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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Returns to Butler, PA 10/05/2024
https://rumble.com/v5hma25-full-speech-president-trump-returns-for-a-historic-rally-in-butler-pennsylv.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Town Hall, Fayetteville, NC 10/04/2024
https://rumble.com/v5hi1xp-full-speech-president-trump-hosts-a-town-hall-in-fayetteville-nc-10424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally, Saginaw, MI 10/03/2024
https://rumble.com/v5hcmfo-full-speech-president-trump-to-hold-a-rally-in-saginaw-mi-10324.html (RSBN)
>Vice Presidential Debate, New York City, NY 10/01/2024
>Pres Trump Remarks in Milwaukee, WI 10/01/2024
https://rumble.com/v5h430t-full-speech-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-milwaukee-wisconsin-10124.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump on Helene Damage, Valdosta, GA 9/30/2024
https://rumble.com/v5gxmrh-full-speech-president-trump-delivers-remarks-to-the-press-in-valdosta-ga-93.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>485062906
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remember to win gracefully
but do make sure to win kek

in ur base
wathcin' yr polls

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Based trump gooning and edging
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And like that a new baker is now needed. Goodnight, and have an op.
Is that the doctor from DS9?
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two days till caturday
can bake
Never goon
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>Trump edges
he's the real gooner candidate
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>turn into manfaces with cheapo mexican plastics work
>they will still never be a real woman
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Trump's anti-Sino tariffs raised the price of steel to record highs at the time. Many PA steel mills had to shut down. Farmers across the country had to foreclose on their land too. Both these sectors had China as their main partner.
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k, keep me posted
Your pasta makes no sense. Do better.
>raised prices
>hurt steel mills
yeah OK retard

What's his easiest path to victory?
Trump's anti-Mexican tariffs had little effect. For example, Nabisco moved their Oreo plants to Mexico regardless.
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AI has gone too far
Getting more votes.
not dieing.
Probably just letting her talk.
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Welp, looks like you're finished Drumpftards. Time for Kamala Harris to once again take the lead!
Max out whatever you're good at, besides sittin around
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Big if true.
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Prostitute to Prosecute
Unburdened By What Has Been
Set too high of a price and you will lose customers. US steel is medium quality at most given that most US steel has been constantly recycled yer demanded very high prices in the international market. US steel regularly lost to Chinese steel under the Trump administration.
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The Holy Chart!
begone, bug man

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Devil May Cry 鬼泣 Wuhan Flu 武汉流感 Umbrella protests Extradition Law Hong Kong protests Democracy won the Vote Paper Tiger
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>drumpf is edging
He's literally me.
PA + NC + GA
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Trump is the sign-tapping candidate
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what is this nonsense?
Kamala would've honestly been better off going full scorched earth on Joe, saying she was given NO say and even fabricating a "lie" that she had to blow him for the VP job. That would shut up the "why didn't you do this?" questions in a damn hurry.
Chink steel is the low grade slop. US steel is high grade stuff. They fill two separate markets and tarriffs on chink imports do fuck all to domestic production.
>everybody clapping
That sign makes no sense. If you were paying attention it looks like the current admin is about to start a war to keep drumpf out of office.
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Happy Halloween!
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No from Voyager I think
The DS9 doc was a suave shitskin
You cannot un-tap the sign
I'm not voting for Trump, but I understand that he will win.
White people will lose and jews will win under his admin, though.
Thanks. I get those two shows mixed up sometimes.
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Tap whatever you want goonbro. Your sign makes zero sense and the threat of war is at its highest right now. Did you miss how they're bombing yemen with stealth bombers now? Thats a massive escalation.
I want to hatefuck Greta.
There, I said it.
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I misread your post.
Trump needs to buy Infowars when it goes up for auction on Nov 13th so that Soros/Actblue doesn't.
It's the only way.
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My favorite part of the Dracula story has always been Jonathon Harker. He had the creepiest story by far, making a long and exhausting trek across continental Europe to a bizarre foreign land an slowly finding out what was happening in the castle.

Very spoopy!
To me, Kamala's biggest gaffe in recent weeks was trying to politicize Hurricane Milton. It must have come as a shock when Biden refused to go along with the bit, instead praising DeSantis for how he was handling the situation. The entire thing made her look small, and raised the question of what kind of an "incident response" President she would be.
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Its called the uniparty for a reason you cow-eyed niggercattle
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I want to post this in META on QR but I'll get permabanned again
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It's pretty fucking consensus. Kamala goes out looking great from this interview.

Fucking EVERYONE is saying so. This is 100% good for Kamala. She's actually grit and bearing through a brutal one-sided interview (the same way Trump has countless times).

None of the already-decided D or R voters are going to be swayed by this, and never would have been. However, she is going to gain independent voters from this interview. I predict we'll see a swing back in her direction in the polls this coming week.

>b-but she dodged a question!!!!
Oh, you mean like how Trump and Vance do all the fucking time? Yet somehow when they do it, it's "based"? Hypocrites.

Just look at what everyone is saying.
Wasted get on normgroid political analysis
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Sign-tappers only care about tapping that thing
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do it
Take it back
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That's actually a good point. I didn't Alex Jones was actually selling it, but someone like drumpf or Elon should buy it before the jews do.
>she doesn't vote at the same booth as her husband
The Sign has been eternally tapped.
It's in the public consciousness. You cannot give us basic bitch concessions as long as there is one anon alive to tap the sign
I want Curtis
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So, uh did you guys watch that Univision Town Hall?
Wow so esoteric, fuck off faggot niggerlover.
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He's not selling it, (((They))) acquired it and have finally coerced the jedge into putting it up for auction.
Fortunately he will still have the studio for at least a week passed the shit-lection.
I can tell im far more informed of the uniparty than you are. Your sign makes no sense. They're gonna back down on pozzed? Lol no that hasn't happened. They need whites? No their enemies are all shitskin subhumans. They dont need whites and the few white zoomers there are arent exactly aryan supermen. If they really want hardened solders they should enlist illegals. Elon wants war? Bizarre nonsense with no basis in reality. They will genocide something something? Yeah kamala will. Again your sign makes no sense and if they're a war its gonna happen soon to keep trump from office. Not because they need trump to start wars. What nonsense.
he won :)
I don't know who Curtis is, but whatever I guess.
Based AF
Biden may be senile, but he still has enough awareness and experience to know better than to politicize an actual disaster situation like that. Kamabla, having everything handed to her and not actually having to DO anything of consequence, has no such awareness or experience. Also, checked.
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Im gonna watch anime tonight
So, Kamabla was BRAGGING about this bill on Baier?


Jesus fuck, 1st line and I'm already against it. Changing the terminology from "Alien" to "Noncitzen[sic]" is pure cancer.
sounds nice
The thing about the Sign is that it's un-falsifiable. No matter what takes place - national socialist ethnostate for eg - the Sign-Tapper will interpret as a mere facade, beneath which the Sign remains Tapped
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Shills hate popcorn. Post popcorn! MAGA
satanic trips
yep very poisoned.
oh and money for israel and ukraine.
>you must think of the children when voting on abortion

Female are natures clowns.
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learn English you cunts or fuck off back to your shit holes

America makes the best steel in the world, China makes the shittiest, even Peter Zeihan admits this
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Please, bongman.
Bake the next /mwg/
And tell me when it will be.
So I can bomp it.
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Its an amnesty bill.
If I understood, the bill you're referring to is the SECOND one. She removed Trump's EOs and introduced this fucking cancer on the beginning of 2021.
Bret managed to point out that they also had full control (WH, Congress, Senate) at the time and it still couldn't pass, that's how bad it was.
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Anon, I...
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It's something republicans should have mentioned more that Democrats had full control and did nothing. Democrats pretend they got blocked in the house when Repubs only took it back in 2023.
thought you meant the "bipartisan" one.
remember she feels NO mistakes were made.
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Insane planet trannies are delusional
Anyone tape the Fox Kameltoe interview?
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This looks familiar.
>tape it
yep, set my vcr to record it
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Looking for based MAGA anons interested in talking about this border hopper + white libtard pair of sluts

Jyezern on kik or disc
hard to believe that's Pvt Pyle
So based
She's really telling us a lot about the kind of men she lets into her life.
Hard to believe thatryvrk's Private Pyle.
What's worse is that no republican ever mentions H.R.2 anytime that bs "bipartisan" shit is brought up.
I know!
i made her strong to give trump more strength. and to scare the shills
she's just muscular. she's all woman
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carry on
Anon, she's not real.
bodybuilder awoo to make trump stronger in the polls
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wonderful news for Trump, but the Dems are really doin the fuck'around in GA and I suspect they might try in PA as well. I don't think it will matter at this point, but let's not pop champagne just yet.
also, I think I might have suffered some damage when I tripped on my cat and hit my head earlier; cuz I woke up and started reciting "Rapper's Delight" from like a million years ago.
America runs on the Latino community.
I get it, just the style instantly reminded me of Thor/Dawson from Adventures in Babysitting.
>Vote so your daughters can about and your sons can die in ww3
cringe af
your Thor pic made me laugh really hard actually. it looks identical.
quad god speaks
>Trump winning early voters in swing states. Judeo-Harris campaign on suicide watch
the latino cuisine gave me the runs if that's what you mean
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why did she go to fox lmfao
is her staff trolling or what
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>show up late at 5:17 when you know time to air is 6pm
>refuse to answer a single question directly
>talk about Trump with EVERY SINGLE RESPONSE
>lie with every utterance
>get bitchy and das-rightish
>leave 10 minutes early
>tfw it's over
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I really hope Biden recommended it as a smart move
I’ve never seen the spin machine as engaged as it is right now. They are really trying to spin this interview into a win lmao
Total desperation
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Two weeks left and Dems know they are losing.
So it's time for the Hail Mary attempts like promising legal weed, reparations, and going on Fox News to screech about Trump and ignore every question even though you know there's a 99% chance you'll just come looking worse.
Nothing to lose at this point for Kameltoe.
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Bleached ass trans megamind
Nope it’s what McCoy did to that bitch ass IRS Agent
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Transsexuals will never be tomboys.
>spin the interview as a win
that's like saying dog shit makes for good lawn fertilizer
that's very beautiful actually
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>fags and cat ladies removed
Swole awoo?
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Crime is obviously not down and now the FBI has revised numbers. Violent crime is altead high snd increased by about 5 percent, which does not include the littany of crime not reported.
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We wuz productors n sheeeit
yeah she represents the polls

strong polls
strong economy
strong campaign
strong border
strong leader
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Kamala sipping her “Irish coffee”
was it really that bad?
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Those are all enemies, as are kikes and all other nonWhites.
>Nothing to lose at this point for Kameltoe.
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if she just starts reciting Trump speeches and editing herself into 2016 rally footage.
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American organizations of all kinds are simply fronts for white genocide and national destruction, they refuse to publish accurae or sometimes any data sbout widespread crime
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So your saying Trump needs to create tomboy summer media?

Watch for yourself.
she didn't answer anything and kept her word salad and she got mad and started kinda shaking from side to side
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That tail on Sonic is freaky.
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Trump has no plan to combat crime except for letting law enforcement LARP as Judge Dredd.
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Okay she might actually be fucking drunk in that interview like Jameson and Stoli smoothies.
nothing scares lefties more than a pretty, feminine, confident strong tomboy.
that's why they worked so hard to destroy them
Kamala supports sex change surgeries for prison inmates from another country and she wants you to pay for it
>it's in black and white
that sounds like a plan
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Nah, she's just very dumb. In way over her head.
>letting law enforcement LARP as Judge Dredd
That pretty fucking based and sounds very efficient.
So they can rape and murder you without a cock and a slightlyore illegal gun when they let them out after
Gorilla channel status?
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I mean facts. I would start a general about that but the Jannie’s would just nuke it. But yet let the spammers go… oh well at least I can still come to /pol/ to take breaks from leftism and globalism.
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Trump has a great plan to reduce crime which is deporting brown retards and enforcing the law. Enforcing the law deters crime and deporting niggers reduces crime because they are retarded nigger filth.
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how is it she can say so many words but none of them actually have meaning? also, she is so fucking slow I'd rather chew glass. also also, she just said "scorge" which gave me an ulcer immediately.
bitch the word is "scourge" it is not pronounced that way.
I was doing regular anime AWOOs and then one result came out kinda buff so it was a happy accident.
So Trump's plan to fight crime is a 21st Century version of the Trail of Tears?
You make no sense.
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Checked, naturebrehs hate leftism. The left by definition is anti-nature, more people need to know this.
She sounds like she's under duress lmfao
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chekt and rekt
I don't get it.
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Best synopsis seent
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I full advocate tranny abortion castraton lgbtbbq in congo and israel.

No we arent walking red niggers into the desert we are throwing bean niggers and cannibal niggers off of buses and planes back to their shitholes.
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Must be a bong thing
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Nice trips
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Works for me, I hope they start with politicians
Where did you find that
>>leave 10 minutes early
Not just that, her staffers frantically waved it off 10 minutes early.
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I do wish more swole women existed, not saying all must be but still a balance is required. But hey I guess change comes from home. Once I get a better computer I’ll be able to work on memes. Including Awoos and Grace Chan memes. God I hate how leftist/communist my province is. Seeing antifa graffiti.
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I'm really having a hard time focusing on anything other than the fact that she just spews "hot air" but it's like, reaaaaaaaaaalllllllyyyy...........................slow. fucking torture.

she on qualoods or something? (I know it's not spelled that way but I forgot how to spell it)
How white is Rubi Rose do we know
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Checked fair point but she at least had a martini without the ice.
So take all the educated talent the local and state governments invested in over the course of their youth and give them to other countries for free?
Tampon Timmy interviewing for the candidate VP role with Pelosi who insists he will have to act like a woman so Kumala wears the trousers in the Oval Office
meme magic.
butterfly effect
my silly goofy pics will help trump win lol.
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wonder if Fox would ever release them doing that, they must have cameras everywhere
ty anon, is this the full broadcast?
Nice glad to see toriyama has been working on the scripts
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Being that niggers cannot float or swim I suggest throwing them into the waters of the bermuda triangle so we can boost shark populations.

We can fit at least 72 to 100 niggers inside of a shipping container, and a large boat can hold 24000 shipping containers, so we can put as many as 2400000 niggers on a boat and toss them overboard one container at a time by crane at minimal cost.

Akira toriyama bonus panel afterward in (i think) at dr slump manga book
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or her staff hates her?
I want a boat but for different raisins
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what the fuck is with this boss
i think bullets are cheaper desu ne
Trump had plans incorporating the UK into the USMCA, which forces the US in the European space, which is against his isolationist foreign policy. His voters don't know this because they lack critical thinking.
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That's not nearly enough to move the needle with her these days. She seems like she has a couple bottles of wine a night at the very least.

The problem is that she's never been questioned in a confrontational interview. She crumbled in the debate with Tulsi the exact same way. She can't think. Total empty pantsuit.
Naw it's genuinely okay when we do it
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okay, after about halfway through I just skipped through a lot of the rest; it was pretty painful to watch
interview with a 2nd grader would have been better
I need an advil

who the hell gets blown out by Brett Baier of all people
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You think putting up posters would be too much? Nothing too graphic of course. Probably during night especially if it had anything political or God forbid something anti-leftist.
putting posters in your home?
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I would hope they do, but I don't know if they film that kind of stuff. Baer confirmed it himself several times tonight, though. You can even see him being distracted and looking over at them several times at the end before he says "I'm being told we have to wrap".
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Just wait until pissrael become wasn'trael and we can thirst-post moar coomer doomer peepee poomers to join or at least work with the US military to finally defeat the brown menace once and for all....
Simply by spamming memetic awoos in uniform!
That's a fetish... right?
Almost forgot to watch this the last thirty minutes
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So tell anon how would to do 3 things:
>Kill the crew of the USS Enterprise D (Picard’s)
>Genocide all black people on earth except for Michael Dorn and Avery Brooks
>How would you kill the globohomo m she u avengers.
Kamala's staff is full of the same kind of toxic, childless catladies who grossly overestimate their abilities. They genuinely think they can go toe-to-toe with people who are their intellectual superiors, and can't tell when they look foolish until they see the response to whatever they've done. But they don't ever self-reflect to correct these issues because they have a massively overinflated ego at the same time, and can't possibly be the reason they come across as buffoonish or unintelligent.
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>who the hell gets blown out by Brett Baier of all people
He has the shit eating grin to deal with her shit.
I'll give him that.
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Holy checked what if trump left her bottles? Could she resist…
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Nobody needs a nigger for anything

For what porpoise

But then we have to do lots of cleanup. Overboard, no fuss no muss.
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Like outside like those ones about Palestine or guitar lessons.
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She's fucking retarded.
And it's quaaludes
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FOX NEWS targets civilians
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So if Trump left a bottle of everclear..,
game and remake go past the dam into another arc des
I prefer Ciroc
Part of this is the booze, part of it is the ADD meds kicking in.
You are REALLY not suppose to mix these things either, but I do know a guy that does and this is the same shaky, fidgety, inappropriately laughy way he acts too. Their livers will give out before too long.
Trump has never been an "isolationist", ever. He has, for over 50 years now, decried lopsided trade deals, and has advocated eliminatung those trade deals only if they aren't advantageous. He also is not hawkish, which is hardly isolationist.
do it fucking nigger
Bongland gets a pass because were related.
I would say no. you reach more people online. unless you are a swing state. only swing states need extra help.
reminder that I can and will bake
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Circes is nice
So your saying Kamala might actually die?
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thanks for the spelling; did she really say that?
>Just look at what everyone is saying.
these garbage hot takes are twitterati cope.
they are correct in the democratic frame of reference.
insofar as reassuring her dwindling base, kamala accomplished what she set out to do, and not a votes was earned nor lost.
Bret being a retard is a universally agreeable take though
The energy right now is surpassing 2020 but I don't know if we're back to 2016 levels yet
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Ngl I am curious what would happen if I did post a meme in public at night and see the results. Nothing insane or gets me instantly in trouble with the monster of the week the fucking police but interesting.
I'm sorry what they've deactivated large swatha of neural nets simply because they can't keep up with organic discussion
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hayrides with amish waifus
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Patience brother
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Where funny
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Harris didnt go on fox because she wanted to reassure her base.
Strength is a virtue
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I think we watched two different things
strength+ beauty
Does rick throw goats in wood chippers? What a bizzare analogy.
that's a man
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yes, it's real
there's an endless supply of Kameltoe's retardation, even though she rarely speaks in public
I don't like vampire buck teeth, I like the classic canine vampire teeth
you gots this MAGAman
perhaps later in the morning but you gots this
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>Edge them out the right way
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Of course lord things I would do for that swole tomboy gf. Fucking banish communism from the metaphysical realm of ideas/ forms with my bare hands for that.
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this one definitely gave me a hernia
i'm not the best writer, but this is insufferable
I don't have it, but my personal favorite is her description of "the cloud".
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Checked and true.
It will be over early when it clear that GA/NC/PA are Trump.
VA will be too close to call until late, but by then it will also be clear that WI and MI are going Trump and it's over.
It's a timebomb, depends on how long she's gone on like this, gotta suppose they put her on them after the debates and noms in 2019 at the least.
She does look really run down and tired and kinda jaundice-y often too.
she just weight lifts.
>says the childless and husbandless cat lady
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Fuck off groyper cunt, you are worse than leftists
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So she might die before November 16th or whatever the day is.
>trail of tears
it's not their native land moron
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>Nobody needs a nigger for anything
I need them to keep making this funky ass shit that breaks muh windows and makes me crave watermelon.

There is no world where US steel producers go out of business because of chink steel. You're a retard. They're going out of business because manufacturing is all going to China and other shithole countries.
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trail of tears doesn't real
the term wasn't even invented until decades later by some random injun that wasn't even there
damned thing ended with more people than it started
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Doubtful. They have whole teams of doctors to keep these shambling, chattering corpses going for a long time after all.
Like David Rothschild
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got any sauce for this one?
i have seen the vid.
it`s tragic.
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I really want a pet snow floofer kot
It's even better when you see it live

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He loves niggers. He can't be trusted.
ritual sacrifice
Ghost at the door

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