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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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arab woman lurking from time to time in here

Since my people have the reputation of being the ones who sexually harass the most women on the street

I wanted to tell you all my truth

From my experience it’s white men who 80% of the time harass me.

Like this time when I was at a party and someone unfairly called a cop on me. The cop isolated me and forced me to give him my number and basically all my private information. he then started to harass me for months. he’d call me on the night saying that he’s waiting for me to join him outside so we could have «fun» together . saying also a bunch of cliché racist fetishist stuff like «don’t worry your brothers won’t knowhabiba» just bc im an arab girl.

Or the time when I was visiting Munich, Germany. I went to the supermarket and I was wearing a skirt that day and a bunch of teenagers (all blonds and everything) started to follow me EVERYWHERE in the store, catcalling me and making sure that I was feeling uncomfortable.

Not to mention the old man that pulled his car windows down to say some gross shit in German or whatever barbaric language.

And I could keep telling you many other similar stories


Stop accusing other people of what you’re guilty of!
>Like this time when I was at a party and someone unfairly called a cop on me. The cop isolated me and forced me to give him my number and basically all my private information. he then started to harass me for months. he’d call me on the night saying that he’s waiting for me to join him outside so we could have «fun» together . saying also a bunch of cliché racist fetishist stuff like «don’t worry your brothers won’t knowhabiba» just bc im an arab girl.
cops are zogpigs, basically wished they were jews

sorry to hear though
Cool wall-o-text. Maybe fucking go back?
uh based
>an adult woman being catcalled here and there is the exact same as a bunch of old men systematically gang raping children to death and stabbing random innocents on the street
You're being intellectually dishonest and you know it. Until you're ready to take accountability for your culture, you have no business telling others what to do.
>From my experience it’s white men who 80% of the time harass me.
Because arabs are scared to do it to their own kind.
Fuck you bitch, didn't you went there just so you can put shorts on get blacked and bitch freely, so fuck off, you are worse than anything, worse than kikes, fuck off.
That's nice.
Post tits and go back to Saudi Arabia.
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Thank you, good sir.
And as promised..
do you take it up the ass ?
gaddam. the west is back
Lame. Nice tits though, but not yours. Faggot.
Thank you for clearly showing with PROOF that ALL WOMEN IRRELEVANT OF CULTURE, only find meaning in their miserable lives by complaining.
Sometimes complaining bc about utterly fictional shit many such cases.

You’re a bullshit artist
You could always go back to your high trust utopia you came from?
Lol ok, those are nice Arab tiddies, but I was mostly directing it towards the "French" whore OP
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tits or gtfo
and you also have to show your back to prove its not hairy being a sand nigger.
Truth in that platform may heart you and change you, make you realize you are a slut who is a traitor to her country and to her kind m, they made you and you've always been a whore and a tool, now bitch go fuck your self with your dog or dildo collection or some Negra you found on mc Donald's while using their free wifi. Fuck you bitch fuck you TRAITOR. All you've won is being a simple tool hitting the wall and losing every identity concept of her self.
You mean to prove it is hairy.
>down to say some gross shit in German or whatever barbaric language
He was probably saying something nice. German always sounds like dog barks.
Guess you don't need white people to save you in your kike war then? Hamas slay this kike
an algerian whore gave me genital herpes
met her on tinder she works in a call center in bulgaria
I said thank you for what you said to the whore OP so I showed you some random Arab boobs which I find sweet and comfy as a thank you sir, because OP is a traitor bitch.
>Arab woman here
Why are you in France then? And show us those dark nippled titties with a timestamp, you dusky slut, you know the rules.
Should have put it in her ass.
There really is nothing quite like butt-fucking hijabis. They love white dick.
Go away
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This literally never happened
that's disgusting
only closet homos fuck asses
If this is real, then I am sorry that happened to you. Personally, I would put them all in prison if I could.
Didnt read.
Holy based. Put that attention whore in her place.
Make me because I will not!

made me laugh ngl

you’d literally sell your whole family to get a ticket to Europe if given the chance
stop acting lol

doubt it.

I'm a white, and I say it's browns that harass the most.

You didn't provide any compelling evidence so I won't either. So I nullify your retarded argument right?

fucking shills
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Go back to where you came from. You know, back where women are safe. kek
I'd flag your durka spergout as spam, too, goat humper
Tour fucking slut mind can't comprehend. You sold your fucking ass to get there stop gaslighting bitch, you know I am right but keep lying to your self, I know how much you cry every night baby.
>writes all of that but doesn't say whether or not she(he)(male) likes bwc or not
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You have to go back.
>My fellow whites...
>%80 of...
Woman don't know how to use numbers.
Kill yourself; faggot.
Vous avez le feu vert et de bon coeur pour nous débarrasser d'eux, je te donne un tip, c'est des salopes pas chers celle que l'on vous a envoyé. Rien a en tirés ni chez nous ni chez vous.
Seethe sandnigger, go back to sucking off the welfare system in Paris. Muhammad (piss be upon him) was a pedophile warlord, nothing more.
They asked. Didn't bother me.
>verification not required
>arab woman lurking from time to time in here

Post bobs show vegana. Send nakde pics now bich
Oh I forget to tell that what you posted is false because if you are ending up lonely and scared, it is because no fucking man Ould want to be around you baby, nor white nor anything else. Good luck with the rest of your haunting and pity life, you deserve it.
You could always try to find a charming local man, if you're looking to make "men" like >>485025579 angrier. The (actual) Frenchman is a natural romantic.
Yep that's what I said keep using her without her even fucking noticing shit. Wow, actual I am.more surprised than angry, surprised how easy the west uses women.
from all the things that never happened in Germany, this
>when I was visiting Munich, Germany. I went to the supermarket and I was wearing a skirt that day and a bunch of teenagers (all blonds and everything) started to follow me EVERYWHERE in the store, catcalling me
didn't happen the most

catcalling was never a thing in Germany. We don't even have a name for it. I haven't seen a group of blond teenagers in ages.
If that happened it'd be AWESOME because groups of blond Germans being aggressive would be great news.

Muslims commit over 90% of all hard crime. Jews will keep on lying.
get fucked op
thank you for your service sir
you're so full of shit I don't even know where to begin.

>called a cop on me.
that's impossible retard. cop never operate alone. in France. there's always at least two of them together all the time. I doubt I cop saw he's colleague harassed you and did nothing about it.

also German kids and men are legendary flower pot, never catcalling anybody since the feminist wave, so stop lying.
what's with the j
>brown person living in a white society
You're fucking stupid
it's indians and its not a contest
fake and gay. OP is a jew nigger bbc fetishist who hates whites.
Well believe it or not it’s 100% the truth, I literally recorded it. Happy to give you some «AWESOME» news.

However I agree that I don’t think that this kind of situation would happen in Berlin .
Munich is very conservative and wearing a short skirt felt weird, won’t do it again if I ever come back in Bavaria.
Seems unlikely too to me.
Wtf. Shut up. If anywhere, it would be Berlin and not Munich. Wannabe cumdumpster tranny.
The post vid, Herschel.
Munich was conservative like 50 years ago.
We just hate you, Arab. I'd let you people burn down Israel if you all just left. Degenerate, low-class, hostile people.
Finally some good news, I only hear stories of arabs raping and harrassing white women, thankfully european men are becoming more masculine and taking revenge on poor beurettes like you.
Btw, did you have sex with european guys?
I didn't even read your story and I can still tell it's obviously a lie
nobody believes you anyways
show pussy and ass whore
Show hand and show proof that you aren't white.
every statistic in the entire western world disagrees with you
I get it you’re jealous because you don’t get to be an arab queen like I am
cope :)

sorry but I have better things to do than to edit a 2 minutes long videos for a random on the internet. Also knowing that recording people in Germany is illegal. Anyway all I said was true believe it or not!

I don’t hate the whites
cat calling is not the same as touching
post in this site and share the link for the video:
Or use this one if you want to be temporary:
That excuses the grooming gangs and rape.
Dumb cunt.
Probably not coming back.
that's just French people, they're all part nafri anyway
Slay queen!!!
Shut up whore. The simple fact that you live in the west automatically disqualifies you from having any right or say whatsoever of what foreign men do to you. Enjoy.
The ones in the extreme south in and near Marseille, maybe
Fuck off you paki you will ever be french.
White man here it's true, time for you to go back to your own country (which isn't france).
Even the algerian dude knows what you are. You don't want to go back because everyone in algiers knows you're a slut.
seems so.
> Munich, Germany. I went to the supermarket and I was wearing a skirt that day and a bunch of teenagers (all blonds and everything)
they yelled this is hitler country then everybody clapped
don't worry, i wouldn't even look at you.
I know, I know... white men don't want to actually rape you. Come to Brazil instead, we'll rape you.

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