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BREAKING: NOAA has DELETED the NEXRAD products page
NOAA has DELETED the NEXRAD products page

well well well, what have we here.
September 19th 2024:
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NEXRAD Inventory: Select Site (WSR-88D and TDWR)

Why delete the NEXRAD Sites???
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Looks like this page is removed entirely.
Maybe they are trying to hide the AWS S3 buckets the data could be found in:
> Through cooperative activities as a part of NOAA's Big Data Project, the full historical archive of NEXRAD Level-2 data is available for direct download from the Amazon S3 storage. The Toolkit's 'Data Selector' has been enhanced to provide direct access to the NEXRAD data that resides in the cloud infrastructures.
get a more productive hobby dude.
a canadian should not care about "global warming" in any meaningful way because we only stand to benefit from our northern landscape warming up and becoming less hostile.
Previous threads:

Related threads:
NEXRAD General #3:
NEXRAD General #2:
NEXRAD General #1:
Original NEXRAD thread:
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Reminder: NOAA Enlil (Noah Enlil)
WSA-Enlil Solar Wind Prediction

>s-stop you're hurting me goyim
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kvetching already, I'll bump. OP is right on target.
this is the real reason archive.org is down
they don't want people seeing the proof that these things exist and are littered all around the United States.
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Moisture seeding napkin math.

Lets assume you have a way to convince water to evaporate, like say, a giant underwater heater.

No losses from distance then, no fancy radio waves to worry about yet.

Now a marine engine might generate between 2-80 megawatts, the system won't be 100% efficient, but lets assume it is.

80,000 killowats for an hour is 80 killowat hours. Which should be 68,804,051 kilocalories. 1 kcalorie is the amount of energy it takes to heat one liter of water one degree British.

If we assume that you found a ready source of water only 1 degree away from evaporating and joining an existing weather phenomenon. We have 68.8 million liters of water, or about 18 million gallons. Now I'm not completely sure on this, because these are big numbers, but I think that's not a ton of water in the weather sense.

Especially given that it should be the amount of water generated by a fuck off huge boat (80 megawatts) doing nothing but run a giant underwater microwave.

All that said, it's possible. I'll try to figure out how much rain that is in a second.
i recommend shungite
okay the weather machines are real (unironically they probably are)
what difference does it make to YOU? is it going to get you a family? is it going to get you respect in your local community because you know about it? you cant effect it, or change it's course, just like the thousand other things that piss you off about the government. you're just going to jump from one futile battle to the next, like a frog jumping on lilly pads? stop getting conspiracy conned. do local shit.
>t. former schizo fag
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It occurs to me I didn't account for nuclear power, which can roughly 10x the giant IC engines I was looking at.

So theoretically you could have 180 million gallons an hour if you sent an aircraft carrier to run your UW microwave.

So I'm getting 1 inch of rain on one acre is 3630 cubic feet of water.

Which is 27,154 gallons of water per inch, per acre

So if tampa is 114 sq miles or 72,960 acres. How many inches of rain could 800 megawatt hours of microwaved water (assuming it only needed to be heated one degree Celsius) could feds dump on it?

If it's 180 million gallons, dividing by 27,154 you can hit 6,629 acres of land with one inch.

But we have 72960 acres of tampa to hit. So really 1/11th of an inch was added.

Sure if you spent all 24 hours you could get over a billion gallons, and maybe get two inches if you only rained on the entire tampa bay area, but the hurricane hits a lot more than that. So without some serious extra homework nobody is making hurricanes.

But really this is still super impressive, some knuckle head with a windsock, free fuel, and a giant sea worthy microwave could shotgun irrigate the local coastline.
all we need to do is destroy all the north american radar systems
and satellites, and cell phone towers, and so on
>But really this is still super impressive, some knuckle head with a windsock, free fuel, and a giant sea worthy microwave could shotgun irrigate the local coastline.
do you not see how fucking retarded this stuff makes you?
Weather war 101 was a Chanel on YouTube years ago. German autist that really made a convincing case for nexrad controlling the weather.
i control the weather (i have a crush on the meteologist)
>What difference does it make to the people currently drowning
>t. kike calling us schizo for revealing what the government itself claims to believe

No one trusts you faggots anymore, not the media, not the government, certainly not israel, you guys are toast
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>pulls out thermometer
Great Scott!
Here’s the channel. I’m sure it’s going to get nuked soon. If anyone wants to archive it. It’s golden evergreen for the nexrad crowd. He hasn’t posted in 6 years.
isn't it strange how as soon as something gains traction here, articles start popping up to (((fact check))) the subject.
geoengineeringwatch dot org
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If someone truly is managing to make hurricanes, it's by being clever.

I'm not a meteorologist, I just like basic spreadsheet math here are some basic ways to increase water evaporation per watt.

1- Selecting choice water where you apply energy. (Water that only needs to be heated a fraction of a degree)
2 - identifying weather feedback loops and feeding those (hurricanes are big feedback loops right?)
3 - having really good sensors and data before you even begin to try.

All three of these things fit really well with our modern "AI/Data/5G controllable spectrum" stuff we like to hype up.

Even if nobody is trying to do this sort of thing, we should be, it's probably very near future tech. Having met the military, it seems like the sort of schizo stuff they would pay some schizo to be working on.

But seriously, we would need better info to really figure out if there are manmade hurricanes. Spinning the wheels on 4chan and searching internet archives is in my opinion, like searching the crime scene for the murderer.
No I don't anon.
>Spinning wheels
But we've found a smoking gun anon, are you a kike?
Nobody makes hurricanes. They manipulate them. Intensity and direction.
It's neither. The sun activity has literally reached it's peak of cycle, we're having northern lights far away from the poles every other week. That's what causing all the extreme events for last couple years and will cause for next couple years until it reaches solar minimum in 11 years.
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>get a more productive hobby dude.
I was told all jewish homes have Mezuzahs at every door
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This is great information anon
>jewish homes have Mezuzahs at every door
I didn't know that but now I do.
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You're welcome
I want to know if those giant radars in previous threads are nuclear reactors instead of radars.

Military can theoretically generate the power required to pump a hurricane up significantly.

Are they competent enough? Probably not. I'm not really sure we are gonna get real deep into how to steer weather without some serious study into antenna, 5G, electronic warfare and the like though. I'm honestly thinking weather warfare should be a diy thread. It's just aeronautical plumbing.
landfall was exactly on a nexrad station ..... weird
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Second family becomes first to affix a mezuzah on executive home
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(((Red))) vs (((Blue)))
so exciting
>get a more productive hobby dude.
Now back to NEXRAD and Weather Modification
They are not nuclear reactors. There. Is no need to muddy waters or poison the wells.
who cares about "exciting"?
our country is being flooded with poojeets you think this is more pertinent simply because it tingles your left brains hemisphere? fucking faggot
bumping because fuck this nigger
i'm bumping it too, hopefully i can wake some people out of the daze of investing so heavily into retarded shit
There's an image in the first thread which cataloged all NEXRAD radars in America.
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QRD for a weary anon?
>poojeet Rabbiposting
I collect them salty tears, Rabbi. Do not let me interrupt you GoyimTV / MOSSAD, please continue
ngl the kvetching is turning me on right now
you're the one that posted the embarassing shit "i'm only interested in whatever excites me at the moment" fucking kek, there it is. futile impotent conspiracy retarded dazzled by shining new thing, soon to be forgotten as he latches onto the next escapism.
HAARP but a different name.
Tentatively being linked to current hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico.
please go on, I am speechless
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The Military has X-Band portable ones for Missile detection but what else can they be used for or converted to be used for?
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The Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX-1) is a floating, self-propelled, mobile active electronically scanned array early-warning radar station designed to operate in high winds and heavy seas. It was developed as part of the United States Department of Defense Missile Defense Agency's (MDA) Ballistic Missile Defense System.

So what is the ''Black Project'' version of it?
I don't actually understand what this is about. I read the whole previous thread. What are you guys talking about?
could they convert these to S-Band? I don't know shit about this.
Shit. If legit. The hack has me thinking it might be. So am I to understand that wherever >>484375513
are at, huge hurricanes and tornadoes can happen at the push of a button? Is it that?
Marine architecture can withstand things that are just outside the headspace of terrestrial engineering. So it would be entirely possible someone makes a reactor and disguises it as a big radar.

The only issue with all this conspiracy regarding security, is that nation states, should benefit from publicizing capabilities. Which means sadly, modern conspiracies are private/criminal in nature.

For instance, a similar event would be the maui fires, while a space laser would be very difficult to deploy. A ship laser, or ship aircraft combo laser, could have been deployed (by entities private and public) a decade ago.

We just have the misfortune of living in a time when people make towers of shit. Where 50% of info is fraud, and 50% is hyperbole. Nearly none of it real.

I'm not sure if I want to believe people are clever enough to be making impressive and scary tech, or if I want to believe everyone is so much a retard that we are stuck in the 80's. Both seem true sadly :(
Why don't they want people to see that radar stations exist?
>So what is the ''Black Project'' version of it?
I wonder what STARLINK really does. Could it be the Sky version of HAARP (land version)?
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I have some bad news.
You can only do that by giving my idle hands something to do.

Protip, if it isn't difficult my hands become idle on the clock.
>I don't know shit about this.
reminder: you don't know shit about welding, gardening, hunting, tracking, fishing, woodworking, blacksmithing, foraging, first aid, water purification, food preservation, home brewing, masonry, sewing, mechanics, orienteering, or how to maintain a firearm either.
What does it do according to zionist shills?
this is absurd
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Better weather during Golf tournaments?
Its Fairbanks Alaska HAARP

Have a Coke, gentleman.
Seriously anon i just gave you an energy price for 1 inch of rain on acre of land. It might not be a good price, but it's an honest one.

Try to be more grateful.
Alternatively, now hear me out

What if they have a nuclear reactor under the gulf for black projects of some kind? if true watch this thread get shut down faster than a chris chandler self humiliation speedrun, but think about it, all they'd need to do is let it vent heat to the ocean for a while, there were some chinese wikileaks leaks a few years ago talking about US underwater bases as well iirc, though this is getting into retarded shit territory quickly

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