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Previous: >>484440095

▶Day: 961 — Daily battlefield assessment: http://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukrainian journalist Viktoriya Roschyna died in russian captivity
>Zelenskyy met with Meloni
>UK has not agreed to long-range missile use after Zelenskyy meeting
>Unilever sells russian business after pressure from campaigners
>Zelenskyy met with Macron in Paris
>Zelenskyy met with UK PM Keir Starmer in London
>Ukrainian drones have attacked Hanskaya airfield near Maykop
>Storage base of Shahed-type drones in Oktyabrskiy village of Krasnodar Krai attacked
>5 person killed, 9 wounded as result of russian ballistic missile strike at Panama-flagged container ship
>Ramstein meeting to be rescheduled
>Ukrainian forces successfully struck russia's 67th GRAU Arsenal, a massive ammunition dump outside of Karachev, Bryansk
>Wreckage of S-70 wingman drone captured by Ukrainians reveals falsehood of russian claims about their drone based stealth, AI, fighting/armamament capabilities
>Discord banned in russia
>Why ziggers chimped at S-70 shootdown? Ukrainians possibly remote controlled it via radio spoofing, another pidor jet then (likely Su57) shot it down
>7 powerful explosions in the area of the Saky airfield in Novofedorivka, Crimea
>Putin's decree to recapture all of Kursk Oblast by Oct 1 failed
>Z-blogger "Thirteenth" was detained in Novopavlovsk
>Eternal flight for russian S-70 Okhotnik UAV
>ZNPP employee killed in car bomb attack that Ukrainian military intelligence said punished a war criminal
>Belarus sentenced 12 people to prison terms of up to 25 years on terrorism charges over the 2023 sabotage of a russian military plane that was claimed by pro-Ukraine activists


http://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
http://ukr.warspotting.net (visually confirmed losses)

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>mfw remembering when the vdv got stuck in an elevator
Their fucking faces
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Ok Tyrion.



>Gonzalo: This is me, like to find out if you HATO Supporters, such as both of you!! are ignorant or evil
>LazorPeeg: define evil
>Gonzalo: Opposite of the Good
>LazorPeeg: define good.
>Gonzalo: Opposite of the evil.

Look at Lira...what a man o'CHUD
Remember that picture with headshot pidor and trophy as val, my favourite picture
I can smell aids from here...
I'm not familiar with it, do you have it saved?
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shut the fuck up zigger
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to the last Russian child
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I can't post any files anymore, they banned me lol
But it's blurred
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>m4 ish gun in photo
Grim don't even have ak style airshit to give to the ziglet.
kill all russians, spare none
Kinda based
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Kursk isn't important, never heard about sudja, don't care!
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Evening anons.
Sushi and TZD
Russia is winning.
>Russia is winning.
At being humiliated
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>claim to be winning
>NATO's border now 2x as big
>shitskin teenage angst
You’ll never be white
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>/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General
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shit gun tbph
But that's a spool, you ignorant vatnigger.
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All rusian guns are shit. I like ak12 to be honest, but pidors say it's shitty too
Ok retard
Part of the reason that makes them so neat is how shit they are

t. AK owner
Is it modded? Full zenitco aks look cool. No i don't play tarkov
Monolith AK-12 best Stalger gun
Most of them are wood but my 9mm one has a RK3 and 6 on it, but would rather have a 0
Anomaly mod? It's an actual ak12, i meant ak 15 or ak 19, my bad.
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>we didn't need it anyways
Analmeme GAMMA. I like it I don't know why everyone freaks out over bloat mods.
>claim to be winning
>year three of two week invasion
>economy back at 1950s levels
>gargling Daddy Xi's cock for yuan
>ruble a dead currency
>giving up territory to CHINA, your """ally"""
>international arms sales collapsed
>literally bartering for potatos
>NATO expanded
>le ebil nazi regime given global support
>oil trade collapsing
>rationing fucking gasoline
>failed your initial goals so hard that you've had to move from a total regime change to hoping to hang on to 20% of the country you invaded
>demographics fucked for the next century

Yeah, Russia sure looks like they're winning.
>>economy back at 1950s levels
They wish. This is when they have started filling the void left by the Arab embargo, which created their delusion that they're actually a world power.
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Firedosia status?
Fuck that was gonna be my Halloween costume this year
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why's there a maple leaf
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they're not even going THAT deep
>He thinks Russia's doing bad
The CIA did a number on your brain.
Russia can still have elections while Zelensky banned them and is shutting down private media right and left because his neo-nazi regime can not stop the collapse of Donbas.
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>Russia can still have elections
where the opposition if fake and the results don't matter
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Dead russniggers LMAO
>where the opposition


>Russians elections
>where the opposition if fake and the results don't matter
Now enough about the US.
Navalny was CIA, and the "Anti-war protests" were CIA color revolutions funded by the US.
> muh color revolutions
You're plenty fucking colored for the rest of us shitskin
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>e-everything is CIA
damn man, if you're not false-flagging as "most retarded zigger" this is sad
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Rate this russniggers haircut.
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Everyone is CIA except people who agree with you, right?
he should use a clipper guard next time
>Everyone is CIA except people who agree with you, right?
Its just a coincidence you share the same opinions of everyone who works there, and say what they say 24/7.

Navalny's role in the world is no different from Zelensky.

He was the figure behind the US' regime change efforts in Russia.
It's already prepared to be in goreleaf dead zigger folder kekaroooo
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bros why is CIA so powerful
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Another russnigger zoomer that wont ever get old again? DON'T MIND IF I DO

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