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>First, an invitation to NATO. We are a democratic nation that has proven we can defend Euro-Atlantic values and our shared way of life. For decades, Russia has exploited Europe’s geopolitical uncertainty—the fact that Ukraine is not a NATO member.

>The second point – defense. It is the irreversible strengthening of Ukraine’s defense against the aggressor. It is realistic to defend our positions on the battlefield in Ukraine while also bringing the war to Russian territory, so that Russians truly feel what war is and, despite their propaganda, begin turning their hatred toward the Kremlin.

>The third point of the Plan is deterrence. There is also a classified annex for this. It has already been received by the leaders of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Germany. Other countries will also receive it—those who can give real substance to this well-known global concept of deterrence for Ukraine.

>The fourth point – strategic economic potential. Ukraine has natural resources and critical metals worth trillions of dollars. These include uranium, titanium, lithium, graphite, and other strategic resources, which will either strengthen Russia or Ukraine and the democratic world.

so basically
>join NATO
>gift all ukrainian resources in the country to Blackrock so they feel forced to defend it

can it work?
top kek. The war must go on. As if...
It's both an aggressive war plan and selling the nation to Jewish buyers.
>With Jews, you lose.
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>This high-IQ plan will bring VICTORY to Ukraine!
>Are you sure we can achieve peace without inviting Russia to the peace talks?
she looks like one of those cutscenes from the C&C games
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Aus just gave 48 Abrahams tanks, with the F-16s , media lies, hope and a prayer, who knows, big spring offensive kek.
The actual plan is something far simpler. These are red herrings and bullshit. The goal is to depopulate Ukraine and settle it with Jews. At the same time as he's presenting his delusions, they're also changing the laws so that they can send 18 year olds and perhaps even younger to the meat grinder. To the last Ukrainian - that's the plan.
Is this fucking real? I don't see anything about reclaiming territory.
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So 2 more weeks Iguess zisster ? )))))
She's an awful woman. Creating the conditions with belowboard calculated lying & deception, the death of millions now. What a putrid cunt.
more like a JUST end
>can it work?
He just forgot to invite Russia to the talks. You cant declare peace unanimously (unless the enemy has been throughly defeated, which isn't the case)
>>77 correct anon, as always, 2 weeks.
They took Putin list of peace plan and did the opposite on each and every point.
>they're also changing the laws so that they can send 18 year olds and perhaps even younger to the meat grinder
i think until now they didn't mobilize 18 to 25, so young people didn't die yet, the soldier were older because young people were not being mobilized if i'm not mistaken
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The fact that Jews are leading a white European country's resistance against asiatic invaders conclusively debunks the antisemitic canard that Jews are somehow plotting white genocide.
to the last hohol...please
Read between the lines. It's a nothingburger except for the "invitation" to NATO. They already have so much NATO support and long range weaponry, the talk about arsenals and continuing the war is just bluster. What's significant is he didn't even mention donbass or crimea.
Putler will cuck out.
Ukraine will stay heavily armed and bellicose
Ukraine will joine NATO under a new provisional monkey model
five years later, a new pro-Russian president will win in Ukraine
Is 3 basically him secretly-but-not-really asking for nukes? Delusional.
>First, an invitation to NATO. We are a democratic nation
There is a reason he never wears a suit or official uniform during meetings, hearings, speeches etc.
>five years later, a new pro-Russian president will win in Ukraine
i don't think fortified elections work like that any longer, kek, i'm sure they will get a big batch of NATO-approved "voting-machines" that make sure that threats to democracy like those can't happen again
>five years later, a new pro-Russian president will win in Ukraine
are you serious anon?
It sure sounds like a better deal for Ukrainians and everyone else in the world who isn't jewish to just have Ukraine surrender.
How many ukrainians will be left to worship their jewish masters?
When you get so hooked to donations you come up with a 25 year plan to receive donations
in five years it might not matter. The election stealing capabilities of both sides somewhat cancel each other anyway.
Putin won't accept the non-neutral ukraine but it is possible that zelensky will cuck out, that's what I'm afraid of.
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Nice cherry pick, holol.
If they froze the lines in Ukraine and Zelenstein withdraw from Kursk, Ukraine would still be a functional nation. They'd be happy to be in NATO for a time before ukies get grumpy again in 5 years.
you left out
>you will continue to shill for globohomo elsewhere
it's scary how accurate this meme is
>We are a democratic nation
Chutzpah to the max.
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The fact that the jews instigated the war in the first place, and then snuck out the back door before the draft started so that they could then buy up most of the country via Blackrock debunks your post.
ok retard
All the resources he is promising belong to Russia for the last 10 years, cope and seethe
>Zelenstein withdraw from Kursk

Might want to check the news anon, Holols are getting shredded in Kursk, it's a matter of weeks (two to be exact) until they're pushed back.
Russia already said there is no scenario where they allow Ukraine to join nato so I guess they will just continue west.
that's where the new fake NATO memebership comes in. He gets to sit with the other NATO leaders but he absolutely can't have nukes, or something. Some probationary membership that recognizes Ukraine is a terrorist state.
>except for the "invitation" to NATO.
That in itself IS a nothing burger because to join the alliance you must have the support of ALL members. A couple have already said they will refuse Ukraine's request.
Can we please just court marshall this clown to a noose
Putin would be insane to accept any truce or peace deal

Jewlensky already showed his hand. NATO just wants to use ukraine as a staging platform to destabilize and destroy Russia

They would just use the "peace" to rebuild and try again with the american imperialist shenanigans

tl;dr to the last hohol
> starts off on point 1 with completely delusional demand
a brazen clown and asshole, i hope he ends in horrible pain in a torture cellar
Didn't they caused the collapse of your fake nation?! Fucking delusional cretin. All in all, it's fine, we took over 4 millions of Ukrainians and the culture and language won't disappear but you and your Bandera worshipping friends will die like the rabid dogs you are. Step on a landmine, pidor.
>>First, an invitation to NATO
pfhahaha. I know he's a comedian but this is beyond funny.
this reads like an anti-semitic joke in the same way Kamala's plan for black male voters reads like a racist joke
Not if we liberate the territory. The further we get, the less will Black Rock take.
Zelensky is never going to accept the actual russian terms, never.
There have to be complete wipe out of the current hohol elite for actual negotiations to be possible.
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>Ukraine has natural resources and critical metals worth trillions of dollars

And there it is
The reason this whole CIAnigger war was started in the first place
Wow this will literally solve everything..... you know except for the war
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You don't even have elections anymore, and it started when a jew was in charge (what a surprise). Probably the same fate awaits Mexico now.
the insane thing is that both NATO and the EU's response to objections from their members was to immediately propose changing the rules to be able to override objections
>jews are currently getting the entire country of ukraine genocided
>half the men or more are dead
>women have fled and taking strange foreign dick
>ukraine will never recover demographically for decades

But hey, you get to be Greater Israel when the jews move in over your corpses right lmao
that's perfect. Give the assent of the US to make Zelensky sign, then secretly sabotage the process for 1-2 years until Zelensky runs out of steam politically.
We would be happy with that because Zelenski is illegitimate and we can't put his signature on the negotiations.
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One fortnight
hes an idiot all the mines and resources as well as the single most important port they have are in the eastern ukraine
You missed the part where he implied Ukraine should get nukes
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I think that might be
Brazil bro
I've seen the meme on the latest video from Mariupol. KeK
thats not about peace but psychopathic pretense that he is not the aggressor
dragging the US and NATO into this got not peace as aim

if he wanted peace or peace negotiations he would call russia for talks without preconditions not those gimmick stuff
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>Ok guys, here's how we can still win, are you paying attention?
>You are? Good, okay here's the plan.
>We have NATO fight for us, and in exchange we give them everything of value our nation has that the russians haven't taken yet.
>Genius, i know!
I thought jews were supposed to be high IQ, what's this shit?
Truly but I do not think that has happened, yet.
the tendency of rusnigger propaganda to assume the existence of a globo-homo satan mutt-merica voodoo god behind the curtain pulling strings, depriving everyone of agency and self determinitation, is, like most rusnigger propaganda, a projection stemming from soviet times when no matter how many nations made up the ussr it was only ever really russia making decisions and no one had agency...its fascinating in its scope and depth really.
also they can't withdraw so are forced to continually resupply Kursk positions with the last remaining well-trained troops and a huge number of armored vehicles because their tactics depend on traveling long distances quickly

what this translates to is, Kursk is like a leaking wound that takes resources which really can't be spared from the rest of the frontline which is in the process of crumbling- Pokrovsk, Zapo/Nicolaev, Slovyansk/Kramatorsk, Sumy, Kharkov are all in play (and will almost all lack adequate power, water and heating in the coming winter season which starts in 2 weeks)

meanwhile...russia has been building up forces all along their lines. whether these are deployed in dramatic big arrow offensive(s) or just continually increased pressure doesn't really matter, but this winter could be a very bad one for ukraine
Imagine thinking that America has any interest in actually "winning" in Ukraine.
the plan failed only the heeb side is losing massively while russia advances and gets out of slumber
Democratic Ukraine has no
>freedom of religion
>freedom of movement
>freedom of the press
>right to a fair trial
>right to vote
>right to form a political party
>right to not have your organs harvested

Its the least democratic "democratic" country on earth
You guys used to be cool and nice until around 2012 or so.
Loses => proposes a "victory plan".
Is he plain stupid? or is it another "i live in my own reality" kike moment?
3 and 4 seem to strongly hint that Zelensky wants the Ukraine to be like Turkey and host American nuclear weapons. Whether that is MRBM launch sites or a nuclear capable American AFB is the question.
it's a small concession for peace, ukraine is so aggressive they'd never trigger article 5
I think he’s way past the point of dictating terms. He doesn’t get to do that anymore and there is no reason for Russia to listen, or stop the war at all.

All of this could have been easily avoided, yet he was determined to start a shooting war with Russia and become the golden child of the RULES BASED ORDER. Now millions are dead and Ukraine is going to be split in half. Putlermort will be laughing all the way to Ukrainwarts
>Jews leading a fratricidal war in Europe
>that I wanted no part of
>using MY money without asking me
Soros pumped 100 million dollars to buy politicians and spew propaganda from 1990 to 2010
Dude, Kursk is the most wild place. Heads on pikes, dude stabbed with a fantasy sword that he stole, fiberoptic drones, dead Americans and so on.
Let me guess, this jew ratfucker also needs the USA to give him another 100 billion to "win the war", right?
Someone just shoot this kike now and do us all a favor.
I mean they literally poured $5 billion into Ukrainian "democratic organisations" and hand selected the new Ukrainian cabinet after the coup so there's that.....
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OR, the majority of people in the world throughout history who had experiences dealing with kikes decided that they are not to be trusted under any circumstances. Funny how that works, isn't it?
To Pridnestrovie.
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>ukraine is so aggressive they'd never trigger article 5
>ukraine is so aggressive
>they'd never trigger article 5
Armored offensives are like cavalry charging into machine guns

I mean. Think tanks are a lost cause. Why not give them up anyway. Future of warefare is shitload of drones and light mechanized infantry
no he is a psychopath, this is to reframe russia as the agressor, procrastinate with peace plans made to fail and leech from the US and europe some more billions for his thieving friends to loot
getting robbed blind by the americans. getting killed over jew wars.

is "democracy"

western way of life

no grasp of reality. just delusional symbolic victories.

>if I lie enough times it will become true
it's a defensive pact

> strengthen ukraine

Not a single aspect of the war has strengthened them. Their women abandoned them. An entire generation of young men dead. This was a continuation of the Holodomor.
We might if we get our hands on him but we don't have capital punishment anymore so it would be just gulag.
Based American democracy enthusiasts "freeing the shit" out of everyone
He won't. It was clearly stated that.
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War is peace.
Yugoslavia thought so too

>Blackrock and kikes had Ukrainians murdered simply so they could mine their country
This is why they’re pushing civil war in USA and war with Russia so hard, imagine if they could just mine all of USA and Russia landmass. Theres more wealth there than anywhere else on earth, it’s the jackpot and we’re all in the way
these sick fucking murderous kikes
girls should never be on the battlefield, the fact you think this picture is a win is just. Idk man I really hope you fight in this war.
in 2014 I predicted that if Ukraine doesnt find a diplomatic solution with russia they will face a lost century
this was too optimistic ukraine is done for
that's where ookraine's long documented history of sending stuff flying over the border, or into bridges comes in.

you misspelled liquidating
Just surrender and end this failure of a war.The only thing he succeeded in was a massive grift...
True but if we get him, he'll spill the beans on everything he knows about NATO plans against us and they won't allow it. He will be assassinated by his own.
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that's just zigbot vs zogbot.
>What's significant is he didn't even mention donbass or crimea.


I like when questioned on it nato said it was an illegal but necessary bombing. Lmao.
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dude how did you find /pol/, facebook is a few aisles down
Why oh why did America decide to bomb Serbia under the flag of NATO and forever dispel their "muh defensive alliance" cover story? Biggest L they ever copped.

cause he's a fucking faggot actor
esl gonna esl bro
you got the message
yes but this is what he was doing for the past 3 years, he's playing the role until the end.
Nothing so far yet have been close to actual negotiations, war will go on.
"make countries war with neighbors" kek
> nooo why did America make me invade a neighboring country, stop it America.
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>the insane thing is that both NATO and the EU's response to objections from their members was to immediately propose changing the rules to be able to override objections
That's insane? Did you not learn anything from the US Revolutionary War and US Civil War?
>13 Colonies voluntarily form United States and declare independence from England.
>The states voluntarily work together.
>Some 60+ years pass
>South wants secede from the United States.
>Remaining states say no and go to war with the South.
ALL of these organizations exist to overwrite the nations and the will of their people. Why do you think the WHO which is owned by Bill Gates is trying to get every nation on Earth to comply with giving the WHO emergency powers to override the laws of each nation? NATO and the EU are power grab scams. ALWAYS have been.
Didn't some cunt said that he would not allow the resources to come to us and for us to share them with China? Top KeK because we have more shit than anyone anywhere. He even implied that we want to share it, not hoard it.
>bring a just (give me what I want) end to this war
>Invitation to NATO

A nation at war cannot be invited to NATO. That's one thing, second this dirty Jew just wants to escalate the war and bring into it all NATO countries.
For that very thing, he should be cut all support. And all Ukrainians who got here after the beginning of the war have to leave.
Fuck You.
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putin could have killed zelenskyyiv and his major government partners 100 times over by now or at the very least try to, instead he is shelling ukrainian families and grinding down slave-conscripts (many of them ethnically russian)
not only has he not bothered with the elimination of the enemy government, he has actually given guarantees and promises that he will not harm them

this fake war is nothing but a ritualized slaughter of whites for the tribe, with both sides playing their parts to keep things believable
anon any non retard said this is retarded on ukraines part way way back
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Just giving you tips m8e
>Ukraine has natural resources and critical metals worth trillions of dollars
HAD* kek. They lost the best territory to Russia already, Ukraine is over bros. it will be like Bulgaria or Hungary, another zogged shithole that complains about gypsies while their son takes it up the ass wearing a dress from his rabbi
How many donbabweans and lugandans are left? Russian liberation has been devastating for them. No male left under the age of 60. No wonder putin is shipping churkas to the donbas by the bus load every single day.

don't forget american jews can get out of the american draft if they are also israeli citizens which if they are not they can instantly get citizenship in israel whenever they want. Therefore all jews inside the USA are exempt from it's draft.
Why hasn't Russia just artyd Ukraine to shit?
Russia is America's most dangerous adversary and the biggest threat to world peace.

Nothing is better than sending your tax dollars to Ukraine for fighting evil.
There aren’t enough Jews to repopulate ukraine. Their goal is a Jewish upper class of 2-5 million (currently 200.000) that controls the banks, media, politics and secret agencies, ruling over a multicultural hellhole of 35 million imported niggers/arabs/indians/chinks. Of course they want to genocide the entire male Slavic population, not because they particularly hate them, just to make room for their 80 in nigger and Arab pets. It’s the exact same Kalergi plan that is currently being enacted in the EUSSR.
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>it's just PURE COINCIDENCE that all those 3rd world countries America keeps meddling with always end up warring with their neighbours

all it did was drive the world's largest steel producer to be closer allies to russia - the only non-NATO country in the world with current gen technology capabilities and engineers

This jew faggot must be humiliated and must face absolute defeat, so nature can heal a little bit
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How much cocaine is he on?
I don't think NATO members actually want Ukraine in except a few useful idiots. They'll just keep string them along.
ziggers = piggers = niggers
get fucked
and die
Looks like mother nature is fucked because russia hasn't made a gain in 2 years.
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If I'm vegan is there meat in this bait?
He isn't really laughing at this. All jokes aside, this is a tragedy but we must remove the cancer from 404.
Absolutely. Ukraine was a free country. You could do anything, believe in anything, say anything, in whatever language. Even taxes was a joke. Close to ancap as it gets. After Nudelman and other kikes did a complete take over in 2014, it went to shit real fast.
Looks like mother nature is communication to /pol/ that you're a glownigger
they have, russias forte is frozen conflicts they collect them like pokemons
The 3rd point is literally asking NATO nukes to be stationed in Ukraine
Dude is either trolling or all that coke has fried his brain
You guys just gave him 60 billions or so and already 30% disappeared before he left America.
>Aus just gave 48 Abrahams tanks
faggot is always trying to "top from the bottom". we're just not into that.
This is a VPN hasbara agent
All the real Ukrainian men are dead, so they're ending the war
>culture and language won't disappear
That's a shame. Also, no refunds.
The U.S made Ukraine fight Russia to force Europe not to buy Russian gas and test out the latest drone technology.

Nobody actually gives a fuck about the Hohols. Not another penny will go there once peace is signed and Ukraine will be the poorest country in all of Eurasia in the next 10 years.

I've seen Yugoslavia being murdered with my own eyes.
>gives up nukes for security guarantees from russia
>they invade anyway
Not really that crazy of an idea and I wish we would. Putin wouldn't do shit.
"My plan for peace, to stop Russia attacking us because of NATO enlargement, is to make Ukraine part of NATO"

This is why you shouldn't vote for a comedian.
Yeah first me hearing it too lmao, literally googled it after reading his post
taxpayers seething rn
its the third time they pulled the "no peace" plan peace plan thing to delay and pretend they want peace
>Euro-Atlantic values
Amerimutts, ruskies, jews, muslims, pajeets and chinks hate euros and white.

he's just bringing hate to himself
yes but not only that the US is mad that russia nationalized russian energy under putin too
China too, it has a better army and a better high tech weapons and a bigger economy.
almost 3 years of war and trillions of $ worth of aid and million hohol dead and you still didn't get 1 inch back of lost territory

it's not that insane if you understand the end stages of feminism/fem society/fem rulers
>>gift all ukrainian resources in the country to Blackrock so they feel forced to defend it
most Ukranians don't even know what Blackrock is. When i talk to them about it they have no understanding of Nato and Jewish Subversion. There goverment already sold half the land to Blackrock and there country is fucking destroyed. There women all ran away and the men died in mass. The ones that are still alive started paying attention. Wars are not like WW2. No one wants to die from machine gun fire or artillery strikes.

Well they just allowed your military to be able to shoot civvies in the case of a civil war, good job its full of people who hate you eh?
The more money are being sent the more of you fascists we get to kill.
How is this any different from what he said since the start of the war?
>Kill ukrainian leadership
>Suddenly, this attrition war is turned into a guerrilla war.
>Russia now has to deal with NATO trained and supplied terrorists that constantly enter Russia to cimmit acts of terror.
>Newly annexed territories are a nightmare of car bombs and IEDs
Nah, he made the right choice.
Wonder why the TOC hasn't swooped you up yet. Commissar?

You fight for evil people. My country has been going down the tubes for the past 80 years, infinite wealth squandered. They want the same for you. You fight for evil people.
I think he is asking to be nuked.
>then secretly sabotage the process

that's why macron tried to insert himself multiple times previously - so he could make sure it was not derailed - he failed tho
Trump is forecast to win, do the money laundering train is ending?

If you never had to deal with significant numbers of Ukrainians, then you should be silent on this topic.
In behaviour, values and intelligence the only way they're different from niggers is their skin tone. They're also as backstabbing as niggers are and this is nothing new, they were always like that.
You must have been living under a rock or something.
Reminder that only kikes use the word "canard" when talking about what people notice of kike behaviour.

the most jewish comment in the entire thread - the most typical kike projection logic
Did they take a couple yards of no man's land yesterday? That's right up there with the rising of the red banner on the reichstag.
>There aren’t enough Jews to repopulate ukraine. Their goal is a Jewish upper class of 2-5 million (currently 200.000) that controls the banks, media, politics and secret agencies, ruling over a multicultural hellhole of 35 million imported niggers/arabs/indians/chinks. Of course they want to genocide the entire male Slavic population, not because they particularly hate them, just to make room for their 80 in nigger and Arab pets. It’s the exact same Kalergi plan that is currently being enacted in the EUSSR.
Sounds about right.
Why does it feel that everyone involved with this sucks on little baby dicks?
>the fact that jews sent all the women to be whores in europe while white men died means jews... don't hate whites
look who's talking
>don't forget american jews can get out of the american draft if they are also israeli citizens which if they are not they can instantly get citizenship in israel whenever they want. Therefore all jews inside the USA are exempt from it's draft.
I want a source for this, so I can raise hell with my congress critter.
And here we are now. Foreigners came and deposed your government and people did nothing. Now it boiled to war and people are still doing nothing. Get that fucker, send him to Moskwa for trial and this will be over.
Shut the fuck up, retarded boomer
it isn't, ukraine has pulled three peace proposals and peace conferences
so far they operate in this pattern

>NATO must gurantee peace
>Russia must withdraw to talk
>its all unilateral from ukraine without communication with russia

fake, procrastination, playing for time, PR move
We aren't animals and we collect languages and ethnicities. We have the most than anyone else.
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Since 1948 starting with CIA led Operation Red Sox.
We give a shit about them.

you are a giant faggot. The way the ukraine war is going is not at all an example of modern tactics because both sides are ham stringing thsmelves on tech that is used in the field so that it won't escalate to nukes - not even 60% of the hardware available is on the field

dumb nigger - modern tactics in REALITY LAND are massive bombing and air to air campaigns and nothing else
>niggerbrained zogbot thinks that ukraine is afghanistan
Reminder that there will NEVER be peace until one side is completely exhausted

Let's examine the possibilities

-peace along current frontlines
Not happening. The current frontlines don't run along any natural barriers. Both sides would need to maintain huge amounts of soldiers in the front to prevent surprise attacks. Neither would be able to demobilize. Whoever demobilizes first, loses. Not happening.

-Ukraine gives up territory
Not happening, there would be civil unrest and the current government would collapse.

-Russia gives up territory
See above

So, this only leaves one option

The war goes on until one side runs out of combat aged males
Not going to happen. Belarus is too close.

Oh is that like when Zelensky said he thought Ukrainians would do bad stuff in our countrys if we didnt back them in this fucking war? I remember that. fucking little scrub bastard that he is, detroying Ukrainians while he has roadblocks of military around jewish areas no-ones allowed to go to... Just another day of jewish mafia bullshit
kek, Zelensky also declared war on Iran and North Korea, wtf is even going on?

they can't maintain any real alliances tho - everything is just bribery or threats - it will all turn to jelly in their hands
putler just wipe out this khazar tumor state already...
We are speaking about real measurements here, bucko and we do advance every day. This isn't StarCraft or Age of Empires.
>The war goes on until one side runs out of combat aged males
one of the 2 sides could also hang their government from a lamppost
I just want Zelensky to order mass arrest of the scum that got here. Some were already deported, but the scale must be bigger. Then, let's talk peace.

Oh so its like jewish mafia all around the fucking world, tired of this shit, Even Russia is ran by them you'd think they'd get on or something, can imagine the cunts laughing and splitting the money between them
Some bad batch of cocaine.
you know western montana is almost exclusively germans - then we have the mormons to the south of us - this is the strongest part of the country but no one realizes it other than CIA spooks and mossad probably
>However, some non-citizens and dual nationals would be exempt from induction into the military if there is a draft, depending on their country of origin and other factors. Some of these exemptions include:

>a non-citizen who has lived in the U.S. for less than one year
>a dual national whose other country of nationality has an agreement with the U.S. which specifically provides for an exemption
The order was given last year already but it would be unconstitutional and illegal to send refugee back to the war. We told you to send them to us, now they are your problem.
I couldn't find a source if such an agreement exist or which countries have such agreements in place
If you’re concerned about Iran getting nukes you should be concerned about Ukraine getting nukes. We can’t keep having these two-bit nations clamouring for nuclear power. Something must be done now. Zelensky must be stopped at all costs.
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It's sheer desperation. They all think he's an idiot.
Not at all costs. There's some things that no one should do.
>begin turning their hatred toward the Kremlin.
also funny that this will never happen because ukraini-sucking westgroids are openly racist against russian civilians as a whole.

that was fluff - national guard already existed it didn't change shit dumb shit - besides if the deep state really wants to do anything they won't be using proper military - Blackwater, AKA Academii or w/e - has over thousnads of EX-SF - these are the truly nasty people who do all of the black work - and the peopel the americans would most likely be fighting in any rebellion scenario
Don't worry they'll be clarifying soon since they will be changing shit in israel https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-historic-ruling-high-court-says-government-must-begin-drafting-haredi-men-into-idf/
>Here is my peace/surrender plan Mr. Putin
>Paragraph 1: I win
>Paragraph 2: You lose
>Thats it
bold strategy

> jew trying to lock onto semantics and ignore massive murder/genocide surrounding it

irrelevant - just like your deceitful opinions
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>>gift all ukrainian resources in the country to Blackrock so they feel forced to defend it
BlackRock won't defend shit - they send the US Army for that.
I am confused... why is it called a "peace plan"?..
yeah but it came with no risks, with russia its going to be a defensive pact, with weak countries that cant defend themselves its going to be "its complicated"

it does - i found it originally from a pol post
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Real jews (pic related) don't work, let alone serve in the IDF, so he's probably just some kind of disgusting pajeet or gypsy that has been living in israel under false pretenses.
At all costs. There should be no more nuclear powers allowed on this planet. The situation is already bad enough. Anyone threatening to become a nuclear power now is a threat to my future. Total war.
do you have a link?

there are other countries too - korea is one - japan i think is another - the point is most of those people don't come to live in USA and keep their korean or japanese citizenship
Which is why I'm certain this kike will ask for more money, it's never enough for their greedy jewish claws.
I'm sure the billions that vanished are stashed in his Suisse accounts so he can flee and live like a king after destroying his own nation. What a colossal niggerkike Zelensky is.
>we wanna strengthen democracy
>ignore our coup

AND the additional point is Israel is abnormal in that it instantly gives citizenship to any foreign jew - you can't be a japanese american born here and just instantly get repatriated to japan - doesn't work that way
yeah, they were democratic until a kike took charge, funny that.
Also to be precise I’m suggesting all the costs be paid by the nuclear ambitious aggressor
Actually, they DO work, but ONLY for jew-run companies.
I used to have to source some items for my old biz from a kosher distributor since I couldn't get them anywhere else. He ONLY hired jews, because they were always kept in line, and they observed the same religious schedule thus they weren't going to have issues with shit being closed constantly and working fewer hours.
Jews always align themselves with their own, unless it's dirty menial work, in which case, they'll hire the goyim.
the moment he no longer brings in billions for the ukrainians to steal he is dead meat
and going abroad will russia assassinate him if he is not in israel or the US

in the US he risks getting put on trial for the billions he stole once he is no longer usefull

I dont get his risk tolerance
>Oy vey! globohomo is just Russian propaganda
>We aren't pouring trillions to bribe companies into hiring niggers, faggots and cunts
>Russia is why Hollywood and msm does propaganda against White men daily
>Coups?! That's just Russian propaganda
>That we destabilized North Africa and the Middle East to flood Europe with refugees? Russian projection
kys shill. Everyone here hates the US gov with knowledge of causes
Sex tourism in Ukraine is finna be bussin when this war is over.
how is it legal? do they have under 15 or 20 employees?

honestly if the USA has a disclaimer that "some countries" have exemptions do you really need a link to know israel is on the list? You are a kike if so
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here is the pic for the summary of his """"peace plan""""
What if i want my tax dollars to pay for whores and i dont give fuck about ukraine
Unconstitutional? Bullshit. Otherwise, the ones that got deported would still be here. Our constitution is about Poles, not Ukrainians. They're a foreign element that is not welcome anymore after they have collectively shown their true faces.
We're indeed dumb as a nation, giving our old enemies a chance just to find out they see it as a weakness, not support.
>Its the least democratic "democratic" country on earth
Au contraire, "democracy" means "rule by Democrats", and so Ukraine is the most democratic country on earth.
I don't duh but for argument sake a link would be great
the korea with democracy in its name is a monarch the germany with democratic in its name was a dictatorship
Usually, it was a pretty small biz, just a few people in their store and a few in their warehouse.
They just hire from their community, they live amongst niggers in Milwaukee about 40 minutes from where I live, the Orthodox can only afford cheap homes because many of them are living on assistance, or, work low-level jobs in other jew companies just to get by as many don't really care that much about being wealthy (despite the popular notion) and are content being broke religious scholars their whole lives.
I've always found it odd that the niggers who surround them here don't actually ever fuck with them, despite their hate for the kikes. They honestly leave them alone as they walk around the neighborhood in their silly outfits going back and forth to temple, when I'd have always imagined that they'd be great targets for crime.
Source: it was revealed to me in a dream
Also why would the Ukraine be fighting to keep these cities you used silly african names for like a well trained nafoid? Could it be that life the Ukrainians made for themselves is even worse than in africa?
very powerful. now face the wall
ukraine was the best country for loli sex tourism. that's why the west is defending it.
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Kek, keep winning fella lol
His victory plan is more begging. Jesus Christ what the fuck is Ukrainian going to look like after this war?
Hold on.. let me guess what it says :

Ukraine shall be restored to pre-2014 borders OHHHH fuck... the first thing on their list completely negates any potential talks as Russia is not going to cede Crimea to Ukraine.

How right am i? Let's see...
they got money from organized crime they see it as waste to not fleece goyim government for all its worth
eventually its gonna be Belarus 2.0
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Are you all faggots? Letting these go unchecked.
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After shitting all over the previous attempts, because he's a little bitch lackey for NATO, he has no room to maneuver or make demands. Ukraine will be smaller after this is over.
Did Z-stein mention anything about the role played in all of this by Blackrock/Vanguard/BP/Exxon-Mobil/Burisma?
>Europe’s geopolitical uncertainty
Won't say who is behind the uncertainty though
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Now do the British chick with big ass titties.
yes i'm sure the russians who invaded to avoid ukraine joining NATO are just going to abandon ukraine after it is invited to NATO.

incredible logic.
So Ukranian men should have just joined with Russia?
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>zelensky's "peace plan" is just nato sponsored war
thats based as fuck, russia will get these 3 miles of unusable potato fields they took in the last 4 years at the cost of 9000 billion dead russians, and ukraine will be in NATO + Marshal Plan.

What a gigantic, incredible defeat for Russia.
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>Euro-Atlantic values
I unironically hope for a land war between US & China so I can see more mutt zogbots die for daddy rabbi in webm format. You just know mutt flags have no foreskin. You just know
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You are a mongoloid shitskinned subhuman rapebaby oinking on purest whites in the world instead of kissing my feet and serve me on the basis of you and all muttkranians in general being worthless subhumans with culture or honor. The fact what you mongrels forgot your place is insane. You a fucking subhuman, the ukranian, know your place ffs.
all you will see is trillions of dead ching chongs, these tiny parodies of humans cant wage wars for shit.
>and ukraine will be in NATO + Marshal Plan.
and Israel will pay for it
hopefully israel wont exist by then.
then why are you so scared by them?
putin will accept a peace it was his plan fromthe start putin actually wants peace but it will have condition's

fairly faverouble condition's aswell

the problem is the people of ukraine the west and russia have been put into a cycle of hate

mark my word's russia will offer some unbelievable peace deal

does russia want all of ukraine ... yes can he have all of ukraine no he cant he know's that ironically his own people will be pushing for a harder peace deal than he will offer
Shut up you fucking monkey















>can it work?
Plenty of goyim to go around so why not try?
no its not its much easier fix your brain
I was watching some old footie games yesterday, the 2012 Euros held partially in Ukraine. The lefty wanker commentators spent a fair bit of time going on about what a racist and corrupt country Ukraine was.
Russia invading is the only reason they even have a chance of being part of NATO or even the European community at all. When Putin invades, all corruption and neo-nazism and racism just vanishes from the country in an instant.
Kinda like how Russia invading also ended the corona virus overnight.
When is Putin getting his Nobel peace prize?
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your text is even easier than mine but even online it takes up to much space go write a paper on it you have my blessing its also how the nips write
Why don't Russia just kill him while he's in Poland? Israel kills targets in Iran and Lebanon and gets away with it. Why can't Russia do the same thing with Poland?
1. cancelled elections. banned opposition. shut down churches. says they're democratic. Some might ask why he's a lying liar, but everyone knows why he's a fraud and liar.

2. started the war by killing Russian speaking Ukrainians, outlawed their language, forbid them to vote, outlawed their culture, stole their homes, tried to join alliance hostile to government of your neighbors so they can put troops and munitions on their border.

3. point 2

4. promises Ukrainians resources to central bank zionists
america lost vietnam and north korea because chink backup was too strong for them to beat.
>still thinks air power will save your ass when a real peer conflict breaks out

Americans really are fucking stupid
>Kinda like how Russia invading also ended the corona virus overnight.
that most forget that one is amazing
>what the fuck is ukrainian going to look like after this war?
Like an african work camp with jews working for BlackRock and Monsanto whipping workers too poor to escape the trap they fell for, having them farm and extract resources manually with their chemical burn covered hands.
A Jewish state between Russia and Poland. Finally those two will agree to something.
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bullshit pajeet this has come out in the past 12 hours, go fuck yourself arsehole

checked confirm, two weeks will continue until morale improves
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That money is being used on denazification;)
>>First, an invitation to NATO. We are a democratic nation that has proven we can defend Euro-Atlantic values and our shared way of life.
Spread faggotry and cut off our men's dicks. Slava Ykraina!!
>second point – defense. It is the irreversible strengthening of Ukraine’s defense against the aggressor. It is realistic to defend our positions on the battlefield in Ukraine while also bringing the war to Russian territory, so that Russians truly feel what war is and, despite their propaganda, begin turning their hatred toward the Kremlin.
We must have a GREATER ISRAEL and kill more white slavs on all sides to appease the Jew demon and the jew demon in myself as a jew.

Blah blah muh NATO..
partitioned probably and a no go zone
Both sides released microtechnology into their native populations anon, I hate to say it but I've just came to the realization that we might be being played by jews. He's not deadbecause well, he's an asset.
They will when everyone forgets about the conflict.
no anon america didnt lose in vietnam due to ching chongs possesing awesome combgat skills.
america lost because a 18yo kid from brooklyn has no idea how to fight in a damp motherfucking jungle on the other side of the planet, while the vietnamese midgets are used to this climate.
1m chinks were about to enter the war
Poroshenko wasnt a jew
So let me get this straight: the Ukrainian "peace" plan is just them getting everything they want, selling out their natural resources to western investment firms, and having nuclear weapons deployed on their soil?

death to the hohols
Why didn't the WEF "future young leader" alum Putin assassinate the WEF "future young leader" alum Zelenski? Thus ending the war and preventing WEF puppet ran Blackrock from buying the entire country?
Yeah that's a tricky one for sure
>1m chinks were about to enter the war
and 5 mln chinks will die, if we take chinese military history as consideration.
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>First, an invitation to NATO
stopped reading right there.
Total Khokhol death it is
Kill all mutts
Girl on the right took this picture in Italy while getting her back blown by jamal
why am I so retarded. I legit fell for the puppet show on this one, fuck.
Putin was never in the WEF, fuck off globohomo faggot shill
This ensures he stays in power despite being unelected as of now. He hasn’t even staged a rigged election. Just simply no election. “Democracy” babayyy
the judeo christianity of europe
What's there to lose if they surrender? If Russia wins they won't exterminate all the Ukrainians just their leaders.
Bangladesh wouldnt sell out to globohomo big arga seed oil so they did a coup with thier pet muslim terrorists.


The grisly scandal in the world's largest palm oil-producing nation first emerged in 2022 when police investigating the government official for corruption found people detained in cages on his property.
A police investigation found 665 people had been held in cells with iron bars on his property since 2010, court documents showed.
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Checked. Kek confirms Cocainsky as a nigger.
apparently not enough so he could croak.
they cant surrender to many people have died
This isnt one of those (we fucked up but we can fix it moments)

this is a We fucked up burry it in the ocean
But sir the ocean's made of water
You heard me,,,
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why would ukraine surrender?
Lmao point #1 is why that country is gonna vanish off the map what a retard
Notice how one war is ending ( Ukraine ) and another is just beginning ( north / South Korea ).
The US jew military industrial complex and its dirty tricks boys ( CIA ) have been dropping propaganda leaflets over north koreas capital try to overthrow rocket man. He’s pissed and is blowing shit up , South Korea is threatening regime change in the Nortn and North Korea is threatening to turn the south into ashes.
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because they are running out of men and you only can kidnap so much people from the streets till people will just have enough of it.
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of course they arent running out of men, unlimited foreign mercenaries and foreign french legion.
just like russia is using chings chongs and gooks and indians.

in the end, its all about gains.
gains, which russia dont have for almost 4 years now.

ukraine will lose 4 miles of potato fields, but will gain NATO membership and Marshal Plan.

Total, absolute hohol victory.
Ukraine war is not ending
Whatcha doin rabbi?
He was an “ honorary “ member appointed by butt shwaub to make the WEF name have more weight and latter worked to dirty Putins name.
NWO Jews and Putin are bitter enemies ever since he paid off all Russias debt to the Rothschild banking cabal.
It’s Russians ( humans ) vs NWO ( jews ).
That’s all it is.
>north / South Korea
south koreans are turbo incels, i don't think you'll get them running into the meatgrinder
No men no war
you kill 5 million chinks and you still have to fight 5 million chinks.
I hope they lynch this little bitch.
The US controls what’s happening on the Korean Peninsula, not the South Koreans.
Just look at what’s happening in Ukraine, you think the cannon fodder there want to fight.
The drones dropping anti Kim propaganda over the norths capital have ((( CIA ))) prints all over it.

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