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>A tour of Lugansk was conducted for captured Ukrainian Armed Forces servicemen to show them what life is really like in the liberated territories.
>Many of the prisoners are beginning to question Ukrainian propaganda, renounce their citizenship and write applications to receive Russian citizenship.
>The prisoners fear that if a prisoner swap is made, they will again be sent haplessly into the frontline meat grinder.
I hope this is last supper and then they're going to be shot
Why are Italians such simps for Putin and Russia?

Chabadniks will pay the price. There will be no kulaks.
You sure those are hohols? I bet those are vatniks and it's all cgi anyway. Lugansk has no people left. It's all orc territory now.
BEHOLD ! A random video of unidentified people in an unidentified place with cyrillic writings from at least several months back with random sentences and no source.

I love this place.
I'm glad those guys are ok. I hope they're reunited with their families soon.
Because Italians are Europeans
same reason Hindus worship jews. Its all about cocks.
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Who says these are ukranians? Based on what the slavs are wearing in the video?
but you arent
and never will be
Looks really nice and clean much better then metropolises like LA NYC Philly Chicago
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can easily tell some for sure they ukranian by facial features. But ukraine supporters are retards that cant tell ethnic ukranians andjust support current thing wow color me surprised. This is why you don't have mutts and leftist retards into politics.
There has never been a resistance or insurgency behind the Russian lines, to the contrary those people have formed militia's that fight and die alongside the Russians. That tells you the 90%+ votes to separate from puppet government that was genociding them were legit, that our "leaders" have been lying the ENTIRE time, have hijacked our great nation as they convert to judaism and made us the "bad guys".

*pic related contains top secret classified photos that never went through formal declassification procedure (and article 2 authorities have been overturned by democrats), so if you view them you are a criminal if you ever vote republican. Mazel Tov
if the russians won tommorow and tell the world ukranians won americans would clap cause they wont be able to tell the difference lol
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All men in Ukraine need to start wearing full army fatigues every day. To hide from a school of predators look like a predator.
because italians have always hated being an american colony, also because catholics have a sympathy for the russian orthodox church, in opposition to the protestant anglos
Italians and Russians are Europeans unlike Anglos and Americans.
mmmh should I get cheap gas and imports/exports from our friendly neighborhood or should I pay it all 4x from the same subhuman mutts who assassinated half of the most important italian figured in the last 50 years...mmmhh truly a hard choice...
hohols will start going after the families of those who surrender
we also love south america btw
it's the bald commie retard from one of the generals.
The average Mario should be busy thinking about how to pay Italys debts to the Germans and French not the gas and import/export.
Who said anything about white you retarded mutt? They're italian and european, "white" is a cope for cultureless faggots like americans and brits
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Mariusz from Tottenborough Obwod
kek Mariupol is technically still not far from the front but so much of it has already been completely rebuilt and people are moving back in. Even got schools up and everything, all brand new construction.
see this is effective psychological torture, show them a tour, feed them and then let them cook. They should have also sent them to a childrens hospital to really fuck them up.
i giv u nothing
>can easily tell some for sure they ukranian by facial features.
Retard detected
Genuine question, why would you believe all russian propaganda without question?
What debt? Retarded subhuman, if anything the EU owes us a fuckton of money since we got continuously scammed by predatory red tape bureaucracy while france,uk and germany ignored their own rules.
If a pwrson looks kike a scuffed Strelok from Stalker game, has 100% Ukrainian (100% borderlands mutt).
The less mutted someone is, the harder it is to be sure.
But in a group? Piss easy.
You'd rather be a Russian colony?
i can already tell that was a subhuman albanian nigger.
Remember that they showed Ukrainian Specia Forces massacring russians in the trenches as their own success. Never believe russian propaganda.
I thought it's easy to tell them from the Russians because the Russians look like Chinks
Fair enough. I'd rather have my freedom. But some people are just born to be subservient to dictators I guess. Italians were never leaders.
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>I'd rather have my freedom
m8 do u have a loicence for that ethnic disparaging comment?
you live in a fairy if you believe in national freedom, especially if the nation is a little one, grow up
After seeing this picture, how can you be against trans rights ? You should be able to switch sex when ever you want by filling a form on internet and experience woman privilege. Trans women are women and should have the same rights, no draft for them.
*fairy tale
imagine posting garbage like this with a bongoid flag
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this is literally you
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Lmao, wtf does a Bongaloid know about freedom?
Do you even the proper loicense for this opinion?
the average italian is a 30 yr old swarthoid who lives with their parents on a $200/month disability check
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>blimey I was only pretendin to be retarded gottem
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take 3 more doses please
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>he doesn't know
sorry i can't make out what your saying. can you remove the russian cock from your mouth and try again?
Which Italian politicians have been assasinated by the CIA ?
Hohol on vpn detected.
Be hold! A mutt glownigger on frog VPN.
becaue we hate glownigger pigs like you that are willingly destroy there own country.
There is nothing more corrupt than a Ukrainian woman.
I wonder why they didn't give them a tour of Donetsk, seeing as it was bombed for a gazillion years?
also cia replaced Pope Benedict XVI with a masonic antipope (see the podesta's emails)
Russian colony is way way way way better in 2024 than a judeo-masonic colony riddled with homosexual parasites, fed goyslop and invaded by migrants supported by NGO’s.
you aren't even trying nigel
keep blaming za russians while your countrymen are sent to jail for tweets and protesting their own replacement by pakis and poos
Bongs with their cousin mutt terrorists are the enemies of humanity acting in favor of jewish demons that kill children and drink goyim blood for passover.
>can easily tell some for sure they ukranian by facial features
I thought the latest agenda was that r*ssians and Ukrainians are inseparable, what changed?
Aldo Moro is the biggest example, it's a complicated story and mossad is involved too but to keep it simple he was the leader of the largest centrist party and he was about to make a deal with the italian communist party while would've given them the majority in the parliament and freedom to legislate freely, the italian communist party was partially funded by the soviet union, the center, far-right and monarchy parties were funded by USA (I also have a book, a biography of an important politician and monarchist that was written before he died of old ages saying he was receiving large summs of money directly from the head of the CIA in an effort to push non-communist politics in Italy), this deal would be called "Il compromesso storico" (the historic compromise), he was kidnapped and eventually killed in captivity by the red brigates (which by that point were infiltrated for years by the secret services and were doing nonsense killings of left-leaning figures, such as magistrates.)
I kept the details at minimum, there's many books required to read to get a good picture of what the hell was going on between the 60s and 90s in Italy.
But also it wasn't just politicians just read about this guy
a lot of important entrepeurs have been corrupted, their businesses sabotaged or outright killed like Mattei because they were making advantageous deals for the country that completely bypassed the anglo sphere of influence.
Basically after the death of Mussolini we've been sabotaged in everything we did by the USA, Israel and their dogs like the UK.
it doesn't matter whether you view russia as a friend luigi. they view you as their enemy. you are a degenerate western capitalist enemy of the motherland and no amount of gargling vatnik semen will change that.
Rusoids never lied, never happened, and if happened, they deserved it, and if they didnt, then it was not us, etc
whatever you say anglo-jew.
Lol. Russians are barely able to rule over their own people.
get new material nigel, this 100 years old propaganda is stale and outdated
Russians know we are an occupied satrapy of the anglokike empire
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Russians have a very positive view of Italy/Greece overall and vice versa
>every thing is fake and gay
>unless we do it then trust us goy is 100% real
you will never be russian
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>tfw not even holocaust survivors are safe from the draft
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>you will never be russian

You will never be British

britcuck with no spine at all
you will never get your country back from pakis and poos
>Fair enough. I'd rather have my freedom.
> britflag

This is kike bait
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Russians are subhuman communists who need to be genocided
>it doesn't matter whether you view russia as a friend luigi. they view you as their enemy.
After watching Bald and Bankrupt going around Russia I dont think this is true at all.
In fact they seem to have the same view as us where they know their media / politicians are pushing an agenda when they report on foreign countries. Just like ours. And they see random citizens of European countries as similar to random citizens of Russia.
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>Russians are subhuman communists who need to be genocided

Only a Jew hates Orthodox Christians
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Orthodoxy is communism in disguise
Russian savages worship their oppressors
>Orthodoxy is communism in disguise
imagine being this much of a retarded mutt
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>Orthodoxy is communism in disguise

Orthodox are the most anti-kike/commie group there is
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They're kosher nazis
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a city where you can walk around as a white person without getting killed, must be nice. jelly
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>Russians hate you!
>Source: me, enemy of Russia and Globohomo HQ Rules by pedos
Niggel, pls
I thought Putin was going to contain your nonsense. How did you get past the retard filters?
You will never be jewish
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Only sometimes
>who assassinated half of the most important italian figured in the last 50 years.

Never happened
the war inside europe has already started, its over.
>Orthodoxy is communism in disguise
I hope jews ship you to the Middle East. But something tells me you're jewish.
the only winning move is to not play, anyone telling you your enemy is some other European group in another nation is your enemy, the only war to be fought is civil against the occupying regime
this, the enemy is the gnostic sect, the synagogue of satan
What about the italian debt the ecb bought over the years to lower our rates?
>three letter agent glow so bright
It's too easy
Are you seriously asking why the fuck a supranational entity "buying our debt" (who came up with such a retarded economic concept?) with OUR OWN MONEY WE GAVE THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE is bad?
Why couldn't we simply pay our debt with that money without getting further interest on it?
Maybe they just hate globohomo?
cope, zigger enjoy becoming a mobnik and getting rekt by AI controlled drone, lmao zubhuman. Remember, as a clab you will NEVER be white, you're eurasian subhuman who worships a man who wanted to eradicate you. Sad, mr untermensch.
Yeah, but is gay buttsex legal? I think not. Checkmate.
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Nice propaganda but I'm sure many Ukrainian's would accept Russian citizenship rather than be stripped naked and shot or taken to a detention camp and tortured like literally everyone remotely connected to Ukraine was.

But hey, there you go, look at Lugansk and Donbas, truly Ukraine has genocided those cities which is why Russia invaded but now we are at the stage of "hey, life is somewhat normal under our authoritarian rule for 5 minutes".
>enemy city ukraine role model city gets pumped full for russian taxpayer money
>normal russian citizens still lack basic infrastructure repair money on their own country
i am sure average russian is thrilled knowing where his money is going
>Many of the prisoners are beginning to question Ukrainian propaganda, renounce their citizenship and write applications to receive Russian citizenship.
[non russian propaganda citation needed]
so the more you bomb russians the more they want to build your infrastructure
The Washington-based Institute for the Study of War (IFSW) has also noted Russia's increased investment in the occupied regions.

"Russian regional and occupation authorities continue infrastructure programs designed to integrate occupied Ukraine into Russia," the IFSW said in a situation report.

a clear incentive to attack russia more - the more you do, the more they have to build for you in their propaganda effort
They don’t know they are fighting for a nazi and couped goverment ? They didn’t know protecting Ukraine from the backing till the Ukrainian was not actually in their interest and chauvinist games could still be kept.
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Ackshually, the average Russian loves us for a variety of reasons:
>Italian architects built the Kremlin, the Winter Palace and countless other buildings, to the point that St Petersburg is known as the "Venice of the North".
>Fiat helped them build the Lada factory in the 60s.
>During the Soviet era, italian music and movies were the only kind of western entertainment available. There are italian singers from the 80s that are all but forgotten here and yet in Russia they're treated like superstars and hold dozens of concerts every year.
>Putin was a close friend of Berlusconi.
>Overall, we tend to mind our own business and keep a neutral attitude towards everyone (some would say we try to have a foot in both camps)
Literally this
As an italian I have exactly ZERO reasons not to support Russia and China and seek an economic alliance with them
The last two centuries show that Italy just wants to chill and stay in its comfy zone and has no fighting spirit left to play the big boy part, and amerimutts only cause us trouble
Moro, also Falcone and Borsellino who were trying to uproot the mafia's death grip on the Italian state. The mafia had been reinstated by the americans during WW2 Operation Husky after they were mostly kicked out during Fascism.
I have literally never seen a russian speak ill of Italy
Every russian I know IRL (admittedly not many) love Italy
Meanwhile on the internet and on /pol/ I see literally dozens of amerimutts hating on us every day, calling us arabs, saying that Italy is a shithole etc.
Come on lad.
Name one unique thing about Romanian culture
>DNR and LNR are corrupt shitholes
>Ukrainians are wowed by them
That is actually a non-contradiction. The split between the russian and ukrainian standards is so wide the Russian shithole is nicer and more prosperous than anywhere in Ukraine.
Just look at the quality of the road they are driving over, not only it's paved but it's also freshly maintained the hohols haven't seen a quality road since the USSR. Also the air conditioners. Russians can afford to buy and even run the ACs.
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>question Ukrainian propaganda
Hey now.
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Nigger compare Crimea unser Urine and Russia
Urinians live in 30 soviet Infrastrukture, If Russian corrruption allows for recent devlopment Urinian corrruption devours 90% of everything

Pic related ,train model from the 60, thats for an offcial State visit mind you.
Urinians are 2x poorer and corrrupt
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Because Russia sent their military to help Italy deal with covid
why is GB so bitter about losing its empire and must wage war on others?
The imperialist equivalent of penis envy.
>UK not so great anymore
>Russia great and mighty
>Bongoloids seethe "We wuz great and shieeet"

All the more reasons to support the free and independant Scotland. The proud European Scots will be free.
why are a*glos such jews
a*glos are spiritual jews
>Russia great and mighty
Land of the Rus still isn't reunified, Russia is a misnomer given its just Muscovy.
>never in the history of mankind has anybody defected.
You should seriously consider that question.
Why are anglos simps for jews?
Sad though.
I want this war to end
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>wow it looks like classic poor russian shithole
>kike autonomous oblast
>poor as fuck

That place looks based as fuck on the map.

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