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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What will happen as AAA studios die off
Games will get better.
>this image doesn't result in an autoban yet
>copper let her walk up to him and stab him
fucking mental
everyone understand that he only did that because if he just straight up mugdumped this bazz cosplayer he would be instantly cancelled and lynched by dindunuffins or something
I would take few cuts from a feral mutant over having my life and career ruined by retards any time
I would say he is only dumb because it could have just ended worse, i.e lose an eye
Probably overly concerned with being accused of being racist, so he had to make sure to get stabbed before shooting.
However, amateurishly, it looks like he shot her AFTER he got stabbed and not DURING being stabbed, therefore it was an unnecessary use of force and there's no way to tell if he would get stabbed again, therefore the cop is concerned racist white supremacist alt-right and will be summarily fired, imprisoned and executed.
>bazzposter chimping when people start making fun of their garbage again
People don't expect sudden violence, even police officers.

also was the black actually trans or did I fall for a shitpost, I honestly can't tell
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Reminder, the people posting this shit are discord kiddies and twitter tourists.
statistically speaking cops shoot blacks at a lower rate than any demographic because they know they are a protected class where even if you shoot some feral you could get your life ruined
new studios will take their place

>what happens when a tree falls?
it rots away so that new plants can grow
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remember, Concord memes drove at least one janny to nuke all the degenerate boards and commit suicide
never stop posting them
qrd is that lots of people shitpost on 4chan
Oh shit is that what happened, where can I read more?
>yo main, wacha gunna do timmy- ACK!!
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It's a combined effort from a discord pushing this meme with tourists from twitter bringing it over since it's trending and they use this site as a toilet.

They got called out early and stopped reposting it but before it was literally every five minutes, after it would get deleted.
Based if true
based and nice people. cope, seethe, dilate, take shower, have sex
POV: You're a low rank soldier in the Sengoku Period
>get called out
>lose mind
Tick tok, Janny's coming for your thread again
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>It's a combined effort from a discord pushing this meme with tourists from twitter bringing it over since it's trending and they use this site as a toilet.
which discord? There are many discord servers out there.
He really, really didn't wanted to make the next Floyd, that's why he gave her way more chances to drop it than whats reasonable.
In Bazz we trust (literally)
It's the funniest meme of the month so far. No one is pushing it.
I have a feeling you might actually be the discord troon and are butthurt over your rage bait threads failing.
s-she fast
>Ammo 17
>BULL 50 / 200
Come on, now.
Always kek'd when I see mass deleted posts.
>B-b-b-but its…. LE FUNNY!!!
Not an excuse to spam and shit up my board.
>Source: Trust me bro
Nice screencap of your post, faggot
And people wonder why police are asshole or trigger happy around those basketball players, and said people live in gated communities where there are no basketball players
Niggers are a state protected animals in the USA so they're allowed to do whatever they please. If the cop had mag dumped the tranny he would have been Chauvin'd.
The cop was sent there on a welfare check and was specifically trained for dealing with crazies, he probably has a higher tolerance for their bullshit and tries to de-escalate as much as he can.

Oh shit sorry I'm on 4chan uhhh jigga bigga boo dindu george floyd racism blm blm niggernigger
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Are you this butthurt when discord trannies actually raid /v/ or just now?
It's a 1 in a billion coincidence that is funny as fuck.
Now shut up, bitch.
It's always like three replies with some mishmash of >take meds tier posting when they get called out too.
Woketards have been spamming this board since Concord failed

The second someone does it back you all throw a tantrum
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>jigga bigga boo dindu george floyd racism blm blm niggernigger
Gaming industry crashed in the 80's already, and then it rose again.
Don't fear it, embrace it.
>funny as fuck
I laugh but it's suspicious that it's spammed 24/7 and always comes back within 5 minutes of a janny deleting it.
What's with your fixation on getting "called out"? Did you have this happen to you one too many times in your failed discord troon raid threads?
Total Nigger Death bros
Jannies seething only makes more people want to post it fucking retard
Concord has lost twice

Go woke go broke and die
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Cope Snoy, Gaystation will never be good again. Enjoy your "exclusive" flopslops
>I'm not discord raiding you are
Holy shit, you're the exact same dude as the last dozen threads. Same fucking reply and everything.
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Is this the thread?
>stop noticing
A PS5 game will win GOTY.
Meanwhile Nintendo has what? Nothing lol.
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bazzposting is extremely funny to me, please continue
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>Damn, you're ugly
The cop in question was sent for a welfare check, and apparently had experience in those for 14 years. Now imagine this dude suddenly sent into some lion's den with a crazy nig slashing at him. Probably a combination of not wanting to piss off the country for "being too aggressive" and just not wanting to kill someone over a seemingly routine welfare check that had no reason to go off like it did.
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these nu bazz memes make me laugh
>moved to pol
>moved instead of deleted
holy WHOLLY based
canucks are faggots, not a surprise
>that one butthurt faggot admitting to seething in every single one of these threads
Suck my cock, queer.
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get bazzed
/pol/ talks about vidya more than /v/
/v/ is a fucking joke
just delete these fucking things, we have enough jeets and kikes shitting up the place already
mods are fags
uh oh
he's a chink. he was more concerned with "saving face" than his own life
We get games like minecraft again.. DEATH TO CALL OF DUTY
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Look, is Wolverniggra
They either learn to make games for their core fanbase or they go broke pandering to shitters that don't even buy their games. The ones that learn that will survive until Steam becomes the only publisher left for millions of indie dev studios and Amazon.
>They either learn to make games
They weren't hired for their competency, they only have HR roasties and gay diversity niggers on staff. They contract out to pajeets and chinks for everything else.
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Can someone please explain this shit? I swear any time I go away for a few days this place gets flooded with some new forced memery.
Cop came for a welfare check, lady came out swinging with a knife after ignoring the cop for awhile. Cop had to shoot her dead.
Made me lol
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You fuckers are twisted?
Utterly irrelevant. The remnants of burn loot murder are still crying about it and going after the guy. The story will be buried though, the lugenpresse will completely ignore it.
Because it's such an atrocious character design, it's so ridiculous it becomes hilarious.
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I made that edit as a cheap joke, and I feel like I'm racking up massive amounts of negative cosmic karma every time someone reposts it.
Don't. It's hilarious. It's helping make this thing go farther so more people are faced with the fact that niggers are subhuman monsters. You're teaching people to never relax, you're actively saving lives. That's positive karma, mein fren.
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lol This thread was to extreme for /v/?

Anyway, It's just going to be niche AA passion project games from small teams. Vidya will be nerd hobby again. The normies will still have their yearly sportsball game update and Call of Duty.
White-positive developers and investors who can recognize a wide-open market will create non-pozzed games and get rich.
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top heh
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This, Bazzposting is ironic shitposting kino and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
>Anyway, It's just going to be niche AA passion project games from small teams. Vidya will be nerd hobby again.
Thank God. The video game industry needs to get away from "omg le graphics" and focus on deep game mechanics and fluid coding. I rather play an eye soar that still surprises me 1000 hours later than a polished turd
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template here
needs a vidya butts edit btw
Hoepfully all the people will form new studios and go back to making smaller budget video games with a focus on mechanics and gameplay.

But the genie is out of the bottle now, we cannot go back, only forward.
6'6" to be exact
Might be a troon, cop was calling out a he
Couldnt the cop have used a taser?
Nintendo will continue on its path of total dominance
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The real question is how do we keep the people who ruined the old game industry out of the new reborn one?
China/most of Asia doesn't have anti-discrimination laws, so they can just gatekeep these people out from the getgo. How can we achieve similar results?
Please explain how you think that would have played out I'm super curious.
Ban Sony from ever making video game consoles ever again and the problem goes away
>What are you going to do? Shoot me?
It was never good in the first place. PS1 and PS2 sucked and it only went downhill from there. It was always a poor person cope to pretend PS1 was somehow better than N64. All the cool people with friends had N64 and had more fun playing Mario Kart and Goldeneye that is a bona fide fact of reality.
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Sheboon would collapse, he disarms the knife and cuffs her
You're brazilian, you shouldn't be calling anyone else a baboon
>Surprise birthday party gone wrong
>Triple A gaming studio makes games for modern audience.
>Game has a budget of $400 000 000 and gains 33 players.
>One of the 33 modern audience players attacks police officer with a knife
>Sony loses 3% of their modern audience in shooting
>Memes are made mocking the game, the women, modern audiences, blm and liberals

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