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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Those still bothering to vote… please present your argument and debunk this
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>PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't vote goy
-t. definitely not a fed
Voting Komsla because she’s brat
ive been hoarding my vote since 2008. so that's 16 years of vote retention that im about to unleash on the world.
They have conserved Pedros shutting the fuck up
Me and all my friends are KamalaDAWGZ. All I see are Kamala signs in my neighborhood. It’s not looking good for (¡)Drumpf(!).
When I went to my local Starbucks™ and the Barista gave me a rebel token saying she knew I was a part of the resistance. Everyone had a pin saying, “I’m With Her 2.0”.
I opened up GRINDR (looking for migrants of course!), and everyone had a bio pledging support for Kamala. I managed to find a poor underprivileged black man and let him use my asshole. He said he was HIV+ but undetectable. I didn’t want to offend him so I let him go in raw to own the CHUDS.
It’s over for racist Nazis. Kamala is smarter, a WOMAN, a POC and will WIPE the floor with Drumpfy and his CHUDS.
im not going to help a nigger pajeeta who will let 12m illegals into the country become president
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I don't care about any of those things
I just want to see the leftists seethe when they lose to the orange man again
Because they have become unfunny sanctimonious pricks that are hell bent on leeching the fun out of my life
>can't debunk anything in the OP
Yeah I'm just not gonna vote. Nothing short of the system burning to the ground is gonna change anything.
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but why are you trying so hard to convince others not to vote
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Nick Fuentes is a fed. I dont listen to feds.
>aussiefag again
Do you ever consider how pointless your anti-vote niggerbabble is?
So you realize what actually needs to happen for things to change
And what might that be Mr. Fed?
the irony of this post containing an image of a guy who had an indian marriage and owes his entire career to a gay CIA contractor who specializes in surveillance technology
Cool but why are you trying to convince others not to vote kinda weird
Pretty much this. The effort to get me to not vote is too overt.
Sitting on the sidelines waiting for something to happen?
Seems like a dumb plan.
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it is impossible to argue with on the merits, so the judeo faggot nigger shills will accuse you of being what they love a nigger a jew a fed or a faggot
If we stop legitimizing the system, possibly things can change finally.
fed fuentes has been proven to be a heavy monied paid shill campaign on influenceable
not to mention that its pure deflection you are no better as the standard GOP niggers in 2016 who argued against trump supporters. I was there and got called ivan and russia shill endlessly by correct the record.
>israel is 20% muzzie
They can't even conserve Israel
Yeah generally speaking, someone who is too demoralised and apathetic to vote is probably just going to quietly not vote. They'd probably tell you if you asked, but it seems very unlikely that a genuine non-voter would go through the effort of making threads and arguing with people to convince them to also not vote.

If someone is putting in effort to convince you not to vote, they probably have a motive.
they can on paper but the main issue is that religious backwards got the children not the ones carrying the burden of war, the economy and so forth on their back
yeah they really care about your vote, theyre trembling in their boots at the thought of you putting a piece of paper in a box
>please present your argument
Trannies have promised to unalive themselves if Trump is elected. I don't expect a particular high body count, certainly only in the low dozens. But that's enough for me.
No different from the leftists. I'm just voting to make leftists seethe and mine the subsequent salt. US is done as a country no matter who wins, so fuck you, I'll vote for entertainment while everything collapses.
You know if Trump loses, the GOP has to remake itself from the ground up. Maybe even kick out AIPAC forever.
Glow detector undefeated.
Checked and pasta-pilled.
>I'll vote for entertainment while everything collapses.
This. I demand entertainment.
its funny how people named (money) wexler (changer) say on twitter you are a muslim or fed if you don't support the betrayal Trump is staging right now
JD vance voted for evan mcmuffing the fed neocon CIA guy
Trump cosigning the bullshit his neocon campaign put out the past some month is a more devastating blow for your country than whatever kamala harris can do

both candidates are in bed with a shapiro, both campaigns are half indian half jewish
It takes less than five minutes to vote and one of the parties wants to lower my taxes.
I'm voting Kamala. I hope she taxes the shit out of the middle class. I hope she bans guns via door to door confiscation. Acceleration is the only viable answer for where we are.
As opposed to...voting for Trump (or Kamala) and THEN sitting on the sidelines waiting for something to happen? Not really sure the "vote" constitutes some kind of action.

I'm planning on leaving America all together and am not a huge Nick Fuentes fan, but I'm also not a fan of what America has become. I'm at a "web3 conference" in SLC this week and there is a group of faggots walking around in american flag attire unironically wearing matching "MAGA BOYZ" cut-off sleeveless shirts like frat bros (these men are 30+, one of whom is juiced up). It's all just fucking gay and corny at this point.
I mean, I took OP as an opportunity for someone to disprove the perspective...which no one is.

If someone can convince me why I should vote for Trump, I gladly will. I genuinely don't care what anyone does and when it comes down to it, I've created my own life that is largely independent of politics so I don't really care. It just sucks how fucking gay everyone has become, including the terminally-online people who care about all of this stuff and argue about it endlessly.
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I don't know anything about this guy, but what is his solution in this case? Not vote? Acceleration vote for Kabala?
>What have they conserved? Israel?
Yes, and in that they continue to fulfill the reason for their existence.
OP is a shill, there are many similar shill threads up right now, learn to recognise shilling.
The reason to vote for Trump is obvious - Kamala is openly trying to destroy the country for white Americans.
>Those still bothering to vote
Nice try, but still voting Trump!
Gee wow guess I'm voting for Kamala then.
Have you ever just tried lowering your taxes on your own? Have you ever, god forbid, tried lying to the government? They lie to you, but you dutifully take account of all your activity over the year and make sure you square up with them? Why? Because you heard on the news about Wesley Snipes having action taken against him?
Wow this is concerning. Still voting Trump tho.
Because if Kamala wins the genocide of White people will get worse immediately, very simple
kek, this.
complacent cucks thinking their stupid ritual matters at all. you aren't rebelling, retards, you're participating.
Anti-POCCER racists will say this is AI
Whether openly trying to do it or covertly...that is the end goal of "the system". American got gayer and browner from 2016 to 2020. Trump said something about wanting to import a billion H1B visa Indians. The writing is on the wall and for me the best option is to not participate in the system.

I'm 90% crypto for my finances, I've sold all my property and pay no property taxes, and I'm ready to leave given the right catalyst.

IDK about OP being a shill or not, I just clicked this thread and am killing time before going to a conference. I think we're entering a post-national world regardless of who is the president of the US. The government is owned and soon enough they'll just stop pretending that isn't the case. To me it is naive to even care about any of this at this point. I focus on my own life and the things that affect me (federal politics do not and I don't let their threats/laws scare me).
>white genocide
How is it white genocide?
Wheres the lie? Fact is, if you’re voting Red Team the main thing you’re voting in favor of is the continued fortification of Israels right to exist. Sure it light come with some other perks like slightly lower taxes and you might postpone the creation of more DEI laws in the federal and/or state government, but fact is, Red Teams main focus is being pissreals bodyguard
Neocons stay winning
Basically this...it's all fucking fake and gay. The government is nothing but a system of threats to keep you in line and if you focus on your own life none of this shit matters. It is all just trying to signal to others that you waste a lot of your time and energy thinking about shit that doesn't remotely affect you. If you disconnect from the media: magically the federal government and its politics disappear!

t. desolate mountain enjoy0000r
Conservatives don't conserve anything anymore.

Republicans are just as anti-White as Democrats, just in a couple different ways.

Voting won't save White people from the Jew, but still vote Trump to piss the Libs off.
>>PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't vote goy
How will voting and voting Republican save the White race from the Jew?
Very believable story mr shill.
Obviously Kamala would be far worse for white America and you've got an uphill battle trying to convince people otherwise.
It's all tiresome anons. The only solution is to get your own life in order and to stop caring. None of you are going to make a difference in these global power structures. You can create a comfy life for yourself though and stop caring.
>Sure it might come with some other perks
Well there you go, sounds like red team is a good vote then.
>Obviously Kamala would be far worse for white America and you've got an uphill battle trying to convince people otherwise.
Do you really think the vote isn't rigged and whoever the Jews want, won't be elected?
It would certainly be better for the white race than allowing the dems to win.
>respond to my strawman
fuck off groyper
Kill yourself.
>akshually the vote is rigged so it doesn't matter, SO PLEASE DON'T VOTE GOY
low effort shilling
TGD you fucking groyper faggot
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Only faggots follow this spic who has no clue how the real world works since hes never even had a job.
>don't conserve anything anymore
They never did. I don't seem to have it saved, but there's a quote from the 19th century about how conservatives whine and complain about one change or another, but ultimately just give in and accept it every fucking time. They've always been this spineless.
>It would certainly be better for the white race than allowing the dems to win.
Even though everyone in office is anti-White and voting ultimately won't save us?
Faggot. Fight and die for what you believe in like a man, or would you prefer to die in a hospital bed like a pussy?
Nigger, I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. I don't care who the president is, it doesn't affect me at all. It may affect you, but that's only because you choose to allow it to.

Lots of "white america" like the entire northeast is a bunch of faggots who are voting for Kamala. Many wealthy white people in academia, medicine, etc are voting for Kamala and many poor brown people are voting for Tump.

I don't care about any of it. I think caring about politics is a waste of time for nearly everyone.

if enough of you vote for kamala it will fuck up the kikes plan - they are obviously already planning on trump term
Key word here being might. They might also just allow Democrats in the House or Senate to make pass laws that they would have passed if they had the Presidency, making it all pointless.
>They never did. I don't seem to have it saved, but there's a quote from the 19th century about how conservatives whine and complain about one change or another, but ultimately just give in and accept it every fucking time. They've always been this spineless.
The purpose of democracy is to prevent change.

If White race is going to exist in North America in 100 years it needs to stop relying on ZOG to save or preserve it.
Trump is not anti-white, actually he seems to quite like white people.
Kamala is indeed anti-white though.
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>STILL conflating conservation with conservatism
you groypers are a retarded lot
Sorry. Not voting kike
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Don't care bro. Still voting for Kanye.
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>I think caring about politics is a waste of time
>he says while posting on the politics board
>Trump is not anti-white, actually he seems to quite like white people.
If you're not pro-White, you're anti-White. Trump, like all Republicans, loves mass importation of legal, brown immigrants. Also, Trump is pro-Jew. Pro-Jew = Anti-White.

>Kamala is indeed anti-white though.
Both are anti-White. Neither are concerned with preserving the White race.
lol you havent convinced a single person to not vote for trump. your fuentes psyop failed miserably. kys groypers.
>Voting works and democracy isn't fake and gay
We got a nigger over here!
>>STILL conflating conservation with conservatism
It's in the fucking name.

>you groypers are a retarded lot
Also, not a groyper.
>>he says while posting on the politics board
this is a containment board for LARPing shitposters.
Low effort shilling.
Time to go back then
>Low effort shilling.
you're literally shilling for the amurrican government. I bet you think ZOG is legitimate as well.
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What does that even mean? I've created my own beliefs. They aren't based on a bunch of shit from the internet. I was up at the crack of dawn spotting deer in a national forest while you were probably sitting at your screen "fighting." I don't care if you share my beliefs or not...that is ultimately the bottom line in America. You keep your beliefs, I'll keep mine, leave me the fuck alone and I'll leave you alone. Bunch of low IQ faggots on the internet with an education derived from youtube videos want to force their perspective on the world (thats on both sides of this gay current political spectrum). Get a life and live your own life.
Fed or not, the words are still correct.
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>words that sounds the same have the same meaning
>doubling down on retard
conserve means to retain. conservative means less of something. stop being a faggot.
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You can't vote you way out of a genocide
Ok, sorry, I'll leave your political discussion. Everyone make sure to get out and vote for Trump Vance 2024, they'll lower your taxes and change your entire life. Just imagine how much better content on social media will be, how much fewer fentanyl zombies will be in the street, just everything in your life is gonna improve thanks to the government. All you need to do is vote and you can change your life. Thanks for changing my mind Austrailian Anon in a thread about American politics. Now I understand.
No it wouldn't. If anything the republicans are more Jewish than the Dems. Both parties are equally anti white because of Jewish control. Why is an Australian, clearly ignorant about American politics desperately trying to get people to vote in america? Suspect.
>conserve means to retain
Only thing conservatives remotely attempt to retain is their money.

>conservative means less of something.
Supposedly less government, which the conservatives are not for (especially when it comes to the military)
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>Conservatives 2046
Don't care. Still voting for cheap gas.
>nick fuentes the tranny beaner jew fed talking about what his masters abandoned
kek just kill yourselves
>Both parties are equally anti white
Nope, it's not even close.
You're clearly a shill. Totally inorganic. You're probably a Jew on a VPN aren't you.
Democrats are openly anti-white. GOP is just secretly anti-white.
If they have to hide then that's already better
>C I A post is obvious

You can tell this is a real user.

Who do you guys work for? Who runs the bots?
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It's Fuentes, I don't need a serious argument. He's brown.

You miss the point, it is precisely because Nick is well-known to be comped that him saying this should be considered well-poisoning.

Yet you neither ask yourself why nor consider who is saying what, since someone you don't like is saying it you automatically discount it like an NPC with TDS or some "never red" mentality. You have shit candidates because lobbyists placed shit on your plate and told you to eat it, you didn't stop to consider you could protest for new candidates a year ago. This is something I have been talking about for a long time now and kept getting ignored over because this board is full refugee redditors these days.
>ummm akshually the CIA is trying to convince white nationalists TO vote
Yeah sure thing buddy
>Nope, it's not even close.
One is actively anti-White.
The other, at times, is passively anti-White. The rest of the time they're actively anti-White as well.
Former t*ump supporter here. I'll be honest, I was with him up until two weeks ago. But after I witnessed the grassroots groundswell of organic enthusiasm for the Harris campaign, my choice became clear. Lil donnie is too pale, male, and stale for the direction our country is progressing. We aren't going back, and once I realized this I became #CoconutsForKamala!
So how are Republicans pro-White?
You've just described one thing not being as bad as the other lmao
Prove you're in Australia faggot.
If Trump wins, Spic Fuentes will seethe about his coconut mommy not being elected.
That alone is enough to get me to vote for Trump.
>jump through hoops for me goy
You first
>Fight and die for what you believe in like a man
>voting for the party of Lindsay Graham
These are the same thing in the mind of 'Australians' who for some reason are extremely invested in the American Republican party
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I was ALOT better off financially under TRUMP.
They've unironically became the obnoxious, sanctimonious, moral-majority of the satanic panic era, but instead of churching it up, they've fagged it up.
>You've just described one thing not being as bad as the other lmao
Republicans "not being as bad" will not save White people though.
It's not enough to "not be actively anti-White" they must be implicitly pro-White.

It's like you're telling someone "dude, just tread water, don't swim towards the lifeboat. watch out for the sharks though!"

That's not going to save us.
It's going to be better than the alternative.
Spic Faggentoid and all Groyptards are traitors to MAGA
Nobody believes that you or the other shills are a real user.

It does matter who we vote for, we get a zionist anti white golem either way. For decades we have watched this same story play out time and time again.

You obviously are not a real user of pol if you really think voting matters. We settled that convo years ago.
holy shit youre dumb
I know you're not even Australian. You shills are very obvious if you spend enough time here. No Australian would come to a thread like this to attack anyone saying voting is pointless in America. Any Fuentes post brings out all these shills. You're probably paid to sit on a VPN and spam up these threads aren't you.
Yah goys! Vote Kamala because "Definitely Not A Glownigger" Fuentes says so, goy!
and Fuentes is DEFINATELY not a glownigger. Just because he is on camera telling people to smash the barricades and didn't get prosecuted while they were arresting grannies for peacefully walking outside the capital doesn't mean shit!
>Conservatives don't conserve anything anymore.
I hate this phrase because it just isn't true, conservatives never conserved anything. Republicans as a party were founded on pure weaponized capitalism and as it turns out, a progressive society generates more capital than a conservative one, so it should surprise no one as to why conservatives consistently cave in compromise.
>voting doesn't matter so PLEASE DON'T VOTE GOY
>-t. definitely not a shill

I don't think you're convincing many people bruz
Describe your experiences with bots and what they try and shill to you. I am curious. Do you notice similar posting styles?
not an argument
>It's going to be better than the alternative.
No, it's not though. It's placating. It's making people think they've done something and they'll then do nothing else.

And we all know even if Trump wins, the Democrats will ensure a one-party state post-Trump. It'll be like Trump never won at all.
Who voted for this? Who voted for the constitution to not exist any more and a police state instead?

I’m sure you will defend these crimes as well won’t you.
And you're telling them to drown.
reminder that all aussie flags are glowniggers on a vpn until otherwise proven to be chinese
It's already a one party state.
Of course. This Australian poster is a bot or shill. They stick out like sore thumbs. He sounds like Charlie Kirk or Ben Shapiro.
It's childish to expect your God wish list from a political candidate or President.
Abortion, jailing women because God told you cell life is the same as human life
Traditional marriage, forbidding same sex couples from getting married by the State.
Both stupid and retarded ideas that rank lower than economic betterment.
You can't expect immoral actions to become crimes, In fact, making non-crimes into crimes, is what would be immoral.
Maybe if this faggot's parents weren't elderly when he was born, he wouldn't be such a pearl clutching immoral closeted homosexual
Well there's people right now voting for other bad things to happen to white people, it would probably be a sensible choice to vote against them.
Nope, I don't care about what this manlet spic has to say.
>And you're telling them to drown.
I'm telling them to swim to the island. (aka White Ethnostate)
No you're not, this isn't the "Let's create a white ethnostate" thread
this is a glownigger, desperately trying to incite violence in the US
disregard his posts
I used to love nick but he's definitely a fed.

Trump will do more for America than kamala.

Who cares if he supports israel, all the israel loving boomers will be dead in 10 years.

The gop is full of young leadership who are no questioning ww2.

Being slightly zogged but having mass deportations and domestic manufacturing beats Communism with unlimited shitskins and no jobs.
Still voting Trump
>it would probably be a sensible choice to vote against them
>Implying you have a choice when both support endless immigration and jewish terrorism
The only real choices available are either protest or unhinged violence against tyranny. Rock and a hard place if there ever was one.
I'm not even American and I still want everyone and their dead grandmother to vote trump, just so I can watch them collapse into a coping frenzy when they realize that they have lost the cultural and political battle on every level,that there's no political solution,and that nothing is going to change
You have always been and you will always be, isreal's cuck
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>both support endless immigration
Reaching the bottom of the barrel with your fake screencap faggot. Still voting Trump.
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OR, tons of people could just, you know, hate both parties since they are obviously on the same team (jews).
We are getting Taxation Without Representation, times six million.
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No way the jews can control the GOP. Republicans are the saviors of the White race. This time they'll kick jews out and create a White ethnostate for sure. Whatever you do, don't try and work outside the system they've created. Republicans will save us, just keep voting.
>glowniggers resort to rareflags because their vpns are getting locked up.kys
Posting this faggot spic should be a bannable offense.
As the other user said ^^ no one even remotely believes you are a real user. You come across as not even close to what normal Americans would like.

Why do you idiots even think all of these foreign flags being experts on US politics makes sense? And they ALWAYS advocate for and defend z o g.

I mean holy shit you are so inferior at propaganda it’s actually crazy
The guy you posted is married to a pajeet and was a faggot deep-state connected nevertrump neocon in 2016 and chameleoned his way into the trump movement because he is a power-seeking sociopath.
Trump had every opportunity to talk about implementing an immigration moratorium but instead opted for more browns with lower intelligence than even a faggot like Fuentes.
Many Republicans are live and let live types. The extremes you have here are demands made of the party by the evangelical right. The funny thing about this tweet is that those evangelical right folks who want this, would shun Nick and run him out of Dodge for being a flaming faggot.
Shouldn’t we want the Feds on our side? What kind of retardation is not wanting your own state on your side?

I welcome the c I a to start defending the constitution and our people and the founding fathers ideas
Nick fuentes gets more based every day, the other guy reply is also great
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Trump most certainly does not support endless immigration and you're going to have a hard time pretending otherwise.
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Jews want bad things to happen to White people and they control both parties. Neither party is pro-White and neither of them are opposed to jewish power. When a government doesn't work for us, we have the right to overthrow it. If jewish power isn't uninstalled, the Great Replacement will continue. White men being sent to die for Israel will continue.
>please present your argument
just feel like voting Trump. I just do.
Only one party is openly anti-white, you should probably vote against them.
This cuck race-mixed with a street shitter.
Just because the other is covertly anti-white doesn't make them a good choice.
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You shouldnt vote for her either. We should organize as White Nationalists and destroy this system, root and branch. Everything jews can get Kamala to do they can get Trump to do. The uniparty does the bidding of jews period.
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We'll just say a less-bad choice then shall we?
Spic Fuentes is the ultimate goy toy of the jews.
A literal mouthpiece to try and push for people to not vote so that we get more inflation, illegal immigration, and bullshit.
I'm just so glad that his influence has waned so much that he now is a complete joke in the "alt-right" community. Hopefully the autistic kids who followed him had enough pattern recognition to see a grifter for what he really is and not keep falling for this gay nigger shit.
He does, all his talk of deportations will turn into excuses for amnesty after the election. Stapling green cards to foreign student diplomas is bad too, he says they'll be "vetted" but who is gonna do that? Oh right, the same glowniggers who have been fucking with him since he came down the escalator. You are too stupid for this conversation, abo nigger.
It takes 2 seconds, Ive taken longer shits than it takes to vote. Its not a long vigorous thinking process for me. Theres a female poo on the ballot.
Greencards stapled to diplomas is a "strawman" how?
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Sorry, I'm just not going to keep your illusion of choice up any longer.
Ugh......I know I know........
I'm just not gonna do it is all.
>Progressive society generates more capital than a conservative one

Neck yourself faggot.
Explain to me how a society where over half the people are employed by the government generates ANY capital, rather than feeding parasitically of the 50% that actually produce shit?
Progressives don't generate shit. They suck off the teat of the producers and try to redistribute what other people make.
I am almost as excited to have Elon slashing government agencies as I am to have Trump back in the White House. Twitter runs better now with only 20% of the employees than it ever did.. And Elon is going to do the same with government employees.
Voting doesn't matter and won't fix shit. You're just too much of a coward/trumpshill to admit it.
Oh, I don't believe in politicians one bit.
However, I do believe that I cast votes to lessen the blow from more leftist shit, even if we're still getting bullshit.
The concept of "withdraw completely and the system will change" is bullshit. Sure, we should be organizing on the fringe and being small or staying lone wolf until we can get a reasonable base built, but Spic Fuentes is NOT doing this, he's just a retarded grifter seeking attention, which is why I can't stand that little faggot.
found the john McCain voter
Shut the fuck up pussy. I told you retards 10 years ago the Queen is your ruler and you all argued. Go have a spot of tea you bogan fuck.
>Trump** is the ultimate goy toy of the jews.

Fixed that for you, shill.
At least you're not denying the GOP is also anti-white. So now explain why voting and maintaining this gay charade is going to do people any good.
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>everything always was and always will be fake and gay and by vooting you are giving credibility to this absolute scam enslaving all of humanity
no way dude
Why would voting prevent you from "organizing as White Nationalists and destroy this system, root and branch"?
Why can't anon do both?
Nick is saying the right wing is as controlled by jews as the left.
Furthermore, the kamala biden admin has done more to redpill normjes than anyone in history, why stop a good thing?
So, yeah, you're saying don't vote and let's see if Kuntmala gets it.
That surely will own the jews if you do nothing, except those jews will keep taxing you and flooding your cities with niggers until you die. See how well this plan has worked so far, you'll get more of the same by being on board with this shit.
This is my political position.
Do not vote for change. Do not vote at all.
Make it yourself or shut the fuck up.
Good work.
You are stupid nigger cow. Your bleating is annoying.
Everything you've described there is better than the completely uncontrolled immigration of Kamala/Biden
You can't stand him because he's right.
every criticism spic fuentes has of trump has been true since 2016 and he attacked "wignats" for saying it. now he's 8 years behind and claiming credit for something that has been painfully obvious to everybody else
>No you're not, this isn't the "Let's create a white ethnostate" thread
You ignore those anyways. Because it involves doing something and not endlessly talking.
I don't know if they're bots or paid shills but you can just identify when the sentiment is radically different than the aver Pol user. A couple of months ago a cop killed an old black woman and there was thread after thread created by the same people, each one filled with police dick riders. It was obviously completely astroturfed. I get the same vibe from this Australian.
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Trump said he wants the death penalty for antisemites. Shill harder you dumb kike.
Oh no, I'm voting against Kamala, I'm surely not going to make the impression you will by doing nothing, how will I make it through this month?!?!
You're as much a kike pawn as the rest, except you lie to yourself about it, which makes it that much more sad as you watch your fellow white man get kicked down as you tell him "Next election, we'll get Hitler 2.0, I swear, you just have to wait and deal with it a while longer!"
Admit it, you have no plan.
>So now explain why voting and maintaining this gay charade is going to do people any good.
Shall we say that it will do people less-badness?
trump creating the pathway for 5-10m jeets a year going with the canada model is worse since no he will not end illegal immigration or sufficiently curtail it
mmmhmm yeah sure thing mr memeflag
He's right about the jews, but wrong on a lot of shit.
And his approach is weak and tired, which is why he's a joke now.
Spic Fuentes is the new Richard Spencer, give it 2 years and he'll be headlining AIPAC events for the shekels once his young fan base moves on completely.
Do you believe selecting jeets is worse than letting anyone and EVERYONE (including jeets) pour over the border like they are now?
Why would you vote in an election you think is rigged anyways? Literal cuck behaviour of the highest order.

Anyways Nick Fuentes is a federal informant who traded all of his followers names, addresses and personal and banking information so that he could avoid prison time, be removed from the no-fly list and have his crypto and bank accounts unfrozen.
Why would it be cuck behaviour?
What do you lose by voting? Nothing.
So why are you trying so hard to convince anons not to do it?
>puuhhleeease don’t vote goys, we can’t cover this level of cheating margin
t. midget spic faggot fanclub, the lincoln project approves this message
fuck off, fedboi
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Why should the GOP address these issues? How is this Christcuck nonsense even remotely pro white?
Who says vote Kamala shill? Are you some Jewish BAP faggot btw?
not an argument
Lesser of two evils and all that. Unless you really think Kamala is better for Christians
>Why would you vote in an election you think is rigged anyways?
I'm voting Trump so it pisses off the Liberals. i want to see "x people voted for that evil racist nazi trump" articles. and if by some miracle Trump wins, I want to see the Left start a civil war.

I do not believe voting will save White people.
you are a jeet trying to make this a trade off
It's just keeping everyone on the jewish hamster wheel and maintains the jewish control over western politics. How is this good in any way whatsoever for whites when both party's are now proudly saying they're replacing whites? None of you "get out and vote, goys!" ever give a good answer for this.
Spic's general motif is "Just don't vote", which is basically saying "Accept Kamala, she's better than Trump for your needs", and that's why I laugh at that midget homosexual.
If he'd ever been able to put his giant queer ego in check and actually ORGANIZE well instead of trying to be more important than he's ever been, he might have been able to do something good. But alas, like every other right-wing e-celeb, he huffed his own farts too much and fell for his own bullshit.
the australia and canada flags are probably jeets
This guy gets it.
Slow the bleed and get some seethe, that's the one reason to vote.
do you love israel or india?
>over half the people are employed by the government
There's no sense in lying right off the bat, I could just ignore the rest of your post but I'll address it anyway. This isn't about utilitarian production, I expressly stated that it's about generating capital and progressives excel at it because nothing is off limits to them, they aren't bound by a moral obligation or a sense of right/wrong. You apparently don't know your own history considering it was the right-wing that first implemented overt federalism and capitalistic slavery in this country.

>It's okay if it's made "legal"
No it isn't, not at all. As a conservative he should be conserving my nation's American western culture, not some foreigner's right to change it through encroachment and waning voting restrictions.
Kike Fuentes? Don't care.
Another shill. This thread is filled with them.

"Keep voting goyim. Keep holding up our totally corrupt, rigged system forever."
I love myself, that's about it, not sure why you're so obsessed with thinking that anyone who doesn't love a midget homosexual grifter has to love the nations you hate, you braindead nigger lover.
because I still want a good economy and to be able to afford a home, and illegals deported
little boys in moms basement lol
do you love israel or india? yes or no?
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Voting is a judeomasonic black magic ritual with the sole purpose of getting your karmic consent. By voting you are metaphysically submitting yourself to the will of the system.
>"Stop voting, goyim, allowing the kikes to run the political system with zero interference will surely get you a person who will remove the jews from power!"
Do you understand yet how retarded you sound? Or, are you really a helmet-wearing mongoloid who can type? Let me know.
>picture of jfk
>whines about mass immigration and white replacement
why are all these zoomer and millennial faggots so ignorant about the jfk question? the immigration act was jfk's legislation
war in the ME is toxic for the economy
I love myself, that's it.
You can nuke those two nations for all I care.
What's your point, Fuentes donator?
Ha that was me they called me a tranny many times but hey I’m just glad they are on our side now.

If nick and any other mixed guys are loyal to our people then I think we should accept them. They have aryan blood. They didn’t choose to be mixed and these guys grow up getting messed with a lot. Really our race owes them some kindness and empathy.

I am the most racist guy alive but mixed people are still our literal blood people. Deport the foreigners and let the mixed bros join us
so which war did trump start in his first term
Kikes already run the political system faggot. Did you just start following politics? They own all the politicians. They all literally have AIPAC handlers. A politicians is owned via lobbying even before they get into office.
Another shill
not catholic and too old to be a groyper
trump is not the weapon against the left so I do not support him simple as
>allowing the kikes to run the political system with zero interference
That's literally what voting is doing unless you're voting for some rando that isn't part of the large political party's or big corpo money, which I bet you also cry about being "throwing your vote away".
I wont ratify this with my vote.
Im staying home and preparing for the apocalypse instead.
I think ill take up knitting.
he announced a war many times over the past month this is no longer an abstract question
That has been my experience exactly. You can always feel they are fake as well. I’m not sure what it is but it’s noticeable like a robot call.

How many Anons do you think they fool? Or do you think all of the other anons are calling them out as well lol probably boxed off from us
really? because I thought Kamala is the one who pledged "unconditional" support for Israel during the debate
So, you think that doing nothing changes anything?
How's that working out for you so far with your 2 candidates?
Seems to me, the Spic Fuentes plan failed.
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comparing something like mass-immigration with LGBT or abortion is why the GOP is absolute FUCKING GARBAGE
they combine real issues with fake feelings-based pathetic whining, that boils down to being about controlling other humans personal lives
what a disgusting screenshot of two repulsive humans
yes really
Its not what the GOP can do for you
Its what you can do for the GOP
So don't vote, and thus, say nothing either way for whoever wins.
Can't be a whiny bitch if you do nothing, unless you're a real faggot.
And yes, the whole system is fucked, jews own everything, but the way I see it, I'll take the jew candidate who wants to hurt me less for now.
Provide me with a viable alternative and I'll listen, but the "do nothing" mindset is just retarded.
thanks ill definitely vote for kamala now
I voted lolbertarian for 3 elections, but since that party is now run by a troon loving retard, I'm choosing the least problematic of the options.
So be it.
I'm gonna vooot and there's nothing you can do to stop me
I don't think they fool many. I've noticed if you call them out others will pick up on it very quickly and do the same which totally neuters the shill.

The tone of this Australian poster is off as you say. Gives the "hello my fellow white people" vibes.
I don't care who you vote for or going to tell you who to vote for, I'm german it is your country
but operational Trump is only there for jeets and jews not for americans.
>I'll take the jew candidate who wants to hurt me less for now.
And how long are you gonna keep doing that for? Most people have already come to the realization that's shit's fucked and it's you late bloomers ruining it for everyone by maintaining the shit system.
Yes. Doing nothing is more effective than participating in a rigged system. Don't vote. Don't work. Claim welfare. If enough people did this the entire Jewish system would collapse.

Explain how voting changed anything. How does voting for one Zionist over another help Americans?
No one that advocates for voting can also explain how voting will save the White race from the Jew or ensure the White race's survival.
hahaha fucking idiot
Checked and thank (you).
Well said.

And now is when they will slide the thread and 404 or archive. Every single time lol it’s funny the lengths they are going to just to silence their fellow man.
>a troon loving retard
This applies to Trump as well
I'm a firm believer that any ground you give up you surrender forever. You'll never get it back. Infiltrated parties need to go, not us. Giving up only helps your proclaimed opposition.
All of you "don't vote" faggot shills wont be winning this one with pathetic demoralization efforts. Post your broccoli-haired beaner all you want. You have nothing.
Don't know what for, this stuff should be consensus among anons that aren't brainwashed by kikery and historical revision faggotry. You're welcome anyway.
>Infiltrated parties need to go, not us.
So you'll be voting for the non-infiltrated party this election then. Which one would that be, might I ask?
>infiltrated parties
More retarded muh rinos cope. The GOP was always like this. It was never good, it was always anti-White and pro-cheap labor.
These guys are voting for Democrats so why are they complaining? They're saying they don't want to vote for Trump because of these reasons, sure, but then they say they will vote for Democrats, which has these things at the center of their platform. So how can they really complain or blame others?
>How will voting and voting Republican save the White race from the Jew?
Trump will sue colleges that discriminate against white people. Trump will weaponize the endowment system to get commie marxist shit out of universities. DEI and affirmative action are a wealth and power transfer from whites to shitskins and Trump is the only candidate that has promised to do anything about it
>I'm a firm believer that any ground you give up you surrender forever. You'll never get it back. Infiltrated parties need to go, not us. Giving up only helps your proclaimed opposition.
The Jews have already gained power legally or otherwise and are now protected by the law. (Many of which they instituted)

You can't take that power back from them nor will they give it up.
Except they're not gonna vote for Democrats you fucking retard.
>Trump will sue colleges that discriminate against white people. Trump will weaponize the endowment system to get commie marxist shit out of universities. DEI and affirmative action are a wealth and power transfer from whites to shitskins and Trump is the only candidate that has promised to do anything about it
You're kidding, right? No, he won't. Even if by some miracle he tried, he'd never succeed.
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If you think about it, combining real issues with divisive issues creates a scenario where it's impossible to be practical about immigration without being viewed as a radical by association.

It's the Jews way of dividing the masses,they use divisive content to deflect attention away from actual issues.
This might seem like a misdirection to ask but do you trust the FBI? Reason I ask is they verify all our candidates and are supposed to be an objective 3rd party, yet have been shown to be uniquely partisan to bureaucratic interests and have even been caught outright lying about information they have put out for decades. By all rights people would be justified in not trusting them, they put up with it because the only alternative is self-verification but average people do not have access to a vast intelligence sharing network or the means to create one. The same applies to voting, you either do or don't but you cannot create a new voting system in parallel to the existing one without blurring the two or creating chaos and this is why people advocate not voting to demolish the current system's credibility.
I'm voting for Trump to make you seethe.
>you’re voting in favor of is the continued fortification of Israels right to exist

I don't give a fuck if Israel exists, it literally has no bearing on my life. If Israel didn't exist, the Jews that run my country would just send my tax money as food aid to Africa instead.

See that's the thing.
Any "anti-Zionist", who doesn't prioritize the only Zionist occupation that actually matters, the occupation of my own country, is either a shill or a moron. A politician's position on Israel should be the least important data point by which a politician is judged.

>but Trump is friends with Jews! He takes Jew money!
We live under a Zionist Occupational Government, of course he does, everyone does. Once again this should be one of the least important characteristics by which a politician is judged.

The only political spectrum that matters is the Actively anti-White / Passively anti-White / status-quo / Passively pro-White/ Actively pro-White spectrum, and where a politician pushes the needle on that spectrum.

Kamala is actively anti-White, and Whites will objectively be worse off under her rule. Only a suicidal moron chooses to drink a fast poison over a slow poison when forced to choose between the two, and if Trump is slow poison then he is objectively the better choice.
>President Trump will protect American students, impose real standards on higher education, and hold colleges and universities accountable.

>“For many years, tuition costs at colleges and universities have been exploding, and I mean absolutely exploding while academics have been obsessed with indoctrinating America's youth," President Trump said. "The time has come to reclaim our once great educational institutions from the radical Left, and we will do that.”

>President Trump has pledged to fire the radical Left accreditors that have allowed our colleges to become dominated by Marxist Maniacs and lunatics.

>He will impose real standards on American colleges and universities, to include defending the American tradition and Western civilization, protecting free speech, eliminating wasteful administrative positions that drive up costs, removing all DEI bureaucrats, offering options for accelerated and low-cost degrees, providing meaningful job placement and career services, and implementing college entrance and exit exams to prove that students are getting their money's worth.

>Once back in the White House, President Trump will direct the Department of Justice to pursue federal civil rights cases against schools that continue to engage in racial discrimination and will advance a measure to have schools that continue these illegal and unjust policies fined up to the entire amount of their endowment.
Still voting Trump.
The kikes control the GOP.
>I'm telling them to swim to the island. (aka White Ethnostate)
White ethnoSTATE, is a political concept, and you unironically will only ever achieve it by voting, if only by voting for local politicians with the balls to strike out on their own and form the nucleus of a new government.
if anything it's hilarious white america has been given a trump-shaped pacifier to suck on while they are genocided out of existence. is it even whites that support plumpf anymore or just an army of shitskins fantasizing about being white because they believe they are "based"?
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>identify when the sentiment is radically different than the aver Pol user.
>A couple of months ago a cop killed an old black woman and there was thread after thread created by the same people, each one filled with police dick riders

>Siding with a literal nigger over the cops
>the sentiment is radically different than the aver Pol user.

Don't vote shills 100% confirmed as shills.
Pissing off that faggot fed, Spic Fuentes, is reason enough to vote.
>The only political spectrum that matters is the Actively anti-White / Passively anti-White / status-quo / Passively pro-White/ Actively pro-White spectrum, and where a politician pushes the needle on that spectrum.

>Kamala is actively anti-White, and Whites will objectively be worse off under her rule. Only a suicidal moron chooses to drink a fast poison over a slow poison when forced to choose between the two, and if Trump is slow poison then he is objectively the better choice.

Shills have no response to this, so they ignore it.
Fuck aussie glowies.
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pro-life was always wildly unpopular among people, always losing votes. even religious women vote for abortion in polls. pro-life was never going to be a presidential issue that Trump or any GOP was going to stick with.
women don't care about democracy, they do care about abortion.
nick's the kind of schizo that makes you want to avoid him even if you agree with most of what he says. He's that much of a fag that he makes good ideas sound retarded.
Voting Trump is the accelerationist option, not Harris.
If Harris gets in, that leaves open a hypothetical road not taken in which Trump *could* have won and fixed everything, but didn't.
Trump must win and everything has to get worse to extinguish the last bit of hope in the current system.
fuentards honestly believe Harris is accelertion to hitler 2? lel. Trump probably won't fix everything but him being in office probably kicks the legs out from the dem centrists. The more commie the dems get over the next few years unironically provide more chance for acceleration than letting the biden/harris wing keep control.
a lot is two words. allot is one word. you are a faggot.
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I understand your frustration, but I’m still voting Trump. Herbs
so true, there is no difference between Trump and the jeet bitch, despite Trump running explicitly on deporting every nonwhite and two days ago saying they are genetically predisposed to criminality, thank you for opening my eyes
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>despite Trump running explicitly on deporting every nonwhite
The fact that you faggots have to constantly lie about this stuff is very telling. You can't just honestly argue for supporting the GOP because it is so objectively awful.
They use voter turnout as evidence for “faith in the system” which is why there are billions spent on encouraging voting. You legitimize the government. When you voted for Trump you endorsed lockdowns and the clotshot.

If they had an election and only a fraction of people voted it would spell the end of this Jewish nightmare experiment.
Yup exactly. I'm not voting this upcoming election. Other anons should follow suit!
The system hates Trump. I hate the system. Trump is the human hand grenade I get to throw at the system. The GOP has always been a bunch of back stepping faggots and I hate them. Thankfully the GOP also hates trump so I’ve got that going for me too. You, wrongly, assume I vote trump because the GOP. I vote trump because I want to watch these faggots squirm.
2016 was 8 years ago, no one is falling for this outsider bullshit after 8 years of Trump running the GOP. His daughter is the chair of the RNC for fuck's sake.
>post kike lapdog
It is you who is the best of goys. See who Trumps kids are married to
So 38% white over 35% white? What great options!
Does it really fucking matter anymore? The illegals show up, commit crime, and trim hedges. The legal that Trump and Vance want to bring in will occupy all the white collar jobs that confer any money or influence at all and I think we all expect sexual assaults and public defecation to hit an all time high. So what difference does it make really? Yeah Kamala is embarrassing, but this whole chapter of history is embarrassing. We shut down over a cold, run around the world flying the flag of butt sex and bottom surgery on our official embassies, and promote black female army officers who twerk at their graduation ceremony because they’re black females. Not even Trump stopped this. Kamala is just the cherry on top. We lost. Conservatives failed to conserve anything at all. It’s time to face facts and stop imagining there’s a candidate on the table who is offering an alternative. There is no electoral solution currently so I don’t see what difference it makes…
Voting is fake but I would vote for Kamala if I knew she would pass a reparations bill making all Blacks billionaires or even just millionaires. It would be so funny to watch it happen and then a few days later they are Zimbabwe trillionaires and pissed off when their money is worthless as it is to the working class.
That is not true conservatives have done an amazing job of conserving Israel. its a shame conservatives hate their own people and want them to suffer and be slaves.
I’m probably not going to vote but even if I do, I will do so without much investment in who wins. It’s a question of dignity at this point. We had 4 years of a literally orange reality TV star, then a senile old man, and now we either get the reality TV star or a black-Indian social climber who sucked and fucked her way to the office. It’s cringe no matter what. And nobody is actually selling anything genuinely conservative. You’d have to be an idiot to be excited by the Trump campaign, or any campaign for that matter. It’s at best slower leftism and slightly less cringe.
>There is no electoral solution currently so I don’t see what difference it makes…
see >>484427328
They haven’t even done that though. Israel is currently in the biggest political crisis in its national history. It’s really stunning just how badly the boomers failed on quite literally ever front of life except squeezing fake money out of a fake economy. Obviously, conservatives have achieved the least, but none of them have achieved anything at all. Their legacy will be seeing the world slip into cringe insanity and nothing else. I mean, even the rich people are fucking losers. Think about what a dork loser Elon Musk is compared to Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan, Rothschild, or even Getty. It’d actually be funny LOL if it wasn’t so depressing.
I’m not an accelerationist and will never be. Accelerationism is evil in my opinion.
you're aware Trump was president a few years ago and he's always said "we want people to come in legally" but legal immigration was a fraction of what it is now and prior to him? you can look these things up, if you think Trump is gonna import a billion jeets, the same or more than they're doing now, you are dumb beyond belief and acting in bad faith, simple as. pls kys you brown nigger monkey
there are more than 2 parties.

bUt Ur ThRoWiNg Ur VoTe InTo ThE tRaSh

somotherfuckingwhat. Better to burn all my shit than give it to the kikes.
OP is a disingenuous groyper being les around by a fed asset.
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No actually, he didn't. He never said he was going to implement a policy that would give ALL college graduates permanent residency in the United States. And he campaigned on gutting the H1B visa program as a cheap source of labor. When was the last time he talked about reducing H1Bs? And now he's proposing to increase legal immigration?
You have to be retarded if you can't tell the difference.
>they are not still seething at trump
I didn’t say anything about him being an outsider. It is plainly obvious the system despised that man and is doing everything in its power to try and stop him. They make my life miserable, I make theirs miserable. Simple as.
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With Trump in they'll let Antifa out and the temperature will continue to rise.
There's no political solution coming.
Also someone tell these moron that banning abortion will just get you more niggers.
>reality TV star
Trump is not one of those, the apprentice wasn't a reality show. The guy was and still is a career money grubber, basically a kike enabler that got kickbacks from helping actual kikes takeover everywhere. That has been his entire working existence as an adult.
you have to be a retard to think this term is gonna be different from his first in regards to immigration, it's his main policy and always has been and he delivered on it. you faggots are telling people not to vote or to vote for a jeet prostitute instead of the White man saying Make America White Again, you are all brown subhumans and you will all be dealt with
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>you have to be a retard to think this term is gonna be different from his first in regards to immigration

No actually that's the logical conclusion. He's being backed this time by Silicon Valley donors like David Sacks, Peter Thiel, Jacob Helberg, and a few others. You want to know where he proposed that green cards to diplomas policy for the first time?

On a podcast with 3 other Silicon valley billionaires. In 2020 Zuckerberg paid 300 million to "get out the vote," a democrat PAC that spends all that money to encourage people to vote in democrat areas. This election he said he's not spending any money. You think Zuckerberg is based now? Or is he not worried because he knows Trump is going to import millions of pajeets and lower wages for tech workers?
>Accelerationism is evil in my opinion.
It’s happening regardless of whether you like it. Things are only going to escalate regardless of who gets into office. If Trump, collective deep state sperg out because both he and the bureaucrats have nothing to loose. If Harris, it will be full steam ahead on implementing a faggy technocracy run but inimical retards.
Trump is the GOP, stop coping.
Unless you are a leftist, in which case your opinion is not important to me in this discussion, I'm explaining why Trump is the only useful choice even if you're an accelerationist.
thiel backed trump in 2016, you can look at any candidate for president and their donors and say they're kike puppets etc and it's always true to an extent but if you're here saying you're pro white and you shouldn't vote for trump because he is the same as kamala or biden or any other politician, that's ineffably ridiculous and disingenuous. I too would like for the king of America to throw up the Roman and proclaim the race war but that's not reality right now
Anyone still dumb enough to fall for and enable Red Team / Blue Team is my enemy at this point.
Don't cry, goytard. Your precious Trump will be back. Already a done deal due to the fact he gives better blowjobs to Jews.
>deep state sperg out
More like infinite right-wing demonization, anyone who doesn't support Israel or endless immigration is pretty much treated like a terrorist. If you don't fall in line with the tard wrangled GOP that always capitulates to progressives or outright support communist leftism, then you are invalidated wherever possible. Both Trump and Kamala dogpile in unison anyone that breaks from their narrative, so fuck em both and their uniparty shilling.
No one is putting in "effort" towards you morons. We are telling you how we feel about this bullshit and none of us expect you goytards to be swayed or convinced. We already know you contrarian dopes are terminally stupid.
>muh lesser of two evils
Why even bother with pretending to care about White people if you are just gonna come to the same conclusion as every cuckservative? Just cast your voot for Trump and Lindsay Graham and stop pretending to be something you clearly aren't.
being pro White and an accelerationist are paradoxical when the aforementioned accelarating is white genocide
>it's his main policy and always has been and he delivered on it.
1) He absolutely did not deliver on it.
2) His main fucking policy is completely different than it was in 2016 in regards to immigration lmao. In 2018 he started floating "Does anyone actually want to deport them?"

His policy is the same as what we currently are doing, deporting violent and criminals.
Ah yes, the good old "lesser of two evils" boomer bullshit I've heard my entire fucking life for every single election.
Another worthless goytard.
Vote, by all means, just don't expect shit to change.
Post modernism ruined everything and everyone, even Jews and their top golems.
damn we got a no political solutions badass here, I'm sure you're doing a lot of organizing and are ready to act right? in the meantime there's no difference so don't vote, don't act on your beliefs, just tell others not to vote, sit around and wait for the state to start killing Whites
The state is already killing Whites, you idiot. Been happening for years. And it happened under both sides. But, hey, lesser of two evils, am I right?
>His policy is the same as what we currently are doing, deporting violent and criminals.
they're importing violent criminals and not throwing migrants who kill and rape American children in jail. all of you are brown children with 1pbtid in your trooncord coordinating your replies to this thread, pls just kill yourselves my god
it clearly upsets you enough to post about it on the internet while doing nothing, accepting defeat. you're embracing White genocide while pretending to be against it while countersignaling political representation for White people
>ignore your lying eyes
Ok retard.

If you’re smart you’ll realize this is the perfect political environment for a new position. I’m not a retard and acknowdge reality. The uniparty is real but somehow Trump is like dousing a demon in holy water. This can be taken advantage of. Ride the tiger faggots.
Why does being recognized as a Republican embarrass you so much? Why do you feel the need to make all these excuses for it?
>somehow Trump is like dousing a demon in holy water
Maybe if you swallow propaganda like a normalfaggot.
The only ones "doing nothing" are you faggots spewing the same old song and dance as you always do. Keep voting, buddy! It's going great! Sucking off politicans and e-celebs is totally the solution to our problems. You're a coward and, if you are actually White, a traitor as well.
Why would an aussiefag care?
>and not throwing migrants who kill and rape American children in jail
Yes they are you clown. It's not fucking 2224 we can't tell who's a malfeasant with a brain scan before they commit crimes.

Nice non sequitur at the end there, brain damaged fag.
Vote or no vote, neither will change that you are a fag, and so is Nick.
you're talking to me about e celebs while you're parroting spic funyuns. you're a 90iq brownoid pretending to be a White prepper on a mongolian carpet weaving forum
And, of course, it's more retardation that says absolutely nothing.
yea this admin is notoriously harsh on nonwhite criminals. notice you didn't respond to the brown discord accusations, total Aryan victory
t. mixed race fag
>mongolian carpet weaving forum
Ugh. Kys, you cringey geekwad.
Still voting Orange Man. Seethe.
It costs you nothing to vote. At the very least you can vote for parties that destabilize the entrechned power structures when they grow sizeable enough.
one post again in a 300 post thread, how many of you dirty spics in your trooncord are there. shouldn't you be in school

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