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>Groyper War 2 (protesting Trump) raised money and cancelled
>AFPAC 4 cancelled/no refunds and he knew in advance but didn't tell anyone
>Raised 200k to illegally ballot harvest in swing states. Cancelled/no refunds
>Ali Akbar
>No mention or fundraising for dozens of groypers arrested after Nick told them to storm the Capitol
>another Groyper (TR Sartor) will go to jail soon because of J6, has openly come out shitting on Nick because Nick is now pro Kamala while Trump is the only candidate who promises to pardon J6ers
He's a fed paid to divide and conquer the right
And yes he's openly shilling against Trump now, helping Kamala to win (4 more years of Dems in charge will be de facto white genocide)

He was always a leftist and hated Trump in 2016 for being too racist:
Him linking up with kamala is epic team up of the century.
pinche gringos.
I think he’s just confused and doesn’t know he’s gay yet
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>He was always a leftist and hated Trump in 2016 for being too racist
And this is an important detail if you want to have an opinion on Nick. Everyone here on /pol/ can tell you that tribalism is mostly in your blood. It's not something you learn when you watch a few webms or Hitler speeches

There is no way he magically changed since 2016. It was all a grift. He is a nigger loving liberal scam artist
I thought that was Trump's job. Since a grand total of 2000 people watch Fuentes on a weekly basis. I think they spent their money on the right guy.
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I don't know what he is, but he is certainly acting suspicious.
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>memeflag starts a thread just to call the most prominent person on the right that calls out jewish power a fed and a fag
Trump is White Replacement.
Whiter than you, Muhammad
There is no right, just social media accounts.
>literal who zoomer influencer: the thread
Trump is White genocide. And Jews aren't White.
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If you don't want yer kids to die in a pointless wat for Israel yer just a BUD LITE DRINKIN' COMMUNIST LIBRUL in my book. hyuck! glass the middle east (except for Israel, out greatest ally)!
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I wonder if groypers are actually dumb enough to vote for Kamala.
I mean he's literally telling people on the right not to vote so yeah....
He is a russian assett
Iran has a right to exist.
Trump wants to staple greencards to diplomas. This is much worse than Democrat's garage border policies, because jeets and Chinese people will be stealing valuable jobs, and will only hire their own people.
I mean that raid on the capitol was actually a really nice thing, holistically speaking.
It is a blessing that maga tards are that stupid on some level.
But i love that energy.
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>brown shill ignores all points and defends faggot Democrat shill
I wish you could mute on this Kike pedo website so I don't have to read your garbage which I'm sure you're paid to spam

>Trump is White genocide.
No Kamala is, that's what Nick himself says and literally argued in his last debate lol. 10 million migrants in 4 years (only 1-2 million under Trump). Biden on record saying white replacement is our strength and Kamala saying she wouldn't do anything different from hill (well duh she is a deep state face swap)

>muh campaign rhetorics
God stfu fat nigger, we know the numbers and we know who says white replacement is our strength. Legal immigration can literally mean whatever you want it to mean because you can change the policies any time and any way you want
True Nick is literally faggot
he went against Trump during an election year when he was running against an unlimited immigration supporting candidate. I was always with him up until then. Now he's just another alt-right 2.0 type. "Just.. Just don't vote!"
>supports kamala
you guys thought he was… our guy?
He went full Richard Spencer
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Here is what unironically one of Nick's biggest fans and donors looks like, btw. Ali Jamal. Most people defending Nick online look like this

>because you can change the policies any time and any way you want
Also btw. what Trump did when he was president and what he promises doing again, which is why they stole the election (also something Nick will tell you)
Why don't you take the memeflag off and show everyone where you're really from, kike?
Yet another shill spam thread claiming that Nick supports Kamala for not voting Trump
These goys follow the same playbook.. Go as deep into Trump's support as you can and then try to swing as many to democrat by election day. It doesn't matter how true their analysis of the situation is if the other people get in office.
>Yet another shill spam thread claiming that Nick supports Kamala for not voting Trump
Elections are binary so you automatically help one if refusing to vote for the person you'd normally vote for. They teach this in second class, though maybe not in your brown country

And he literally told his followers to "let Kamala win"

Why are you defending a Mexican faggot pedophile defender Democrat shill on a Nazi forum?
> most prominent person on the right
Found the media jew
Why aren't you showing your flag? Got something to hide, kike?
>calls others Kike
And Nick shilled Jewish ZIONIST Laura Loomer for Congress

How will giving him money help the white race?
trump sold us out last time, prioritizing everything the jews wanted and deprioritizing his base. rewarded nobody who was loyal to him, only gave leadership positions to the never trumpers. so obviously supporting him is not the way to get what you want.
Hes gonna sell out his base for jews even harder this time
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Thanks for proving my point
Everyone here knows you're jewish
>How do you do fellow nazis
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Nick dismantled all the nonsense you just said in his last debate and in the last 8 years when he explained in detail why Republicans, despite everything youc an say about them, are the better pick

What he's currently doing is just grifting and probably doing the feds' bidding because he doesn't want to go to jail
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If I was Benyamin Shapiro himself it wouldn't change anything about the points here >>484525705

Fat brown retard
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show your flag
I will show my flag if you bump my thread 50 more times
He’s 100% CIA puppet
Being entirely honest, no troll:
I do think he's Tricky Dick tier at this point.
Richard Spencer is a blatant homosexual CIA agent provacateur/controlled opp.
At this point it seems pretty clear to me that Nick Fuentes is in the same league at this point.
1: on jab 6th entered the capitol, told people to go to the capitol, and never arrested or questioned
2: supposedly deplatformed, assets siezed, flagged no fly, and yet can run Cozytv, a live streaming platform and video hosting site, which is the most infrastructure intensive and most expensive kind of social media style platform to run, even Google still doesnt pull a profit with Jewtube, but Nick and keep Cozytv up?

I wanted to believe he was just an annoying little zoomer prick who'd mature and chill out, but was still on our side, but I just can't hand wave it away anymore.
The guy is clearly controlled opposition
all grifters are. it's how they make their living
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People need to stop listening to online political grifters
Show me when Trump promised to pardon J6ers
Ofc Nick doesn't care even though his own retarded cultists are rotting in jail lmao
Yeah but the names the Jew, so…
to not vote for a turbo kike something that should be explained to anyone that has been here for longer then a month,what the fuck happened to this board you used to all be redpilled on the JQ
>Yeah but the names the Jew, so…
So does Greta Tunberg
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>but he named the Jew!
It’s this easy to manipulate goyim.
do you think she's ever had sex
The system will create always their own fabricated and trained "official opposition" who will tell you those truths that the government wont say or does.
>Told his supporters to storm the Capitol
Did he really?

Meanwhile, Trump told his supporters-
>Go home
>Behave peacefully and patriotically
>Obey the Capitol police

You never hear about it though because he was banned from Twitter for those tweets and then the media was absolutely silent about it.
None of us are pushing for war with Iran, retarded shitskin
>brown manlet hands typed these posts
The thing about this promise is that he won’t follow through though. I honestly can’t think of a single promise he followed through on. Well, he probably did promise Zionist donors he’d kill Suleimani so he delivered on that…
why would someone vote for a turbokike, Joel?
>He's a fed paid to divide and conquer the right
This is what it always looked like, but now it's just undeniably true. He is objectively a net negative for the right now, no matter how much he yaps about Israel...while making all Israel and Jew critics look like gay incel retards
What's wrong with "fuck islam". Mudslimes don't belong in America who cares?
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Nick isn't even hiding it. Going on dates with actual confirmed feds
when you die and go to hell, which you will because you're a jew, you will be there forever. You will be in physical, mental, and spiritual pain for eternity. Literally eternity.
I find so much happiness in thinking about you there.
Duh. So the nigger bitch doesn't win Bahar.
well obviously,but the nigger bitch winning is good for the greater good of humanity... rabbi.
Fuentes hasn't been the same ever since he got oblitereated by dying cancer man Jim.
>Oh look it's a "humanitarian nigger lover
The nigger bitch winning is good for "humanity" but not good for American Whites. Kill yourself nigger lover.
Trump is an Apostate a communist and anti chrost figure of stupidity and degradation and bideh more open stop nasa stop counist removed syangogue control of money nope
Hansen pollard anti catholic jewmocracy horsehit not nat soc not voting ugh stupid social influencer not a roman catholic masonic untimely same shit Edward harle woke up to
>oh look it's a "humanitarian" nigger lover
The shitskin winning may be good for the greater good of "humanity", but not at all good for American Whites. Kill yourself nigger lover.
Show us your nose.
That's feminism and Judaism and women in power for baohomet what does a Marxist zionist communist look like
shut up nigger.
>>AFPAC 4 cancelled/no refunds and he knew in advance but didn't tell anyone
Based Nick hitting a massive lick on dumb brown goypers. Maybe he's not so bad after all
>but not good for American Whites
it's actually good if you had an ounce of intelligence to understand the longterm implications..

>nigger lover.
that's like your migatard opinion..
Masonic Christopher story Edward Harle we do not do jewmocracy
long term implications of what? the machine consistently giving the public non white candidates because tards are stupid enough to actually vote for them? The long term implications of what? Explain this to me please.
That's satanic as he'll nice communist state orange Stalin and the. Fake laws and more zionist shit out in president Thank God turret dud jot do that nice body double staged hoax 666 building why the browders
>my white candidate will surely save me this time and not suck jewish cock despite countless opposite examples in the past 100 years..

>long term implications of what?
of acceleration
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“And they say you’ll hand the country over to Kamala. I KNOW….and good!”

acceleration to White replacement you gypsy fuktard? XD Acceleration towards what? What is the destination that we are speeding to?
>towards what?
you will see .

not gonna spoonfeed your fatass here
XD Fuck off shitskin. XD and may piss be upon him. XD
whose dick did he suck? that he is desperately shilling for old vampire yids in the congo.
what possess a person to look at a twink faggot spic with the absolute bog standard "Alt-opinion" and be "like,yea,THAT'S the guy!"?

i mean,this is the real reason why this "movement" is bullshit...the truth is,the leftest are right...most of you are just lonely fucking losers that just want to feel like you belong to something
all feds are catholics, technically
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You didn't think that before he spoke out against your favorite zionist politician
I hope not
you get these talking points readymade for /pol/ or do you have to add the > like a wagie bitch?
no speekee englee wetback?
Nick never bulked up? He looks like an AIDS-infected homosexual now. Twigs for arms. Shame.
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He literally has to take prescribed testosterone meds because he is a test tube baby. Not kidding. He will always look like some weird alien freak
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Nick doing nigger outreach on his migrant stream. Look at his associates. A migrant wetback, some random shitskin beaner bitch, and a jew hosting a negro scholar. This is America First. XD

you seem obsessed with him
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IDF agent working with IDF larry loomer, he should be tried for treason and everyone else working with him including Jake Shields who has trained IDF.
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liquid shapiro
Nick is just a retarded lolcow now and even his own fans are openly shitting on him more and more (the few left with half a brain)
neither do jews but you're fine with that

lol yeah, you just want to vote for a guy who wants to do that. Totally different.
"I'm fine with that" because jews have been here for hundreds of years. mudslimes... never. mudslimes represent a modern shitkin invasion jews at this point are status quo. Kill yourself achmed.
Jaden live, former best Nick Fuentes friend making fun of Nick:

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yes also he never shows up to anti israel protests, and his political views are close to democrats, hes all talk.

pic: absolute zero groypers in the crowd, you can never find one
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Just buy an ad. Why promote a mestizo faggot eCeleb and think it's "free"? Are you really that broke, faggot?
>he never shows up to anti israel protests
He's explained why multiple times, and if you weren't a mouth-breathing retard you'd be able to work out why on your own.
>Is this liberal weasel literally just a scam artist at this point?
>at this point
Fuentes is literally a jewish name.
The main reason why most of you hate Nick is because you only just got here a year ago and it’s plain as day to see
>kami is an actual gay catboy and not an ironybro shitposter from /pol/
>muh j6
>unironically posting twitter screencaps from gayden mcjew
It’s the 2016 election tourists vs 2024 election tourists
Face it anon no one likes those protests b4 they can tell is just murdering sociopaths pretending to hate other murdering pricks

Shit is an holocaust jews die and am sick of it

Every time the dumbest congress on earth gives them a billion they hire every jew killer I ever talked to
>most prominent person on the right
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groypers still cannot deboonk this image
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do you smell this in this thread? its a song of curry and hummus
The meme operates under the boomer logic that a democrat winning is somehow an "own" that makes the independent look silly, despite the fact Trump and Kamala have very few differences on key issues (both will increase immigration, both are zionists who will continue the so-far uninterrupted calcification of Jewish political power in America, both are likely to start war with Iran)
maga was an explicit repudiation of this, you have to be willing to walk away
Trump 2016 was a positive now its all negative pure cancer
counterpoint: wanting kamala to win means supporting a nigger jeet for president. you cannot be 'le epic fuentes wignat i love the white race' and vote for a NIGGER JEET in good conscience. lets use our heads here
there is no counterpoint you just embrace the suck either because you sold out or because you share the interest of alien elements to the US
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I don't watch this retarded spic femboy and im not giving him a view
Your first clue was that he was a hobbit. Never trust hobbits. Total Hobbit Death.
the left can't meme
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fuck off haradrim
There is no "right," the RNC was a multicultural asskissing event that featured an OnlyFans whore as one of the speakers. Trump claims he will "crush antisemitism" on day 1 in office.
If there is division in your political camp, Trump showing his true colors as an Israel-nationalist above all else is the cause of that division.
Kamala won't close the southern border you're talking 150k-200k spics flooding the border per month
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I dern care what no avocado toast eating SNOWFLAKE thinks, if Israel wants my grandson to die in Iran, that's fine by me! Triggered, COMMUNIST snowflakes?
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We know.
republicanism is leftwing they call it "classical liberalism", the authentic right in the classical french sense is catholic monarchism
fascism is a scientific industrial progressive evolution of it as hereditary rule is not workable with industrialist wealth, mass education and land control being no longer the primary source of power
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why is a trad cath friends with femboys and pedos? he streams with only non whites as well
It is not possible to share the interest of alien elements. That's retarded.
weimar conditions are an emergent property of jewish minority rule
>The Chinese Believe That the Jews Control America. Is That a Good Thing?
it is if you share blood of the foreign tribal group, assimilation is the exception not the norm
Trump will staple greencards to diplomas, which will be more tangibly harmful to Americans. jeets and changs taking tech jobs and filling companies with their own people is worse than 10 million extra mexicans picking tomatoes.
/pol/ is fucking garbage now filled with trumptards and discord trannie normies we left this place ages ago. X is much better for anyone not a total smoothbrain / shill. this place got ruined the minute /r/donald faggot orange nigger cultists migrated here. vote fucking harder and harder you bunch of dumb fucks
Are you Nick’s gay Muslim lover?
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of course
muhammed was a gay pedophile and allah a djin tricking him in the desert as is written in the quran

now say that naranda modi is a smelly rape rat and that khalistan needs independence, kashmir belongs to china
>Nick is now pro Kamala
share the blood of the foreign tribal group? what the fuck does that mean?
>Trump will staple greencards to diplomas, which will be more tangibly harmful to Americans. jeets and changs taking tech jobs and filling companies with their own people is worse than 10 million extra mexicans picking tomatoes.
Fucking retard.
>4 more years of Dems in charge will be de facto white genocide
Since we already reached this point it's pretty much over or plan B. But there is no plan B. The whole "Trump will save us" is such a cry for help, when you reach the point where it's 1 man that has to save you then the country is gone.
you posting this outs you as astro turf operation, like hillary shills or the left who wanted to push chud you got that "one meme"
no endless remixes, no organic adoption in a sense it is not a meme it is a static talking point stale, ineffective, boring
Modi can fucking rot in hell. Smelly brown people like your lover boy nick can also rot in hell. friendly reminder that the best German either left Germany or died defending it. Only the cowards survived and this explains (you).
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he announced it you kike worshipping shill, go vote for the orange niggerkike and his race traitor jeetlover VP
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His lead moderator "tenryo" is a tyrant who permabans anyone in chat who opposes him. A real nigger in the wood pile.
>when you reach the point where it's 1 man that has to save you then the country is gone
it could be done, trump is just not the guy
maternal gramps was in a soviet POW camp, paternal one worked for the reichspost on a train touring europe sorting mail
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You seem mad Hans. Having a bad day?
I got a psychological condition (shizoid personality disorder diagnosed) I feel nothing, I have to simulate anger to pass as normal

>emotional coldness, detachment, and apathy
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and what about their anchor babies they use to steal welfare from whites? Also their anchor babies will be pushed to the front of the line in any job interview. you're not thinking of long term consequences. Meanwhile a few thousand green cards for people who will pay taxes. Also jeets are already flooding over the border
you have to go back pablo
its a wash at this point, you have to go after the traitor first its game theory
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Lover boy Nick is that guy? You are gay for Spic Fuentes. Admit it Sprocket Fag. Hilarious and true.
holy hell the cope on these fucking orange niggerlover retards. i bet your house smells like burning cowdung.
nah he is organic you are not, I can tell you just don't fit in no matter how hard you try the cancer is that you do not see how much you stand out and suck because you are relentless with an agenda while normal anons do this for entertainment
you have to go back to Mumbai first dirty ass circumcised shitskin
and you think Kamala isn't going to do that?
is this amateur hour? hey visajeet get a non canadian VPN or it is too obvious what you are in for
two sides of the same jewish coin you level 1 bluepilled cuck
surely the white nationalist movement will work when whites are at 10% of the population and have hoards of spics to deal with
you are such a pox, give it up you just stand out to much mr "white nationalist" no you are not clever no you do not blend in you speak a foreign language
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not an argument, spic. your "hardworking tradcath" spics are all welfare queens almost as badly as niggers
>the amount of shills stirred up by this post


you've been in nick threads for days making these same posts as people explain to you like a retarded mentally deficient child why voting for right wingers who are zionist and pro immigration is worse than just withholding the vote
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its jeets aligned with natcon, vance and peter thiel not even MIGA niggers you can tell
>you must pick the jeet shitskin or beaner shitskin
the fucking cope on these lubavitcher cultists. imagine believing you're protecting the white race by voting for an uber shabbos goy. we aren't voting for the orange niggerlover. go back to mumbai or mazatlan or wherever the fuck you are from.
He''s a jew
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Vote for Trump you stupid goy. You wouldn't want to let the left suck kike dick instead of the right
>a leaf is trolling me
>call him an Indian
Very original German(?) homosexual. I enjoy trolling you because you are in love with an obvious gay fed. You are a weirdo who has already admitted that you are a looney as way to deny that you are seething gay fanboy. This is what Groypers are; closet gay weirdos. This is why this board has always found you faggots to be cringe. You give off gay vibes. We always knew you were gay.
you subhuman low iq piece of shit, how many jeets, and assorted migrants do you think graduate university on an annual basis? the number is 250,000. compare that number to an "averaged" 696,456 illegal border crossings per year. Which number is bigger?
meme is kinda gay since 2 days ago trump was masturbating rabbis and pretending to read hebrew. he's going to deport anyone who doesn't worship israel, as announced. vote for the guy who will shut down /pol/ LOL
you are not trolling, you got an agenda you don't blend in and I'm tried of doing free consulting work
trust my expert opinion you do not pass as an organic user and it is clear that you are indian
you're a fucking retard. he wants to staple green cards to any doodoo shitskin with a scholarship in telecommunications.
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bad day for groyper mouthbreather narratives
the anti antisemitism stuff is to send a chilling effect to foreign students in the US
its not about 4chan chuds
In 2020 during covid, I fucked Nick Fuentes on the train tracks behind a Ross Dress for Less. Man, his ass could grip. Real tight, not a hair on it, and a sphincter you could only dream of. I had fun at first. But he was so weirdly macho about it. He kept saying things like “thats right bitch, you arent going to vote!” and “fucking fag I bet you can’t wait to bust while I think about catbois hahaha faggot”. I just ignored him and kept railing. He continued unironically calling me his bitch and a faggot shill as he had several hands free prostate orgasms spilling seminal fluids onto the train tracks, getting more angry and dominant after each one. “Yea i bet you like tradcath fags like me, but you look like a shill” he’d say “I cant even feel your dono, yet.” I just kept clapping, wondering wtf is up with him. After about 20 minutes of railing Nick's boypussy, drenched in sweat and his cream, I finally got a nut off despite his constant badgering and calling me a shill. He immediately hopped off, laid flat on his back and bent his legs over his head so the cum dripped out of his asshole directly into his mouth. “The fuck you looking at? You like this gay boy?” He kept saying. "Catboi Cammy is filming". After he got every last drop. He cackled like a rooster and missed punching me in the face as hard as he could only to have his hat fly off. He nearly broke his hand when it struck Catbois throbbing cock, but I was fine. “Fucking fag” he said as he limped off into the sunset, shaking his wrist. That was the first and last time I fucked Nick Fuentes on the train tracks behind the Ross Dress for Less
>it's 4d chess bro he isn't a tree of life faggot
fuck off with this cope, his campaign is literally jewish funded. The most jewish cocksucker is going to be the next hitler if you vote harder goy, LOL
can you please not screencap some twitter yenta to pol? please
yes and what I said is what they are buying among other things
You know who does not fit in? Gay men in love with a hobbit fed. You know who has an agenda? Obviously gay men who spam 20 plus posts to defend their gay hero on a board that hates them. That’s who. That’s (you).
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i wonder if he'll kill himself when he's 30+ and still doesn't have a wife

if he does get married i don't see it lasting long. i predict he'll get a divorce
here ya go
you are literally a currycel
How does that change the numbers I just gave you?
oh wow some sort of "proof" who sucks jewish cock more. zognald will save us from the jews, lol. the cope on you cultist trannie niggerlovers
I'm starting to think this Fuentes lad might be pissing the right people off.
they are doing brinkmanship do you understand the meta game between trump and harris?
trump is trying to peel jewish mega donors and turn them neo con, the harris campaign as the dem party is bankrolled 50%+ by heeb atheist billionaires has to counter

both suck, with harris there is a slight chance for a peace and a bigger pricetag for your enemys to pay for this toxic war

if trump gets the war the american right is dead as we repeat bush with the last daylight
>kult id
do you realize how stupid you sound? just face the music your orangenigger savior is fake, gay, and jewish.
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>spend a decade pushing for Trump
>when final victory is near at hand decided to start undermining Trump

He’s obviously a fed or just a piece of shit
These guys like Nick Fuentes, Spencer, Chuck Johnson, hitched their wagon to Trump early thinking if he won it was their ticket to the big time. Turns out Trump is playing a Zionist game like 100 levels above them. Now they are scrambling toward Kamala in hopes of eating her scraps. Its all politics to these mental midgets. Meanwhile Trump is interfacing with an Iranian orb that teaches him how to bring about the end times.
kek this is such cope
Why would there be a chance for peace if it is not the United State's war? It's israel's.
>if you aren’t sperging like Jews all the time you aren’t good enough

You people are fucking stupid
fuentes is gay and you are an even gayer faggot
Actual Jeets and currycels would be agreeing with you the gay hobbit lover. You are gay. This is why you are such a seething weirdo and in love with a half Mexican, gay hobbit fed.
YOU ARE GAY! This is your problem. Your psychiatrist is not able to make this diagnosis so he gave you the dumpster schizoid diagnosis. I know because I worked in Psychiatric Health care for 25 years. YOU ARE GAY. It is driving you insane because you can’t admit it.
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trump saying he wants to glass teheran > kamalas muh "we are tough on iran too"
this is not a counter, that you pretend it passes for an argument again is tiresome I'm not being paid for this an you guys are relentless in your nonesense

all you do is galvanize opposition, create hatred for the trump campaign and demotivates organic support not that you can get any here given the way trump has gone by now
>eceleb shit
>do you realize how stupid you sound?
Are you fucking retarded? 600,000 unskilled, uneducated shitskin wetbacks per year vs 200,000 college educated professionals, and I'm the one that sounds stupid? Explain to me why that is?
you even use the natcon peter thiel sphere Lord of the Ring bullshit lingo and think I don't notice it
you got a canadian flag but are not some quebecoi nationalist, albertan oilman shitposting no you are a peter thiel, jd vance, natcon
aligned jeet you do not even make any attempt in hiding it you are incompetent nincompoo
It is classic homosexual behaviour. You will notice this behaviour in closet homosexuals who are angry at the world because they are gay and can’t admit it. They hate the world and want to ruin things for everybody else. They do this because they are gay and they hate themselves. It is textbook behaviour. Sad.
You r mom is a CIA puppet. A cock puppet for the whole agency.
>200,000 college educated professionals
LOL fuck off you curryloving racetraitor mutt faggot enjoy your 10 million daily dumps on the side of the road
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and one is objectively better. 72% of Jews in America vote for Kamala by the way. And Biden/Harris has given much more to Israel than Trump ever has
>Are you fucking retarded? 600,000 unskilled, uneducated shitskin wetbacks per year vs 200,000 college educated professionals
the latter is worse and that is the status quo without citizenship as the canada flag jeets in this thread show it is clear which is worse and the bigger cancer

we can call this thread a case study for what is worse
So 600,000 illiterate wetbacks would be the better option? and not only that I would have to fuck over a White man and vote in a literal shitskin nigger to accomplish the task. Is that correct?
600,000 wetbacks who all shit out a kid to get welfare benefits then that spic child goes to school and is a first in line pick at any college they want to go to with a scholarship that will pay their whole tuition. Then they go into the job market which prioritizes them because they're "diversity". You're need to think more long term how damaging this shit has been to our country
yeah i'm done with this place you orangekike worshipers are mentally ill. back to X, go jerk off to some jeet trannies.
both candidates are in bed with a shapiro and jeets
Just like every typical gay man all you can do is label others. Classic projection. You are so obviously gay. What could be gayer then being a fanatical half spic, hobbit homosexual fan boy. Have you told Nick how much you love him? Maybe he will let you bumfuck him? Probably not. You will both put your legs behind your ears hoping the other will bumfuck you because that is how gay you groyper fags really are.
>threats are worse than "being the first administration to directly defend israel"
>same threats trump made to the leader of the taliban to keep them at bay
it's never been more over for groypers. do you want to know why you failed? because your arguments were wrong.
Honestly can't believe this gay spic even has a following. He's an embarrassment.
you're a election tourist anyway
if your argument is "trump is lying" you are just another Qanon shizo I do not engage with that by policy entertained too much nonsense over the years
>counterpoint: wanting kamala to win means supporting a nigger jeet for president.
>lets use our heads here
You first
>biracial woman
>sucked her way to the presidency
>extremely unlikeable and stupid
>chances of the worst four years in this country's history are extremely high
This is the political equivalent of the stars aligning, there'll be a right wing candidate in 2028 that'll be so radical /pol/'s head will spin AND we get to set women back a thousand years. I'm still voting for Trump even in my permablue shithole but the alternative isn't as doom and gloom as some people make it out to be
Compared to 10 million streetshitters that literal trash everywhere the answer is an obvious yes eve though both are fake, gay, and jewish options. last post i am out of this shillhole. stay in your safe trannie space so you won't get laughed at on X for being extremely gay.

It is worse for different reasons, but those reasons actually create a backlash as is does in Canada. Low level Whites are retards that believe themselves to be above poverty, so they accept turd world poverty and immigration flodding their neighboorhoods because they don't see that it is actually fucking them. Whites at management levels perceive the shitskin influx differently and generally trend towards resenting excluding them and hating them. If forced to an option the better option is the college students.
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nope, just once again you're leaving out a key detail! trump's threats are on the condition that iran harms an american. He made the same threat to the taliban as president, and we're not at war with them!

see it's sad being a groyper. you can't realize that this is why you failed. this is why nick cries that no one signed up for groyper war two. because all his arguments are poor. you have no case. you've lost the youth. they see you as shills, and pathetic.
Lots of big brained jews in this thread what a surprise
You dumb niggers were singing his praises years ago. No better than liberals you are.
Basically this, and that's assuming the kid goes to college. most of them don't so you just end up with a growing shitskin underclass. It's happening right now if you look outside you can see it but it hasn't completely manifested yet.
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>there'll be a right wing candidate in 2028

lol spics vote democrat. how would that work exactly?
its too stupid and not enough semantic sophistry this is pajeet onslaught bruteforce astroturf
Chances are just as good that the republican party would run a shitskin like gabbard or some other migrant (at least gabbard isn't a migrant) because they have come to believe that voters like shitskin candidates. Don't forget kamala nigger gets 2 terms.
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> trump's threats are on the condition that iran harms an america
god that you think those stupid tricks work on people here disgusts me
thats called a pretext Iran is doing backflips trying to not antagonize the US meanwhile Israel is assasinating everybody even irish(NATO) peacekeepers
they will try that, you are replicating what the UK cuckservatives did 1:1 but you are about 3 years behind

the zero seat campaign came after the tories mass imported jeets
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hey are we at war with North Korea right now? how does it feel to be making the same arguments and histrionic liberal women in 2016?

you are actually making the same arguments as them. trump would make a big dicked comment and they'd lose their mind. that's where groypers are.

literal woman tier.

cry nick. cry about groyper war two not getting any signups. you lost. not because of a grand conspiracy, but because your arguments were bad, gay, and piss in pants woman tier.
He's one of the most obvious fed informants of the past decade
At least Sam Hyde tries to fly under the radar.
Where the fuck do you get 10 million from the number is 200,000 multiplied by .70 that gives you a relative estimate of jeets and gooks. How the fuck do you come up with 10 million?
Nick is cool, when he actually does his show anyway

It's funny he makes fun of all the women who do the "I'm so TIRED" complaint after spending the whole day doing nothing

But Nick seems to do the same thing. But I guess he's probably always herding retards behind the scenes, and keeping his groyper generals from getting involved in nonsense dramas

It's no doubt a lot of hassle to get all these guys who simp for egirls in line, egos and grudges and feelings...
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I believe that a lot of the people here who support Nick haven't are just too young to know how it went with Richard Spencer and Sam Hyde
You're just now figuring this out?
Yeah they did the bait and switch with that paki guy what's his name, but no one actually voted for him the Tories appointed him. kamaler actually has to win an election.
Hm. Yeah im not sure.
He made a pretty decent counter argunent on why he isnt a fed. On one hand it seems insanely conspiratorial to claim he is one, but on the other hand, he just acts weird sometimes, like with this dont vote trump shit.
Im not sure
Ironically, your pic-related is the best thing that could happen to the far-right.

But regardless, all governments pursue their "national interests". The political parties are just there to give you the illusion of choice. And it is this illusion of choice that gives the government its legitimacy.

Stop giving the government legitimacy, retards.
That’s what people have been trying to tell you since the beginning. Milo had him pinned as a sellout from the start. Milo is someone to listen to about these things.
>hates the guy calling out the jewish playbook
Make up your mind lol. Sorry, your hero sucks BJC.
he's afraid of being deported, he's a spic.
100% glowie misdirection agent.
no idols you faggots.
and here come the mexicans defending their brown cat boi, kys beaner.
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>we surely will win if Kamala becomes president and enacts more anti white, pro Jew policies giving the Jews voters exactly what they want

that's why this spic is a fed
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Reminder groypers are making Trump Nuclear Code arguments in 2024 because threats scare them
>Kamala won't close the southern border you're talking 150k-200k spics flooding the border per month
Who gives a fuck whether the country is destroyed quickly or slowly. Moreover, both parties want immigration because businesses want cheap labor. So over the long-term, everything will end up exactly in the same place regardless of who "wins".

To actually change the country, you would need not only a systemic change in America, but a systemic change in the entire world order. Paradoxically, Kamala is more likely to cause that change than Donald Trump.
this, he knows people will start questioning who else belongs in this country which could turn into him being deported as well
and everyone here knows Nick is a spic
They play for the exact same team and are pushing for the exact same things lol. That guy from 2015 is long gone. Only difference between the two is that Trump wants war with Iran. War is bad I think. You people really are the lowest form of human life and it’s unfortunate that you guys get to vote. Your hero sucks BJC
only when she was underage.
I'm fine with Jews because they are white.
it's over. groypers have been reduced to fearmongering over trump threats (that ended in peace) like menopausal women during trump's term. it is safe to say, groypers would not be out of place at a tim walz rally.
>jeets and changs taking tech jobs and filling companies with their own people
That's good. Tech workers are all Democrats. Replace them with jeets and make them do manual labor for once in their lives.
>That guy from 2015 is long gone.
Trump is the same Jewish businessman he always was. The only reason he seems to have changed is because circumstances have changed.
Literal bots lmao
>spic fuentes
>most influential person on the right
no that’s jesus followed by hitler. spic fuentes is more in the region of that nigress with the spaced out eyes and knee-knocker titties
his point is valid tho
nick totally shilled that jewish tranny for congress
except the aristocracies were never the best
it was literally just the people who sold their own kind out and profitted amongst jewed up conditions who became aristocracy.
i miss ye24 bros
jews in the us are not jewry at large
jews in the us are more likely to have jewnited states interests in mind whereas jewry is more likely to have messianism in mind
>spic fuentes
too poor to buy an ad. Mestizo enough to not want to work.
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maybe he shouldnt have put on that gay nigger nick's gay nigger gimp mask, just a thought
Maybe not the best, but definitely not the average retard. Although the average modern American politician is a moron compared to a Thomas Jefferson. But that doesn't matter because politicians are irrelevant. They are just whores as Ronald Reagan said.

Their job is to wield power for the benefit of others.

"It is evident that all these men, who call themselves by the high-sounding names of Emperors, Kings, Sovereigns, Monarchs, Most Christian Majesties, Most Catholic Majesties, High Mightinesses, Most Serene and Potent Princes, and the like, and who claim to rule “by the grace of God,” by “Divine Right” – that is, by special authority from Heaven – are intrinsically not only the merest miscreants and wretches, engaged solely in plundering, enslaving, and murdering their fellow men, but that they are also the merest hangers on, the servile, obsequious, fawning dependents and tools of these blood-money loan-mongers, on whom they rely for the means to carry on their crimes. These loan-mongers, like the Rothschilds, laugh in their sleeves, and say to themselves: These despicable creatures, who call themselves emperors, and kings, and majesties, and most serene and potent princes; who profess to wear crowns, and sit on thrones; who deck themselves with ribbons, and feathers, and jewels; and surround themselves with hired flatterers and lickspittles; and whom we suffer to strut around, and palm themselves off, upon fools and slaves, as sovereigns and lawgivers specially appointed by Almighty God; and to hold themselves out as the sole fountains of honors, and dignities, and wealth, and power – all these miscreants and imposters know that we make them, and use them; that in us they live, move, and have their being; that we require them (as the price of their positions) to take upon themselves all the labor, all the danger, and all the odium of all the crimes they commit for our profit; and that we will unmake them, strip them of their gewgaws, and send them out into the world as beggars, or give them over to the vengeance of the people they have enslaved, the moment they refuse to commit any crime we require of them, or to pay over to us such share of the proceeds of their robberies as we see fit to demand."

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