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A superchatter asked him about what happened with Groyper War 2 and why they didn't deploy to Michigan. This is his response.

>Trump is leading in the polls, it looks almost certain he's going to be the president... he's getting bribed to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars... I just don't think it's going to happen.
>There was a time when there was a window, but I think that's closed. Everybody has been tricked by the mass delusion... there's no appetite for it. We have to think about how we're going to operate in another 4 years of Trump gatekeeping [our guys] with Vance and the usual suspects... I don't want to put our people on the front line so they can be identified and gatekept.

>We have to move away from this idea of [getting out there and] "Do something!" This is a multigenerational struggle. If it was so simple as going out there and doing a rally this would've been solved long ago.
>Let's think for a moment here. We go out to a rally or do door knocking or something. They take pictures of everyone who's there. What happens when Trump is in power for 4 years? They get identified, they get put on a list... not necessarily doxxed, and they're gatekept out of the administration for the next 4 years? Does that sound like a good idea?

>Unfortunately with Groyper war 2 we had some victories... we got Trump to bring on Corey Lewandowski, we got them to refocus on Immigration for a time.. and then he's done 5 pro Israel events in the past few weeks. He's blowing up in the polls, Michigan isn't really even in play.. and then they sidestepped Lewandowski when they started winning again.
>I am generally against in person activism.. I think it's only viable when there's a real chance of success. I don't think that's here. Vance got in, Jared Kushner got in, Howard Lutnick got in, Project 2025 got boxed out.

Starts at 3:00:30 and gets continued again at 3:25:00
Has he beat the getting dicked down by older men on grindr allegations yet?
>make sure you do nothing
>giving me money is the one exception
>We have to move away from this idea of [getting out there and] "Do something!"
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>You know that isn't actually how this works... "Oh you got a big rumble and twitter account, now you're going to go toe to toe with Trump" yeah it doesn't really work that way.
>There was a window, when the polls were low, when Michigan was considered the state that would determine the election, and because of their muslim population it looked like Michigan would be the fulcrum and given it's demographics and given the tightness of the race...
>We could have had an outsized impact there... [and influence Trump to be more right wing]

>That is no longer the case. The race has come down to Pennsylvania, rather than Michigan. Pennsylvania is bigger, it's more liberal, it doesn't have as large a muslim population, and what's more Trump now has a bigger position nationally.

He has never asked people to Superchat him money nor did he fundraise for Groyper War 2. People were just excited and sent him money.
That’s a lot of words for
>my retarded and forced le goofy frog campaign didn’t do anything because I have zero political influence outside of my hugbox and paying browns to spam my shit stream on 4chan
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Sloppy job.
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So if he
>Goes out and get his supporters Identified, has no effect on the election, and now everyone is put on a list
That makes him a fed. But if he:
>Plays strategically, avoids getting his followers identified and gatekept out of politics in exchange for minimal gain
That also makes him a fed?
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How does this prove he's not a fed?
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>why don’t people write long winded breakdowns and rebuttals of my sperg’s talking points? All they do is call him all names after I repeatedly called them jewish for not agreeing with him!
Goddamn I’m tired of brown “people”
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>that pic
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i cant believe this gay and notwhite fed is still relevant. we should listen to the jews like trump is
Niggolas J Faguentes
>flip flops constantly
>hangs out w femboys
>pretends to hate jews
>somehow isnt censored

Nick is right here, but for the wrong reasons.
He's only doing this because trump snubbed him personally.
>Groyper War 2
Lamest faggot shit ever, cannot beleive a man in his 20s is doing this shit
>i cant believe this gay and notwhite fed is still relevant. we should listen to the jews like trump is
Shalom to you too
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buy a fucking ad retard
Trump is actually the only president in history to ever fuck over zionists.

>pulled out of afghanistan and syria
>ruined israeli ambitions
>oy vey he wears funny hat

Worthless symbolic concession compared to the actual damage done to Israels position.
>Trump is actually the only president in history to ever fuck over zionists.
He literally ended the JCPOA which is why we have the war in lebanon you fucking retard

>>ruined israeli ambitions
Basically, most people are retards who cant look past appearances.

Trumps foreign policy is the most antizionist policy possible.

They know Israel can no longer hold power in the ME. They know they cannot win a war vs Russia, Iran, and China. Israel will be forced to back down.
>israel loses war vs syria due to trump pulling out
>israel literally doesnt have the manpower or supplies to fight a war vs iran, and russia, and china

Israels position is fucked. It does not matter.
>now ireland is opposing israel
>also turkey
>which means nato is dissolved as an alliance
>which is a trump foreign policy goal
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I dunno Nick.... you're acting a bit suss
their entire strategy is getting US to go to war with Iran
Trump will force the Israelis to back down. Or Israel will not even exist as a country in 10 years.
The US cannot go to war with Iran.

War with Iran means war with China. The US is too reliant on Chinese trade. The US deindustrialized. The US has to return to isolationist FP.
cope. adelson is givving him 100M expressly to fight iran
Anyone blustering about war with Iran is delusional. The US will not sacrifice itself just so Israel can exist.
They could give them 1 trillion. It wouldnt matter.

This is about industrial policy, not paper money.
For someone to be an informant, they actually have to get people arrested. I have seen these nick threads for years, has anyone ever pointed to someone that was arrested for attending a fuentes event? Or a case in which Nick was crucial for an arrest?
From what Patrick Casey said back in 2021 or 2022, he made it seem like people were going to be arrested for attending afpac. Did that ever happen?
He told us what we should do, its a security risk to continue repeating it, if you dont know then youre not in the loop.
Sorry hoss but guns and boomers dont matter. Containing the Republican party and shifting people into a true opposition Nativist party does matter.
>Trumps foreign policy is the most antizionist policy possible.
The mental gymnastic of migatards is astounding. This is cope and denial at its finest.
Nick is just a fucking retard.
well i hope youre right
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bold of you to assume he's not paying his dues RIGHT FUCKING NOW
Trump fucked Israel more than any president by pulling out of Afghanistan and Syria.
>i'm a conservative leader!!
>make sure you goys vote liberal down ticket!
buy an ad
You worship Israel. Your brain ironically infested by the idea that jews run everything. Zionist FP is dead. Its over. The US literally cant afford to keep Israel.
Fucking kek. You think the Jewish elite that rule America give a shit about the future of America after setting israel up to be a global power?
>delusional zionists think money power can beat the combined forces of Russia, Iran, and China, along with more and more EU countries
>delusional antizionists think Trump will support a losers gamble
>jewish elite rule america

Sounds like something a jew would believe. The jew is in ur brain. They are losing their position rapidly.
>be retard
>think israel and us can win a war against the entire planet
>bc oook oook da ZOG

U worship jews and you are completely demoralized.
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jd vance on affirmative action

there was a very real sense of hopelessness in the community that I grew up in. There was a sense that kids had that their choices didn't matter. No matter what happened, no matter how hard they worked, no matter how hard they tried to get ahead, nothing good would happen. So that's a tough feeling to grow up around. That's a tough mindset to penetrate, and it leads sometimes to very conspiratorial places. So let's just take one political issue that's pretty hot, affirmative action. So depending on your politics, you might think that affirmative action is either a wise or an unwise way to promote diversity in the workplace or the classroom. But if you grow up in an area like this, you see affirmative action as a tool to hold people like you back. That's especially true if you're a member of the white working class. You see it as something that isn't just about good or bad policy. You see it as something that's actively conspiring, where people with political and financial power are working against you.

tim walz on affirmative action

A federal lawsuit claims Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz uses “blatant discrimination” and affirmative action in appointing members of the Minnesota Board of Social Work.
You are like a q anon resurgence with this retardation. It would be one thing if Trump had any redeeming qualities but the guy is a zionist shill that has lost interest in restricting immigration. Its a total GOP op at this point and we are back to the 2014 and prior era of controlled politics.
>global power

Not rly. Theyre a western puppet. And their position is rn the weakest on earth.
I can tell you whats going to happen and you wont believe me

>trump will win election
>trump will call off ukraine war
>NATO dissolves
>israel forced to accept defeat or annihilation by combined forces of Iran, Russia, and China
Trump is a multitude better than Kamala and it is extremely suspicious that Nick is trying to convince right wingers not to vote.
>do nothing but give me money and try to help democrats win
If you aren't a shill and you actually listen to this retard, please find some IQ points.
Its either that or

>total collapse of the US
>if US collapses no more $$$ to support Israel

Israel literally cannot win.
>do nothing
>trump does something
>claim victory to justify doing nothing
as I said when his mutt war 2 started
Ironically, Kamala wants war with Russia and Iran too, so Nick is an idiot.
Patrick Casey spilled his guys during the J-6 congressional hearings while Nick plead the 5th

Patrick Casey now has a nice job at the Clairmont institute and is being paid by Theil and Nick is still debanked. Doesn't take a genius to see what's going on here.
I dont
Meh. Trump might be better in the short term but he will do long term damage to the republican party now that people like Jared Kushner are back in the driver’s seat.
Atleast with Kamala being president I can laugh at her failures for the next 4 years. The biden years were kinda funny
There's nothing funny about these prices
Neither is a war in Iran
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>how is the guy who actually kinda likes white people a multitude better than the candidate who openly hates white people
Do you fedniggers really think you're convincing anyone with this new shilling tactic?
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>trump will do long term damage to the republican party
This is absolutely pathetic shilling anon, you should be ashamed of yourself.
You are fucking retarded. You misunderstand that countries are run by people, with human interests. Not some abstract industrial policy. To figure out what decisions are going to be made you
FIRST have to consider what the interests of the people who are leading this country have. It's pretty clear that the people leading this country are a diaspora community, ie they don't have a single country they call home and can just move and embedded themselves in whichever nation benefits them the most. Also a significant subset of them clearly have a 2000 year long grudge against white people and want to see the communities of Europe and America destroyed. AND a large subset of them have stronger sense of loyalty to a certain country in the middle east where they all get automatic citizenship in and can move back to on a whim. You really think with these interests, that this group of leaders are going to make decisions that lead to the preservation of American power and wealth? Or is it more likely they will just try to juice America for as much wealthy and blood as they can before discarding it and moving to a different nation? If Israel is able to leverage America to conquer Iran then it's even more obvious which decision they'll make, cause with Iran out of the picture Israel is set up to be a global superpower
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This is retarded logic because Israel will no longer need to rely on money from the US after it can successfully take out Iran. It will have completely stabilized the region (at the cost of the US collapsing) and be the center of both the belt and road and the US trade initiative (if the US is still around). Yes it's a gamble for Israel, but one that pays off well if they are successful at getting us into war with the other superpowers
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>Zionist FP is dead. Its over.
The US has almost as many troops and warships in the middle east right now as during the Iraq war
Biden is literally talking with Israel about how they're going to help them attack Iran
>complete non-rebuttal after saying the most retarded thing I have seen all day
seems like you might be a bit cooked there m8e
has trump beaten the fed allegations? he ran the federal government when jan6 happened
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Since you're a retard and we actually have to explain it to you, "kinda liking white people" doesn't translate to policy.
His administration is going to be staffed by Israel first jews, just like the kamala administration.
Ya ignore him, he's either literal mossad or just miga coping
Oh really?
Well "openly hating white people" DOES translate to policy you dumb nigger, so Trump is a multitude better.
is he getting fat?
Trump is not better, he will replicate the canada jeetpocalypse something harris is unlikely to manage and both won't curb illegal immigration for good.
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Did you think jeets weren't already coming in over the completely unsecured border?
It's better having them be illegal than legal labor since giving them citizenship makes it harder to remove them.
Kamala the peacekeeper endorsed by Dick Cheney lmao
did you use words? words like indians use it seems you are not beating the accusation of coming from new dehli
>akshually controlled immigration is worse than completely uncontrolled immigration
lmao even
found the McCain voter
ESL bro I don't know what you're trying to convey here but I am sure it is not an actual argument.
having 5-10m legal jeets a years running through all jeet diploma mills and e universities will be he inevitable result of what trump will do

the current number is 1m without path to citizenship with this will easy 5x up to 10x
>trusting that the government controlled legal immigration will not be just the same as before but now the immigrants are "legal"
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lmao the absolute state of migatards
newsflash, blue will always be fucking worse you retard. This country has survived 4 years of Biden, 8 years of Obama, 8 years of Clinton, and 4 years of Carter. And in that time republicans have done NOTHING to stop the country from being destroyed.

The republican party can go fuck itself. I will not vote for them until they promise to fix our issues and actually mean it. If democrats win, I don't care. That's THEIR problem. Republicans have done nothing for me and hate me. If they cared about anything other than Israel, we would have a southern border right now and America First trade protections. Or do I need to remind you that before Biden, Trump presided over the highest amount of illegal immigration in US history?

>>akshually controlled immigration is worse than completely uncontrolled immigration
Yes actually, it fucking is. Because Trump is promising to bring over just as many jeets as illegals crossing the border, and unlike illegals these jeets are NEVER fucking leaving because he's giving them residency. I would rather have the copium that the beaners might get deported in 2028 than millions of jeets that will NEVER leave.
do what trump would do, do not swear to endorse the nominee
You didn't respond to any of what I said about the interests of our leadership in the west.
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>dude TRUST ME if you actually start vetting immigrants and only allowing some in, the number of immigrants will INCREASE from when you were not even checking and just letting anyone and everyone come in
mmmmhmmm yeah sure
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call modi a smelly rape rat
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If they actually stop the immigrants and make sure they aren't criminals that's already better isn't it retard?
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>only allowing some in
that's not what Trump is saying.
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Did you think the illegals were leaving then?
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>jump through hoops for me because I don't have an actual argument
its not, this is worse than reagans amnesty which turned california blue forever
I have an argument but you have to prove that you are not indian, do it call naranda modi a smelly rape rat and admit that hanuman is stolen from the chinese sun wukong
That's already better than just letting anyone and everyone cross the border lmao
Shills aren't sending their best
we have seen in canada what jeets do when this is an option, minimum 5m jeets a year given that it is 1m foreign students alreay now
you are indian the motivated reasoning is transparent
Yes anon, yes.
Yes having a border where you actually check who comes into the country is better than not checking and allowing everyone in lmao.

You're going to tie yourself in knots trying to pretend otherwise.

Irrelevant. When it comes to war, industrial policy > what retarded rich jews want.

The US+Israel cannot take on the entire planet and also win.
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>you have to
>demographically fucked
>less industry than iran and russia and china
>global power

trump will be unable to end illegal immigration for good but will permanently enshrine 5-10m jeets a year and adding insult to injury it is during silicon valleys biggest mass layoffs in history
The words of a man who has no argument.
You didn't answer my post about the interests of our elites. To answer yours, it isn't better, BECAUSE of the interests of our elites. Our elites fundamentally don't want to stop immigration (you would understand this if you read my first post about the interests of our elites). Thus any concessions they give us will only be temporary.
Trump will reduce illegal immigration more than Kamala, don't dispute this because it just makes you look stupid.
>successfully take out iran
>also china
>also russia

You are a jew arent you? Some kind of jewish mind virus has infested your mental midget brain to make you think these retards will always win.
Temporary concession under Trump will still be better than Kamala lol
You guys are so bad at this.
Before 2016 the republican party was trash. In 2016 trump reoriented the party and had the possibility to change the political landscape. Instead he succumbed to establishment republicans over the years. If elected again, he will be reinforce the establishment instead of losing and creating vacuum for something else to take its place.
You just dont get it desu
he is an indian nationalist obviously, doesnt strike me as a pro open borders liberal

>wants legal mass immigration
>does not want mass illegal immigration
>got an anglo australia flag
thats a jeet, do not think it is a chink they are not that argumentative and emotional he is clearly butthurt
and refused to insult modi
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No. That is almost completely uncontrolled legal immigration. He is promising to give greencards to hundreds of thousands of students per year, with almost no vetting, and it's automatic. There is no control there, and the amount of immigration is limited solely by the colleges.

That is actually worse than illegals crossing the border, because beans don't take high wage jobs. These jeets and chinks will be taking jobs from hard working native born Americans that spent years and tens of thousands of dollars to get a college education. Kill yourself, stinky rapejeet. I have no obligation to vote for my replacement.
>total population: 9 million
>total population: 90 million
>israel allies: the US and noone else
>iran allies: russia, china

Israel will lose. Not even nukes can save Israel.
He brings all his mystery meat followers together once every 6 months, he does not give a fuck about them “being identified”.

If he tried to organize a counter to Trump, he’d be exposed for being utterly cloutless. If you got every person who listens to him together, they wouldn’t move the needle an inch. Thats why he does nothing, there’s not a real goal they can accomplish.
Yeah so tell me all about how Trump is going to do long term damage to the republican party lmao
a million a year without the incentive structure this will create, x5 is a conservative estimate on the current number as it is an exponential payoff
and we have seen in canada how jeets exploit and abuse student visa systems
It is entirely a delusion to think that the US and Israel can face China, Russia, and Iran, and actually win. It is mathematically not fucking possible.
Anon no matter how bad you try to make it sound, that's still better than letting anyone and everyone walk straight across the border.
It's hilarious watching you try to pilpul Trump as the candidate who will result in more brown migration when the other candidate is literally flying browns straight into white towns using taxpayer money.
You could send Israel 1 TRILLION zogbucks, and Israel still loses.
topography of iran, thats it that is the post
>Anon no matter how bad you try to make it sound, that's still better than letting anyone and everyone walk straight across the border.
It isn't.
>Trump as the candidate who will result in more brown migration
He will result in just as much.
Exactly what a jew would say kek. To answer your post I'll dumb it down for you. Decisions flow from WHO is in power and what their INTERESTS are. Not some vague sense of what's best for preserving the wealth and power of America. If the WHO cares about America then your right about them priviledging industrial policy, etc. if caring about America is not within their interests then your wrong.
Spic Fuentes is a homosexual controlled opposition fednigger
since you do not want to be called a rapejeet please call naranda modi a smelly rape rat and admit that hanuman is a poor copy of the chinese sun wukong
The US cannot even keep houthis from disrupting shipping in the gulf.

The US cannot win any war vs China+Russia+Iran.
>glownigger puppet says hes not a glownigger puppet.
totes real.
so believe
No he won't anon.
No he won't fly haitians into your white town, why are you trying to pretend otherwise?
trump didn't even say he will remigrate the haitians
>if you jump through hoops for me I might consider gracing you with my next argument
-t. man who has no argument
Nigger they are playing both sides. They are already part of the Belt and Road with China. They don't need to take out China and Russia. They just need Iran out of the picture
Yes, Iran cannot be invaded successfully. Not as long as they are allied to China.
not remigrating the haitians is obviously better than flying them in lmao
why do you love indians so much?
when has china ever show any willing ness to fight the USA. China has big plans and they are happy to let Russia Iran kill themselves against the USA, while China does nothing preserves it's forces and takes over east Asia. South east Asia has a lot more to fear from China then the USA does
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You aren't American. Why are you telling us what we should be thinking in our elections? You don't understand American politics.
Republicans never complete their promises to limit immigration, only to increase it. Reagan did amnesty in exchange for border security. Illegals got amnesty, and we never got border security.

This will be the same story. Trump won't do shit, he won't secure the border, but he will increase legal immigration. And we'll get just as many immigrants during his term as under Biden, and in 2028 we'll get even more.

Go fuck yourself.
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endless regression and retreat of the postive case you got nothing
you can only make a negative case as is always possible that would be a vote for john mccain in 2008 because obama is on the ticket
>Temporary concession under Trump will still be better than Kamala lol
>You guys are so bad at this.
That is not how you actually win a revolution and create permanent change. All you do with temporary concessions put your base to sleep because they think they have "won". Power is a zero sum game, you either take the entire board or nothing
Ya he clearly doesn't understand power
china gets oil from Iran, this one would hurt them and they would be fools to not at minimum make it as painfull as possible for the US
Why do you have no argument?
Oh that's right because you got BTFO
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>unpopular and non viable policies
Like not increasing immigration or starting WW3? The majority of Americans support that actually and Trump can't promise it.
Too fucking bad. You cannot just "take Iran out of the picture". Iran has 10x population and far more military power. Israel cannot deploy nuclear weapons without themselves being reduced to a radioactive wasteland.

Israel is a disloyal ally to every nation. Israel will be turned against. Theyre dumber than Germany in WW2.
China needs Iranian oil.
Unironically I think your right lol. He won't denounce Modi
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>I have to be American to know that there were less border crossings under Trump and the dems are literally flying browns into the country on taxpayer dime
why do you refuse to insult the president of india? would at least make it less probable that you are a jeet
But I CAN make a negative case, and you keep trying to deny it which is hilarious
You have convinced exactly zero people lol
You didn't address my point.

Trump won't do shit, he won't secure the border, but he will increase legal immigration. And we'll get just as many immigrants during his term as under Biden, and in 2028 we'll get even more.
>OK with unrestricted legal Indians coming over
Kek your a fucking poo LMAO
Is he getting surgeries or something? How tf this nigga look more gay every year
Can you vote for Trump and still "win a revolution" or does voting Trump somehow cancel the imaginary revolution you're planning?
It's less the republican party and more rightwing politics in America. Trump is going to be touted as the revolutionary/anti-establishment hero due to his mythic campaign in 2016. This visage will lend him support from rightwingers for generations to come (like a new Reagan).
In reality however, he has now completely capitulated to special interest donnors and deep state actors who will fill his administration.
So you see, this isn't a winning gambit for true nationalists that ralllied behind Trump in 2016. All trump does now (and will continue to do if elected in a month) is legitamize establishment politics (globalism, Israel first, etc.) by dressing them up in a revolutionary/nationalist garb.
If trump were to lose on the other hand, it would be a repudiation of republicans' strategy of "running to the middle" and cucking all of their supporters. Rightwing politics would see this failure of 2024 Trump and say, "Cucking doesn't win us any elections, we should be radical and play to our white, Christian voter base like in 2016 because that was the only time that we actually won".
>why do you refuse to jump through hoops for me
Give me a reason why I should lol

yeah and the more Iran is ostracized and despite the cheaper they get that oil. In fact between Iran and Russias oil glut they are getting more then they need and demand has dropped
a negative case is an endless cycle of failure and decline, trump 2016 was the positive case the willigness to burn down the GOP because of the shit trump plans to do 2024

this stuff happened 1:1 with the tories in the UK they increased jeet immigration instead of shutting it down
you will get the equivalent of the zero seat campaign too if trump goes through with it
>belt and road

Irrelevant. China needs Iran more than it needs Israel.

Israels only actual strategic importance is influence over the Suez. Which is also being bypassed by other routes.
But will you get just as many immigrants during Trump's term as you would during Kamalas term?
>ok with unrestricted EVERYONE coming over
Very poor argument anon.
china got the afghanistan landbridge they would be smart to get military bases there to create ho chi minh trail 2.0 to Iran in case it goes down
>a paragraph of cope
Republicans would still be Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush tier cuckservatives if it weren't for Trump, trying to pretend otherwise is pathetic.
Cool story, but you've just spent 20 posts trying (unsuccessfully) to pretend like the negative case for Kamala doesn't exist.
Trump is now worse than they were objective by any metric you can choose
>pulled out of Syria and Afghanistan
Well you are confusing him with Biden with regards to the latter. The Syria never happened.
>ruined there ambitions
We are back at 8 dimensional chess copes again?
the Syrian one
their ambitions
Yeah sure is buddy
Those cucks would kvetch at you as a racist for even mentioning you want to limit migration but keep pretending - it's very amusing to watch you squirm.
I don't know and I don't care. He won't solve the issues or even lay the groundwork for doing so. The question isn't "are we getting 9 million immigrants or 10 million", the question is who is going to stop the immigration problem. I am not voting for the lesser of two evils, and I hope he loses.
If republicans want to get me to vote, then they need to put up a candidate that's serious about stopping immigration. Until then I hope they lose.
Nick is a faggot and a fed
>they called for e verify, deporting criminals and visas to diplomas
>trump now calls for deporting criminals and visas to diplomas
See >>484521202
Why are people so obsessed with a senile, jew loving shabbos goy who made his children marry jews and said he wants to make Israel great again? Are you faggots too scared to admit you were wrong for once? Nigger can barely form a sentence without fading into some rambling nonsense.
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>spend 15 posts shilling how Kamala won't be worse just to admit you "don't know and don't care" after you get BTFO by facts and logic
Fuentes isn't sending his best
based for treating your vote as valuable as miriam adelson treats her $100m
the endless partisan badgering is such a con even if he would do it ouside of pol but here it is clear that it is not organic
Whatever the outcome, American interests lose by allowing Israel to drag us into war with Iran. Trump is the most supportive of Israel's provocations to this end, so I'm not voting for him (although I don't doubt that Israel would get its way regardless).

All that would need to be done would be bombing Iran's nuclear facilities and oil fields. That would remove them from the equation and give Israel primacy over the region.

and now we have based maga JD Vance conservatives who are owned by Peter Thiel...again, they might posture as nationalists or populists, but it is purely in appearance and not reflective of actual policy. We are getting the same establishment wishlist of raping white, Christian America but now all rightwing voters are lulled to sleep thinking that we won the war.
Bro Israel will have Iran's assests once it takes out Iran. Ofc China will trade and fund Israel if Iran and the US are out of the pictur
they are being paid and or are jeets who are set to benefit ethnical from this
Yeah that's why they refused to vote for him and shilled against him lmao
see >>484521522
>Bro Israel will have Iran's assests once it takes out Iran
Nah every great power on the american shit list will attempt to make it a quagmire obviously
to prevent a defeat in detail. Thats why china is now supporting russia to some extend.
No where in your post, where you describe the current state of the republican party, did you describe something that is worse than the current democrat party.
pure non sequitur, they were for e verify trump isn't even for that one now
no plan to solve sanctuary cities or how to prevent the dems from opening the borders 4 years down the road anyway
And they were against the border wall
0/10 shilling
you defend current trump not 2016 trump
allan lichtman says kamala will win.
he's never been wrong

i am highly skeptical that kamala can win because she's a pajeet/black woman but allan lichtman has never been wrong
They are the same, retard. Trump brought the term "deep state" into the lexicon in 2016, referring to a class of political figures that occupy the same positions of power and influence year in and year out no matter which party appears to control the government. These are the unelected bureacrats (unaccountable to the people) who stay in power and make the real decisions that have been responsible for degrading the nation. If I vote for 2024 Trump, these figures be in power. If I vote for 2024 Kamala, these figures will be in power. Get your mind out of red vs blue brainrot.
>latent homosexual beaner wants everyone to sit around and do effectively nothing
What a shocker
Yet he is objectively correct. They are both bad and judging who will truly be worse is unknown.
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jeets took fuentes offer of peace and rape him while he is down as is normal in india
having jared kusher and peter thiel appoint the entire administrative state in the US is actually worse than what is going on currently
Did you think current Trump doesn't want a border wall?
They are most definitely not the same.
One candidate will use taxpayer money to ship 3rd world niggers to your white town because they hate you, the other candidate will use taxpayer money to build a wall to keep 3rd world niggers out.
he seems not to care about it
>it's a great mystery
No it really isn't, you can just look at border crossings for Trump's term vs Biden's term.
>to keep 3rd world niggers out
except for indians your people
Yeah sure thing retard
Why do gays like yourself hate on him if you think Nick is gay?
wtf I love letting all the rest of the 3rd worlders in now! What a compelling argument anon!
Every time Nick gets legitimate feedback and criticism, he calls them Jewish.
It makes perfect sense that you're a foreigner actually. All you can do is spew fox news talking points.
call naranda modi a smelly rape rat and admit that hanuman is stolen from the chinese sun wukong
or call for the independence of khalistan and admit that kashmir belongs to china
can you define high IQ antisemitism
that's not what he said at all but it's no surprise you're this retarded
Going for the full mask off leftist tranny tier argument now ey?
Make an argument
they are disingenous not retarded, trump is by pol standards unelectable at the latest by this month but probably much earlier
>America first
>trad "catholic"
>when Michigan was considered the state that would determine the election, and because of their muslim population it looked like Michigan would be the fulcrum and given it's demographics and given the tightness of the race...
This wetback is truly a clown.
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That nigger not only acts like a gay immature faggot, but is a fed.
>imagine looking up to a 30 year old virgin who lives in his moms basement just bc he names the jew
Shame on all you faggots who give this kike licker money
you being a jeet is an argument
>nato is dissolved as an alliance
Fucking retard shitskin. XD
which pundit do you watch instead? I want to watch heterosexual non feds give me a recommendation
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Have you ever seen "groypers"? Fuentes is a shitskin icon. Nothing "American" about him.
That's a pretty ridiculous concept for an argument anon, what happens if I now turn around and call you a jeet?
Who wins?
What was achieved?

I think it is far more likely that you have lost the actual argument so now you're trying to devolve into petty ad-hominem attacks to make yourself feel better.
He is working with the russians
if you hear voices go to the dr
I think the implication of calling you a jeet would be that you are not actually "Australian" therefore any opinion you may have about anything is invalid.
> if I now turn around and call you a jeet?
naranda modi is a smelly rape rat and hanuman is stolen from the chinese sun wukong
independence for khalistan, kashmir belongs to china
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See exactly. You’re some damned shill who is trying to get anons to stare at a screen all day, alone. Go outside. Find Christ. Make an actual difference
>captcha GAYGD
LMAO, that manlet spic realizes he is not the "influental" zoomer that he thought he was, just like metokur said it will come to pass like every other social media viral faggotry.
Again, I now call you a jeet and say that you are not actually "German" therefore any opinion you may have about anything is invalid.
Who wins? What was achieved?

You must be extremely low IQ if this is your idea of a productive argument.
amish anon you do your thing others do their thing, if you have no recommendation then this devalues your critque of fuentes specific
the challenge is still open
You must be extremely low IQ if you think that proves anything
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He is gay. Immature. A faggot. And literally paid by the Feds. That is my position.
>you are a literal retard if you don’t laugh at this controlled OP loser
Make babies.
The problem would be that out of the two of you one of you is probably a jeet or some other form of shitskin. The truth is the truth. Why would you entertain opinions from turd world migrants that don't belong in the west. The entirety of of their canon consists of I want to fuck White women and I hate niggers because White women fuck them. Truly nothing of value.
apparently hes gay and not white and a fed has anyone posted this yet
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So this is the power of fuentes shills?
wether it proves anything or not is besides the point, if you say that you deserve to be treated as non jeet for the sake of this thread if you do that
Dunno hard to find it in the sea of fuentes shills trying to pretend Trump will be worse on immigration than Kamala
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As long as he’s not a Jewish rat
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>deserve to be treated

Do you fancy yourself as the king of /pol/ then?
yes, can you recommend a heterosexual non federal asset pundit instead?
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Germanon definitely struck a nerve here. Instead of you acknowledging the humiliation that would be associated with being a feces-based lifeform (as any white man would), you try to sidestep the issue and say it is a moot point because "there's no way to prove it over the internet and calling names doesn't solve anything". Even though you used the same "counterproductive" ad hominem attack just minutes ago here >>484523770 after your cuckservative arguments were btfo by the superior race (germans). Log off
>Muh e-elebs
Weimar problems require Weimar solutions
gossiping hens
>maybe if we pretend he's Indian no one will notice that he BTFO all our arguments
You seriously don't get why nepotistic jeets with managerial ambitions are worse than twice the number of cheap labor mexicans?
for the purpose of this thread you are a jeet since you kick and scream so much instead of insulting them
Ah yes because the nepotistic jeets can't enter the country right now
>spic worshiper shills for more spics on behalf of his spic idol
Can't make this shit up.
Would you prefer I had said certainly. There is a range of probability.
Did you think insulting jeets was part of the topic of the thread then?
but then you would be lying
wait, they call themselves groypers? It's not some madeup fag insult?
yeah wouldn't that sucks if we had a Romney/Bush tier candidate who wants to give billions to Israel and bomb Iran on Israel's behalf
wait a minute
i just wish we didnt have to choose between slightly lower immigration or complete jewish domination. really makes it a tough choice
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>staring at some damn screen eating Cheetos, smoking weed, and watching a literal FBI prop sedate you is not how you win you ABSOLUTE FAGGOYS
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Ripe for the fucking slaughter you niggers are. Ripe for the fucking slaughter
>By doing nothing, you win.
the Hindu pajeet diploma mill farms are donating to trump though
So Nick wants his parasocial andy's to keep sending him money and hes positioning himself as one of a thousand talking heads that will bitch about Trump for four years
Follow the links you illiterate nigger, the fuentes shills ACTUALLY SAID Trump was ruining the republican party.
>if you think X is worse than Y, you love Y
most intelligent magatard
Did you think the higher immigration doesn't also come with Jewish domination?
its more immigration cumulative with Trump, his visas to diplomas will be additional to the illegal immigration that will either not be curbed sufficiently or only temporary while a republican is in office
>Jews want war
>Trump doesn't want war
Nothing else really matters in this. Trump just deletes people or prove a point where as this wishy washy rules of engagement faggotry we got now actually baits out more and longer conflict.
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XD Soz. Upon evaluation it would seem that you are in fact not the the jeet. Your opinions are logical and White. 1000 apologies sir.
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If I was your father I would beat you into submission you absolute fucking retard. I’m out.
Yes. I would. Sorry.
trump announced he will do war multiple times in the past 30 days, you have to update your talking points judeo boomer
>oh no this guy BTFO all of our points quick call him an Indian and declare victory!
I'm sure you have convinced absolutely zero people
Lol literally glowing
>We have to move away from this idea of [getting out there and] "Do something.

Just let the government fuck you maybe you kids if you have any would solve it or keep being slaves bc you didn't do a thing
Stop referencing Trump's actual stated policies or I'll hit you through the computer! ooga booga!
Does the indscriminate bombing of literal millions of moslem shiskins worry you?
Thats a really long cope for being a lazy retard who gets sick every week from eating McDonalds
>We have to move away from this idea of [getting out there and] "Do something!
Aka keep paying to sit at home and stream all day
That is an accurate summarization of his whole stance. Stay on the internet. Give little nicky your money. Accomplish fuck all. Be an incel. Suffer. That’s the plan. Youre a gullible retard if you think this little beaner queer is doing anything but grifting his dwindling audience.
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No he is a 100% confirmed pedo and fed. Also a scam artist:

Is anti-Trump shill Nick Fuentes a scam artist?

If you're not talking big you will get a war nigger. This finger wagging redline shit has been going for 20 years.
>This literal who zoomer faggot: the thread
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We don't want to die in your desert shithold, moshe
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We’ve got shills arguing with shills. The absolute state of nu/pol/
>bye faggots
And for any lurkers. Take you studies seriously. Put at least 20% of your paycheck into savings. Buy land as soon as you can. Treat your women right and make babies

Just listen to vid rel. I know it’s for niggers but you fuckers need it:

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They're both bad for the world, but one of them is way worse for the US than the other.
you had two options to defeat my jeet accusation
1. ignore that you are being called a jeet, while taking the potential loss of credibillity for your argumentation
2. post humiliating anti jeet nationalist phrases so either you paid the price for admission or are not a jeet
instead you kick and scream about how unfair it is and not an argument, how you will not comply making it more likely that you in fact are a jeet

whenever I'm being called a muslim, fair enough, I insult muhammed and the god to end this cycle
>he is a 100% confirmed pedo
Like Trump then
since I'm not a jew it does, shills never understand basic pol heuristic pol is more antisemitic than racist
pol will side with the nigger stealing the hat of orthodox jews 10 times out of 10 by my observation
Has Kamala promised green cards attached to diplomas? If not then she's unironically better on legal immigration than Trump.
It ain't 2016 anymore.
>Because that's what happened the first 3 times we did it.
Allah u akbar. May piss be upon him. XD
Lolisocks aka catboykami shoved a horse dildo in Nick's asshole.
Also Nick absolutely isn't a fed. He's too stupid for it.
He's just a run of the mill narcissist grifter streamer.
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Oh no, I can't defeat the non-argument of some guy pretending to know what race I am because he has no actual argument to make, woe is me
mmmmhmmm yeah sure thing buddy
if you use faggot and racism in favor of israel or jewish minority rule then you don't win organic support here see
>vance posting
this guy is a jeet aligned with nat con probably paid as well
/pol/ trends towards shitskins over race because /pol/ is a message board of larping shitskins. To understand /pol/ it is important to understand that.
is the IDF a rapist force for evil and is the US under jewish minority rule?
most pol chuds are criminally retarded
They hate themselves and shitting on Nick is an outlet for their self hatred. It's cathartic to them.

Anyway Nick is right. Trump shoots up in the polls during his Israel events so I have absolutely zero doubt in my mind the jews around him are in his ears saying "SEE? TALK MORE ABOUT ISRAEL! IT'S GOOD FOR YOUR POLLING!"
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Ah yes posting Vance is always a winner in the Fuentes threads because you retards think Vance is weird and Walz is normal lmao
Cope and seethe about it tranny, Vance proved your E-celeb wrong when he mogged Walz in the debate.
Lol nothing to actually say? Trumps policy with green cards and diplomas is going to add millions of 3rd worlders per year legally. What's Kamala's policy that is going to make legal immigration higher than that?
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Because the IDF are the only people who either hate or don't give a fuck about pakis. At this point it is clear. Have a sandwich achmed.
Kamala wants to make millions of shitskins citizens bruz
so does trump
it's like talking to a wall at this point
giving green cards to college graduates is everyone's policy. Even Britain's. The nigger kamala's policy seems to be just let anyone who crosses the border into the country. That would be infinitely worse.
Trump wants to built a wall to keep them out and deport them anon.
I'm not sure if you're aware of this yet but I hope it helps!
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I hate kikes and shitskins. Do you?
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>Declare shitty meme war rip off
Yes I do. That is why watching gaza lebanon and iran get blasted into rubble is funny to me. Why is it not funny to you?
Nick is a backstabbing ineffectual faggot. His new best friends the communists will have fun with him after he fails to deliver any kind of anything against Trump.
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>Ah yes posting Vance is always a winner
Visajeet: New Delhi's Pride
... Are you literally not paying attention? Who do you think is going to the US to study? It isn't Michal from Poland, it's Pajeet Singh from India. Trump wants every single one of them to become citizens after their degree, which is honestly worse than importing cheap labour.
You people really are just stuck in 2016, he isn't running on the same policy anymore.
As far as allegedly deporting people, why haven't Trump or Vance announced how they're going to do it? Are they actually going to build a wall this time, or keep building the tiny fence?
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israel is next
>I’ll leave you niggers with this
>only good hadji is a dead hadji
>only good jew is a dead jew
Keep seething, I quite enjoy reading it
not the rockets launched on israel, conspicuous omission in this exhaustive list of psychopathic glee over mass murder
And what makes you think I give a fuck? XD
alla u akbar. XD
He will likely be better on Immigration (illegal), but by THAT much? probably not. illegal and legal immigration was still pretty high during Trumps administration. You know that meme where republicans are just "we'll ruin the country too, but slower!"? This is how it is, but with immigration. Trump still wants TONS of immigration, just legal immigration. There will still likely be millions of illegals during his term. As much as a Kamala presidency? No. Still a lot? Yes.

The interesting thing is that people have become more against illegal immigration since now they are dealing with it first hand. Same thing up here in Canada where the majority of even liberals want it reduced, as their enclaves that they enjoyed while promoting diversity, is now having that diversity.

The fact is that there is no reversing policies that have ruined the country. Nobody is going to kick out the tens of millions of people that need to be kicked out. We will continue to be in a slow decline with Trump, simply because he's genuinely ignorant of what makes the social fabric of a country, good. He looks at legal immigrants and thinks "GDP! Jobs! Talent!", and nothing else. That kind of person isn't going to be saving anything. I mean jesus, how many times has he mentioned whites? He promotes policies for every single race, except for whites. So yeah, things will continue to decline, and get worse, and frankly, they need to in order to wake up more whites like unending immigration these past 4 years has. Except whites need to be woken up in many other ways other than just immigration. I hate it, but liberal whites judge what is real or not based exclusively on their personal experiences. Because of that, they NEED to have bad experiences. Frankly, Kamala being pres would make that happen faster. The only reason why Trump would be good is possibly new Supreme Court picks.
and Kamala wants to make anyone and everyone who walks across the unguarded border to become a citizen lmao
I eagerly await your future hilarious attempts to pretend that letting anyone and everyone in is somehow better
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I agree. I also thought it was hilarious when Israelis got gangraped by paragliders a year ago
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the moment you posted the vance thing you confirmed everything I have been saying but you
are unaware of it because you don't speak the language
Yeah so Kamala is worse and you should vote Trump.
Glad we cleared that up.
It wasn't Trumps policy in 2016 and it isn't Biden's policy in 2020. I also haven't seen Kamala talk about doing this either.
Yeah Trump will probably be better on illegal immigration marginally, but under him it wasn't even better than under Obama until covid hit.
Idk, I think millions of third worlders legally taking higher paying jobs which stops upwards mobility is worse than millions of unskilled workers working below minimum wage, if they even work at all. The fact is they're both shitty options, it's weird that people are pretending Trump isn't also fucking you.
mmmhmm yep sure thing buddy
>giving green cards to college graduates is everyone's policy

It's not. The only reason why US isn't absolutely fucking flooded with Indians right now is because your requirements are higher than ours. They come to Canada instead, graduate, then try to get work in the US with a work Visa.
No they literally just walk across the border with the chinese
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You’ve never met a true White man until you do
discord trannies never believe me either when I tell them one that they are visible by the way they speak/write/frame their arguments and two that no they are not changing board culture

all you guys do is provide a foil for based anons to run their arguments against
If that's what you got out of it, then you need better reading comprehension.

It's irrelevant if it's Trump or Kamala. The destruction will be slightly slower with Trump, but they're both still shit picks. You will see little difference in the decline of the US if Kamala gets in over Trump. Trumps saving grace is that he MIGHT be able to get a new Supreme Court pick.
A gay mexican midget is the face of "white nationalism" in america.
lol. lmao even
Trump's numbers weren't even better than Obama's until Covid hit, which was nothing to do with him. Not to mention they literally don't have a plan for this at all, but it's going to suddenly be different this time why?
But we aren't talking about illegal immigration, we're talking about legal. Why is it so hard for you to admit that green cards to diplomas is an awful idea? If Kamala said it you'd be against it, but because it's Trump you just slurp it up?Any actual evidence for Kamala wanting to make every single person a citizen btw? Because what I'm saying about Trump is factual and from his own mouth.
Mmhmmm oh yeah yeah wow you've really convinced me anon
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Couldn't care less about the "rockets launched on israel" israel is still standing have you seen gaza? XD "The rockets launched on israel" are supposed to be some sign of a shitskin victory? XD I'm White. I don't celebrate shitskins. When I think war in the middle east, I think dead paki babies. isreal is not the first thing that comes to mind.
>The destruction will be slightly slower with Trump
So Kamala will be worse and you should vote Trump
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you guys never believe me, I even made a song for you visajeet
but were Trump's numbers better than Biden/Harris?
(the answer is yes)
>Couldn't care less about the "rockets launched on israel" israel is still standing have you seen gaza?
bingo found the jew
Oh wow cool song anon, thanks for sharing
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>don't you goys love killing brown people? How about another 20 years in the desert and you can kill all the shitskins you want.
>Oops we shipped all the refugees into Europe and bribed your politicians into letting them in
No one is falling for the act, jew. The end result of all these wars is to strengthen your homeland while draining resources from america and flooding europe with shitskins.
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piss be upon him. XD
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That faggot nigger fucking wishes. If he wasn’t a fed a true American would have shut him down already
>also there’s no such thing as “Whije nationalism” it’s just called being American
you are welcome
shut up niigger. XD
But you did not think it was hilarious that israel has been gang raping palestine for like the past 600 years or something? XD
Pis be upon him. XD
stop being a jewish psychopath
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So we've gone from Trump being the saviour of America to "He'll be slightly better than a literal retard". Fantastic.
For the first time in recent memory the majority of Americans want LESS legal immigration, yet the supposed conservative option wants more of it. You don't question that? You don't take an issue with that? Your brain really only goes as far as "hurrr but Biden bad durrr"?
Their policy is to let migrants who are seeking asylum in and give them court dates. The problem with this policy is that anyone who says they are seeking asylum must be given a court date and allowed into the country. Trumps policy is to evaluate asylum seekers at the border in mexico and not let them in. It is called remain in mexico. There is a huge difference. Astronomical.

The voting is irrelevant. What part do you not understand? The body is diseased and dying and both candidates are putting a band-aid on the fatal wounds. Trump is using a slightly bigger band-aid. That bandaid is largely irrelevant because you're still bleeding out to death.

If you're arguing that people should vote for Trump because it's a slightly slower death, then you don't understand politics, because by voting you are ENABLING these kinds of policies. Trump WON in 2016 with incredible rhetoric that he would basically change the system. Why the fuck does Trump deserve to win in 2024 with the policy of "it'll be shit, but slightly less shit"?? That's literally been republican policy for decades up until 2016, and look where it's got us.

I'd easily argue that you DO NOT want to support this return to the "good ol party" that is happening right now.
You are a jeet who just wants a greencard from trump. Why else would you be so invested in american politics?

Nice deflection. You are jewish
Yes there are retards ITT who have been arguing for 9001 posts trying to pretend that Kamala is a better choice or at least not worse.
That has been the argument from the start anon, don't join in late then mischaracterise it.
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Btw you out yourself as a non-White. When you misspell nigger. I would guess little chink unless it’s a vpn. Idk why chinks worship niggers so much but they do….
happened to you guys too, jacob reese moggs said they increased indian immigration on purpose after covid
this caused the anti tory backlash and zero seat campaign now the british cuckservatives are in shambles and a historic unpopular
libshit tyrant is in power
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Ah yes because if you don't vote it will somehow DISABLE the policies
a chink wouldnt refuse to insult india or promote trump or vance and his wife usha
Remain in mexico got canned the second biden got in office. The same will happen the next time a democrat enters office. There are no long term solutions offered by trump
>why do you keep BTFO our pathetic arguments
I enjoy watching you retards try to pilpul your way out of obviously illogical positions
>misspell nigger
Huh where?
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Get the fuck off my board, boy
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XD I am a "jew" because I laugh at shitskin death. XD
Migrant monkeys. XD
XD shut up nigger.
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Nick is based and the shilling against him is cringe.
yes you are a jew because you laugh about the death of niggers and muslims but not jews
XD piss be upon him. XD
>everyone disagrees with you goy, please just vote gop!!!
I don't care if I'm the only racist left on earth i'm still dropping N bombs.
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>all these anti muslim images saved on his hard drive
Post just one antisemitic meme, anon. just one!
you might be a jeet you are too dumb to be a jew
>the guy is a zionist shill that has lost interest in restricting immigration.
God you're stupid. Trump literally won in 2016 because it brought in a huge number of white voters again with his rhetoric. Trump was REWARDED by telling people that he was going to fundamentally change the dying fabric of the country. Now, even though Trump didn't really change anything, can you tell me why voters should reward Trump now? What is Trump doing to change the fabric of the nation, exactly? He's not.

You're literally making the same arguments of why we should vote in Bush instead of Kerry. It's just a fucking dumb and brainless argument. I thought people here had moved past the "vote for the slightly less worse guy!" arguments.
Remain in mexico is a trump policy retard. Who was president before Biden? What the fuck are you talking about. But I'll simplify your life kamala is a nigger. You're going to vote for a nigger over a White man?

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