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Previous: >>484383627

▶Day: 960 — Daily battlefield assessment: http://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Zelenskyy met with UK PM Keir Starmer in London
>Ukrainian drones have attacked Hanskaya airfield near Maykop
>Storage base of Shahed-type drones in Oktyabrskiy village of Krasnodar Krai attacked
>5 person killed, 9 wounded as result of russian ballistic missile strike at Panama-flagged container ship
>Ramstein meeting to be rescheduled
>Ukrainian forces successfully struck russia's 67th GRAU Arsenal, a massive ammunition dump outside of Karachev, Bryansk
>Wreckage of S-70 wingman drone captured by Ukrainians reveals falsehood of russian claims about their drone based stealth, AI, fighting/armamament capabilities
>Discord banned in russia
>Why ziggers chimped at S-70 shootdown? Ukrainians possibly remote controlled it via radio spoofing, another pidor jet then (likely Su57) shot it down
>7 powerful explosions in the area of the Saky airfield in Novofedorivka, Crimea
>Putin's decree to recapture all of Kursk Oblast by Oct 1 failed
>Z-blogger "Thirteenth" was detained in Novopavlovsk
>Eternal flight for russian S-70 Okhotnik UAV
>ZNPP employee killed in car bomb attack that Ukrainian military intelligence said punished a war criminal
>Belarus sentenced 12 people to prison terms of up to 25 years on terrorism charges over the 2023 sabotage of a russian military plane that was claimed by pro-Ukraine activists
>Ukrainian investigators found almost $6m in cash during a raid of the home of a state official suspected of helping men dodge mobilisation
>Turkey ratifies a free trade agreement with Ukraine
>Oil depot caught fire in Perm Krai


http://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
http://ukr.warspotting.net (visually confirmed losses)

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total pidor breakdancing!
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>cofi status?
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Watch ukraine on fire Oliver Stone
drinking belgian kriek lambic instead
>cofi status?
consumption of second cup imminent
buy an ad, nigger
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I just love dead Russians. Anyone same? Chunky, crispy, rotten, raw - I love them all. Give me a mobik with his innards on fire or a zigger whining for mommy as he's convulsing in agony from a drone grenade or the one where his ass is in ass. I don't discriminate.
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was it worth it?
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mmmm, i luv 'em crispy on the outside, raw on the inside
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The year is 2045. The Russian Federation lives under NATO RULE. All russian males are sissified. Russian women live to serve NATO KINGS in vast reproduction facilities. Welcome to Russia's NATO FUTURE.
Sasha Petrov remembers life before the invasion – before the government-issued vodka estrogen and hormones, the sissy wigs, frilly lingerie, and mandatory castration. He lives on the war-torn outskirts of New Brussels (Previously Moscow), where he hides his beautiful blonde and almond eyed step-sister Svetlana from the clutches of the brutal New Atlantic army.
As musclebound NATO soldiers prowl the countryside searching for fertile russian girls, will stop at nothing to protect sweet Svetlana’s purity. With his natural cute hair, flirty sissy skirt, harem face veil only showing his feminine eyes and fishnet stockings, Sasha gives his tender slavic body to a gang of pitiless NATO alpha soldiers: the ultimate act of courage and sacrifice. But is sissy Sasha prepared for the overwhelming demonstration of power and domination? The encounter brings him face-to-face with his worst fears... and his most unspeakable sissy fantasies.
Acclaimed author and NATOphile Valentina Kuznetsova presents a tantalizingly political vision of the future. Her powerful, vivid, fly-on-the-wall passages of three-on-one man-on-sissy action push the boundaries of sensual fiction. The NATO KINGS have their way with Sasha's sissy body, pumping and pounding and cursing through one of the hottest gang scenes in the history of the genre. And interspersed throughout the sizzling prose, a suspenseful narrative full of imaginative world-building unfolds.
Experience the true power of NATO BVLLS in M1 Abrahms. Prepare to pay the ultimate reparations for the invasion of Ukraine. Explore the mind-bending world of NATO FUTURE, the first book in Valentina Kuznetsova brand new series.
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>hohols are dying en masse for this
>raw on the inside
You didn't kill AIDS
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With Jews, you lose
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Since World War Two the United States has attempted to overthrow more than fifty foreign governments, it has dropped bombs on the people of around thirty countries, has attempted to assassinate some sixty foreign leaders, helped to suppress dozens of populist or nationalist movements, has tortured many thousands, and seriously and illegally intervened in one way or another in virtually every country on the planet, in the process of which the U.S. has caused the end of life for several million people, and condemned many millions more to a life of agony and despair.
>You didn't kill AIDS
i'm not fucking them and I'm not eating them so i don't care ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Funny, because average pidor can't afford the food to get this fat.
Damn. And Russia on the other hand failed to overthrow one
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> “74% of Americans are overweight or obese.”

>“Young adult cancers are going up 79% in the last 10 years.”

>“25% of men, now, under 40 have erectile dysfunction.”

>“Alzheimer's and dementia are going through the roof.”

> "Young adult dementias have increased, like, three times since 2012. So early onset dementias.”

> “One in two Americans are expected to have cancer in their lifetime now, one in two.”

> “One in 36 children has autism now, in the United States. That was one in 150 in the year 2000.”

> “In California, where I live, [Autism rates are] one in 22. One in 22 with a lifetime neurodevelopmental disorder.”

> “Infertility going up 1% per year.”

> “77% of young Americans can't serve in the military because of obesity or drug abuse.”

> “Autoimmune diseases. Some studies are saying they're going up 13% per year.”

> “Heart disease, which is almost totally preventable, is the leading cause of death in the United States, killing around 800,000 people per year.”

piggers sold their existance to these people kek
Is the bald faggot still around? I have a message for him.
Yes, I can take a message for him.
Wow all those new states that got anexed . How many states does America have now ?
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vassals? lets see... saudi arabia, iraq, kuwait, jordan, qatar, all of hato + eu, japan, south korea, taiwan, kosovo, and probably some literally who states in south america and africa
The chink shill decided to jump on this thread from the start. He is scared.
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If only you knew how brown things really are
Wow the united states of america includes saudi arabia . Which state are they ?
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For clean neighbourhoods? Driveble roads and DRINKABLE tap water?
That's a good thing to die for .
Imagine dying for this.
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I just filter him, since he dumps his (supervisor approved) shill pics in the same order every time.
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the one that stations american troops and serves american interests (like all the aforementioned)
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sm00king status??
>USA being powerful and useful
>Get friends around the world by means of bussines, security and interests
>Russia:that's slavery
Just a burning trash, man. Nothing to see here!
Lung cancer special
That's russophobic bruh
182 B GDP / 44 M POP = 4136 GDP PC
132 B GDP / 28 M POP = 4714 GDP PC
why are you lying anon?
>People would rather cooperate with the US than be slaves to kremlin glowniggers.
Imagine that.
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>floods europe with refugees
>pushes europe into war
>blows up nord stream
>deindustrializes europe
heh nothing personal goy
>why are you lying anon?
Russians lie like they breath
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almost forgot
>pushes fag parades on europe
>pushes overpriced military equipment on europe
>pushes american "culture" on europe
At least they won’t freeze to death bro like I didn’t three years in a row.
I did not need answer, just wanting to point out he is lying, thanks anyway.
>>floods europe with refugees
I blame Germans for that.
>blows up nord stream
Good, should have not been build in the first place. Again Germany is full of russian agents.
>deindustrializes europe
So? Most stuff the thierdies produce in their (((((industrie)))) is our design. We design for sick money and they toil for 1.5$ an hour so we get cheap goods .
Also it's coming back.
>jeetleaf seething about America
okay what blew up this time
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mfw russia is doing meat weave assaults even in Kurks.
they really dont know a better tactic??
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>wait till he finds out who created the modern state of goymany
>>pushes fag parades on europe
Never been to one , not mandatory. Unlike in russian army.
>pushes overpriced military equipment on europe
It works, unlike the 1970s shit the ruskies use. Buying russian is waste of money
>pushes american "culture" on europe
I like family guy.
I don’t think they don’t know any better tactic but it’s the level of coordination they are capable of.
oinkraine will лose, theyll never retake the land they lost
>half of Toretsk under Russian control

What's going on retards?
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amerimutts liberating Europe of Europeans

>It works
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Getting real tired of ziggers butchering east Slavic languages. In Russian and Belarussian

Helmet is shLEm
not shEL
L is in different place, zigger scum

Shelom and Shlem might be homophones, but they come from entirely different families. One word is Semitic and another is Slavic
stop arguing with the pajeet, it's a lost cause. they're too addicted to the taste of poccnr cum to ever admit that russia might be in the wrong
Lame meme, fact is that Russia is third world country and USA is richest country on earth
>my only regret... is that I have... boneitis...
Slamming drip made black coffee before the days meetings start.
>shelom for helmet
on prosta galyboi)
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You visit Russia.
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that file name kek
Thank you Ukraine for killing Russians.
doing the lord's work
What is Monke going to do about Kursk now? Pretend he never wanted it?
Ok, now show me one whit HIMARs, or f-35, or Apache.
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>still in such good shape, they needed special equipment to just lower the barrel
Shame all the Russian equipment in Kyiv square had already incinerated itself
He has control of the media, he can pretend it didn't happen, until he tries to do peace.
Control of Kursk is an Ukrainian veto on when the war ends.
I'm baffled how not a single commentator on the conflict talks about this.

Like imagine Trump gets in and goes full peacenik.
Without Kursk he could threaten to cut aid to Ukraine unless they agree to a deal where the lines are frozen. And Putin would agree to that because it's free land.
With Kursk occupied Putin can't agree to freeze the lines. Because it look like shit to allow Ukraine to squat on Russian land indefinitely.
Trump can't ask Ukraine to vacate Kursk because he needs to keep up appearances.

Maybe I just don't know how these things work and the experts are right, but this is what I think.
Never thought about this. Makes sense
there's a bunch of mp4s of him/hers getting iskander'd in kursk and sumy. as for f-35 it's telling mutts didn't have the courage to give them to the hohols, any guesses why is that? they had to train hohol pilots anyway, why not do that on the good shit instead of crappy f-16s?
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Russia has no inventive to freeze the lines, why stop when you have the clear advantage?
post the real version

The year is 2045. All of Ukraine lives under RVSSIAN RVLE. All Ukrainian males are sissified. Ukrainian women live to serve RVSSIAN KINGS in vast reproduction facilities. Welcome to Ukraine's RVSSIAN FVTVRE.
Oleksandyr Lashchenko remembers life before the revolution – before the government-issued hormones, the sissy wigs, frilly lingerie, and mandatory chastity. He lives on the war-torn outskirts of Novorossiya, where he hides his beautiful blonde step-sister Kateryna from the clutches of the brutal Russian army.
As musclebound Russian soldiers prowl the countryside searching for fertile Ukrainian women, Oleksandyr will stop at nothing to protect sweet Kateryna's purity. In his pink-and-blue wig, flirty sissy skirt, and fishnet stockings, Oleksandyr gives his tender Ukrainian body to a gang of pitiless Russian alpha soldiers: the ultimate act of courage and sacrifice. But is sissy Oleksandyr prepared for the overwhelming demonstration of power and domination? The encounter brings him face-to-face with his worst fears... and his most unspeakable sissy fantasies.
Acclaimed author and pro domme Alina Kravchenko presents a tantalizingly political vision of the future. Her powerful, vivid, fly-on-the-wall passages of three-on-one interracial man-on-sissy action push the boundaries of sensual fiction. The RVSSIAN KINGS have their way with Oleksandyr's sissy body, pumping and pounding and cursing through one of the hottest gang scenes in the history of the genre. And interspersed throughout the sizzling prose, a suspenseful narrative full of imaginative world-building unfolds.
Experience the true power of Russian bulls in black jackboots. Prepare to pay the ultimate reparations. Explore the mind-bending world of RVSSIAN FVTVRE, the first book in Alina Kravchenko's brand new series.
real and authentic canadian right here. nihao faggot.
This narrative only works on domestic Russian audiences. Even Indians consider Ukraine a legitimate state.
All this does is make you look evil to half the world.
I'd pay pretty much any price to not be Russian. Looks like Ukraine agrees.
Russia's collapse will be one of the best things to happen for civilized people in a long time. I hope the civil war is very bloody. All Russians deserve a life of misery.

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Honk levels status? Daily strikes on russian military targets status?
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Europe waking up to the realization amerika ruined them for nothing will have far greater implications
the question is, could an average russian even tell the difference between living in the middle of a civil war and not?
West needs to go through with Russian collapse in Nürnberg style (deputinization, total nuclear disarmament, chopping country in smaller ones.
>oligarchs are the same as entrepreneurs
Are you actually mentally disabled.
That's Korea you fucking retard
You swapped from your Finland flag, why is that.
>All Russians deserve a life of misery.
But they already have that. Always have. Their collapse won't matter to them but it does to us.
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he's a brown man high on moskal propaganda spending his precious time on earth being a spam bot. of course he's mentally disabled.
before or after the nuclear winter?
>Russia used refugees as a weapon in Europe earlier this year
>Russia invaded a European country almost there years (lol) ago
>nordstream was destroyed after a Russian boat confirmed to have underwater demolition capabilities loitered around it for days

I guess "accuse your enemy of doing what you do" is really part of the Russian playbook.
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The face of the average r/uhg/ enjoyer.
he did not
did he really die, or was that fake news?
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>mfw when I'm watching ziggers blow themselves up
>russia blows up their own pipeline
>when they could simply shut it down
yes this makes total sense it's totally not burgers making sure goymoney stays in line
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>he doesn't deny it
Lmao this is why nobody takes you seriously
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If shelomovland is absent free will, then this type of country doesn't deserve to exist :-(
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holy esl
>Chink can't understand English
Go ahead, point out the incorrect parts of his sentence
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Consider the following, 1pbtid Oosti soviet ww2 rapebaby descendant:
1. Russian nukes dont work (picrelated)
2. Russians didnt use nukes even after we invaded Russia proper in Kursk oblast
>russians don't want their future clay to be a glowing
guess you got lucky there taras, russia weak
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Why is there so many ziggers with VPN lately?
Discord got banned?
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Russian people are poorer than they were 10 years ago
Who even reported it? Some zigger tg?
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Every action has a reaction
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Imagine living in a country that's beet at war for over 10 years and still be richer than an everage puccian citizen
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Goreleaf does it for free.
Russia does for money.
How sad is his life?
He did. I was talking with an anon with the exact same posting style and constant replies 4 hours ago.

Yo, is someone smoking?
Here's 400 drones for TZD

>He does it for free
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>ukraine richer than russia
lmao imagine actually beliving that
>government doesn't want you to know this but dead russians are free, you can get one right now. i have over 600k dead russians on my ssd
>believing anything russia says
lmao clown
Woow burn
But not as much Russian losses over the last 3 years. And the fact its new missile blown up in the silos.
Dude, the Russian kills your children and sells it for money to buy drones to kill people like you.
You just post gore, for free, while your people die in the trenches for blackrock.
Its no wonder you've been owned so many times in history by Russia.

>lmao imagine actually beliving that
My loaf of bread costs 0.48$, can't understand why you keep coping so hard
>Trying to demotivate the goreleaf
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Are you implying you're being paid for it right now?
you are an absolute clown if you think you can demoralize anyone in here. we've seen russians fail miserably for 3 years now, there's nothing you can say that would make anyone believe that russia could win this war.
My chleb is like 5 cebullions.

I wish I could have some radioactive pesticide-filled cheap Ukrainian chleb.
>source: world bank
lol the cope
here's graph for ppp, face it your country was always an africa tier shithole
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forgot the graph
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Blah blah
Your words mean nothing are scripted non-sense from the CIA
wtf I've been demoooooralized
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>here's graph for ppp

I'm not going to say Ukraine isn't a shithole, but they're a shithole in the same way Poland was in the 90s. For puccia, they're a shithole forever due to their fauna (r*ssians) filling their HIVlands.

The solution to Ukraine being a shithole is investment and time. The solution to r*ssia being a shithole is genocide.
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Unironically in Ukraine food is cheaper due to counter sanctions. Russia sanctions (some) western food imports, forcing Russian people to pay more.

All in all the entire conflict with Ukraine cast cost Russia trillions of dollars.
>wtf am I gonna do with a 155mm howitzer?
>Dude, the Russian kills your children
Do you think this will make them want LESS dead r*ssians?
That nigger is immortal, cursed by gods to doompost for eternity
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Republicans aren't stupid, they are plain evil. They block every payment. They even block welfare for veterans!!
>Ukrainians are so subhuman they will sacrifice their children just to fight
Makes people realize more and more you're less human.
>'m not going to say Ukraine isn't a shithole, but they're a shithole in the same way Poland was in the 90s.
the thing is the 90s never ended in ukraine the same way they did in poland or russia
>Russia sanctions (some) western food imports, forcing Russian people to pay more.
kek, yes i bet russians living in the world's largest grain exporter in the world can't afford their groceries
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this is what winning looks like apparently
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>be drowning
>government drops a javelin onto you
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And just to be explicit they block welfare and aid for American't veterans.
Send those bitches here as to save them from the flood, we'll draft them kek
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>90s ended for r*ssia

>Posting agitate prop for our country American government
and I'm suppose to hate Russia killing Baltoids... why?
When Trump wins you will all be sorry
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>Dude, the Russian kills your children and sells it for money to buy drones to kill people like you.
You just post gore, for free, while your people die in the trenches for blackrock.
Its no wonder you've been owned so many times in history by Russia.
>faster aid
us congress delayed ukraine aid for 6 months
which a weapons of war, not very useful for hurricane relief

these people are useful idiots
>i bet russians living in the world's largest grain exporter in the world can't afford their groceries
The state thinks so.
Its always some ex-Soviet shit hole country that was fed, clothed and protected talking shit about Russia because they have NATO gibs now
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Are you retarded or ironic?
>fed, clothed and protected
Soviet union couldn't feed, clothe or protect themselves, let alone other fucking countries.
>Calls people retarded
>Source is some CIA poster on /pol/
>Why is there so many ziggers with VPN lately?
Desperation, evidently
If russia was winning the spam would be unnecessary
>ukrainian needs more people for the meat grinder
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>Lemme tell you about your country
Get fucked shitskin
Soviets had a higher calorie diet than the US bud
Stop getting your history about Russia from Western backed NGOS
>do I not kill Ukrainian childen?
>no xaxaxaa)))
Wow such a moral quandry to kill all Ziggers. They are surely misunderstood and motivated more than just theft and rape.
3 more months. Tik-tock, muricans
Except I remember how much of a shithole my country was before EU and I remember how much better things got after it.

Kill yourself. You will never be European, chink.
If Ukraine was winning, they wouldn't need more aid from US
>Oy vey it's anudda shoah
You don't remember anything.
You just spread lies and bullshit from the CIA.
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>Soviet union couldn't feed, clothe or protect themselves
Despite robbing us blind until Dej put his cock down their throat with a smile. They did poison him for it though.
Well you western fags need a wake up call from your cushy naive bubbles
Please do tell me about my own country and its history you slanty-eyed Kalergi mutt.
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>NATO gibs
You shills really are scrapping the bottom. Or just brown, not shure
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>The state thinks so.
>posts literal hohol propaganda
i'm laffin
>4chin post
wow i'm conviced now
>Despite robbing us blind
How did the Soviets rob you blind by giving you free housing, healthcare and education?
They subsidized you lazy niggers because you didn't wanna work.
In fact, you stole everything you could from Russia, like every Eastern European bottom feeding crook
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>literal hohol propaganda
Nobody tell him. Ssh.
You ain't shit.
Your country ain't shit.
And you never weren't anything besides shit until Russia did everything for you.
Chink pork lmao
retard, read your own fucking post. so what that Russia exports grain? Bolsheviks exported grain during fucking famine.
But more importantly, apart grain Russia doesn't grow anything

>4chin post by Russian about prices in Russia
> irrelevant
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Tell me, does changing the subject every time you get rekt get tiresome?
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>chink, US vpn and a celebrator
Wow three at the same time
Come on chill, it was just an iranian drone storage. And an airfield.
>Bolsheviks exported grain during fucking famine.
The famine caused by kulaks burning their own crops, and decades later calling it a genocide for CIA propaganda purposes to smear Russians to lies? That "famine"?
Pretty sure Poland got rekt.
You celebrate independence from Poland and you wish you could live like Poland lmao.
I am talking about 20's, famine caused by bolshevik coup.
I'll take that as a yes, then.
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That polish flag is the most retarded VPN. constantly forgets his flags
Oh no territorial losses from uh... 300 year fucking timespan lmao.

Now do USSR and its brief lifespan. Don't worry, r*ssia will explode just like USSR and you will be forced to suck dicks for a living just like the 90s.
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I think its the same pidor assignment to larp as pole
missing the next panel where these nerds get bombed with fab-1500
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Read history you dumb gorilla. We were not part of soviet union. After war besides having to pay astronomical war reparations to this mongoloids, they created sovrom, a type of company ruled by them where romanians would provide the work and the minerals and resources would get exported to soviet union. We will never know how much it was exported because the leadership of the sovrom was soviet and the operations were secret. Dej managed to kick the mongoloids out and stopped this robbery. We were also the only country from Warsaw pact that criticize invasion of Czechoslovakia by the mongoloid "allies".
So get fucked, kneeler. And read some history. Our hatred for this backstabbing mongols goes way back than soviet union.
I love dead ziggers
>it was just an iranian drone storage
I don't think Iran is going to be able to deliver all that much after Israel started spazzing out in the entire region though.
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>How did the Soviets rob you blind by giving you free housing, healthcare and education?
>They subsidized you lazy niggers because you didn't wanna work.
>In fact, you stole everything you could from Russia, like every Eastern European bottom feeding crook
We're the fuck are you getting these retarded ideas? Russia never gave anything worthwhile to anyone. Except maybe the soviet basic education system, but that's for the central Asia. Literally every one in Europe had a better standard of everything than you servile fucks
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They are in Sudzha.
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There was no coup. That famine was caused by western invading Russia with 20+ different armies to spark a civil war because they wanted to annex Russian territory in the power vacuum.
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If you love Russia so much, you better pray Poland doesn't recover all that land
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you know russia exports pork to china and not the other way around, right?
>apart grain Russia doesn't grow anything
you could verify that with a single google search and yet you persist in your imaginary world, why is that?
>Russia never gave anything worthwhile to anyone.
NGOs writing textbooks and rewriting history. Russia wasn't some "brutal colonizer" - it brought civilization to a bunch of ungrateful fucks like you.
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See the previous post about exporting grain during a famine.
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I like how they always pretend it's not them / didn't happen and just continue to shill the same shit from the same flag
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Why so serious?
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You guys have a different opinion when you think no other nations are looking.
>See the previous post about exporting grain during a famine.
yes it was a pretty sad cope
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>Russia frees Romania from ottoman rule
>Romania chimps out and attacks Russia in WW2
>lost now has to pay reparations
>waaaah this is robbery!!!
kill yourself
>why is that?

because I know how to use a browser and can just google food prices in Russia
The Bolsheviks gave territories out like candy to Germany, Poland, Latvia, Finland etc., not counting the ‘Soviet Republics’. The Whites were the ones trying to keep the country together.
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>uses an underage 14yo from some ecchi gay anime

I see ur point
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Yes, we no longer have those. I'm supposed to be mad or something?
Good you're a tribal monkey whitout a life .
I don't know who you are trying to convince - literally everyone who actually lives in Poland knows everything east of us is a fucking shithole. I don't think you fully grasp that we perceive you as uncivilized savages much like Africans.
>russia exports pork to china and not the other way around, right?
Mhmm. You can only afford chink pork.
The "whites" had no central leadership, and were gangs of brigands no better than the makhnovites
>Russia frees Romania from ottoman rule

Russian Empire did that, not USSR or Russian pederation. Should Romanians thank Russian forever for that? Romania joined Russian side during WW1 it already repaid it's debt

>Romania chimps out and attacks Russia in WW2
faggot, Romania and Finland were neutral untill USSR attacked them first
USSR attacked Romania around same time of winter war
You are correct comrade, here in brussels nobody is celebrating. I just left a meeting at the european council where it was decided to handover eastern europe to mighty Russia.
We will also pay reparations to our betters in the form of home appliances, sanitation devices and boipucci. The latter will be used exclusively for disciplinary purposes.
Hopefuly it will stop Gerasimovs Ghost Brigade of T14 Armata on their way to lisbon.
>immediate deflection
Least transparent pilpul.
>yes it was a pretty sad cope

I know that you are laktha pidor, but do you know what export is?
something is moved from one country to another one.
How do Russian people benefit from oligarchs exporting grain? They don't, it's bad for them because less remains in Russia

But thats just grain
People need more things that bread to survive
How's the weather in Langley today?
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lets see polands domestic aerospace industry
I don't know how this post is supposed to be an own. Do you think a country should try to do absolutely everything? You know we can just buy aircraft, right?
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This must be satire.
Russia and civilization. You held us back for 44 years.
>lets see polands domestic aerospace industry
Russian space industry died with USSR. weird cope
It’s about to get real hot for you, Shlomo. The Holohoax is a self-fulfulling prophecy. It’s going to happen because it hasn’t.
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>Russia and civilization. You held us back for 44 years!
Nigga, anyone who looks at a Polack knows they held themselves back.
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katsaps already posting the vid as their own
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>a toy
Okay CIA, you can stop pretending you're a nazi now.
Your shift is over.
Not to mention most of their space accomplishments were off the backs of Ukrainians. It's a complete joke.
‘Nazi’ is a Jewish slur for a White person.
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>because I know how to use a browser and can just google food prices in Russia
then do it faggot
>I know that you are laktha pidor, but do you know what export is?
the google i posted earlier article is talking about pork consumption reaching record levels
>But thats just grain
and apart from that they are exporting wheat, corn, sunflower oil, meat, eggs you get the picture
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that pic
Your CIA check is already in the bank, dude.
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As one oriental wise man once said...
Remember about Schrodinger's USSR (also applicable to Russian Empire): when it comes to atrocities and incompetence, modern Russia ISN'T the USSR. But when it comes to their glorious heavy industry and WW2 victory (that they totally achieved singlehandedly) and privileges that come from being the USSR's successor state, modern Russia suddenly IS the USSR.
The biggest atrocity the USSR ever did was wasting money building your countries.
what is this movie?
The ass is simply returning to the ass.

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