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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Give me one good reason why I shouldn't marry a trad black queen
Tuly a shame about her hair.
I actually like their natural hair when it's styled like in OP's webm.
I hate it when they try to look white by straitening their hair or dyeing it blonde.
Just be you, you know?
I don't get the appeal of Westernized black women. You get the value system of a white whore, combined with the black time preference and stuck-up mentality of a Western roastie past late 20s. There is nothing a man would want there
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black women are extremely kind and good hearted. they praise white men, unlike white women. they will do anything to keep their white man around. even the ugliest incel is a 10 in their eyes
the people posting these threads are the same ones shiling for iran.
there is a concerted effort to change /pol/ from a racist white nationalist board into a colour-blind anti-zionist board.
the joke is on them because /pol/ is worthless as it's now only irrelevant loser retards, mostly browncels.
Its mindblowing to see the contrast of happiness/sadness when black women produce mutt babies and white women produce mutt babies.
WMBF couples are unironically the most stable ones
appearance wise, she look like a 8~9/10, hair included.

yea, when someone is good looking, race doesnt matter
>TikTok attention whore
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come home white man
black sons. not that they have to turn bad or be dumb. But statistically - I don't like the odds
Fine, i get it, she has a white baby, good for her.
But who watches this crap, its literally her pointing her finger at her phone for 10s.
Are people really this retarded ?
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Shit low IQ take. Fuck Jews and fuck brownoids.
because you are willingly participating in the kalergi plan if you do that. Also having sex with black people is a form of beastiality because they are to unevolved and low iq to consent.
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they are very loyal, kind hearted, sincere and loving. black women have always been super nice to me and flirt hard even though im a 2/10
You're diluting your genes, literally. When you have a baby with someone of different race, you pass on only 50% of your genes, while a random white on the street will have more than that of average genetic similarity with you. You're literally less related to your own child than some rando who most likely will be your 11th cousin or so.
If your genes are to survive as intact as possible, they need to match with haploid of the same race, to activate the metabolic and chemical systems that are tailored to survival in your biome (global North). The issue of donors, mental instability and general dysgenics is greater than any supposed "hybrid vigour", which only occurs when paired with severely genetically depressed population.
Committed beastality award
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Nice meme flag, kike.
I just really like having sex though
Get off the porn coomer. It’s making you pathetic
Why would your kids marry white though if you didn't? They'd also have less of a reason to because they'd have no racial purity to preserve.
Coombrains deserve to die out
when my kids come out like that they'd be white. that's whiter than you paco, blond hair + blue eyes
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Just use IVF and you'll be fine.
do what makes you happy nigger
No you are creating a genetic reservoir and further bleaching the nignogs genetic line. That said none of this matters once we can just grow babies in tubes.
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but why would they have they have a brown mom?
Black anon here, black women are statistically the least sought after race of people. You can be a 5/10 white dude and just be nice to a cute black chick and she'll go for you. I don't know what is is. You've got like three different types of black people, those are only date other blacks, the black dudes who don't like black women, and black women who only like white dudes. Some sort of fuckery, probably Jewish
I don't give a shit, I want my family line intact. I gain nothing from throwing away my seed like that.
not everyone wants to marry their cousin hick
Don’t check out her tits then
The kids will argue with their mom if they get racially aware and it will cause lots of family fights too.
Hers is perhaps a little on the large side, but I actually think that's the best looking hair style on African women. Or when it's natural like that but much longer so the weight pulls it down and makes it less "big".

Straightened hair looks good, but always has an uncanny feel to it.
Memeflag retard confirmed
Will your kid be named Shaquanda Goldstein?

Nobody believes you Jew. Your weasel words and meme flag aren’t working.
Having sex specifically prevents that
It's gross to me. I think we should all wear our natural bodies. Trying to mimic the beauty standards of the people that conquered you is pure cuck.
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they can marry whoever they want as long as they're happy. for me its black women
Make more money and have more wenches
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the ones who only like white dudes are the nicest, they are so polite and kind. they know how to cook for their man and hate nigger behavior, they'll also do anything to keep you around, even if you're having a bad day theyll be by your side cheering you on. ive had this so much, even in my darkest days black women were still flirting because im white
Jews are the most inbred people on the planet
incredibly high maintenance. high potential for betrayal. stupid as fuck.
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i like the fro too, it looks nice.
ill keep my amazonian goddesses while you jerk off to bbc porn secretly.

im not even a jew, im a white male with green eyes and reddish brown hair
>Give me one good reason why I shouldn't marry a trad black queen

because marriage is a fucking scam.
I bow to you sir
im not a jew, notice the flag??
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Because she's too good for you.
Because they are obnoxious, without having the presence of mind to express it passively like women of civilised races. Can you imagine trying to reason with this cunt? About anything? A fools errand
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Same as a white, asian or goblinas. Don't generalize hans, it makes you look retarded. Pol has some edgy opinions which are right but others it's plain fucking mongoloid slop. Life experiences will teach you further on about stink holes and the diversity that comes with it and desu I used to think exactly like you.
Penis size is inherited from maternal line
You'd be happy.. and we cannot have that here!
women are gods way of saying that he hates us and wants us to suffer.
Yes I did notice that you’re hiding your Israeli flag rat face.
Yeah a memetard shill. Post real one
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How did Tucker Carlson get so smol?
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i really believe this too, so many posters here are addicted to being miserable instead of finding someone who loves them unconditionally. Black women are honestly a godsend, i'd be a miserable fuck too if I didn't find my black gf
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She stole the baby, also wearing a wig doesnt make your smell magically go away.
Black guy here. Stop race mixing. If the Jews are pushing something then it can't be good.

When you realise that people who race mix tend to go for the low tier left overs from the other race I.E black men with fat disgusting white women (common over here) or white guys going for the most crispy wig wearing femcel black women.

You start to see why we have a major dysgenics problem on this planet and everyone around seems like they are window licking room temperature IQ sheeple.

Stop this shit and stick to your own race.

Inb4 Nigger. The Jews want us to hate each other. You're still putty in their hands. Level up
This is where that mutt genetics comes from - white-passing but has those tell-tale admixture signs visible around the nose and around eyes
> black

Report and move along friends
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>When did you realize that this entire board is a platform for disaffected, rejected, white men to express their deepest and earnest COPE?
Don't mind if I do. Vid related is ALL MINE!

jeez you guys need to relax. I'm living my life and found someone who makes me happy and I only suggest incels here to try it themselves and see if its for them. There would 0 incels in this world if people just stepped outside their comfort zones once in a while
I do not think. I look at data. statistics bring you as close to the truth as possible. niggers are fucking niggers. fuck off with your bullshit sentimentality. btw, how are your nigglets doing in your shithole?
Take that meme flag off retard, don't hide you shill
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>statistics bring you as close to the truth as possible.
LMAO what an absolute fucking retard
jeez shes perfect. that's the thing with black women though they don't mind if you look over other women they step their game up and try to compete with it. im a 2/10 but black women treat me like a chad
they smell weird.
That woman isn't fully black
To be fair, I never had the mindset of /pol/ "she must be white". I care more about the person and their personality, which all ethnicities have good and bad ones. "Love is blind", isn't that what they say? I'm happy with someone that makes me happy and have the mindset that I look for in a girl.
exactly someone with an agenda would post
Could a monkey make you happy?
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based. i was just tired of listening to pol incels talk about how i needed this specific type of woman to be happy in life and i branched out and found someone who loves me for who i am, it feels amazing, it'd try it yourself
buying a pet is a thing, anon
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Her skin is colored like shit, anon.
Stfu retard you cant tell the kid from a white one
look at the kid, its whiter than 99% of pol nowadays. my girlfriend and I are talking marriage
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>You can be a 5/10 white dude and just be nice to a cute black chick and she'll go for you.
This is the absolute truth. I am a 5/10 white dude who plays up being a square to hide my power level and only release it in acceptable bursts under the guise of humor. If a black woman has even a passing interest in me, it's basically a fact that I could probably pursue her to a greater degree of success than any other race. If you can make a black woman laugh, you can probably make her yours under these circumstances.
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You’re here because
1. You get no pussy
2. Your life sucks ass and has no meaning
3. You need someone (joos)(niggers) to blame for 1 and 2
hot. im gonna get my gf to wear this around me
Maybe, but why get a pet that will try to control you? I mean yeah we all do but a white non-monkey pet that will drain our balls at least
bestiality is also a thing, anon
Another meme flag cretin
thats also how i found my gf
Imagine getting that titty, booty and a blue eyes white baby. He won at life.
Why would your kids marry white though if they don't have genetic purity?
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>black woman with her white child: absolute happiness and pride. Literally glowing with energy and life
>white woman with her mongrel: suicidal, depressed and on meds
indeed and didn't even need to be a 5/10 to achieve it
The baby has a full head of shit coloured hair is a pretty good indication it's not white. White babies have such blonde hair and so little of it they look bald until they're 2. Also they're not born with hair.
Both kids are mixed on the genetic level
That bitch drank while pregnant, both those babies have signs of fetal alcohol syndrome.
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Look at these faggots SEETHING over people who found love and happiness haha
kek very true, black women really appreciate the white traits you bring and are loyal as fuck to even a below average white guy like me
Her hair actually looks really good dude, she’s a really attractive high yellow negress. I wouldn’t even be ashamed of marrying that.
based. my black gf is like this so caring and loving for me even on my bad days
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You mad bro?
Nah, I like the afro.
How fuckin weird would it be if you had a black mom though? Imagine introducing your gf to your mom. Nobody would ever believe you
There’s no such thing. They all spend all your money, cheat, lie, and divorce rape you. The pretty light skin ones especially.
Same, my girlfriend is half Latina and half Japanese but she has the sweetest personality ever, always supportive and never gives me a reason to even question anything that she does. She makes me happy and feel appreciated.
I can trust her and never be betrayed. In turn I give her the same comfort.
Can't say the same for my previous exes from this country..
All of them are quarterons not black
Your son will need a nigger.
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Wouldn't you be happy with this in your life, today, anon? Instead of SEETHING over the fact that white women don't want you? It's a numbers game of pussy or no pussy. Simple
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Shut up rabbi.
Cheat on you and you’ll be fucking hate filled
Love is for lonely old boomers and teenagers
Which are you?
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Even they found happiness. What's wrong with you, anon?
Fellow adult gifer.
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This is a literal fedora wearing reddit mod
the crazy part is that a literal 1/10 incel who spends his whole life on the internet could still find a 7-10/10 black female and get white babies from it. yet they refuse because they're addicted to being angry
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Very true! SEETHING anons, this will forever be them.
retardation is bliss
Dark black, soulless eyes. And that's a high yellow. The one drop rule exists for a reason.
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you mad bro? why do you hate love and happiness, anon?
>white babies
>from a nigger
Come on, Moshe
Messy afros on cute black women are my Achilles heel
Sorry third option, retarded.
Where is part 2 when she has a black eye and part 3 where she's a single mother on bumble w/ the ugly mutt kid?
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This dude gets 0 pussy. he's definitely bald too.
That’s not her baby
these videos are fake they make them to go viral
How does what they eat make you shit?
I'm not into beastiality... Niggers arent people they are animals
You going to have a weird looking kid that you don't relate to. If it's female you may be able to muddle through but if it's a male you're fucked. You stupid swedish faggot.
That’s not love cunt.
He’s going to get violently pegged by her later then turn the tables and donkey punch the shit outta her as he pisses on her face.
And for a grand finale they’re going to shit share, that is when you eat a lot of fibre lube up each others arseholes and push share a hard shit in and between each other hungry anuses
>shit in my arsehole as you rub my cock slut, yummy! Now feel Me push it back inside you
sure I am mad. but not at love and happiness. I am mad at you. tired of your bullshit. you are relentless. what do you want me to do? can you fix my problems? you are good at creating new, interesting problems. but not at fixing current problems. at this rate, we are all not gonna make it. especially you, retard.
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You mad? You lost! HAHA
Lol 0/2. Try again, niggerfucker
Even if a black has good hygiene their vagina are quiet pungent
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Black kween thread?
the light brown mullata is maybe only 20% nog
so her offspring can resemble white with 10% on a good day.
Low IQ offspring that will never fully belong to any tribe.
That isn't a white baby
American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Eddie Murphy while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers
This austrian gets it.
All women are whores and the western cucks don't have attempt to keep them in check.
Doesn't matter if african, european, asian, arab etc. all women in the west are compromised.
see what I mean? relentless.
kike thread
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You're lying and I don't believe you. Bro, you are SEETHING! LMAO you know for a fact if you had a chance with vid related, with a lie chance of anyone finding out, you'd take it, love ever bit of it and hide it, and have it ever chance you can get. Hahaha
Beautiful girl with a beautiful baby
This is why I do not date, its not worth it
I’m literally married with kids anon.
But yes, I have fucked a few negresses. They’d do absolutely anything for a White guy, one of them was an attractive Ethiopian super Christian woman that just wanted to live on a farm and live a primitive life, which is basically my dream. But imagine having a nigger walking around your house calling you dad, I just could handle that.
I hate how true this is. I get compliments from black women and latinas all the time. Nothing from white women and there aren’t really many asians in my area. The latinas just want sex, the black women are straight-up nice.
I'm pondering the aroma
As long as she washes it well, I don't exactly see what's the problem
dang she's cute as hell
oh noes, this thread is dead already!
>trad black
>wears something
>doesn't have hooprings
>is indoors
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Relentless seething.
>I’m literally married with kids anon
You tell great stories
aromas are pleasant, you fucking retard. Now try to switch it up.
most blacks, especially the ones who go after whites, hate nigger culture with a burning passion, they call it out all the time and call other blacks niggers for behaving in that way
what hole are you trying to fill anon?
I worked in field sales for a few years. Had to be well dressed. Mostly female customers and prospects in the industry that I was working in. It is absolutely true that black women love a handsome white guy. They are playful, flirty, and fun without crossing the line. Sexy in a way that other races of women aren’t. I enjoyed interacting with them. A lot of white women are some combination of dull, cold, aloof, medicated, or angry. I’ve interacted with multiple white women over the years who put off very strange, almost psychopathic, vibes. Never got this from a black woman. WMBF marriages do seem loving and happy from an outsider’s view. You rarely see the dead-eye soulless stare that you see from white married couples in public.
I know a black woman, she came on to me at a party once and was fucking eager to flirt.
Thing is though, she's told her story before.
Her dad's a catholic cuck who went to Ghana to literally buy a wife, and he married her and made this half-black girl with her.
The half-black girl was noticeably sad about it and didn't like her blackness.
One could feel charitable in that situation and bleach her some, but then I'd lose my dignity for life, so I chose against it and walked away.
She later turned out to be an LGBT feminism enthusiast and promoted African superiority theories.

Not all blacka be crackapacka.
you are talking about gems of course
you must be the most retarded German on this board. Pussy, you girly mouthed ectomorph faggot. you should try some
same, anon. white girls just are too stuck up while black women would approach me and ask me to reach a shelf for them or give me their number if i needed "advice" in my relationship with my white girlfriend
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I’m up feeding and watering the chickens, letting the sheep out, a watering the trees, and checking the dogs before work while shit posting.
My life is actually really good.
black girls WANT to bleach their bloodline, they don't want to fuck it up
answer my question faggot
Same here and I live in a country where we have like 0 niggers. First time I met with an Indonesian student at the med school she made me a lap dance,sucked and we fuck, then wanted me to marry her lulz. When I met a black girl, she said when she goes to church she wishes tto marry a white man (wtf?) and that black guys are trash. When I met a chink at some event, I had to stop her spamming me by blocking all my socials. When I had arab-muslim gf ffor 2 years she wanted 3 kids and brand new apartment/house wile she was bitchy and not contributing to the relationship at all, only the blowjobs and they sucked.
Meanwhile 99.99% of of our female population are white entitled eastern whores with a self-esteem higher than Mt. Everest.
I am thinking of moving to Japan to find a qtp kawaii waifu or Australia/USA (redneck states) to find some bad ass fun girl.
Haha I know! It's just that I'm not going to breed niggers is all. Ugh sorry, it's just that I'm not going to do it. Lol lel
>She later turned out to be an LGBT feminism enthusiast and promoted African superiority theories.

they literally get that way when they don't get enough white dick, like your story explained. that's why all non white women are angry
uh ok? i was talking about her hair though. proper hair care is essential
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sure, pal. Whatever you say.
>literally tries to switch it up with the "I know"
riiight you pathetic lying dumb piece of shit. Thought you were being cool by trying to be creative with the "imagine the smell" response, BUT YOU FAILED because you're a fucking moron. stop trying to pretend now. Your retardation cannot be unseen
They’re fine with being a side chick and are inexpensive compared to whites. Marry? YNGMI
Your pathetic attempt to get white men to take nigger women seriously has failed. Now what?
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calm down bro, it's not that serious. what is serious is your retardation and being upset because you fucked up and I caught it and called it out.

She looks Indian, or possibly East African
why are you so angry about someone else being happy? I suggest you think that over a few hours after our discussion
here is the miscegenation encouragement for thread, for men
>be black woman
>give birth to white baby
If you're happy that you get to pump a nigger then you probably laugh at loud noises too. Do you like to fingerpaint?
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>mad that his only chances of getting pussy is black pussy
now where did we see this before? Oh right. Women. You're literally behaving like a woman and too retarded to see it.
this thread is surely dead now
Black women are often more conservative than you may think. Many of them hate the woke movement and don’t support Democrats. They’re also much more skeptical of vaccines than white women are. Look at what white women have done over the past decade or so. Turned in to ultra-liberal lunatics, or, just as annoyingly, started LARPing as outspoken trad conservatives. Black women are often more soft spoken and reserved about these kinds of things, or are smart enough to avoid this nonsense altogether. They also love conspiracy theories.
She's sooooooo fucking hot
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but, anon, white women don't want you. a white woman would quicker let a Haitian nigger cum inside her than give you any pussy. still, you hang your hat where your stubby little manlet hands can't reach it.
Poor Rolf is mad that the thread is catching on and white men who actually get pussy are being open about it. this is disillusioning for you isn't it. Holy fucking kek!
Less liberal
More STD
This board really is dead, isn't it? Nice to be noticed. Still wouldn't reproduce with a nigger if you had a gun to my head though
she's pretty
This is the most uncomfortable thing I've seen in a while.
so you are not happy me being here bumping the thread? show tits or gfto here.
Are you gay?
>the joke is on them because /pol/ is worthless
this was the strategy all along
Why do zoomers think bald is such an effective insult? Is your entire personality just your hair?
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Make black men and white women seeth at the same time….based?
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Certainly got you to respond. you mad bro? you bald faggot piece of shit LMAO
He has an erection. If he were a few inches taller, she would pay attention to him.
There are none. If you can find one that cooks and gives head, put a ring on it.
I dated a half black, half polish girl that spent a severely long time straightening her hair every day and I just thought she was latina at first. Found out she was black because she couldn't dance so I asked her about it. Her black dad was military police and her mother was a cook in the army. So I was like "guess you got your dancing from your mom." She also was pretty centrist for a woman even though she had her masters from a lib college. Looked much better with her hair natural
your posts really aren't going to improve demographics
Look I'd fuck a nigger don't get me wrong, I'm just not going to take her out to dinner or marry her. Definitely not going to make a mullato. Niggers really are inferior, unironically. I think everyone knows that at this point. I would never perpetuate that bloodline. So to answer your question, yes I'm gay.
Good luck finding a donor match for your mutt children
99% of them look ugly as fuck.
A 5/10 black girl is equivalent to a 2/10 white girl.
The ones that are hot, KNOW they are hot and will fuck around just the same.
Half of Portugal is black woman
Almost none of them look like that
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I want to marry & breed Ice Spice
this is about black ladies not retarded chinese women
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>Half black half polish
So basically the offspring of any polish woman that leaves pooland. Kek
>>484490429 (>>484487789)

no the father is just a khazar jew look at the epicanthic folds on their eyes and the asiatic expression
>big areolae
>pussy stubble
My kryptonite
Manmade horrors
That is so unattractive. If I was drunk and just wanted to stick my dick somewhere it would work, but imagine waking up to that everyday. Big sloppy fat ass, giant pores, probably reeks. Ghetto attitude, smacking gum and shaking her head why she tells you oh no you didn't. Fuck no. All you bro. You're like a modern-day Shallow Hal, I kind of envy you.
Her ass is meh, but I'm personally spoiled by previous experiences with a negress who had a BBL. Made her ass huge, but not cartoonishly so. Really liked when she would sit on my face and I'd eat her out bc I'd be totally engulfed by her pussy/ass.
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you won't get any pussy if you keep being a fag
You have no other choice. White women don't want you.
She’s Dominican and not even from this cunt has 3 college degrees catholic attends church every Sunday and speaks Spanish, I didn’t want to date her in the beginning but she made my life so much better I had to…
Not good
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>I'm a slave to propaganda
I fucked a white chick yesterday. Nothing to write home about, she's kind of thick and blocky, but I just want you to know that you're a terrible demoralization shill and I'd still rather fuck a thick and blocky white chick than the same handful of nigger women you post over and over. Come at ne faggot?
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removing cookies and changing your ip isn't gonna change your sexual preference, you fucking pedo
lel. surprisingly her mom was the only race mixer in the family. in the family photos her and her brother are the only ones not white. they all lived in vermont though. the black side was ghetto as hell from, her cousin would call her from prison and I don't think I was referred to as anything other than "white boy"

they also got really mad when she won their fantasy football league and claimed it was only because "that white boy told you what moves to make"
Good-looking baby.
Usually the mulatto baby in BMWF TikTok videos looks like he's been dropped on his head
lol bro 90% of white people are bald. if you're white you're bald. not a big deal when everyone else is bald too
Shalom, Kike
lol virgin alert
>I can trust her and never be betrayed.

How many millions of men have said that only for their woman to make a fool of them later?

>The oaths of woman I inscribe on water
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Niggers are an abomination. You can take the best nigger of all time, like for example his reverend highness Clarence Thomas IV, and he's still going to have a cousin in jail like you said. Eventually you won't want to live next to him. They are just a bad race. Somehow we insist on sifting through the shit just to find the undigested kernel of corn, and pretending they're human like us. They're not. I don't hate them but they just don't belong, they should be somewhere on the Serengeti.
Oooo classic
blacks produce butyric acid in their sweat. butyric acid is the same chemical that gives sewage its distinct smell.
how is that even possible?
I wish I could be attracted to low quality shit like that, believe me. That's literally any nigger woman you can find in an HR department. I'd kill to be attracted to that. But it's objectively horrible. Would you be happy if you could wake up to that every day?
pick one
I read about this once. Basically, an ugly nigga with a political connection in poland infected 12–13 ugly polish milfs by intimidating and threatening to sleep with them. Hahahahah. Who came up with 300 girls? LOL
sad that an shitatalian is able to figure simple things like that out
I hate to admit it, but when I’m out and about with my boys, the only people who give my kids attention are old white ladies and black women. They fucking swoon over my kids. There is something about black women and white kids, it just drives them crazy and the compliments are always the same…”they look just like their dad” lol. I guess that doesn’t happen much in the black community?
My youngest is a heartbreaker. He’s 3 and constantly running up to white girls and telling them how pretty they are and touching their hair. He once walked up to a girl who was with some nigger and told her “I love you” while he stroking the back of her hand. You could see her melt in real time. Get cucked niggers
I suggested this to my japanese gf and she was surprisingly open to the idea
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I hate to break it to you but white women fuck niggers and they don't care what they look like or whether they have AIDS. The most retarded jet black gorilla nigger will get laid if he goes out in, say, Sweden. I'm an amerimutt so I see all kinds of things. When the Eastern European women come here, they literally chase niggers. Like run after them just to talk to them. If it was a famous rapper or a celebrity or something like that I could understand, but they go after anything black. You could literally go down to skid row and find a black guy asleep in the gutter, give him a shower and a shave, take him to a club and he will get laid by a white chick. And nine times out of 10 that white chick will be Eastern European or Scandinavian. They are the worst white women on the planet.
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Just have a dozen kids. Problem solved.
I can’t imagine how intensive it is to maintain it, it looks good though
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>You're diluting your genes, literally. When you have a baby with someone of different race, you pass on only 50% of your genes...
Whys he so fucking red
10/10 nigger woman and she's still a 6/10 on the white scale. It's all cope.
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Are you teasing us?

She looks like a wild African baboon lol
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Cool story bro
It doesn't

It probably smells
Absolutely BLEACHED
You should marry whoever you want and not listen to bots programmed by anti-natalists to convince men not to breed
The super-elites care about bloodlines... dont you think you should too?
She is stunningly gorgeous. Wow.
>sad that an shitatalian is able to figure simple things like that out
i would marry your sister, mehmet
>kikes endorse genocide
>kikes abdicate their humanity-long claim to eternal vicimhood
Kikes are subhuman parasites who need to be scraped off the Earth like dogshit off my boot
ivf is a sin because it creates a sacrifice of embryos and separates the sexual act from reproduction. Sex should be more than just mutual masturbation. Harvesting a bunch of eggs, sperming them up in a dish, then discarding or leaving most in limbo is perverse
The poor mutt manlet can't catch a break.
fuck off nigger
>I could have saved her with my bwc and instead she became a militant anti-white activist that will breed radical mulattos
>I did this because of (((someone))) else's ideas on racial purity
Good job anon, truly a savior of the white race. I'm sure you've created dozens of pure white babies by now, right?
sorry, have no sisters
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I want to colonize the shit out of her.
Fucking a 6 out of 10 white chick seems like a fantasy to you? I pity you bro lol
Yakub confirmed for Judaism
Germans reproduced by shitting on each other's chest right?
but europe is going into multicultural mode .. come on anon, you of all anons should understand that!
tittentiere gehören in den stall.

The gayim dont.
I had no intentions of taking her herpes and turning them into himpes before she came on to me.
A nigger is still a nigger.
21pbtid pure cope undiluted seething
Why stop at girl you faggot?
>Give me one good reason why I shouldn't marry a trad black queen
Your kids will share less DNA with you than any random white person.
Nigresses are for fucking, not marrying, OP
at least we are not raping kids
this thread is just an average muttoid and britoid fetish, only with these two groups of white man fucking balck woman is normal and promoted as youth nectar
Wife's half black/ half Filipina- dad in laws Filipino, mom in laws English black from Blackpool, UK. She's a great cook and keeps the house spotless. But the black girl attitude comes out when she gets pissed. Thankfully I've never been on the receiving end of it since I know what sets her off an avoid doing so. But watching her turn almost ghetto wanting blood when she's cut off in traffic or some store clerk wage pushes her buttons is entertaining. She gets pussy at me but eventually calms down and laughs when I'm trying not to smirk at her ghetto attitude when she flies off the handle over mundane shit.
imagine the grippy
Kek I got that one
Niggers don't wash their hair for weeks in a row, also it's probably just a wig
all of the examples given in this thread are with HALF BREED WOMEN, NOT FULL BREED QWEENZ AND SHEEEIT
Based! Love and happiness
Only if she's an octaroon.
At least then your kids will be passing.
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>Give me one good reason why I shouldn't marry a trad black queen
Shidded bloodline
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>Give me one good reason why I shouldn't marry a trad black queen
No white kids.
>White nation nationalist memeflaggot
How's the weather in Tel Aviv?
Are there still air raid sirens going off these days?

Notice how this type of spam disappears for 24 to 48 hours everytime Israel gets attacked in any serious way.
>October 7th 2023 (Hamas attack)
>October 8th 2023 (Hezbollah attack)
>October 1st 2024 (Iran Missile attack)
Everytime, the Racemixing, Nigger/BBC, Tranny, Cuck and overall anti-/pol/ spam just ceases for a day.
How curious.
American black women still believe men should lead.

They are only loud negresses when they date niggers

They are submissive kittens for bwc
based ive busted so many nuts to black girls i need one

stupid white country full of white women reeeeeee
As a black man, by all means PLEASE TAKE THEM off of our hands. We don't want them. There is a big reason why the majority of straight black men are voting trump rather than kamala & she isnt even really black, Kek. We know how retarded they are. I've been married to an Indonesian woman for 7 years now & I'm not planning on going back to black.
the fact that you would even ask this is proves that you are either desperate enough or retarded enough to even consider something so mentally and physically disgustiting.
but this is ofc assuming you are of european stock, where as in reality im guessing youre some raxemixed emme flagger. and even still anything is better than nigger genes.
I understand the point of this idea, but it's still extremely sad.
As a man, I want to have my own kids, my ow<n legacy.
Maybe women don't care as much, as it's more about being a mother to them rather than having biological children, but I would still feel extremely guilty if I did this.
It's just wrong in my opinion. It feels icky and cringy.
That child isn't 1/2 black, she's 1/4 black. The mother is CLEARLY 1/2 WHITE.
uh based departement!?
jews and americans waking up
The WMBF meme is a lie. The chart presented here is correct and based on a much more comprehensive study. Blacks make for more unstable marriages, regardless if its BMWF of WMBF. Asians marrying whites typically result in more stable marriages.
It's just a fact.
>one drop rule except when it suits my arguments
Nobody likes niggers. The best thing you can do is not produce any more.
I want my grandkids to look like my grandparents.
If you're man enough, go ahead.

I don't know how anyone could marry and reproduce with a nigger. So you have a bunch of niggers running around and calling you Dad? That has to be strange.
Daily reminder that all pro-Israeli threads are made by bunkerchan trannies in cooperation with Valent Projects and iDrama fags, a group of pseudo-academic leftist losers who advertise themselves as "researchers" although they're actually paid shills that hold janny positions, raid /pol/ and spam BBC, trannies, pro-vaxx, feminist threads and retarded globohomo generals like /cvg/ and /uhg/.
why are you recycling people's comments? be original you fucking queer
America literally worships ski mask black n mild smoking niggers anon, I hate niggers, you arent getting any bark out of me on that one. I've been here since 09 for Godsake. However it hates black people Black people are going extinct as we speak.
That nigga Simon Mol is a polish hero.
He single handedly pushed back the pozzing of Poland for 20 years , by directly puzzling leftist leadership.

Many of these activist sluts would die of aids before getting power
You're the one promoting race mixing, but we're the jews. Lol ok Shmuely
I recognize quality. And there it goes
around here i only se britoids walking with pajeetas
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So you steal it and pass it off as yours. Dick riding faggot ass kike
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>tfw when no brown QT aggressively mouth-raping you
why even live bros???

I'm joking.
I myself am just exiting a relationship tha lasted more than a decade (11 years) with a cute brown (Tunisian) girl.
Now I'm moving on to (maybe) dating a Japanese QT.
I don't care if you call me race traitor.
My testosterone levels are high and yours are low. I need to colonize and bleach, AS WELL as try to have white kids if possible.

My opinion is this : IF /pol/ says "White DNA > Nigger DNA" then racemixing becomes accepptable under 2 conditions :
- White Male + Black/Non-White Female
- If the White Male is also having white babies, on top of bleaching minority chicks.
If those 2 conditions are met, I myself consider it Bleaching, not racemixing, as you're conquering and colonizing the pussies and wombs of other races, as well as having kids that are the same race as you.

So TLDR : /pol/ Can't say that white people/genetics are superior and at the same time attack white men for spreading said superior genetics into the other races.
Prove me wrong.
You can't. My point is purely logical and exposes a gap in the logic of Far Right White Nationalist.
You can't eat your cake and have it too.
Either White Men Racemixing is bad OR White people have superior Genetics to others, but you can't have both.
>I want my grandkids to look like my grandparents.
Then marry a woman the same race as you/your grandparents.
It's not that complicated.

I personally have a moral and ethical problem asking my fucking wife to do IVF by putting in the eggs of another woman.
Reverse the roles for a second.
Imagine you are white, have a black (or latina/asian, whatever) wife, and she asks you if it's okay for her to impregnate herself with black sperm instead of your white sperm?
How would you feel?
That would be a horrible idea and prospect?
Okay, so then don't do that same exact thing to the woman you love.
It's just cruel, but that's my personal opinion, not a fact, I'm not gonna stop other people from doing this, it's just not for me.
I would have too much respect for my wife AND why not just get with a wife from your desired race?
It makes zero sense to me.
I simply do not understand what the fucking benefit is, unless you're some incel that can never land some white pussy, then in that scenario I would understand.
>I want my grandkids to look like my grandparents.
your grandparants did not eat microplastics so that is not happening
No, the kikes want white guys to fuck nigger women. I'm the opposite of that. Faggot.
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Sure bang all the shitkins you want. But if you don't bang at least one white girl you're not going to have a real son.
You're a mess
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>jews and americans waking up
>jews and americans
Same thing, innit?

>Obese Americunt barges into a discussion that doesn't concern him
>Makes up bullshit accusation that is provably wrong. Blatant lie, as we can see everyone's post
>Farts and Sharts
>Waddles away in his 400lbs body, with diarhea dripping down his leg
USA Glassed when?
I hope they drop enough bombs on the USA that I could then get to play Fallout but IRL and just finish the job the bombs started.
I'm french, my country brought the USA into this world, and could very well also take it out of this world if it came down to it.
>But but muh American militairy
Doesn't matter when France has enough nukes to glass both north america and south america.

The USA should just be whipped of the map at this point and everyone else in the world would be happy, especially poster on /pol/, as the Cuck/BBC and other types of spalm would immediately cease.
How many of these primates will turn feral and kill their White looking children?
Seething lol
>jewish iq
Rabbi your iq is 4chan spamming bot
Nah kikes want whites to be divisive, separatist and sexless. Nice try Doron
>Same thing, innit?
amerimutt wakes up
goes to toilet and starts sharting threads
It's just that I'm not going to race-mix is all
>Sure bang all the shitkins you want. But if you don't bang at least one white girl you're not going to have a real son.
That's exactly my point. We agree.
If I'm attractive and succesful, I should be speading my quality genetics as much as possible.
Which is why men tend to be more polygamous and women tend to be more monogamous when it comes to reproductive strategies.

The fact that I'm fucking non-white women is not really that impostant.
We might be different races but we're still the same species. We're still physically made to reproduce with each other.
I'd rather not have to raise a darkskinned son, so I probably won't go a very dark skinned woman, but all the others are fair game.
Arabic, Latina, Asian and many more are completely acceptable, especially if they have fair skin.

My tunisian ex was French-Tunisian mix and had very light skin, as a lot of Meds and Arabs do.
Our kids would have been 3/4 white and 1/4 Tunisian, so I wasn't really worried about having kids with this woman, as there was not a single chance they would be dark skinned.
nothing wrong with that, but, you've been seething for the entire thread over people who choose to.
>We might be different races but we're still the same species
Niggers are up to 20%
>archaic hominid
Just putting that out there. Seems like they're pushing that species definition. I also don't read all your posts either.
I have awoken the Golem it seems.

You're mad at racemixing because you're the product of racemixing.
No need to attack me because you can't look at yourself in the mirror.
>But no I'm white
Post hand
And also, since I suspect you're obese post body.

Post Body / Hand + Timestamp or STFU.
I don't debate retards like you, sorry Muttoid.
I just don't like mutts. I don't like the way they look, the way they sound, or their parents who are almost always losers. Are you sad about it?
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Show me on the doll where niggers and mutts hurt you, anon?
Your brown aren't you
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>Are you sad about it?
Ok nerd
what's the matter? you mean niggers and mutts never did a thing to you and they don't even affect your personal life in the slightest of ways, yet, you're here gushing admit them and people who aren't like you? are you okay, bro? it's everything in your life good?
I'll perform a community service and condense this thread. Here's the problem with fucking nigger women. At some point you may have a nigger kid. Oof that's a mistake that lasts a lifetime. Imagine looking down at that little shitstain while he says sheiitttt and tries to rap at you, or whatever niglets do. Then realize that genetically you're more closely related to any random white person you meet on the street than your own offspring. Bad. Really bad. But you can listen to the jews in this thread and just do it anyway. What could go wrong.

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