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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Nadiya Husseins willy
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Love me Junkers watches
Simple as.
Who's watching QT from burger land tonight.
Should be a larff.
My missus wathed threads for the first time last night and now shes shit scared of being nuked.
Looks like that’s the plan
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welcome to brit/pol/
Thoughts on my watch?
>go on /x/ looking for comfy Bigfoot threads
>it’s just people seething at each other over Christianity
This whole websites dead isn’t it
Might watch a bit of it, could be a laugh.

Watched it for the first time last year. Absolutely depressing but it sort of gave me a little bit of hope that humanity would live on, in some way.
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Get some class about you.
im dying
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>watching threddits
Get better soon lad.
Too bulky, bad colours and fussy sort of vibe, might be expensive but isn't particularly good looking
Mine. But my winder is on the other side.
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Are you a gay lad?
I think it is most important to slow the fuck down in life, any thoughts?
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some bong did a willy/shit post at me at 7:30 this morning. Too early for willy posting
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smb3 was a masterpiece
I like that.
Do you collect?
I’m slowly building up a collection as a retirement fund. I try and buy something new every 4 or 5 months.
Time is a man made concept. Slow down and contemplate the reality you are living in, make a plan for every scenario and you will win in life.
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I think your accent is funny. Lad is a funny word too where did it come from anyways? So many cool Bri'ish dialect quirks.
Josh is a paedophile
forget all that distraction. focus on the now. You're not your thoughts.
If someone gives me an anonymous streaming site I'll stream it and we can all have a larff together?
Fucking ID and flag changed.
it comes from the word m'laddio
you're over thinking things.
you are a groupie (at best)
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Life should be like a long goon session, slow strokes, take it all in, don't blow your load early, but live on the edge
There is also the word ladies, so there's that.


He got his bullshit pushed in by Eddie earlier. Ran away with his tail between his legs.
couldn't give the slightest shit, fuck off
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what are the chances the royal family are saville/fayed and what does that mean as they hold ultimate power over the UK
>lad (n.)
>c. 1300, ladde "foot soldier," also "young male servant" (attested as a surname from late 12c.), possibly from a Scandinavian language (compare Norwegian -ladd, in compounds for "young man"), but of obscure origin in any case. OED hazards a guess on Middle English ladde, plural of the past participle of lead (v.), thus "one who is led" (by a lord). Liberman derives it from Old Norse ladd "hose; woolen stocking." "The development must have been from 'stocking,' 'foolish youth' to 'youngster of inferior status' and (with an ameliorated meaning) to 'young fellow.'" He adds, "Words for socks, stockings, and shoes seem to have been current as terms of abuse for and nicknames of fools." Meaning "boy, youth, young man" is from mid-15c.
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Just think about this lad, everything you do or say is logged somewhere ;-)
Good job I 100% mean everything I say and can back it up with sound reasoning you fucking cunt.
>Ireland is being colonised by India.
>I don't care if they're working, studying, or paying taxes.
>Our country is disappearing before our eyes
Imagine the smell
Interesting, thanks. I find the British dialect of English much more playful than the American one. American english is so formal and boring in comparison. It's like you guys like playing with words much more than amerifats.
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britpol more like shitpol
its American also, they use the same terms. We just invented English which is based on Germanic languages.
You that tranny?
Rapier like wit
Its not the dialect I want to point out, its the origins of words I wish to point out. They date back to the beginnings of civilisation, its always changing as society changes. This is more interesting than dialect or accent alone.
submissive mature blacks 3?
>t. 4incher
You envy me
Hope (Watts)
> it shows a lone blindfolded female figure sitting on a globe, playing a lyre that has only a single string remaining.
was the inspirtation for Obama's biography or "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream "

I always thought it should have been Mammon , and much like "Hope" the UK is no longer capable of reaching a future that anyone would want
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manual or auto?

i do what i do frfr
fuck off mate, take that shit to /b/
>Middlesbrough is an immigrant town, we're just 200 years old. In 1825 there was 25 people, four houses and a farmhouse - that was it.
>We've been one of the fastest growing towns in European history - everybody in Middlesbrough came from somewhere else.
I don’t think natural internal migration as industrialisation occurs is equivalent to forcibly importing the backwaters of the turd world en masse
You're an internet flasher, there's nothing about you I envy also you're larping but still definitely queer to but also absolutely a virgin obviously
Ireland seems to be getting that intial rush of migrants , sad to see it go this way , doubt Northern Ireland will be such a big issues in 5 years time. Which is good for Starmer
>manual or auto
These tranner euphemisms or what?
A bloke fingered my arse in the swimming pool changing rooms when I was 10
just finished a half bottle of grouse, fucking knew I shouldn't but interestingly is it does not effect my mood like larger does.
>don’t think natural internal migration as industrialisation occurs is equivalent to forcibly importing the backwaters of the turd world en masse
It's absolutely the same, just make sure your daughter wears a hijab now and don't expect your pets not to be eaten
year? You should report that if its recent, they might be able to ID them from cameras outside the changing rooms.
GCHQ are going to have to trawl thousands of images of my balls then
Sexual emergencies are common for people who frequent bath houses
In the 90's, 96-97 at a guess. The place has been knocked down now.
>I'm a Dubai millionaire - I couldn't wait to leave London... it is Europe's slum, the people are miserable and the city is scruffy and depressing
Because you treat your wogs like dirt allowing you to make money while we treat them like kangz with free housing in central London and Boris just opened the floodgates
hmm 90's probably not gonna catch him now then...
You a poof now?
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lmao Irish are going to have to learn that their new 'diverse' friends don't give a fuck about muh 800 years of occupation'.
did u cum?
i was also 10 in early 90's, yes I do remember the sketchy as fuck swimming pools we use to have. You'd have creeps on the upper floors watching, and creeps naked in the showers just waiting for little boys with out their parents and they would stroke their meat...
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Some taigs have said that mass immigration into the Free State and Norn are a fiendish plot by the perfidious huns as newcomers would support ever greater union with wealthier Britain where more of their kin live
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I don't remember that sort of thing, where the fuck did you grow up?
me mam once told me to stay away from them because I had to goto the men section when going to the baths with me sisters and me mam. She said "stay away from them anon, they like to kidnap and put their willies into little boys bums untill they die" well that was enough for me. I remember the cold dirty foot wash you'd have to walk through and there was the showers and just men naked washing them selves yeah fuck that.
I am not going to dox myself, however somewhere in the north east, fully of dirty cunts and tramps.
runcorn problee there's a high number of nonces there apparently
Don’t believe in it, just enjoy the larp. Sorta like watching those old ghost hunter programmes sperging over light reflecting off of dust
i made a big poo poo
lmao they're fucking idiots. To them, everything has to be a British plot.
it's a jewish plot
>Don’t believe in it, just enjoy the larp.
tbf on occasion I like to listen to dogman stories when I'm doing sudoko or crossword puzzles. I still think the idea that there's massive creatures that exist but almost no one has seen them is ridiculous though.
Not reading that pal
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Stay away from that elegant rose you disgusting creature
Footies on lads
pundit is such a dirty word.
The irish are so gay for themselves
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things i don't care about
Wrist watches are for quares. Take the pocketwatch and chainpill.
mums got eastenders on
I mean, they didn’t fish. During some of the recent minor race riots Ireland you had both sides calling the other agents of the crown, fundamentally they’re as real and serious a country as Belgium
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I still think about this every now and again and laugh:
>Bear Grylls is a rich guy who is into meat-based diets.
>His son doesn't look British at all, he looks like a typical "corn fed" linebacker kid from Nebraska.
can't help but admire the commitment to the bit you put in here, lad
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>fundamentally they’re as real and serious a country as Belgium
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has BBC weather stopped acting a fool yet?
might play rimworld lads
Better than how ray mears daughter turned out
You putting apostrophes in your filenames lad? What is that, templeOS?
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Kshitij Malve
Replying to @Volkmensch @Mick_O_Keeffe
Irish Passport = Irish Citizen. Not our problem. Ask your government why they gave them citizenship in the first place.

As for a white India. Come, I fucking dare you. Bring your ginger-pubed buddies too. Let's see how you survive invading a nuclear power with 1.5 Bn strong population. Your English masters also heel at our feet now.

Kek so funny when poos do the hardman act
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reads like a bogdan post
She's got a pair of nuts on her I'll say that much.
Rohit A
Replying to @therationalpost @Mick_O_Keeffe
That Indians will look into

You tell me about plunder of your forefathers that is 45 Trillions

You know how much is your GDP? That is roughly 600 Billions

Calculate how many times from your present GDP your forefathers looted from India after killing millions

Return it NOW

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More like BAMEz
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captcha AWH00
I don't know because I use the met office, the bbc pays a foreign company for their weather forecasts,
the word is misused and abused so much these days its lost its value and strength stop doing it... I'm listening to little shit in the street slinging it around at each other like the word faggot or bellend was in the 90's
it got well glitchy earlier, some baker made a thread with the same kind of glitch
I've been busy since then but it's calmed down so they must have fixed it

I wanted it all blown away
Greenwich mean time not Greenwich kind time
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Not at all vishpoo, you indians are all subhuman
New Nottingham Building Society society logo.
It's a big fat N
Cut my lip while shaving and the cunt has been bleeding for a solid half hour ffs
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you will never be white
that's dreadful
>just randomly appears after being mentioned
very josh-like behaviour
or if you look at it another way, she feels invincible, this unelected woman thinks she can boss our elected representatives around - and she can.
shut up you bloody bastard idiot
I am angry now
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>overweight indian manlet seething because he'll never be white
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The answer if slowing down and taking up learning how to use spreadsheets, slightly better tier. Gog like tier is to learn just enough programming to process csv file format in any language that can do the calculations and import into spreadsheet. Immortal tier create your own system with programming knowledge, have 4 bank accounts current, billing, savings 5k max and finally investment. Sent what you require to billing with over payment to keep the account in black, send 20% to investment, everything else is your current and that is what you have left over to spend.
it's sucking the life force from your hand
is it vril powered?
good advice but poorly executed because drunk, but you get the idea. None of your meoney should be in the bank except the savings acount for rainy day 5k max maybe 10k if you can afford, if on bennies then under 5k
how come my fucking lip doesn't coagulate
How big we talking tho
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Your boyfriends balls keep hitting them
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Don't look back in anger

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Oh I get it, it's a "knot" for Nottingham.
I've done my own spin on it
naaaaaaaaah u rotten fuck

yeah it is like a knot but it's also like a guy waving
it's disgustingly inoffensive and inelegant
I don't even live in Nottingham, or anywhere near, I don't think
absolutely dreadful
Nonce apologist
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I'm guh
I just landed today with my student visa
Thank you Sir Kier Starmer
What does that mean?
he's keeping calm and carrying on
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why are England SO FUCKING SHIT
Wash your hands you detty pig
its what Stacy's BF does, he saves all the pennies
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Give me some (You)s lads
there's a brown person on a motorbike outside my house just sitting there. for 20 mins now. I think it's GCHQ
Absolutely fucking fuming lads. Work have employed this Afghan refugee as an electrical engineer.

He arrived illegally in 2017 with his parents and his teen bride and was given asylum. The government gave his parents a house and he got a house too. They've put him through his apprenticeship, his wiring regs AND his inspection and testing. Somehow he has managed to complete all of this without ever having a job before.

He's fucking hopeless, can't do anything, can't do simple stuff. The company expect everyone to just teach him as he goes. He's never worked before, not even wired a conservatory. How the fuck can he do compliance inspections and produce reports? He can barely speak English!
its gonna be funny when its revealed you were all in the closet just like the queers were. Your projections will back fire soon.
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Fuck off cleanshirt
i don't give fuck, just shut up faggot no one cares what you think or say.
>get nuked
>government distributes food in the aftermath
>its onions green
>i fucking love science
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He’s done you tbf
Government will just let white Brits starve to death.
yeah? Eat my shit cunt.
I'm the top /scrapper/ on brit/pol/ me.
Rotate ip, new ip new you
This experiment with no strikers isn't working. The wingers need to be attacking the fullbacks and driving into the box but they just keep turning back inside. Saka has been absolutely anonymous
dogs crusty arse
Shut the fuck up u bellend
Yeah you fucking pussy? Meet me for a scrap. Gateshead. 3 hours. Let's see you fanny.
ooh, suit you sir. spack me harder faggot.
I'll be there
bet you won't
Techno is gods music prove me wrong
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Should never have got rid of Southgate.
Best manager we've had since 1966.
Fucking retard, I live here.
Lmk when you arrive so I can give you a free dental treatment.
bunch of loud mouthy little cunts. Meet me down in the borough fag
oi somebody stream it
might as well start a fight club

fuck else are we doing with our lives
be reasonable lads, its just the internet no need to get pissy...
>people posting omegas
brit/pol/ is all poor people isn't it
Yeah whatever pussy just turn up alright
Not me im minted
You've got RNHS dentists with open slots there?
aye what ever man, you will be waiting all week because you're so hard right? You're a fat fucking berk that any real man would fucking deck in seconds.
gan drink some cider in the subway near metro centre with all your chav boys init?
When you coming fanny? I'm BJJ black belt I'll leave you permanently brain damaged
Oh fuck
Footy is dead mate. It gets played in court rooms now as nation states sportswash their money with associated partner sponsorships. What a surprise Man City are sponsored by Etihad, the UAE state owned airline. Ticket prices are so expensive that you just can't enjoy the game because you will never get value for money.
fucking shit for brains from all that cider, you are what is wrong with our country, the menace geordie wanna be prick.
and you nah what right, i've helped more of you bellends than myself in the past because I'm a nice guy but has it changed your for the better? Has its fuck, people should stop giving you anything, be it money or food.
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>115 posts mentioning vishpoo by name by the polish flag
>First one was on 04 august 2024
>67 days ago
On average he mentions vishpoo by name MORE THAN TWICE A DAY
so its time to start looking in the fucking mirror, you lot are a fucking disgrace and you made it harder for the honest.
and you come on here with your smart phones and talk shite all day.
He's completely done you
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fucking heating come on this morning, so house was sweltering when I woke up about ten-ish. Sweating me bollocks off I was, so I popped the front window open, and I was sat there smoking a spliff watching some shit on jewtube about Ubisoft being in trouble, then I heard the bin lorry come round and I don't fuck about with the bins, I just leave them out in the street, I don't care. They always empty them. I ain't fucking about putting them in and out. Fuck that shit. Some of my cunty neighbours have left little passive-aggressive notes on them saying to put them away, but I just ignore them. Anyway, the binmen come round and my neighbour to the left has actually gone out to them and told them I put black bags in my recycling bin, and I'm sat there hearing all this, and the binman was just like, not really fussed mate desu, and emptied it anyway. He started gobbing off at them about doing their jobs properly or some bollocks then stormed off up the little entrance between our houses with his bin. Naturally I ran out to stand in the doorway with my joint like, you alright mate. Fucking cunt. Why are people like this? Little rule followers
mate he's gone

it's over
none of you have worked a single hour in your life and i gave you advice or at least i try to and all you do it laugh well some day that sugar spike will be over.
the system will catch up, you either get processed or you fucking kys, or you have a fucking epiphany, your choice.
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Why do you think they're bringing euthanasia in? They know full well that it will be native Brits who make up the vast majority of the suicides.
>my neighbour to the left
Is he called Adrian?
And I say there is ways through this mess, but that requires motivation and hard work.
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>says no more tears
these people think they are so smart, they probably are but they are not exercising it.
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Can't believe I didn't post this during the riots
just day after day waking up hungover or what ever, jerk off feel like shit, shower (some don't) then off to spend their benefits on more booze and shit post here once people go home.
Ah they've done a real number on the population. You justbl have to look at the current affairs around Israel/Gaza. You're either a Muslim cock sucker or a Jewish cock sucker. It's not allowed to just say "fuck 'em, glass the whole region". Do peole not remember that Palestine was part of the Empire? That Jewish terrorists bombed British troops there?
it's like forcing your children to watch Watership Down at Easter
it's one of those little necessary ritualized traumas that our harsh society is built on
a quintessential fact of life here

johnsons are lying
life is pain
Must be American tech designed to combat circumcision post traumatic disorder.
Turned the subjects hand into a surrogate foreskin.
dunno lad. Dun't speak to the weird cunt. I mean, I may be a schizo internet racist, but at least I don't try to grass people up to the bin police
And you, just pya squirreling away working and paying for it all with your own time and energy. Amazing innit.
Imagine if he just exploded everywhere. A Baz Bomb so to speak. Imagine these dat football hooligans in suicide vests. They wouldn't know how to deal with them.
I lose £337 2nite if we don't score
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Not mine, but I’d think abaaaart it.
I’ll stick to a gshock.
don't tell me boggies back on the general
I love bigwig
I say we fucking moon it, bb/pol/ (britbiz/pol/) or similar movement, a none infiltration/interfearing method of making Britain great again.
few will take this path as its hard. But not impossible, actually very possible with the right minded people.
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>I may be a schizo internet racist
Weird how everything started getting prohibitively expensive when literally hundreds of thousands of permanent right to reside visas started getting issued per year innit. Almost like there could be connection between the two.
There are many paths to the same truth
A kike broken by a jeet
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my bike mogs yours tbqh
Smart watches are shite. After aboutb6 months the protective coating wears off and then you're just walking around with a big black blob full of fingerprints on your wrist. I have a Garmin that I only ever wear for running, having a heart rate monitor and measuring my pace does help. I have a Samsung that was given to me and the only time I bother with it is if I want to send Google maps to it when I'm on holiday and want to go for a walk.

Other than that they're shit.
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The colour is very gay
it does not matter man, you are over thinking things, there is money to made in any economy. Stop being negative or pessimist.

We could start something here, there will be glowies watching us but if we are legit and nice guys they won't do shit to us promise.
That's about 10 years old pal. I've a Giant Defy from 2014 with a similar sticker job.
Message to the spooks fucking with my phone. If you try to come in, I have a 9mm and will kill you. If you try, better wear the good armour. You won't take me alive. Love and kisses.
>I'm a bicyclist, I bicycle bicylces
nobody cares
Very 2014
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>white red black are....LE GAY!!!
>t. matte black normgroid bike enjoyer
ooh homosexual
Can i borrow your shooter?
We just have to pick an industry and get really knowledgeable about it and then apply ourselves. Who knows where it could lead us? Better than sitting on ones ass all day complaining how life is unfair.
>it does not matter man
It does.

>there is money to made in any economy
There isn't.

If you own a drop shipping warehouse and someone keeps eating everything in it withour paying, you're not making any money.
clearly you are having a totally normal day
Thats not the best photo ever taken anon
its true, shes an older girl in her prime. but i much prefer it to newer heavier bikes with disc brakes and meme wheels
The English? Hehe, debunked sweaty
yeah its safe to ignore this moron.
That’s not a smart watch.
It’s purely mechanical, I did my work placement at Breitling.
>good armour
Fucking heavy leather jacket would stop that gay shit lad
I love wearing my lycras. I have a full Captain America skinsuit that I wear for charity rides.
>If you own a drop shipping warehouse and someone keeps eating everything in it withour paying, you're not making any money.
You are talking to an autistic brit, why would i sell other peoples products retard?
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its been nominated for a pulitzer prize. seethe!
Wwy should try and gracefully live with uncertainty
>yeah its safe to ignore this moron
Explain how adding a continuous resource drain to a process improves it.
poor little jeet replying to himself lmfao
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he sounds like an Adrian
No, it's here ready in case they break the door in. With 19 x little welcomes for anyone coming through the door. Everyone dies.
I'm not calling it a smart watch. I'm referring to the gay apple watch and appreciating a proper watch.
everyone should try, and never give up at failure because failure teaches you.
The first logo is not only superior aesthetically but also symbolically. It has style & substance.

Building society in Nottingham
Robin hood
peak graphic design
lycra and big beer bellies aren't a good look tho
Robin Hood was white. He has to go.
Someone will like it
Shove it up your bum sideways and pull the trigger
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say that to his face fucker see what happens
yeah we can't be having any connection to our past or our heritage, that's racist to BAMES and transphobic probably
I once thought video games but that's not a good place to start, industrial endeavours are much simpler and easier to pull off. Sex toys are good start !!!! massive potential, why just need to understand the laws on what we can produce legally and deliver to the customer.
>Robbin Da Hood
damn bro how do you defeat someone on a vehicle that can't go up stairs
5' 7 manlet detected
Am I a fool for kind of liking Jenrick? Watching his interview with Mogg now and he admits he was wrong before.
with AI we can have a 3d cast done in minutes and using 3d printers we can produce the casts then the smoothing process and its ready to use as a mould.
No beer belly mate, no Pie Sports lycra here
That's a very gay bike. Get a MTB at least you fucking faggot
You think that's bad? I'm 5'5", king of the Hobbits
Breitling is patrician tier
One day lad
absolute state of that industry standard carpet tiling
nice gravel bike, you should do some cyclo-tourism on that fren.
That famous mick IQ on display I see
Ok, no worries. I’ve got a Fitbit.
I think Garmin watches are pretty good as well, if you know how to set them.
They are reasonably complex and have a fair array of sensors with a large data set to reference as trends etc…

Adoption and data is key with those types of technologies though, so Apple could eventually have an advantage if they weren’t focusing on simplifying the HMI to a near retards level of competence.
or we could start by buying electronic junk and extracting the gold etc out of it.
Read The Millionaire Fastlane by M.J. DeMarco
There is a mathematical formula to becoming rich and every britbiz/pol/ should know it.
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i pass mountain chuds with ease
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>sound of pedaling and wind cheater jacket/trousers rubbing, cycling away in the dark, then returning quickly
>does massive 37ft jump down flight of stairs landing on road bike users knocking them all over like skittle
>cycles off
I could chuck you at least three metres
It's literally why they've done it. Like I posted earlier up. Our company have employed a retarded Afghan refugee as an electrical compliance engineer just so they can brag about him to investors. It's only a matter of time before he kills someone and they're being sued for corporate manslaughter.
Software is the best lad. Read The Millionaire Fastlane.
Lowest overhead, highest profit.
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>he cant into bunnyhopping flights of stairs
lose weight
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Real men don’t use sun dials, they create their own light.
I like him aswell. We must be mad.
my mtb does 67mph without pedalling
Slightly unrelated but did you see the Lyle’s logo rebrand? Proper horrid
bold of you to assume I have a bike to bunnyhop
see I have these things called feet, they're amazing, you can go anywhere
god i hate bikenonces might just clip one with my car for fun and say it was an accident
Yea I have a Garmin watch for running. I've got a 10km cross country race this weekend and I'm coming back from a groin tear so it will definitely help to monitor my heart rate and pace so I don't aggravate anything or blow out. It's just about getting round this weekend, next month hopefully my fitness will have improved again but I'm not expecting to set any PBs this year at all.
what ever man, i might look at it, i do not like reading books i get bored at most of them because its mostly dross. I'm just saying we need not get violent or abusive and we can make it for our selves whilst making our country stronger economically. So it is win win solution where all that are a part of it benefit, whilst keeping glowie and others happy.
I have a trek mountain bike with Pirelli
Cinturato Velo TLR Road Tyres, i would definitely go faster than you.
I wear a garmin watch daily. It's basic af though, although it has smart features I wouldn't call it a smart watch as such. It's one of the instinct solar ones with a monochrome display and I've never used it to nonce about with my phone. It counts steps and does heart rate, sleep etc and lasts for almost a month on a charge. Can't complain really. Cheap too.
ive got a 72v surron
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post wattage
its hard because its boring seriously have you ever done it? I'd not my cup of tea, i can if i really pushed myself but i would hate every moment of it sadly. Debugging is super annoying, nah its not my cup of tea but I will need programmers for sure.
The lion that looks like it's from Wizard of Oz?
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>sound of rapid pedaling away, rubbing clothing in dark and fast panting in dark, quickly returning
>does 37ft jump off train bridge embankment crossing down onto road, crunching hood of car
>cycles away back up embankment into dark
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This is the only book you need trust. Get it, read it, take notes, act on it. You'll be retired in 5-7 years.
Fighting talk
I've built an app this year, just setting up content marketing this month.
From something kino to something flaccid sterile and cringe
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>he understood the reference
Several contrabands per joule
You can get a bit of speed out of it
Good one
Yea that's the good thing about those screens. Battery goes for days. I'm looking for one either better accuracy though. Every time I go for a run it maps me running through ponds and seems to short change me on mileage. I've tinkered with the settings to make it report more often but it just ends up draining the battery faster. It's the Vicoactive 3 music so ita a few years old. I think I'd be better off getting a proper Forerunner, hopefully they'll be a bit more accurate.
And I'm more of a back liner when it comes to running things, I just like to advice and keep people from fucking it up. I'd be the second man as my highest position, this is what I'm good at frankly. I can prompt people but its just to find the first man that will take charge.
lad could deliver a lot of flake on that bad boi
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>see luminous green spandexnonce in rear view mirror going like the clappers.
>complete with homo oakley wrap around sunnies
>he's catching me up at 30mph
>slam on brakes
>instantly cripple the 40 year old nonce
>drive away
>see another peddling like crazy while im stuck in traffic
>he comes down the right side of the car
>open door directly in front of him
>cripple the fucker
>say emagherd i didn't see yer
>drive off
anything to feel mildly optimistic about in the UK today?
There was a littke bit of blue sky in London this afternoon
Bullshit action faking nonsense. Read the book. Ideas are worthless, execution is everything. You can do it.
do you live in London?
i am not buying your book. and what if they are wrong?
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Some of it is just doing it for the sake of changing it and following trends, some of it is genuinely because they hate our heritage. A lot of times it's just because it's cheaper to print and mass produce. You see it on football kits, all the old badges have been simplified. Everton's is worst. They've gone from that really intricate tower and laurels to pic rel
>Ideas are worthless
k then
I don't do much mapping tbhwy but when I do I just use my phone and strava. Then again I don't run I cycle or walk, maybe carrying a phone when running isn't ideal. I'm also very cheap and scottish and the price of watches annoy me. Fair enough if it's mechanical and Swiss or Japanese but for a smart watch I just think they're asking too much.
you can get it for free
just google "the millionaire fastlane filetype: pdf"
what if they are right?
5 years from now ill be mogg posting my business sale and my fresh new breitling and then what?
>Ideas are worthless, execution is everything
if we mass manufacture ona-holes in the uk that would make massive profits.
>you can get it for free
i don't care lol
everyone has ideas
doing something with them his valuable
It's kind of dumb really because they stand out from a fucking mile off. A pro would use a 75£ one from cash converters.
where is the UK gonna get the plastic from though
doesn't seem like you're very serious about britbiz/pol/ if you can't even read 1 book
ideas are worthless without action
Me mate got knocked off his bike, he put his cleat through the cunt's windscreen
i'm 40+ i don't have time for that, i already know what the coomsumer wants.
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>he fears the rider of two wheels
is someone going to bake?
I remember when dealers had nice cars. Cost of living really is fucking everyone.
our values are opposite
i would advise against sexbiz
is degenerate
you curse your customers
we would import it, its 2 parts that need to be mixed, plenty of knowledge out there to get the right types of constancy. Or if brave we can manufacture it our selves cutting the costs and potentially over a superior product for cheaper price.
I hate carrying a phone when running. There's no comfortable way to carry it. You'll always feel it somewhere pressing against you. I've got those trail shorts with all the hidden pouches in the waist band and it annoys me just to have a single car or door key in the back pocket and feeling it bounce around
its start to gather funds to branch out into other things, what are you a pussy?
Some of those bikes are more expensive than cars. But yeah, I doubt anyone's pulling anywhere near as much fanny versus a skyline or evo on a bike ("County lines approved" or not).
the cost of living is pretty outrageous isn't it?

I sometimes wonder if I'm just having my own personal crisis,
i want to provide value to my customers
i dont want to profit off their sin
>a fucking ebike
you paralyzed one of our /cyc/ posters last month
have you lived anywhere else, or are you a native to London?
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get one of these
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Being out competed by pakis in their shitty green Merc A Class
who's dealing out a fucking skyline or evo you fuckin tit
Yeah that's exactly what I'd thought. Can imagine anything moving around would be irritating.
its bad, a typical 3 - 4 day shop what i eat can be £30 or more...

So I'm back to eating the cheapest shite and its disgusting, it smells like dead cat when i'm cooking it and its minging.
I lived in ireland for ten years, born and made in london
>i want to provide value to my customers
those customers do not care either way, you are being a pussy and you will suffer as you will always be poor.
No one, anymore. Used to be defacto dealer cars.
hail satan bro fucking hail satan.
Lad my weekly shopping bill for a family of 5 is about £150. That's not buying booze, steak or anything fancy. It's just literally supermarket own brand beans, pasta and staples like fruit, veg, eggs, chicken etc.
My customers will win more because of my products. Winners have more money and more friends and will came back and market my product for free for me.
Your customers will lose more. Have less friends. Less money. Your product will ruin relationships and marriages and your customers will be to embarrassed to recommend your product to anyone.
how is it in London?
you have something else to compare it to having lived in Ireland,
I'm in East Sussex and we get people leaking out of London here and some of them are like feral animals, especially the kids.
it was a different time
fucking when
They are probably blacks
Nah, watching fhe footie lad ffs.
Some of u lads are alright. Don't be around Wembley in 10 mins
Late 90s early 2000s for sure. But most I knew drove transits tbf.
not actually black black, sort of brown, fat and stupid, of indeterminate origin, like a Mutt
>it was a different time
A better time

>fucking when
The pills literally have mitsuibishi logos on them and prodigy produced a track titled "skylined". They used skylines and mitsuibishis before ebikes.
Anyone here watch Lotus Eaters? I really enjoy their stuff.
i dont trust either of you fuckers
Southgate was the one. And they fucked it.
Nah, just about had enough of cringe "poltical commentators".. ten a penny.
What we need is people with solutions.
its an opportunity and you take it, it will be gone once the feminists shut it down. but by then you and me will be on a plane having given all the authorities what they require.

Any way, tell me what do you think we should do I am listening... I am more than willing to steer clear of it if you have something. I will help make it work for you.

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