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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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never seen women this angry

>you will risk your career and social life to help women!!

not gonna happen
Stupid women they need mixed race men to lead them
>help women
>be branded creep
the thing i find hilarious is a woman will go mental if some guy she doesnt like hits on her, but she will allow corporations to beam advertisements directly into her childrens minds. wild
hole chimps should be forced to give birth, and should be literally milked for all their worth
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waste of quads I don't know what point you were making about advertising and children
the woman is hyper vigilant when it comes to men and their sexuality and how they would "violate" her, but she allows corporations and governments to control her children's minds without putting up any resistance.
>uhhh go to therapy and have sex chud
Good point. I won't give a woman CPR because she wouldn't let me touch her breasts otherwise, and I want it to be on my terms.
Muh therapy. Women just love being on mind altering drugs
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>get therapy
What the hell is up with women and therapy?
Talking to some random guy for money ain't going to fix it all your problems.Its not a silver bullet. Its not even a temporary thing for them. They want to be in therapy for aslong as possible. its like a ritual or hobby for them.
after i took my cpr test as a security guard my hand absent mindedly lay on the mannequins tits. my instructor told me normally thats an automatic fail butbhenlet it slide. he assured me guards had been fired and companies sued over it.
did i berify his claims? no, but he was a professional speaking to me in private trying to peotect our company's interests. so im inclined to beleive it.
Women can't rely on themselves to find meaning and need to be guided by some creepy bald jew in a chair. They're children, remember. Men can find meaning on our own. The people that fear death the most are women, for instance.
protip: women dont understand the words they use. they memorize lymrics they observe make people mad.
Yeah no shit. If I see some cunt dying I'm just letting her die. A bitch could be actively being brutally raped by a nigger in an alleyway and I'd pretend I never saw it and just keep going

>dead woman
If she's dead after the CPR then she wasn't savable to begin with (or he was bad at it). There are cases, however, of the woman living and going after the guy.
I think a lot of otherwise helpful guys feel similar when it comes to helping women. Not like many don't pull the old bait and switch after you help them for attention and even when they don't, I've never, even once had any female under the age of 65 EVER say thank you. Not so when I help another male, no matter if it is a young kid or some old geezer.
Woman "don't touch me unless you want to go to court"

Same woman: "omg I can't breathe but only touch me how I want or you go to court".

Natural selection.
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so true, she voted for it
A lot of them are stupid. I know of one who thinks she's dating a 20 year old "millionaire entrepreneur" asked him what he does "entrepreneuring".

Guy in reality is an unemployed student.
Get therapy = you are not conforming to the hivemind.
For women it’s good cause they can relate their problems within the framework of the hivemind, which makes them feel less alone in knowing that others are just as miserable
For men some therapy would be good in making them explore their emotions, otherwise they get manipulated very easily. But be mindful of finding a based psychologist.
The real issue is that the small pepes here are hurting a lot and the chad psychologist crushing pussy in uni cannot relate. Have like two three sessions and see if the therapist gets it or if he’s a complete normie. It might do you good to be in a place that does not try to constantly poke you for a reaction
T. Mentally ill chud who survived some therapy
Dude this is complete armchair expert talking point. If you know CPR and someone is OBVIOUSLY choking and dying, you'd do it.

>in b4 touching someone would get yourself sued.
if you have this in mind, then it doesn't make a difference for men or women as a man can also sue you for fucking his ribs up or something.
they are assuming no men have breasts? wtf
I attended a seminar for first aiders which involves training one in CPR.
One of the girls unironically said, she would rather die than be given CPR by a man.
The rest of us had a good laugh, while she was upset for the remainder of the day.
There are legal protections for this in the US. You're even protected if you tear open a woman's shirt and bra to put an AED on her.
Do not ever help women. Do not ever pay attention to women. Do not even look at them. Assume every woman is a Medusa.
>Find me one case
There's several, in fact
life is over if you touch a woman
No psychology major was getting pussy at University. Maybe in bongistan but psych was just beta boys and blue haired dykes here. Most of them never make anything of their degree also. They just play armchair psychologist the rest of their lives diagnosing everyone around them with their bullshit projections
>save woman's life
>she sues you for breaking her brittle ribs
and they have the audacity to complain about it. you let this nigger in, pay the toll
That redditorina doesn't know what China is.
People's lives have been ruined for trying to help all the time over there.
That's why they act so indifferent when you see all those videos of chinks dying in the streets.
If it seems like a woman needs CPR and you begin stripping off their clothes or touching their breasts, but actually they just suffered a fainting spell or passed out for another reason, you can easily be charged with sexual assault and battery or in worse case attempted rape.

>yeah bud ... you were just trying to "get ready to give her cpr" ... sure ... hands behind your back pervert

Not to mention when you start cracking ribs or removing their clothing as necessary their male relatives or companions nearby or any passerby could go apeshit on you due to white knight syndrome.

I know how to administer CPR but would not give it to a woman unless some sort of group consensus could be reached.
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Here's me not helping women because they wouldn't do the same thing for me.
A new classic was born today
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>r / united kingdom
Lmao. Modern bongs are cowards all over and wouldn’t touch anyone lying on the ground. Best they can do is call the cops or an ambulance.
bad women are getting the 3rd world they deserve, toll will be paid.

Woman take your pick
- being a loving wife to a man and staying home.
- be a cumdumpster to be raped someday.
I'm not giving CPR to a woman but it has nothing to do with not wanting to be accused of SA.

Love from Kazakhstan
I'm sure men are at fault for this too, and it has nothing to do with a century of feminism and #metoo
In the coming aryan ethnostate, and it's coming kikes, these women with a (((modernist))) mindset and nigger behavior will be sent to real, actual brap-farms until morale improves and they can decide they want to become reapectable aryan women.
lmao what r those retards whining for, they will quite literally complain over anything
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This one's pretty close. The woman was not executed, so I'm not helping anyone ever.
we need consent after all.
ok then post 3
anon they are literal children and the magic box told them there is a magic solution
how could they know better than the box??? it has EXPERTS in it?????? are you an expert?????
therapy is just paying someone to trauma dump on them, but they're immune to giving a fuck so it's pointless. Just take yer meds and shut the fuck up
Honestly, it would be pretty easy to come up with a fair punishment for her.
He spent 2 weeks in a maximum security prison, so she should spend 2 weeks in a maximum security prison.
He lost his job, so she should pay his salary until he gets it back.
He lost his wife, so she should be his wife until he gets her back.
Add some monetary compensation on top, since he never asked to go through any of this.
me with the blue cooler
I remember that one story at a swimming pool a couple years ago where a woman collapsed in a changing room and the life guard didn't want to enter it, fearing that he could lose his job or get some sexual charge. The woman later died.
And yet the situation got worse with MeToo and similar crap afterwards instead of people maybe waking up and realizing what they're doing to each other.
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most women deserve to die if I'm being perfectly honest.
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Protect wahmen
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This logic is impeccable.
Braindead paki
I learned in CPR in January of 2020. After was done to me during the lockdowns to never help anyone out. They can die.
not getting metoo 20 years down the line roastie
Therapists are just prostitutes for women

This. It's called the Good Samaritan Act. So long as you as the layperson are doing everything within your ability to help, and aren't willfully negligent, you are protected from any lawsuits that could come from a botched attempt at saving their life, and so long as you are acting within your ability. CPR is something a layperson can attempt, but if they try to do an emergency tracheotomy with a ball-point pen, then that won't be protected because that's something only a professional rescuer is trained to do and not a layperson. And if you're a professional rescuer, then it's your job to save their life, and thus it won't be covered by the Good Samaritan Act. Lawyers have a ball with shit like this.

Anyways, if you're worried about a bitch suing you for copping a feel while she's having cardiac arrest, hopefully having some witnesses around (especially women) can help to counter the ungrateful bitch's statements should she try and ruin your life over something you know damn well you didn't do.
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All correct, but this will never happen because TECHNICALLY all she did was lie. Jussie got the book thrown at him for lying, but that's because he humiliated politicians, all she did was humiliate poor Mr. Basic so nobody cares because nobody has ever given a shit about men.
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>other women will help you bro
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA get a load of this clown
Not my problem
>And if you're a professional rescuer, then it's your job to save their life, and thus it won't be covered by the Good Samaritan Act
Reason enough to never formally take training like that.
More like an oppritunity to touch boobas
>So long as you as the layperson are doing everything within your ability to help, and aren't willfully negligent, you are protected from any lawsuits that could come from a botched attempt at saving their life, and so long as you are acting within your ability.
Okay, now where does it say this bitch can't say you raped her? If you fuck her up medically you're fine. But what the fuck you gonna do when she says you were feeling her up?
Niggers really look at laws written 50 years ago and think they're going to get a fair shake. Look alive retard. It might keep your ass out of jail.

Not sure how the law applies in Deutschland, but in Burgerstan if anybody goes down and are unable to give consent, then consent is implied. Even if they were conscious and saying that they don't want help before and then went down, just claim, "Nope, I didn't hear nothing about him not wanting help lol". Remember to say, "Lol" and in "Lol" and not "League of Legends". So like with all women's opinions, hers is just as stupid.

My mommy loves me very much, thank you. She buys me T-Shirts and keeps me from running around naked.


Read where I spoke about witnesses. Also if the EMTs arrived and she was unconscious, their statements will help protect you. How can a bitch know she's being groped when she wasn't cognizant enough to know?
Trolley problem. Do nothing and the bitch may die, you get fired. Do something and bitch may die OR survive and you get fired and sued and have a sexual assault charge.
The foodgeek child molester who posts CP has linked your post in the sweden thread on /int/. Please delete this post to stop his raid, or you're his coconspirator.
They literally teach you in CPR not to strip woman. This is also why I don't tell anyone I know CPR and haven't redone my certification in years. I've seen people ge accused of less.
This is true you ask for consent, If they don’t answer, consent is implied.
>How can a bitch know she's being groped when she wasn't cognizant enough to know?
You are making the extremely dangerous assumption that the judge gives a single fuck.
>Also if the EMTs arrived and she was unconscious, their statements will help protect you.
Cool but there is a woman crying in court
Enjoy spending multiple 6 figures defending against this
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This is just the wisest move. I'm not going to pretend she'd do better by me. The risk isn't worth the trouble, and the trouble is their own doing. The women will have to look out for each other, we've been fucked too many times to bother anymore.
Stranger woman have treated me like dirt in the last few years. Most of my female relatives treated me like I had an infectious disease during covid.
I wouldn't do shit either.

Not my woman = Not my problem.
Fish bike ladies.
>What the hell is up with women and therapy?
Brainwashing by jews, or a jew attempting to brainwash.

This woman accused the fucking CPR instructor DURING THE COURSE lol, they do it all the time, women are just angry because they're dealing with the consequences of their own actions
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My mommy loves me and is also based (grew up in Chicago, liberal but her redpill is leaking out as she ages). My sister is cringe but would still sacrifice for me. Even my female cousin hooked me up with a great apartment in downtown Chicago. Unrelated women cannot be trusted (pic related).

Just going to have to hope the judge will actually do his or her job. I don't know the numbers on the situations you're saying that made it to court vs. how many were filed and (rightfully) thrown out. Without them, we could quibble about it ad infinitum.

And like you said, you have no legal obligation to help. You can call the emergency number and give a statement, but if the situation isn't safe, then don't perform CPR. OP's article is about people not feeling safe to do it on women for the exact reason you're saying, and the first thing you do before you do anything is to check the scene to see if it's safe.
>Just going to have to hope
Not a strategy and thus not my problem.
I would absolutely perform CPR on a guy though. No question.
Get therapy = Get brainwashed into a liberal
Where are all the good men....

Yeah men stopped caring for a reason "ladies".
Serves him right for being a simp. More men like this need to be made examples of until the rest of men learn.
Never helping a female stranger crew. unless it's my wife or a female family member, they can die, get raped, whatever. It's not worth it to help them in any way. Don't even hold the door for them.

My mother is still very liberal, but my grandma (her mom) I am able to talk about the Jews and the Talmud with as she gets older, so long as I present it as a topic of discussion rather than a rant. Love your mommy, Anon.

I find women tend to go with the herd. Having a mixed group of witnesses helps your chances that she'll give an opinion that the herd has, too. Maybe she'd have done it anyways, or maybe not.
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literally me. I will even say pic related in the voice if it ever happens to me
Tits or GTFO

Then keep doing what you're doing. But again, I don't know the statistics on how many of those claims actually go anywhere en lieu with CPR performances vs how many of those cases we're exposed to here on this glownigger-infested website.
>Read where I spoke about witnesses.
Let the witnesses do the CPR then. If there are none, then I sure as hell won't get involved. Not my fucking problem.
It's not a far step from those ICK videos of the woman saying they got the ICK from a guy who literally pushed her out of the way of a car. She was saying he had no right to forcefully grab her that way. To imagining a woman claiming SA because the man performing CPR touched her boobs and he's not a 6'4 Chad.
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No one asks why, because women privilege but I have a guess:
>wasn't where she was supposed to be for angry pimpchad on time
>throws Mr. Basic under the bus to save her skin/drugs/drug payments

The only way this makes sense, I've seen similar from women.

Here's one from japan for auto defib, but due to a simp accusation


However, when the man started to use the scissors, which were included in the AED’s box, to cut through the woman’s clothes, the driver of the vehicle told him to stop, asking what he was doing and calling him “hentai” (pervert). At this time, he believes, the driver of the car contacted the police to report him as a “chikan” (sexual molester).

After the injured parties had been taken to hospital, the man who had administered the AED gave his account of the incident to police. He was then handed over to a separate police authority, who questioned him about the report they had received that he was acting inappropriately at the scene of the accident. Once the man explained that he had been cutting through the woman’s clothes in order to use the AED, he was not questioned any further.

The man was later informed that – thanks to his bravery and quick-thinking, not to mention correct use of the AED – the woman had survived. He also reported that he was offered a certificate of appreciation, which he declined. The Twitter user ends his story with this comment:

皆さん、AEDは肌に密着させるものです。強い電気が流れるのでブラジャーのワイヤーも大変危険です。知っててください。 “An AED is supposed to be applied directly to the skin. Because the electric current it produces is strong, the underwire of a bra could prove extremely dangerous [if not removed before using]. Please remember this.”

But, saar, don't you want bobs and vagene?
>Gurdev Singh
That's an Indian name. I'm inclined to believe this one.
I would get too distracted by the tits and forget what

Oops, wrong one
I was just reading that article too. In 2014 Japan, the guy got accused on the fucking scene of raping while using the scissors from the AED box to cut her clothes away, including her bra because the underwire would fucking kill her.
Now this nigga is extremely lucky he was in Chud HQ and the police are not genocidal to the native people as they are in our countries.
I will not be the test dummy for this case here.
So true based furruski, don't let the jannies keep you down.
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Until the herd says you did it, and they all go along with it. See the problem? You (not just you, literally everyone) need to get over the "women are wonderful" hypothesis.
Actually very useful information, I was not aware the bra itself could be fatal.
>But what the fuck you gonna do when she says you were feeling her up?
She won't. This isn't a thing that happens. If some chick is literally dying with her heart stopped and you save her life by doing CPR, she is absolutely not going to accuse you of sexual harassment or be mad that you had to touch her boobs to keep her from dying. It is not going to happen. She isn't even going to think about the fact that you touched her boobs.
Pro-tip for you virgins: most girls like to have their boobs touched, as long as it isn't some gross smelly Pajeet groping them against her will. They will make up excuses to get other people to touch their boobs. If they like a guy, they will rub their boobies on him to get his attention. Girls frequently compare each others boobs. Just the other day one of my female friends got some implants and let me feel them and play with them.
You retards have just had your brains completely fried with all of the retarded muh rape culture toxic masculinity #metoo indoctrination, and you are such completely inexperienced turbovirgins that you think touching a boob is some huge serious major thing that happens so rarely that it must result in serious consequences.
In the first sentence I can tell you're a woman so I'm going to ignore this post. I hope you understand that a man taking advice on such a matters from a woman is an extremely stupid person.
They're going to hate me even more, my hands are always ice cold.
I'm just not doing CPR ever
We do have Good Samaritan law, if you see someone in distress you can help and not be charged with whatever afterwards since you did it to save that persons life.
That said who knows how police/judges would judge it nowadays, this country has gone pretty insane in the last couple years over shit like that.
in the meantime, die of lack of CPR
They always sound like insufferable faggots
We need to enslave women, if we men collectively decided to just lock them in chains and make them our breeding property slaves they couldn’t do anything about it.

If you'd rather not trust anybody to have your back, I can't make you do it. If you know you can't trust your neighbors, you shouldn't be around them, so only do this around people who do have your back. I don't know who they might be or where, but everybody needs a community to back them up. I wouldn't go in to help people until they agree when I ask them if they can be my witness to the CPR attempt. Friends and such are good for that.
>If it seems like a woman needs CPR and you begin stripping off their clothes or touching their breasts, but actually they just suffered a fainting spell or passed out for another reason, you can easily be charged with sexual assault and battery or in worse case attempted rape.
Yes, because that is exactly the kind of bullshit excuse that some retard Pajeet would come up with when caught trying to rape a girl.
>SAAR SAAR no, you do not understand I thought she needed CPR because and was doing the necessary, that's why I ripped off her clothes and was fondling her bobs and vegene.
>Saar, what are compressions? She needed CPR for unconscious because I bonked her in the head. >Saar CPR is fondling bobs and vegene before doing the raping.
>I'd pretend I never saw it and just keep going
I might call out "you voted for this" as I'm walking away just to hammer the point home too
I would give a cute girl CPR. Sorry uggos.

And by cute I mean 12 or under.
isn't there a law that says to even perform CPR you need permission unless the person is passed out?
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Based Japanese man.
if you find yourself doing CPR on a person who is not passed out then you are actually just murdering them
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the pedo mods are protecting the spam again
and again
and again
>Compressing the chest of someone who's fully conscious with a beating heart
KEK, no anon, that's fully legal. Don't even ask, just start compressing.
>helping women

You know it's bad when having a witness or two on the side that will have your back is a luxury. I do want to say that it's only Social Media making the worst people the loudest, but the passiveness of everybody else isn't going to do anything about it.

I do believe in Germany however. God does love Germany, and I'm sure that God will make Germany very strong in the near future and will punish those who have been poisoning him for so long. I believe even my country will be made to have to beg you for assistance in those same coming days, too.

It was the driver of the vehicle who reported it and not the woman being given CPR, then. Right?
>In the first sentence I can tell you're a woman so I'm going to ignore this post.
I am not. I completely denounce all feminism and women worldwide, and curse the jews and their satanic talmud.
I am not a woman, I am a sane, normal man who regularly interacts with other normal, sane men and women in the real world.
You only assume I am a woman because you are a terminally online shut in who has become completely detached from the real world, and your entire understanding of everything, especially women, is based on the insane feminist indoctrination you received in school, and the retarded nonsense posted here and on other incel sites by other clueless detached retards.
No woman on the planet is going to accuse a guy of sexual harassment just because he happened to touch her boobs while giving her CPR to save her life.
If a woman wakes up and a guy is sitting on her chest and has ripped off her shirt and bra and is hornily groping her tits instead of doing CPR, she may accuse him of sexual assault, because he IS committing sexual assault.
Sorry, but I must respect a womans privacy.
the rage in this one is palpable through a fucking digital screen lmfao
If you have to save a human life you have to save a human life. It's ridiculous that this has to be discussed at all.
you will
Woman, I already said I will not read your babble. Compose yourself and fuck off.
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Maybe it's because I live in Chicago. I need to move. The other day someone came up next to me (not a hobo, business attire) returning my cart at Aldi, where they have a device that eats your quarter when you check out the cart and you get it back when you put the cart back. The faggot says
>spare you the trip?
Fucker was trying to scam me out of a quarter. I no longer trust people I used to when I worked remotely. My first apartment I got trapped in the bathroom and the management's response was
They sent someone to get me out (doorknobs got stuck together with another door), only so I didn't break the door down. First day a garbage truck ran a red light at me, from a dead stop, and if I didn't move I'd have been a grease spot. Never come here.
clockclean mail nigga
Nah bitch can die. Not my problem.
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>luv me chips
>luv me sandwich
>'ate niggers and cunts
simple as.
that's the only reason to learn cpr
women don't need help from anybody, they are strong and independent.

even if they scream for help it's usually just a battle cry for them.
>anyway Mike gotta run to work see ya
>Beers later?
>No doubt
>Fascinating behaviour, eh?
>alright see ya in a bit
what the fuck
Get a bear to do the CPR so you don't get stuck with a man.
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>the jeet cart with bobs and vagene
Amazing, saved.
chinese car accident effect

Ten four. It's not much better in the big cities in the San Francisco area, though. Still some decent folks out there, but they're not a given. With all the shit we've had to deal with, it only makes the good people that much more valuable. But if you go and point at them, tell them what's going on and what you intend to do and that you need them to witness you, they'll hardly ever back down. Of course, do that only with those who look like they have something to lose if they decide to act like a jackass.

I'd love to move, too, but I will need to be around neighbors who I can trust to watch over any animals I may have while I'm away, and that they can trust me to do the same with. We just need to commit to something, but whatever that something is isn't for anyone to answer but yourself.
I would not hold back. You get to demonstrate your physical prowess, CPR is exhausting so and her loved ones will not be strong enough to continue for long even if trained. It's also a free opportunity to pound on a woman while being hailed a hero.
>Once the man explained that he had been cutting through the woman’s clothes in order to use the AED, he was not questioned any further.
So what exactly is the problem here?
If you are on the scene where someone dies or almost dies and the police show up, they are probably going to ask you a few questions about it especially if you were directly involved with it.
If some friendzoned simp falsely reports that you were molesting an unconscious girl, the police are going to ask you a few questions about it.
None of this is bad or anything to seethe about, unless you actually were trying to molest an unconscious girl.
I didn't know that raced mixed men love lying on the floor expecting men to give them CPR. There's a first for everything.
what race is the woman?
Imagine a 5'2" latin American male getting on some woman attempting CPR.

But if the woman is attempting CPR, wouldn't the 5'2" Latin American be on the ground?
I wouldn't do CPR on a woman for these reasons as well. Even if she really did need it, she could try to sue me for touching her or breaking her ribs or whatever (CPR often breaks ribs).

If a woman is choking and not a blood relative of mine I'll do the heimlic maneuver, but not doing CPR.
Anything metallic really, jewellery like a necklace should also be removed.
I'm canadian and not short. This is kind of a rush that I got a new geotag for vacation.
the silence is deafening
>go to therapy and detox
lol women

The Heimlich Maneuver isn't taught to laypeople. Only Abdominal Thrusts and Back Blows are taught (Chest Thrusts too, but only for choking infants and pregnant women). If you do the Heimlich Maneuver on someone and they sue for any damages the maneuver caused, the Good Samaritan Act won't protect you.
It is definitely taught to laypeople in the school system where I live.
>woman makes accusation
>charges filed
Uh, what the fuck, they're missing the step where they actually do any fucking police work whatsoever? If someone makes an accusation of a crime, you investigate the fucking crime and come up with evidence before you make a charge. In this case there was zero actual evidence (because it never fucking happened) so what even went through their retarded little heads? Honestly there would be redactions if I were governer general

I hope those numbers were higher in 2022 and 2023.

Correction. If the wikipedo article about it is correct (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdominal_thrusts), then the Heimlich Maneuver and Abdominal Thrusts are the same thing. If that is indeed so, then I stand corrected.
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Imagine listening to women. No really, people actually do this. Terrifying.

See >>485028853

Also, I was thinking the Heimlich Maneuver involved you getting your thumb way down and pulling up.
>cracking ribs
funny you say that, I watched an interview of a romanian guy who ended up in prison for murder because he gave his old mom CPR, broke her ribs, killing her
Well the best part is, now you know this will absolutely happen to you and nobody will believe you. Act accordingly.
Been a Paramedic for ~10 years in my 2nd year was my first touch with a women who did this. Fainted in a parking spot we got called, i can't do CPR because her bra is in the way, cut ONLY her bry underneath her shirt and do cpr we get her back pretty fast, driver her to the hospital and 2 weeks later i got a notice at home saying im getting sued for Sexual misconduct. Im glad the judge was a normal human being and it was 2014 when it happened because it got thrown out on the first day by the judge.

In 1 year you get an average of 5-7 women who do this to paramedics, strange thing is i have seen it happen to both genders equally.

That being said i have never heard of a case actually going anywhere and a real paramedic will administer cpr unless you have an DNR on you.
nigger do you even know what the point of cpr is?
In all fairness it probably would expose me to liability, would be better to just call 911 and let them deal with it... But if I thought I could help someone choking and they were white, I would.
this guy gets it
Human cheese farms? I have been curious ever since I saw body builders drink breastmilk.

Thanks for your take. Plenty of jackasses even back then get mad when an ambulance passes them by and they don't bother pulling over to the side and stopping (That's the law in Burgerstan, not sure about not!Bavaria)

Gotta call 911 if they start choking and no sound comes out (block airways). If they're hacking and coughing, it might not be. I do know that if they're a little kid and swallow a toy or something plastic, you should get them to the hospital anyways to make sure the object didn't infect them with anything. I remember the story one of my instructors said of a man who regaled how his 2 year old son swallowed something he shouldn't have, but the following day his son was dead from a bacterial infection. My instructor told the class about the tears running down his face and the shame of his inaction with regard to that last step that may have saved his life.

That aside, you gotta get consent from them first. If they're able to consent, let them give you consent. If they're unable to, or if whoever can legally give consent isn't around and they're in danger, then consent is implied. If they gave consent (better if you had witnesses to it, hard to do since likely everyone is panicking- like that helps the situation), then you're being a Layman and will be protected by the Good Samaritan Act.
>But if the woman is attempting CPR, wouldn't the 5'2" Latin American be on the ground?
How do you know it's a woman attempting CPR?
>I'm canadian and not short.
Sure thing, Jose.
looks like my OPSEC is just as insanely good as i thought

Sure thing, Gagdeep.
>take no action
>no risk of legal persecution

>take action
>hope that the coin flip of good samaritan act protects you in court after going to jail and getting your reputation ruined

Dude, it's simply not worth it. If you're not a professional, don't do shit except call 911. Do the bare minimum to avoid social trouble and never stick out your own neck.
Women got what they wanted
she's fat
>Not my mother.
>Not my daughter.
>Not the mother of my biological children.
>Not my problem.
jew advertisements are poison
Its the atheist religion


Going to need to see the numbers to suggest it being a coinflip like you said.
someone receiving successful cpr has like a 10% chance of making it past day 3. Its a full on placebo desu
I'm not helping whores and I know CPR
It's impossible to know because every judge and jury is different anyway. But the fact that it's not an ironclass 100% protection where you're not even allowed to be arrested at all means that the "protection" is worthless. You can tell because you'll NEVER get arrested for observing someone in need of medical assistance, calling 911, and doing nothing else. THAT'S 100% protection. Anything less ain't worth it.

We do not live in any kind of sane or honorable society. Society is actively at war with us. Act accordingly.
not my problem
White women voted for trump in 2016
White women voted for trump in 2020
White women are the most likely to date and marry within racial lines
White women march in the streets and fight with the pigs to demand migrants be sent back, in my country
White women make the best mothers, nurses and midwives
Only a white woman can give you a white child
Every time you post "they voted for it", "white women fuck dogs", "white women seethe about Asian qts", or yet another thread focused on bashing the brain-dead common denominator women who do dumb/disgusting shit, and who have the same level of agency as your average retard normie man, you are pushing another white woman towards the people who want ALL of us dead.
>But they vote/say/do x
Because decades upon decades of the most intricate and complex system of control and influence have brainwashed them into thinking those things are more important than the survival of their people and culture? You must show them the truth through action and reason, not tear what little we have left down until our enemies have completely wiped us from history. When you turn against white women, you turn against the white race. We quite literally need them to survive.
>If it seems like a woman needs CPR
you do not start cpr until the person stopped breathing entirely, you literally cannot mistake that for someone just passing out
>Sure thing, Gagdeep.
Sure thing, DeSquarius Goldberg Jackson.
the based women who are married are fine
don't stick out your neck to help traitors that hate you. You are more important.
I've failed simulated First Aid situations because of this; I'm totally ok with that. That being said, once I stopped giving a fuck and just treated the "victim" like an actual victim, the women whose boobs I've felt up in first aid situations never cared. Some of them actually enjoyed it, and I ended up hooking up and getting to actually grab the booba in one case, but I'm told I'm good looking so you may not get the same result, anon.
>Allow a woman to die: 100% chance that your life continues on uninterrupted
>Prevent a woman from dying: <100% chance that you're life continues on uninterrupted
I love how women see this as a problem other people are perpetuating, and not an environment they've created.
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If you are even decent to other people it will be seen as weakness and you will get taken advantage of. I refuse to be decent to other people let alone help them. My interactions with other people have completely blackpilled me on humanity.

CPR is there to buy time for professional rescuers, and that's often a best-case scenario.


I do agree that it isn't 100%, but I'm willing to assume that it's far from 50% like a "Coinflip" implies. Nothing is 100%, and there's plenty of stories where the man does literally nothing and still winds up with sexual harrassment charges (and some unfortunate few convictions). Society is fucked and it is getting worse. I'm thinking that until I see some solid numbers, that I'm going to do all within my capacity and training to save someone's life, even if it is to be a witness for someone who is doing the rescue-work. Until then, I am convinced that the upholding of the Good Samaritan Act has yet to be completely fucked over like the Nuremburg Code did during The Vaxxening. You do you, but I'll do me.
Outbreeding is gross

You know what you tell a black jew? To get in the back of the oven!
well thats why
you are good looking
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It does help a bit, because "low flow" cardiac arrest is always better than no flow at all, and performing cpr is free. But either way the chances of survival are not great, let alone survival without debilitating sequela down the line.
Yes it is. Sadly I am the byproduct of such a "union" and it has ruined my life from the get go
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would these same qweens suck the deadly venom out of the tip of my penis?
>CPR is there to buy time for professional rescuers, and that's often a best-case scenario.
all professional rescuers ever talk about is how amateur cpr (and the mobile too) increased the rates at which they successfully hand over their patient to the hospital but that might be a statistics trick too, since somebody with no pulse for half an hour is dead, cold and cant be driven in an ambulance but somebody who lied there 15 minutes before receiving cpr is schrödingers corpse until pronounced dead at the hospital anyway.
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>Women pay women to talk to them about their problems, without judgement
>Men pay women to fuck them about their problems, without judgement
Im medd. If i see a dying medd woman i will still help her. I will let the slavic and nord roasties burn on the toaster lmao
>be me
>13 year old
>walking to the store to get some milk
>fight breaks out between two women
>random guy tries to break it up
>gets shanked
>two whores get back to fighting
If I don't know you, I don't help you. it's one of those rules that I'll never break.
I did CPR on a woman once. Broke a heap of her ribs. She was mad but the Dr said I did a good job so suck shit
They are just looking for money. Very common in America for people to look for puddles in stores without a wet floor sign. They fake a fall and sue for easy $200,000. I was investigated over some bullshit as a nurse. Hospital lawyer and investigator quickly dropped it but the fact they even questioned me made it pretty obvious they were willing to throw anyone under the bus first chance they got and would not have anyone's back. I tell everyone get malpractice insurance even if just a nurse aide or dietary. Look at the lawsuits going through hospitals now; cnas, chaplains, even the janitor that once walked past the room at some point during the admission. They are casting the widest nets possible. They not only want hospital's money but also money from the employed individuals.
You’re a woman, show tits or get the fuck out
I want traitors to die so why would I help them?
I will not help a female under 50. Too much risk involved.
what year
during a course they say to you that your going to break their ribs and it is part of the CPR
>You know what you tell a black jew? To get in the back of the oven!
I don't live around them so I don't have to deal with that.

If the person was going to die in 3 minutes or so, there's nothing EMT can do about it. But the job of EMTs are to bring the patient to a doctor and then head out once the doctor is ready to take over. Either way, only a doctor does the diagnoses (we're not getting into the DEI invasion of the practice; we're strictly talking procedure). A person that's been lying there for 15+ minutes is one thing, while a person who you saw keel over right there from cardiac arrest and then is another that CPR might actually help.
aren't 60% of western women on anti depressents or anti anxiety meds?
They get put on the pill by boomer parents at 15 and then the hormonal imbalances fuck them up and then they need mental health medication.

God forbid babies be born. Got to import in India.
Dont care lol, why does the womans life matter to me? do I own them? do my friends or family own them? if not they're literally worthless to me

She's a cunt. The real kind, and the Aussie kind. You done good.
back when I was a faggot and in a long term relationship I eventually buckled and went to therapy, did it till I became too poor to continue, what a fucking waste of money, all I really needed to know was
>women are cunts, deal with it
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>find me one case where a dead woman had CPR performed and the man's "life was totally ruined"
I like how she specifies that the woman has to be dead. Well yeah, obviously she's not going to accuse the man of anything and ruin his life, she's fucking dead.

Don't underestimate a woman's capacity to be a cunt postmortem.
They can't think for themselves
Leave it to the butthurt belters to have the wrong opinion
kek and doublekek
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if a woman needs cpr she's probably obese
that's one more reason not to help, and legally you don't have to.

This, too. It's also probably the vaxx she took, so she voted for it.
kinda funny how pajeets, the least threatening race imaginable, are the ones who are destined to bring kali yuga

I think Kali is their only god that has black skin. It makes sense that they be the ones to do it.
The fair punishment for bearing false witness is death followed by Hell. It's remarkably easy to not be a terrible cunt, yet she couldn't handle it.
I'll be completely honest here, if i'm saving your life you're damn right I'm copping a feel. (if you're cute enough)
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why would men not take advantage of this opportune moment to grab breasts?

she lives, you are hero and received tits
she dies, well you rubbed her breast to keep her warm in her final moments
BAHAHHAHA AND ITS A FAT FUGLY BITCH damn that's just too funny fucking brutal man. Why don't we jail and give people massive fines for doing this?
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>never seen women this angry
>>you will risk your career and social life to help women!!
>not gonna happen
I unironically avoid women like plague
They are filthy
This disgusts me
Can't wait for robowaifus
Unironically this
Total simp death
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You could say she was a "Basic" bitch!
>If you know CPR and someone is OBVIOUSLY choking and dying, you'd do it.
Fuck no
Lol, lmao.
Why are bongposters such faggots recently? I try to be based, but I can't carry a whole fucking country like this.
>The woman later died.
The only good ending of this whole clown charade
>a third of men were worried they would be accused of “inappropriate” touching when giving CPR
> “alarming gender disparity” in access to emergency medical care – with only 68 per cent of women likely to receive CPR from bystanders compared to 73 per cent of men.
>a third of men
>68% vs 73%
So a third of men are concerned about being accused of sexual assault, but in reality the men are willing to put their personal concerns aside to help women anyway.
This is a non-issue. People will say anything in a survey, I want to see real world results. Unfortunately I can't find anything for this specifically because every result is a survey, but I did find some studies on other types of rescues.
>males rescued on average approximately twice as many people in their lifetime (6.5) than female respondents (3.6).
Men rescue other people far more than women do. I'm willing to bet that the 5% difference in men and women receiving CPR comes down to women spending time with only women, who are far less likely to rescue others.
You perform CPR when someone doesn't have a pulse.
Extremely and unfathomably checked
Satanic trips of absolute truth

Jews are heartless anyways.
While true, there are over 2 million Christians and Muslims here who have hearts and might need CPR so we're taught that you definitely shouldn't do it while they're choking.
>Picrel unironically
I would expect a bullet in the back of my head very soon
Nigger I'm an atheist and I am just as weary of therapist kikery as anyone else here. No I don't like blue-haired feminist libtards either. They can all die for all I fucking care

Yes, they need a pulse so that you can drink the blood out from their circumsized penises
>she lives, you are hero and received tits
She lives, she tries to sue you for sexual assault like the woman who went after the male who used his arm to pull her from the water when she was drowning.
Along the way your name is dragged through the mud and headlines that lack context frame you as a predator. You lose your job, have your house vandalized and women who see you make recordings for reddit and tiktok posts that claim you were eyeing them.
I'm not a Jew, anon. Arab Christian.
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Never happened to me
Never will
Nor do I want it anyway
Too late for this garbage
I wouldn't be afraid. I'd cop a feel then kick her lol.
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Love? Sex?
All gone
All I think every day is wage total war and total death upon my enemies and then gracefully leave this materialistic shithole once my divine assignment is done and the world has been cleansed out of filth
At least for some time
Women have a biological need to gossip and talk shit. That's what they are doing there. Like how we all need air to live, women need gossip to live. All of them too, no matter the type. I imagine that's what therapy sessions are for them. Good Lord any flies on the wall in a women's therapy session would kill themselves..
they wouldn't mind at all if the paramedic in question is a good looking Chad, as a matter of fact she'd probably start dating him, as opposed to an average looking healthcare worker who would get slandered for life.
Kek on point waste of good quads.
I would take a dump on her. She would wake up and like it.

This story does a great job of totally ignoring the glaringly obvious fact that if any man ever needed cpr you bet your ass you won't be getting it from any women. That's why I won't help them anymore. How many women ever stop to help anyone else? Ever? I've never seen it.
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Lot of Western societies have shown that if you step in to help someone that's life is in danger you can end up in prison for it. Unless it's a lover, friend, or family member I ain't helping anyone woman or not I ain't going to risk my freedom for a stranger that probably wouldn't do the same for me.

Alright then. There's too many Jews in both our countries, but my tune will change if they accept Jesus as their Messiah and that He is the way and the life.

Don't give up your faith in God, no matter what, and keep being based. I'm rooting for you.
Therapy is made for women. A man's sense of stability stems out of the confidence he can confront his challenges and control his own destiny. Men who do not feel they have control over their lives grow to pity themselves, hate the world, and the only way out is to give them chances to restablish control. Women do not have such an attachment to their own perceived worth, because they are fundementally at the mercy of men and nature. Their joy and security is instead grounded in their ability to connect with and be positively received by others. Our society's prevailing idea of what makes good therapy is, at the moment, one-sidedly designed for the female mind. It tries to treat men with medicine that only works on women, ignoring their need to prove themselves and dismissing it as insecurity. Using platitudes to make them feel like self-love is the answer. Proper male therapy would mostly just look like coaching, giving men opportunities to create in their lives the hard evidence that proves they have what it takes to be in control.
Plebbit doesn't allow anything that challenges their world view to be posted. Anyone who posted a real example probably got banned immediately. This thread already has real examples, and there are plenty of stories of false accusations of rape where the guy dies out there to avoid helping women indefinitely.

A UoK study found that rape was TWICE as likely to be falsely reported than other crimes. Bitches be lying in other words, and they usually don't get punished for it. At best they might get a slap on the wrist, but most go unpunished.

Court bias for females is very well documented by science as well, to the tune of 60% in their favor. Meanwhile, the 8% for race resulted in BLM riots and mass hysteria for blacks. My point here is men are 100% justified in believing the police, courts, and prosecutors not only DON'T have their back, but they will skip any and all process to favor women. Men could be considered retarded for not rising up and hanging every single fuckface in the court system for this injustice shit, BUT we also know the system will immediately label any man who rises up a "alt-right nazi" and either kill or jail them indefinitely for challenging the status quo.

Therapy is a femoid scam to get money for listening to cunts. It's been taken over by woke retards and cannot be useful to a man. Men's problems are systemic, and no amount of femoid bitching at him will solve it.
You have to call the emergency first before even attempting CPR, you also have to make sure they're not or barely breathing. Going straight to CPR, yeah you're basically assaulting the person and are a menace to society.
This is 100% standard practice for police. Look up the Dullith model. Police LITERALLY assume you are a criminal if you are accused by a female while male. You will be taken into custody automatically, no questions asked, no evidence taken. The police are sexist, BY POLICY. You can fucking look it up, I kid you not.

There was a case where a dude was STABBED by his wife in Baltimore. HE WAS ARRESTED and had all his shit taken. Not her.
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Look, I'm just not going to save your life.
Ugh, I know I'm just not going to save your life is all.
that wouldn't have happened to Mr. Spectacular
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>CPR is typically only done by those trained to do so.
>The training tells you that you must keep the body fresh for resuscitation when paramedics arrive
I don't believe the article. The person is already dead, who cares what they think?
Once you start CPR, you don't stop.
While you are protected by the Good Samaritan Act (IF and only IF your state has it), you are NOT protected from police following standard policy called the Dullith Model. It is literal policy for most police departments to wholesale accept any bullshit females say about you, and you will be arrested no questions asked. That means you at a minimum:
1. Will be arrested regardless of evidence based SOLELY on the words of a woman
2. Will spend time in a jail cell
3. Will have to wait on a judge to review her bullshit and ALLOW you to go free
4. Will have to lawyer up
5. May suffer shit such as job loss, pay loss, wife loss, etc. because some cunt made shit up
6. Will NOT get any compensation from said cunt because courts don't EVER do that - and even if a miracle occurs, they won't collect from her AND won't throw her in jail for avoiding the debt.

Personally, I would not help ANY femoid because of the Dullith Model, and it is why anyone doing this training warns you about femoids suing you. Because they can and do. Until courts rip the ever loving shit out of women for doing that (which won't happen, women are allergic to accountability) this behavior is GUARANTEED. Especially with femoid & feminist entitlement on the rise. These bitches love false rape accusations. Stay safe gents, and help out your fellow bros only - they will all be thankful. At least the police won't tolerate their bullshit if they try to fuck you over for saving them.
wait...this is how you do cpr?
I did it wrong guys....I did it terribly wrong guys....

It's not even about whether there are cases or not. It's about the fact that they CAN turn around and fuck you over, if they decide to. Same way they can falsely accuse you of rape. And the law will always side with them.

It's a fucked model, because it assumes guilt until proven innocent. Nothing constitutional about it, but hey, that's the Jew-dicial system for you.
I collect videos of females suffering consequences for their actions and based men calmly watching and enjoying the show.
I haven't seen any yet where she was dying, but it's gonna happen eventually.
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from wakanda
You don't need to see the numbers. The old US of A literally has it in black and white: the Dullith Model. Police are required by policy to accept whatever bullshit women claim about you, as a man. If she wants to claim you SA or raped her, it will be accepted as absolute gospel or they will be held liable for their jobs. Your ass WILL be in jail until they sort her lies out. And the court of public opinion WILL kill you, as a man, guaranteed. Women do no wrong, men are toxic, no exceptions, in the court of social media. That means your ass is fired and unemployable for the near future. At least being a whistleblower gets you killed, putting you out of your misery, helping a woman gets your ass turned homeless.

SA law means jack shit. The damage is already done by the time the court rules SA applies to you. Good luck with compensation, you will be getting none. Justice will not be served, be sure to kiss a feminist's feet on the way out.
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Rare and based
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I would be taking back what I gave them
>scott greer 6’2”
fuck this gay earth
we are silly primates and morality is a suckers consolation
If still conscious, I'd make direct eye contact so she knows my non intervention is fueled by malice rather than cowardice.
When i was thirteen i was caught in a rip on city beach at the 'Gong and i did the sideways swim thing to get out of it but i was still very far from the beach and i got scared, had a panic attack and got in a lot of trouble. When i came to, i was on the beach being tilted on my side and my lungs were burning and water was coming out of my mouth. One of the life guards quickly pulled the left part of my bikini top to re-cover my left boob and my right was not exactly covered either and there was a red mark off centre on my chest which ended up bruising because one of my ribs was accidentally fractured because they had done CPR. Three hours later i was out of hospital, bandage around my chest which hurt a fair bit but i was alive. I'd be dead right now if people had hesitated to save my life because of fear if being accused of assault or something and honestly, a sensible court would throw out any such claim if it was established that touching was involved during a life saving measure. Society is so fractured, litigating and afraid... And let's be honest, weak. Its so sad. I am so tired of what feels like some sort of purposeful division between genders and peoples across the world when in the end we are all humanity together.
Most of men's problems are real, so talking is only useful in the sense of finding the cause of the problems so you can fix them.
Some jew faggot gaslighting you by claiming he knows you better than you do cannot do this.
The female is promoting it because she knows they will both unite against you.
Females themselves rarely if ever have any real problems. Talking in circles doesn't help either, but it does validate their entitlement.
>see woman having a heart attack
>spring into action, performing CPR
>you save her
>she starts screaming "I DID NOT CONSENT, RAPE!"
>go to prison for rest of your life
Greek mythology has far hotter women.
You know who to thank for dividing everyone
Also i'm not even going to say it, you know what has to be done
its also gaslighting when they say its all in your head or your problems are your own fault because you werent thinking positively or something. they will go to extreme lengths to ignore the toxic environment you are supposed to be some stoic buddha that is unflappable i guess
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If you're not my wife/family you are not my responsibility.
>just be forgiving and protective of women even though they will backstab the shit out of you
If tranny jannies spent a thousandth the effort on genociding simpanzees as they do on censoring the furry Russian, this would be a much comfier place. And not just because of alk the fluffy tails.
This nigga just now realized it's Clown World 2024.
>I am so tired of what feels like some sort of purposeful division between genders and peoples across the world when in the end we are all humanity together
Every woman I was ever kind and tender toward not only rejected me but rejected me with malice and pretended not to know who I even was after become well acquainted. They hurt me so badly so many fucking times I don't even care if they drown in the fucking ocean anymore
There is no way dude.

Women might be stupid and shallow but there is no way an unconscious one not breathing is going to have the reaction of 'wow what a creep and he put his mouth on me ick' after being resuscitated when they're about to die otherwise. That goes beyond an irrational woman reaction that would be a schizo reaction.
yeah its wierd you dont care and they try, you care and they walk on you
They actually tell you this in first aid class.

>if the victim is conscious, ask first
>if not, you can't be held liable

So honestly its good these incels aren't helping. They obviously don't know what the fuck they are doing anyway. Probably just perverts trying to cop a feel off a dying woman. Truly pathetic.
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Do not help anyone, period. For many years I always tried to be nice and help people even when they didnt ask for it, and they just resented me and never ever said thank you
It's even worse than that.
Being jews, they naturally transpose problem with solution then hurr and durr as they can't figure out obvious shit like men checking out of s()yciety (the solution, but it makes slavers seethe).
Do they make cpr dolls with a vagina hole? You know, just in case? Asking for a friend btw
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"Fuck you, pay me!"
We had to enact legislation in this country just to protect people who voluntarily help other people from being sued. So there is a legitimate concern in this country about landing in trouble for helping someone in need.
I think they were demanding refunds from Dr nick accredited sex change clinic.
Just shoot her and claim she reached for your weapon, claim you took her turning blue as a sign of hostility
Imagine defending random women in new york
what a dumb cunt loser
A woman turning blue is a sign the hostility is finally over
doesn't matter. Marxism is also the atheists religion.
Atheism is an absence of religion. I literally don't believe in an afterlife or souls or ghosts or spirits or heaven or hell or any of that kindergarten-tier bullshit
God damn this is a good post anon
>muh therapy!
every single woman that goes to therapy is still just as fucking crazy after years of doing it.
no you believe in therapy which is a scam
Women aren't entitled to my help.
>Talking to some random guy
80% of therapists are women
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When I was lying on the ground after a motorcycle accident a hot nurse got out of her car to check on me and hung her tits over my face
I thought I was dying and an angel had come to save me
This legit? It would kinda explain why things are so shitty around here. Waiting a minute to post, ip counter gone, etc. These are the faggots killing 4chan?
yes very much yes

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