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Previous: >>484440095

▶Day: 961 — Daily battlefield assessment: http://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukrainian journalist Viktoriya Roschyna died in russian captivity
>Zelenskyy met with Meloni
>UK has not agreed to long-range missile use after Zelenskyy meeting
>Unilever sells russian business after pressure from campaigners
>Zelenskyy met with Macron in Paris
>Zelenskyy met with UK PM Keir Starmer in London
>Ukrainian drones have attacked Hanskaya airfield near Maykop
>Storage base of Shahed-type drones in Oktyabrskiy village of Krasnodar Krai attacked
>5 person killed, 9 wounded as result of russian ballistic missile strike at Panama-flagged container ship
>Ramstein meeting to be rescheduled
>Ukrainian forces successfully struck russia's 67th GRAU Arsenal, a massive ammunition dump outside of Karachev, Bryansk
>Wreckage of S-70 wingman drone captured by Ukrainians reveals falsehood of russian claims about their drone based stealth, AI, fighting/armamament capabilities
>Discord banned in russia
>Why ziggers chimped at S-70 shootdown? Ukrainians possibly remote controlled it via radio spoofing, another pidor jet then (likely Su57) shot it down
>7 powerful explosions in the area of the Saky airfield in Novofedorivka, Crimea
>Putin's decree to recapture all of Kursk Oblast by Oct 1 failed
>Z-blogger "Thirteenth" was detained in Novopavlovsk
>Eternal flight for russian S-70 Okhotnik UAV
>ZNPP employee killed in car bomb attack that Ukrainian military intelligence said punished a war criminal
>Belarus sentenced 12 people to prison terms of up to 25 years on terrorism charges over the 2023 sabotage of a russian military plane that was claimed by pro-Ukraine activists


http://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
http://ukr.warspotting.net (visually confirmed losses)

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>mfw remembering when the vdv got stuck in an elevator
Their fucking faces
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Ok Tyrion.



>Gonzalo: This is me, like to find out if you HATO Supporters, such as both of you!! are ignorant or evil
>LazorPeeg: define evil
>Gonzalo: Opposite of the Good
>LazorPeeg: define good.
>Gonzalo: Opposite of the evil.

Look at Lira...what a man o'CHUD
Remember that picture with headshot pidor and trophy as val, my favourite picture
I can smell aids from here...
I'm not familiar with it, do you have it saved?
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shut the fuck up zigger
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to the last Russian child
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I can't post any files anymore, they banned me lol
But it's blurred
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>m4 ish gun in photo
Grim don't even have ak style airshit to give to the ziglet.
kill all russians, spare none
Kinda based
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Kursk isn't important, never heard about sudja, don't care!
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Evening anons.
Sushi and TZD
Russia is winning.
>Russia is winning.
At being humiliated
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>claim to be winning
>NATO's border now 2x as big
>shitskin teenage angst
You’ll never be white
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>/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General
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shit gun tbph
But that's a spool, you ignorant vatnigger.
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All rusian guns are shit. I like ak12 to be honest, but pidors say it's shitty too
Ok retard
Part of the reason that makes them so neat is how shit they are

t. AK owner
Is it modded? Full zenitco aks look cool. No i don't play tarkov
Monolith AK-12 best Stalger gun
Most of them are wood but my 9mm one has a RK3 and 6 on it, but would rather have a 0
Anomaly mod? It's an actual ak12, i meant ak 15 or ak 19, my bad.
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>we didn't need it anyways
Analmeme GAMMA. I like it I don't know why everyone freaks out over bloat mods.
>claim to be winning
>year three of two week invasion
>economy back at 1950s levels
>gargling Daddy Xi's cock for yuan
>ruble a dead currency
>giving up territory to CHINA, your """ally"""
>international arms sales collapsed
>literally bartering for potatos
>NATO expanded
>le ebil nazi regime given global support
>oil trade collapsing
>rationing fucking gasoline
>failed your initial goals so hard that you've had to move from a total regime change to hoping to hang on to 20% of the country you invaded
>demographics fucked for the next century

Yeah, Russia sure looks like they're winning.
>>economy back at 1950s levels
They wish. This is when they have started filling the void left by the Arab embargo, which created their delusion that they're actually a world power.
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Firedosia status?
Fuck that was gonna be my Halloween costume this year
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why's there a maple leaf
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they're not even going THAT deep
>He thinks Russia's doing bad
The CIA did a number on your brain.
Russia can still have elections while Zelensky banned them and is shutting down private media right and left because his neo-nazi regime can not stop the collapse of Donbas.
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>Russia can still have elections
where the opposition if fake and the results don't matter
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Dead russniggers LMAO
>where the opposition


>Russians elections
>where the opposition if fake and the results don't matter
Now enough about the US.
Navalny was CIA, and the "Anti-war protests" were CIA color revolutions funded by the US.
> muh color revolutions
You're plenty fucking colored for the rest of us shitskin
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>e-everything is CIA
damn man, if you're not false-flagging as "most retarded zigger" this is sad
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Rate this russniggers haircut.
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Everyone is CIA except people who agree with you, right?
he should use a clipper guard next time
>Everyone is CIA except people who agree with you, right?
Its just a coincidence you share the same opinions of everyone who works there, and say what they say 24/7.

Navalny's role in the world is no different from Zelensky.

He was the figure behind the US' regime change efforts in Russia.
It's already prepared to be in goreleaf dead zigger folder kekaroooo
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bros why is CIA so powerful
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Another russnigger zoomer that wont ever get old again? DON'T MIND IF I DO
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you're laughing. baby-faced ziggers are dying and you're laughing
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I knew that nigger was on russnigger payroll, thse faggot grifters were literally posting shit word for word that russniggers post here.
>Russia can still have elections while Zelensky banned them
I know this is just a russian/jeet on a VPN doing the firehood of falsehood, but for anyone reading this: Ukraine's constitution already banned elections during wartime, Zelensky did not "ban elections."
>Navalny was CIA
Lmao what? He had the exact same ambitions Putin did, just with more emphasis on Soft Power. If anything he's the last person the CIA would want as President of Russia since his policies would actually work.
ukraine lost.
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What was Putin's demands on NATO before the invasion again?
>losing kursk already
ukraine's dropping the ball quite hard lately, if the next offensive is the same as the last one, russia's just going to keep on eating up small chunks by the week
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Hey look the commie niggers are coping again, what happened to the Oct 1 deadline? KEKAROO
yep two more weeks
>pointing out blatant weakness makes me a commie
be realistic you nigger, what good are these incursions if the territories and momentum can't be held? and regardless of your stance here there's no denying that the last offensive was a fucking disaster

continue posting dead russians though, contrary to your delusions i'm not for jewtin and his mongol horde
>Losing Kursk already
Yup, puccia lost Kursk. Kinda pathetic.
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2 months and counting commie nigger LMAO, Oct 1 deadline to remove Ukis during your fag copefensive FAILED

over the last few weeks deepstate has showed little chunks of kurks being eaten up though
>didn't read a single thing i said
>little chunks

Next thing you're going to show me are maps with thin red lines, eh?
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Kursk is in Uki control after glownigger putin demanded their ousting. Simple as that nigger, just like you coping about fucking Vovchansk for MONTHS, now you just memoryhole it like niggers KEKAROO
i always thought that was the go-to site for actual accurate maps desu
not once have i mentioned any support for russia's side of this conflict but alright chinkcadian
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Awww look at the noootroooler faggot larp KEKAROOO.
see >>484465465
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Tell us again how you're a nOOOOOOTROOOLER, that gave me a real chuckle. Since you're not a pro russnigger, say that russniggers failed their summper copefensive of 2024 and failed to retake Kursk during that copefensive as well. Go ahead nooootrooler, let's hear it.
>heh bend to my will and do as i say!
for that i'm not saying shit you little chinksect
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>2 months later and Russia is struggling to take it back
Wasn't it supposed to be a 2 day PR stunt?
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Uh russniggers? Civil War status? LMAO
>assassinating worker at a nuclear power plant
>calling him a war criminal
Uhh what?
you seem incredibly emotionally invested in this, it's quite odd
apparently deepstate maps aren't reliable but according to it there haven't been any gains while parts of it have been retaken/pushed back
So 2 months later and Russia is still struggling to retake their own country? lmao
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What's wrong commie nigger, you're larping as a noootroooler, so I asked you to say something any actual neutral party would say without hesitation, what happened nigger? KEKAROOO
So since this russnigger is stuck in a coping loop, I just encoded new footage of a russnigger VEH DEH VEH literally roasting alive while he tries to stop the fire spreading up his leg with his mangled arm. FUCKING KINO
struggling doesn't mean they aren't doing so still, where's the momentum on ukraine's side here? in my first post i mentioned that the next offensive can't be like the last, they can't be fucking up like this and letting aggression sizzle out and that seems to be the problem over the past year, there just isn't momentum in their actions
post new videos
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This is literally from today you dumb fucking nigger, here's one from yesterday KEKAROO. Let's be real though, you don't watch them because your little russnigger countrymen are ROASTING ALIVE KEKAROO
i haven't seen that one at least, the other i swear i've seen countless times already
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The updated vid showed he was a VEH DEH VEH nigger. Here's some roasted russnigger from Kursk from last night LMAO
STOP disobaying (Me)
It's jus MY political statement
>72 years old
I choose to believe it because some guy on twitter wouldn't stoop so low as to lie on the internet, right?
I only am righteous te fite Angland
Ukraine doesn't have the men or material to be on the offensive constantly. They nabbed as much of Kursk as they could before having to dig it once Russia got their shit together. They can now go defensive and force Russia into another slog.
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Hey, ya never know, remember that texas nigger that got raped and killed by russniggers? He was an old faggot too lmao. Anyways, in other news
>2 seconds in
it's like an abstract art piece, didn't even see the guy in the middle until a view more viewings
Why would you assume that when finns go on the internet and lie all the time.
Deal drank Holand in fron of ye
Wadda ya think boys, did they make it?
The Dutch complain about drink Polish
>K ye may have ye complaint however te drank Dutch
>Ukraine doesn't have the men or material to be on the offensive constantly.
that's why they can't be fucking this up and need to hold some momentum in the regions they take, staying in a defensive stance just means being dug in and hammered constantly, and being hammered constantly means inevitable exhaustion and leads to lost positions

dont misgender uhg
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3 day SMO btw lmao.
you already posted this on the 20th of september, it's not new.
You've been awfully demoralized lately cuckheimer, what's got you so blue? LMAO
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Oh you're right, kek, I convert so much dead russniggers, I lose track LMAO
i knew i'd seen it before you faggot
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Their synchrony was off, their posture was shaky and their precision was not that good. They all still died spectacurlaly and offered great amusement.
As so had Stalin not been berayn, so will nei the fuhrer
>You've been awfully demoralized

how so?

have you been keeping up with Kursk, or have you been forced to move on now?
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Have a roasted russnigger from 2 days ago as compensation KEKAROO
yeah just thought I'd give you a heads up
...and Russians once again assaulting means higher casualties for them. At this current rate they'll still be fighting in Kursk well into next year.
for that to mean anything, russia would have to value the human cost in the first place
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Sure, let's check it out
>Ukis still control it
>russniggers can't even protect their own nigger cattle
>250 000 homeless russnigger cattle
>Oct 1st deadline failed
why do you like seeing fellow humans suffer like this? are you a talmudist?
>fire wizard 13 seconds in
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Anon, these are subhuman russnigger cattle that volunteered to go to Ukraine to rape & murder, they GET WHAT THEY FUCKING DESERVE KEKAROO
>Ukis still control it

you have to spread the definition of "control" out a bit thin for it to apply here.

>Oct 1st deadline failed

no such thing ever existed, but I understand why you like to pretend otherwise.
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>no such thing ever existed,
Awww the poor little commie nigger is coping KEKAROOO
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He has to be able to stand up for prolonged periods of time to do that. Then again bombass did send all their cripples in the very first few waves.
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KEK, I saw RLM's breakdown of his recent movies and he's sitting in 95% of his scenes LMAO
Ye and now it's all plus now
Sure sure, however every system has its limit
Ja nei USA w/ out Holland
Seagal getting blown up by a drone flying right on his ass is the only way I can see this man dying. Everything else would be beneath AND above him.
Be a drone instead. Put a plastic toy hand grenade between your cheeks and make helicopter noises, you’re sure to impress all your neighbours when your mum takes you around trick or treating.
Never ever foreget ever again
That's why his call sign is "DRONE EATER"
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>cofi status?
oh you're that tranny.
show nose
so what's the latest cope after the fall of Ugledar and the mass desertion of the 123rd brigade?
>inb4 muh heavy zigger casualties
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That the new capeshit backstory? KEKAROO, I'M ALL MAN JEET NIGGER
It's a proven fact that the world would be better off with nine americas.
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Dead russniggers, jeet nigger lmao
Russia = mine Holland
Holland is te be ur Russia
Why are you hiding in the Netherlands?
have you put any thought into the declining nature of support for ukraine?

uhg is now dead at all hours of the day. even the euros are abandoning ship.

why is this happening?
Odesa getting rocked. Man, those arms shipments gonna have to be delivered by submarine from now on.
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Poor cuckheimer, doesn't realize that in 2022, we had entire days where /uhg/ would hit bump limit /archive and breads wouldn't go baked for hours. Such a newfag,how sad KEKAROO
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Crimea status jeet nigger? KEKAROO
capeshit? wot. is this some reddit thing? show nose already, or is it too big for a selfie?
He was a raging tool to have got clipped like he did. I didn’t know who he was but when he vanished the first time i was spamming that his family needed safely extracting. He resurfaced and used the publicity to make bobins money out of it and because of that he ended up dead. First time, okay. Second time, oh fucking die you tool.
He literally is a jew, all his family were jews not only his mother and he was raised jewing in a jew little hat. He was also the strangle happy lil’ director of the KGB so he knows how to lie about his identity, the most telling part in that being the assistance of nato, msm and big tech in memory holing his early life section which was easy to look up a few years ago finding pictures of a young girlish looking effeminate little putinlet in his little jew hat with his entirely little hatted family out doing jew stuff and rewriting it for him some time shortly before ‘his’ special operation began. I used to link all putin’s early life stuff here back in the day when colourful balaclava dykes were trolling him and people praised him too much. In fact because of all that and because we pushed back against blue hairs by praising the pootlenog back in the day seems to mean that they (Globo) have got the idea that they can split the world down their fantasy non existential right/left divide over the Hegelian set up in ukraine with the right supporting pooter. Boomer with a computer of course never got the memo that pooteyboy being a long nose wef globo shart means pooter = bad and they fell for ukraine splitting a while thusly giving substantiation to
>russian collusion
which pooters wef colleagues in america were screeching disingenuously for some years previously.
Anyway. Pooter bad. Also pooter is midge. Midge bad.
all manlet. your 'cock' looks like the head in your pic
sure sure buddy I can see tanks rolling into kiev right this moment
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How about this jeet nigger, I'll post my nose and blackout the rest of my face if you post


How about it little nigger? KEKAROO
Coke, Hash, Hoeren, Kanker, Kaas, etc etc.

ehh, I don't think I can trust what the vatniggers said
ok do it
Jah Surimane is w/ Holland
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Uh oh, the jeet nigger can't read, hand jeet nigger, quick now. I'll give you 5min from this post to show the goods KEKAROO

Here's an example of me doing it, I'm waiting jeet nigge r, chop chop.
Ye said once te many in the Anglish speaking board nei
>I'll post my nose and black out the rest
>posts hand
Lol retard. what country did you come from?
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Tick tock nigger, 4minutes left.
why wont you acknowledge the changing landscape?

The fact uhg has been maintained out of spite is irrelevant. A NON SEQUITOR, goreleaf.

When /k/amala was asked who the US' greatest rival was, she said Iran. Doesnt bode well for the future of your Russian gore folder.
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>the jeet nigger can't read. I said I'd post my nose if you posted your hand you dumb fucking jeet nigger, is this the level of russnigger shilling left? GRIM
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Oh no no no no no cuckheimer got caught out as a newfag and is coping now KEKAROO. What happened cuckheimer?
>I'd post my nose if you posted your hand
I told you to post first. is it me who can't read or you who can't follow basic directions?
IUck be they, nei caught
Where's your hand?
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Je moet me Portuguese checken.
zijn voor die Braziliaanse meiden/vrouw
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And I counteroffered with a more reasonable compromise jeet nigger, to show your nigger hand in exchange for a nose pic. Holy fuck you 80iq niggers are really bad at this KEKAROO
>or is it too big for a selfie?
I was right wasn't I? Why do you keep delaying?
USA is jus lucky te have us Suriname
>I counteroffered with a more reasonable compromise
and I didn't accept. lol what is your first language? It's not english
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lmao, the jeet nigger is so new, he can't even make out flags, let alone uniqueID's. GRIM
Can we talk about the state of jeet nigger shills you employ these days cuckheimer? What happened to the last batch, where's odessa chink to cope these days, bahkmut shitskin?
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>and I didn't accept
That's right jeet nigger, you didn't accept because you don't wanna show your disgusting jeet nigger hand. Thanks for playing KEKAROOO
must be quite a schnozz
>backs out
you could've just said no, you know.
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>too scared to post his nigger hand in exchange for a nose pick
>says I backed out
>>484471364 (Me)
And now what Suriname unte <<Me>>
Navalny was controlled opposition.
He never had real positions, and the CIA had to make him seem believable.
Putin saw right though him because of his expertise as a KGB officer.
>can't follow a basic conversation
now I see why you show yourself to be a retard in other conversations
I didnt see their shoes come off so they might still be alive

what value do you provide them?

furthermore, once you leave the echochamber, its clear to a majority of people that Russia has already won.

There really is no point in arguing with trannies over matters that are already written in stone.
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This jeet nigger just accused me of ESL and then he types that, KEKAROO
Still trying to figure out this site I see
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russniggers can't even defend their own nigger cattle LMAO

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