appropriately
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>>Liar, none of the New Testament authors claim to be eyewitnesses. You're just making shit up now.
>Mathew, Mark, Luke and John? lol
Bitch show me the line in any of those Gospels that says "My name is Mark/Matthew/Luke/John and I saw these events with my own eyes"

>None of the Gospels were written down that late, all were completed by 110ad at the latest.
Bitch you have no idea when the Gospels were written and neither does anyone else. I doubt they were all finished by the year 110, though, given that they contain things that hadn't been invented yet and that no author references them until 70 years later
>archeological evidence

what exactly?
cgi render doesnt count
I don't worship semitic fantasy characters. I am concerned with the natural laws of the universe which are the laws of the mind. I'd rather you just call me an atheist since I don't see god as a personal being, though technically I'm a panentheist. Satan is for retards to believe in.
What's funny about the whole thing is same lilly white Ashkenazi Jews that claim Jews were brown back then have no interest in the implication that then they aren't true descendants of biblical Israel.
>He was brown, Jewish, and a rabbi at that. Get over it.
for the Nth time, he was a HALF BREED, his real dad was a ROMAN SOLDIER, so he didnt look fully Jewish, that is why they REJECTED him and he grew up as an outcast, lots of miscegenation happening in Roman occupied lands, soldiers gonna rape and pillage as usual, local wimminz gonna sell themselves to the soldiers and have half breed babies as usual, happens at every military base all over the world throughout history
this is Nietzsche's critique of the priesthood of his day, of the 'Jesus' preached by the sick and weak priests, not of the original or historical Jesus
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>not of the original or historical Jesus
There wasn't any historical Jesus though

>pic related
Mediterranean people do not have olive skins
>>not of the original or historical Jesus
>There wasn't any historical Jesus though
O Ye of little faith
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>Cuckner loses 50,000+ guys in Bakhmut alone
>all their leaders are dead
>their shiny new HQ in St Pidorsburg was dismantled
>their branch in Africa lost to a bunch of desert tribesmen

oof, how will FOG, who suffered 0 casualties in Ukraine, recover?
Hang on, that left image is supposedly based on Cesare Borgia, a Pope's son. He was Spanish, yet /pol/ says Spanish are brown Arabs, thus if jesus was a brown Arab like person, he likely did look like the left, according to /pol/ logic
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you are lower than a worm, jew. and you will burn in hell FORVER
The Damascene conversion story is obviously fake because (1) Paul never mentions it in any of his letters and (2) it directly contradicts Paul's own letters
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you and your family will be tortured to death
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>zhids: Jesus was totally an ugly shitskin zhid
>also zhids: look at our totally organic fair skinned blonde snub-nosed zhidette whores
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da joos
Fixed it
Steven Spielberg is a jew though

And what’s ironic is that we found jews going in sewers like IT the clown loool
nietzsche was a gay fag who lost his mind and died a brokie in an insane asylum. how weak is that?
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there is zero archaelogical evidence jesus existed. youve already lost by granting them that simple premise. you never compromise with jews. you give them an inch and they will take a mile. they want you tobe gullible enough to give them that initial benefit of the doubt, dont. because from there, its all slippery slope. need i remind these are the same producers of "40 dead babies", the holohoax, and "THEY BAKED A BABY IN AN OVEN"?

the only archaelogical evidence we have is that there was a cult of messianic jews who believed their jewish messiah had come, and that his name was yeshua. thats it. thats the "archaelogical evidence".
the gnostics, who preceded christians, believed this same messiah, yeshua, waz in fact not a physical man at all, but a spirit. it wasnt until much later that they *invented* the man as a way to try to legitimize their beliefs.
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The real Jesus
shroud of turin must make yiddish chunguses like you commit suicide en masse in your tunnels.
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burn in hell rabbi
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they literally caught guy who forged it, so no, not really. and even if i were bothered by it, id be way more concerned as to why jesus looks like a gothic european king instead a goblin manlet hooked nose jew if anything.
>Worships a literal Jew as his personal Lord and Saviour
>Calls everyone else a scheming kike
because the jews of jesus' time are not the jews of today. much like the israel of today is not the biblical israel, but a counterfeit.
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all jews will burn in hell
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We call it Hades. Hell is justa shitty jewish knockoff used to guilt trip stupid people into being fearmongered into believing lies. literally "believe what i believe or else" - aka the abrahamic virus. well im just not gonna. plus i have wayyyy more faith in my own faculties, judgment and experiences than i do jews, let alone jews from 2000 years ago.
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the jews before jesus' time were 1:1 the jews of today,
so youre suggesting at some point they "CHANGED PLACES"
so when, exactly, did the first jews stop being the first jews?
and when, exactly, did the second jews (these "good" jews) who replaced the first jews, stop being the first jews and let the first (or third?) jews be jews again?

the answer is they didnt. jews have always been jews. there can only ever be one jews. i want you to know that i do respect your transjewishness though, and fully consider you spiritual jews to be full-blown jews.
are the egyptians today the same as the egyptians 2500 years ago?
i think you are wrong.
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then why does it seem like some anon from pol time travelled back to 400bce and wrote that? because it literally describes the jews we know to a tee. they literally have not changed.
>but the baby dick sucking
they were sucking baby dicks that entire time, they likely just never wrote it down. sucking baby dicks is the "orthodox" belief, it was the standard practice for nearly all jews only up until like a century ago lol. and even today, jews like ben shapiro still got their mutilated baby dick slurped on by a grown man.

those are your spiritual leaders and guides.
youre literally better off asking an abo about god and the divine than these people. who, even if they had knowledge of or experience with, have a UNIVERSAL policy of lying to goyim and "advising them for the worst" as manetho says of moses (who is still fake and gay btw, just illustrating even people back then knew the jews who were jews that behave like jews today do, especially the fictional ones)

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