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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Anons, if this was true and not a larp as it probably is. Could we at least acknowledge that this would be a moment to call the Jews based ? Just for this one ?

They are Ashkeniggers aka Khazars
Not Jewish by blood
>don't kill them out there in Israel and make us look bad
>import them to the US and Europe instead!
Yeah get fucked
I notice they aren't calling for cutting Israel's gibs. Nice try, rabbi.
>the new york stock exchange and not, AIPAC HQ/Israeli embassy

Uh ok?
Agreed. But the more important message is the mainstream media showing this to the NPC sheeple out there that there, now being told that there is a link between the Jew and the Money. It just may wake a couple of the dumb fuckers up, and possibly them becoming redpilled.
It's a psyop to direct blame at anything besides jewish psycopathy and influence in our government. You will never see them protesting or criticizing the Israel lobby.
Israeli Gibs is your ruling class Gibs.
It's how all Foreign aid works.
The American tax payer paying tribute to the ruling class.
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Where were these "benevolent Jews" in the early 2020's fighting lockdowns and protesting Jewish vaccine companies forcing untested vaccines on everybody for profit?

We're gonna see a lot of this "B-but there are some good Jews!" shit in the coming months. Don't fall for it. If there were any "good Jews" they would have been protesting lockdowns and vaccines in the early 2020's. It's way too late for Hymies to pretend to be good guys. Never let the public forget Jewish involvement in the lockdowns and vaccines.
Thanks, just learned a new word that you said
Another good one to add to the list
so whos real jew then only the sephardic and mizrahi?
Judeans converted to Christianity and Islam way back in the first millenium A.D.
The so-called "Palestinians" are their descendants.
>See? Not all Jews are bad, look, we're against the Gaza genocide! Jews aren't a monolith! Antisemitism refuted!
Silly yids should just buy GameStop
race traitors

like leftist Whites
i know about that arab christian and muslim have more claim to jerusalem than ashkenazi (slav)
What an odd thing to do.
Papuans have more claim to Indonesia than you chinks from Asia do.
seethe more kike
>an end to war profiteering
Oh that's fucking rich.
Those are leftist Whites.
this, just a bunch of jews pretending to be on the anti-israel side because they know things are getting hot for them
Get off me fackin' land ya yellow slant eyed dog
Uh oh that's dangerous

This is post is stupid due to the fact that you are only seeing the "iceberg" that is on top on the surface and not how it's deep.

It's really nothing, anon.

>inbefore I also hate leftonomics and jewnomics for being too corrupt and self-destructive.

Daily reminder that jews serve for jews and not for (you).
They did this because they did not get paid. That's the only reason.
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shots fired
not cool nose bro
Could we at least acknowledge that this would be a moment to call the Jews based ?
No we fucking won't. This is a level 1 NAJALT gambit. Don't be so easily swayed
>pay a bunch of liberal white retards to be "jews"
jews are not white btw
fuck off kike the mother and father blood distributes both goddamn genes you faggot big nose nigger
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Jews are scared of losing their place at the table

Simple as
So they literally went to the corner of the problem for the entire financial crisis we currently suffer through and they're not even there to mention it or are upset that everything is too expensive because wall street got greedy and stole their money and instead focus on a war in the middle east..
Okay then..
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just part of the khazaria plan
But how about the service of them being in mainstream media sending the message through to the NPC's that the Jew and the money are interlinked ?
They're trying to paint the picture to normies that Israel is just a tool of US capitalists and interests and it minimizes their perceived autonomy in their decisions. It's a scapegoat to prevent people from digging deeper and realizing who the problem is. Normies who watch tv will take whatever they're given at face value. Further investigation and "noticing" isn't their thing.
In other words, Jews controls the US through finance. This stunt makes the reverse appear to be the case.
>Further investigation and "noticing" isn't their thing.
True, but it is actually slowly changing. Just not enough at the moment.
It's the old jewish left.
They're pretty much a remnant from a bygone era who range from pretty based to democrats with a shred of principle.

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