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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I bet they used only to save females from fire.
>have to go inside burning building to save a trapped child/pet
>can't even make it past the front door because your retard scarf will catch on fire and disfigure your face
they look more white than the average american no wonder theyre being targeted
women can't be effective firefighters. doesnt matter where on earth they are.
>Have to lift a 300 pound fat sultan out of his bed because he's having a heart attack.
>feminists seething
Coz they're cute, not overweight, and are whiter than the average american?
just let the fat ass die lol
>full frontal hairlines EXXXPOSED!
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they can fight the fire in my pants pretty effectively
You know they wear helmet's you fucking retard
Show flag
I'm not a fan of women being firefighters but you picked a bad example. Let the tubby fuck die
Fucking haram. These whores are apostates and Iran is a feminist homosexual republic of dayooths.
make those whores cover their hair
They don't have fires in Iran or they just let them die in them or what lol
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Islam is right about women
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So you're saying they walk in without the other half of their equipment ?
So by your logic the same out happen to these guys . Pic rel
I hate Canadians so much
Iranian women are good looking, but the retarded Hijab always ruins it. Which is the purpose, but only serves as a reminder why each and every single muslim deserves annihilation (also Allah doesn't exist and neither does your idea of an afterlife, you all died for nothing).
This, same reason I removed my foreskin
why does a fire department need SIX office workers?
Wrong country nigger, back to the battlefield to die die for kikes
Stop spamming firefighters faggot
>to die die for kikes
Did you have a stroke while sucking penis or something?
I'll take 1 and 6. Maaaaybe 5 but difficult to tell with the black scarves on
those sluts should cover their hair
I get the one in the middle
muslim countries are all the same, you arab
Imagine dying because your rescuer was 40% weaker, loses more stamina because of gear, and has less tool use force.
Like with the military, if a soldier in full gear was falling out of a helicopter, a woman trying to pull you back in would fall out with you.
No iranian would like to be grouped up with Arabs
who gives a fuck what they want
they're all muslim

...when you dont mind race mixing, get a iranian women! they dont need all the shit western women need to study something a little bit more difficult programms, last info about this issue was that the iran gouvemnt limited the slots of females to study STEM to boost birstrates!
I'll admit to having very little knowledge of Iran, but something is titanically wrong, here. They're not allowed to drive cars and they'll get beaten if they don't wear a muslim face-diaper, but muslim men would entrust a 120lb. woman to haul their injured asses out of a burning building?
Go back Abdul
They all look proud and happy and naturally beautiful. All things the Western woman has forgotten about.
Carlos! Especially the one on the far right.
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This is obviously bullshit.
Someone un-shoop it and prove the Jews made it.
Wrong country nigger , Saudi Arabia was the only country that did this. And Iran isn't even known for covering the face, ask me how I know your a kike shilling like a retarded American
Southwest Iran has literal ethnic Arabs.
Aren’t Iranians Aryan?
You can tell these girls would be fun as fuck and down to fuck, Persian girls are horny whores and want to fuck without getting a reputation to bad. Would be poosy paradise until their brother tries to kill you or something topkek.
And yet your country's standard of living is lower than theirs
Slavs arnt white btw

..i guess, yes!
>buttttt I have a map
Try actually taking to Iranians then come back and post
You’re spot on.
t. dated a Persian chick at uni, absolute turboslut and a way more energetic fuck than anything European. Mentally ill though
it's a 6 for me.
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Why are Muslims always handsome/beautiful aryans, but Hindus are ugly disgusting inbred subhumans? And yet /pol/ pretends Muslims are brown and Hindu roaches are aryans? Is this board just flooded with subhuman Hindu rapejeets?
why aren't you in your trench?
Are you Iranian?
>Slavs arnt white btw
whiter than you though D'etritus
Rookie mistake. That was your vaccine protection.
>Is this board just flooded with subhuman Hindu rapejeets?
many posters with australian, new zealand, canadian, or british flags are infact indian
>6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!
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also you're full of shit
thats a lot of spokeswomen
they probably just let the men do all the work while they stand around
5 is the best
bleeding when feminists are seething its because they're bleeding from their vagina.
women are weak and cowards, why would anyone want them to be firefighters
never had fire insurance before but jews figured out how to make me want it on my own.
5 is least pretty and most attainable looking. Good for you, anon.
This shit isn't even real they're just posing for a picture. Niggas are so retarded
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the Iranian Supreme Council is whiter than our Supreme Court
2x GDP
5x per capita
lmao towelhead
Khamenei is not even the most revered Ayatollah among Shia. That would be Ayatollah al-Sistani based out of Iraq.
Khamenei is a bit more liberal in some respects but they're both pretty conservative.
Emergency services are segregated by gender you dumbass
>Female fire fighters
Reminder that all this shit with female (insert job) is propaganda and was started by the Soviets right after the revolution
It’s cringe no matter who’s doing it
Don’t make me post the video of the thousands of Indians dancing in Warsaw.
Why western white feminists are obsessed with Iranian women but don't give a shit about 20k Palestinian women who got killed by Zionists?!
they are used for the fire in my pants
>Goalpost movers LLC, how may I help you
Killed by *hamas

Candian fucking retard
Alarm! Alarm!
Female fire fighters are so criy
Iran will still be Iranian in 50 years. Poland will be Indian (Pooland)
i dont think this data is reliable
they have lower GDP higher debt but lower debt (%gdp)?
Firefighters are way over-respected. Their job is almost entirely responding as paramedics to car accidents. Saving someone from a fire is practically unheard of outside the worst shithole cities.
you swtich topics like a jew
Because they’re deranged
Iranians confirmed white.
And that's a bad thing why?
Pooland let in 950 thousand Indians in 2023.
your father wasn't reliable either, yet here you are
>Defending moslems
>Sperging out at ukraine flag
Haha akhmat sila amirite my fellow Amerikantsi?
Helmets are haram fuckhead. Be more educated against white supremacy. Thank you.
Poland enojys higher standards of living than shithole Iran
So you're saying they take them off?
can you explain how it happened tho?
kek look at these brownoid mutts seethe
>can you explain how it happened tho?
he put his penis in your mom's vagina when they were both drunk and on welfare
now you live off 800+
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>sean connery on the wall
Checked. You also have to wash the sultan's balls and wipe his ass. He gets off on it, having a cute girl change his diaper.
He goes around telling everyone he has autism because he shits his pants. He thinks shitting your pants and having a diaper fetish is a sign of the 'tism. He goes around wasting public resources just so medical professionals acknowledge his autism and wipe his ass. He does this for months, years, until some cute nurse has to wipe his bottom and he's satisfied. Weird shit but in wondering who he's going to vote for.
why are you insisting on making idiot out of yourself?
go suck Iranian cock
Think about how many single Iranian women there are looking for an Aryan husband
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keep seething you mindless jewish worm
no one really gives a fuck
Most Iranians in the US are Iranian jews

...thats the joke you dont get, while in the west you need all kind of shit to convince western women to study something like men do on average, STEM, iran, saudi arabia hasnt this problem, they need to implement laws to limit the women who can study STEM stuff! ...
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HAPPENING: Iran’s exiled Crown Prince Pahlavi Reza says he is ready to lead the transitional government into democracy in Iran!
It's over for Khamenei
>viral photo of *biological women weighting less than 100kg each* has feminists seething
Colour me surprised
>300lbs fat
i'm 6'6 290 you little manlet.
In the 90’s in the town I grew up in they had a “brave” female that demanded to be firefighter and threatened law suits for “discrimination” and was causing problems
So they let her try out so to not “discriminate”
She failed her physical test several times
But they ended up fudging and giving her job because of the all bad publicity the town was getting
Then maybe like a year or two later after being a
Town fire fighter she injured herself doing something inconsequential and ended suing for disability and got a payout
You feel seen, Ahmed?
Im sure they make nomex hijabs
Would be pretty sweet actually
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funny considering pic rel
Your “gdp” is high but your sister drinks nigger cum. Nice trade
> Call 911
> "Can you send the male fire fighting team please I'm trapped under a burning beam."
> "I'm sorry ma'am that would be Anti-Semitic."
> "I understand."
> Burn to death.
Iranian women are very nice
Seetheing detected
damn, they lowkey cute
for like 99% of the planet 300lbs is fuckhueg
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>a central asian country is literally whiter than amerimutt land
i have a spare room for a persian refugee babe
Stop mocking feminists and Muslims
Extremely based and rightful
they look good.
imagine a big bomb dropping down and blowing it all up KEKW
All jokes aside is this actually true. I don't know much about iran. Is education available? How often do people buy cars? Or homes? I always pictured it as some arab shithole but they are really doing well enough to make pollacks insecure?
You know they all hairy as fuck, right anon?
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1, 2, 4, 5, and maybe 6
1 is the only good one
>responding as paramedics to car accidents

wow what a bunch of dicks!
more like 5 is wearing the least makeup and still has her natural eyebrows

she also just looks kind
are you afraid of Bush?
Imagine having to work in a critical safety job without sex, flirting and showing off your ass or tits being the foremost thing on your mind. Who could have come up with such an idea?
>he doesn't know how hairy it can be
Poor soul.
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Nobody told me Pakistan's prime minister was white.
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This is haram
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sorry dude, ur wrong. persian women are fucking hot.
i would go to war with iran just so i can fuck their women... of course id rather just be friends with them, fuck their women, and shoot jews.
>come home white man
>to iran
>meanwhile in ukraine
Dude, I'm talking about facial hair and back/forearm hair more thick than the average western basedboy. If you'll ever see a normal persian woman naked you'll be traumatized.
Rollin' for #5......
most beautiful women i have ever known were persian.
But why?
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>western feminists, seeing female fireman
sandnigs are white LIKE THAT??
Those are persians retard. They're basically greeks and russians mixed
>have to go inside burning building to save a trapped child/pet
ideally a firefighter should have a huge frame or superb strength, strong enough to carry an adult that isn't a landwhale.
realistically it could be too hard to fill firefighter jobs with only big strong people.
That's not the reason (you) would be falling out of a helicopter
What is this supposed to prove? That aktually Iran is le progressive and forward thinking? How does this own the feminists? If anything this is like MIGA retards trying to show how Trump is pro LGBT and pro nigger lmao. Embarrassing
Nigger, do you realize the number of sub animal jeets that have been exported by jews to the anglosphere in the past 5 years? 10% of the entirety of NZ (300k), 10% of Canda (2 fucking million), god knows how many in the US and Aus. These fucking bio weapons out numbered decades of chink immigration in fucking 5 years. So no fucking shit any anglosphere flag will be a poojeet running damage control for his subanimal race. Any fucking post with the words "Timmy", "CEO", "Paki","pigskin" or "aryan" these fucking days is 100% a pajeet. Just use the archive, they're fucking swarming everything both in real life, and on the internet, literally a fucking plague.
far left one looks like my pPersian high school sweetheart who sat next to me in classes
she actually redpilled me on National Socialism, Race and Holohoax
I wish I knew what became of her, I would like to thank her if I ever see her again
>what's this supposed to prove
That jews lied as always about women being beaten to death if they show their face in Iran
No this only shows that “right wingers” are trying to rehabilitate Iran to liberals by showing how le progressive they are. Pathetic. You don’t even realize you’re playing by liberal rules. No right wing theocracy is going to have women working in positions like this. Stop trying to impress your enemy retard.
>exposing (((liberal))) hypocrisy
>yOu ArE pLaYnG tHeiR ruLeS!
Kys Shlomo
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>firewoman rescuing you has a fraction of the upper body strength of a man and can't carry you
>burn to death
Roll for #6
he's a skaven, pigman.
yep, lol
I'd trust them over the metrosexual kneecapped by bureaucrats western fireman every day of the week.
Western man is gone.
You can set any of those women lose in Spain and no one will even know they're Iranian until they open their mouth
I bet they've got no piercings or tattoos. I bet their brains are not infected by the feminism virus. I bet they make good wives and mothers. They're beautiful.
Let's go to war!!!
They are the kitchen fire response team
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>I bet they used only to save females from fire.
I'm sure that they can't even do that.
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>You'll never have a gorilla woman lift you up and carry you around.
Why live?
It’s Iran not America, fednigger
Why is this controversial? Also why did western women all forget about Afghanistan? If feminists really cared about other females they'd enlist and insist we invade again.

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