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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Israeli minister of defense against the President of France

If it weren't for all the blackmail/blatant bribery, no Western politician would have anything to do with these sociopathic fucks.
i suspect (((isis))) will have a surprise resurgence in france soon
so they've have threated france and ireland so far. When is enough going to be enough? How many people can they kill before ONE western leader actually stands against it
France is a muslim nation, what did he expect?
>7 fronts

Would be a damn shame if that were to happen.
Why are they making as many enemies as possible
Bro how is not every single person on earth not sick of these fucking victimhood faggot jews. They are parasites they only exist from the sweat of my balls. Let the shitskins eat them!
And they're STILL winning.
you're antisemitic if you don't support gazan babies getting bombed
I am genuinely convinced that Netanyahu and his entire cabinet are all a bunch of actual schizos. No one sane would ever say or type anything remotely crazy like the shit that they constantly spout on a regular basis.
i know right
they're fighting two militias and bombing as many civilians in ghettos that they can
New bombings will happen in France now as revenge
They're Zionist Jews. It's a packaged deal.
like all jews

Back to the bunker, moshe
9 million peeps live in Israel and the whole world must be at war to protect them. Let them protect themselves and leave the rest of us out of it
Cope avi
Why did you bring up dead babies that Israel murdered? Don't you know it's the new blood libel to mention that Israel kills Palestinian babies?
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sure thing mohammad
It's genetic.
>i suspect (((isis))) will have a surprise resurgence in france soon
I suspect that it's game over for the jews. When Macron dares to say this in spite of CRIF(french adl), then it's a sure sign that jewish power is waning.
How long before its 6 million fronts?
>7 Fronts
What? Is this gonna be like 6 million where the number keeps going up? Fucking kek
Its more than genetic, but yea.
>be jew
>import shitskins to france
>they are all muslims
>"hehehe this will make goyim suffer hehehe"
>muslims go after jews

so France chose not to purchase Israeli weapons?
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>not giving god's chosen preferential treatment is antisemitism
christniggers really fucked up the west beyond repair
Aw, anon saw his first chutzpah!
There are far more muslims in most EU nations than Jews. It's in his best interest to support the people who make up a larger % of his population. Jews are all in on America.

It's going to get way worse btw, in the next 10 years you're going to see a massive push towards full support for islamic issues.
War war war
6 more weeks
>full support for islamic issue
i somehow missed the 7 front meme.
which fronts is he reffairing to?
>West Bank
Just nuke Tel Aviv and there will be an end to the horrors.
we're not giving weapons to palestinians either
just not selling any to israelis who are now attacking UN forces
israel has several types of jews, one type is the ultraorthodox jews who are just as extreme as the worst durka durkas in the region. They're the inbred freaks you sometimes see screecaps of, their faces look like bad AI. I wonder if parts of the israeli cabinet are from that group.
That's quite a foolish statement. The politicians haven't had de-facto power in over a century, possibly ever. They're necessarily puppets of the banks that print their money. It doesn't matter what a politician thinks or does.
Don't forget the greasy iron grip on our education, legal, media, and financial systems lmao
W macron
France says no to ishell offense industry
Suddenly (((it))) becomes 'jewish'
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Israeli government needs a PR guy
>jewish state
Where's my White state?
why so they can slowly become a cowardly brown shit hole like your country?
Israeli boots will be marching in paris by Tuesday
Based frogs.
This is their idea of pr.
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Christniggers are quite literally niggers.
Notice how when they want to insinuate antisemitism they refer to Israel as "The Jewish State". Every single time.


You are a goyim. Cattle. We are G-ds chosen people. It is embedded in our language. Cattle are animals that have no rights. What right? If you are not jewish, you are considered a beast. We are the humans! You are not! Do you shed a tear for chickens that get genocided because of avian flu? Do you mourn the deaths of cows in the slaughterhouse when you are eating your porterhouse steak? Of course not! I will not cry for you! I will cry in pain when I slice your throat like the cattle you are! A jew can take (not steal), have sexo (no consent, rape cannot be defined when you are not human) and slaughter (not murder) said beasts because you are cattle with no human rights. Dumb goyims never get it. We explain and explain. Do you not know this higher than you mentality? Beasts you are. Die goyim! You dont even know the hate I have for you. Too dumb to know! I cant wait for you to die for me!
the whole western world finances these kikes, and in come france, the most militarily useless nation, saying theyre not gonna do it and kikes seethe. its impressive how ungrateful these faggots are. tkd
Nice theater piece, our president is a really good actor.
Awesome! That means:
>More Mudslimes to France
>ISIS attacks back on the menu
They are kek, his cabinet is essentially the Jewish version of /pol/
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Macron thoughts are too complex for political compass and political axioms.
it's in their nature
S on israel. may you all die and burn in hell.
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Jews are such cry baby faggots kek
A lot. They control you, after all.
7 different fronts.
7 countries in 5 years.
But greater isreal is a conspiracy theory.
Fucking kikes, every damn time.
Columbus was a Jew, they discovered and built America so they rightfully rule over us goy
He is the alpha and the omega.
That actually reflect on old blood libel in interesting way.
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French and US compliance with previous mandates towards Israel is noted and approved of. Continue.
this manufactured war bullshit is getting tiring. who even cares anymore? give lebanon nukes and this whole thing will be over by tomorrow
What has Israel ever done for France?
GG u know its over when the FRENCHIE of all peoples, is the only one stand against the jews
No gallant post this shit Isa disgrace to the flat earrh globe container non chid non glasses wearing enslaved humanity caused by anti christ frothing zionist bolshevik tanka talmusic shit head communist usruryious mongoloid shit heads larping as "Jewish and their christ denial state promoting advancing all heretics and Apostate and poison to the west east and etc
Nah, just extreme narcissistic and psychopathic
And who brought all the muslims in, scattering them to the wind in an incessant humanitarian crisis over the last 30 years?
they created policies with their crypto jews to import millions of niggers

> defense industries

let me guess - israeli cyber spying software wasn't allowed in french GOV
>The jew turns on the nation that helped it acquire nuclear weapons the first chance he gets
>west bank
= Palestine
Maybe they finally caught on to the whole 6 thing becoming a little two obvious, so now they're pulling another fast one on God, on us?
Hamas, 4chan, gaza civils, white race, hezbol, lebanon civils, syria
This and they also did multiple false flag terrorist attacks.
Yes, but calling attention to it is antisemitism. Checkmate, you filthy goyim
>enemies on 7 different fronts
What do they know that hitler and the Germany army didn't?
Christianity was invented to prevent Titus treatment of jews.
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The french are the most cowardly people in human history, a nation so pathetic they have already surrendered to the Islamic hordes that took over France.
The French """people""" are a bunch of African semen slurping cuckolds who deserve, and will be, raped and beheaded on live TV in the years to come.

Finally, the world will be free from these negroid lovers existence on our precious planet.
And who populates the banks?
You skipping over that cohencidence is a little too obvious.
Still don't get how they didn't see this coming when they were pushing mass muzzy migration on EU through NGO's and other back channels.
Control everything and you win.
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If I was quarreling with 7 separate haters at the same time, then I'd probably stop and consider if the problem was me
And noone is going to check this?
Based and checked.
kvetching inbound
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Fuck kikes.
Fuck kikes!
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Not even joking
They put up more of a fight during WW2 than you pathetic kikes did, you literally did nothing while Germans gassed your kids kek
Shalom, Moshe
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Underdog get best get
The truthful and checked post.
Jesus Christ what a get lmao
Wasted trips defending golem scum. Politicians know what they are doing. Their "power" comes from taking bribes from corpos and foreign interests, just like it always has.
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it's just jews bro - you refuse to accept the reality of psychologies being more focused when it's only one race or group of people
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aint no heaven if there is NIGGERS
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Oh look, a Celtard maggot dares speak to me.

Imagine being the largest ethnic group in Europe and then getting ravaged by Romans, Germans, Greeks, Franks, and Anglos to the verge of extinction despite having numerical and territorial superiority

You were effectively wiped out from Europe despite being the largest ethnic group there.

The British stole your land, replaced your native language and now you're their BFF.

Celtards are the most pathetic Indo-European people, the niggers of the white race, an abomination that was wiped off from Europe and soon the sandniggers will replace your last bastion island as well.

No wonder France, that has subhuman celtard Gaulic blood is the first to fall in first. you are one and the same.

Tfoo, Good riddance.
>be kike
>import millions of muslims into White countries
>go extinct, GOY! [hand rubbing]
>now-muslim country begins behaving like muslim country
>oy vey, how could this happen?!
Are jews women?
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Kek has spoken
lol checked
No. This is beautiful. Trips of truth, of flawed 2-s, exposing that politicians are nothing but puppets, answered by 6 of 9-s of bigger Truth - they are puppets of jews.

This is get inside get.
LMAO, polish-turkic mutts are not even human.
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not a single QUI gif in this thread - all just jews talking to each other
Jesus Christ, they attacked a US ship and stole nuclear material from Pennsylvania, and the US just gave them more money and weapons. AIPAC controls Congress, and boomer Christcucks would literally throw their own sons into the fire in the name of Zionism. You think this is going to stop because they lashed out against the French and Irish?
This, I've said it constantly. Their genetic schizophrenia is their single worst enemy.
Jews will be wiped out. Too many enemies in no time for what? 100 thousand muzzies?

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>Says the Turkish slavshit rapebaby
Lower your voice, animal
They have america to exploit. So long as we buy them bombs and put soldiers on the ground for them they will pick a fight with everyone for any reason they can.
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Kikes only have power, because of white christkikes. They are unbearably dumb cretins.
he just says what all jews think in private
nothing wrong with that
France is basically a Muslim country, so this seems just logical.
If France helps the jews, then the muslims in France will start decapitating French people again. And who flooded France with muslims?
Based Bibi. To hell with that trannie Olympic "country"
>jew quoting hitler
our politicians are unfortunately oblivious to the islamified state of the world
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jewish tears directed at me are particularly delightful. seethe and cope.
Based macron
what's particularly funny in this context is that we are talking about emmanuel macron, a man who was literally a banker for rothschild.
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It's like the CIA, Francois. There's no such thing as "former" and you never leave the payroll.
Your race is literally comprised of physically weak, neurotic, hysterical rats who fear direct confrontation and instead have to use deception to survive.
Fuck Israel.
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Somebody WMD them.
And Macrony is a Rothschild backstairs bastard jew himself entirely subservient so goodness knows what they are all really up to but these are TOTAL LIES.
*It may have something to do with getting the Crony elected in france, a country of brown smelly mus-types.
We were set up in a similar sting by the crone fucker in 2017 when he needed electing, they do exactly this type of scamming all the time.
Mandatory viewing
Include this video if your gonna make a cap. Its not a rhetorical question, they have a name, addresses and lineage.
The level of lies of this post are off the charts
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Is that really how you see it?
I would not be shocked if a jew really thought this, but are you really unaware that it might be your behavior towards the Palestinians that many find objectionable?
You are missing KIKEraine
I don't know who's Jewing who anymore.
I don't think a President as weak as Macron can afford to openly protect the jews too much.
They worship women.
>Why do you think the KIKERY is matrilineal transfer, not patrilineal ?
>Because they are the ones that GET INVADED and GENOCIDED all the time
>Having matrilineal transfer of kikery ERASES a conquering tribe's ULTIMATE victory (in the minds of the kikes) - aka raping every whore of the people you just conquered
>But also makes them the ultimate castrates, that are vagina worshiping
>They also made their GOYlems the same
>However due to the KIKE upbringing kikettes spread their legs for kikes AS IT IS LAW
>But the other societies that became vagina worshippers taught wahmen to hate the men of their own race, and spread legs only for shitskins
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>When is enough going to be enough?
Never. Driving a tank through the gates of a base of a UN Peacekeeping mission and got nothing but sternly worded speeches about how it's "unacceptable". Jews can do literally anything they want because 6 million of them were killed 80 years ago. Nothing, not even the war crimes they commit themselves, can be as bad as gas chambers, so it's all on the table.
>to the Islamic hordes that took over France.
Last time I checked, every media, the government, the law-makers, banks, showbiz etc is entirely controlled by your rat race.
Do the world a favor and gas yourself parasite, your kind is the reason why these people are here.
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>They hated him because he spoke the truth

israel gud

"A member of one of the 100 wealthiest families in the United States, Neuberger transitioned from the private sector into government service following the September 11 attacks."

"Anne Neuberger of Baltimore has worked at the NSA for the past decade. She helped establish the US Cyber Command and worked as chief risk officer"

"Neuberger, currently an assistant deputy director at the agency, will be one of the highest-ranking women at the NSA since Ann Caracristi was named deputy director in 1980, according to the Wall Street Journal. Neuberger will report to the agency’s head, Gen. Paul Nakasone.

She previously was the deputy chief management officer at the US Navy and worked for the secretary of defense.

Neuberger, 43, also known as Chani, is from the heavily Jewish Brooklyn, New York, neighborhood of Borough Park, where she attended the Bais Yaakov Jewish day school for girls, according to the Yeshiva World News."

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Hexinonadigits observed.
Don't even need the Mossad aid now. There's already a big criminality problem in France.
well yeah, no doubt about that.
Gud got
>crying on twatter
ladies and gentlemen: your world leaders
Checked and yes we should tug on that thread a bit.
Instead of quickly becoming a cowardly brown shit hole like your country?
What's this guy's real name? Gallant sounds made up. It's gotta be something like Goldbergkowski.
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there are no french anymore in france.
why are rabbi angry for something themselves did?
Which they created?
nice get. even more impressive considering it was a leaf
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The only reason there is antisemitism, and that Jews hate the west, is because of Him.

Pagan cucks can rim Hitler all they want. UK was atheist long before Hitler came to power. Nietszche announced the death of God in 1800.
holy trips of truth
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The germans knew you were a gbunch of nigger lovers before ww1
>7 Fronts
You just made it 8 and 9.
Did France surrender already?
it's globohomo jews and israel jews fighting not much else to it
And the Germans knew you were just a bunch of demonic rats, and you still are
That's right, goyim. It's not just Gaza that belongs to the Jews, it's the whole world.
VIVE LA FRANCE. The white French race will save this world from the jewish menace if the anglo won't fuck anglo jewish golems an
d fuck jews and Israel.
Once they come for the leaf, we will spring into action again and let those fuckers know we are the barbarian horde who take no prisoners during war times.
>truck of peace
lots of soldiers are close minded like this
im so fucking sick of jewish israeli antics its unreal

israel must be wiped clean from the face of the planet or the rest of civilization will be ruinened forever by their insane sociopathic murder spree
>steals Palestine
>help help we're surrounded
(((They))) don't think anyone is human but themselves.
Every act of theirs, past present or future is indicative of that.
It's either 16 million or 8 billion, that's the choice their madness has made clear for humanity.
Christcuckery too.
What are the jews really going to do to France? Punish them with even more nigger immigrants? I think it's funny.
They're literally warmongering religious fanatics. This is not an exaggeration.
>israel has several types of jews, one type is the ultraorthodox jews who are just as extreme as the worst durka durkas in the region. They're the inbred freaks you sometimes see screecaps of, their faces look like bad AI. I wonder if parts of the israeli cabinet are from that group.

the ruling party of israel "likud" is literally
>pic related
in insane ideology

"ben gvir" is a good place to start, if you want an idea of day-to-day israel politics, from their equivalent of the "right wing" party.
they are the most repulsive vile creatures on the planet
You think the people with all the skeletons in their closet would be keen to rout their blackmailers given then chance.
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We're being Shoahed on 6 gorillion fronts!!
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They know their audience.
American Christian Zionists are even crazier. Too fucking stupid to understand they are excluded from Judaism on principle, and are to be treated like everyone else.
Shabbos goyim get the rake.
Wtf I love Jupiter now
Everyone told me France was to be made fun of, but what I see is a pretty cool country, they are not a colony of America, have their own military industrial complex and ability to project power and it appears they do not have to swallow the loads that zionists are forcing down the throats of US/UK.
I am extremely impressed with French government, even if it is still a dystopian nightmare for the normal French citizen, it is refreshing to see a nation that is independent/running it's own agenda that does not include kike worship.
>109 fronts
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eli david phd seething
rare based macron
>like normal men woman relationships
>like reigning in out of control western women's behavior
>like conservative morals
>like restricting openly homosexual conduct in public
the horror
Jews are prone to schizophrenia and psychopathy. Psychopaths are more likely to strive for power. When you combine these, you get the typical israeli politician
He's a real psycho , he doesn't give shit if it's positive or negative towards him , he's here for attention only
>(((They))) don't think anyone is human but themselves.
I don't think the sea is human, but it's still dangerous and outside my control, and that means that I need to adapt to it, and not visa versa.
That the jews don't think we are human, don't mean that jews can just ignore us, or that there are not limits to what they can get away with.
The jews of old cared about how the goyim saw them, so they preferred to remain hidden if they were to do something that the goyim disliked, but the current jews publish every misdeed they do on the internet.
Are you talking about the seething unhinged kikarinos, or the man who was groomed at a young age by a pedophile?
They all deserve the rope in this play.
Based pic, the Czech are subhuman vermin.
>Everyone told me France was to be made fun of,
Do you think Macron would have said this if nobody had bullied France for being weaklings in thrall to CRIF and Israel?
I like France. Their food, art, people are all cool. Language is pretty cool too. I feel like we’ve been psy-opped into thinking they are pussies. But they fought the good fight during the revolutionary war. And they are Gauls. The word “gaul” even means “audacity”. The Roman’s respected them quite a bit. So did the Greeks. They even immortalized one of their brave ones in the sculpture “The Dying Gaul”. The fought to the death, against a superior enemy. Although having lost, it was widely accepted that they were respectable foes. Europe is full of brave and good people. Sad that kikes are trying to tear us apart. It must be a dark existence to be a kike. I honestly feel for them too. Not sure what their deal is or why they feel the need to ruin everything around them.
Muslims lack creativity that Europeans have. They are good people. But they do not belong in Europe.
>They are good people.
this is just retarded
germans today announced ongoing weapons deliveries to israel
german and french arms industry is interlinked
this is just a ruse to keep the french vest white
so tha tin event of felure the evil germans can be blamed for supporting israel in this shenanigan
ANOTHER take is
france is so full of muslim sleepers that they cannot support israel without risking muslim gangs raiding the louvre or some shit (again)
Nato should bomb israel and shut these yappy lil shits up.
Talking about macron ofc , obviously kikes are psycho by nature , no need to precise.
We need to put anti-white statements by MENA jews like this guy on blast. Let white people know jews see europeans as an inferior race.
Praying for TKD!

Boomer aged white americans and anglos fucking love jews and israel. Boomers are the problem. Silent and wwii gen americans were much less pro israel and more antisemitic than boomers according to old surveys when these gens. Were all alive. Boomers are the problem.
Lmao imagine being named Yoav and having that ugly subhuman face, no wonder these people are genocidal maniacs.
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>The fought to the death, against a superior enemy.
Except they had numerical and land advantage and they still lost and got genocided like the retarded dogs that they are.
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friendly reminder that yeshua was a jewish rabbi who preached in the synagogues on the Sabbath, whose own disciples and admirers called a "rabbi" on multiple times, and that yeshua's whole shibang was being of the Divine Line of Jews in order to be the Messiah, because the messiah, within the constructs of jewish religiosity, had to belong to the Divine Jewish blood line of Sacred Jews written by ancient jews within jewish scripture and orally transmitted to other jews by older jews
>7 different fronts
What 7 countries are attacking Israel right now?
Wow that's some serious checkin
Extremely based and on point almost as if KEK wills it
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Kek speaks
And I listen
Ave Kek
They already own this country
Not 7 countries, but fronts. Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen.

Plus they are also now beefing with US, France and soon UN/EU.
they are winning just like the US won in vietnam. Isreal WILL be destroyed in our lifetimes. again.
Iraq, Syria and Yemen are attacking Israel?
Seething Jew boy. You wish you were Irish lmao
Holy shit just end them already? How cucked is every single person in this world that takes their nonsense seriously?

France is 90% African and Middle Eastern now yes? What did Israel expect.

Israel should have stopped their force migration policies on all the other countries. Now the die hard Israel patriots are being overshadowed by immigrants and foreigners who give zero fucks about Israel.

Spoken like a true filthy Kike. Nice to see you embracing your inner demon.
Both belong to Rothschild. But I'm sure it's not just show.
Get fucked without lube kikes
Iran has proxies in Iraq and Syria, so Israel regularly bombs them. They just drove a few tanks into Syria a few days ago too, for example. And as for Yemen I'm sure you must have heard about the Houthis sometimes sending a few missiles or drones into Israel.
Just fighting against hamas which was sieged for years and barely have food and hezbollah. It's like one or two fronts against millitia that has limited weapons while kikes getting backed by USA and EU
>so Israel regularly bombs them
I wasn't aware Israel was attacking those countries.
Yep. I've heard of those. Thank you for the info, bro.
A new Axis just dropped

>Harris (Ireland)
>Kikes try to subvert French govt.
>French tell kikes to fuck off.
>Kikes cry out in pain as they strike you.
When I was a kid and other kids pulled this shit, they justifiably got their asses kicked by all the other kids.
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They can shut down their own human trafficking organizations anytime.
It's almost as if they don't want to.
>I wasn't aware Israel was attacking those countries
Yeah, they are basically going full mask-off and attempting to cause a region-wide war. The most fucked up thing about the upcoming retaliation where they will strike Iran, is that they are waiting for 100-150 US troops to be on the ground in Israel manning the newly gifted THAAD system(because the Iron Dome doesn't work), and then they are very likely hoping that one of the missiles from Iran will kill US soldiers, so USA will join Israel in an all-out war against Iran.

>Thank you for the info, bro.
No problem.
>enemies on 7 fronts

i think he meant 7 elementary schools because thats the only thing theyve been fighting literal schoolchildren getting drone bombed or maybe he meant 7 hospitals
The missiles were probably a little scary.
Dear Frogs: please nuke israel.

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