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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Mexico has a population of 129,000,000 people, it had 33,287 homicides in 2022, a rate of 26.1 per 100,000. Indonesia has a population of 283,000,000 people, it had only 847 homicides in 2022, a rate of 0.3 per 100,000

What causes this significant difference? What makes Mexicans significantly more violent than Indonesians? Is it:

>socio-economic-political factors
Nobody bothers to report a murder in Indonesia because nothing of value was lost.
nigger and jew blood
Anon, reply that on ChatGPT and post its answers here.
I am curious now
Urbanization, drug money
Indonisia doesn't live to next to the u.sa
But Mexicans are the ones that are predators to Americans. You are the drug traffickers and scum bags. You even kill Canadian tourists
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>its whites fault that im a brown violent subhuman
The crime also follows Mexicans to America. Americans and Canadians aren’t forming gangs in Mexico but I can walk one block and see Mexicans on the street selling drugs
Indonesian statistics are accurate you spic, Mexico's are actually less accurate because the Mexican government lists many cartel murders as "disappearances" so its likely that the 26.1 rate is much higher lol
The crazy thing is the violent people in America are Mexicans.
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Reminder who are responsible of most slide threads on /pol/

For example, this thread has been spammed by the same Nato flag
He’s doing good work exposing you subhumans,
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highest lgbt population as well very trad indeed
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should we replace Mexicans with Indonesians?
I just blame my teammates at HCL for sharing my racist visajeet memes that I sent over our whatsapp private group to get this much hate lol
kek what a shithole country and group
Why are you using a memeflag if you are so proud about your country indog?
It's a good idea but it will never happen because Indonesians don't leave the country since Indonesia is a very good place to live, nearby Australia has fewer than 100,000 Indonesians and America has 84,000
There's a get rich quick cheat selling drugs to americans, naturally narcos will fight tooth and nail against the patch
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not being east asians and not being european causes this, it is the norm not the exception
Mexicans are subhuman and indnesians are not smart but not particularly monkeylike like kikes arabs niggers and spics

thrrad over
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Indonesians are not exactly East Asian either
The biggest shortfall in history is that Murrica didn't go full scorched earth and eradicate the beaner menace when it had the chance and annex the entire country like that one guy wanted to do.
Or maybe just enforce proper border protection!
No shit. Every few months they find giant land dumps full of bodies. The murder rate is much higher when you account for dissapearences and then there are the people that don't even report crimes anymore. Why bother?
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kidnappings did not matr in mexico until it happened to a jew. just watch the first 5 minutes o the cassez affair on nflix to see.
Where the hell does the cartel get so many weapons, if Mexico is not a country that produces weapons?!
By this point in history, you are more subhuman than me. How much miscegenation has there been in the United States? I am sick and tired of the working class and failures of the United States expressing themselves this way about my country. Do you want a fucking war? Elect Donald Trump as president and let's start a fucking third world war. Give us the opportunity to crush your country. You may have atomic bombs, but there are too many of us. It will be a war that will leave you in ruins.
Lol. You atupid niggers cant even read books or count
shitskin seethe is so pathetic and impotent just settle down and go watch a donkey blowjob you dumb cholo
You are being invaded by Indians and Muslims, what the hell are you talking about?
>Pajeet Indog finished raping his sister and posted it again!
Come on now.
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Claudia Sheinbaum was just inaugurated few days ago, I don't think she is to blame for Mexico's homicide rate, not saying she will fix it, she obviously will not, but she's not the cause
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>the conditions present in mexico allowed for her to be presidente

nice try tho memeflag
>Mexico! What went wrong?
american druggies
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fast and furious
what website is this?
Aint no way Indonesia has almost 300 milion people and we don't know anything about them.
Fucking uncool cats
apparently when you're not bombing muslims or invading them, they appear chill and wholesome
and not catching the eye of jews and jew-s-a
Every Indonesian I've met has been pretty nice. Hard workers, like to share food and drink, etc. I actually paused my Mandarin lessons to learn some basic Behasa Indonesia
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>deliberately give murderers training and guns in School of the Americas to destabilize Latin America
tru story
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>deliberately give murderers training and guns in School of the Americas to destabilize Latin America
tru stories
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>the pedoglonigger in charge of fib statistics at pedoglonigger hq
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>pedotourism pedoglowniggers accusing anyone else of pedoglowniggering
>oy vey, shut down this chart
>can't let the goyim know
As a Mexican and as someone with a master's degree in genetics I can tell you with confidence that it is due to both.
The political state and the distribution of wealth determine the material conditions with which Mexicans interact and ultimately have an impact on their genetic constitution.
Why did the state just completely fail at dealing with the cartels earlier, obviously before they got this strong, is it due to Mexico's military being so weak?
Estás pendejo
>How much miscegenation has there been in the United States?
Mexico's entire history is miscegenation you dumb spic. 99.999% of your country are ugly mestizo rats. The 0.001% of purebred white or indigenous Mexicans want nothing to with Mexico and hide in their own little communities.
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land of pedoglownigger fantasies
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pedoglownigger playground
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Stats on the male/female homicide ratio please?
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pedoglownigger hangout for pedoing
>Brown people
>CIA bullshit
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is for pedos
How many Mexicans are full White and how many are full Injun?
Indonesians are pussies thats the problem here
High testosterone
What makes you think so?!
Aztec blood. Mexicans are hard wired for war, death, and torture/cannibalism.

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