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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Returns to Butler, PA 10/05/2024
https://rumble.com/v5hma25-full-speech-president-trump-returns-for-a-historic-rally-in-butler-pennsylv.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Town Hall, Fayetteville, NC 10/04/2024
https://rumble.com/v5hi1xp-full-speech-president-trump-hosts-a-town-hall-in-fayetteville-nc-10424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally, Saginaw, MI 10/03/2024
https://rumble.com/v5hcmfo-full-speech-president-trump-to-hold-a-rally-in-saginaw-mi-10324.html (RSBN)
>Vice Presidential Debate, New York City, NY 10/01/2024
>Pres Trump Remarks in Milwaukee, WI 10/01/2024
https://rumble.com/v5h430t-full-speech-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-10124.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump on Helene Damage, Valdosta, GA 9/30/2024
https://rumble.com/v5gxmrh-full-speech-president-trump-delivers-remarks-to-the-press-in-valdosta-ga-93.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>484409396
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Trump is winning the popular vote

Immigrant in California eating cats
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>page 6
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Baking has been rather low energy recently, very disappointing.
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from where?
/pol/ is busy today
just go to a democrat rally on election night
and pretend to be sad when trump wins
"yeah man i dont like trump"
"i mean, i voted for him"
"but that doesnt mean i like him"
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it's the classic
>baking is somewhat consistent for the Forgotten Years
>baking is nothing but 25 days out
She needs to start sucking harder
will another Iraq style War for israel and importing 5-10m jeets a year make america great again?
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kek based
Will 10 million more africa niggers make germany white again?
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(in this case it is because the thread is full of no images worth using so i had to go and make one)
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same as it ever was
Holy shit you got the vvvvv in your ID
no, which is why I'm voting for Trump lol
>I don’t need America to win!
>I need Israel to lose!
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For all the fuentes faggots....
are you older or younger than the draft age?
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Reposting the collage of scared Indians worried about their immigration status
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I love Trump and I hate Jews
If you don't know about the Jews yet, Start with these:

>The Greatest Story Never Told
>Europa: The Last Battle
>Mein Kampf Volume I & II - Adolf Hitler
>The Revolt Against Civilization - Dr. Lothrop Stoddard
>Subversion - Yuri Bezmenov
>US Commander George Lincoln Rockwell
https://archive.org/details/WhitePowerGLR (White Power Audiobook)
>Dr. William Luther Pierce
https://archive.org/details/youtube-HktxAbt2rrA (Turner Diaries Audiobook)
https://archive.org/details/youtube-Hs6D9cEKwFY (How It Fits Together)
>On The Jews and Their Lies - Martin Luther
>The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
>Historian David Irving
>Manly Palmer Hall
>The Money Masters
>The Holocaust Testimonies You Didn't Hear
>Holohoax: Master Course
>25 days
They are sending american niggers to subvert the korean elections
Prediction: if Harris loses, the Democrats will try to sell themselves as a patriotic pro-strong borders party.
it is what it is.
at least you respond to alarm bells.
its binary for america to win israel has to lose
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protip: the only people "dying for israel" are sand niggers
Iran has been begging to get fucked since the 70s. They are not some innocent mudslimes oppressed by the jews
US soldiers died in Iraq and afghanistan last time I checked
They'll blame everything on her making her the scapegoat and say they had nothing to do with her policies despite all their votes saying otherwise.
anon you're european, nobody cares what you think
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very based and a rvtvrn to tradition
>this is what mudslimes actually believe
no Iran has bend backwards to avoid war, israel on the otherhand is pushing the US into war and destruction ever since it has been created see the USS liberty, the apollo affaire, lavon affaire, pollard, ben shapiro, dennis prager and 9/11 affaire
There is already market research going on to get them ready for a Tea Party style movement focused on working class economic issues for the 2026 midterms, the idea being to eliminate the progressive stack stuff and move their party back towards what they were in the 90s and early 2000s.
Afghanistan was a completely justified war. Cope.
Whew this is some cope!
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How many Iraqis and Afghanis died in proportion to American deaths?
Although to be fair, a single American life is worth more than the entire muslim population of the planet, so any amount is too many, but let's put things into perspective.
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Go fuck yourself, paki.
keep being mad about dead iranian terrorists
it's funny
no this is what me a german with two grandparents fighting against communist at the eastern front thinks
Nick, being the spic that he is, wishes he represented 68% of the country.
You're not writing the script are you though
They would be ashamed of their cucked grandchild.
found another while looking for the pasta
China is a shitty "world power" and is a paper tiger. Wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 Ai Wei Wei 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Umbrella protests 免费香港 Extradition Law 纸老虎 Hong Kong protests 李文良医生 Democracy won the Vote 习近平的阴茎很小。 每天晚上,在上床睡觉之前,他都会吞下几加仑的非裔美国人的阴茎汁。它充满了他的胃,使他忘记了自己难以置信的小阴茎。还有,他妈的中国,台湾第一。
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>How many Iraqis and Afghanis died in proportion to American deaths?
found the jew, this is not a math equation where you trade your guys for the other guys uncessary
only a kike could write this anti american drivel you disgust me
post hand, timestamp, and wall outlet
>with two grandparents fighting against communist at the eastern front thinks
Your grandpas married each other?
now let's just take a look at the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 1917 and the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939...
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Nick the epic is against Trump because he might deport his fellow antizionist shitskins.
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trump leads in all swing states according to his internal polling
Paul really didn't need to include Orpheus's nuts in this painting.
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I was busy being distracted while another 200 posts came through
maternal and paternal grandfather
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Why did I lol?
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Since you aren't willing to provide the statistics, total American casualties amounted to about 10,000, while towelhead dunecoon hajji sand nigger deaths were in the tens of millions
as if you're even german
>Can't explain why.
Surely it has nothing to do with the botched hurricanes, Tim embarrassing himself for all the world to see and camel face saying that she'd change nothing about the last 4 years. Lmao even.
It's why he's shifted away from battlegrounds. He's won those battles and is going for house seats now.
Daily reminder that a republican has never been elected president without carrying NE2 and Trump is nowhere close to winning it. Daily reminder that the pills predicted a red wave on 2022 and democrats massively over performed. In particular in the senate races in Wisconsin, Georgia, and Pennsylvania the democrat candidates massively outperformed the polls.

Polling methodology changed in 2022 to underestimate democrats, Kamala will outperform the polls and shows already winning them in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. She will also win NE2 which is indicative of a Kamala win. Also, all the experts are predicting a Kamala win.
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Even if trump does lose, republicans still have control of the house, will most liely win the senate and have control of the supreme court.... so its not THAT bad. its not like it'll be the end of the world.
you are on pol, your astroturf operation is transparent as fuck you are here because kikes censored every trump supporter elsewhere online so show some fucking respect
>found the jew, this is not a math equation where you trade your guys for the other guys uncessary
The first sensible thing he's said all day. The reality is we lost Afghanistan, all of the enemy objectives were achieved while none of ours were, if it's just about killing more of the enemy then the Confederacy would have won the Civil War. The way I see it, their guys run the areas in dispute, our guys are all fucked up physically and mentally and there are large colonies of Afghans and other Muslims in the US now that didn't exist before the war, in real terms we actually lost territory to them lol.
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>“We are going to remove the Jew haters who do nothing to help our country.” - Donald Trump

Absolutely based!

This is what we need to hear as Americans!

We love our based Jews!
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why he nakey
10000 too much dieing for a foreign cause and foreign people
believe what you want, I insulted islam sufficiently already to prove I'm not muslim
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Looking good, Don!
Go die in Iran for the jews then faggot.
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>purity tests on an underwater basket weaving forum.
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We love our based doggos, folks!
>emerson that 61% errored in favor of republicans has trump up +1 or tied in some key states
So basically Kamala’s winning
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We love our based faggots, folks!
Iran can get fucked by itself. No need for any Jews here. That backwards, Stone Age theocracy is running on borrowed time.
this is the minimum standard to be based and always has been you and discord trannies pretending you changed the culture in your ghetto and shizo minds does not change it
(Soon to be) irrelevant QueMala Eres?pee16
The Republicans give democrats every fucking thing they want, with or without Trump.
Also rigging the election in 2020, two assassination attempts, Trump steamrolling every debate, Hulk Hogan being the coolest he's been since 1984, Biden dropping out just a few months before election day (the biggest fuckup in candidacy, at least this century), four years of Biden/Kamala being a fucking expensive and torturous disaster that people can't even ignore because they also tried to infest entertainment.
There are a lot of factors that turned the American people against the left.
you are turkish
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We love our based trannies, folks!
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You right. They need to let women vote and gays get married. Dumb ass nigger faggot.
You're a cum slurping faggot nick the spic supporter.
Really should use pics that were not originally posted by jizz slurping faggots supporting faggots.
Anyways, you're a dicksucking homo.
You proved that, not me.
nah but you are indian or israeli
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>kamala is le change candidate
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We love our based Jews, folks!
no they don't. stop being thick.
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why do you think anybody needs to go to iran to bomb them lol
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>average female /ptg/ poster
>+1 in PA, WI, NC, and MI
And that’s coming from his internal polling? Those are disastrous numbers for trump in that case lol
both suck too much to support actively or care, its a mccain election year
no true jew would let autocorrect capitalize on it
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>Good evening, I'm Nick Fuentes host of America First. We've got a great show for you tonight. But first, I have to tell this story. I was waiting in line at McDonald's today with my mom, and there was this girl in front of us screaming about wanting a different toy in her happy meal. I just rolled my eyes. We got to the front of the line, and she was STILL screaming. I couldn't order. I have irritable bowl syndrome and needed to go poopoo, but I couldn't finish my order. I was irate. IRATE. And get this. The cherry on top. The girl was BLACK. She was a NIGGER. I stood there and glared menacingly at her mom like Anakin glared at Obi-Wan in Revenge of the Sith. I wanted to take out my lightsaber and just rip them to shreds you know hahaha, you know...
can't you learn to quote a post properly, you dumb fuck? They don't get paid for each "you" dummy.
because otherwise you cut off the global oil supply with a permanent insugence supplied with arms by russia and china
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this cunt is batshit insane

>>average female /ptg/ poster
yes i know
Let them cope. It's all they have.
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I'm so scared if Trump loses then Israel will be destroyed!

We cannot allow this, MAGApedes!
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>not a thing that comes to mind
No thoughts. Head empty
They literally just did with the last budget bill and all the ones before that, what the fuck are you smoking?
Just bomb them. They are Iranians.
why are you obsessed with nick fuentes? this low IQ anti groyperism must stop
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The obvious shillbot is back. Hitler 2.0 is not the ballot so I'm going to vote for more inflation and 10 million more illegals to be flown around the country on my tax dollars!!! It's funny they think this has any effect other than bumping /ptg/
what a faggot psychopath look at his twisted little rat face
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Why did you guys nominate an octogenarian?
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>the kumswalla niggers all show up at once
It's almost too organic.
Yes bomb them and send all the refugees to Europe and Ohio yes yes I love American foreign policy.
>the ungodly necessity of cat ladies to start singing out of nowhere
doesn't work, making israel and saudis great powers is retarded too and anti american
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Have you ordered a tiny MAGA hat like The Donald, folks?
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>global oil supply
the only people getting oil from Iran are Russia, France, and GERMANY
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yes it's very strange
>lol america is going to have to INVADE
uh no we can just use arab airspace to continuously bomb iran over and over and over! much like israel is about to do lol
Israel is the only non Stone Age country in the region.
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>will another Iraq style War for israel and importing 5-10m jeets a year make america great again?
>importing 5-10m jeets
Try harder, shill
strait of hormuz and rockets on saud refineries by houthis
>Why did you guys nominate an octogenarian?
personally I never liked biden
Even the republicans pollsters can only find him tied or +1 lol that’s within the MoE and it’s coming from his owin supporters.
two days before my crown arrives in the mail
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Based Donald will declare war on Iran to protect Israel!

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The plus side is that it means they'll be keeping /ptg/ on the front page for the next 8 years
yes that the situation is bad makes trumps betrayal worse anon
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anon you do realize that saudi arabia has bought so much US tech solely to defend against that, right?
She loved the smell of Minneapolis burning in 2020 too. She is insane.
Further proof that you are a fuentesfaggot.
We see you, dicksucker.
That's your response money.
You are a dick sucking homo that delights in spic jizz all over your face.
2 cents has been deposited to your shill account.
you are brown as fuck.
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We love to see it, folks!
>I'm so scared if Trump loses then Israel will be destroyed!
>We cannot allow this, MAGApedes!
Harris doesn't even hold public rallies
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They’re not even coping about it, they’re just straight upon ignoring it lol. These people are delusional if they think trumps internal polling having him up +1 is good
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>I don’t care if America wins!
>I need Israel to lose!
they are dune coons and had to sue for peace with houthis because it did not work
if you are loyal to israel or india why not move there?
that nigger is too retarded to know that USA has its own oil supply, eurangutans think America will collapse in 2 days if they don't have access to sand nigger petroleum
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story of stormfront
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Imagine, all this seethe just because one faggot couldn't shoot.
anon if even a single houthi rocket lands in a saudi refinery yemen will stop existing as a country
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Smile for Israel!
Don't give a fuck about the middle east and Trump is not going to ever do anything more than Kamala would anyway.
The reason you care is that you're brown, and have zero interest in the national policy of white countries, only international policies that might affect you and yours. Don't care.
Now do the hexagenarian
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its binary if israel wins the US loses
Maybe for buttblasted brown mudslimes
Didn't see all of her interviews this week? What has Trump done this week?
We should pay someone to paint pictures of his failure in classical art style.
Trumps has destroyed her this week.
We all know that you are a nick the spic faggot.
You don't need to keep proving that you suck dick.
Why would he publish this? You don't show your cards. Also +1 in Pennsylvania is far from a comfortable lead.
>anon if even a single houthi rocket lands in a saudi refinery yemen will stop existing as a country
this is why MIGA niggers and Qfags are so horrific to talk with endless dunning kruger
energy prices are global that is why your nordstream terror attack hit american consumer prices hard too
Who this?
If she was born with a vagina and hates Jews I'll give her a white baby
if she actually performed well in her interviews you'd be spamming them here day and night alongside your usual rotation of cope images but instead you just have to celebrate the mere fact that she did them and not actually detail any of their contents
>Don't give a fuck about the middle east
that is not an option
If Trump were losing the shills wouldn't waste their time here at all.
ah yes, the "interviews" that went so well that 60 Minutes had to butcher and Frankenstein clips together to make her look even somewhat coherent
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>we have a shill who's actively trying to tell you that polls are rigged for republicans
he has been speaking to the people at town halls and rallies. stay retarded, male
Uh being +1 in his own extremely biased internal polling actually means he’s won that state. F-Filtered!
the only reason why the saudis wanted peace was because they wanted to buy more american made weapons (which they bought) and other western influence (which they bought)
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>nordstream terror attack
Internals aren’t Dem biased like the vast majority of public polls.
>n-no, you HAVE to care
Ok, which one kills the most people in the middle east?
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They are just starting to assess the damage
hey do you think that anon is old enough to even remember any of the bitching about the saudis from years ago
that's called zero sum dude, not binary...

>Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
relating to or denoting a situation in which whatever is gained by one side is lost by the other.
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Before and after pictures
the reason saudis sued for peace is because houthis hit their oil and dune coons suck at war
they are too corrupt and nepotistic to staff an orchestra not to mention a military
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Lmao holy shit. Where are the paid shills today? They are late
>all those fishes
Nobody is shilling, we’re all just here to laugh at you and stoke your insecurities over Trump. That’s why you guys always seethe and filter when people point out Kamala is gonna win, you’re insecure and only come here to be reassured by other equally insecure anons that Trump will win because everywhere else everyone knows he’s gonna lose.
it is zero sum, israel is an frenemy of the US worse than turkey
reality setting in
Its more comfortable that its spread out across every rust belt state and actually makes sense since they all vote together. With how tight the margins in these states always are, youre not going to have a +5 without bullshitting. Its comforting in that the numbers actually gel together and indicate a real trend that way.

Kamala has her own internal polls which are saying the same thing. They dont really reveal anything to publish.
probably fundraising purposes
same reason why dems in MI, PA, etc are openly saying they're looking rough
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Biden Harris shills are shitting and pissing in their official Dark Brandon Diapers. The salt mines are going to explode election night. LMAFO
President jared kushner general
Rick at least is here, though he's doing a piss-poor job of keeping us entertained today
maybe to keep people from getting complacent because a lot of public polling is starting to show the same.
Exactly, trumps internals are trump biased and they only have him +1. That is disastrous for Trump that his own internal polling can only find him +1.
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inb4 he gets banned again
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the kike bot spam is more exciting and funnier than rick
The point of internal polling is to paint as real a picture as possible so you know what states to target and are more robust than public polls. Kamalas own internals say the same.
They used to say "never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up", but they were really talking about themselves.
>Trump biased
Nice visualization of backers pulling their funding in real time
Projected to be over 300 EVs too. VOTE ANYWAY
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>commission dead faggot paintings
Kek...it might look a little something like this.
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here are the IDs to filter for this thread (they're paid shills that get paid per reply, don't respond, just ignore them).

add the 4chanX browser extension and filter the following IDs (see picrel for what that process looks like):

The shilling is as incomprehensible as Harris is
>muh biased internal polling
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it's boring, I almost think he caught onto the fact that I'm way smarter than him and doesn't reply to me anymore. he'll bite the bait soon enough but he's being particularly lame today
I wonder why he's not posting electionbettingodds anymore
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he'll definitely get mad enough in the next few days
Much obliged, filtration anon
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Which is the real Ancap? I choose the one with Egg in it front and center.
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Kamabla is doing so well that she has abandoned Wisconsin to advertise in an 80 percent democrat area. LOL
Yes, Trumps own internals are biased towards him and only have him +1. In other words he’s losing.
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no of course not
(it is funny though, the saudis have been buying lots and lots of esports related stuff and the SEETHE about jamal skhkaooassmgli being killed makes me laugh every time, especially since the biden admin forgot all about it)
Multiple rallies, and interviews. How many rallies has the old woman done?
Preaching to the choir. Always a winning strategy.
Yeah yeah, everyone knows that, find a good solution for when I'm shit posting at work from my android phone
They are really desperate. It’s starting to sink in with many of them. The best part is there’s a good chunk that refuses to believe even the possibility she’s losing.
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anon they say they post the same anti trump talking points into /ptg/ from their discord server. they've been debunked 6 gorillion times already.

just filter them, these shills are paid per reply, see
They are.
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so just filtering on your phone?
lemme see if there's a solution
>much like israel is about to do lol
You won't do shit lol.
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A matter of time.
lol what’s the name of this cope?
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inb4 he cuts his dick off
Uh republicans being massively overestimated in 2022 doesn’t count because… IT JUST DOESNT OK?!
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well yes i am a white american of course i won't be doing anything!
israel, however, will bomb iran :)
soon :)
this is just sad
i might actually filter the shills
not bc im mad at them, i never really cared
but bc i dont like beating dead horses
both of us (me and him) should start posting michirus as well to really throw off the plebs
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>he’s posting his midterm state level cope polls again
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hey I remember that pap-smear
Nice cope/fantasy but the reality is internal polling is the most honest polling there is. It’s not meant to be seen by the public and it’s strictly to guide the campaign on what its next steps should be. To say it’s biased would indicate they’re trying to trick themselves.
Now you’re projecting. You’re literally coping if you think a candidates internals isn’t biased towards them, especially when they’re leaking them to the public lol.
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Now this is a cope
Two more weeks?
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I enjoy the classic demoralization and D&C tactics employed by the Media Matters employees. It's refreshing after months of just mindless spam. It's fun to watch too.
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56% now in both national and PA. Biggest lead yet and it keeps going up.

How the fuck did the dems pick such a bad candidate? They would have literally been better running Biden even if he were weekends-at-bernies'd
Hahahahaha look at the plebbit shills talking to each other
>pulling money into a dark blue district is the sign of a winning campaign
She is screwed 7 ways to Sunday.
How? I explained the truth to you and you have no evidence to support your magical bias
Trump's internals are accurate anyway. I still wonder what Hillary's 2016 internals looked like - I can definitely see them massaging those numbers
You are an actual retard if you think big money polling services get PAID to lie to candidates.
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>internal polls are biased
>you see, kamala is +1%, which means he is down by 5%
>polls show donny is down bad
Lmao fake news polls dem bias stupid crosstabs funny is winning BIGLY
>polls show donny is tied

I'm really scared I'm going to die in two days just thought I should say it
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>Biden even if he were weekends-at-bernies'd
They were doing great with the "Biden is sharp as a tack" line, I don't know why they panicked so badly. Ohh that's right, Biden got absolutely humiliated in the debate. I guess they were stuck between a slut and a dead place.
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i like this weird mythology around "internals" where democrat ones supposedly show some "reality" while republican ones are supposed to show major bias and we're all supposed to pretend this is serious data science and analysis
i wish we would go back to fucking gorilla channel-tier make-believe instead of this fictional data faggotry, it's all bullshit but i like the aesthetics of the brazen liar more than the one pretending to be a heckin' science statslord
i love oil barons so much
between this and the idiot from a few weeks ago larping about the unified muslim world i would hope people would recognize all the bitching about foreign wars is almost always done by a retard for retarded reasons and the one and only argument for any sensible right-winger is "is this profitable to 'our' group" (for a given value of 'our'). as soon as people start trying to throw in the heckin' diplomacy and credibility and moral standing and rules-based durrdurr i think the correct answer is to drop bombs purely to spite them
Don’t you have any British things to worry about, faggot redcoat?
Anyone listening to Ron De Santis press conference where he's BTFOing the subversive media pushing him to blame climate change? Chad.
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>gorilla channel-tier make-believe
I loved that shit
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Those were pretty good bantz. Cooks was a Republican btw
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these are the favorite ones I saved, I wish I could remember them all
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But you know we don't give a fuck it's not your birthday
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yeah we used to get REAL fake journalism
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yes that's why bombs are always the solution (in foreign countries)
Imagine coming here and thinking this would move the needle at all.
I knew Biden dropping out so late was nothing but disastrous. They could only pretend for so long. Hurricanes and how Trump and Elon was doing more to help when out of power than the fucking US government was in power sealed the deal even beyond everything else.
We should turn nigger blood into a nasty gas and put it in bombs for Gaza.
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ultra spooky tiem
America can't win unless Israel is losing.
How new are you?
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We love our based Jews, folks!
kumla is a power hungry hoar and she waited until after it was too late for them to do anything other than run either her or biden due to campaign finance laws and sprung 25th on him.
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increasingly all my arguments will just boil down to how cool state violence is
why not just send niggers there
I have to ask when Biden starts a press conference as soon as a Kamala tv appearance is supposed to start and rips away coverage from her is that a good thing or is Biden betraying Kamala the same way Obummer betrayed Joe?
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All you’ve done by spending the last 48 hours posting this is persuade more people to vote for Trump because of how faggy and obnoxious you are. Keep it up.
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The Donald has the best shoes, folks!
>bwwaaa bomb Iran!
>waaa support Israel's war against all its neighbors
I'm afraid this general has been possessed by the ghost of John McCain.
America won't survive if Israel and America get destroyed at the same time by the same retards.
Keep it up nigger! Here’s 2 more cents
>nooooooo you can't just laugh as browns die in the middle east
cope lol
baker is kill
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As the date draws nearer and it's more and more plain to see she can not win joe and dr. jill will keep ratcheting up the purposeful sabotage against her as payback.
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He looks so based in his little hat!

it's ironic the Fuentards somehow made more people vote for trump just out of being annoying, lol

as one anon said last night:
>Nobody gives a shit who you're voting for, there are like 500 groypers in the country and your support is so toxic that you literally made /pol/ side with Jews, 20 years of JIDF couldn't do what you managed just by being unlikable cunts, most people would reflect on this point but nobody capable of that would be groyping in the first place. Whatever group you side with suffers from it, whatever you oppose looks better by having you as it's foe
You're doing more than laughing. Pretty much outright supporting the greater Israel project.
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>extremely biased internal polling
Wow you're dumb
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>last night
this copypasta doesn't work now because it was 2 nights ago when he posted it
>too cowardly to set himself on fire
/ptg/ must be in an inconsolable cope over the inflation report today. Your talking points are slowly being taken away from you. Oh well.
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no actually i'm laughing lol
like look at this stinky little muslim cowering in fear LOL
careful, you’re gonna start making me support the jews
I guess that’s cheaper.
>/ptg/ must be in an inconsolable cope over the inflation report today. Your talking points are slowly being taken away from you. Oh well.
I’ve not heard one republican mention inflation lately. Only democrats who feel the need to defend their record
>tucked in tshirt
>tucks cock for wife's bull
many such cases
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>commala lost the nigger vote.
>trumps internals are trump biased
post chromosome count
It's punished "Dr" Jill exacting revenge
Why are you so low energy today? You usually at least pretend to try.
eh, i didn't want to rewrite that sentence but fine it was a few nights ago lol
baker is kill
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Nice mental gymnastics
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Baker is kill
also, inflation came in higher than expected today kek
(he's trying to be careful so he doesn't get banned again before the election)
Even the shills can’t fight reality. So much demoralizing going on for Dems.
Touch grass and go post in the /phg/; it will cheer you up
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this slaps hella
Daily reminder that all pro-Israeli threads are made by bunkerchan trannies in cooperation with Valent Projects and iDrama fags, a group of pseudo-academic leftist losers who advertise themselves as "researchers" although they're actually paid shills that hold janny positions, raid /pol/ and spam BBC, trannies, pro-vaxx, feminist threads and retarded globohomo generals like /cvg/ and /uhg/.

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