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Alright /pol/
Can any of you articulate a viable argument as a sovereign citizen to successfully avoid a ticket/jail time?
Start runnin’
>a viable argument as a sovereign citizen to successfully avoid a ticket/jail time
Have fun in jail, idiot.
No you just need to be faster than the police
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My argument as a goy for everything when the sandniggers come bother me over nonsense is:
> your cult isn't the government LOL
>Can any of you articulate a viable argument as a sovereign citizen to successfully avoid a ticket/jail time?
Not going to happen.
Everything revolves around you being able to have enough money to get your way by hiring more and more lawyers. The second you try to "not need" their help is the second you will get railroaded, because they are the only ones that know the actual process of making those arguments that the judge will accept, and they want to protect their monopoly on legal process.
Funnily enough, this charade exists to trick you into giving credence to this system. They are willing to destroy you utterly with violence if you step out of line, calling you a paper terrorist to defame your character when you show any sort of protest or jamming of their process in their system.
In short, those SovCit movements are traps designed to destroy retards who believe them and the movements' promoters. All power comes from the ability to enact organized violence, and rights are only secured through violence.
Pew pew pew
It's too late. The police/courts have caught on to the word salad scam.
This. It doesn't matter id you're qouting the case precedent. Word for word. If you dont have a lawyer they won't listen to you. Judges power trip like fucking crazy, the only cure for a power trip is a hollow tip.
No you retard, don't even try it. Sometimes these idiots get sent in for psych evaluations and then even have to pay for it. You know what, fuck that, go for it and good luck. I'm pretty sure you can harness the power of AI to help you form rebuttals to the cops questions and demands.
Put it this way, it depends on what the topic is and tenacity
Me trying to get out of a ticket is a lot different than a murder accusation or terroristic threat. Three different situations

If I said I was gonna slit a jannies throat and trust me I want too, I am confident even if I listed name and addresses and when I planned to do it, I could legally get away with it. Because if I were liable I couldn't be moderated anyway as would be harassment, assault, and slander. So any attempt to scare me into a plead deal would be met with blame the fucking mods on the website I said it on, or that we website owes me all the money they're ever made.

Now assuming I already murdered them no terroristic threats. That's a different legality matter and more hard sovereign shit lik law of the land vs law of sea etc. it's malarky.

The ticket thing I don't even have to recite shit like that. Just postpone court dates or contest it and show up for court challenging the officer who wrote the ticket and if he no shows, no ticket
>sovereign citizen
there is you problem. no such thing on any code. "state citizen" was recognized for some time after the civil war. You can find the distinction between citizen of the United States and a state citizen in the Slaughterhouse cases, Plessy vs Ferguson and a bunch more. The 14th amendment gave the "freed" slaves any constitutional rights. It made them citizens of the United States aka citizens of the federal government in Washington DC. That is how the separate but equal Jim Crow laws were seen as constitutional. They did not have the constitutional protection that state citizens had. All political rights came from being a citizen of one of the several states. The current term for state citizen status is in the immigration act of 1940... it is simply "national." If you are a citizen of the United States and not a national aka citizen of the United States of America you are "subject" (see the 14th amendment) to the laws of DC. You are property. You are a serf. Doubt it? Which system had birthright citizenship? The feudal system. A child born to serfs was the property of the lord of the manor.
So in short as a citizen of the United States you are a serf and have no right to travel. You are subject to extra constitutional traffic regulations.
Just get a law degree then it’s 3 years. It’s really not some super special club, America has so many lawyers that went to TTT and still passed the bar. Sovcit arguments don’t work because they aren’t the law. If lawyers could use sovcit arguments to get clients off they would in a heartbeat.
>Just get a law degree then it’s 3 years
A law degree costs as much as a house. Stop acting like people can just bootstrap themselves into becoming lawyers
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uno momento officer
>Can any of you articulate a viable argument as a sovereign citizen to successfully avoid a ticket/jail time?

No. Sovereign citizen / freeman is complete grift. There is zero legal legitimacy and if you try it you’ll be laughed out of court, convicted and punished.
I watched a bunch of sov cit vs cop videos when I was sick with the coof a couple years ago. It's shocking how consistent they all are, like they've all got the same script down cold. Really bizarre - do they sit around and get high and recite this stuff together?
Some kind of large caliber pistol or carbine that can defeat body armor
“I’m not gay, you’re gay”
Does the court house have a place to stable your horse while you're in court?
Sovcits could just not commit crimes, I've been doing that for my whole life and it's worked out well.
Sovcits are white dindus.
You would need to have established a country.
You would need to have that country recognized by the US.
You would need to have an embassy in the US.
You would need to be the ambassador.

People can't just make shit up and be lawless. Unless you're a nigger, that is.
you know whats funny. illegal immigrants don't need license plates. i see them driving around all the time with no plates, not even dealer plates. this just started happening in the past 2 years or so. and the cherry on top? they got their car for free, courtesy of the taxpayers
sovereign citizen is is a glowie term to subvert the freeman movement which was scrubbed from the internet around 10 years ago. I know how to kill the ticket and get you tossed out, but I won't tell you because traffic laws are there for a fucking reason, I hate dumb fucks who just want to speed and act like a cunt and then want to get off scot free.
>as a sovereign citizen
Theres simple ways to get out of a ticket without citing the magna carta or declaring yourself exempt from naval law or whatever psuedo legalese babbling these people are attempting when they are going viral
If youre facing jail time just pay a lawyer. 90% of the time its not about making your case to a jury, its paying them to get you off on technicalities and procedural fuckups by lazy cops/prosecutors
"Traveling, not driving" is the dumbest thing about all this
Words on a piece of paper don't protect you from police.
That part has to do with US law.
Kek also it depends who issues the paper now doesn't it ? diplomatic immunity is also a piece of paper now isn't it ?
You really can actually. Don't have to go to a fancy law school.
contract and trust law should do it just fine.
You can't. Administrative law was ruled unconstitutional and Judges will refuse to enforce it for decades to come.
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I’m assuming this post is bait anyway because you used “sov citizen” which is an obvious hit piece oxymoron. It’s State National, defined by 8 USC 1101 (22) (B) the whole purpose of this is to NOT be a citizen.

If you identify as a Citizen, Person, or Resident, you need CPR because you’re a DEAD ENTITY. As a dead entity you have about as much rights as a package.

Onestupidfuck . Com
My grandfather had one of these local plates and licenses issued by placer county for the single purpose of driving his beat up ares to the post office. The county discontinued them when the state govt began requiring fingerprints, and then terminated all remaining cards when Real IDs were rolled out after 9/11. Local plates are no longer legal anywhere because of the gas tax harmonization that occurred in the early 2000s.

You won't hear any of this on /pol/ because everyone here is literally stupid now and has no idea how gas taxes are cut when you use a credit card across state lines.
if just 10% of any city would put those up on their cars and plead not guilty in court to force trial whole thing would collapse and cops would stop enforcing it
I don't even exist in this point of time so therefore I am exempt from all laws.
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Nope. This happened when California began regulating tailpipe emissions. People were not given the option to comply. Cars that failed smog had the plates taken, and the vehicle towed. If you were caught driving it you went to jail. The car would remain in the impound lot until you agreed to relist it as salvage, raping your insurance premium, or admit guilt and pay the ticket. No smog check no insurance. It is a very effective way to enforce plate laws because the police don't have to ask questions - no tags, no drive. They take your car away. That was fifty (50) years ago. Today CA is phasing out all gas cars by 2035. 10 years left until your car automatically registers itself with the state, reports illegal modifications made to itself, and calls for a tow truck to take it away from you.

In 1996 this process was then simplified with OBD2 which is now standard in all cars. Your car has an OBD2 system and will report smog fail codes to the police if they put a scanner in and check. There is no hiding anymore. You do not have a right to drive a car. It's not in the constitution.
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I have this case right now. The county is on their second extension before they are required to dismiss it.
1. Absolve your contract with the DMV LLC. Hand over ALL state issued plates and say verbatim "I would like to absolve my contract with the DMV". To that they should reply "I will notify the state".
2. Denounce your status as a subsidiary of the United States Corporation on public forum or in presence of the state during detainment. Trump abolished the USA INC anyway. You are no longer a huMAN or a citizen nor a sovereign citizen. You are now a MAN and a State National.
3. Don't back down. Nationals have the right to locomotion and it has been upheld in the supreme court several times. This right to travel issue is currently petitioned as of May 2022.
Travel legal definition covers motor vehicle travel void of commerce.
Driving legal definition is locomotion with intent of commerce.
You are traveling under USC ,18-19.
John Dalen v The State is the petition case. Worst case scenario you pay a fine now and sue the state in the near future when the JEWmasons are lined up for treason.
Rights are not privileges and are NOT issued by the state. Especially a state that has traceable AIPAC bribes all the way up. Which is TREASON with a paper trail.
I could but it only makes sense in .556
Absolutely based. Good shit
Can you link the cases so I can study the caselaw please
Buchanan v. Warley,
“The police power of the state must be exercised in subordination
to the provisions of the U.S. Constitution.”
Boyd v. United States,
“It is the duty of the courts to be watchful for the Constitutional
rights of the citizen and against any stealthy encroachments thereon.”
Byars v. U.S.,
Constitutional provisions to be liberally construed, and “it is the duty of
courts to be watchful for the constitutional rights of the citizen, and
against any stealthy encroachments thereon.”
P. 3Chicago Motor Coach v. Chicago, 169 NE 22
Ligare v. Chicago . 28 NE 934
Boon v. Clark. 214 SSW 607..
“The use of the highways for the purpose of travel and transportation
is not a mere privilege, but a common and fundamental Right of which
the public and the individual cannot be rightfully deprived.”
P. 3Connolly v. Union Sewer Pipe Co., 184 US 540
“With regard particularly to the U.S. Constitution, it is elementary
that a Right secured or protected by that document cannot be over
thrown or impaired by any state police authority."
Hale v. Henkel
“We are of the opinion that there ’s a clear distinction . .. between an
individual and a corporation.... The individual may stand upon his
constitutional rights as a citizen. He is entitled to carry on his private
business in his own way. His power to contract is unlimited. He owes no
duty to the State.... He owes no such duty to the State, since he receives
nothing therefrom beyond the protection of his life and property. His
rights are such as existed by the law of the land long antecedent to the
organization of the State, and can only be taken from him by due process
of law, and in accordance with the Constitution. ”
Hurtado v. California,
“The state cannot diminish Rights of the people.”
Due process of law is process of law according to the law of the land,
i.e. the U.S. Constitution as exercised within the limits prescribed and
interpreted according to the principles of common law.
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P. 5Marbury v. Madison,
Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land. Any law in conflict
is null and void.
“The claim and exercise of a Constitutional Right cannot be converted
into a crime. ”
Miranda v. Arizona,
“Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no
rulemaking or legislation which would abrogate them.”
Murdock v. Pennsylvania,
The state may not convert a secured liberty into a privilege, and
issue a license and fee for it.
Sherbert v. Vemer,
First Amendment case, U.S. Supreme Ct. overturned South Carolina
Supreme Court. The court created the Sherbert Test to determine
whether government acts infringe upon religious freedoms. Of note:
“compelling interest” and “narrowly tailored” are key requirements
for strict scrutiny - to be applied where a law may be infringing
on individual freedoms.
Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham, Alabama,
“If the state does convert your right into a privilege and issue a license
and charge a fee for it, you can ignore the license and fee and engage in
the right with impunity. ”
Simmons v. United States,
“We find it intolerable that one Constitutional Right should have to be
surrendered in order to assert another. ”
Sherar v. Cullen,
“There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of this
exercise of constitutional Rights.”
P. 3Stephenson v. Binford, 287 US 251
Explains distinction between “Right ” to use public roads and
Thompson v. Smith, 154 SE 579 P. 5
“The Right of the citizen to travel...is not a mere privilege...but a
common Right which he has under the right to life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness.”
United States v. Carolene Products Co., 304 U.S. 144 (1938) P. 5
Footnote 4, Strict Scrutiny Standard
P. 5US v. Bishop, 412 US 346
Regarding criminal elements required to be proven - willfulness is
one of the major elements defined as an “evil motive or intent to avoid
a known duty...under the law”
Wouldn't this mean that there is no citizenship then though, since citizenship is itself a license on your right to be in the nation? wouldn't that be bad?
There isn't one. You're on state-owned and maintained infrastructure paid for by the public. Your land is where you can maintain sovereign status, outside of that you're a member of the public that should be detained by ICE
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You can cite court cases to the DMV all you want. Your car will still be locked inside a tow lot until they put a lien on it, take it, and the state pays the lot fees + flat $2000 to have it crushed as salvage. The state, the DMV, and the cop arresting you don't care.
I've gotten out of a bunch of situations. I wouldn't bother posting about it on here after watching the jew bots malfunction.
>Can any of you articulate a viable argument as a sovereign citizen to successfully avoid a ticket/jail time?
If you were not given a social security number at birth you're a free man. Otherwise you go to jail.
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Citizenship is a mark of a slave just like circumcision. Men have rights and are not animals citizens require a shepherd (masons) and do what feels good (traps mostly).
Once upon a time people knew what they were. Since it has all been traded to evil men for convienience. But they know real ones and tend to leave them alone. Been on private plates for 5 years and only got pulled over out of spite because I ran the county off with a camera. They will dismiss this case they just wanted to try to scare me into tagging my vehicle again. The state nor federal government can force you to conduct business with a third party. The DMV is a third party, just like the federal reserve.
State, not federal gov
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You are a cuck and that's not my problem.
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Constitutional law
Federal law
State law
In that order. Any law made without constitutional regard is null.
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Go get em tiger!

§2381. Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving
them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death,
No. There are no viable sovereign citizen arguments.
No, because even if you are 100% in the right, the police will still find ways to fuck you over.
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“The right of a citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, by horse drawn carriage, wagon, or automobile, is not a mere privilege which may be permitted or prohibited at will, but a common right which he has under his right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
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The police will have a very tough decision to make really soon. Until then I will continue in my pursuit of happiness.
It's called Freedom of Navigation or Right to Roam and is well a established right in common law long before the USA was even a glint in the founders' eyes
What's the crime?
Just admit you're poor and can't afford registration because your schizophrenia doesn't allow you to hold a job. Take the ticket and don't pay it, you're not gonna get far starting a pursuit or trying to fight the cops. If you were smart you'd put a foreign plate on your car. Mexico if down south or Canada if up north, then claim you're just visiting. There isn't full reciprocity between foreign license plate running systems. Some agencies don't bother setting it up at all so no foreign plates can be run. Even some states never pop up in the system, I think it's Idaho that rarely returns. Print out a fake foreign insurance card and you're golden. Your license may be out of the US which will look suspicious, and you're probably not going to remember to print your updated fake papers to keep the date up to current. Maybe print a fake rental agreement and claim the car is a rental from a foreign country.

If you're gonna forge you gotta be smart. You don't make up laws with other schizos on the internet and claim they're valid now. You're breaking the law, be smart about it and you might get away with it.
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>Subsidiarity of laws
Yeah, I know all about it; problem is, like everything else, it works great until it doesn't.
Case here:
Freedom of expression and information:
>cannot be impeded or limited by *any type or form" of censorship
>Russian media: censored
Freedom of movement:
>Can be suspended only under state of siege or state of emergency
Many such cases
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Protip on how to avoid jail.
>When someone tries to stop you, pull you over, or arrest you.
>Shoot them until they're dead
That's the only way OP. There is no arguing. No powerpoint presentation. No rhetoric, no falesy you can point out. No law you can recite. The system is wholly, entorely, corrupt. Just kill anyone who tries to put you in jail. It really is that simple, and it really is the only way.
>sovereign citizen plate
Just run no plates. That's basically announcing you're walking probable cause.
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I didn't comply with the lock downs or mask mandates. Simple as. I had a police/ yuppie escort yelling at me through whole foods/ walmart to the self checkout as I wore my N95 as a kippah with a hair clip replying "I'm a Jew. Covid is for the goyim".

Those "policies" aren't law and even if they were they aren't constitutional so they are null. Like some globohomo kid fucking JEWmason trust fund slaver vampiric drug addicts could out whit the framers FROM THE GRAVE!
>Just kill anyone who tries to put you in jail.
You're a delusional schizophrenic, pepper who do this inevitably end up at the end of an impromptu firing squad. You don't have better training than them and you certainly don't have the resources to multiply into thousands. You are not stronger than your government, you will not out muscle or out gun them. You can outsmart them. Forge foreign paperwork, there's no law in most states saying you can't visit with your vehicle. While you're at it renounce citizenship and just become a citizen of Mexico if you hate this place so much. They have neat cars down there we can't get up here in kike safety regulation land.
All you're going to do is lie and quote "is a privilege" shit. You're wrong, it's not. The spirit of the law is fully violated and the keepers of the law complicit. There's no argument to be had with the liars filling this thread and a high percentage of you are cops brainwashed by the bullshit federal memo sent out back in the mid-2000's. HERBS.
Oh and you have to VIN swap if you're gonna forge the papers. All the visible VINs, you can just order a fake plate and glue it on and match the forged papers to that number.
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I just bought aluminum novelty state plates from amazon that say "PRIVATE" been sending it 5 years and going. Even when I was detained they didn't ticket me. They gave me a court date and are on their last extension. They really don't know what to do with slaves that can read other than kill them.
No, system has pinned this crackhead mindset many times in court to where anything you say is struck by law or precedent and you get contempt for sperging out
>t. Knew a few sovereign citizens whk that happened to
no elon?
>They are willing to destroy you utterly with violence
Which is where the authority to make you get a drivers license comes from. Anyone that doesn't believe me can try what the sovcits do, and get some authoritative knots in your head.

In the case of darrell brooks, I think the other guys on the block hated his guts and were fucking with him so they could watch it on TV and laugh. I think that happens a lot, not the TV part, but trolling happens everywhere not just the internet.
I'm not reading all that. Anyone who tries to imprison me will be killed. Anyone trying to draft me will be killed. Anyone I don't know snooping around my property will be killed. OP wanted to know if there is was some argument, or excuse he could use to get out of being fined, or sent to jail. There is none, except meeting violence with violence. That is the only way to prevent yourself from being jailed. Cope and seethe.
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>You do not have a right to drive a car.
wrong. if gov't created and offered cars then maybe. I have right to free movement, how I do such movement is not for state to decide. I pay taxes for roads which means I shall have guaranteed access to them via walking or bikin or driving or sliding
so corny.
I wonder if Mel and Glover are still buddies after the "Pack of wild niggers" comment
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The noticing is strong with this one.
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Section 2 of the Sherman Act makes it unlawful for any person to "monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or persons, to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations . . . ."

This would include The States/ Greater Israel/ The Grand Masonic Lodge's unconstitutional monopoly on violence.
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if my drivers license already for commercial operating then why do I need to get a CDL to drive commercial vehicles?
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Based. Also IF the government charges tax for a property. It is criminal for any other body of government including the state to charge additional fees to use the aforementioned item as intended.
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>Just admit you're poor
Just admit you're a JEWmason.
Go on goy, commit a felony instead of demanding your God given right from a treasonous country club cartel of kikemason kid fuckers.

Fuck you.
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It goes something like pic related.
> sovereign citizen
Its a psyop+disinfo term made in land of Glow as part keeping serfs on the plantation by running disinfo and staging roadside spectacles. The wanted to find a way to displace the "patriot movement" so they invented the 'sovereign citizen' movement. Interestingly how maybe 5 noteworthy (probably 4 were staged) incidents in over 30 years could become a 'national threat'. AFAIK tho its a term for U.S. citizens who claim to be sovereign.

> If you are a citizen of the United States and not a national aka citizen of the United States of America you are "subject" (see the 14th amendment) to the laws of DC.
AFAIK federal citizens are subjects of D.C. and are `persons` subject to the plenary power of Congress.

>You are subject to extra constitutional traffic regulations.
Traffic (a commercial term) cases are civil not criminal. They are called criminal cases because criminal burden of proof is required for the revenue to be collectable. One simple reason reason they could say the constitution doesn't apply in those settings is because of the contractual nature of the traffic case. I learned simply to not sign up for that mess in the first place.

> the manor.
There are flavors of manorialism such as British manorialism or Roman manorialism fwiw.
I voted without s mask,and the whole time I was in the queue, no one, voter or official ever uttered a word (in fact they either weren't paying attention or pretended or simply didn't really care), only at the booth casting the vote they acted shocked and awed but it was too late lol

>To that they should reply "I will notify the state".
No, the response the DMV will get is "what contract?"
>Denounce your status as a subsidiary of the United States Corporation on public forum or in presence of the state during detainment. Trump abolished the USA INC anyway. You are no longer a huMAN or a citizen nor a sovereign citizen. You are now a MAN and a State National.
Human isn't a legal status but a biological descriptor. Do you have homo sapiens DNA? Then you are a human.
You never were a subsidiary of a corporation. But if you are born here, you are automatically a citizen of the United States of America. You are also a citizen of any state in the US where you reside. This is explicitly written into the US Constitution, which supersedes all other laws governing this country.
>Driving legal definition is locomotion with intent of commerce.
Did you take your car to or from the store or your place of work? You used it for commerce. Thanks for playing.
The entire origin of the DMV system is quite an interesting study. There is a big difference between recording and registering.
Sovereign citizen is a red herring concerning traffic tickets. the right to travel is protected by the supreme court. You don't have to play citizen of the nature to be protected. Of course you still face the same problem: Cops will pull you over, throw you in jail, and tow your car.
>You do not have a right to drive a car. It's not in the constitution.
drive is commercial. there is plenty of case law that says non-commercial driving and traveling by automobile is a constitutionally-guaranteed right though competency might or may not be required before you do so.
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Based. It feels good man.
>This happened when California began regulating tailpipe emissions.
The entire DMV system in California is heavily on the federal side of things and is based on presumption of commercial operation.
>If you were not given a social security number at birth
If you don't ratify the contract beyond age 21 its moot. They cant contract you in under 21. Since I am not a U.S. citizen or a resident of the United States afaik I'm not eligible for an SSN.
>based on presumption of commercial operation.
That's everywhere. Most people don't realize the word "Driving" has a legal definition, and that definition exclusively includes commercial activities. The problem is cops also do not realize this. By design. They operate on the assumption that you're a driver. Period. Will anything bad happen to him if he jails you? No. But you will be massively inconvenienced by the ordeal. It's a power imbalance.
Why are you encouraging people to commit forgery?
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I actually did that and that was how they responded.
These are LEGAL DEFINITIONS literal ENINSTEIN because legalese is Just Hebrew simplified.
My vehicle is NOT generating REVENUE therefore is NOT being employed for COMMERCE.
Try harder.
State authority isn't a rotating crew of faceless goons. Your local cops will recognize you. They're watching the roads. Even I recognize cars often.
>no such thing on any code.
Its a term they invented for themselves in the 80's, obviously it has no legal meaning
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They will be faceless soon enough if they continue with the blatant treason.
>The problem is cops also do not realize this.
Many of them do. The noob cops are used as PMDs. iirc in the Brit Colonies police were limited maritime matters. And historically even the guys going around saying papers please in Germany and the Soviet Union were trained to look for something very specific..nuff said.
lot of em are masons, too. Entire departments. Judges. Lawyers. This racket has gone on for sooooo long. They loooove legal fees.
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>t. shithouse lawyer
So what you can just be an illegal and be a sovereign citizen and no one can do anything about it?
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"extra constitutional"
That's a fancy way to say NULL and VOID. I didn't know you spoke fluent Hebrew.
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It makes no difference whether your vehicle is used for commerce. You need a license to operate a motor vehicle. Operate means "be in control of"
Our governments have betrayed us. Your labor marks will just go to the animals they brought in to replace you.
motor vehicle is another legal term. Your car doesn't have to be one.
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Grandpa and uncles were Masons Aunts Eastern Star. So would that make me a brick shithouse lawyer??
No thanks. They are going to replace you federal serf.

If you want to learn something about immigration...its long but ...

Sure, but it is
'motor vehicle' is another commercial term 'vehicle' has to do with transfer of titles (or delivery of possession) and transport afaik. Its related to the word 'convey'. If you aren't transporting things they how are you conveying anything?
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I have a CDL. That is valid. Without a contract on my POV. I drive in TWO capacities. I know its a huge number when dealing with state employees. That is unless they are voting on their annual raises.
They are also non commercial terms when defined in non commercial laws, like driver license laws
You don't know a single thing about law. An egg in my state is exclusively a chicken egg, for example. A tomato is a vegetable. You're simply ignorant about the way things work in government.
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The term you want is "Locomotion"
LOCOMOTION means the act of moving from one location to another, regardless of whether the movement is accomplished with aids or devices.

Undoubtedly the right of locomotion, the right to remove from one place to another according to inclination, is an attribute of personal liberty, and the right, ordinarily, of free transit from or through the territory of any state is a right secured by the Fourteenth Amendment
Do you have an example of the term 'motor vehicle' being used in a non commercial context? Even New Zealand Transport Act is purely commercial (dont ask me how I know).
Ok? You still need a license either way
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>You don't know a single thing about law.
Cool thing about that is, neither does the state.
Thank you very much. Lawyers get paid quite a lot of money to know these secret handshakes and various legalese passphrases, but these are beautiful pearls.
If you can keep killing them and they cannot stop you then you are right.
>driver license laws
Not sure if I've seen any driver license codes that weren't commercially orientated (NZ spelling). If you're a person using the roads (maritime commercial term) to transport (commercial) for profit or gain they just might require a license (permission) afaik.
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Nope, no license or insooooorance required to travel. I have a CDL for work. That said IF you pay property tax on an item it is criminal for ANY other form of governance to charge you a fee to use the item as intended.
Where do people get this idea of sovereign citizen from? Was there any validity to this in pre US CORPORATION formation?
They use the same source of information, yes.

Commercial motor vehicles are defined seperately
>sovereign citizen
From the disinfo glowies as part of their psyop to drown out the "Patriot Movement". "Keepin' the Queen's serfs on the farm takes efforts ya kno."
maritime law is the law you are denouncing when you claim your status as a man/ national.
Jews be like you are born in your moms water like a boat so you are a boat goy.
Reality, boats are built on a dry dock faggot Jew.
But that is not true and fails every time its challenged in court. The right to travel does not give you the right to control a motor vehicler
My issue with this is they will say
>we built the roads so you can't use them
Motor vehicle is still commercial. Because vehicle has to do with transfer of titles or conveying rights and interests in goods or property. That is what a delivery truck does when it delivers possession of your Marmite dispenser.
In theory but none of them know about this stuff because they don't listen to boomer internet radio stations.
Also free man stuff may only apply to natural born citizens, I have no idea.
You aren't denouncing it afaik. Its just the law on the land isn't is maritime.
How do I find boomer internet radio stations anon? what the fuck is internet radio?
>isn't * maritime
At least not by default.
>internet radio
Google much?

Makes you a brother of mine, what lodge do you frequent?
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Sovereign? Is this some sort of constitutional joke I'm far to disarmed to understand??
WE aren't sovereign to law. WE are sovereign to your faggot crown and global Jewmason infestation. Pack your gand pedophile lodge the fuck up and kick star spangled rocks communist.
I travel wherever I may roam
by bicycle

Plug this into your music player of choice. Maybe even VLC will play it.
The definition of "vehicle" in texas is " a device that can be used to transport or draw persons or property on a highway"

Doesnt matter if the purpose is commercial or not, a "commercial vehicle" is separately defined
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Its currently petitioned as of 2022 (well into the JewMason takeover) and has been upheld as constitutional several times in the US Supreme Court.
>binds horses and livestock
>slave shackles
I do not like lying scum regardless of topic.
Show me one example please
Passenger is also a commercial term because it means a person that pays you to drive them around. 'guest' afaik is the more appropriate term. If a cop uses the word passenger he is attempting to fix you in commerce. I would refer to them as guests or companions.

If I were a trucker getting paid $2000 a day to run freight arund its one thing. But my view is no fkn way would I want the pains or burdens of having a commercial license without any trucker $$$$.
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I have a CDL and pay tags on that operation because I quite literally build the roads. I would humor that argument from the state aaaaaaaand continue blaming JEWmasons.
>wtf is Internet radio
Podcasts anon, they're called podcasts. The Internet radio of old like shedbass.com no longer exists
Passenger is also a commercial term because it means a person that pays you to drive them around. 'guest' afaik is the more appropriate term. If a cop uses the word passenger he is attempting to fix you in commerce. I would refer to them as guests or companions.

If I were a trucker getting paid $2000 a day to run freight around its one thing. But my view is no way would I want the pains or burdens of having a commercial license without any trucker $$$$.
What's a cdl? Commercial drivers licence? If so then you're driving, not travelling, so you can use the roads as a compliant sheep.
no it can really work. it's all there. the rules are clear.
but! you're using the jew rules to screw the jews who made the rules.
thats only gonna work upto a point and now your life is ruined by people with guns.
was it worth it?
So you're saying that an instant cure to the US legal system would be to allow colloquial term use instead of strict legalese definitions when speaking to the police?

As in banning wordniggering
Alternatives that are reasonable imho are automobile or motorcar. ex: "my private automobile".
First you'd need to end the war on our own population.
this shit is to lawyering as homeopathy is to medicine.
>I missed an entire subculture
so there's no just... radio but on the internet? someone linked Iheart but im not going to use big gay internet services, what's the IRC of internet radio?
Podcasts? Internet radio is still going. You just need to know the names of the stations.
Even if your definition was correct (its not) it wouldnt matter because a vehicle just has to be capable of carrying passengers whether it does or not
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Texas tags for life when you pay your sales tax. Simple as. Id do that. What I wont do is take off work to wait in line to pay $100 to some fat corporate bitch every two years when I pay the state $1000 every year for the fuckin truck to be a truck as is.
thats the link. thats a url. all (most) the radio in the world.
No way! Because they would take it to expand the meaning of things to be used against you. Now in a court filing one can say in that one is speaking 'plain English' and that one is not a lawyer. But cops will tend take your words in their legal meaning whether they are aware of it or not--that is how they are trained.
if this is true why not just throw away your ID and become one of them?
You can use whatever term you like. Your personal car is still legally a motor vehicle (in texas)
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My POV is private with Tweetie Bird plates. My employer tags my work truck because its used for COMMERCE. No wonder they got this far. Everyone is retarded.
As in why would you want to take something that has narrow meaning and turn it to a more general meaning? No thanks. Its best imho to master the Englishes and learn to not speak like a slopmop.
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KILL YOUSELF rabbi, you evil demon. This whole thread is a slide.
Yeah, you'd have to fight it. And maybe succeed. (10) was repealed in 2019 after all.

But it's better to just take the financial hit and become a good goyim niggercattle slave with a license and insurance. The alternative is going in and out of jail and constantly defending yourself as you make yourself a target in a world that hates you. Like if we could just not be slaves by saying we aren't slaves, I would have been free long ago.
Person probably doesn't even mean what you think it means. A person or parson had property of the church or state in their possession iirc. 'car' is short for carriage. Carriage is a commercial term. My view has been that its more important that one positively establish doing non-commercial driving than niggling about 'motor vehicle' vs this or that.
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Motor vehicles are still protected by the US constitution as a mode of LOCOMOTION.
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kill your family faggot jew
For me proof of competency has sufficed.
This just makes me realize the next Hitler hero is going to be a NEETking.
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kill every jew
nope. gonna be ai. leader of the neets
neat, thanks anon
>No way, proceeds to explain why I am right and that cops use words as a weapon
Yes, they shouldn't be allowed to do this, they should be required to use legal terms while you should be able to use colloquial terms and they be expected to understand what you mean within reason
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you will burn in hell jew
you are not a sovereign if you do not have sovereignity over the land
Your personal definitions for words are irrelevant and different to the definitions used by the all the various legal systems. Their definitions are the only ones that matter
>Words should be weapons that make everyone less free
Speaking with clarity is a positive, telling people they will be slaves if they do not is not a positive, everyone uses words slightly differently and while correct speech should be maintained, its strict adherence leads to the victimization of many, as seen in this example
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thank you for you post
and as we saw with the plandemic. words can literally be redefined and changed on fly and made permenant.
>they should be required to use legal terms while you should be able to use colloquial terms
In court sure. But the cops and their municipal attorney overseers are using 'legal English' or maybe "the King's English". If you have a DL/CDL then they presume you are an expert on the law since you signed the application and hold the state property thingie in your hands and are an expert. Same with commercial things like checks or banking you are presumed to be an expert.
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suck a dick pedo jew
LOL little kiwi. I know more about your legal system than you do. I have no idea what you mean by 'personal definitions'. Those terms are useful alternatives and not based on my feelings.
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Bold talk for someone with contagious Jew disease.
WE want our post war chimney bricks and novelty shoes back in exchange for the Jews you missed.
No geopolitical negotiations until this request is fulfilled.
even the chinks say you are under jewish minority rule
If you want to be a dumbass go ahead. You seem to be keen on expanding the meaning of things beyond their limits which if you can't see how dangerous that could be then maybe you shouldn't be near a computer in the first place. Blaming me for the duplicity is bullshit. What you say sounds good but how do you think its going to turn out if you let them expand the word motor vehicle to mean anything they want because its 'colloquial'. Do you not get it that you shouldn't be mushed mouth and lazy in your speech and the reason most people have problems is for that very reason--they are.
yeah and the geniuses want to make it colloquial and street ghetto loose when its obviously better if the definitions are very specific and restricted. lazy much I suspect.
This is why you have a talmud centered on loopholes of fooling and tricking god, rather than an understanding of the spirit of the law
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Nope. I will be a pillar of my community and wake up my peers so we can hold emergency elections and try all you JEWmasons for high treason. My record is clean my papers are in order I've been employed since 14, Eagle Scout, veteran, entrepreneur and land owner. WE will rise and fuck your shit up. I will attend the public executions in person as my just reward for my national duty and upheld oath to God, Country and CONSTITUTION.
Fuck you.
Nah, if you'd read what I said nigger it's that police should be forced to apply literal definitions to arrest you, while you should be perfectly fine using colloquial terms to defend yourself, and this should be enshrined in law
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Yeah, its pretty bad. But in our defense they said you were "masturbating them to death". Sorry bro we had no idea and they kept killing the ones that did..
sure it's better. and that's irrevelant. not gonna happen.
>The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
and the peons and pawns will do so instantly and stomp your ass no matter how you pedantically argue sematics of words.
>Can any of you articulate a viable argument
no but my rifle can
WTF are you going on about? I get it that just hate the idea of having self-control and responsibility so everyone that suggests you deal with your own shortcomings invokes your Hitler worship mechanism again someone else has to be responsible but not you right?

That idea of self-control and not being loose with your tongue in any aspect of your life is like holy water on a vampire to you isn't it?

I have never studied the Talmud. And since I show suspect you regard yourself as Christian here are some questions:

1) have you ever read the Bible even the book of James (chapter 3 ) says about the tongue?
2) Have you ever bothered to look up the English or Greek meanings of words in the Bible?
3) Do you even know what diligence is?
You believe in a fantasy version if your legal system that you literally made up. If it was right it would win in court and it never does
I haven't suggested arguing anything. I have suggested being mindful how you use your mouth and knowing wtf you are saying or meaning instead of rattling on like an mindless NPC bot. Imagine signing a contract and not even reading it! Probably 90% of the people go through their lives signing things and ever bothering to even into knowing what thy are signing or what any of the words mean but they will probably swear their problems are SOMEONE ELSE'S FAULT.
Oh shit, you're my stalker, hello o9a, why do they pick you for glownigger recruits when you read the file and start saying shit based on the file as though it doesn't out you?

>Le the weak should suffer
They should, but not because they didn't use (((your))) specific form of english

I don't like bullshit, if you want to interact with me approach me directly, I do not consider your group superior to me, suck the juice of my taint
How could you win a court case based on what I said? You are making shit up. I only am saying the words have meanings that are significant. I never suggested arguing anything. However, paying attention to what you are actually saying and what the word means is important in life. But you folks seem to go into fits if efforts or learnings are required.
ffs are you people all on SSRIs?
Let me repeat myself;

Suck the gay fluid that leaks from my asshole
Obsessed with blaming Jews. Anyone suggests some effort in improving how you go about your life you go into seisures about Hitler and the Talmud. You'd have to be a full idiot to not realize that watching your mouth could go a long way in life. But yet you're Christian right? Oh must be Stalkers but nope you dont even read the Bible which says 'Study to show yourself approved'.

Do you know what a poseur is?
No thanks. I'm not into that kind of thing like you are. Besides, your dog is probably expecting it all to himself.
Sovereignty comes from the use of a firearm.
Commerce is defined as the buying and selling of goods and services.
If you drive to the store, you are employing your vehicle for the buying of goods.
If you drive to your workplace, you are employing your vehicle for the selling of services.

In all practical terms, there is NO SUCH THING as a private vehicle not used for commerce, because we are all engaged in commerce on a day to day basis, even if we are not running private businesses.
Jews did 9/11, so I celebrate 10/7.
Fucking brainlets all of you.
In the US, the First Amendment gives you the freedom to assemble through the clause "the right of the people peaceably to assemble." There is no restriction on how many people that involves, so you can assemble with yourself or your imaginary pet llama.
The Founding Fathers included this freedom of assembly alongside freedom of speech, because in the olden days it was impossible to effectively write complaints and petitions without a mass of people.
Outside the US, you have the freedom to protest, which is an undefined act. Protesting means eating an apple, walking backwards, or driving without a license.
In both cases, you have to do it peacefully and without violence.
>t. started researching laws and legal procedures in 2020 and challenged the COVID-19 lockdown measures
yes, but since this is a 1pbtid thread, no.
also not your personal army faggot.
i even know of a guy who paid tickets with his own money. /x/anons would know whom im speaking of.
yes heres a 2 hour video explaining it

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