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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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That's because all of the people they've used as examples for why White people are evil are actually jewish.
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>columbus had sex with a manatee
The extent Jews go to in order to lie and slander White people is mind boggling
>he was already hated in Europe
All we got in school about Columbus was that he was paid by Isabella to explore a westward route to India and found the Caribbean instead.
There's no hatred of Columbus here.
Why would he do this when there was endless native poon to slay
>But I'm more than certain these "studies" are driven by a certain country's goal to further divide the population

Germans never genocided anyone.
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get in here >>/484813177
Funny how its always "trust the science" until it turns against them, kek. People hate kikes more than ever.
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>going exploring
Hahaha they are natural pussies.
Misinformation is the main weapon of ZOG. More kike projection.
As a 25 year old zoomer, its weird. Growing up, he was just seen as the explorer guy & i even seen a Columbus day parade on occasion & children dressed as pilgrims & natives alike. It was all good fun..but after obama got in office.. He bacame hated all of a sudden?
I'd fuck a manatee
>jewish psyop backfires on jews
as always

I’m with this guy having sex with a manatee sounds like freedom and liberty to me. Just needs some lines of patriotism to go along with it.
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have some fresh OC
Columbus also set sail for the new world from Spain at midnight, just minutes before a Jewish registration/expulsion law went in to effect. and he was extremely secretive about his background. people used to think it was because he was a commoner and embarrassed about not being in the nobility.. now it looks like it was because he was hiding that he was a Jew.
Isreal belongs to the native Americans as reparations
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She (and it is a she) is calling Columbus mediocre when he sailed halfway across the world and found new land. That’s not mediocre.
>Spanish Inquisition
It's another screencap my leddit post thread
He was a Jew so it was total garbage
I would fucking rape that retarded kikewhore asshole with a cross till her last breath
Ugh, what an insufferable cunt that person is.
Columbus was a Portugeuse Jew from the exiled Colon family orginally of Barcelona. The idea that he was Italian or Spanish is untenable.
He was smart, lived on Madiera as a young man, listening to sailor's stories. He married the governor's daughter, then petitioned the newly resurgent Spanish Crown to fund his journey.
Note, the term India referred to both India Septornalis and India Meridionalis - from Ptolemy's Geographica. He knew exactly where he was upon landing.
>t. read a Portugeuse history book
We are known in Spain for fucking mantees man.
Cause a Jew certainly wouldnt name his ship that way when it was funded by the Spanish Empire!
We should do this with every supposed bad guy.
Andrew Jackson Jew!
Churchill Jew!
Napoleon Jew!
was Himmler german?
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Macacao cope
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"Hell yeah land back we have the same struggle"
>Spanish take back land stolen by a jewish/muslim slave trader alliance
>Indigenous Europeans kick out jews
>Begin age of exploration
"Oy vey not like that!"

Fuck jews fuck you fbi White Power
>we were all exiled and murdered
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I'm sure they are behind shitting on Colombus day and removing the statues so this is the best karma of all.Now they can suffer the consequences and get even more hate...
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No, it's been a long-time assertion by the people who lived the deepest into the Atlantic for centuries while the Spanish were busy getting oppressed by Muslims.
Just to show that I'm not some huehue, here's an older map called the De Virga mappa mundi that shows both Australia and the New World from about 1415. Note the map is centered on Mongol Samarkand not Jerusalem, giving a hint to who funded the expeditions to these new lands.
Manatee cooze milks your shaft like nothing else...
>he couldn't be jew!
>he was already hated in Europe
...... I now believe fully
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>We are known in Spain for fucking mantees man.
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The only place kikes are indigenous to are the deepest pits of hell
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and also the attic, the ashtary, the soapdish, the shower room, and the oven
Same day but not at midnight. The Inquisition started then in Isabella’s kingdom. This was a secret but a lot of people knew. CC believed Hebrew would be spoken in China and he brought some Jews with him to act as interpreters. They were safe from arrest as long as they were on the ship. On the dock or even the gangplank they could have been arrested. The ships belonged to Isabella as a Royal Conveyance. These and her Residences were exempt from the Warrants of the Inquisition.

Lmfao shoes on the other foot eh
he didnt name shit, the ships were Castillian, Isabel just sent some castilian captains with their ships to take Colombus to las indias
He expected to reach China though.
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Ain't no pussy like manatee pussy. That shit is illegal for a reason.
His name wasnt even colombus, it was corombo.
It is for a white. Insurmountable task for other races is just a mediocre performance for whites.
All of his existing charts (Archives of the Americas and the Columbus family library) use the Genoese inch as their unit of measurement. Most of his handwritten documents are in Genoese. He most likely was born in Genoa.
I like how within THE SAME POST, this Jew is ALREADY saying "Actually we shouldn't celebrate Indigenous People's Day either"
We're within days of revisionist takes that Columbus was worthy of his own holiday and America is a Jewish nation by birth
A khazarian Ashkenazi jew from the upper east side of Manhattan is not indigenous to Palestine.
curiously the 3 people you named were all huguenots... another group of people expelled from france.
Not what he told Queen Isabella under oath in front of witnesses and a Court Secretary who was recording what he said. He told her that he had personally stood on the mainland of China and even told her what Provence. He knew this because the local natives told him this.
I honest to goodness love this subreddit. It’s just kvetching and bitching the whole time. Found this gem on there, gives me hope.

Jews get Colombo, whites get Leif Erikson. It's a lose-win situation.
lisbon is a genoese colony (colony... like columbus's real name colon)
His charts, or Vespucci's charts?
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The Nürnberg laws allowed for 50% German Jews to be part of the folk, and the SS had a sizeable number of them
Kek. That last sentence. The jew is still bitter.
No at least of the ships was hers. The ship was forfeited to Isabella in lieu of paying a fine. I don’t know where it was built.
His. Notes on the charts match his handwriting on other documents.
>White people
An Italian in service of the Spanish Crown is somewhere between a nafri and a mestizo in /pol/ anthropology.
No it wasn’t. Certainly there were people from Italy and elsewhere who moved there but a colony? No.
>One of his boats was named SANTA (SAINT)
Didn't the Queen loan him all those boats?
It was already know by everyone that had looked into his historical records that his grandfather was a Jewish convert to Christianity.
I wonder what the actual study actually says.
>Columbus was an evil exploiter
>Jews are evil exploiters
I see it now.
About 214,000 German Jews were left on the eve of World War II. Of these 180,000 were killed as a part of the Holocaust. That means that the max number of Jews that theoretically could have served in the German army was about 30,000. So the number of 150,000 German soldiers of Jewish descent seems highly exaggerated.
Thats what jew would do in Columbos place. Thats how jew would discover US. Follow the manities
>His era of colonization perfectly aligns with the Spanish Inquisition, when we were all exiled and murdered.
So you’re saying all it took to conquer a continent was to kick you out of our country?
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Why do people do this? This is defamation of a dead man that can't defend himself.

Hey you know Thomas Jefferson wrote his own Bible to justify raping black kids. Idk how true that is but I'm going to throw it out there and see what retards swallow it.
I've seen enough of that on Jesus Christ alone, enough to believe he actually is the son of God.

That pile of crap really has nothing to offer though, just cope and seethe. The interesting stuff is borderline schizo but good /x/ topics. It is funny to collect cope and seethe but I have enough of that. I got my lulz from it already.

It is funny and Christians aren't even trying to troll Jews. Jesus Christ is doing that on his own. It's true.
>we are JUDEANS
not Judahites, but the national Herodian Edomite Dynasty province of Rome Judea residents that are of Edomite origin

never forget that kikes are Edomites
Columbus was based though
>All we got in school about Columbus was that he was paid by Isabella to explore a westward route to India
because muslims had genocided Constantinople just decades earlier and the muslim scum had closed the silk road
>now it looks like it was because he was hiding that he was a Jew.
but he came back, you retard
same for me, we watched the Gérard Depardieu movie
r/jewish is straight up the freakiest shit I’ve ever read online. Those people are fucking psychos
how was the construction of the oldest standing synagogue in the US financed?
That just makes Jews look badass.
>closed minded goys kick you out of their country
>discover a new continent to find a new place to live
> Jews demonize Columbus
> realize Columbus was a slave trading Jew who raped indigenous people
> use the full power of the government, media, banks to change the name of the day and erase it from history
Not the first or last time.
Ngl, I bet it would be pretty damn good.
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>pic related is from 2012 and was a known fact to jews
>White people
columbus was a jew
That’s also a myth. Prophets and visionaries back then were really just the people everyone trusted because they could feel that the “big one” was coming stormwise and relocate before it hit.
> exploring
more like traveling a known path and still somehow getting lost but yeah
How many times do you think that specific poster has used the phrase "fellow white people, we are bad" in his/her life?
>Jews are violently expelled from Spain
>Crypto-Jews immediately flee Spain on every merchantile and exploratory route possible
>Crypto-Jews proceed to lead massacres and blood libels all over South America, the latter in both the sense of really committing them and of potentially spreading them against natives- what if the Aztec human sacrifice is largely all pilpul projection and fabrication?
>Crypto-Jews deliberately repeat this formula with interests in every East India Company, trace the steps of every antique Indo-European migration to murder their ruling class descendants, indigenous bondservants, and thereafter loot everything of value
>proceed to blame everything on the white European muscle they used to secure ground after the fact, do everything in their power to upraise the worst dalit macaco mystery meat bastards to primacy in the half-genocided cultures remaining while trading in blood, flesh, castrati, opiates, varying by culture & market
>then proceed to found massive Soviet anticolonial KILL WHITEY movements on the basis of the muddled blood memory and trauma of all the genocide and looting
>centuries later- "oops sorry they weren't white, they were Jewish" t. unknowing bad goy scientist, panic in the synagogue
>big light bulb moment for every retarded colonialism kvetching shitlib, shitskin
*******YOU ARE HERE*******
>TKD commences
watch all the disgusting damage controlling neocohen altlite plants try to turn this around and make Jews into le shitskin killing redcoat badasses to the vehement hatred of every audience including their own
I too am obsessed and let my fear of da juus control my every thought and action while receiving affirmation from my sisters on 4channel
>i’ve seen some suspicious posts
Why do they all talk like they are in a secret intelligence meeting? They, ironically, always assume everything is a conspiracy against them.
when are you going to stop carrying water for the kikes that looted MUH TRILLIONS under camouflage of the British banner you dumb pajeet niggers, holy shit they pay you pennies for this
This is absolutely beautiful.

That Mexican bitch can now get on her knees and apologize to Mexicans on behalf of *her* people. She was the ugly imperialist gold hungry ogre all along.

Seriously, this is getting bad for Jews. Everything they accuse Europeans of… it seems they were at the very centre of. Collectively, they are much more responsible than some European peasant, who was busy doing farm labour for peanuts.
> new continent
But it wasn’t. Also this same act destroyed Europe. By expelling them they just fit vengeful and went and funded the whole Ottoman Empire
christoph columbustein
wait is this brinkmanship between her and spain?
Who's gonna tell them?
>We aren't genocidal monsters that steal land
>As they commit genocide and steal land

She is demanding an apology from Spain for colonizing the Americas. There has been a bit of a diplomatic row. Typically Jewish behaviour, agitating the native Indians to be hostile to Europeans to creat rifts and problems.
Just imagine the clown world we live in and the total inversion of values.
>Columbus, discovering a whole new continent and conquering it in order to create a gigantic empire for europeans is a "mediocre dude", meanwhile the kvetching liberal cityfag with his history degree is good because he has "decency" even though nobody will give a shit about it's rotting corpse in 80 years.
Doesn't matter. Jews are the real slave traders. Can't erase that from history niggers.
He WAS a jew, the BBC confirm it as of yestterday.

Murderous slavers the lot of them.
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>I have a college education
Western universities sure have lowered their standards. They’re now producing scholars who are, dare I say it….. mediocre
Slandering Columbus has been a thing in lefty circles for decades. He probably wasn't a saint, but a lot of the negative stuff you hear about him being a genocider or whatever was most likely anti-Spanish propaganda that originated in Britain hundreds of years ago. Now it's backfiring on the jews who pushed anti-Columbus propaganda for years since it turns out he may have been a converso cryptokike instead of a white Christian.
I'm just asking why would a jew be named Christ-opher because that doesn't sound like a kosher name.
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>Jews are violently expelled from Spain
justifiably expelled for their partnership with muslims
>should have been mass killed
The real question is who wrote the history? Who has a pattern of trying to erase history to create their own history narrative? Who runs the media now???
they try anything in a panic
He thought they were mermaids and tried to fuck one. They're called pig-fish in Moby Dick but not we call them sea-cows.
Most married men fuck manatees on a regular basis. I don't see what the problem is here.
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Jews are the women of races
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Columbus was literally Italian and not jewish at all.

The reconquista of Spain lasted from the 700s to 1492.
What's the story with the bargain container homes?
Never let brownies forget that Columbus was a heeb
But it's not rape when Spaniards do it...
It was Colomberg
Never heard such a thing, however it's well known that we hired a lot of Genoese sailors and captains during that period. It's quite possible that Columbus's family moved to Lisbon long before he became employed by the Spanish crown, thus creating all the confusion about his roots, and none of this is mutually exclusive with him possibly being of converso, mischling stock.
They counted mixed race people who weren't necessarily adherents to judaism. Also he's wrong about the SS, there were but a few jews/people with mixed blood in the SS and most were all from the same family.
It wasn't a new continent, though the average pleb wouldn't have heard anything of it, and even many kings wouldn't have cared about distant lands nobody remembered how to reach to anymore.
Absolutely hilarious considering columbus was their weapon against white people for so long.
It's afraid.
Now prove it.
Making antisemitic propaganda has got to be the easiest job in the world
All you have to do is tell the truth
10/10 English rose
>New study
I thought it was widely known he was a kike even long ago?

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